The Use of Facebook and Instagram in Communication with New Students: the Case of Portuguese Public Universities Ema Almeida Nídia Salomé Morais Mestrado em Comunicação Aplicada Escola Superior de Educação – CI&DEI Escola Superior de Educação Polytechnic Institute of Viseu Viseu, Portugal Viseu, Portugal Abstract— The growing use of social networks and a large development of the business-oriented dimension of these number of people using them have attracted the attention of organizations" [4, p. 232]. Higher Education Institutions for some years now. These institutions have a strong presence on these platforms currently It is, therefore, crucial to deepen the relationship between and have learned to take advantage of their influence to get communication, social networks and HEIs, in an attempt to closer to their target audience, especially students. In this understand the way strategic communication practices, work context, the study presented in this article aimed to understand and to understand how HEIs take advantage of social the kind of use Portuguese Public Universities make of social networks by their specific needs. The study presented in this networks, particularly Facebook and Instagram, to article assumes that HEIs promote dynamic communication to communicate with their new students. Methodologically, a create more excellent proximity to their target audience and to descriptive study was conducted. Facebook and Instagram achieve their goals. pages of all Portuguese Public Universities were analysed in September 2018, a period that corresponds to the new students' In methodological terms, the authors chose to conduct a first contact with the institutions. The data collected and the descriptive study that allowed observing the Facebook and analysis of variables such as the kind of topics posted, shared Instagram pages of all the Portuguese Public Universities content and the kind of interaction generated made it possible (PPU) during September 2018. The choice of these two social to realise that universities use social networks to communicate networks was based on the fact that Facebook is the most with their audience, mainly when they chose to link an image to widely used social network nationwide and worldwide, and their web page (on Facebook) and when they use photographs because Instagram is a network widely used by young people and videos (on Instagram). During the period under review, [5]. According to [6], public universities play a prominent role posts focusing mainly on welcoming new students and on the in Portuguese higher education. The author also considers that welcome messages delivered by the Presidents/Boards of the their students are committed to learn and to achieve the universities were abundantly shared. highest possible scores in higher education. Keywords— universities, communication, students, Facebook, In this context it is essential, first, to understand the way Instagram HEIs use social networks in a general context and, then, to focus on a specific educational dimension, always considering I. INTRODUCTION the two social networks already mentioned. The objective is Currently, the communication carried out by Higher then to answer the starting question that guided the entire Education Institutions (HEIs) is inextricably linked to study: What use do Portuguese Public Universities make of technological infrastructure and digital media whose use is social networks during the period that encompasses their new meant to increase the contact with their audience. Over the last students' welcome reception? few years, the way people choose to communicate and to consume and share information has changed, not only due to II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK the diversity of the existing communication platforms but also Communication is a fundamental practice for society due to the characteristics of the new generations who have because it allows the sharing of information and knowledge become increasingly connected and more confident in their [7]. In organisations, the concept of communication is closely ability to multitask [1]. related to a wide range of objectives set to achieve a specific goal. That way, can strategic communication be described as HEIs are aware of this new reality and have adopted new an institutional communication practice? Each organisation communication strategies in order to create competitive seeks answers that will enable them to understand the different advantages that will help differentiate themselves from their relationships that take place within each one of them. As it competition [2]. In addition to the importance of the activities happens with all human beings, individually or in groups, they develop following their primary mission, today HEIs these organisations develop new processes or try to improve seek to adapt to the shifting demands of the market by those that already exist based on their own experiences or the changing their communication paradigm, among other things experience shared by other people or organisations [8]. [3]. The communication departments that exist in the universities were created to improve the communication Strategic communication is directly associated with strategies of these institutions and bear witness to this organisational/institutional communication and consequently willingness to evolve. In fact, "the increase in and the plays a relevant role in the transformations of the 21st century diversification of universities' communication activities seem due to its ability to adapt [9]. According to the same authors, to be closely related to the increasing competition and to the the evolution of ICT has provided organisations/institutions Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). with new ways of communicating. Strategic communication social networks most widely used by students and teachers are is usually described as a "strategic game in which players Facebook and Twitter and that the main reasons behind this make use of symbolic interaction to solve their problems or choice are the opportunity they provide to share content, to maximise opportunities" [9, p. 20]. engage in conversations, and to foster relationships. Understanding HEIs communication becomes even more For all the above reasons, it is a fact that the use of social relevant in such a context as these institutions realise that their networks also brings new communication practices to HEIs, audience is all over the Internet and "(...) now they are paying so it seems essential to develop research that will help identify more attention than ever before - they want to make uses, purposes, content and interactions related to the way themselves present, because they recognise that their audience information is shared through these platforms. is highly "connected" to the network (...)" [4, p. 14]. The evolution of the communication paradigm in HEIs becomes a III. THE STUDY complex challenge, and for communication to be successful, The following objectives guided the study presented in this well-defined strategies must be implemented. brief article: According to [10] one needs to identify the target  To understand the use of social networks in Portuguese audience, develop the message, choose the media and, finally, Public Universities (PPU) communication during the carry out a thorough analysis to obtain opinions and reactions period during which they welcome their new students; that can help improve and understand customer satisfaction. In [3] opinion, the identification of the target audience is one  To identify the social networks most widely used by of the first steps to be carried out when one starts to design PPU; communication strategies in an HEI: "(...) first of all the  To identify the content shared by PPU on the different interest groups of the institution must be identified in order to social networks; associate the company with its different target audiences and define the goals we aim to achieve for each of those groups  To observe the interactions created by the posts made with the help of organisational communication" [3, p. 34]. [11] by PPU on the different social networks; states that education institutions live off the relationships they are capable of creating with their audience. So it is fair to ask:  To understand what PPU use social networks for; what is the HEIs’ real audience? According to [12], in HEIs  To provide guidelines for an excellent social network there is no point in treating the target audience as a client, but communication strategy. the truth is that HEIs sell educational services and thus the author divides the HEIs’ audience into three different types: To achieve the objectives previously set out, a descriptive study was carried out. This option seemed appropriate,  students, who are considered the HEIs’ main target considering that the objective of this research was to analyse audience; the posts made by PPUs on Facebook and Instagram.  parents, since they play an important role in the According to [16], in this type of study, the objective is to students’ lives; describe a particular phenomenon by making use of the data previously collected, and by thoroughly analysing and  moreover, finally, the entities that hire the students interpreting said data. according to their qualifications and the skills they have developed in the HEIs. The instrument used for data collection in this study was an analysis grid which, according to [17], is a process that According to [13], teachers can also be included in the allows structuring the collected data systematically. This grid HEIs’ audience, because like parents, they also stand by their was created based on the following indicators: students during their education process. Former students can also be regarded as some sort of HEI audience. Usually, these Day | Topic | Nature of the post | Reactions | Comments | students are of great importance to universities, because they Answers to comments | Hashtags | Shares | Content inevitably convey an image of the institution, be it positive or The data inserted into the analysis grid was collected by negative. When they enter the labour market, former students one of the researchers of the study through direct observation mirror, to a certain extent, the education they have received of the Facebook and Instagram pages of the universities under from the institution they have attended during their academic analysis. career [14]. The universe of this study was composed of the As far as the communication with the audience is Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. The sample concerned, [15] claims that HEIs can use social networks for comprises all public higher education institutions. According various purposes: to promote the institution itself, to to DGES (General Directorate of Higher Education), there are disseminate information, and for educational purposes as well. 13 universities in the country. The same authors state that social networks support that offers excellent opportunities because they enable the creation of We chose to analyse PPUs Facebook pages for two relationships, promote interaction and allow significant reasons: it is the most widely used social network worldwide advantages when the strategies surrounding their use are well and the platform most widely used by the Portuguese. defined. Instagram was selected because it is a recent social network and is mostly used by young people, i.e., by the primary In this context, several universities have been exploring audience of HEIs. Thus, and taking into account that a large the advantages that social networks offer to advertise their part of the communication developed by an educational academic activity [16]. The same authors, following a study institution is directed to its usually young students, the choice conducted in three different universities, concluded that the of these two social networks is fully justified. September 2018 was chosen as the period to be studied, as it is the month in UBI - University of Beira Interior 54 067 4 526 which students are informed of whether or not they have been UC - University of Coimbra 139 645 25 800 accepted in a university (1st phase and 2nd phase), and UE - University of Évora 28 234 1 889 ULisboa - University of Lisbon 43 496 15 500 because for many students, this month represents their "first" UMa - University of Madeira 7 813 1 201 contact with a higher education institution and the beginning UM - University of Minho 91 332 16 600 of the school year. UNL - Nova University Lisbon 22 777 - UP - University of Porto 150 972 31 500 IV. RESULTS UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e 29 625 2 587 As previously mentioned, the social networks used by the Alto Douro 13 PPUs were analysed. As shown in Table 1, and based on the data collected, The University of Beira Interior was the According to the data presented in Table 3, it can be seen first university to create a Facebook page, back in 2009. More that there is a higher number of posts on Facebook than on recently, in 2015, the University of the Azores decided to Instagram. The universities with the largest number of posts create a Facebook account. There is no evidence of any on Facebook were the University of Madeira and the activity on Instagram carried out by the University of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. The University Azores and the Nova University Lisbon so far. The University of Coimbra was the institution with the highest number of of Coimbra is one of the first universities to have a profile on posts on Instagram. Instagram. The creation of its account dates back to 2012. In turn, the University of Évora created its Instagram account Table 3 – Total number of posts made by PPUs only in 2017 and is consequently one of the last universities to University Facebook Instagram join that social platform. ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute 14 2 Table 1 – Year the HEIs Facebook and Instagram pages were UAç - University of the Azores 0 ---- created UAlg - University of Algarve 47 7 UA - University of Aveiro 41 21 University Facebook Instagram UBI - University of Beira Interior 41 1 ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute 2012 2016 UC - University of Coimbra 50 36 UAç - University of the Azores 2015 ---- UE - University of Évora 25 4 UAlg - University of Algarve 2012 2015 ULisboa - University of Lisbon 28 9 UA - University of Aveiro 2010 2014 UMa - University of Madeira 53 11 UBI - University of Beira Interior 2009 2015 UM - University of Minho 42 23 UC - University of Coimbra 2010 2012 UNL - Nova University Lisbon 37 ---- UE - University of Évora 2013 2017 UP - University of Porto 32 6 ULisboa - University of Lisbon 2014 2014 UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e 53 18 UMa - University of Madeira 2014 2016 Alto Douro UM - University of Minho 2011 2016 UNL - Nova University Lisbon 2012 ---- UP - University of Porto 2013 2014 September 2018 was the month chosen to conduct the UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e 2011 2015 analysis, so, as can be seen from Table 4, it is only natural that Alto Douro most of the universities posts are aimed at their new students. We recall that September is usually the month when students get back to school and when new students are introduced to Regarding the number of followers of the Portuguese their new schools. In light of the above, the results show that Public Universities social networks (Table 2), data shows that the Instagram posts made by universities were entirely at the time of the study, the University of Porto had the highest directed to their new students. On Facebook, on the other number of followers on both social networks. On Facebook, it hand, the University of Lisbon was the only institution whose had a total of 150,972 followers. The University of Coimbra posts were entirely aimed at the new students. The University also has a significant number of followers (139,645). of Aveiro, the University of Évora, the University of Minho, In September 2018, the University of the Azores had the the University of Porto and the University of Trás-os-Montes lowest number of followers (2,333). The University of e Alto Douro also dedicated a large part of their social network Madeira has the second-worst score with 4,435 followers. The posts to new students during the month under review. remaining institutions had between 20,000 and 87,000 Table 4 - Total number of posts aimed at new students followers, as shown in the table below. The University of Porto stands out with its 31,500 followers on Instagram, and University Facebook Instagram the worst score was obtained by the University of Madeira ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute 14 2 with 1,201 users. The evidence clearly shows that the UAç - University of the Azores 0 ---- Universities of Évora (1,889), Beira Interior (4,526) and Trás- UAlg - University of Algarve 14 7 os-Montes and Alto Douro (2,587) also had a relatively low UA - University of Aveiro 20 15 UBI - University of Beira Interior 12 1 number of followers at the time of the study compared with UC - University of Coimbra 10 25 the Universities of Porto, Aveiro and Coimbra. UE - University of Évora 16 4 Table 2 – Number of followers on Facebook and Instagram ULisboa - University of Lisbon 7 7 UMa - University of Madeira 10 4 University Facebook Instagram UM - University of Minho 22 17 ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute 50 905 4 757 UNL - Nova University Lisbon 12 ---- UAç - University of the Azores 2 406 - UP - University of Porto 18 6 UAlg - University of Algarve 42 783 5 782 UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e 19 13 Alto Douro UA - University of Aveiro 89 725 17 800 Data presented in Table 5 makes it possible for us to see UE Video Video that the nature of the posts is different according to the two ULisboa Image w/hyperlink Picture social networks analyzed. On Facebook, posts are mostly UMa Image w/hyperlink Picture UM Image w/hyperlink Photograph academic, whereas, on Instagram, their aim is mostly UNL Image w/hyperlink ---- promotional. UP Image w/hyperlink Photograph Table 5 – Predominant nature of PPU posts UTAD Image w/hyperlink Photograph University Facebook Instagram ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute Promocional Académico V. RESULTS DISCUSSION UAç - University of the Azores ---- ---- The main objective of this study was to understand how UAlg - University of Algarve Académico Académico Portuguese Public Universities use social networks during the UA - University of Aveiro Académico Académico UBI - University of Beira Interior Promocional Académico period when students are about to enter their new school. UC - University of Coimbra Académico Promocional Based on the review of the literature, the social networks UE - University of Évora Académico Promocional selected were Facebook because it is the most popular social ULisboa - University of Lisbon Promocional Promocional media platform nationwide and worldwide and Instagram UMa - University of Madeira Académico Divulgativo because it is a growing social platform and because young UM - University of Minho Académico Promocional people mostly use it. The results obtained show that each one UNL - Nova University Lisbon Informativo ---- of the PPU has a Facebook page. Most of them also have an UP - University of Porto Académico Promocional Instagram account. The University of the Azores and the Nova UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes Académico Promocional e Alto Douro University Lisbon are the exceptions. There are differences in the way the universities analysed The next step was to analyse the posts that generated more use their Facebook page, mainly when considering the number significant interaction (see Table 6). The number of reactions of posts they make. The University of the Azores was not (or likes on Instagram) was the indicator chosen to represent taken into consideration since it hasn’t used its Facebook page users’ level of interaction. There was a large number of posts since 2015 (the year its page was created). shared (this indicator is valid for Facebook only) during the This study shows that the Portuguese Public Universities period of time under analysis. On the other hand, there were post more on Facebook than on Instagram. These results are fewer interaction generated by users’ comments. following those obtained in a study conducted by [11], in Table 6 – Post which generated higher levels of interaction which the author concluded that Facebook is the most widely used network by Public Higher Education Institutions. HEIs Facebook Instagram have been using Instagram as well, but the fact that this social Reactions Comments Shares Likes Comments platform is still relatively recent may explain why it is less ISCTE 684 8 247 423 1 popular among these institutions. UAç - - - - - UAlg 229 4 134 370 0 During the development of the study, some differences UA 873 56 689 1360 13 between the two social networks analysed became evident. UBI 753 12 222 122 1 Evidence shows that during September 2018 most of the posts UC 905 37 687 1995 14 made by universities were aimed at their new students (both UE 399 23 371 134 3 ULisboa 224 67 126 1100 52 on Facebook and Instagram), i.e., most of the topics had to do UMa 36 2 16 37 2 with enrolments, registrations, welcome messages, messages UM 857 55 213 1435 22 from the Presidents/Boards of the institutions, among others. UNL 155 1 88 - - That way, and under a study conducted by [18], it was found UP 2000 53 822 2014 27 that the posts that include welcome messages addressed to the UTAD 840 17 434 475 3 new students are those that "got the most likes, whereas, the posts containing information on conferences got less likes" (p. Finally, and according to the last analysed indicator - the 52). The posts that generated more interaction due to the type of content- (Table 7), it can be seen that the contents that reactions and likes, comments, responses to comments and got shared the most on each of the social networks under sharing they triggered were directly related to new students, analysis are distinct. On Facebook, the content that was most whereas posts that were related to conferences or workshops, frequently posted by universities are images with hyperlinks among other offers, were those that generated less interaction. to the institutions’ websites. The University of Évora is an Based on the analysis of the indicator related to the nature exception since most of its posts include videos or of the posts, the study clearly shows that these social networks photographs. On Instagram, most of the posts contain videos have different communication objectives. On Facebook, the or photographs. content of the posts is prominently academic and focused Table 7 – Type of content that prevails on Facebook and Instagram essentially on the dissemination of publications produced by the universities, i.e., research work, welcome messages to new University Facebook Instagram students and messages from their Presidents/Boards. On ISCTE Image w/hyperlink Photograph and Instagram, data analysis reveals that posts are predominantly video promotional and are mostly related to the promotion of the UAç ---- ---- institution. In light of the above, the results clearly show that UAlg Image w/hyperlink Picture and video the communication objectives of each social network are UA Image w/hyperlink Photograph distinct. UBI Image w/hyperlink Video UC Image w/hyperlink Video According to [19], Facebook is used to share posts that of generating more significant interaction may have to do with are much more detailed, whereas Instagram is most commonly the kind of content provided. The content displayed on this used for instant messaging. Facebook is, therefore considered social platform is considered more dynamic and appealing a more institutional social network used by universities to since the posts found are mostly videos and photographs. promote their activities and offers using more detailed and comprehensive information. With Instagram, universities Another conclusion that can be drawn from this research promote themselves using videos and photographs. is that most universities use Hashtags in their posts. Greater use of this indicator is visible on Instagram, and it was possible A study conducted by [20], whose objective was to analyse to conclude that the posts where the universities used Hashtags the Facebook posts made by several Brazilian HEIs, showed were those that managed to generate more significant that the indicator of the reaction enjoyed higher scores than interaction. According to the literature review, the use of this the shares or comments indicators. The same author believes functionality will allow universities to reach their target that this is because users seek activities that require less effort. audience, i.e., to grow beyond the regular page followers and This study also revealed that the indicator of the reaction generate greater visibility [23]. provided the highest level of interaction (and likes on Instagram). The shares indicator (action only allowed on VI. CONCLUSIONS Facebook) came right after. Currently, the Portuguese Public Universities target Comments and responses to comments are the indicators audience spends much time on the Internet, especially on that generated the least interaction. Comments made by social networks. The study conducted made it possible to universities on social networks are scarce: many of them did conclude that universities are aware of this reality and are not comment on a single post of their followers, and those that increasingly using social networks to communicate with their chose to engage with their followers did it only occasionally. students during September to try and establish the first contact However, this pattern is not necessarily negative. To better using the channels that students mostly employ in their daily understand this indicator, we would need to conduct a more life. The question is whether or not the institutions make fair thorough analysis, since the low number of comments may use of social networks to establish close relations with their mean that further comments or replies to comments are not audience. The conclusions suggest that during the month required. under review, the universities made fair use of the functionalities of social networks, turning them into strong The conclusions reached in this research reveal that most communication allies. of the posts made by universities during the month under analysis were made on Facebook, but also show that the The analysis carried out showed that universities stimulate highest level of interaction happened on Instagram due to a social networks according to their objectives and the target large number of likes observed. It is believed that this is audience they intend to reach, i.e., the new students. This because Instagram has already achieved a strong position in study provided us with some critical considerations that will the lives of young people and because it is a social platform surely be important to improve HEIs communication widely used by these age groups. Data collected from the strategies involving social networks: study conducted by [21] reveals that young people who use  To use Hashtags in the post descriptions, in order to social networks seem to have "traded" Facebook for identify the topic of the post and allow it to reach a Instagram. larger number of people; Evidence also shows that universities’ Facebook posts are  To take into account the relevant comments made by predominantly images containing a hyperlink to the followers. Given that replying to everyone is institution's website. Those image hyperlinks mean that a impossible, an answer should be given to those raising simple “click” on one of the pictures displayed will take the essential issues; user to another web page. It is believed that this is due to the importance attached by universities to their institutional  To avoid sharing the same type of content. It is websites and to the role they play in the communication important to diversify the posts to avoid being process and to the fact that HEIs are aware of the support that repetitive and visually tiring. social networks are currently providing to that communication Finally, we should stress that the methodological process. This study, following the research work conducted by limitations of this study do not allow the data obtained to be [22], seems to confirm the idea that websites are still: generalised. The conclusions obtained are only valid for this "(...) the most powerful tools in the communication context and are not representative of the communication between organisations and their audiences, because of the carried out by PPUs in other contexts and at other times. advantages and possibilities they present and that have already This study focused merely on two social networks during been discussed. When one focuses on university a specific period. It would be necessary for future studies to communication, these social platforms seem to be of analyse and compare other social networks. The variables particular relevance, since universities are institutions where used were limited to the objectives of this study, however the information process plays a decisive role, and in which other relevant variables can be identified: the timing of the web pages represent one of the first and most important places posts, for instance, to understand the time of day the where prospective students or students go to look for relevant institutions share the most and the time of day posts generate information" (p. 134). more significant interaction; the number of views of the videos On Instagram, universities post photographs compared to other contents, to understand the scope of each predominantly and videos. It is worth noting that this social post according to the type of content shared, among others. network does not allow the sharing of images with hyperlinks to other pages or websites. The fact that Instagram is capable ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [9] A. Barreto and E. 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