=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20200198 |storemode=property |title=An Android Malware Detection Method Based on CNN Mixed-Data Model |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200198.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Andrii Nicheporuk,Oleg Savenko,Anastasiia Nicheporuk,Yuriy Nicheporuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/NicheporukSNN20 }} ==An Android Malware Detection Method Based on CNN Mixed-Data Model== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200198.pdf
                   An Android Malware Detection Method Based on CNN
                                  Mixed-data Model

                          Andrii Nicheporuk[0000-0002-7230-9475], Oleg Savenko[0000-0002-4104-745X],
                                    Anastasiia Nicheporuk and Yuriy Nicheporuk

                                  Khmelnitsky National University, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

                       Abstract. The paper proposes an Android malware detection method based on
                       convolutional neural network mixed-data model. This data are presented by API
                       method calls and a set of permissions for the Android app. Word2vec technolo-
                       gy was used to represent API calls in a vector space, which creates semantically
                       similar feature vectors for related API calls. To represent a set of permissions,
                       each unique permission is encoded as a binary feature that determines the pres-
                       ence / absence of permission in the input sequence. Obtained sequence is then
                       broken down into nibbles and the code “8421” is applied with further normali-
                       zation of the result. Both types of vectorized data are the inputs to the convolu-
                       tional neural network. The architecture of the proposed neural network consists
                       of two separate parallel convolutional branches, each of which processes its
                       own type of data, and the fully connected layers. The structure of both branches
                       is the same, which involves placing in each branch two consecutive layers of
                       convolution, where the first layer maps the simple features that will be used by
                       the second layer to represent higher level behavioral patterns. After the convo-
                       lution layers, there is a pooling layer placed to reduce the dimension of the data.
                       The outputs from both branches of the network are combined to form the input
                       for fully connected layers, which determine the probabilities of belonging sus-
                       picious app to one of the classes – malware or benign.

                       Keywords: Android malware, API calls, permissions, convolution neural net-
                       work, word2vec.

               1       Introduction

               In the last decade, humanity has made a significant leap forward in the development
               of the information technology industry and, in particular, mobile devices operated by
               the Android operating system. Mobile features have evolved from just making a
               phone call to supporting the functionality of a full-fledged computer system. Howev-
               er, the advent of new mobile devices features has automatically created new vulnera-
               bilities for them and has driven an increase in the amount of malware, which are try-
               ing to use them. This allows malware to perform a full range of malicious activity,

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
from accessing and stealing private information to displaying undesirable advertise-
ment and spying of the users’ activities. Even today, the Google Play web service is not
fully protected against the intrusion of malicious software that becomes available for
download to Android users. According to the Kaspersky Lab, over 100 million users
downloaded the CamScanner text recognition application in mid-2019, which concealed
a Trojan program identified as Trojan-Dropper.AndroidOS.Necro.n [1]. There are dif-
ferent reasons for hackers to commit malicious acts. Most often it is obtaining an award,
self-affirmation, entertaining, or as a kind of weapon [2]. Therefore, developing new
methods for detecting Android malware remains an important task.
   The main purpose of our study is to increase the accuracy of a malware detection
process by developing a method that would be based on the involvement of neural
networks. As a result of ours' research a method for detecting malicious Android
software based on the use of mixed-data model for convolutional neural network
(CNN) have been proposed. Involvement of convolution layers creates an analogy
with the human brain, allowing the identification of local features that are subsequent-
ly fed to the input of fully connected layers to form a membership degree of an input
object to one of the predicted classes. In the field of pattern recognition, such features
may be, for example, the presence of inclined lines at a certain angle. Another im-
portant advantage is that the weights in the convolution layer are locally connected
and move throughout the feature map. This leads to involving much less of a number
of weights compared to fully connected neural network architectures.
    As an input data for CNN, we used the API method calls and a set of permissions
for Android app. Application Program Interface (API) is a set of procedures that rep-
resent an intermediate layer for communicating applications between themselves and
the Android kernel. In fact, no one high-level action doesn't take place without the
participation of API invocation [3]. Thus, by analyzing them, we could represent the
behavior of the application through the sequence of API calls. For example, the se-
quence getDeviceId (), loadLibrary (), sendTextMessage () might be determined as
the behavior of receiving and sending information. The detection process may then be
defined as a procedure of search the similarity of the program's behavior with the
knowledge about the typical malware behaviors.
    The process of obtaining program behavior or the sequence of API calls can be
done in two ways [4]. The first way is to convert the dex file (bytecode) to Java
source code. This approach involves retrieving class files from the incoming dex file,
with dex2jar utility [5] for example, and further conversion to java code. However, it
should be noted that in this approach, decompiled java files do not conform to the
original code (a reverse operation to obtain a dex file from received java files is not
possible). Therefore, the behavior of an application derived from decompiled files
may not match with the actual behavior of the application, and cannot be fully used as
a feature for Android malware detection.
    In our study another approach was used for representing the behavior of an appli-
cation, which involves the process of disassembling a dex file with apktool utility [6].
This process will produce a set of smali files that are a low-level representation of the
Android application. It should be noted that a reverse converting to a dex file is possi-
ble, which indicates correlation between both operations.
     Except API calls, no less important attributes that can enhance behavior represen-
tation is a set of app's permissions. The permissions mechanism restricts access to
certain components or functionalities of the application. All permissions used by the
application are specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file. According to the results of
previous studies, the distribution of permissions in malware and benign applications is
differed [7, 8]. Thus, knowledge of attracting permissions may indicate a set of poten-
tial actions that will need to be granted.

2      Related Works

Considerable attention today is being paid to the problem of Android malware detec-
tion. Several solutions have been developed using an academic approach, utilizing
features such as permissions, API calls, opcodes, strings, metadata or intents.
    In [9], authors had proposed an Android malware detection method based on the
method-level correlation relationship of application's abstracted API calls. First, for
each Android application's the source code was split into separate function methods
and kept the abstracted API calls of them to form a set of abstracted API calls transac-
tions. And then, they calculate the confidence of association rules between the ab-
stracted API calls, which forms behavioral semantics to describe an application. Fi-
nally, authors combine machine learning methods to identify the different behavioral
patterns of malicious and benign apps to build the detection system.
    Another static API-based malware detection system, called MaMaDroid, was in-
troduced in [10]. The MaMaDroid abstracts the API calls performed by an app to their
class, package, or family, and builds a model from their sequences obtained from the
call graph of an app as Markov chain. The sequences of abstracted API calls for the
app, with the transition probabilities used as the feature vector to classify the app as
either benign or malware using a machine learning classifier.
    Except API calls, permissions can also be used to distinguish behavior between
malware and benign Android app. In [11] proposed a permission-based malicious
code testing tool called APK Auditor. This offers a user client for granting application
analysis requests, an independent database to store application features, and a central
server to manage the database and user client. APK Auditor calculates a malware
score based on the requestedpermissions and then calculates the malware threshold
limit dynamically using logistic regression. Finally, APK Auditor classifies the appli-
cation as malicious if the calculated application malware score exceeds the malware
threshold limit. During a set of experiments on more than 10,000 Android applica-
tions, 88% detection accuracy rate was obtained.
    In [8] authors propose DroidVecDeep, an Android malware detection method us-
ing deep learning technique. During conducting static analyze the authors first extract
features such as permissions, actions, sensitive API calls, and use random forests for
feature selection. Next they model the extracted features as a document, and then use
word2vec to analyze the documents and transform the features into K-dimensional
word vectors. And finally the Deep Belief Networks model had been used to establish
an optimal detection classifier for Android application classification
    However, the main drawback of using only Android permissions as features is a
possibility obtain high false positive rate, that is a benign application can mistakenly
classified as malicious due to very small difference in permissions sets.
    The use of opcodes and residual network as a model for malware detection is pre-
sented in [12]. Firstly, the model extracts the opcode sequences using the disassem-
bler. To improve the vector’s expressibility of opcodes, Word2Vec strategy was used
in the representation of opcodes, and word vector representations of opcodes were
also optimized in the process of training iteration. To reduce the redundancy of in-
formation, a method of downsampling to organize opcode sequences into opcode
matrix was adopted. In order to improve the classification ability of the model, a clas-
sifier with more layers and cross-layer connection was proposed to match malicious
code in more dimensions based on ResNet.
    Another possible direction to detect Android malware is a traffic monitoring. In
particular technique for the mobile malware detection based on the malware’s net-
work features analysis is proposed in [13]. In the process of monitoring there were
collected groups of features, those include the storage resource consumption features,
CPU resource consumption features, memory resource consumption features and
DNS-based features. As the inference engine for malware detection the support vector
machine was used. But despite on the high overall accuracy of technique, it should be
noted that not all possible feature vectors, that describe different malware classes, are
adequately represented in the training set.
    Hybrid technique that involves machine learning is presented in [14]. Authors ex-
tract permission, intent, uses-feature, application and API as the static features, and
choose the CPU consumption, the battery consumption, the number of running pro-
cesses and the number of short message as the dynamic features. The raw features
were sent to the feature selection module to select some key features and reduce the
redundant features based on PCA-RELIEF. Finally, they build a classification model
by using SVM and evaluate the unknown Android application by classifying it into
malware or benign.
    In [15] propose MalDozer, an automatic Android malware detection and family at-
tribution framework that relies on sequences classification using deep learning tech-
niques. Starting from the raw sequence of the app's API method calls, MalDozer au-
tomatically extracts and learns the malicious and the benign patterns from the actual
samples to detect Android malware. MalDozer can serve as a ubiquitous malware
detection system that is not only deployed on servers, but also on mobile and even
IoT devices. Malware attribution and detection task is made by using convolution
neural network.

3      An Android Malware Detection Method Based on CNN
       Mixed-Data Model

The proposed method for detecting Android malware based on the use of mixed data
for CNN consists of two main steps: creating or training a CNN model and applying
or deploying the model to detect Android malware.
    The training phase involves the creation of a CNN model on a set of training data
and involves three sequential steps: preprocessing, vectorization, and directly CNN
    Preprocessing stage involves obtaining API calls and a set of permissions. The
first data are extracted from multiple smali files while the permissions are extracted
from AndroidManifest.xml.
    The vectorization process uses word2vec technology to represent API calls in vec-
tor space. To vectorize a set of permissions, each unique permission is encoded as a
binary feature that determines the presence / absence of permission in the input se-
quence. The sequence is then broken down into nibbles and the code “8421” is ap-
plied with further normalization of the result. Both types of vectorized data are inputs
to the convolutional neural network.
    Training of the convolutional neural network involves sequentially viewing the en-
tire set of training data presented in vector form and generating for each input object a
generalization in the likelihood of its belonging to one of two classes. The neural net-
work architecture consists of two separate parallel branches, each of which processes its
own type of data, and the fully connected layers. The structure of both branches is the
same, which involves placing in each branch two consecutive layers of convolution,
where the first layer maps the simple features that will be used by the second layer to
represent higher level behavioral patterns. After the convolution layers, there is a pool-
ing layer placed to reduce the dimension of the data. The outputs from both branches of
the network are combined to form the input data for fully connected layers.
    The deployment phase involves preprocessing for a suspicious Android applica-
tion, vectorization of its API calls and permissions, and classification using created a
neural network model.
    Fig. 1 presents the generalized structure of an Android malware detection method
based on CNN mixed-data model. Let us take a closer look at each step of the method.

Fig. 1. Generalized structure of an Android malware detection method based on CNN mixed-
data model

3.1    Preprocessing

The first step of the proposed method is to extract a list of API calls from smali files
and the set of permissions specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
    Extracting API calls. To get a list of API calls, the dex file is decompiled using
the apktool utility. This process will return a set of smali files, containing Android app
representation in form of readable Dalvik opcodes. Next stage require parse each smali
file and extract the API functions. It should be noted that in the presented method only
standard API calls are used, while user methods are ignored. Rejecting custom API calls
is explained by the fact that malware can use a large number of third-party methods,
such as some preparatory actions, but standard calls are used to implement the basic
functionality (sending a message, checking the network connection, etc.).
     The main purpose of getting an API call list is their representation as the behavior
of the application. Therefore, in the process of obtaining API calls, it is important to
follow their order, which will allows to consider internal relationships between API
calls. Because Android applications do not have a single entry point, such as Entry
Point in Portable Executable, and applications can be launched not only in the tradi-
tional manner by clicking the icon, but in response to intent registered in An-
droidManifest.xml, then to collect the behavior of the application, it is important to
keep track of all the ways of the application running. To this end, all the services and
activities contained in AndroidManifest.xml are added to the list of starting points for
collecting application behavior. Next from every starting point, all the API calls that
belong to the android, java and javax libraries, that is, calls that interact with the base
operating system and defined in the Android specification, are added to the resulting
list. If there is a third-party method call, the name of the smali file in which it is im-
plemented is appended to the list of starting points. The algorithm for collecting API
calls is shown in fig. 2.

                Fig. 2. The algorithm for collecting API calls from smali files

   Extracting permissions. The list of permissions is obtained by simply parsing the
AndroidManifest.xml file. The parsing process considers all sections starting with

3.2    Vectorization of API Calls and Permissions

Vectorization of API calls. As result of parsing process will be obtain the list of API
calls for each Android application A = {a1,...,ak } . The next step is the vectorization
process, that is, the presentation of API calls in the form of real numbers. One way to
achieve this is to encode each API call as a one-hot vector. With this encoding meth-
od, the length of the features vector that presents each individual API call, is equal to
the dimension of all API calls presented in the dictionary. All number positions are
encoded by 0 and the position corresponding to API call is 1. Obviously, with the
increasing vector dimension, the amount of the number positions with a zero value
increases rapidly. In addition, any two vectors do not correlate in any way among
thyself. This situation adversely affects the use of such representation as input for
artificial intelligence methods.
    In order to obtain a compact vector representation of API calls, the word2vec
method [16] was used. This method is used to create embedding predictions in natural
language processing systems. Word2vec collects statistics of word co-occurrence in
sentences, and then uses neural network methods to solve the task of finding the target
word in the context of words (skip-gram model) or finding context in the given word
(Continuous Bag of Words – CBoW model). Both models make it possible to maps
semantically similar words in close vectors, while distant words in vector space will
look different. The classic use of the Word2vec method yields a vector at the output
that containing the probability of each word in the dictionary being "in context" for
the given word (for the CBoW model). In our study, the word2vec method was used
to represent API calls in the form of feature vectors by utilizing the CBoW model.
Let's take a closer look at this process.
    Suppose an input corpus with size n is specified as C = {C1,...,Cn} , where every
element of which Ci {Mі  Bі } defines the sequence of API calls of a benign appli-
cation Bі = {a1b ,...,anb} or malicious software М і = {a1m ,...,anm} . Let every unique
API call in corpus С is included in dictionary with size V . Then, represent each API
                                                         a       a                    a
call in form of a one-hot vector such as r ai = {r1 i ,...,rV i } , where some rl i = 1 and
the rest rl  i = 0 , where l  l .
    Let’s denote the context  for the API call ai V in corpus C as the sequence of
API calls that are in the interval [i − s,..., i − 1, i + 1,...,i + s] , where s – is window size.
In this case, the context defines the interval which determines the relationship API
call ai with its s-nearest API calls in training corpus. To generate N dimensional
feature vectors, a neural network was used that had comprised of input layer neurons
 x1,...,xs , where each value is xi = {x1,...,xV } , one hidden layer h1,...,hN and the
output layer y1,...,yV .
    Then, given the context, the training set for the neural network in the form of a ma-
trix was formed, each element of which is a one-hot vector:

                             r ai − s    r ai −1   r ai +1  r ai + s   r1 i 
                              a                                               
                             r i − s     r ai −1   r ai +1  r ai + s
                                                                          r2 i 
                M training =                                                                (1)
                                                                      
                             r ai − s    r ai −1
                                                     r ai +1
                                                              r ai + s
                                                                          rP i 
   The vectors [r ai −s ,...,r ai −1 , r ai +1 ,...,r ai + s ] are feed to the input layer of the neural
network x1,...,xs that x j = r ak , where j = 1, s , k = i − s, i + s . The input layer of the
neural network is connected to the hidden layer by a weight matrix W of V  N di-
mension, and the hidden layer is combined with the output layer by a matrix W  of
size N  V .
   With the purpose of obtaining embedding for the target API call by context f at first
the output of the hidden layer h (2) was calculated. This involves computation of the
average value of the k-rows of the matrix W, which were activated by each group of
input neurons x j (i.e. the average for all ARIs calls that represent context s for аі ).

                                          1       s
                                       h = W  ( x j )                                             (2)
                                          s     i =1

   Next the computation of the input for each neuron of the output layer was per-

                                        u g = vwg T  h,                                           (3)

where vwg is g-th row for output matrix W  .
   The last step is to calculate the value of the output layer. The output y g is ob-
tained by calculating the soft-max function for the input u g :

                                                            exp(u g )
                            y g = p( wy g | w1,...,ws ) =                                           (4)
                                                             g =1ug

    Next, to obtain the best vector representation for API calls, the weights of the ma-
trices are adjusted W and W  the backpropagation method is used.
    Thus, as a result of the word2vec method, we will been consider the weighting
matrix W as the feature vector for API calls representation.
    Vectorization of permissions. Unlike the incoming list of API calls, in which the
order of the API calls sets the context for the API call ai , significance of information
about order of permissions location is not high. So let's consider a way of represent-
ing Android permissions which based on the encoding of permission depending on its
presence or absence in the input sequence.
    Therefore, to represent the set of Android permissions  = {1, 2 ,...,t }, t  U in
vector form, let's encode them as bit sequence Z = { z1 , z2 ,...,zU } , where U – a dic-
tionary containing all available permissions. Then each bit zi is set to 1, if for  j
permission j = i , otherwise 0. The result will be a bit sequence with size U , which
consists of zeros and ones responsible for the presence or absence of the correspond-
ing permission in  . Next, we have grouped the bit sequence into nibbles and apply-
ing the 8421 code to each nibble was used. Then the bit sequence have been convert
to a encoded bit sequence Zc with size D p = U / 4 , in which each value is an integer
value from 0 to 15. The resulting encoded bit sequence was defined as a vector repre-
sentation of the set of permissions. In order to process the obtained feature vector by
neural network the normalization of its values to real numbers in the range from 0 to 1
with using min-max normalization was done:
    In addition, seven critical permissions, most commonly seen in malware, were se-
lected to distinguish more clearly between malware and benign applications. For the
ranking of critical permissions (not to be confused with the category of dangerous per-
missions defined in the Android specification), the previous studies [17, 18] have been
considered and our own research has been conducted. As a result we have selected the
most commonly used permissions in Android malware: CHANGE_WIFI_STATE,
    Each of the selected critical permissions is encoded in one bit and does not form
as the result of four-bit encoding. Such manner allows to give more weight for the
most critical permissions. Thus, the resulting feature vector for permissions consist of
encoded bit sequence and seven more bits, each of which represent one critical per-
mission. The process of obtaining feature vector for an Android app's permission is
presented in fig. 3.

       Fig. 3. The process of obtaining feature vector for an Android app's permission

3.3    Convolutional Neural Network
In order to create a model that will produce a conclusion about the suspicious pro-
gram's behavior, the neural network is trained. The architecture of the proposed con-
volutional neural network, which uses knowledge about API method calls and set of
permissions from the Android application to form a conclusion, is presented in Fig. 4.
    The proposed neural network consists of two separate parallel convolutional
branches, each of which processes its own type of data (API calls or permissions). As
a result of convolution and max-pooling operations, the input data, i.e. behavioral
patterns of Android app, is prepared for fully connected layers (FCL). It should be
noted that the outputs from both sub-branch are merged, creating the first of three
FCL. In order to produce nonlinear decision making, there is one hidden layer be-
tween the first and third FCL. The result is provided by the last layer consisting of
two neurons.

               Fig. 4. The CNN Architecture for Android malware detecting

    The proposed neural network architecture utilized an approach without convolu-
tional and max-pooling layers alternating. This is due to the fact that after the next
pair of CONV + POOL layers, the dimension of the data decreases, which leads to the
loss of some information about the input object [19, 20]. In the proposed architecture,
in each of the two sub-branch, the two convolution layers C11 and C12 , as well
C21 and C22 , are placed one after the other, where the first convolution layers C11
and C21 highlight simple features that will be used by the layers C12 and C22 to
represent higher-level behavior patterns. The input matrices with size K11  Da and
K 21  D p , respectively, are feed to the convolutional layers C11 and C21 . For layers
 C12 and C22 , the size of the convolution kernel is K12 1 and K22 1 , respectively.
Following each pairs of convolution layers there is placed one aggregation layer,
which reduce the dimension of each type of feature. In order to transform the data into
a one-dimensional vector, each sub-branch uses a Flatten layer. After concatenation
the data of both sub-branches, the resulting vector with size F1 + F2 is feeds to FCL.
The output layer consists of two neurons that accumulate the probability that a suspi-
cious Android application belongs to one of two classes - malware or benign.

4      Experiments and Evaluation

For the purpose of verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method, a number of
experiments were conducted. The first experiment involved selecting the optimal
parameters for a convolutional neural network. We have considered several templates
for neural network and train each of them. This process allowed us to choose the op-
timal network configuration. After defining the optimal neural network configuration
we again have built the model and second experiment to verifying the effectiveness of
Android malware detection have conducted.
    A set of apk files that corresponded to malicious software or benign applications
were selected as test data to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Mali-
cious samples were obtained from the AndroZoo collection [21] while benign apps
from [22]. There are 9198 malware and 7780 benign samples were used for the exper-
iments. Thus, the total number of test data in training corpus C was 16978.
    For each sample from the training corpus, the procedure of extracting API calls
and a set of permissions was conducted. In order to obtain API calls list, at first apk
files was decompiled and a set of smali files are obtained. Next, using a script in Py-
thon, an algorithm for extracting API calls from smali files was implemented. The set
of Android permissions was obtained by simply parsing AndroidManifest.xml.
    In order to create a vector representation of API calls the word2vec method was
used, which involved training the neural network to obtain weights between the input
and the hidden layer of neurons. The values for the hyperparameters for word2vec
were as follows: dictionary for the API calls V =1184 (i.e. the number of unique API
calls observable in training corpus C), the size of the context window s for obtaining
embedding of API calls was 6, the dimension of the feature vector for API calls (i.e.
the dimension of input vectors for CNN) was 64.
    To represent each permission in form of the feature vector we have selected the
following options: dictionary for permissions U = 168 (the number of unique permis-
sions observable in training corpus C), the dimension D p of the feature vector for
permissions was 49 ( D p = U / 4 + 7 ).
   We also unify the length of the API call sequence and set of permissions for each
sample from the training corpus. If the application has fewer features than the se-
quence length La or L p , then the sequence of API calls or permissions of the app
was padded with zeros. then we pad a sequence of API calls or permissions with ze-
ros. If the sequence length for API calls or set of permissions is greater than the value
 La or L p , then the first La or L p permissions or API calls values were selected
from the given sequence.
    The first experiment involved selecting the most optimal parameters for a convo-
lutional neural network. (fig. 4). To this end, the entire training corpus was divided
into two groups: the training set 80% and the data for testing (validation) of the model
20%. The initial value of the number of epochs for training the network was 180
epochs. However, if during the network training, the performance did not change for
10 epochs, the training was terminated. To determine the best configuration of CNN
eight templates of configuration options were considered (Table 1). Also for all tem-
plates the sequences length La and L p are set to 200 and 50 respectively, and kernel
size, padding, stride for K11 , K12 , K21 , K22 , are set to {3, 1, 1}, {3, 1, 2},{2, 1,
1},{3, 1, 2} respectively. Each neural network was trained and validated. Based on
the values of the loss function and accuracy, the optimal values of the network param-
eters were selected. Neural network training was stopped for 150 epochs, with a loss
function of 0.01954. The accuracy value was 0.915. Thus, a set of parameters in tem-
plate 1 was selected as the optimal neural network configuration. The training and
validation process for optimal network configuration (template 1) are shown in Fig. 5.

Table 1. Sets of templates to determine the optimal configuration of the proposed convolution

№        K11      K12     C11     C12      F1      K21     K22     C21      C22      F2
    1.      3       3        64     128      64       2       3       64     128      64
    2.      3       3        64     128      64       3       3       64     128      64
    3.      2       2        64     128      64       2       2       64     128      64
    4.      3       2       128      64      64       2       3      128     64       64
    5.      3       3       128      64      64       3       3      128     64       64
    6.      3       3       256     128      64       3       3      256     128      64
    7.      4       4       256     128      64       4       4      256     128      64
    8.      5       5       128     128      64       5       5      128     128      64

Fig. 5. The Process of neural network training and validation with optimal configuration:
loss function (a); the value of accuracy (b)

    The second experiment provided verifying the effectiveness of Android malware
detection based on the model of the proposed convolutional neural network. The neu-
ral network weights were initialized with normal distribution. For all layers, except
last, the ReLu activation function was selected. The neurons of the last layer were
activated by a softmax function that simulates the probabilities of belonging suspi-
cious app to one of the two classes. The neural network minimized the cross-entropy
loss function. In order to reduce the impact of overfitting of the neural network be-
tween fully connected layers dropout regularization was used with parameter p = 0.5
(during testing, the dropout parameter was p = 1.0). The learning rate and the batches
size were set at 0.001 and 64, respectively. Keras neural network library was used to
implement the proposed network [23].
    A 10-fold cross-validation was used to evaluate performance metrics. A 10-fold
cross-check was used to calculate performance metrics. To this end, 90% of the entire
set of C test data was used for model training and 10% for testing. This data selection
procedure was performed ten times, each time selecting a different sequence for train-
ing and testing. This is allows us to simulate a zero-day malware detection situation.
The overall performance of the method was defined as the average of the performance
indicators at each of the ten testing stages. After each stage of testing, the values of
accuracy, precision, recall and Fscore were calculated as:

                                           TP + TN
                         Accuracy =                     ,                            (5)
                                      TP + TN + FP + FN

                               precision =           ,                               (6)
                                             TP + FP

                                recall =           ,                                 (7)
                                           TP + FN

                                         precision  recall
                          Fscore = 2                       ,                        (8)
                                         precision + recall
where, TP – number of correctly detected malware, FN – the number of malware,
wrongly classified as the benign programs, FP - the number of benign programs that
were wrongly classified as the metamorphic viruses, TN – the number of benign pro-
grams that were correctly classified.
   The results of evaluation of the proposed method effectiveness for detecting An-
droid malware are shown in Table 2. During conducting of experiments the maximum
value of detection accuracy was at 0.9412, while the minimum value was 0.9235.The
average accuracy was observed at 0.9332 (which is almost the same as the Fscore),
while the false positive rate was 3.3%.

           Table 2. The results of evaluation of the proposed method effectiveness

                      Observations                                 Metrics
              TP      FP       TN        FN      Precision    Recall    Fscore       Accuracy
    1        8679     519     7283       497      0,9436      0,9458    0,9447        0,9402
    2        8636     562     7268       512      0,9389      0,9440    0,9415        0,9367
    3        8605     593     7259       521      0,9355      0,9429    0,9392        0,9344
    4        8696     502     7262       518      0,9454      0,9438    0,9446        0,9399
    5        8055     624     7236       544      0,9281      0,9367    0,9324        0,9290
    6        8586     612     7093       687      0,9335      0,9259    0,9297        0,9235
    7        8687     511     7249       531      0,9444      0,9424    0,9434        0,9386
    8        8624     574     7078       702      0,9376      0,9247    0,9311        0,9248
    9        8683     515     7296       484      0,9440      0,9472    0,9456        0,9412
   10        8586     612     7093       687      0,9335      0,9259    0,9297        0,9235
 Average     8584     562     7212       568      0,9385      0,9379    0,9382        0,9332

5       Discussion and Future Work

During developing the Android malware detection method, it was very important to
design and implement not only the neural network architecture, but also to determine
the values of hyperparameters that directly have impacting to computational complex-
ity and detection accuracy. In the process of choosing hyperparameters, we had pri-
marily guided by the principle of balancing detection accuracy and computational
complexity. Of course, detection accuracy could be improved by increasing the num-
ber of consecutive convolution layers and the size of the input feature vectors. How-
ever, in this case, the computational complexity of detection method would increase
significantly, which would not allow been it's used in real-time malware detection.
    In addition, as a disadvantage, it can be noted that the presented method uses static
analysis, which do not capable to detect obfuscated malware [24, 25]. To address this
shortcoming and as a future study, we will adapt the convolutional neural network
architecture to the data that will be obtained during dynamic monitoring of the behav-
ior of the Android application. We are convinced that such combination of data will
increase the detection efficiency of malicious Android applications.
6      Conclusion

The paper presents a method of detection Android malware with using a convolution-
al neural network. The proposed neural network is based on the principle of using
mixed data, which represent the knowledge about API method calls and a set of per-
missions from the Android application. Word2vec technology was used to represent
API calls in a vector space, which creates semantically similar feature vectors for
related API calls. To represent a set of permissions, each unique permission is encod-
ed as a binary feature that determines the presence or absence of permission in the
input sequence. Obtained sequence is then broken down into nibbles and the code
“8421” is applied with further normalization of the result. Both types of vectorized
data are the inputs to the convolutional neural network.
    The architecture of the proposed neural network consists of two separate parallel
convolutional branches, each of which processes its own type of data. The outputs
from both branches of the network are combined to form the input for fully connected
layers, which determine the probabilities of belonging suspicious app to one of the
classes – malware or benign.
    A number of experiments involving 16978 Android applications were conducted
to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. According to the results of those
experiments the optimal configuration of parameters for the convolutional neural
network was selected and, on the basis of it, the metrics accuracy, recall, precision
and F1 score had been evaluated. The average accuracy was observed at 93% with
3.3% of false positives.

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