=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20201058 |storemode=property |title=Selection of Mobile ICT for Learning Informatics of Future Professionals in Engineering Pedagogy |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20201058.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Viktoriia Tkachuk,Serhiy Semerikov,Yuliia Yechkalo,Svitlana Khotskina,Vladimir Soloviev |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/TkachukSYKS20 }} ==Selection of Mobile ICT for Learning Informatics of Future Professionals in Engineering Pedagogy== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20201058.pdf
                        Selection of Mobile ICT for Learning Informatics
                        of Future Professionals in Engineering Pedagogy

                        Viktoriia Tkachuk1[0000-0002-5879-5147], Serhiy Semerikov2,3[0000-0003-0789-0272],
                       Yuliia Yechkalo1[0000-0002-0164-8365], Svitlana Khotskina1[0000-0002-0297-930X] and
                                          Vladimir Soloviev2[0000-0002-4945-202X]
                    1 Kryvyi Rih National University, 11 Vitalii Matusevуch Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine

                    2 Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarina Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine

                                 semerikov@gmail.com, vnsoloviev2016@gmail.com
                         3 Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine,

                                             9, M. Berlynskoho Str., Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine

                         Abstract. The research aims to theoretically justify and experimentally verify
                         selection of mobile ICT for learning informatics to future professionals in
                         engineering pedagogy. The research tasks include selecting groups of informatics
                         subjects and mobile ICT tools for learning future professionals in engineering
                         pedagogy. The research object involves selection of mobile ICT for the training
                         process. The re-search subject is selection of mobile ICT for learning informatics
                         to future professionals in engineering pedagogy. The research results imply
                         analysis of the national and foreign researches into mobile ICT for learning
                         informatics. The latest publications concerning selection of mobile ICT for
                         teaching Informatics subjects (Mobile Learning Management Systems, Mobile
                         Modeling and Programming Environments, Mobile Database Management
                         Systems, Mobile Multimedia Authoring Tools, Audience Response Systems) are
                         analyzed. Informatics subjects are united into 19 groups, mobile ICT tools – into
                         five groups. The experimental research is conducted according to the syllabuses
                         for Speciality 015.10 “Professional Education (Computer Technologies)”. The
                         expert assessment results for each of the content blocks of informatics subjects
                         allow determining leading and auxiliary mobile ICT teaching tools.

                         Keywords: Mobile ICT, Mobile Learning Management System, Mobile
                         Modeling and Programming Environments, Mobile Database Management
                         Systems, Mobile Multimedia Authoring Tools, Audience Response Systems,
                         Learning Informatics, Engineering Pedagogy.

                1        Introduction

                Pedagogical practice has accumulated sufficient experience of arranging the training
                process through distance learning technologies, mobile ICT being one of them.
                Application of mobile ICT provides students with access to educational resources
                anytime anyplace, enhances efficient organization of students’ in- and out-of-classroom

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
activities through making training continuous and mobile, increasing the part of out-of-
classroom work controlled by the teacher and creating conditions for integrating
various forms of training [13, 15, 18]. Mobile ICT are aimed at supporting personality-
oriented training. So, mobile ICT applied to teaching Higher Mathematics at technical
universities provides students with an opportunity to watch training materials before
doing a module or examination paper, look through lecture materials before practical
classes, get responses to one’s answers in class, maintain feedback with the teacher and
other students, consult with the teacher and do assignment in mobile middleware [13].
   Unlike distance learning, mobile learning is more accessible for most students, while
mobile learning ICT are quite flexible to be used for supporting traditional
learning [21].
   Steffen Kersten analyzes approaches to further education in the field of engineering
pedagogy for the development of qualifications for the design of teaching and learning
processes in engineering education. He line, that quality management systems at
German universities have increasingly focused their attention on the further
pedagogical training programs for engineer-pedagogy [9].
   In paper [11] described mobile ICT-enabled and collaborative learning opportunities
for students. The research component of the project was designed to explore the
adoption of video-conferencing technology and other collaborative Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) amongst educators. Authors develop purpose
needs of in-service teachers necessary to enable them to organize video-conferencing
based learning events.
   Nina Tvenge and Kristian Martinsen in the research on selection of ICT-tools for
manufacturing education, described that administration has had great influence on what
tools were selected for teaching processes organization, and that this has led to both
increased use and non-use of ICT in their teaching practice. However, authors noted
that ICT for teaching is an enabling technology with a possibility for increased learning
outcome in engineering education [19].
   Cristopher J. Devers and Stefanie Panke, showed up an overview of learning with
mobile ICT. The author provides a condensed overview of learning with mobile devices
in higher education, and offer summaries of the relevant research for e-books, podcasts,
audience response systems, and augmented reality, as related to mobile devices. The
author suggest that technology is simply a medium or tool, and that future research
should explore how mobile devices can support learning with evidence-based practices
and Mayer’s 13 principles of multimedia learning [4].
   By selection of mobile ICT for learning informatics we have analyzed the latest
publications on the following tools:
─ Mobile Learning Management Systems in learning process researched by Luisa
  Sanz-Martínez, Erkan Er, Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Yannis Dimitriadis and
  Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo [14], Valerii Yu. Bykov [2], Insook Han and Won Sug Shin
─ Mobile Modeling and Programming Environments are described by Badreldin
  Altayeb and Kostadin Damevski [1], Francesc-Josep Lordan Gomis [10];
─ Mobile Database Management Systems researched by Deniz Mertkan Gezgin [6],
  Minzhe Guo, Kai Qian and Li Yang [7], Milan Eric, Slobodan Mitrovic, Miladin Z.
  Stefanovic and Aleksandar Djordjevic [5];
─ Mobile Multimedia Authoring Tools have been reviewed by Yuliia V. Yechkalo,
  Viktoriia V. Tkachuk, Tetiana V. Hruntova et al. [20], Dian Tjondronegoro [17],
  Andrii M. Striuk, Maryna V. Rassovytska, Svitlana V. Shokaliuk [16];
─ Audience Response Systems have been researched by Tan Fung Ivan Chan,
  Marianne Borja, Brett Welch and Mary Ellen Batiuk [3], Dylan M. Moorleghen,
  Naresh Oli, Alison J. Crowe, Justine S. Liepkalns, Casey J. Self and Jennifer H.
  Doherty [12].

2      Purpose

The research is aimed to theoretically ground and justify the selection of mobile ICT
for learning informatics to future professionals in engineering pedagogy.

3      Results

To determine significance of mobile ICT application to teaching Informatics subjects,
the survey Significance of application of mobile ICT to teaching Informatics to future
professionals in engineering pedagogy of Speciality 015.10 “Professional Education
(Computer Technologies)” was conducted (Fig. 1, available at http://goo.gl/CVsXcl).
Eleven respondents from the University teaching staff were asked to assess efficiency
of using mobile ICT by the 5-point quality scale (from 1 – inadvisable to use to 5 –
advisable to use):
─ Mobile Learning Management Systems (Moodle, Claroline, eFront, etc.);
─ Mobile Modeling And Programming Environments (Web-environments to model
  and conduct researches like CoCalc, HPCCloud; online-IDE like Cloud9 IDE,
  PythonAnywhere, Eclipse Che, Pascal/C++/PHP Online, etc.);
─ Mobile Database Management Systems (InterBase, SQL Anywhere, Microsoft SQL
  Server, IBM DB2 Everyplace, Oracle Database Lite, SQLite, etc.);
─ Mobile Multimedia Authoring Tools (audio- and video-services like YouTube,
  Vimeo, etc.; online presentation editors like Prezi, Google Slides, etc.; animation
  editors like VideoScribe, etc.; graphical editors and augmented reality tools like
  Paint 3D, SketchUp, etc.);
─ Mobile Audience Response Systems (Google Forms, EasyTestMaker, Online Test
  Creator, etc.) [18].
Informatics subjects using mobile ICT were united into 5 content blocks:
1. Theoretical principle of Informatics:
      1) Discrete Programming, Operation Research, Computer Logic, Theory of
Automatic Control;
      2) Computer Cryptography;
2. Architecture of modern computing machines:
       3) Architecture of Computer Systems and Networks, Microprocessor Systems;
3. Basics of algorithmization and programming:
       4) Basics of Algorithmization and Elements of Programming;
       5) Visual Programming;
       6) Low-Level and Systems Programming;
       7) High-Level Programming Language;
       8) Web Programming;
       9) Software Design Technologies;
       10) Database Programming;

Fig. 1. Significance of application of mobile ICT to teaching Informatics to future professionals
        in engineering pedagogy of Speciality 015.10 “Professional Education (Computer
4. Software of computing systems:
       11) Project Management;
       12) Application Software;
       13) Systems Software;
       14) Basics of Information Security;
       15) Computer Design and Multimedia;
       16) Engineering and Computer Graphics;
       17) Computer Aided Design;
5. Computer technologies in professional activity of professionals in engineering
       18) Automation Systems for Document Management;
       19) Computer Pedagogical Technologies, Computer Ergonomics.
   Table 1 presents assessment of efficiency of applying each of five tools for the 19
groups of Informatics subjects grouped into five basic content blocks.

 Table 1. Assessment of efficiency of applying mobile ICT to teaching Informatics subjects to
   future professionals in engineering pedagogy, Speciality 015.10 Professional Education
                                  (Computer Technologies)

                                                                 Mobile ICT tools
                                                                                                                         mobile audience res-
                                                                               mobile database ma-
                                      mobile learning ma-

                                                                                                     mobile multimedia
                                       nagement systems

                                                                                nagement systems
                                                            and programming
                                                            mobile modelling

                                                                                                      authoring tools

                                                                                                                           ponse systems

                   Group of Infor-                                                                                                                efficiency
 Content block
                   matics subjects                                                                                                               estimate for
                                                                                                                                                subject group

                  Discrete Program-
                  ming, Operations
                  Research, Com-
  Theoretical                       4.09                      4.36             3.27                  4.18                4.45                       4.07
                  puter Logic,
  principle of    Theory of Auto-
  Informatics     matic Controll
                  Computer Crypto-
                                   4.00                       4.00             3.36                  4.00                4.18                       3.91
                Architecture of
Architecture of Computer Sys-
modern compu- tems and Net-           4.09                    3.55             3.00                  4.09                4.27                       3.80
ting machines works, Micropro-
                cessor Systems
                  Basics of Algo-
Basics of algo-   rithmization and
                                      4.27                    4.45             3.27                  4.36                4.36                       4.15
 rithmization     Elements of Prog-
     and          ramming
programming       Visual Program-
                                      4.09                    3.91             2.73                  4.36                4.18                       3.85
                                                                 Mobile ICT tools

                                                                                                                         mobile audience res-
                                                                               mobile database ma-
                                      mobile learning ma-

                                                                                                     mobile multimedia
                                       nagement systems

                                                                                nagement systems
                                                            and programming
                                                            mobile modelling

                                                                                                      authoring tools

                                                                                                                           ponse systems

                   Group of Infor-                                                                                                                efficiency
Content block
                   matics subjects                                                                                                               estimate for
                                                                                                                                                subject group

                  Low-Level and
                  Systems Program- 4.00                       3.91             3.00                  3.91                4.09                       3.78
                  High-Level Prog-
                  ramming Langua-     4.09                    4.45             3.55                  4.27                4.18                       4.11
                  Web Program-
                                      4.27                    4.36             3.55                  4.18                4.36                       4.15
                  Software Design
                                      4.09                    4.45             3.64                  4.18                4.27                       4.13
                  Database Prog-
                                      4.09                    4.27             4.82                  4.09                4.27                       4.31
                  Project Manage-
                                      4.09                    2,82             2.82                  4.09                4.27                       3.62
                  Application Soft-
                                      4.36                    2.91             3.09                  4.27                4.45                       3.82
                  Systems Software    4.09                    3.45             3.18                  3.91                4.27                       3.78
               Basics of Infor-
  Software of                         4.09                    3.00             3.09                  4.00                4.27                       3.69
               mation Security
computing sys-
     tems      Computer Design
                                      4.18                    3.64             2.64                  4.73                4.36                       3.91
               and Multimedia
                  Engineering and
                  Computer            4.09                    3.00             2.55                  4.91                4.55                       3.82
                  Computer Aided
                                      4.18                    3.45             3.09                  4.18                4.36                       3.85
                  Automation Sys-
Computer tech- tems for Docu-         4.27                    3.36             3.45                  4.09                4.36                       3.91
nologies in pro- ment Manage-
fessional activi- ment
 ty of professio- Computer Peda-
nals in enginee- gogical Technolo-
 ring pedagogy gies, Computer         4.36                    2.91             2.91                  4.64                4.82                       3.93
 Average effi-
ciency estimate                       4.15                    3.70             3.21                  4.23                4.33
   of the tool
After averaging, the obtained results ranged from 2.55 (application of mobile data-base
management systems while studying the subject Engineering and Computer Graphics)
to 4.91 (application of mobile multimedia authoring tools while studying the subject
Engineering and Computer Graphics).
   Numeric values were transformed into qualitative ones in the following way: the
values from 4.00 to 5.00 correspond to the highest efficiency level; from 3.00 to 3.99 –
to the medium level; below 3.00 – the low efficiency level of the tool application.
Assessment of efficiency of applying mobile ICT tools to studying each Informatics
subject is visualized in Table 1 in the following way: white represents estimates
corresponding to the highest efficiency level; pink – the medium efficiency level; dark
grey – the low efficiency level.
   Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 shows an example of distributing estimates of efficiency of applying
mobile ICT to teaching 1 group of Informatics subjects.
                            the number of respondents

                                                        estimates of efficiency of applying mobile ICT

   Fig. 2. Distribution of estimates of efficiency of applying Mobile Learning Management
              the number of respondents

                                                        estimates of efficiency of applying mobile ICT

Fig. 3. Distribution of estimates of efficiency of applying Mobile Modeling and Programming
              the number of respondents

                                                     estimates of efficiency of applying mobile ICT

   Fig. 4. Distribution of estimates of efficiency of applying Mobile Database Management
                     the number of respondents

                                                 estimates of efficiency of applying mobile ICT

Fig. 5. Distribution of estimates of efficiency of applying Mobile Multimedia Authoring Tools
                     the number of respondents

                                                    estimates of efficiency of applying mobile ICT

Fig. 6. Distribution of estimates of efficiency of applying Mobile Audience Response systems

To determine the average estimate of efficiency for the subject group, the value A is

                                                     〈 〉= ∑                        ,                  (1)

where A is the average estimate of efficiency for each of the 19 subject groups.
   To determine the average estimate of efficiency for each mobile ICT tool, the value
B is calculated:

                                 〈 〉= ∑           ,                                  (2)

where B is the average estimate of efficiency for each of the five mobile ICT.
  Analysis of the expert assessment results has revealed that:
─ the most efficient mobile ICT tools for teaching Informatics subjects are mobile
  audience response systems and mobile learning management systems as for all the
  subjects they are noted for the highest efficiency level and can be considered
  universal mobile ICT tools of teaching Informatics subjects;
─ mobile multimedia authoring tools have a high efficiency level of application for all
  Informatics subjects except for Low-Level and Systems Programming (for both
  subjects, the efficiency estimates equals 3.91) that also enables considering them
─ mobile modeling and programming environments have a high efficiency level for
  teaching the subject block of theoretical principles of Informatics and most subjects
  of the algorithmization and programming block (except for Visual Programming and
  Low-Level and Systems Programming);
─ mobile database management systems have a high efficiency level of application
  (4.82) only for Database Programming.

Mobile ICT tools with a high efficiency level for a certain Informatics subject will be
called leading mobile ICT tools for a given subject and those with a medium efficiency
level – auxiliary mobile ICT tools for teaching a given subject.
   Analysis of the averaged efficiency estimates for different classes of mobile ICT
learning tools confirms the first and the second conclusions on universality of mobile
audience response systems, mobile learning management systems and mobile
multimedia authoring systems as their average efficiency estimates equal 4.33, 4.15 and
4.23. Mobile modelling and programming tools and mobile database management
systems have a medium efficiency level (3.70 and 3.21 respectively).
   Besides, the Informatics subjects with the highest efficiency level of applying mobile
ICT tools were singled out, namely: Database Programming (4.31), Basics of
Algorithmization and Elements of Programming (4.15), Web Programming (4.15),
Software Design Technologies (4.13), High-Level Programming Language (4.11),
Discrete Programming, Operations Research, Computer Logic, Theory of Automatic
Control (4.07 for them all).

4      Conclusions

1. According to the expert assessment results for each content block of Informatics
   subjects, there are determined leading and auxiliary mobile ICT learning tools. It is
   revealed that mobile audience response systems and mobile learning management
   systems are universal tools for teaching Informatics subjects; mobile multimedia
   authoring tools have a high efficiency level for all Informatics subjects, except for
   Low-Level and System Programming and System Software, this fact also enabling
   us to consider them universal. Mobile modelling and programming environments are
   leading tools for teaching Theoretical Basics of Informatics and Basics of
   Algorithmization and Programming (except for Visual Programming and Low-level
   and System Programming); mobile database management systems are leading
   mobile tools only for Database Programming.
2. The cooperative use of mobile multimedia authoring tools and mobile audience
   response systems to support the professional training of future professionals in
   engineering pedagogy is the driver for changing the Informatics’ learning
   environment from virtual based to augmented.

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