=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20200665 |storemode=property |title=Using Massive Open Online Courses in Teaching the Subject "Computer Networks" to the Future IT Specialists |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200665.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Tetiana Vakaliuk,Andrii Yefimenko,Viktoriia Bolotina,Yelyzaveta Bailiuk,Oleksandra Pokotylo,Svitlana Didkivska |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/VakaliukYBBPD20 }} ==Using Massive Open Online Courses in Teaching the Subject "Computer Networks" to the Future IT Specialists== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200665.pdf
                      Using Massive Open Online Courses in Teaching the
                        Subject "Computer Networks" to the Future IT

              Tetiana A. Vakaliuk1[0000-0001-6825-4697], Andrii A. Yefimenko1[0000-0003-2128-4797], Viktoriia
               V. Bolotina1[0000-0002-5122-8879], Yelyzaveta M. Bailiuk1[0000-0002-4961-7816], Oleksandra A.
                       Pokotylo1[0000-0002-1587-235X], and Svitlana Didkivska2[0000-0002-4004-6631]
                      Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, 103, Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine
                  2 Zhytomyr Secondary School I-III degrees № 14, 7, Kybalchycha Str., Zhytomyr, 10009,

                         H   tetianavakaliuk@gmail.com , yefimenko.andrii@gmail.com ,
                                                                   H   H                                            H

                              viktoriia.polish@gmail.com , liza.bailiuk@gmail.com ,
                              H                                            H       H                            H

                                   a.a.polish4uk@gmail.com , zzzdafzzz@gmail.com
                                     H                                         H

                             Abstract. The article presents the experience of using massive open online
                             courses in the training of the discipline "Computer Networks" of future IT spe-
                             cialists. The content of the study of the discipline "Computer Networks" in dif-
                             ferent institutions of higher education in Ukraine is analyzed. It is noted that in
                             the study of this discipline at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University to
                             work independently through the platform of massive open online courses Cisco
                             Networking Academy material of the integrated training course CCNA Routing
                             and Switching. The description of the possibilities of using mass open online
                             courses in the training of discipline "Computer Networks" of future IT special-
                             ists. The expediency of the use of mass open online courses in teaching the dis-
                             cipline of "Computer Networks" of future IT specialists through the pedagogi-
                             cal experiment, the results of which proved the feasibility of introducing these
                             courses in the educational process of higher education.

                             Keywords: massive open online courses, computer networks, IT professionals.

              1              Introduction

              1.1            Formulation of the Problem.

              In the process of professional training of students of all specialties 121, 122, 123, 124,
              125, 126 industry 12 "Information Technology" binding study is discipline "Computer
              Networks". Analysis of the curricula of higher education institutions Ukraine (Zhy-
              tomyr Polytechnic State University, National University of Life and Environmental
              Sciences of Ukraine, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University , National
                                               H                                                            H

              Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Taras

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) showed that the study of subjects given 120
to 270 hours.
  It determines the need to use platforms of massive open online courses (MOOC) in
higher education institutions (HEI). Platforms MOOC usually contains traditional
materials for learning (video lectures, text materials for self-study and related control
tasks), but sometimes contain various additional features. For example, the ability to
create a forum (chat) for registered users, where students can communicate and re-
ceive a variety of answers to their questions, not only from teachers but also from
other MOOC users [1; 2].

1.2    Analysis of Recent Research and Publications.

Many scientists are exploring the problem of training IT professionals. In particular,
T.V. Bodnenko, O.G. Glazunova, M.I. Zhaldak, V.V. Eremeev, O.V. Kharchenko,
N.V. Morse, V.V. Osadchyi, O.M. Spirin, S.O. Semerikov, T.V. Voloshyna, and oth-
   In particular, V. Osadchyi conducted an analysis of the content and organization of
training of specialists in software engineering at US universities [3], T.V. Bodnenko
and O.V. Kharchenko investigated the problem of using cloud technologies in the
process of training computer engineer [4], T.V. Voloshina developed a technique for
using a hybrid cloud-oriented learning environment for the formation of self-
educational competence of future IT specialists [5], O.G. Glazunova and O.V,
Yakobchuk investigated the issues of architecture design cloud-based information and
educational environment for training future professionals [6].
   O.G. Glazunova also developed a methodological system for the application of an
e-learning system for future specialists in information technologies in universities of
agricultural profile [7]. L.F. Panchenko and N.A. Lavrynenko highlighted the prob-
lems of using multiagent systems in the training of future IT specialists [8],
A.M. Striuk and M.I.Striuk consider methodical aspects of the use of cloud-oriented
tools in the training of information specialists technologies [9].
    Other researchers (N. Avshenyuk [10], N. Berezan [10], N. Bidiuk [10], M. Childs
[11], G. Conole [11], M. Haenlein [12], A. Inamorato dos Santos [11], A.M.Kaplan
[12], M. Leshchenko [10], B. Nkuyubwatsi [11], Y. Punie [11], A. Tannhäuser [11],
G. Witthaus [11]) are exploring various aspects of the use of massive open online
courses in higher education institutions
   However, the use of platforms open massive online courses during their training to-
day needs further examination.

2      Results

The purpose of the Computer Networking course is to give students the knowledge of:
  - Principles and standards for the construction and operation of computer networks;
  - Local and global computer network technologies;
  - Information exchange protocols used on computer networks;
  and develop students' skills:
   - Analysis of hardware and software solutions of computer networks;
   - Practical skills in designing, implementing, operating computer networks;
   - installing, debugging and administering network software.
   The tasks of studying the discipline "Computer Networks" are: studying the general
principles and standards of building computer networks, technologies of local com-
puter networks, TCP / IP stack protocols, routing in IP networks, technologies of
global networks and access networks, network operating systems and network soft-
   Here is an indicative subject of study of this discipline:
   Topic 1. Introduction. Basic definitions and standards for computer networks.
   Topic 2. Topologies, data channels, data networks on computer networks.
   Topic 3. Computer Networking Models. OSI reference model.
   Topic 4. Basic LAN technologies.
   Topic 5. Modern high-speed local area network technologies.
   Topic 6. Building computer networks based on hubs, bridges, and switches.
   Topic 7. TCP / IP stack. Basic protocols.
   Topic 8. Routing in IP Networks.
   Topic 9. Technologies for support, global and access networks.
   When studying this discipline at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, stu-
dents are taught to work on the CCNA Routing and Switching Integrated Training
Course through Cisco Networking Academy Massive Open Online Courses [ 13],        X

which consisting of separate smaller courses, namely: CCNA Routing and Switching:
Introduction to Networks, CCNA Routing and Switching: Essentials, CCNA Routing
and Switching: Scaling Networks, CCNA Routing, and Switching: Connecting Net-
works. The CCNA Routing and Switching course provides online training, test work,
and test intermediate assessments.
   In the course of studying CCNA Routing and Switching courses, Cisco Academy
offers the following study material:
   CCNA R&S: Introduction to Networks. The purpose of this course is to be ac-
quainted with the basic concepts and technologies of networks. This knowledge can
be immediately applied to the configuration of switches and routers. This course de-
tails the principles, models, technologies, and protocols of networking, including how
Ethernet devices work the basic TCP / IP stack protocols.
   CCNA R&S: Essentials. This course describes the architecture, components, and
features of routers and switches on small networks. The course will provide you with
the skills to set up and troubleshoot networking equipment, as well as common prob-
lems with RIPv1, RIPng, OSPF dynamic routing, VLANs, and VLAN routing on
IPv4 and IPv6 networks. This course also examines the work of DHCP and NAT
   CCNA R&S: Scaling Networks. This course focuses on the architecture, compo-
nents, and functions of networking equipment on larger and more complex networks.
The course aims to gain practical skills in configuring and troubleshooting routers and
switches with advanced features, namely to solve common problems with OSPF,
EIGRP routing protocols in IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Besides, the course develops
knowledge and skills to implement wireless LAN in small and medium-sized net-
   CCNA R&S: Connecting Networks. This course discusses WAN and network ser-
vices required by converged applications in complex networks. The choice of network
equipment and WAN technologies to meet network requirements is discussed. This
course also allows you to develop the skills needed to deploy VPN into complex net-
   Initially, courses offered by the Cisco Academy are created in English and only
then translated into other languages. As a rule, a community of trainers does transla-
tion and localization of the course. Localized (translated) courses are due one month
to one year after a new course or a new version of the course is available. Some
courses, often professional-level courses, do not translate at all. The Cisco Ukrainian
Academy of Instructors community is working intensively to translate the latest Eng-
lish language courses into Ukrainian. At the end of 2019, there are four such courses.
At least four more courses related to network technology and cybersecurity are
planned to be translated in 2020.

Fig. 1. Example system interface (course CCNA Routing and Switching: Introduction
to Networks)

   Let us look at some of the technical aspects of the Cisco Academy training courses.
Cisco Academy is hosted on a cloud-based Netacad (Netacad.com) platform (an Am-
azon AWS cloud provider). The following courses are available at the Academy: self-
led, self-led, and instructor-led. However, three levels of complexity are most com-
mon: beginner - for beginners (often open), Intermediate and Advanced - professional
levels (usually closed or paid). Training facilities are available for educational institu-
tions: 1) Cisco Academy - Student Learning, 2) Cisco ITC (Cisco Instructor Training
Center), 3) Cisco ASC (Cisco Academy Support Center) - Cisco Academic Support
   Note that the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University and Cisco have an agreement
on cooperation in student learning (cooperation began since 2000), and in September
2019, the University of Cisco Instructor Training Center and the Cisco Academy
Support Center opened at the University. It is worth noting that not only universities,
but also schools, colleges, and other institutions around the world collaborate with
Cisco Academies.
  So, for the self-study course "Computer network" Students are encouraged to go
through four courses Academy Cisco. Let's take a look at one of these to get a closer
look at the discipline of Cisco Academy.
  Note that the Cisco Academy platform is adaptive across devices and systems, so
users can access the learning environment through their account from any device
(smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC). However, some of the specialized training pro-
grams or multimedia tools you need (for example, Packet Tracer network simulators,
some tests, and some exams) are complex and resource-intensive, so you should use a
laptop or PC to work with them.
  The NetAcad environment is responsible for the interaction of instructor-trainers
and students (students). The course materials include theoretical material (lectures in
conjunction with graphic materials, video materials, game training cards for mastering
the basic concepts of the topic) and performance materials (laboratory work, Packet
Tracer work, tests and exams for each topic, as well as the final exam).
  When educating future IT professionals, combining traditional approaches to
blended learning with Cisco Academy allows you to apply a personalized approach to
the learning process, increase student interest and motivation, and build student-
teacher interaction.

                              Fig. 2. Theoretical material
  To begin with, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the theoreti-
cal background of the chosen topic. The theoretical material is accompanied by graph-
ic and video materials (see Fig. 2–3). Note that the video material can also be viewed
in text format (see Fig. 3).

               Fig. 3. Theoretical material (in the form of video material).

   It should be noted that all the material is structured, and according to each topic,
there are different types of submitting material and testing the knowledge (see Fig. 4).
   With the help of the course pointer you can view the general list of materials, the
list of works in Packet Tracer, the list of laboratory works, and the list of video mate-
rials (see Fig. 4).

                               Fig. 4. Types of work
  To perform the test and exam work, to view your grades, you must select the menu
"Back to class" (see Fig. 5).

                                Fig. 5. Course navigation

  On the home page (home) of the course, you can choose course start (includes pass-
ing of theoretical material, video lectures, laboratory work, as well as work in Packet
Tracer), tasks (includes all intermediate and final exams), tests (list of tests course
work), assessments, etc. (see Fig. 6).

                                   Fig. 6. Course page

   Each test work is instructed to complete the test, indicating the time, the maximum
score, the number of questions, limiting time and trying (see Fig. 7).
   All tests are performed as tests. In this case, the assessment for the control work in
the evaluation log is not submitted. This is just your preparation for the exam work on
the topic as a whole.
   After completing the test work, the system will provide the user with a complete
description of the work completed (evaluation, correct answers, etc.).
   You can review all the attempts and retake the test.
   As a result, the journal estimates will be recorded only assessment of all examina-
tions. This is a bit inconvenient for students as they are accustomed to traditional
training when grades for tests are taken into account and only one exam is taken at the
end of the course.

                          Fig. 7. Instructions for control work.

  Therefore, we consider it necessary, at the beginning of the course, to warn students
about the specifics of this platform and to explain that the test work is only a training
exercise, and the grades that are taken into account are the grades for all exams.
  The advantage of this approach to learning is the acquisition of the subject through
practical experience, using different types of practical work. To do this, students have
the opportunity to see examples of solutions (the used text and multimedia); try to
apply this knowledge in practice (using syntax checking tools); execute part of the
example (using Packet Tracer or real equipment); and, finally, finding a solution to
the problem (applying all the knowledge gained and using the tools available).
  Note that Packet Tracer - a tool for visual simulation, developed by Cisco Systems,
which allows users to create network topology and simulate modern computer net-
works. This software includes a wide range of physical and logical modeling systems
(see Fig. 8).
  The variant exercises with the use of this software include modeling networks,
games, exercises, and more complex tasks, enabling end variants to gain practical
experience working with computer networks.
  Using Packet Tracer, students can create their experiments on computer networks.
This is an opportunity to explore the particular job designed network protocol TCP /
  With this program have the opportunity to compete with each other participants and
the whole team from performing certain types of tasks.
  Using complex material and exercises proposed Academy Cisco, facilitates self-
study materials to students, increases their interest in using vivid visualization of the
entire material and game simulations in software tools Packet Tracer.
The use of these courses provides 100% coverage of topics prescribed curriculum
study subjects.
                                 Fig. 8. Packet Tracer

  Note that the Academy offers instructors a statistic (see. Fig. 9-11), where you can
see the dynamics study courses on various parameters.

             Fig. 9. Statistical Images of Course Studies at Cisco Academy

            Fig. 10. Statistical Images of Course Studies at Cisco Academy
            Fig. 11. Statistical Images of Course Studies at Cisco Academy

3      Discussion

To test the effectiveness of the implementation of courses Cisco Academy in the edu-
cational process of higher education, the pedagogical experiment was conducted at
the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University.
  To do this, we measured the level of academic achievement of students by examin-
ing the discipline of "Computer Networks" at the beginning and end of the pedagogi-
cal experiment.
  For this purpose, students were divided into experimental and control groups (EG
and CG, respectively). At the same time, computer networking courses at EG were
conducted using Cisco Academy courses and at CG at the usual methodology.
  Table 1 and Fig. 12 show comparative statistics before and after the EG and CG
experiments, respectively.

Table 1. Comparative distribution of CG and EG students by level of academic
achievement at the beginning and end of a pedagogical experiment
                                            Before                After
     Level of academic achieve-
                 ment                   CG         EG         CG        EG
  Initial (1-59)                          7          8          6        5
  Average (60-73)                        22         24         18        6
  Sufficient (74-89)                     18         16         21       30
  High (90-100)                           6          5          8       12
  Total                                  53         53         53       53

  At the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, Pearson's χ 2 test was used to check
the statistical equivalence of EG and CG, which revealed that the samples had no
statistically significant differences (since χ2emp=0,36, χ2emp <χ20,05). Therefore, it is
possible to say about equal conditions in EG and KG, as well as about the equal com-
position of their participants.


    25                            24
                                                                                      Before CG
    20                                 18        18
                                                                                      Before EG
                                                                                      After CG
                                                                                 12   After EG
    10         8                                                             8
                   6                        6                        6
                       5                                                 5

           Initial (1-59)   Average (60-73)     Sufficient (74-89)   High (90-100)

Fig. 12. Comparative distribution of students in CG and EG by the level of education-
al achievement at the beginning and end of the pedagogical experiment

   As the statistics show the positive dynamics of a sufficient and high level of educa-
tional achievement in the experimental group, at the end of the pedagogical experi-
ment, the Pearson χ2 criterion was similarly applied. As a result, it was found that the
sample had statistically significant differences at this stage, since χ2emp =8,48,
   This means that an experimental methodological training system for "Computer
Networks" using MOOC is more pedagogically appropriate than the traditional one.

4        Conclusions

  Finally, it should be emphasized that at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
Cisco Academy courses are introduced not only in the discipline of "Computer Net-
works", but also in the study of such disciplines as: "Fundamentals of Cyber Securi-
ty", "Programming in Python”, "C / C ++ programming" (within practice) and more.
  In the future, it is planned to expand the network of Cisco Academy courses to
schools, colleges, lyceums and other educational institutions of Ukraine.

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