=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20200532 |storemode=property |title=Educational Computer Modelling in Natural Sciences Education: Chemistry and Biology Aspects |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200532.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Svitlana Lytvynova,Mariia Medvedieva |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/LytvynovaM20 }} ==Educational Computer Modelling in Natural Sciences Education: Chemistry and Biology Aspects== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200532.pdf
                        Educational Computer Modelling in Natural Sciences
                            Education: Chemistry and Biology Aspects

                          Svitlana Lytvynova 1 [0000-0002-5450-6635], Mariia Medvedieva 2 [0000-0001-9330-5185]
                            1Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of National Academy

                           of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 9 M. Berlyns’koho st., 04060, Kyiv, Ukraine
                           2Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, 2 Sadova st., 20300, Uman,

                                                      Cherkasy Region, Ukraine

                            Abstract. The article analyzes the research that addresses the issue of using
                            computer models in the educational process. It covers the aspects of the use of
                            computer modelling in natural sciences subjects, namely: chemistry, biology. It
                            analyzes the students’ interest in choosing a future profession, connected with
                            chemistry and biology. The article offers the definition and substantiation of the
                            model of educational computer pattern and the definition of its components
                            (graphic, mathematical, strategic, animation) and features (mono-subject, poly-
                            subject / simulation, play-based, algorithmic / poster, laboratory, quest / variant
                            / character-based / achievable). It substantiates the stages of designing a re-
                            search task. It covers the methodical basics of computer modelling in the im-
                            plementation of a STEM lesson in chemistry. It describes the methodological
                            basics of using computer modelling to work independently at the lessons of bi-
                            ology. The present research also summarizes the results of the teacher survey on
                            the usefulness and ease of use of computer modelling in the educational pro-
                            cess. The priorities of the students in the study of subjects of the natural and
                            mathematical cycle are determined. Computer modelling is found to be an ef-
                            fective tool for improving the quality of science education that requires the de-
                            velopment of a teacher training system, cognitive tasks and organizational
                            foundations of the educational process.

                            Keywords. Educational Computer Modelling, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Bi-
                            ology, ICT in education, CMODS, STEM, Teacher Development, Simulation.

                    1       Introduction

                    The rapid introduction of STEM education has prompted foreign universities to create
                    the latest resources and to reload existing educational needs of the 21st century,
                    namely the creation of digital educational content, including digital educational com-
                    puter models.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
    In 2017, the Institute of Information Technologies and Teaching Tools of the Na-
tional Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine conducted a survey in which
70% of teachers indicated that they did not use computer modelling in class. The main
reasons for the low activity are the following: lack of access to computers, the need
for access to the Internet, lack of methodological resource books for lessons.
    During 2018-2019, the Stanford University CK-12 Foundation Team conducted a
series of webinars on teacher training in computer models, electronic textbooks and
online tests. The survey established that 75% of teachers did not use these resources
in the educational process. It identified the main problems: lack of information, the
need for constant access to the Internet and the lack of skills to use the latest technol-
ogies (https://www.ck12.org/).
    Nowadays, the number of digital educational resources that a teacher should oper-
ate in his / her professional activity is as follows: digital texts, educational videos,
interactive tasks, quizzes, question banks, thematic web resources, photo galleries,
virtual museums, blended learning, digital laboratories, digital laboratories maps,
computer modelling, etc.
    As you can see, computer modelling is on this list and therefore remains an up-to-
date method of scientific knowledge. The modelling method makes it possible to
study objects, design logical constructions and scientific abstractions during the ex-
periment. However, the lack of information and systematic teacher training (enhanc-
ing their IC-competences) led to a significant gap in the needs of the 21st century
school and the teacher’s professional growth in the use of the latest digital content and
digital learning tools.

2      Analysis of latest research and publications

Students’ acquisition of knowledge is more effective in the process of activity. Re-
searchers at M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (O.V. Matviychuk,
V.P. Sergienko, S.O. Podlasov) established that the development of computer models
of physical phenomena could serve as such an activity. Creating a computer model,
first of all, requires the student to have a deeper understanding of the mathematical
description and the nature of the processes that take place. In this case, the process of
building a computer model can be organized with a gradual complication and approx-
imation to reality, in accordance with the didactic principle of “of simple to complex”
    However, most scientists are inclined to think that not only computer models are
shaping students’ perceptions of the world around them. The quality of education can
be ensured by the systematic use of computer modelling in science subjects to solve
educational cognitive tasks.
    The interest of scientists in the use of computer modelling in the secondary educa-
tion process is growing, due to a number of articles published in the last two years.
Scientists have raised problems and substantiated the following directions of use of
computer modelling in the educational practice: activation of students’ cognitive ac-
tivity in physics lessons by means of computer modelling [15]; criteria development
for selecting computer models for use in the educational process [2]; determination of
ergonomic requirements for the use of computer models in general secondary educa-
tion institutions [9], extensive discussion of the issue of the students’ subject compe-
tencies formation by means of computer modelling [12]; theoretical aspects of simula-
tion modelling in physics training [16], aspects of the students’ safe work on the In-
ternet, in particular in the process of computer modelling [1].

3      Methods of Research

The study was conducted within the framework of the “Computer Modelling System
of Cognitive Tasks for Forming the Students’ Competences in Natural Sciences and
Mathematical Subjects” experiment. The methods used in the research process in-
clude the analysis of theoretical sources, generalization of the best pedagogical prac-
tices of foreign and domestic specialists regarding the use of computer modelling and
its use in student learning; synthesis, generalization and conceptualization for the
development of the main research provisions; design of the educational computer
model, surveys of teachers; generalization of results.

4      Research Results

4.1    Educational computer model design
A significant contribution to the development of the issue was made by the scientists
of the Institute of Information Technologies and Teaching Tools of the National
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. During 2018-2019, within the frame-
work of the “System of computer modelling of cognitive tasks for forming compe-
tences of students in natural sciences and mathematical subjects” scientific research,
they developed a conceptual system of designing the educational computer model
(Fig. 1), which is the key to understanding the direction development of IC-
technologies, including computer modelling for the educational industry
    By the educational computer model (ECM) we will mean software tools for ani-
mation visualization of phenomena and processes, creation of action strategies, execu-
tion of numerical calculations of any level of complexity and aimed at identifying and
solving tasks of different types [7, 8].
    The purpose of designing / developing a computer model: to study the properties
of objects and processes.
    Developer and user categories: a teacher, a student, a professional programmer.
    The educational computer model encompasses the following basic components
(graphic, strategic, mathematical, animated). Graphic – representation of objects,
processes graphically (as an image). Mathematical – presentation of complex mathe-
matical calculations in the process of experimentation. Animation – accompanying
support of the experiment results with dynamic changes in the image. Strategic –
further steps depend on the previous selection of the dataset.
Fig.1. The system of designing the educational computer model.

Outcome: knowledge building about objects and processes.
The main classification features of the educational computer model are given in Ta-
ble 1.
          Table 1. Main classification features of the educational computer model.
     Features                                       Content
     Mono-Subject Designed for one subject
     Poly-Subject    One model can be applied to several subjects
     Simulation      Performs a simulation of a process or phenomenon
     Play-Based      Has an educational strategy, variability of choice of decisions
     Algorithmic     Demonstration of the given algorithm execution
     Poster          Implements one of the aspects: conformity, comparison
     Laboratory      Performing a sequence of activities to get the result (creative
                     elements included)
     Quest           Considers the sequence of activities based on the previous result
     Variant         Provides the problem-solving of one or more variants (one-
                     variant / multi-variant)
     Character-      With / without a character
     Achievable      Online / Offline
4.2    Application of educational computer models (ECM) in high school

Definition of the aims of ECM application:
− creation of a single educational information environment;
− formation of the student’ information culture;
− formation of key and research competences of students in natural and mathematical
− formation of the individual trajectory of the student’s development;
− preparation of students for independent educational and cognitive activity;
− improvement of the quality of knowledge acquisition.
   Let’s consider the application of educational computer models in chemistry and
biology lessons

4.2.1.The use of the educational computer model at the STEM chemistry lessons
Chemical education is one of the important components of the general culture of a
person living in the 21st century, who studies in the conditions of continuous creation
of new chemical products and should be aware of environmental risks. The chemical
knowledge gained by students in elementary school contributes to the discovery of the
mysteries of the world through the knowledge of the processes of life of organisms at
the molecular level, and computer modelling makes it possible to simulate these pro-
cesses in the classroom.
    However, the analysis of the results of the external independent testing showed
that the number of graduates who choose the subject of chemistry to take EIT tests is
decreasing annually: 2017 – 8%, 2018 – 6.3%, 2019 – 4% (of the total number of
participants) (http://testportal.gov.ua/reg/).
    This situation is conditioned by the fact that education needs transformation re-
garding the formation of educational environment and educational activity of students
in the 21st century. The digital environment of students requires the formation of a
digital educational environment, new perspectives on the knowledge of the surround-
ing world, values. Nowadays, the transformation of the educational environment has
become a major systematic factor in the development of general secondary education.
In order to understand the relevance of STEM education for general secondary educa-
tion institutions, it is advisable to analyze the digital environment of students in eve-
ryday life: mobile phones, Internet, personal electronic cash desks, school electronic
access system, electronic diary, blogs and websites, distance courses, electronic cards
for travel, etc.
    It is the introduction of STEM education that allows for the modernization of
methodological foundations, content, volume of educational material of subjects of
the natural and mathematical cycle, technological process of learning and formation
of educational competences of a qualitatively new level [13]. It also contributes to the
better preparation of students for further education, which requires different and more
technically sophisticated skills, including the application of mathematical knowledge
and scientific concepts.
    The implementation of STEM education by teachers is carried out with the help of
information and communication technologies that have changed the educational envi-
ronment and opened new opportunities for organizing educational activities of stu-
dents in chemistry lessons. STEM education involves the orientation and fulfillment
of practical tasks in the learning process using modern information and communica-
tion technologies, including computer modelling [16].
     Computer modelling in chemistry lessons is used to study chemical phenomena
and experiments that require sophisticated laboratory equipment or related to the use
of explosive and expensive substances, to form research skills, cognitive interest,
enhance motivation, and develop design thinking. The student can investigate the
phenomenon by changing the conditions of the experiment and its course, comparing
the results obtained, analyzing them, drawing conclusions and using them to self-test
their knowledge [11].
     The requirements for education of modern students are changing due to the trends
of the development of education. Nowadays it is important not only to provide the
student with a theoretical material, but also to form a competency for him/her to solve
cognitive tasks (research, problem, applied) in the subject of chemistry. Other im-
portant aspects are the development of creativity in students, persistence in the search
for solutions, team learning, the use of modern tools and devices to solve the task [6].
     During a STEM lesson, students can use mobile phones and tablets, and the ele-
ments of computer modeling can be mastered in additional lessons. They may also get
acquainted with the principles of computer modeling systems (CMODS) such as
MANLab, STEM Alliance, Scientix, STEM Lesson Microsoft Education, Minecraft:
Education Edition, PhET, computer models on the portal CK-12.org, GoLab and oth-
     The group work used during the STEM lesson enables students to develop the fol-
lowing skills: express their own opinions, defend their position, collaborate in a team,
perceive the point of view of another team member. Introducing STEM lessons will
teach students how to solve research problems, formulate assumptions / hypotheses,
apply original ways of finding information, and develop analytical and critical think-
     Let us consider an example of the students’ group work using educational com-
puter models during a STEM lesson.
     The teacher prepares tasks for each team in the form of a QR-code.
     The design of tasks is carried out according to the following procedure (Fig. 2):
The first stage – formulation / description of the life situation.
     The second stage – hypothesis formulation, assumption formulation.
     The third stage – search for more information to solve the problem.
     The fourth stage – selection of effective ways of solving the problem (refutation or
confirmation of the hypothesis).
     The work in the classroom begins with the announcement of the topic of the les-
son: “Chemical equations” and the formation of working groups: scientists, technolo-
gists, engineers, mathematicians.
     Group of scientists: analyzes theoretical material, generates messages for the class
about the discovery and application of the Law of Conservation of Mass of Substanc-
Fig. 2. Stages of the research tasks design.

Group of technologists: makes models of substances molecules involved in chemical
reaction from plasticine.
   Group of engineers: performs tasks on the board – balances chemical equations.
   Group of mathematicians: calculates the number of atoms, molecules involved in a
chemical reaction.
   The teacher announces the next stage of the lesson – independent work. All stu-
dents open gadgets and, with the help of an educational computer model, begin to
perform the following tasks (Fig. 3-4):

Fig. 3. Task “Balance the chemical equation” (https://phet.colorado.edu).

− Balance the chemical equation.
− Experimentally check if the number of atoms of each element is retained in the
chemical reaction.
− Describe the difference between coefficients and indices in the chemical equation.
− Explain the transition from symbolic to molecular representation of the matter.
    After mastering the basic skills, students return to their working groups to discuss
the results and formulate conclusions.
Fig. 4. The outcome of the task “Balance the chemical equation” (https://phet.colorado.edu)

The teacher uses the formative assessment technology to test students’ learning in the
classroom. This could be a signal card, a smiley-face emoji, quick-fire questions or a
demo on an interactive test board before a lesson developed in LearningApps

4.2.2.The use of the educational computer model at the lessons of biology
The analysis of the results of external independent testing allowed us to conclude that
the number of graduates who choose the subject of biology for the EIT tests is de-
creasing annually: 2017 – 33.9%, 2018 – 25.3%, 2019 – 24% (of the total number of
participants) (http://testportal.gov.ua/reg/).
    The students point out that the subject is interesting but difficult to understand, as
it is hard to understand that you do not see. Drawings, posters, mock-up models,
which are displayed on separate topics, do not give a complete picture of the content
of the subject. It is possible to activate the cognitive activity of students with the help
of interactive visual aids. The development of IC-technologies, in particular mobile
applications, has given impetus to developers to create such educational interactive
visual aids, in particular in biology subject.
    Teaching students through the use of mobile applications is not common in gen-
eral secondary education institutions. In addition, the gadget in the hands of the child
does not serve him/her as a means of learning – there is no scientific and methodolog-
ical support for the use of mobile applications in the educational process. However,
the development of Internet technologies, educational mobility, and widespread ac-
cess to mobile applications give impetus to the use of mobile phones in the study of
particular research projects and the use of computer modeling in the study of object
characteristics and natural processes at the lessons of biology.
    The use of models in the process of teaching biology and ecology school subjects
has always been an up-to-date method. But they mostly used to be mock-up models
(made of cardboard, plastic or wood). The innovative approach lies in the use of com-
puter models and modelling of natural processes, which increases the cognitive activi-
ty of students, broaden their outlook, and promotes better assimilation of the educa-
tional material.
    The developers offer the following mobile applications: human anatomy, internal
human organs, biological processes, bacteria, molecular genetics and more. They also
provide tests for the school course in biology and the complex preparation for the EIT
in biology (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Mobile applications in biology.

The applications offered by the developers can be subdivided into four groups: theo-
retical material, tests, dictionaries, 3D models (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Human body. 3D model.

There are very few computer models that can be used to perform modelling to study
the characteristics of objects.
    With the advent of computer models on the PhET portal, it is possible to carry out
research tasks in the context of a school biology study. Toad preparation, 3D tour of
the human body, immersion in different biomes – all these incredibly complex biolog-
ical studies can be done with mobile applications and computer models.
    The advantages of computer modelling in biology include: finding different ways
to confirm / refute hypotheses; repeated experiment with different input data.
    The main tasks of computer modelling while studying biology are the following:
obtaining solid knowledge of the subject; study of complex issues in biology; search
skills development, analysis and synthesis skills; study and application of modelling
method in practice.
    Experience shows the appropriateness of using PhET computer models in biology
lessons in the process of mastering new material (processes illustration, their model-
ling, motivational training); testing knowledge; developing skills; conducting labora-
tory and practical classes; organization of research activities; integration of subjects;
STEM training; while the most effective perception of information is provided by a
combination of verbal and visual forms of its presentation [3].
    When a student works with his/her own mobile phone, he/she usually does inde-
pendent work. Independent work is a learning activity that is carried out by the stu-
dent on his/her own for the purpose of mastering knowledge or mastering skills. Here
are the signs of independent work: the presence of a specific task; performance evalu-
ation criteria; forms of checking the performance; the obligation to do the work with-
out assistance.
    While planning the independent work using computer models in class the teacher
should identify: its place in the lesson structure; the volume of work depending on
both the level of students’ readiness and the complexity of the research tasks; difficul-
ties that may arise in the course of performing independent work; ways to check and
evaluate students’ performance.
    It is desirable to discuss the results of students’ independent work during the les-
son: working in pairs (comparing results), mini groups (drawing conclusions), forma-
tive assessment (signal cards, quick-fire questions).
    In the course of working on research assignments, it is advisable to organize group
work for students, which requires the development of additional instructions.
    To determine the degree of mastering the material and to clarify difficult moments
in the process of mastering basic knowledge, the teacher conducts independent stu-
dents’ work, develops the tasks (Table 2) and formulates the problematic question:
“What happens if you change your diet and use more protein and less carbs, but still
maintain the same amount of calories?” and checks if the computer equipment (cell
phones, tablets) is available to students.

                  Table 2. Card for “Food and exercise” computer model.
              Cal/day                        2000                       2000
              Proteins                        600                       806
               Carbs                          800                       559
                Fats                          600                       634
To find the correct answer, students should suggest assumptions / hypotheses to use
the PhET computer model (Fig. 7) to test them.

Fig. 7. “Food and exercise” computer model (https://phet.colorado.edu)

It is followed by the summary of the results and the formulation of the conclusions,
which the students write in the table.
     At the stage of formative assessment, students show the correct answer with signal
cards: red card - weight will decrease; yellow card - weight will increase; green card -
the heart rate will increase; blue card - the changes depend on the balance of your
exercise and calorie intake, so there is not enough information.

5      Discussing of the usefulness and ease of using the educational
       computer modelling in teachers’ work

In order to find out the usefulness of computer models in teachers’ work, surveys
were conducted in 39 Ukrainian educational institutions.
    28.2% of teachers answered “no” when asked whether computer modelling would
facilitate the work of a teacher while presenting new material (Fig. 8). Its use does not
facilitate the work of the teacher: it takes extra time to develop tasks (2-3 options),
organize student access to computers. Moreover, computer modelling is not integrated
in the curriculum, there are no tasks in the textbooks, the academic time is not provid-
ed for such a kind of educational activity.
Analyzing the answers to the question of whether computer modelling is useful in the
professional work of teachers, it was found that 87% of teachers, however, considered
it useful (Fig. 9).
      An important aspect for the development of computer modelling is the availabil-
ity of the latest IC-technologies, the ease of their use as tools and their harmonious
integration into the educational process. Analyzing the answers to the question of
whether computer modelling is easy to teach to students, it was found out that more
than 74% of teachers consider it simple (Fig. 10).

Fig. 8. Assessment of changes in the organization of the teacher’s work.

Fig. 9. Assessment of usefulness for the educational process.

Fig. 10. Ease of use in the educational process.

The analysis of the results (Fig. 11) regarding the ease of computer modelling use in
the educational process show that 25% of teachers recognized that there was a need to
work out such skills with students (lack of experience). Teachers also have fears that
something may not turn on or download during the lesson.

Fig. 11. Ease of the tool use.

There is a need to introduce changes both to the organization of the educational pro-
cess and to the content of teaching natural and mathematical sciences for computer
modelling to become an effective, easy to use tool for teachers. An important factor is
the teachers’ training in using the latest IC-technologies [7].
   Therefore, systematic training of teachers to use computer modelling in the educa-
tional process is relevant, highly sought and timely. Such an impetus for the develop-
ment of the teacher, improvement of his/her skills to work with the latest technologies
will help to improve the quality of teaching, his/her digital and professional compe-

6       Conclusions and recommendations for further research
The use of computer modelling in the educational process is one of the priority areas
for improving the quality of science education in general secondary education institu-
tions. Not only will computer modelling help to better understand the content of the
subject and to display environmental information, but it will also open up new oppor-
tunities for the teacher to organize the educational process, to form an individual tra-
jectory for students’ development, to organize independent and group work.
    Chemistry and biology school subjects are not priorities for students in general
secondary education, but they are important for the development of economy, society,
and such fields as health care, ecology, agriculture.
    Therefore, this contradiction must be resolved at the stage of the child’s personali-
ty formation – at the school age. To this end, the content and the learning process
should be improved.
    The educational environment of these subjects should be filled not only with
mock-up models and test tubes, but also with new equipment for students’ research,
including computer equipment and an Internet access point.
    The use of computer modelling in STEM chemistry lessons will make it possible
to use study time effectively, interestingly and productively. Under such conditions,
students’ theoretical knowledge will be backed up by practical skills.
    The system of research assignments will enable the student to understand the pro-
cesses occurring in nature, to check assumptions in practice, to draw conclusions and
to discuss them with classmates [14], [17]. All these processes will activate the stu-
dents’ cognitive interest, accordingly, increase the quality of the educational process.
    The use of computer modelling at the lessons of biology will simulate biological
processes and phenomena, make virtual observations of biological objects, examine in
detail their structure, the functioning of individual organs and systems, study the pro-
cesses occurring in living organisms at the cellular and molecular levels [4], [5],[8].
    Interactive models open cognitive opportunities for students by turning children
from passive observers into active participants in virtual experiments.
    Therefore, computer modelling is an effective tool for improving the quality of
natural sciences education that requires the development of a teacher training system,
cognitive tasks and organizational foundations of the educational process.

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