=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20200171 |storemode=property |title=Technique for Cyberattacks Detection Based on DNS Traffic Analysis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200171.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Sergii Lysenko,Kira Bobrovnikova,Oleg Savenko,Roman Shchuka |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/LysenkoBSS20 }} ==Technique for Cyberattacks Detection Based on DNS Traffic Analysis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200171.pdf
                   Technique for Cyberattacks Detection Based on DNS
                                    Traffic Analysis

                       Sergii Lysenko, Kira Bobrovnikova, Oleg Savenko and Roman Shchuka

                                   Khmelnitsky National University, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

                       Abstract. Today, with the rapid spread of computer systems and information
                       technology, as well as their integration into the global Internet, cyberattacks and
                       malware are one of the main types of cybercrime. The damage they cause when
                       they infect network hosts can range from a slight increase in outbound traffic to
                       a complete network malfunction or loss of critical data. The paper presents a
                       new technique for cyberattacks detection based on DNS traffic analysis. It ena-
                       bles the proactive malicious requests detecting in corporate area networks based
                       on DNS protocol, and is aimed to identify and block the malicious domains and
                       DND data deletion requested by the attackers.
                       The process of malicious requests detection is based on the use of "isolation
                       forest" algorithm, which allows to detect the anomalies in DNS data exchange.
                       Based on the general data deletion scheme, an anomaly of DNS traffic is ob-
                       served when it is used for data exchange.
                       The anomaly in the DNS traffic is detected due to analysis of the set of features
                       concerning the requests and responses that may indicate the attack presence in
                       the network.

                       Keywords: Cyberattack, DNS, Network traffic, Network, Isolation forest,
                       Cybersecurity, Computer system, Host, Malicious traffic, Attacks Detection

               1       Introduction

               One of the main signs of the society development is the growth of dependence on the
               quality and reliability of computer systems used in all fields of human activity. The
               corresponding strengthening of the strategic orientation of information resources ne-
               cessitates the increase of requirements to the level of the cybersecurity. However,
               there are cases of violations of the information security system. The problem is exac-
               erbated by the fact that the peculiarities of the global network and the Internet allow
               attackers to implement long-term, massive cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, and
               the timely application of adequate security measures is greatly hindered by the imper-
               fection of attack detection systems.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
   The development of information technology necessitates the growth of vulnerabili-
ties, threats and cyberattacks to various computer systems. According to resources
devoted to the prevention, detection and removal of malware and spam report about
the great number of new cyberattacks [1, 2]. One of the ways to infect the computer
systems is the usage of the public DNS servers as they are employed for faster web
browsing or censorship bypassing and are open to anyone. Such situation requires the
development of a new more efficient techniques and approaches for the cyberattacks
detection based on DNS traffic analysis [3-5].

2      Related works

Today, a number of techniques are developed for the detection of cyberattacks which
use the DNS traffic.
    In [6] a DNS Anomaly Detection Visual Platform, provides a novel visualization
that depicts on-line DNS traffic, and a one-class classifier that deals with traffic
anomaly detection, is presented. Due to the highly dynamic nature of DNS traffic, a
proposed classification method continuously updates what counts as normal behavior;
it has been successfully tested on synthetic attacks, with an 83% of the area under the
    In [7] the technique for MitM-attacks detection called DNSwitch is described. The
utility is able to detect a DNS-spoofing type attack.
    In [8] an efficient detection method of suspicious DNS traffic by resolver separa-
tion per application program is presented. Based on that almost all kinds of software
including malware use DNS name resolution, in the pro-posed method, the DNS que-
ries will be forwarded to different DNS full resolver per application program. The
DNS queries from unknown application programs can be detected since there will be
only little DNS traffic need to be analyzed compare to the whole network traffic. The
evaluation results confirmed that the proposed method can precisely forward the DNS
queries based on the application programs correctly.
    In [9] a new filtering approach called “The Gunner System”. The approach in-
volves rule-based Domain Name System (DNS) features for detecting botnets.
    In [10] a method for detecting malware infected computers by monitoring unin-
tended DNS traffic on wireless networks by collaboration with DHCP server. By
deploying the proposed system on campus wireless networks, computers within
DHCP configured environment can be detected when they are infected by some types
of malware and it attempts to communicate with the corresponding C&C servers us-
ing DNS protocol. In [11] a study aimed to detect and reduce the effects of DNS am-
plification attacks in SDN-based with the developed system. This system aims to
monitor the variations in the amplification factor and TTL header to initiate mitiga-
tion and sustain the victim's life. It also ensures that legitimate packets are not sus-
pected in the process. In doing so, it is aimed to generate alarms and mitigation by
using the central management feature of SDN, by writing the metrics into a time se-
ries database immediately. Experimental results show that this system can be used
SDN-based networks and prevent an attack in reactively.
    In [12] an IoT router that verifies the DNS traffic originated from IoT devices and
performs the detection of IoT devices that are consulting unauthorized DNS servers is
proposed. In [13] a state-of-the-art of systems that utilized passive DNS traffic for the
purpose of detecting malicious behaviors on the Internet is presented. The paper
demonstrates the feasibility of the threat detection prototype through real-life exam-
ples, and provide further insights for future work toward analyzing DNS traffic in
near real-time. In [14] a system REMeDy that assists operators to identify the use of
rogue DNS resolvers in their networks. REMeDy is a completely automatic and pa-
rameter-free system that evaluates the consistency of responses across the resolvers
active in the network. It operates by passively analyzing DNS traffic and, as such,
requires no active probing of third-party servers. REMeDy is able to detect resolvers
that manipulate answers, including resolvers that affect unpopular domains.
    In [15] the issue of DNS-based data exfiltration proposing a detection and mitiga-
tion method leveraging the Software-Defined Network (SDN) architecture is present-
ed. Popular DNS data exfiltration attacks and current exfiltration detection mecha-
nisms are analyzed to generate a feature-set for DNS data exfiltration detection. The
DNSxD application is presented and its performance evaluated in comparison with
the current exfiltration detection mechanisms.
    Paper [16] proposes a method to detect two primary means of using DNS for ma-
licious purposes. The machine learning models to detect information exfiltration from
compromised machines and the establishment of command & control servers via tun-
neling are developed and validated. It is able to detect a malware used in several re-
cent APT attacks.
    In [17] a targeted DNS spoofing attack that exploits a vulnerability present in
DHCP server-side IP address conflict detection technique to prevent a genuine DHCP
server from offering network parameters is proposed. Paper discusses how proposed
attack can target even a single victim client also without affecting other clients.
    The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a specification
which provides extensions and modifications that add data origin authentication and
data integrity to the Domain Name System. But DNSSEC extension has a number of
disadvantages and limitations and has seen poor deployment thus far and not intend-
ed to prevent a wide range of cyberattacks with usage of DNS [18-19].
    The mentioned above methods for the malicious DNS traffic detecting demon-
strated the limitation of the types of the network attacks’ detection, as the involve not
enough features of the malicious traffic behavior. On the other hand, mentioned tech-
niques have in some cases low detection efficiency and high false positives.
    That why there is strong need in new for the cyberattacks detection techniques
based on DNS traffic analysis.

3      Technique for Cyberattacks Detection Based on DNS Traffic

In order to solve mentioned problems, a new technique for cyberattacks detection
based on DNS traffic analysis is proposed. It enables the proactive malicious requests
detecting in corporate area networks based on DNS protocol, and is aimed to identify
and block the malicious domains and DND data deletion requested by the attackers.
     The method is based on detecting anomalies in DNS data exchange.
     An anomaly of DNS traffic is observed when attacks use them for data exchange.
It is suggested that domains used to exchange data through DNS protocol are charac-
terized by the set of features concerning the requests and responses that may indicate
the attack presence in the network. Detection of attacks, that use DNS traffic, is based
on the analysis of a certain domain.
     The process of malicious requests detection is based on the use of "isolation for-
est" algorithm, which allows the anomalies detection [20] and consists of two main
phases: training and detection.
     The training phase includes the following steps:
     1. Knowledge formation about benign requests by the users, which use the DNS
data exchange, based on benign traffic samples.
     2. Knowledge presentation as the set of feature vectors.
     3. Construction of the "isolated trees" structures based on the feature vectors of
based on benign traffic samples.
     4. Passing though the "isolated trees" structures for each benign traffic samples in
the test set, and calculation of the "anomaly score" using the isolated forest algorithm.
     The detection phase includes the steps:
     1. Monitoring of the network in order to gather the features that may indicate the
attack presence.
     2. Formation of the set of feature vectors.
     3. Defining as an "anomaly" the feature vector whose estimation exceeds a prede-
termined threshold, depending on the domain to which the analysis is applied.
     4. Blocking the execution of malicious requests in the computer system.
     The method allows its implementation in DNS servers, which are not necessarily
intended for detection, as long as they support DNS traffic logging and domain black-
listing (as shown in fig. 1).

                      Fig. 1. Malicious DNS traffic detection scheme
3.1    Usage of the Isolation Forest Algorithm for the Attacks Detection
The Isolation Forest algorithm allows to detected the anomalies by the recursively
generating partitions on a data sample by randomly selecting an attribute and then
randomly selecting a split value for an attribute between the minimum and maximum
values allowed for that attribute. To detect the anomaly, the data represented by the
tree structure, named isolated tree, is recursively distributed. Then the number of
sections required to isolate the point is interpreted as the length of the path within the
tree to reach the terminating node, starting from the root [20].
   The main advantages of the isolation forest algorithm are a low linear time
complexity and a small memory requirement. It is able to deal with high dimensional
data with irrelevant attributes, and is able to perform the training with or without
anomalies in the training set. In addition, algorithm is able to provide detection results
with different levels of granularity without the retraining procedure [21].
   Let us assume Ϙ = {ϙ1,…,ϙn} as a set of d-dimensional points, where each point is
a feature vector, that describes malicious DNS traffic.
   In order to detect the malicious requests, it is necessary to construct data structures
with such properties: for each node T in a tree, where T is either an external node
without a child, or an internal node, or exactly with two child nodes (Tl, Tr); node T
consists of an attribute q and a value for splitting p such that q 

T s), the sample is considered anomalous and the domain referenced will be considered as the malicious domain and is to be blocked. 3.5 Blocking of the malicious DNS traffic Domain names that are to be classified can assigned into two categories: malicious and legitimate. As soon as these domain names are identified as malicious the security scenario for the attack’s mitigation is to be applied in order to block the malicious queries in the network. 4 Experiments For the purpose of technique efficiency evaluation, a number of experiments were held. An aim of the experiments was to estimate the ability of the method to detect malicious DNS queries. To train the system, the dataset [22] was used. It presented the benign (users’) DNS traffic. To test the system, a set of DNS-traffic tools were used to generate malicious traffic: 1. DNScat-P (a generator of А type queries) [23]; 2. DNScapy (Scapy packets generator, using SSH tunneling, including Socks proxy) [24]; 3. TUNS (generator for CNAME records) [25]; 4. PSUDP (exfiltration tool for DNS queries) [26]; 5. dns2tcp (query generator of the KEY and TXT types) [27]; 6. tcp-over-dns (queries generator with the support of LZMA, as well with TCP and UDP traffic tunneling [28]; 7. iodine (a DNS tunneling program. It uses a TUN or TAP interface on the endpoint) [29]. For the purpose of the C&C server’s imitation the set of "fake" domain names was registered. The C&C servers made it possible to simulate malicious activity (such actions as command and control traffic transfer using DNS-tunneling, cycling of IP- mapping, domain name changing, cyclically changing of DNS A-records and NS- records for the same domains using round robin algorithm, etc.). In addition to implement proposed technique the framework BotGRABBER was employed [30-33]. It is a multi-vector protection system capable to analyze network and host activity, as well as to implement the needed security scenario of the network reconfiguration according to the type of cyberattack performed by the intruders. Experimental studies for each type of attack were conducted within 24 hours. During each experiment, the above tools generated more than 580,000 external DNS queries. In addition, a network activity of 1,000 users was emulated. The test result of the isolating an anomalous feature vector, presented as a point in a Gaussian distribution, is given in fig.2. The experimental results were estimated via standard sensitivity (SN), specificity (SP), and detection efficiency (Q) performance measures, taking into account the quantity measures of True Positives (TP), True Negatives (TN), False Positives (FP), False Negatives (FN): SN =TP/(TP + FN), SP =TN/(TN + FP), Q =(TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN). (8) The experimental results, presented in table 1, showed that the effectiveness of the malware detection is in the range from 94,57 to 99,54%, while the false positives rate not exceeded 4,2%. Possible security scenario is to be applied in the situation of DNS tunneling attack may be as following [34]: 1. Disallowing internal DNS servers to resolve to external addresses and do the external resolution only through a proxy should prevent this technique. 2. In the case of captive portals, resolving external addresses only after sign-up may work. But then again, there are also other ways for getting around the captive portal, e.g. capturing and then assuming an already signed-up MAC address (which requires much less preparation). 3. Blocking certain domains/IP blocks/regions is surely always possible, but inef- fective if the other end could potentially be anywhere. Fig. 2. The isolating an anomalous feature vector, presented as a point in a Gaussian distribu- tion Figure 3 shows a timeline of the DNS traffic from the malicious activity: before at- tack and after the detection and the security scenario appliance. Fig. 3. A timeline of the DNS traffic from the malicious activity: before attack and after the detection and the security scenario appliance Table 1. Test result of malicious DNS traffic detection: sensitivity, specificity, detection effi- ciency, true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), false negatives (FN) Data set Results DNS attack malicious Benign DNS- Detection tool Sensitivity, Specificity, DNS-traffic traffic efficiency, % % TP FN TN FP % DNScat-P 97065 169 56008 544 99,83 99,04 99,54 DNScapy 88755 2443 56444 432 97,32 99,24 98,06 TUNS 76001 765 56998 219 99,00 99,62 99,27 PSUDP 80210 877 32100 3347 98,92 90,56 96,38 dns2tcp 84007 1998 87332 529 97,68 99,40 98,55 tcp-over-dns 78059 6990 55309 665 91,78 98,81 94,57 iodine 80665 1121 60487 199 98,63 99,67 99,07 5 Conclusion The paper presents the new technique for cyberattacks detection based on DNS traffic analysis. It enables the proactive malicious requests detecting in corporate area networks based on DNS protocol, and is aimed to identify and block the malicious domains and DNS data deletion requested by the attackers. 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