=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20200634 |storemode=property |title=Use of AR/VR Technologies in the Development of Future Specialists' Stress Resistance: Experience of STEAM-Laboratory and Laboratory of Psychophysiological Research Cooperation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200634.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Viacheslav Osadchyi,Hanna Varina,Evgeniy Prokofiev,Iryna Serdiuk,Svetlana Shevchenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/OsadchyiVPSS20 }} ==Use of AR/VR Technologies in the Development of Future Specialists' Stress Resistance: Experience of STEAM-Laboratory and Laboratory of Psychophysiological Research Cooperation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200634.pdf
            Use of AR/VR Technologies in the Development of Future
             Specialists’ Stress Resistance: Experience of STEAM-
               Laboratory and Laboratory of Psychophysiological
                              Research Cooperation

             Viacheslav V. Osadchyi1[0000-0001-5659-4774], Hanna B. Varina1[0000-0002-0087-4264], Evgeniy
                  H. Prokofiev1[0000-0002-7708-5802], Iryna Serdiuk1[0000-0001-6808-0586], Svetlana V.
               1 Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 72300 Hetmanska St, 20,

                                                  Melitopol, Ukraine

                    Abstract. The scientific article deals with the analysis of peculiarities of the use
                    of innovative AR/VR technologies in the process of developing future special-
                    ists’ stress resistance. Based on the analysis of the introduction of AR/VR tech-
                    nologies in the context of the implementation of a competency-based approach
                    to higher education; modern studies on the impact of augmented reality on the
                    emotional states and physiological features of a person in a stressful situation,
                    the experience of cooperation of students and teachers at the Laboratory of Psy-
                    chophysiological Research and STEAM-Laboratory has been described. Within
                    the framework of the corresponding concept of cooperation, an integrative ap-
                    proach to the process of personality’s stress resistance development has been
                    designed and implemented. It is based on the complex combination of tradition-
                    al psycho-diagnostic and training technologies with innovative AR/VR technol-
                    ogies. According to the results it has been revealed that the implementation of a
                    psycho-correction program with elements of AR technologies has promoted an
                    increase of the level of personality’s emotional stability and stress resistance.
                    The level of future specialists’ situational and personal anxiety has decreased;
                    the level of insecurity, inferiority, anxiety about work, sensitivity to failures has
                    also decreased; the level of flexibility of thinking and behavior, ability to switch
                    from one type of activity to another one has increased; general level of person-
                    ality’s adaptive abilities has also increased. The perspectives of further research
                    include the analysis of the impact of AR/VR technologies on the future profes-
                    sionals’ psychological characteristics in order to optimize the process of im-
                    plementing a learner-centered approach into the system of higher education.

                    Keywords: AR/VR technologies, Stress resistance, Professional training.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
1      Introduction

Trends in the development of modern society, enhancement of computer technolo-
gies, globalization and informatization affect all spheres of social life, including high-
er education. The significance, aim and mission of modern education is not just the
acquisition of basic knowledge and development of necessary competencies, it is the
also a development of a cultural code, an independent approach to the acquisition of
new knowledge, cultural values, new forms and activities. Information culture and
awareness of the use of innovative augmented reality elements are some of the most
important and basic competences in the process of training of future specialists, who
are competitive, capable of self-realization, professional and emotional stability in the
world of unstable socio-economic conditions of society. The use of the opportunities
of augmented reality in education can regenerate the process of visual perception of
necessary information, simultaneously involving person’s cognitive and sensory sys-
tems in this process. Reproduction of some processes for visual representation in real
dimensions gives an opportunity for complex perception and holistic immersion into
the phenomenon under study [21]. The key characteristics of the modern educational
process in higher education are: digitalization of the educational environment with a
focus on the individualization of the educational process; development of adaptive
technologies, technologies of electronic and mobile learning, means of identification
and personalized access. All these characteristics contribute to the design of educa-
tional process models based on the development of the individual educational route of
a student [16]. In accordance with the transformational information processes in edu-
cation, there is a change of competence-based, personality-oriented model of future
specialist’s training. But the issue of the research of impact of innovative AR technol-
ogies on the mental characteristics and adaptive abilities of the individual remains
quite extensive and uncovered [35]. A number of issues related to the identification of
the features of the use of modern AR technologies and VR technologies for the devel-
opment or stimulation of certain mental functions raises the need to create a continu-
um of multidisciplinary research programs [28]. The urgent issues are to determine
the features of the impact of AR technologies and VR technologies on the future spe-
cialist’s psychological features, in order to improve the capacity and construction of a
new paradigm for future professionals’ training, taking into account changing condi-
tions of existence of modern society.

2     Literature Review

Analysis of the latest research and publications. J. Bylenson, O. Voiskunsky, S. Kare-
lov, P. Kenney, N. Liberati, P. Milgram, G. Riva, V. Selivanov, L. Selivanov, M.
Slaughter, E. Paulet J. Postil, R. Beringer, P. Donnelly, S. Fein-ra, S. Julier, B. McIn-
tyre, and others were engaged in the study of virtual and augmented reality possibili-
ties. In particular, the works of N. Guael, E. Guinters, H. Martin-Gutierrez, D. Perez-
Lopez, M.T. Restivo, T. Rizova, J.-M. Sotata, O. Hugo confirmed the positive effect
of the use of this technology in education and provided the opportunity to identify the
use of augmented reality technology as one of the most promising means of increas-
ing the efficiency of learning process in higher education institutions [2, 5, 13, 15, 18,
24, 27]. The works of O. Vysotskaya, K. Vyslyanskaya, N. Grinnyk, R. Kellan-Jones,
O. Kostruba, V. Malynka, M. Nitki, and others are devoted to the technological tools
that enable the introduction of augmented reality and virtual reality into the media
environment [32]. At the same time V. Tsvetkov views virtual reality as a new form
of representation and modeling of reality which gives an opportunity to gain new
spatial knowledge. According to the scientist, virtual reality is a model-based multi-
dimensional (3D) environment that is generated by computer means and responds
realistically to the interaction with users [33]. Analyzing the latest innovative ap-
proaches and models of the use of augmented reality components in education, we
should pay attention to S. Litvinova's research, aimed at the introduction of cognitive
tasks using computer modeling as a determinant of increasing students’ cognitive
activity [11]. It is worth mentioning O. Pinchuk, V. Tkachenko, O. Burov's research,
which is aimed at comparative analysis of the use of mobile applications as elements
of creating cognitive tasks for students in the process of natural and mathematical
disciplines learning [20]. In the framework of interdisciplinary research we have to
take into account scientific analysis of the effectiveness of the use of search algo-
rithms of learning based on cognitive visualization (L. Bilousova, L. Gryzun, N. Zhyt-
ienova, V. Pikalova) [1] and the experience of implementing an innovative approach
while providing a support for pedagogical interventions in information technologies
for education based on Bayesian networks (J. P. Martínez Bastida, E. Gavrilenko, A.
Chukhray) [14]. Researchers (N. Balyk, O. Barna, G. Shmyger and V. Oleksiuk) have
methodologically substantiated and empirically proved the effectiveness of imple-
menting a model of teachers’ professional retraining based on the development of
STEM competencies [26]. In order to analyze the introduction of AR/VR technolo-
gies into the context of implementing a competency-based approach in the sphere of
higher education, we have analyzed N. Morze та O. Glazunova’s study on motiva-
tional component of the model of specialists’ training, based on the analysis of mod-
ern standards of professional competencies of IT teachers. It consists of a series of
stages: needs analysis for training; selection of training courses; completion of cours-
es; assessment of professional competence level [8]. However, despite the deep analy-
sis of the information given above, the mechanisms of using augmented reality in
higher education, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, remain
insufficiently studied, which led us to writing this article.

  3     Research Methods
This research was conducted in the framework of joint research work of teachers and
students (future psychologists and programmers) at the Laboratory of Psychophysio-
logical Research and STEAM-Laboratory. The methods used in the process of re-
search are the following: method of theoretical sources analysis; study of advanced
psychological and pedagogical experience of foreign and domestic teachers on the
issue of implementing a competency-based and person-oriented approach into the
educational process in the sphere of higher education; development of soft-skills
competencies in the process of future specialists’ training; generalization and concep-
tualization to formulate the main points of the study; designing and modeling of em-
pirical construct of combination of traditional and latest AR/VR technologies on the
example of diagnostics and development of future specialists’ stress resistance; gen-
eralization and evaluation of results.

   4     Research Results
   4.1 Theoretical Foundations
According to the analysis of existing actual researches on the use of augmented reality
in the process of identification and correction of personality’s stress states, we have
developed the concept of cooperation of two laboratories of Bohdan Khmelnitsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University - STEAM-Laboratory and Laboratory of Psy-
cho physiological Research. Interdisciplinary research was carried out within the
framework of the implementation of research work, which is performed at the ex-
pense of the General Fund of the state budget: "Adaptive system for individualization
and personalization of professional training of future specialists in blended learning"
– the state registration number: 0120U101970. As a result of complex analysis of
data, technical possibilities and close cooperation of teachers and students (future
psychologists and programmers), a model of introduction of AR technologies in the
process of development of future specialists’ stress-resistance in the conditions of
higher education has been designed.

                                      Ascertaining stage

        HC-psychotest                                               Mobile applications

                                       Formative stage

  Traditional training                                           Innovative use of AR
                                                                technologies in psycho-
                                                                 correctional practice

Fig. 1. Model of empirical study of future specialist’s stress resistance development: experience
of cooperation of STEAM-Laboratory and Laboratory of Psychophysiological Research

    The pilot study consisted of ascertaining and formative stages. Total sample (ran-
domized) - n=50 people (future programmers). According to the research objectives,
the respondents were divided into control and experimental groups. No training ses-
sions were conducted with respondents of control group. Specially organized correc-
tive work was carried out with the respondents of the experimental group. Individual
and group forms of training work were used within the limits of personality’s stress
resistance development. The training included elements of traditional psycho-
correction work and components of AR technologies. The study was conducted dur-
ing 2019 - early 2020. Students were actively involved in all stages of the study in
order to enhance their scientific potential and motivation for the research. Let’s con-
sider each research stage in turn.
    1. Ascertaining stage. Pilot psycho-diagnostic research was conducted at the La-
boratory of Psychophysiological Research with the use of an innovative computer-
based complex of HC-psychotest. To research the issues of future specialists’ stress
resistance diagnosis the following configurations of the HC-psychotest have been
    a) Case "Candidate". An effective and easy-to-use tool for career guidance and se-
lection of candidates for vacant positions, regardless of their work experience.
    b) Case "Start" is used in screening psychophysiological research and gives an op-
portunity to monitor: features and states of personality; disorders of various mental
functions; temperament and mental stability; interaction of personality and group.
    At the diagnostic stage of the pilot study the following techniques have been used:
    - In order to assess the formally dynamic characteristics of emotionality of people
selected for the study, the questionnaire of temperament structure by V.M. Rusalov
was used, in particular, the data of two scales: plasticity and emotional sensitivity.
    - Qualitative characteristics of emotionality in the structure of personality have
been assessed by means of Spielberger’s Questionnaire in Hanin’s modification (to
identify situational anxiety and anxiety as a personal trait).
    - Freiburg Personal Questionnaire (FPI, Form B) is designed to diagnose mental
states and personal traits; it gives an idea of the effectiveness of social and profes-
sional adaptation processes, as well as of behavioral regulation.
    In order to identify the level of self-analysis and self-control over stress resistance,
the respondents were offered to use the following mobile applications [17]:
    - Y&S personality scanners: psychological, diagnostic and psycho-emotional. The
use of the appropriate application, first and foremost, is focused on self-diagnosis,
which allows respondents to understand themselves better, to consider their inside
problems, to self-improve in development, to make amendments in behavior and to
have a confident behavior in society (https://pfscanner.com/).
    - Psychology: tests - self-monitoring of mental and emotional states, identification
of                     psychological                      personal                     traits
    - 40 psychological tests + IQ tests - diagnostics of emotional states of personality
and        cognitive        processes,       identification       of       interconnection
    2. Formative stage. At the formative stage we integrated traditional psychological
training on the use of cognitive-behavioral, relaxation and case-study techniques and
the innovative opportunities of AR technologies. The formative stage was carried out
on the basis of STEAM-Laboratory [10].

                          Model of future specialist's stress resistance

                            Realization of the integrative training program
                          "Development of personality's sanogenic potential:
                           stress-resistance and time management with the
                                 use of modern AR/VR technologies"
                  Fig. 2. Peculiarities of research formative stage realization
    In this article we offer a model of future specialist’s stress resistance, which shows
the combination of future professional activity, individual personal traits, subject-
activity level of personality, as well as personal level (see Fig. 3).

                         Stress resistance (integrative characteristic)

       Professional activity: problem situations and tasks in the process of activity; stress-

       Subject-activistic level: Present level of development of general and special skills
       and abilities; intellectual and creative self-development

       Personal level: orientation (motivational correspondence); characteristic features

       Individual level: age; neurodynamic features; temperament

               Fig. 3. Model of future specialist’s stress resistance development

     The structural-functional composition of the presented levels, on the one hand, is a
quite stable component - according to the principle of systematicity and, on the other,
it is a dynamic component, undergoing constant age and situational changes [12, 22].
The students analyzed the advantages of AR technologies in the process of their influ-
ence on the psychological features of the subject – environmental validity, control of
the participant's attention in the virtual space, reducing the level of influence of side
variables, possibility of selective isolation of the required stimulation, possibility of
providing feedback in real-time environment, possibility to create a polymodal stimu-
lation [34]. Traditional training, presented at the formative stage, included the psycho-
corrective program "Development of personality’s sanogenic potential: stress-
resistance and time management" (see Fig. 4). The aim of the program is to increase
the overall level of personality’s stress resistance. Particular attention is paid to the
formation of a positive image of a stressful situation, learning how to analyze the
situation in a cognitive way, updating the skills of arbitrary relaxation and gaining the
experience of applying techniques and formulas of constructive response in stressful
situations [19, 23, 30, 31].

        «Antistress-first aid». Methods of overcoming stress and its consequences.
        Antistress – self-regulation. Self-monitoring.

   «Antistress-prevention». Methods of stress prevention. Effective behavioral role models
   in the situations of pressure.

         «Time-antistress». Effective time planning. Art of chronosaving.

Fig. 4. Structure of the training program "Development of personality’s sanogenic potential:
stress-resistance and time management"
    The program is created in accordance with the principles of the concept of Accel-
erated Learning Theory and uses all the latest developments in the field of methodol-
ogy of adult learning. In order to implement the constructs of virtual and augmented
reality we have used special technical equipment of STEAM-Laboratory. The mini-
mum set of equipment, which is required to implement such an integrative approach
is the following: required number of smartphones and VR helmets; tablet; computers;
Wi-Fi router, Internet access; system of remote update; educational videos and soft-
ware; touch pad. The XRcase system gives the opportunity to deliver classes on 10,
16 or 30 virtual reality devices. In the process of traditional training delivering, the
elements of AR technologies were actively used [25, 29], namely:
    1. While implementing the elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy, desensibili-
zation techniques, aimed at reducing anxiety (fear) to scary objects or situations (such
as fear of flying, heights, fear of spiders, mice, snakes), the following Google Play
applications were used:
    •     VR Thrills: Roller Coaster 360 (Cardboard Game). An amazing roller coaster
adventure in virtual reality mode. This game provides the users with the opportunity
to see many different types of roller coaster in virtual reality mode. It gives the chance
to feel and reflect on various mental and emotional fears, maybe even frustration.
    •     VR Heights Phobia. A virtual reality game with a challenge! While complet-
ing the mission, participants cope with their phobias in the VR world. They use their
own body to navigate the three-dimensional world, bounce their heads up and down,
and the avatar moves as well. Each movement is monitored by a telephone gyroscope,
giving participants a realistic, enjoyable experience, and the participants focus on and
deal with their emotions.
    •     VR - Phobia Horror Spider. Through this program, participants try to over-
come their arachnophobia. Students explore the world of spiders at 2 different levels
and their environment. This virtual, but very close to reality case, develops the skills
of self-control and emotional stability in extreme stressful environments.
    •     VR Maze. VR Ball Maze for cardboard and daydream virtual reality glasses.
Participants need to roll the ball across the maze from start to exit. The ball always
moves straight. The movement of the ball is controlled by the rotation of the head.
This game is aimed at the development of concentration and stability of attention,
emotional intelligence, and internal analysis of psychophysical states.
    •     VR Mission Leviathan – underwater expedition. Virtual reality attraction VR
Mission Leviathan is a 360 VR adventure. A VR helmet, goggles, or cardboard allow
participants to fully experience the depth of field explorer. Mission Leviathan's VR
attraction is an underwater mission simulator. Surrealistic virtual reality with carefully
crafted sound and detailed 3D graphics, clear, vivid and colorful models and charac-
ters, is aimed at a comprehensive impact on all sensory features of the person, at the
same time arouses a variety of emotions, feelings and experiences, shapes cognitive-
reflective skills of information processing and making decisions in difficult condi-
     2. In order to implement relaxation techniques using AR technologies, the follow-
ing applications have been used [6]:
    •     Graffiti Paint VR. In Graffiti Paint VR participants spray Graffiti in virtual
reality! They just choose a can or create their own one with a certain color and start to
spray it. This application provides the possibility of psycho-emotional relief, over-
coming neuro-psychic tension.
    •     Art Therapy. Art Therapy is an application for adults that help users concen-
trate on positive emotions, create their own art masterpiece, relieve emotional tension
and relax [15].
    •     ArtOlg: Introduction. A workshop of intuitive creativity for meditation is a
kind of Art Therapy. This technique is very simple, anyone, who wants to open up
their inner world, realizes hidden abilities, expand consciousness, can start drawing.
Intuitive painting will help users get rid of the stereotypes of thinking that prevent
them from living a common life and enjoying it. The main aim of manual art therapy
is to harmonize the mental state of the individual through the development of the
ability to express themselves through creativity.
    •     Thisissand - Art, Creativity & Relaxation. Thisissand is a creative space for
designing objects from colored sand; it is focused on reducing psycho-emotional
stress, situational and personal anxiety, as well as on the promotion of personality’s
creative potential;
    •     Relax River VR. Participants can achieve emotional and psychological com-
fort while having a virtual reality boat tour, sailing on a beautiful river, with pictur-
esque scenery of mountainous area and incredible creatures. It is a fully automatic
tour, without any settings.
    1. The use of augmented reality components while implementing cognitive-
behavioral therapy and self-reflection:
    •     Moodpath - Depression & Anxiety Test. Moodpath is focused on assessing
mental health, monitoring and reflecting one's own mood, as well as taking a break
from negative thoughts and negative emotions. Moodpath is used as an intelligent
mood tracker. Through it, participants are provided with a chance to have a quick
overview of their emotional states throughout the day, master cognitive-behavioral
therapy (CBT) activities, understand the cause-and-effect relationship between events
and emotional states, integrate mindfulness into their daily lives, develop empathy
and skills of self-observation.
    •     CBT Companion: (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app). It is the most com-
prehensive cognitive-behavioral therapy application available today. It is equipped
with easy-to-use visual tools. The application presents the scheme of formation of
certain skills through cognitive-behavioral therapy. A block of video lessons is also
    •     ACT iCoach: Acceptance Commitment Therapy App. ACT iCoach is a com-
prehensive application that covers all aspects of acceptance and commitment therapy.
Participants learn and practice ACT skills using video tutorials and fun animation that
help them learn more. The application provides participants with convenient tools for
tracking their mood, emotions.
    •     CBT Thought Diary - Mood Tracker, Journal & Record. A central element of
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is training to identify negative and distorted pat-
terns of thinking in order to change one’s own emotions and behavior for the better.
In cognitive-behavioral therapy, "record of thought" leads participants through the
stages of detection, denial and rethinking of negative models of thinking. With the
Thought Diary, participants can record their negative emotions, analyze the draw-
backs in their thinking, and re-evaluate their negative thoughts into more balanced
    The integration of traditional AR technologies is aimed at the formation of the fol-
lowing soft competencies:
    1. Cognitive (intellectual) competencies: knowledge of stress signs and their inter-
pretation, stress types and stages of development, impact of stress factors on personal-
ity’s psychological well-being and on life as a whole.
    2. Motivational competences: development of individual stress resistance and
choice of effective individual program of organization of living space and time man-
    3. Communicative competences: focus on the communicative situation (ability to
choose verbal and non-verbal means of communication, based on the situation con-
tent, its participants, one’s own attitude), development of constructive coping strate-
gies of behavior in a conflict situation, enhancement of self-confidence, emotional
competence in communication.
    4. Social competencies: personality’s ability to adjust to new social conditions,
ability to constructively set a goal and find ways of its achievement.
    5. Technological competences: ability to organize a workplace, ability to use
methods of transformation [4].

4.2    Examples of Implementation

At the stage of ascertaining research it has been found out that:
  •       a majority of respondents (36%) showed a predominant tendency to monoto-
nous work, fear and avoidance of various forms of behavior, absence of flexibility,
conservative forms of activity;
  •       a majority of research participants (38%) have a high sensitivity to the differ-
ences between conceptualized and expected issues, planned actions and results of real
actions, feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, inferiority, high level anxiety about work,
sensitivity to failure;
  •       diagnosis of anxiety level showed that a majority of respondents have a high
level of situational anxiety (44%) and a medium level of personal anxiety (38%).
Respondents with a high-anxiety level tend to feel the threat to their self-confidence
and vitality in a wide range of situations and to respond to these situations with a high
level of anxiety. Very high level of anxiety can be directly linked to the presence of
neurotic conflict, emotional breakdowns, and psychosomatic illnesses. Low level of
anxiety, on the contrary, characterizes the state of a person as a depressive and inac-
tive one, with a low level of motivation;
  •       a majority of students have high and medium levels of neuroticism (34%). In
case of high neurotic indicator, as well as in case of the sensitive type of nervous sys-
tem, the peculiarity of which is the reduction of threshold of intelligibility, the sensi-
tivity level has increased. As a result, indifferent stimuli easily cause outbreaks of
irritation and agitation. Usually, those features that are characterized by an increased
level of excitability are also characterized by an increased rate of exhaustion and fa-
tigue. Respondents with low and medium "neurotic" indicators are characterized by
calmness, ease, emotional maturity, objectivity of self-evaluation and evaluation of
other people, stability in plans and preferences. They do not reject their own short-
comings and blunders, they do not worry about small things, they feel well-adapted
and show conformity;
  •       a majority of participants have a low level of emotional lability (40%). Low
indicators are found out with emotionally mature individuals, who are not inclined to
fantasies and think realistically. In their behavior, they are guided by reliable, truly
tangible values.
  Thus, the findings of the ascertaining research stage showed that a majority of the
participants have low level of emotional stability and sanogenic potential in general.
Respondents showed a high level of anxiety, restlessness combined with rapid ex-
haustion, low level of stress resistance, high anxiety about work, and sensitivity to
failure. In order to finalize the results of integrative psycho-corrective work using the
elements of traditional training in combination with modern AR technologies in the
experimental group, a re-diagnosis was conducted so that to identify the dynamics of
development of personality’s stress resistance. To check the statistical validity of the
data obtained before and after the correction, we used Wilcoxon's T-criterion.

                            80%                   20%
        A                   60%                                                          48%
                                                  56%              32%
                            20%                                    24%                   20%
                                         High level         Medium level         Low level
            Before corrective work          20%                32%                 48%
            After corrective work           56%                24%                 20%

                Low level
    B        Medium level
               High level
                            0%       10%    20%       30%   40%    50%     60%     70%       80%
                                     High level         Medium level         Low level
     After corrective work              20%                40%                 40%
     Before corrective work             56%                16%                 28%

Fig. 5. Comparison of the results of the diagnosis of temperament structure according to V.M.
Rusalov’s indicators: a) "plasticity" b) "emotionality"

     As a result of the comparison of empirical data after carrying out the corrective
work on the basis of implementation of stress management program using the Wil-
coxon T-criterion, it has been revealed that in the experimental group there is two
times increase in the number of respondents according to the "plasticity" indicator
(56%), there are no significant changes in the control group. Thus, we can conclude
that after conducting psycho-corrective sessions, the indicators on the scale of "plas-
ticity" have positively changed (compare Temp. (Temp. = 101.5) with Tcrt., which at the
significance level p = 0.05 and n = 50 is 466. We accept hypothesis H 1: the signifi-
cance of the shifts in the typical direction exceeds the significance of the shifts in the
non-standard direction). This indicates that the level of flexibility of thinking and
behavior, ability to switch from one activity to another has increased. The indicators
on the scale of "emotionality" have decreased, that is, there is an increase in the role
of control over emotional manifestations while responding to different events related
to practical activity and communication with people, the role of the cognitive compo-
nent in the perception of stress factor (compare Temp. (Temp. = 101.5) with Tcrt., which
at the significance level p = 0.05 and n = 50 is 466. We accept hypothesis H 1: the
significance of the shifts in the typical direction exceeds the significance of the shifts
in the non-standard direction). This indicates that the level of insecurity, anxiety, infe-
riority, anxiety about work, sensitivity to failure has decreased.

     A          Low level                    52%                         32%
             Medium level              32%              20%
               High level        16%                   48%
                            0%    10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
                                    High level         Medium level         Low level
     After corrective work             16%                32%                 52%
     Before corrective work            48%                20%                 32%

      B                     50%                                  52%
                            40%                  36%             40%
                            30%                                                      32%
                            20%                                                      24%
                                        High level       Medium level          Low level
           After corrective work           16%              52%                  32%
           Before corrective work          36%              40%                  24%

Fig. 6. Comparison of diagnostic results of a) situational and b) personal anxiety according to
Spielberger-Hanin scale

After corrective work, the level of situational anxiety in the experimental group has
decreased by 1.8 times (52% is the dominant low level). Compare Temp. (Temp. = 143)
with Tcrt., which at a significance level p = 0.05 and n = 50 is 466. We accept hypoth-
esis H1: the significance of the shifts in the typical direction exceeds the significance
of the shifts in the non-standard direction. This indicates that the level of situational
anxiety has decreased. A decrease in the level of personal anxiety in the experimental
group has been also found out and statistically proved, the dominant moderate level is
52%. Compare Temp. (Temp. = 120.5) with Tcrt., which at a significance level p = 0.05
and n = 50 is 466. We accept hypothesis H1: the significance of the shifts in the typi-
cal direction exceeds the significance of the shifts in the non-standard direction.
                            40%                44%              44%                40%
      A                     30%                                 28%                28%
                                      High level         Medium level       Low level
           After corrective work         16%                44%               40%
           Before corrective work        44%                28%               28%

     B          Low level        16%              40%
             Medium level           28%              28%
               High level                   56%                     32%
                            0%        20%          40%        60%         80%       100%
                                  High level         Medium level          Low level
     After corrective work           56%                28%                  16%
     Before corrective work          32%                28%                  40%

     C          Low level                  48%                      32%
             Medium level            28%               32%
               High level           24%               36%
                            0%    10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
                                  High level         Medium level          Low level
     After corrective work           24%                28%                  48%
     Before corrective work          36%                32%                  32%

Fig. 7. Comparison of the diagnosis results of neuroticism level (A), equability of mind (B),
emotional lability (C) by means of using a Freiburg Personal Questionnaire

    As a result of the comparison of empirical data before and after corrective work it
has been revealed that there exists a significant decrease in the level of neuroticism of
the respondents (dominant average level - 44% and low level - 40%). Compare Temp.
(Temp. = 111) with Tcrt., which at a significance level p = 0.05 and n = 50 is 466. We
accept hypothesis H1: the significance of the shifts in the typical direction exceeds the
significance of the shifts in the non-standard direction. Thus, we can conclude that
after conducting psycho-corrective sessions, indicators of "neuroticism" scale have
positively changed. This proves the fact that the level of anxiety and agitation com-
bined with rapid exhaustion has decreased. Scale VI (equability of mind) displays
stress resistance. Most respondents have a positive dynamics in the development of
equability of mind. A high level (56%) was found out to be dominant in the experi-
mental group after the corrective work. Compare T emp. (Temp. = 140) with Tcrt., which
at the significance level p = 0.05 and n = 50 is 466. We accept hypothesis H 1: the
significance of the shifts in the typical direction exceeds the significance of the shifts
in the non-standard direction. After conducting psycho-corrective sessions, the indica-
tors of the equability of mind scale have positively changed. It shows the increase of
the level of freedom from conflicts, satisfaction with oneself and one’s own success-
es, readiness to stick to the norms and meet the requirements. As a result of the im-
plementation of training based on the use of AR technologies, the level of "emotional
lability" of the experimental group respondents has decreased (dominant low level -
48%). Compare Temp. (Temp. = 182) with Tcrt, which at a significance level p = 0.05 and
n = 50 is 466. We accept hypothesis H1: the significance of the shifts in the typical
direction exceeds the significance of the shifts in the non-standard direction. Thus, we
can conclude that after conducting psycho-corrective sessions, the indicators on the
scale of "emotional lability" have positively changed. This shows that the level of
"emotional lability" has decreased. Analyzing the results, we can say that a psycho-
corrective program with elements of AR technologies has contributed to the increase
of emotional stability and stress resistance of the individual. It has been found out that
future specialists’ level of situational and personal anxiety, insecurity, inferiority,
anxiety about work, sensitivity to failures has decreased. As for the level of flexibility
of thinking and behavior, ability to switch from one type of activity to another, it has
increased. So, a general level of personality’s adaptive abilities has also increased.

5      Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Research
The key features of the system of future specialist’s professional training are the re-
sults of globalization and technologization, which can be observed at the present stage
of society development. Under the conditions of globalization, a network model of
knowledge dissemination is being formed. It is characterized by the rapid dissemina-
tion of a new information product through the Internet [7]. In the context of the socie-
ty technological development, new approaches and formats for the presentation and
transfer of knowledge in the professional field are being formed. They provide availa-
ble, high quality and personalized access; new conditions of professional activity
realization due to the development of modern technologies (artificial intelligence,
robotics, 3D modeling and prototyping, virtual reality, etc.). Analyzing the works of
foreign authors on this topic (Kaiser R., Schatsky D., etc.), it should be noted that the
increasing popularity of the augmented reality technology and interest to it, at the
present moment, is driven by the research works that provide the rational for the pro-
spects of using augmented reality technology through the expansion of production
sphere and creation of completely new spheres and service markets in the near future
[3, 9]. Due to such a global introduction of augmented reality elements into education,
our research, aimed at the implementation of an integrative approach in the develop-
ment of future specialist’s stress-resistance, has turned out to be a very vital and im-
portant one. This research shows an innovative combination of traditional psycho-
diagnostic and corrective influences with modern AR/VR technologies. This research
was conducted within the framework of the cooperation of two laboratories – Labora-
tory of Psycho physiological Research and STEAM-Laboratory. At the methodologi-
cal level of the research we have analyzed and substantiated the ways of combining
traditional methods with AR/VR technologies, and the model of personality’s stress
 resistance has been designed. At the empirical level, the effectiveness of implement-
 ing AR/VR technologies into the process of stress resistance development, as an inte-
 grative feature of future specialist, that directly influences productivity and efficiency
 of the future activity, has been proved. The perspectives for further research are the
 following: development of the concept of the purposeful use of AR/VR technologies
 while constructing an effective personality-oriented vector of higher education; re-
 search of the impact of augmented reality elements on a person's mental characteris-

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