=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20201298 |storemode=property |title=Experience in the Use of Mobile Technologies as a Physics Learning Method |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20201298.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Tatiana Goncharenko,Nataliia Yermakova-Cherchenko,Yelyzaveta Anedchenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/GoncharenkoYA20 }} ==Experience in the Use of Mobile Technologies as a Physics Learning Method== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20201298.pdf
                   Experience in the Use of Mobile Technologies as a
                               Physics Learning Method

               Tetiana Goncharenko 1[0000-0002-2021-9320], Nataliia Yermakova-Cherchenko 1[0000-0001-
                                        , Yelyzaveta Anedchenko 1[0000-0002-9783-9130]

                        1Kherson State University 27, Universitetska st., Kherson, 73000 Ukraine

                       goncharenkokspu@gmail.com, grafinjamonsoro@ukr.net,

                     Abstract. Swift changes in society, related to sciences technicians’
                     development, technologies, by the increase of general volume of information,
                     pull out new requirements for maintenance, structure, and quality of education.
                     It requires teachers to diversify a tool in the direction of the increase in
                     possibilities of the use of mobile technologies and computer systems. Lately in
                     the world, more attention spared to the use of mobile learning, which in
                     obedience to «Recommendations of UNESCO on the questions of a policy in
                     the area of mobile learning» foresees the use of mobile technology, both
                     separate and together with other by informational computer technologies. [1].
                     Mobile learning allows using the open informational systems, global
                     educational networks, unique digital resources which belong to different
                     educational establishments and co-operate with each other. The use of existent
                     educational resources and creation of own, based on the academic resources
                     from informative space, allows to promote the interest of students to the study
                     of physics, to take into account the individual features, and also features of
                     region and framework of society of the country.
                     During the last years in Ukraine competency-based approach to the
                     organization of studies certainly one of basic. The new Education Act addresses
                     the key competencies that every modern person needs for a successful life,
                     including mathematical competence; competence in natural sciences,
                     engineering, and technology; innovation; information and communication
                     competence [2]. This further emphasizes the importance of providing students
                     with quality physical education and the problems associated with it. Using
                     mobile technology in professional teaching work, the teacher has the
                     opportunity to implement the basic principles of the competence approach in
                     teaching physics. An analysis of the data provided in the official reports of the
                     Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment showed that the number
                     of students making an external independent assessment in physics and choosing
                     a future profession related to physics has decreased significantly. This is due to
                     the loss of students' interest in physics and the complexity of the content of the
                     subject, as well as the increase in the amount of information that students need
                     to absorb. In this article, we explore the possibilities of mobile technology as a
                     means of teaching physics students and give our own experience of using
                     mobile technology in the process of teaching physics (for example, the optics
                     section in primary school).

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
       Keywords: mobile learning, mobile applications, mobile technologies,
       informational computer technologies (ICT), physics, learning method,

1      Introduction

   Worldwide, education is a major global priority, a major driving force behind the
empowerment of people [3].
   Education is the basis of personal development, its successful socialization,
economic well-being, the key to the development of society and the country [2].
Therefore, in Ukraine, as in the world, great attention is paid today to expand access
to quality, competitive education, following the needs of society, individual
characteristics, abilities, and needs of education recipients, the possibility of
continuing education throughout life [4].
   Understanding that the use of mobile technologies enhances access to quality
education, especially in subjects of technical and natural sciences, leads to the fact
that their use is gaining popularity around the world. According to UNESCO, mobile
technologies can significantly expand learning opportunities in any environment.
Indeed, today, mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets) are used everywhere by
students and teachers to obtain information, organize, refine different forms and
stages of the learning process, manage the learning process, and use innovative
methods. [1].
   The use of mobile technologies in the context of quarantine in most countries in
connection with the threat of COVID-19 coronavirus is of particular relevance, which
makes it necessary to organize distance learning of educational recipients at all
educational levels. The article aims to present the experience in implementation of
mobile technologies (in particular, mobile applications, platforms, and resources) as a
means of teaching physics students (based on the analysis of mobile applications,
platforms, and resources, educational and methodological support for the education of
optics students in primary school was developed).

2      Related Works

   The analysis of the literature and Internet resources allowed us to find that:
   1) mobile technologies - learning technologies based on the use of mobile devices,
mobile applications and services, as well as mobile communications in the learning
process [5], today is one of the areas of information technology (ICT), rapidly
developing and can be used both individually and in combination with other
pedagogical technologies to achieve a common educational goal;
   2) mobile technology - as a learning tool, includes a wide variety of digital and
portable mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) and related software (mobile
applications and services) that enable operations to receive, process and disseminate
information [6];
   3) Many aspects of the use of mobile technologies have been devoted via work of
many native and foreign scientists, in particular:
   - The psychological features of the use of mobile technologies are devoted to the
work of such scientists as P. Kirschner & J. Jeroen van Merriënboer [7];
   - the current state and possibilities of using mobile learning and mobile
educational environment – J. Traxler [8], V. Bykov [9], M. Ky`slova, S. Semerikov,
K. Slovak [10], Y. Trius, V. Franchuk, N. Franchuk [11];
   - the use of mobile technology as a means of teaching physics – T.Compernolle
[12], O. Lyashenko, S. Tereshchuk [13];
   - mobile, information technology and learning tools from a systemic approach –
M. Stryuk, S. Semerikov, A. Stryuk [14];
   - use of various mobile applications and services in the educational process – S.
Carretero, R. Vuorikari, Y. Punie [15], J. Krause, K. O'Neil & B. Dauenhauer.
Plickers [16], I. Korobova, T. Goncharenko, N. Golovko, O. Hniedkova [17],
however, the methodological development of lessons using mobile technologies is
insufficiently covered;
   4) UNESCO identifies the unique benefits of mobile learning, including
empowerment and equal access to education; personalization of training; instant
feedback and evaluation of learning outcomes; learning anytime, anywhere; effective
use of class time; formation of new student communities; support for situational
training; development of continuous "seamless" training; providing a link between
formal and non-formal learning; minimization of the consequences of the destruction
of the educational process in military zones; conflicts or natural disasters; assistance
to students with disabilities; improving the quality of communication and
management; maximizing cost-effectiveness [1];
   5) mobile learning is considered [9, 10, 14] as a separate area in the use of ICT in
education, with scientists identifying several advantages of using mobile technology
over traditional ICT, in particular: accessibility of mobile devices and mobile
applications and services; the opportunity to study anywhere, anytime; compactness
of mobile devices; development of related technologies related to the transmission
and storage of information on the Internet (cloud technologies); continuity of access
to training materials; increased interactive learning; ease of use; personalized learning
[11, 18, 19];
   6) at the same time, the question of the use of mobile phones in the educational
process is debatable today. In many countries, restrictions are imposed on their use at
school: 1) in 2018, France adopted a law prohibiting the use of mobile phones in
primary and secondary schools [20]; 2) in some schools in the US and Europe use the
so-called a Yondr Pouch, a small bag with a magnetic lock that holds a cellphone in
the class [21]; 3) in Victoria (Australia), as of 1 semester 2020, mobile phones in all
public schools must be excluded and stored throughout the day, except for
educational purposes [22]; 4) The UK has announced in 2019 its intention to ban
mobile phones in schools, with exceptions to the ban when students use phones to
monitor their health or to provide a lesson to students using mobile phones. [23].
Thus, in most countries, there are some restrictions on the use of mobile phones by
schoolchildren, but educational institutions are allowed to use mobile technologies for
educational purposes within the framework of M-learning;
   7) The main uses of mobile technology in the educational process are the use of
mobile applications, platforms, resources, and mobile sensors. The subject of the
study of this work has been selected for mobile applications.
   Highly appreciating the research and the achievements of scientists on this
problem, it is necessary to point out the need to continue scientific research in this
area, in particular the study of the possibilities of using mobile technologies as a
means of training students of physics and the development of appropriate educational
and methodological support.
  The analysis of existing mobile applications, platforms and resources has led to the
conclusion: there are a large number of applications freely available (Google Forms,
Survey Monkey, Kahoot!, Socrative, Plickers and many more), they can work in
different operating systems (Windows, Linux, Android ) and can be used by both
students and teachers during lessons as well as self-study at home. Features of using
different mobile applications and services are listed in Table 1.
            Table 1. Features of use of various mobile applications and services

 №       Name of              Content and activity              Time to use in the
        mobile app,               orientation                   learning process
       service, and
  1    Google Forms        allows you to create large-         while working in the
                                 scale surveys with                 classroom,
                               questions of different        and remotely (polls for a
                              types; provide students               long time)
                             with answers from their
                                own mobile devices
  2       Google               allows you to create,           while working in the
         Classroom             distribute and classify              classroom,
                           tasks; track the progress of       and remotely (use for a
                                each student, adjust                long time)
                            feedback by commenting
                             on student performance
  3       Kahoot!           rapid processing of test or        when working with a
  4      Socrative                 survey results              classroom audience
  5       Plickers
  6     web browser             storing and using              independent choice of
         Chromium           information regardless of         tasks and time for their
                              the equipment used to                  execution;
                             access cloud resources;           lets you work on your
                            Allows cloud technology                 mobile phone
    7       cloud          to synchronize the work of     (smartphone) from where
         environment           received data across       it was suspended on your
           Dropbox                    devices              computer and vice versa
    8      Moodle           information environment          while working in the
                              for distance education              classroom,
                                                                 and remotely
    9    Get a class:         includes materials in          while working in the
            Smart                    physics:                     classroom,
 10     Physics virtual               videos,                   and remotely,
              lab             theoretical materials,            independently
 11        Science             physical problems,
        experiments in         virtual labs, virtual
          physics lab       experiments, preparation
 12       Physics at             for final exams

   These resources offer a wide range of educational services from studying
theoretical material, watching video lectures, performing practical tasks (solving
problems, performing a virtual experiment, etc.) to creating and passing tests and
various control tasks aimed at helping students and teachers in physics training. When
using these applications, the teacher can perform supervising, teaching, orienting,
educational functions. These additions help to increase the cognitive interest of
students and the quality of their teaching, and also allow the teacher to organize the
preparation of students in physics and evaluation of their activities: 1) the level of
knowledge of theoretical knowledge that can be revealed during oral or written
questioning, testing; 2) the level of ability to use theoretical material in solving
physics problems of different types; 3) level of practical skills that can be found
during laboratory work and physics workshop; 4) content and quality of students'
creative work.

3       The Presentation of Main Results

   There are: plot, informational and methodical parts in the structure of training case.
The analysis of the considerable amount of resources that can be used in mobile
technologies has led to the need for questioning of physics teachers and students to
study their experience of using mobile technologies. The results of the questionnaire
made it possible to identify a list of mobile tools and applications that could be used
in physics lessons by teachers and students without additional training in their use, or
by providing methodological recommendations. Pupils of 9-10 grades of general
secondary education institutions, totaling 82 persons, were involved in the
questioning. In Fig. 1 shows the distribution of students by choice of applications that
they use most often on their mobile devices: 1 - browser (Google, Opera, etc.) - 85%;
2 - "mail client" - 77%; 3 - «instant messaging client» (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp) -
85%; 4 - applications for communication on social networks (Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, etc.) -78%; 5 - educational applications (Castle Quiz, Duolingo, MalMath) -
20%; 6 - e-book reader applications (CoolReader, FBReader, Play Books) - 15%; 7 -
office applications (Word, Excel, etc.) - 10%; 8 - dictionaries and translators - 44%; 9
- mobile games -92%.
   The results of the survey indicated that students most often use mobile devices for
gaming applications; various browsers, instant messaging clients, social media
applications; the least students use e-books, training applications, and office
applications (Fig.1).

                Fig.1. Categorization of students by mobile app usage level

   When asked about the convenience of ways of perceiving new material, the
students' answers were distributed as follows: 10% prefer reading the text of the
textbook; 16% better perceive information through pictures and diagrams in the
textbook; 22% - use audio and video snippets to improve the perception of new
educational material; 52% expressed a desire to learn new material in the form of a
   To the last question of the questionnaire regarding the modernization of the
process of studying physics through the use of mobile applications, 94% of the
observed respondents gave a positive answer.
   Summarizing the results of the questionnaire survey of students, it can be argued
that students are actively using mobile tools and applications in everyday life, but not
for the learning process.
   A survey was also conducted among physics teachers in Kherson (17 people).
   The survey results indicated that only 23% of the teachers could define the concept
of "mobile technology"; 71% know and use mobile technologies, but cannot give a
clear definition; 6% did not encounter mobile technologies (Fig.2).
                                                yes, i can give a definition

                                                yes, but i don’t know a definition

                                                first time hearing

                   Fig.2. Distribution of teachers' answers to question 1

   The second questionnaire revealed the level of awareness of teachers with mobile
applications adapted to the study of physics in Ukrainian schools and their use in the
educational process. 12% of teachers surveyed know and use mobile applications in
their professional activities; 41% of respondents know, but do not use mobile
applications in the educational process; 47% do not know about mobile applications
(Fig. 3).

                                                       yes, I use it

                                                       yes, I do not use it

                                                       no, first time hearing

                   Fig.3. Distribution of teachers' answers to question 2

   When asked about the possibility of using a ready-made mobile application in their
professional activity, 76% of the interviewed teachers expressed a desire to introduce
innovations in the educational process, 18% - hesitated about the introduction of
mobile technologies, and 6% did not see this need (Fig. 4).
                                                      yes, with pleasure

                                                      I could try it

                                                      I do not see the need

                   Fig.4. Distribution of teacher responses to question 3

   To the question of whether the use of mobile technologies in the process of
teaching physics in the development of students' interest in the study of physics and
enhancing their educational achievement, 94% of teachers gave a positive answer
(Fig. 5).
                                                   I think so

                                                   my methods do not need mobile
                    Fig.5. Distribution of teacher responses to question 4

   Summarizing the results of the survey of teachers, we can say that they are ready to
introduce innovative teaching methods in the educational process, in particular the use
of mobile technologies in teaching physics. The results obtained once again
confirmed the relevance of the chosen research topic and prompted the development
of methodological recommendations for the use of mobile technologies in physics
lessons in primary school. The analysis of mobile applications and literary sources on
the application of mobile technologies in Physics learning allowed developing
planning for the use of mobile technologies as a means of teaching physics students in
studying the phenomena of light in grade 9 (Table 2). At the same time, among the
many analyzed mobile applications, programs, games, and sites, we have chosen to
use five of them to study light phenomena: Get a class: Smart; Physics virtual lab;
Science experiments in physics lab; Physics at school; Plickers (Table 2).
Table 2. Planning the use of mobile technologies as a means of teaching physics students while
                      studying the section "Light phenomena" in grade 9

 №                            Theme
                                                                      mobile app
  1      Light phenomena. Speed of light propagation                Physics at school
  2    Light beam. The law of rectilinear propagation of            Get a class: Smart
                 light. Solar and lunar eclipse
  3    The law of rectilinear propagation of light. Task            Physics at school,
  4    Reflection of light. The law of reflection of light.         Physics at school,
                           Flat mirror                             Science experiments
                                                                      in physics lab
  5             Solving light reflection problems                   Get a class: Smart
  6      Laboratory Work № 3: Studying the Laws of                 Science experiments
             Reflection of Light Using a Flat Mirror                  in physics lab
  7     Refraction of light at the boundary of two media            Physics virtual lab
  8               Solving Refraction Problems                       Get a class: Smart
  9        Laboratory Work № 4: Light Refraction                     Physics at school
 10      Decomposition of white light into colors. Color             Get a class: Smart
 11       Lenses. Optical power and focal length of the              Physics at school
 12     Capture images with a thin lens. The formula of a            Physics virtual lab
              thin lens. The simplest optical devices
 13                   Lenses. Tasks solving                          Physics at school
 14     Laboratory work № 5: Determination of focal                  Get a class: Smart
             length and optical power of a thin lens
 15                   Lenses. Tasks solving                          Physics at school
 16     The eye is like an optical device. Vision. Vision            Physics at school
               defects and their correction. Glasses
 17              Light phenomena. Tasks solving                         Get a class: Smart
 18                Test № 2 Light phenomena                             Get a class: Smart
 19            Protection of educational projects                      Each or any of them

   In the course of the research, a set of tasks (with step-by-step instructions for their
use) was developed, aimed at the use of such mobile applications, programs, games,
sites as Physics virtual lab; Science experiments in physics lab; Physics at school;
Plickers; Get a class: Smart during the study of the "Light phenomena" students are
aimed at developing their cognitive interest in the study of physics, and improving the
quality of their learning.
   The effectiveness of using the selected mobile applications is based on their
features, namely:
   - Physics virtual lab [24] - The mobile application (English version) is a virtual
physics lab that allows you to test basic laws in physics using touch control. Step-by-
step use of the Physics virtual lab site to study the laws of reflection and refraction is
shown in Table 3.
 Table 3. Physics virtual lab as a tool for learning the laws of reflection and refraction of light

№                Step-by-step actions                           The image on the screen
1        The menu view of the mobile application

2     The laws of reflection and refraction of light.
                   Choose a category:
                    «Reflection laws»

3     Demonstration of the law of reflection: change
      the angle of incidence of the beam - the angle
           of reflection changes automatically.
      Conclusion: The angle of incidence is equal to
                  the angle of reflection.
4      Demonstration of the law of refraction of light:
       the beam refracts at the boundary of the air and
          water; the refraction angle is less than the
            incidence angle; changing the angle of
        incidence of the beam causes a change in the
                       angle of refraction.
       Conclusion: The ratio of the sine of the angle
       of incidence to the sine of the refraction angle
      for the two media is unchanged and is equal to
                 the relative refractive index.
   - Science Experiments in Physics Lab [25], a mobile application (English
version), is a virtual physics lab that lets you test basic laws of physics in the form of
a scientific game using touch control. In our opinion, it is one of the most successful
scientific games that are suitable for all ages. Unlike the previous mobile application,
there is a character in this game that acts as a guide and speaks rather slow and
understandable English throughout the game. Using this app, you can achieve two
goals: 1) learning to perform virtual experiments in physics; 2) to learn physics in
English, to develop skill in communication in a foreign language. After the virtual
experiment is followed by an audio and visual explanation. Audio explanation allows
you to check the readability of the written text, to find and learn unfamiliar words.
The only downside to this program is the small number of physical experiments (7 in
total). But we hope that it will be improved and supplemented over time. An example
of using the application as a teaching tool for physics students with a step-by-step
explanation is shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Science experiments in the physics lab as a means of studying the theme "Refraction
                       of light in different environments" (fragment)

    №             Step-by-step actions                      The image on the screen
    1     We choose the theme "Refraction of light
               in different environments".

    2     We are offered to make an experimental
             setup and select materials for the
           It allows you to perceive the name of
         objects by ear while seeing the image and
             name of the object on the screen.
    3      With the above program, we make the
          necessary installation, the appearance of
                 which we see on the screen.
              We choose the angle of incidence.
   - Physics at school [26] is a mobile application, free of charge and available for
download on Google Play. The program is available in various languages (wide list).
After choosing a language, 16 sections of physics themes are opened. This mobile
application is no longer a game. It has the appropriate rules of use, provides that the
student has some theoretical background. However, it is convenient to use this
program when studying the relevant topic, both in the lesson and when doing
homework. One of the main advantages of this app is the presence of mini-
experiments with calculations for any topic in the school physics course; you can
change the parameters of the experiment independently; vivid animations (Table 5).
     Table 5. An example of using Physics at school mobile application while learning about
    Lenses. “Optical power and focal length of the lens”, “Capture images with a thin lens. The
                                        thin lens formula”

№            Step-by-step actions                       The image on the screen
1      Choose a topic: "Collecting lens"

2      The subject is in focus. We perform
       construction (focal length can be
       changed, as well as the size of the
       object, and its appearance).
       We get an enlarged, direct, and
       imaginary image of the subject.
3      The subject is in the focus of the
       collecting lens. From the 9th-grade
       physics course, we know that the
       subject in focus will not have an
       image in the collecting lens.

4      The subject is between the focus
       and the dual focus of the collecting
       We get an enlarged, inverted, true
       image of the object.
5    The subject is in the second focus
     of the collecting lens. Get an
     inverted, valid, evenly sized object.

6    The subject is behind the second
     focus of the collecting lens. We
     obtain a true, reduced and inverted
     image of the object.

   - Plickers [27] - the program consists of several applications that only work in
complex form. Provides teachers work with the classroom, allows you to quickly,
effectively, and visually conduct a front-line survey. Algorithm and methodological
features of mobile application usage Plickers:
   - register on the official Plickers.com site;
   - create a class that we intend to work with and enter the names of students with
   - ask four-choice questions or true-false questions. The free demo can only ask
you five questions, but with multiple sets of questions, you can run them at one time;
   - to identify each student, they are provided with cards with a QR code, through
which students can answer questions;
   - in order to provide the correct answer to the question posed by the teacher,
students need to return the card with the code so that the correct answer (a, b, c, d) is
on top;
   - the teacher checks the Plickers mobile application by scanning the students'
nameplates. On the screen of his or her phone, the teacher receives statistics of correct
answers, which are given as a percentage of each question.
   - Get a class: Smart [28] - The web site is freely available to students, teachers,
and can be used on a mobile device and computer. Provides many opportunities for
the study of physics 7-11 grades, has a section on preparation for the final exam. Each
of the topics is selected at least 20 tasks that are solved interestingly. A character
named Smart acts as an assistant throughout the training process. On the site, students
can independently work the material, test, and evaluate their knowledge; the teacher
can set up assignments for test work, conduct online testing during physics classes,
which students can see immediately.
   Through these applications, the teacher can evaluate the quality of the students'
knowledge and correctly set the focus for future lessons.
   Taking into account the advantages of using different mobile applications, we
developed a teaching and methodological support for the study of the section "Light
phenomena" in grade 9, which included lesson notes (with a description of teacher
and student activities) and lessons (virtual experiments, tests, etc.) with tutorials and
step-by-step instructions for teachers and students on mobile applications.
   The effectiveness of the developed methodological recommendations aimed at the
use of mobile technologies as a means of teaching physics students was tested by
introducing it into the educational process of the OV Mishukov Kherson Academic
Lyceum at the Kherson State University. The total number of students involved in the
pedagogical experiment is 30.
   The criterion for the effectiveness of the developed methodological
recommendations for the use of mobile technologies in the educational process was
chosen the level of educational achievements of 9th-grade students in physics,
characterized as follows:
   Beginning level: the student's response when playing the educational material is
elementary, fragmentary, caused by fuzzy notions of objects and phenomena; the
student's activities are carried out under the guidance of the teacher;
   Intermediate level: knowledge is incomplete, superficial, the student reproduces
the basic educational material, but is not well understood, has problems with
analyzing and formulating conclusions; capable of performing tasks on the model;
   Sufficient level: the student knows the essential features of concepts, phenomena,
patterns, connections between them, apply the knowledge independently in standard
situations, knows how to analyze, draw conclusions, correct mistakes. The student's
answer is complete, logically justified; understanding is related to single images, not
   Advanced level: the student has a deep, solid, generalized knowledge of subjects,
phenomena, concepts, theories, their essential features and the connection of the latter
with other concepts; able to use knowledge in both standard and non-standard
situations [30].
   The analysis of the distribution of 9th-grade students by levels of educational
achievement, shown in Table 6, showed that there were positive changes in all levels
of academic achievement of students during the study of physics. Thus, the number of
students with low educational attainment decreased by 10%; the number of students
with an average level of educational achievement increased by 3.33%; the number of
students with a sufficient level of academic achievement has increased by 3.34%; the
number of students with a high level of academic achievement in physics also
increased by 3.33%.
Table 6. Level of academic achievement of 9th-grade students at the beginning and the end of
                                the pedagogical experiment

Stage          The level of academic achievement of students in physics
               Low             Average           Sufficient             High        Total
ogical   Num-               Num-               Num-              Num-
                     %                 %                   %                   %     nts
exper     ber                ber                ber               ber
Start      3       10,00     14      46,67       10      33,33      3       10       30
end        0        0,00     15      50,00       11      36,67      4     13,33      30
   The differences in the distribution of students by levels of educational achievement
in physics are illustrated in diagram 6 (Fig.6).

                                                                             The end

                    Low          Average      Sufficient      High
             The level of academic achievement of students in physics

     Fig.6. Distribution of 9th-grade students by levels of educational achievement in physics

   The results showed that there were positive changes in the levels of educational
achievement of students. The results were statistically substantiated using the T-
Wilcoxon test.
   So, the use of mobile technologies in Physics learning contributes to increasing the
motivation of students' learning activities and enhancement of the level of educational
material mastering.

4        Conclusions and Perspectives

   The results of the research indicate that in the context of the active transformation
of education in Ukraine, special attention should be paid to a variety of new learning
methods, technologies, and techniques. The mobile technologies is a learning
technology, based on the use of a wide range of digital and fully portable mobile
devices (smartphones, tablets, e-books, etc.) that enable operations to receive, process
and disseminate information; we propose to use it at general school, in particular, in
Physics study.
   The main ways to use mobile technologies in the process of teaching physics
students are to use mobile applications, sites, services, cloud environments, web
browsers while studying theoretical material, performing a virtual physical
experiment, solving physical problems, completing homework, performing control
measures (front-end polling, testing, etc.).
   The prospect of further research will be development of our mobile application in
physics, which will allow not only to interest students to study physics, but also to
improve the quality of physical education of students.

1.    UNESCO Policy Guidelines for Mobile Learning, Mark West, Steven Vosloo, (2013).
      Mode of access: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000219641
2.    Ukraine's        Law        “About       Education”.       Mode    of   access:
3.    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Mode of access:
4.    Project of National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021.
      Mode of access: http://iitzo.gov.ua/files/proekt_rozvitku_osviti_2012_2021_.doc
5.    The      use     of    mobile      technology      in     education/   Mode     of access:
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