=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20201113 |storemode=property |title=The Use of Electronic Open Journal Systems in Scientific and Pedagogic Research: Results of Experiment |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20201113.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Liliia Luparenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/Luparenko20 }} ==The Use of Electronic Open Journal Systems in Scientific and Pedagogic Research: Results of Experiment== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20201113.pdf
               The Use of Electronic Open Journal Systems in Scientific
                   and Pedagogic Research: Results of Experiment

                                            Liliia Luparenko [0000-0002-4500-3155]

                      Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine,
                                        9, M. Berlynskogo St., 04060, Kyiv, Ukraine

                      Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the use of electronic open
                      journal systems in scientific and pedagogical research as well as the formation
                      of ICT competence of researchers on the use of such systems. The concepts of
                      electronic journal system (EJS) are considered. The most common kinds of
                      electronic journal systems are revealed (proprietary, local (in-house), open and
                      cloud journal systems). The criteria for accessing the effectiveness of the
                      electronic open journal systems (EOJS) use in scientific and pedagogical
                      research are described (normative, organizational and communication,
                      effective), as well as their indicators. The organizational and pedagogical model
                      of EOJS use in scientific and pedagogical researches is developed. The
                      definition of "ICT competence of researchers on the use of EOJS in scientific
                      and pedagogical research" is provided; its components are described; criteria
                      (axiological, cognitive, praxeological, adaptive) and indicators of its formation
                      are defined. The model of formation of this competence is provided. The main
                      stages of the experimental process (2010–2018) are described. The results of
                      the formation of ICT-competence of researchers and information-analytical
                      monitoring of the scientific journals of the National Academy of Educational
                      Sciences of Ukraine are presented.

                      Keywords: Open Journal Systems, Scientific E-Journal, ICT Competence,

              1       Introduction
              The traditional model of scientific communication is based on a system of printed
              scientific publications (journals, monographs, collections of conference materials).
              Today the scientific content is presented mainly in electronic format. The central
              element of the modern model of scientific communication is the electronic scientific
              journal. That's why, the information and communication technologies (ICT) for the
              deployment and support of scientific periodicals on the Internet are becoming
              widespread. The type of such ICT is the electronic journal system (EJS). It supports
              the processes of user’s registration, submission and initial review of manuscripts for
              adherence to editorial requirements; the appointment of reviewers, double-blind
              scientific review, monitoring of review process, collective editing of manuscripts,

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
editing metadata, maintaining text, graphics and video files, creation and publishing
of collections of articles, their long-term storage, collection of usage statistics, control
of access levels, subscription, etc.
    Moving the publishing process to the online environment should be achieved by a
careful selection of the service that will best meet with the needs of individual
researches, scientific institutions and journal editors. In the same time, a sufficient
level of researchers’ ICT competence to use such systems should be the key to
effective scientific and pedagogical research.
    Analysis of recent studies and publications. The problem of electronic journal
systems using for support electronic scientific periodicals has been partially
investigated in the following areas:
– the definition of the concept of electronic journal systems [1]–[5];
– a description of the design, development and practice of the use of individual EJS
    samples [2], [3], [6]–[16]; comparative analysis of EOJS [4], [21], [22], [37].
– functional aspects of EOJS [1], [3], [10], [12], [17]–[20];
– use of the Open Journal System (OJS) software platform to create and support
    university e-repositories and of scientific journals collections [5], [23]–[29];
– support for educational publications on the base of Open Journal System [30],
    [31], as well as the socio-psychological aspects of this process [32];
– teaching of master's students the basics of scientific activity [33]:
– automation of data export from OJS to scientometric databases [34].
The research hypothesis: implementation of the specially developed method in the
process of training and in service training of researchers will increase the level of
formation of their ICT competency on the use of electronic open journal systems as
well as the level of efficiency of these systems use in scientific and pedagogical
research. The purpose of the article is to present the results of experimental
verification of this hypothesis.

2      Theoretical Background
The analysis of scientific sources shows that there is no agreed position on the
established name of technologies to support the editorial and publishing process.
Scientists use about twenty synonymous terms: electronic journal management
systems [1], [9], [18], [19]; e-journal management systems [11]; e-journal publishing
systems [11]; web-based journal management systems [17]; electronic publishing
systems [21]; open-source electronic publishing systems [21]; e-publishing systems
[6]; open-source online publishing systems [7]; online peer review systems [7];
computerized review systems [20]; online submission and peer-review systems [12];
web-based manuscript submission and peer-review system [9]; online journal systems
[36]; online publishing systems [36]; digital publishing systems [37]; journal
publishing systems [38]; journal management systems [38]; los sistemas de gestiуn
editorial [38]; electronic management systems of the peer review process [39];
electronic journal publishing systems [40]; web-publishing systems [41], web-based
peer-review systems [42]; open source journal management systems [43].
    Summarizing the interpretation given in these sources, we offer the following
− electronic journal system (EJS) is the software that automates the support and
management of the editorial and publishing process of scientific journals;
− electronic open journal system (EOJS) the open-source software platforms that
provide organizational and decentralized remote management of the full cycle of the
electronic scientific journals editorial and publishing process: submission, review,
copyediting, proofreading, layout and articles publication, as well as their
preservation, dissemination, and indexing in the Internet.

2.1    Types of electronic journal systems
In the early 2000s, Wood D. [13], Shapiro K [3], Ware M. [12], McKiernan G. [10]
performed a comparative analysis of popular electronic proprietary journal systems,
such as PeerTrack™, Bench>Press™, EdiKitSM (bepress), ESPERE, Manuscript
Central™, Rapid Review®, Editorial Manager, eJournalPress (EJPress),
FontisWorks, XpressTrack. Notwithstanding the slight differences in the interface,
functionality and cost of licenses, a "virtual publishing office" with appropriate
mechanisms for receiving, processing, distributing and revising manuscripts was
implemented in all the above-mentioned platforms.
    Further, some scientific institutions and publishers made experimental attempts to
develop local (in-house) systems [2], [7], [9], [11], [14], [18] for the support of their
own electronic journals. Such systems become customizable to the specific needs of
the publisher, adaptable to any workflow changes in the future and are independent of
a third-party developer. Samples of local electronic journal systems are EJMS –
Electronic Journal Management System; SXC-JMS (St. Xavier’s College – Journal
Management System); BMIF’s Online Peer Review System; BMIF – Mathematics,
Informatics, Physics Series – Bulletin of PG University of Ploiesti»; IAJIT OpenConf
Journal Management System (IAJIT JMS); Electronic Journal of University Malaya
(EJUM); Электронная редакция журналов СПбПУ; Elsevier Editorial System
(EES); ACS Paragon Plus Environment; Begell House Journals Online Submission
System; Independent Journal Program.
    Developing countries do not have sufficient financial support and the necessary
technical facilities to publish scientific periodicals, and therefore cannot incur
significant software acquisition costs. That is why, over the last decade, numerous
attempts have been made to develop freely distributed software platforms to support
electronic scientific periodicals, such as electronic open journal systems [4], [5],
[21], [22]. The most popular examples of EOJS are EPublishing Toolkit; GAPworks;
SOPS (SciX Open Publishing Services); Topaz; DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga
Arkivet); Érudit; DPubS (Digital Publishing System); HyperJournal; E-Journal;
Ambra; Open Journal Systems (OJS).
    Using such systems allows for simplified setup, more powerful functionality and
reduced costs for publishing a scientific product. However, for the functioning of the
entire above electronic journal systems, it is crucial to have a database located on a
web server with constant uninterrupted access to the Internet. This involves acquiring
or leasing by scientific institution a web server by a scientific institution and ordering
the services of a competent system administrator.
    A new trend to support the publishing of scientific periodicals is the development of
so-called cloud journal systems [6], [8]. They allow users to use the service over the
Internet. Namely, to move all editorial processes to remote servers that will deliver the
publishing environment to a large number of clients continuously using a single platform.
Examples of cloud EJS are projects Scholastica; Cloud Publications; Cloud Journals.
    Based on detailed comparative analysis [30], practical experience and wide
geographic of use we conclude that the best way to support electronic journals is to
use open electronic journal systems. In particular, Open Journal Systems can be
recommended to scientific institutions and editorial boards, as it enables the editorial
team to automate and simplify technological tasks to the greatest extent possible.

2.2      The organizational and pedagogical model of EOJS use in scientific and
         pedagogical researches
The author's method is based on the organizational and pedagogical model of EOJS
use in scientific and pedagogical researches (see Fig. 1). It consists of target, procedural,
evaluation and result components as well as the model of formation of the researchers
ICT competence on the use of EOJS in scientific and pedagogical research. (Fig. 2). The
procedural component of this model describes the seven stages of the procedure of the
electronic scientific journal implementation by using EOJS (predictive, organizational,
technical and technological, preparatory, practical, generalizing and perspective). The
evaluation component of the model reveals the criteria of efficiency of the electronic
open journal systems use in scientific and pedagogical research – the indicators for
the evaluation of the efficiency of the EOJS use in scientific and pedagogical research.
The criteria and indicators we propose are presented in the Table 1:

  Table 1. Criteria and indicators of efficiency of the electronic open journal systems use in
                              scientific and pedagogical research

 Criteria           Indicators
                    Compliance with regulations on the functioning of electronic scientific journals.
                    Compliance with the requirements for the structure, design, and content
                    of electronic periodicals.
                    Compliance with international publishing standards.
                    Time for preparing, publishing and distributing published content.
                    The number of registered users/authors/readers and their geographical distribution.
  Organizational    The number of manuscripts received/reviewed/published per month
       and          (including English).
  communication     Percentage of accepted/rejected manuscripts.
                    Availability of tools for supporting scientific communication during the
                    editorial and publishing process participants.
                    The developed ICT competence of researchers in the use of electronic
                    open journal systems in scientific and pedagogical research.
      Productive    Inclusion of an electronic scientific journal in the leading international
                    scientometrics and abstract databases; growth of scientometric indicators
                    of journals, articles, authors and editors.
Fig. 1. The organizational and pedagogical model of EOJS use in scientific and pedagogical
2.3   ICT competence of researchers on the use of EOJS
ICT competence of researchers on the use of EOJS is the proven ability of a person
to use such systems to solve professional problems in the process of scientific and
pedagogical research, implementation and information and analytical monitoring of
their results, as well as scientific communication and cooperation with colleagues
based on acquired knowledge, skills and competences with the EOJS (Fig. 2).

      Fig. 2. Model of formation the ICT competence of researchers on the use of EOJS
                           in scientific and pedagogical research
To characterize the ICT-competence of scientists we refer to the DigComp 2.0 - the
Conceptual Reference Model, which identifies 5 key competence areas (information and
data literacy; communication and collaboration; digital content creation; safety; problem
solving). In the same time we take into account the professional needs of the scientists
while using the EOJS for the professional needs. The following components are defined:
− Value-motivational component: motivation, value attitudes, awareness of digital
    technologies and its environmental impact.
− Cognitive component: the system of knowledge about devices, creation and
    editing of digital content, personal data and privacy in digital environments.
− Operational-activity component: skills and experience of communication and
    collaboration through digital technologies, creation, location, storage, retrieving,
    managing and organisation digital data, information and digital content.
− Adaptive-reflective component: adaptation, interaction, resolving problem
    situations in digital environments, usage digital tools to innovate processes and
    products, being keep up-to-date with the digital evolution.
According to these components we propose to distinguish the following criteria and
indicators for assessing the ICT competency of researchers for the use of EOJS (Table 2).

Table 2. Criteria and indicators for assessing the ICT competency of researchers for the use of
                                electronic open journal systems

 Criteria           Indicators
                    Striving for self-development and professional self-improvement.
                    Awareness of the need for the use of the EOJS in the professional activity of a scientist.

                    Interest in obtaining current and additional information on the possibilities of
                    using the EOJS in the process of scientific research.
                    Systematic use of the EOJS for finding and presenting research results.
                    Willingness to carry out an impartial review of scientific works using EOJS.
                    Striving to follow the ethical principles of academic virtue.
                    Knowing the content of the basic concepts regarding the use of the EOJS in
                    scientific and pedagogical research.
                    Awareness of current electronic means of formal and informal scientific

                    communication and modern ICT for supporting the process of presenting the
                    results of scientific and pedagogical research.
                    Knowledge about international standards of educational research ethics and
                    ethics of presenting the results of scientific and pedagogical researches.
                    Awareness of the importance of peer review in the development of science and
                    the benefits of the role of "reviewer" for the scientist.
                    Ability to search and analyze quality scientific content.
                    Ability to select the best electronic means of disseminating research results in the

                    international scientific and information space.
                    Ability to carry out all stages of the editorial and publishing process using EOJS.
                    Ability to use specialized software tools to prepare the manuscript for printing.
                    Ability to conduct research and publishing ethical standards.
                    Ability to review scientific manuscripts by EOJS.
                    Ability to use open information and analytical systems.
                  Rapid response to the emergence of new ICTs to support the process of

                  presenting scientific and pedagogical research results.
                  Ability to creativity, criticality and initiative in working with the EOJS.
                  Ability to enhance the knowledge, skills and experience of working with the
                  EOJS functionality at higher levels of user access.

3              Research Methods
The experimental work was carried out during (2010–2018) and consisted of the
following stages:
1. Preparatory stage (2010–2014):
– study of scientific and technical documentation, national legislative framework
    and international normative documents of using electronic open journal systems in
    scientific and pedagogical research; identification the components of ICT
    competence of researchers for the use of electronic open journal systems;
    clarification the criteria, indicators, and levels of its formation; designing
    appropriate model and method; implementation of Open Journal Systems for the
    deployment of a prototype of a scientific e-journal "Information Technologies and
    Learning Tools" (https://journal.iitta.gov.ua).
2. Experimental stage (2012–2016):
– 2012: 161 participants (132 researchers, 6 administrators, 14 editors of scientific
    journals, 9 ICT staff) were interviewed about the sources and means of search and
    publication the results of scientific research in their professional activity.
– 2015–2016: the training was held to develop the ICT competency of researchers
    on the use of EOJS in scientific and pedagogical research (146 participants). The
    experimental group (EG) consisted of researchers who were trained under the
    author’s curriculum [35] (69 researchers). The control group (CG) consisted of
    researchers who were able to use the developed educational, methodological and
    instructional materials in their activities, attend seminars provided by the Institute
    of Information Technologies and Learning Tools, and obtain knowledge
    independently from different sources (77 researchers). The experimental influence
    on this group of researches wasn`t carried out.
    Diagnostic the level of development of ICT competence of researchers for the use
    of electronic open journal systems was carried out by input and output evaluation
    of the levels of its formation (basic, sufficient and in-depth). The questionnaires
    and description of the evaluation procedure are presented in author’s dissertation
    (https://lib.iitta.gov.ua/716976/, Section 4, Appendixes R, S, T).
3. Interpretation stage (2017–2018):
– collecting and processing empirical data using methods of mathematical statistics,
    comparing the obtained results with the hypothesis of the study;
– conducting the information and analytical monitoring of the scientific journals of
    the NAES of Ukraine (see the questionnaire here: https://cutt.ly/tuP41Ya).
4      Findings

4.1    The ascertaining stage of the experiment
As a result of a survey at this stage of the experiment (2012), it was found that
researchers typically use journals, monographs, and collections of conference papers,
paper-based review literature, e-presentations at conferences, e-mailing, as well as
visit research libraries. Bibliographic literature, preprints, scientific e-publications,
scientific e-journals and e-monographs, postprints as well as online conferences,
electronic scientific repositories, official websites of academic institutions, online
video, discussions on Skype and YouTube podcasts are somewhat less used. The data
banks, peer-to-peer correspondence, webinars, messenger chats, blogs, scientists'
websites, e-portfolios, scientometrics, and abstract databases, Wiki technologies,
electronic science forums and social networks are almost unused.
    63% of researchers prefer a paper format for presenting their research results. The
majority of respondents (72%) are aware of the benefits of publishing research results in
scientific e-journals, while at the same time they are partially (38%) aware of the existence of
the EOJS to support scientific e-journals. Only a small percentage of scientists (23%) have
experience of using EOJS in the process of research: to find the necessary scientific data
(33%), to publish their scientific articles (29%), to review the of colleagues papers as
reviewer (24%), as editor of the scientific periodical (12%). There was an insufficient level
of interest in the use of scientific e-journals based on electronic open journal systems (34%).
    In the process of ascertaining stage of the survey it was succeeded to find out the
absence of a general strategy for the transferring the scientific journals into EOJS for
support the editorial and publishing process; adequate logistical facilities (servers,
personal computers), IT-specialists and sufficient funding for the deployment and
functioning of the EOJS at each academic institution. There is a lack of manuals on
the use of the EOJS, in particular, the in Ukrainian; psychological and technological
unpreparedness of researchers to publish their scientific papers and use the means of
electronic open journal systems for editor and reviewer tasks; educational and
methodological materials (instructions, methodological recommendations, etc.) for
the development of ICT competence of researchers; the absence of training the
scientists of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, in particular
regarding the ways of presenting scientific results.

4.2    The formation of researchers` ICT competence
The results made it possible to conclude that at the beginning of the experiment the
level of researchers’ competence was lower than the baseline level in both the CG and
the EG, and upon completion of the study it changed to the baseline level in the CG
and in-depth level in the EG (Fig. 3). In particular, the value-motivational component
in CG increased to the baseline level (40%), in EG increased to a sufficient level
(71%); the cognitive component in CG reached a sufficient level (62%), in EG – in-
depth (83%); operational-activity component in CG increased to a sufficient level
(54%), in EG – to in-depth (92%); the adaptive-reflective component in the CG
reached the baseline level (33%), and in the EG – reached the sufficient level (62%).
           Fig. 3. Diagram of ICT competence levels of CG and EG of researchers
                         at the beginning and end of the experiment

Fisher's angular transformation method was chosen to confirm the validity of the
study results. This multifunctional criterion is intended to compare two groups of
subjects by the frequency of the surveyed effect occurrence and to assess the shift of
effect values. We have taken into account all restrictions on its use [44, p 158].
    The following statistical hypotheses were tested:
− H0 – at the beginning of the experiment EG-scientists have a level of ICT
    competence on the use of EOJS in scientific and pedagogical research no higher
    than CG-researchers.
− H1 – at the end of the experiment, the researchers who were experimentally influenced
    by the author's methodology (EG) have a higher level of ICT competence on the use of
    EOJS in scientific and pedagogical research than the researchers from the CG.
The value of the angle was determined (in radians):
ϕ1 (26,05%) = 1,070, where ϕ1 – the angle that corresponds to the results in the EG
before the experiment.
ϕ 2 (21,05%) = 0,952, where ϕ 2 – the angle that corresponds to the results in the CG
before the experiment.
                       n1 ⋅ n2                   69 ⋅ 77
      = (ϕ1 − ϕ 2 )            = (1,070 − 0,952)         = 0,118 ⋅ 6,032 = 0,71 ,
                       n1 + n2                   69 + 77
where n1 – number of participants of EG; n2 .– number of participants of CG.
    The obtained empirical value of the angle is less than the critical values and does
not fall within the area of significance. Conclusion: the hypothesis H0 is confirmed –
significant differences of indicators in the control and experimental groups at the
beginning of the experiment are absent. (Fig. 4.).

  Fig. 4. Significance axis of statistical validity of results by Fisher's angular transformation
                               at the beginning of the experiment
The value of the angle was determined (in radians):
ϕ1 (76,84%) = 2,127, where ϕ1 – the angle that corresponds to the results in the EG
after the experiment.
ϕ 2 (47,28%) = 1,515, where ϕ 2 – the angle that corresponds to the results in the CG
after the experiment.
                         n1 ⋅ n 2                    69 ⋅ 77
  ϕ emp
        = (ϕ1 − ϕ 2 )             = ( 2,127 − 1,515)         = 0,612 ⋅ 6,032 = 3,69
                         n1 + n 2                    69 + 77
The obtained empirical value of the angle is greater than the critical values and falls
within the area of significance. Conclusion: the hypothesis H1 is confirmed –
significant differences of indicators in the control and experimental groups at the end
of the experiment are present (Fig. 5.).

  Fig. 5. Significance axis of statistical validity of results by Fisher's angular transformation
                                   at the end of the experiment

The results of the experiment confirmed that the proposed author' method of EOJS
use in scientific and pedagogical studies increases the level of researchers appropriate
ICT competence.

4.3    Information and analytical monitoring of the scientific journals of the
       National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
During 2017–2018 the information and analytical monitoring of the scientific journals
of the NAES of Ukraine which operate based on the OJS was carried out in the
following areas: a) observation of the editorial and publishing activities of scientific
journals; b) comparing their sites usage statistics (the number of registered users in
each year and the variety of their geographical distribution; the number of site views);
c) analysis of their publishing performance (number of published issues per year; the
number of published articles per year); d) comparison of scientometric indices of
journals, articles, authors and editors (h-index by Google Scholar; Top 10 most cited
journal articles by citation; h-index of the authors of the most cited article; h-index of
the editorial board members).
    It should be noted that 100% of the data on functioning were obtained only on the
electronic scientific journal "Information Technologies and Learning Tools", the
activity of which was carried out by the author's method. The statistical modules of
other editions were either missing or partially connected. Finally, the editors being
unable to respond to all survey questions. Comparisons were made for scientific
journals where certain quantitative indicators could be extracted from the site. Some
of the monitoring results are presented in Fig.
                                           Fi 6–11.

         Fig. 6. The h-index
                       indexes of the editorial board members of scientific journals

                Fig. 7.. Top 10 of the most cited journal articles by citation

               Fig. 8. The h-indexes of the authors of the most cited articles
The following diagrams demonstrate the number of published issues per year (Fig.9.),
the number of published articles per year (Fig. 10.) and the number of registered users
per year (Fig.11.).

                     Fig. 9. The number of published issues per year

                    Fig. 10. The number of published articles per year
                         Fig. 11. The number of registered users per year

5        Conclusion
The results of the comparative analysis of initial and final data combined with the methods
of mathematical statistics (Fisher angular transformation) confirmed the positive dynamics
of the development of researchers' ICT competence in the use of EOJS. It allows us to
conclude on the positive impact and effectiveness of the author's method.
    As a result of the information-analytical monitoring, a positive difference in the
values of scientometric indicators of articles, authors and editors of the experimental
journal was found, in comparison with the indicators of other editions of the National
Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
    The results of this research can serve for the deployment and supporting the
electronic journals of scientific institutions and institutions of higher education, as
well as for teaching the scientific and pedagogical workers, postgraduate and doctoral
students, masters and bachelors.
    The further research should be done in the sphere of teachers in service training to
develop their ICT competency on the use of EOJS.

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