=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2733/paper16 |storemode=property |title=Facilitating Digital Equity in Educational Contexts with Teenagers at Risk of Social Exclusion: the ICT Facilitator Competence Profile |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper16.pdf |volume=Vol-2733 |authors=Patricia Santos,Judit Martinez-Moreno,Nuria Alonso,Martina Mayrhofer,Davinia Hernández-Leo |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/siie/SantosMAMH20 }} ==Facilitating Digital Equity in Educational Contexts with Teenagers at Risk of Social Exclusion: the ICT Facilitator Competence Profile== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper16.pdf
   Facilitating Digital Equity in Educational Contexts
   with Teenagers at Risk of Social Exclusion: the ICT
              Facilitator Competence Profile
                Patricia Santos                                   Judit Martinez-Moreno                                     Nuria Alonso
        Department of Information and                          Department of Information and                                   Colectic
        Communication Technologies                             Communication Technologies                                 Barcelona, Spain
         Universitat Pompeu Fabra                               Universitat Pompeu Fabra                             nuria.alonso@colectic.coop
               Barcelona, Spain                                      Barcelona, Spain
           patricia.santos@upf.edu                                judit.martinez@upf.ed

                          Martina Mayrhofer                                                            Davinia Hernández-Leo
                                Colectic                                             Department of Information and Communication Technologies
                               Barcelona,                                                            Universitat Pompeu Fabra
                 Spain martina.mayrhofer@colectic.coop                                                    Barcelona, Spain

    Abstract—This research explores the possibility of defining the              at risk of social exclusion [2]. During the 2016 International
competence profile of ICT facilitators aimed to ensure digital                   Conference of NGOs at UNESCO Headquarters the main topic
equity in educational settings. In order to define the professional              of discussion was: “The challenge of the digital revolution”,
profile of the ICT facilitator, a selection of various competences is            which gathered 250 NGO representatives from around the
presented as a survey study and distributed to digital literacy                  world. The conference was organized around four subthemes:
instructors working in areas of high risk of social exclusion. The               “The digital revolution and its impact on the diversity of cultural
selection of competences was done first through a bibliography                   expressions”; “The challenge of access to digital information”;
search process based on the Spanish and Catalan (due to the local                “Does e-learning address challenges of education systems
context of study) and European frameworks for digital literacy
                                                                                 worldwide?”; and, “Science and the digital revolution: which
skills. The selected competences were iterated with experts from a
non-profit organization specialized in digital literacy training in
                                                                                 ethical implications?”. Three of the four subthemes were
contexts with minors at risk of social exclusion. Finally, the survey            especially oriented to discuss the importance of cultural
was administered to other ICT instructors with expertise in                      diversity, access to digital information and ethical implications
similar contexts asking them to assess the relevance of the                      as factors that are critical to ensure digital equity, especially in
competences that an ICT facilitator should have to promote digital               contexts of minors at risk of social exclusion. This means that
equity. Competences that have been identified as highly important                from a pedagogical perspective there is a need to think how to
are the following ones: communication, respect, interdisciplinary                consider aspects of social inclusion to reduce the digital divide
coordination, relational skills and interpersonal skills. This                   [3 and 4]. As Warschauer [5] states, traditionally the original
research contributes to the current debate of proposals to                       sense of ‘digital divide’ is attached to the importance of the
guarantee digital equity in formal education environments                        physical availability of computers and connectivity rather than
through the definition of the ICT facilitator’s competence profile.              to issues of content, language, education, literacy or community
                                                                                 and social resources.
    Keywords—Social exclusion, digital culture, digital equity, ICT
in education, teacher education                                                      This paper presents a study elaborated by a group of
                                                                                 researchers and members of an NGO from a disadvantaged area
                           I. INTRODUCTION                                       of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) named Colectic, situated at the
    In the report ‘Rethinking Education in the Age of                            ‘Raval’ district. The main aim of Colectic is to work for the
Technology’ [1], the authors state that the worlds of private                    inclusion, autonomy and empowerment of people and
schooling, home-schooling, and informal learning spaces have                     communities in the social, labour and technological fields,
been more receptive to the advantages promised by new media                      understanding and using technology as a tool for participation
technologies than the context of formal education (i.e. schools).                and social transformation. Colectic understands technology as a
Non-profit organizations (NGOs) focused on digital literacy                      facilitating tool for the autonomy of people. They develop
training play a fundamental role in areas with minors/teenagers                  transversal projects with the aim of improving the quality of life
                                                                                 of the residents of the Raval, with special attention to groups at
This work has been partially funded by the Barcelona City Council (Makers per    risk of social exclusion (migrant population, women, young
la inclusió project). Dr. Santos acknowledges the support by the Ramón y Cajal   people and the elderly). This study is framed in the ‘Makers for
programme. Dr. Hernández-Leo acknowledges the support by ICREA under             the inclusion’ project. This project is focused on trying to
the ICREA Academia programme.

            Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
palliate the digital inequality of the disadvantaged area of the       royalties, and being able to program informatic programs or
Raval of Barcelona. Raval is a district in Barcelona where             modify existing ones and use it for educational purposes;
approximately 50% of its inhabitants are from outside the EU.          Fourthly, the security area for protecting the devices used,
There are more than 40 nationalities living together. In this          protecting personal data and digital identity, avoiding health
context, and as described in more detail in this paper, there is a     risks, and protecting the environment. And lastly, the problem-
high risk of social exclusion for teenagers especially when            solving area includes to be able to solve technical problems,
digital equity it is not considered as a pedagogical strategy action   identify needs for using resources and how to provide solutions,
to be facilitated by ICT instructors. Makers for the inclusion is      innovate and use technology creatively using it as a source of
aimed at children and young people, women, vulnerable groups           expression, and identify which digital skills should be improved
or at risk of exclusion, families, agents of the educational           in oneself and the others. In this framework, ‘cultural diversity’
community, non-profit organizations, and social education              is included as an aspect to be considered only when students
professionals. The main aim of this study is to define the             share information in online and virtual environments, but not as
professional profile of digital literacy instructors in an             a factor to consider within your own group of students to design
educational context with minors at risk of social exclusion by         adequate digital literacy educational activities for them.
identifying the most relevant competences that are needed to
                                                                           In a more regional level, the government of Catalonia
ensure digital equity in this context. To define the set of
competences for this profile, the team of researchers and experts      proposes a document specifying the digital literacy skills that
from Colectic developed a first iteration of competences (based        students need to have to be able to interact successfully with
on the literature and their expertise accumulated across               today’s society [9,10]. In Catalonia, for schools it is mandatory
projects). And a second iteration of the collection of                 to plan and propose the scholar curriculum for the correct use of
competences was done by distributing a survey to 12 instructors        digital technologies. This has to be done in the context of “pla
with previous experience in this type of contexts.                     TAC” standing for Technologies for Learning and Knowledge
                                                                       (Tecnologies per l’Aprenentatge i el Coneixement, in Catalan)
    This paper is structured as follows. First, we discuss the         which is the method that facilitates the organizational planning
current proposals from educational committees locally in               for the introduction of these technologies. There are ten
Catalonia, Spain (due to the context of this study) and Europe,        competences classified in four dimensions. The dimensions are:
with the main aim of identifying the 21st century digital skills in    (1) Tools and applications; (2) Information management and
educational settings and how they consider digital equity on           organization of the learning and working environments; (3)
them. Next, in the Study section we describe the local context of      Interpersonal communication and collaboration; and (4) Digital
this study, and how the survey was designed and distributed. In        identity, civic-mindedness and habits.
the same section we also present the results obtained after the
analysis of the responses provided by 12 ICT instructors with              In the dimension for tools and applications, the competences
expertise in contexts with minors at risk of social exclusion.         that should be developed are: selecting, using and programming
Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the most relevant            digital devices depending on the tasks that are being carried out,
results and future plans.                                              using the basic functions of text editors, number editors and
                                                                       multimedia presentations, and using programs and applications
                     II. STATE OF THE ART                              for creating and editing drawings, sounds and videos. In the
                                                                       second dimension, information management and organization of
    21st century digital skills in educational settings                the learning and working environments, the competences that
    There are different actions to introduce the development of        should be developed are the ability of searching, comparing and
students’ and teachers’ digital literacy skills in the context of      selecting digital information considering different sources,
formal and informal education in Spain and Europe [6 and 7].           constructing personal knowledge through the use of digital
First, we review how this is dealt in the national/regional case of    devices, and organizing the work and learning in digital
Spain for formal and informal educational settings. Second, we         environments. In the third dimension, interpersonal
describe the European perspective.                                     communication and collaboration, the student has to develop the
                                                                       competence for communicating virtually and using digital
    In the case of Spain, the document proposed by the Spanish         publications, and for working in teamwork taking advantage of
Ministry of Education [8] is a reference framework describing          virtual collaborative environments. Lastly, in the dimension for
the digital competences that teachers need to have for                 digital identity, civic-mindedness and habits, the competences
conducting their teaching practice. It structures different skills     that have to be developed are health usages of technology and
in five different areas, and it establishes six levels of expertise.   responsible, critical and prudent way of acting when using
The areas that it considers are: (1) Information and data literacy,    digital technologies by considering ethical, legal, security,
(2) Communication and collaboration, (3) Digital content               sustainability and digital identity issues. Again, in this case, we
creation area, (4) Safety, and (5) Problem solving. Firstly, the       observe how the aspects related to ‘cultural diversity and ethics’
information and informational literacy area refers to the ability      are only considered from the point of view of building a virtual
for searching, evaluating, and storing data collected from digital     identity in social media channels. But not from a critical thinking
resources. Secondly, the communication and collaboration area          perspective stimulating the debate of digital equity.
refer to the interaction, sharing, citizenship participation,
collaboration with others, behave properly and administer                  In the case of Spain, the figure of the ‘ICT facilitator’
digital identity through digital applications. Thirdly, the digital    (Dinamizador TIC, in Spanish) also exits. The role of the ICT
content creation area is related to developing new digital content     facilitator begins to be outlined in numerous communities as part
or using the existing one modifying it, taking into account the        of the infrastructure to support teachers in schools. Its figure is
incorporated with the purpose of promoting the use and                   Secondly, cultural awareness means to show cultural
integration of ICT in the pedagogical activities of the formal           understanding and respect towards online communication with
educational centres [11 and 12]. This is still a process in              people from different cultures; Thirdly, flexibility includes the
progress, it is expected that at least one person will occupy this       skills to adapt one’s thinking, attitude or behaviour to changing
position, typically the computer science teacher of the                  ICT environments; Fourthly, self-direction is the ability to use
educational centre. However, some centres are also considering           ICT to set goals for oneself, take control of them, take steps
the presence of two people, one dedicated to the management of           towards the goals and monitor the progress; And finally, lifelong
technical equipment and another one in charge of promoting the           learning for constantly explore new opportunities when using
use of ICT from a pedagogical perspective. There is still no             ICT to create useful knowledge individually.
consensus on the role of the ICT facilitator and for this reason it
is important to identify the competences needed to perform this              In this line and based on the different initiatives presented,
position. In order to identify the most relevant competences             we think it is necessary to identify the most relevant
(beyond the ones related to the technical knowledge) and with            social/contextual competences of ICT facilitators to facilitate a
the aim of integrating a digital equity strategy, we think it is         digital equity strategy for educational contexts. To accomplish
necessary to consider the opinion from digital literacy                  this objective, we believe it is critical to bring into this debate
                                                                         the experience of digital literacy instructors working in contexts
instructors with experience in contexts of social inclusion to this
debate. This is the objective that we pursue in this study, but first    of social exclusion. For this reason, our study is focused on
we have also considered the European perspective in relation to          identifying the most relevant competences that should be
the competences that are recommended to work digital literacy            prioritized based on the experience of these professionals.
in educational contexts.                                                                  III. MATERIALS AND METHOD
    From a European point of view, it is proposed that the 21st          A. Context of Study
century skills (in general) and the digital skills (in particular) are
concepts that emphasize a broad spectrum of skills [13 and 14].              Considering the professional experience of digital literacy
There have been defined seven core dimensions of the 21st                instructors in contexts of digital inequality, it is critical to ensure
century digital skills, which are: (1) Technical aspects; (2)            a digital equity strategy in educational settings. This study has
Information      management;       (3)     Communication;          (4)   been framed as part of the ‘Makers for the inclusion’ project,
Collaboration; (5) Creativity; (5) Critical thinking; and (7)            collecting opinions from professionals working in a socio-
Problem solving.                                                         economically underdeveloped area of the city of Barcelona.
                                                                         ‘Raval’ is one of the most densely populated areas in the world
    Firstly, the technical aspects such as understanding and using       where 444 inhabitants per hectare coexist, with more than 40
information and communication technologies (ICT); Secondly,              different nationalities, with predominance of Pakistan, the
the information management in relation to the fact of defining           Philippines and Bangladesh. The 7.9% of the population of the
the research statement using ICT, accessing the information              district have insufficient studies (7.6% in Barcelona), 54% have
from online sources, evaluating the usefulness and sufficiency           compulsory studies (39.5% in Barcelona), 17% have higher
of information using ICT and managing the organization of the            studies (25.3% in Barcelona), and only 21% have university
information using ICT; Thirdly, communication based on the               studies (27.5% in Barcelona). The 90% of the students in
skills to use ICT to transmit information to others; Fourthly,           schools from this district come from immigrant families [16].
collaboration thanks to the use of ICT to develop a social
network and work in team; Fifthly, creativity, using ICT to                  There is a disturbing distance between two contexts: the
generate new or unknown ideas or to create new products or               home context and the school, which contributes to processes of
services; Sixthly, critical thinking developed through the correct       segregation and social and economic inequality in general, and
use of ICT to make informed judgements and choices clarifying            that have direct repercussions on the students in the
questions, judging the suitability of a source, invoking                 neighbourhood. 90% of the students of the educational centres
arguments, linking ideas and suggesting new ideas for                    come from immigrant families, but only 49% of the people who
discussion; And finally, problem solving using ICT to                    live in the neighbourhood are foreigners, this phenomenon also
cognitively process and understand a problem and find a                  occurs in the field of non-formal education organizations. The
solution acquiring implicit and explicit knowledge and applying          digital inequity in this particular context produces the following
it.                                                                      consequences:

    According to Van Laar et al [15] five 21st century                   There is a low "science capital", few children/teenagers from
dimensions of digital skills should be also connected to the core        this district have access to higher education or university levels.
ones mentioned in the previous paragraph, these are the                  In general, the youth unemployment and school drop-out rates
contextual ones. These competences bring the possibility to take         are higher in disadvantaged districts.
into consideration the social context where the digital activity is
going to be performed: (1) Ethical awareness; (2) Cultural               Schools in disadvantaged areas as the Raval, have difficulties to
awareness; (3) Flexibility; (4) Self-direction; and (5) Lifelong         allocate time or resources to promote digital literacy
learning.                                                                competences. Consequently, these competences are facilitated
    Firstly, ethical awareness means to behave in a socially             through public civic spaces organized by NGOs in a format of
responsible way making a responsible use of ICT and                      informal learning activities.
understanding its social, economic and cultural impact;
   Based on this situation, we have approached professionals               (educational functions, theories of development and
with experience in this social context with the main aim of                learning, teaching role ...).
identifying the most relevant competences to facilitate digital
                                                                      -    Promotion of autonomous learning: Promote the students’
equity in educational contexts with teenagers at risk of social
exclusion.                                                                 autonomous learning based on the objectives and contents
                                                                           of the course and develop strategies that avoid exclusion
B. Methodology
                                                                           and discrimination.
    A survey study is conducted to investigate which is the           -    Evaluation: To use the evaluation in its pedagogical
competence profile of a digital literacy instructor in an
educational context with minors at risk of social exclusion. This          function and not merely accrediting itself as a regulator and
study involved: an entity (i.e. non-profit institution aimed to            promoter of the improvement of the learning.
teach digital literacy in contexts at risk of social exclusion) and   -    Orientation: Tutoring students through specific steps.
12 instructors of robotics and programming education. The             -    Theoretical: Be familiar with the most recognized and
content of the survey was designed in two phases: First, we
                                                                           accepted basic educational theories.
selected a set of competences based on a bibliography search
process (detailed in the previous section). Second, 3 members of      -    Adaptation: Know, evaluate and decide on the adequacy of
Colectic, with high expertise in contexts of high risk of social           the available materials for the teaching of robotics.
exclusion, helped us to iterate the selection of competences and
improve the description associated to each competence. Finally,       3.   Communication
the survey contained the following sections to collect
                                                                      -    Communication: Develop communication processes in an
information from the instructor’s profile and their opinion about
the set of competences needed in the context of study:                     effective way (reception, interpretation, production and
                                                                           transmission of messages through different channels and
- Background data: demographics, level of studies and previous
                                                                           media according to the context).
professional experience related to the context.
                                                                      -    Interdisciplinary       coordination:    Participate      in
- A set of competences to be selected considering their priority
                                                                           interdisciplinary teams in a coordinated way, vertically and
following six categories. The survey contains an open question
                                                                           horizontally; To lead and / or collaborate in training and
at the end to include new competences in case they thought that
                                                                           evaluation activities; Generate new ideas and manage
relevant ones are missing:
                                                                           teaching projects adapted to new situations and needs
                                                                           based on the objectives and resources available.
1.   Critical thinking
                                                                      -    Interpersonal: Participate and collaborate efficiently and
-    Open to questions: Stimulate debate and collaboration in
                                                                           constructively in social and professional life; Solving
     the classroom.
                                                                           conflicts that are inherent in the interaction with other
-    Social: Bring the conversation to social media to explore
                                                                           individuals or groups in personal and public contexts,
     possibilities outside the classroom context.
                                                                           based on the codes of conduct and generally accepted uses
-    Ethics: To promote an attitude of critical and responsible
                                                                           in the different societies and environments; Respecting the
     citizenship between students.
                                                                           integrity of people and social and cultural diversity and
-    Reflection: Reflect on the problems that technology
                                                                           fostering intercultural and interpersonal communication,
     introduces in our society and favour responsible and
                                                                           equality and non-discrimination of any kind.
     critical use of them both in the professional and in the
                                                                      -    Respect: Respect the cultural and personal differences of
     personal context.
                                                                           the students and other members of the educational
-    Cultural: Knowing how to acquire knowledge about
     different cultures and their values and how to understand
                                                                      -    Relational: Establish a good relationship with the
2.   Pedagogy
                                                                      4.   Creativity and inventiveness
-    Organization: Organize the agenda and the time correctly
                                                                      -    Innovation: Actively apply alternatives and processes of
     to cover the content in its entirety.
                                                                           change in the design, development and evaluation of
-    Methodology: To favour and enhance the learning and
                                                                           teaching activities according to each context and aimed at
     development of personal and professional competences, by
                                                                           improving the quality of teaching and learning of students.
     applying appropriate methodological and assessment
                                                                           Be willing to innovate and try both teaching techniques,
     strategies, in accordance with pedagogical and ethical
                                                                           educational applications, ICT tools and electronic devices.
     models adapted to each context and educational situation.
-    Understanding of educational processes: Understand the
     complexity of educational and teaching-learning processes
-    Design and development: Design and develop educational                About the competences related to critical thinking, most of
     projects that allow the content of the course to be adapted       the professionals considered that it is very important to be open
                                                                       to questions (75%) or at least quite important (25%). The social
     to the socio-cultural context.
                                                                       field was also considered as very important by most of them
-    Adaptation: Know, evaluate and decide on the adequacy of          (66.7%), indicating the perceived importance of bringing the
     the available materials for the teaching ICT content.             debate to the social networks to explore possibilities out of the
                                                                       class. Furthermore, the cultural field was also considered as very
5.   Technical and resolute competences                                important (66.7%), referring it to the necessity to know how to
-    Technology: Use, in an imaginative, critical and selective        acquire knowledge about different cultures, their values and its
                                                                       comprehension. Reflection and potentiation of a critical
     way, Information and Communication Technologies as a              citizenship attitude was considered as fairly important (41.7%),
     means and support for the development and improvement             and ethics was considered as slightly important (50%).
     of the teaching-learning process.
                                                                           In relation to the competences regarding pedagogy, most of
-    Knowledge of the contents: Know the contents that will be         the instructors indicated as very important self-learning (83.3%)
     taught.                                                           and two persons considered it fairly important (16.7%). The
-    Resolution: To know how to provide different solutions to         methodology and the evaluation were also considered very
     the same problem.                                                 important (66.7% each), the first one regarding the importance
                                                                       of supporting students’ learning as well as their personal and
-    Interdisciplinarity: be able to combine different disciplines
                                                                       professional skills development, and the second one regarding
     to achieve the resolution of the problem                          the function of evaluation as a learning potentiator. Adaptation
-    Creativity: find innovative or different formulas to face a       of the materials and tools and comprehension of the educational
     situation                                                         processes were also considered as very important for half of the
                                                                       teachers (50% each). On the other hand, orientation was
                                                                       considered as fairly important by half of them (50%), and the
6.   Transversal competences                                           organization competence was considered as fairly important
-    Commitment: Be committed to the work and education of             (33.3%) and very important (33.3%). Nearly half of the
     children / teenagers.                                             instructors considered that theory was slightly (41.7%) and fairy
-    Tolerance: Do not prejudge and treat all students alike.          important (41.7%).
-    Gender Equity: Ensure that equality of opportunities                  The competences related to communication were considered
     among all the participants is guaranteed, with special            as highly important. Respect was considered as very important
     emphasis on disassembling stereotypes related to the role         by most of the instructors (83.3%), referring to respect the
                                                                       cultural and personal differences of students. Relational
     of girls in the technological areas.
                                                                       competences related to the importance of establishing a good
                                                                       relationship with the infant or adolescent, were also considered
    The participants of the survey had to indicate in which level      as very important (75%). Interpersonal competences and
they thought it is important to have the different competences to      interdisciplinary coordination were considered as very
be an instructor in an educational context with minors at risk of      important by two thirds of the participants (58.3%). Finally,
social exclusion. They did it by answering a Likert scale which        communication was considered as important by most of the
responded to “not appropriate”, “not at all important”, “slightly      participants (66.7%) and very important only by one of them
important”, “fairly important” and “very important”.                   (33.3%).
    Descriptive statistics were used to report results of the closed       About the competences related to creativity and
questions in the questionnaires. The statistical analysis has been     inventiveness, most of the instructors considered that innovation
performed using SPSS (IBM Corp.). An inductive thematic                and adaptation are two very important competences (66.7%
analysis based on our research questions was used to report the        each). The first one, innovation, refers to the ability to apply
results of the open questions.                                         changes in the class design, development and evaluation to
                                                                       improve the teaching quality as well as students’ learning. The
                 IV. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
                                                                       second one, adaptation, refers to the ability to know, assess and
    A total of 12 instructors participated in the survey study (4      decide the adaptation of the available materials oriented to teach
females, 8 males; age: M = 39.67, SD = 7.07). Most of them had         robotics and programming. Design and development has been
completed bachelor’s degree studies (66.7%), as well as other          considered as fairly important by half of the instructors (50%)
courses (66.7%) or self-learning (50%). Their academic                 and very important by nearly half of them (41.7%), referring to
background was about Programming and robotics (50%),                   the ability to design and develop educational projects that allow
Computer Sciences and Communication (41.7%), Sociocultural             to adapt the course material to the sociocultural context.
services (25%), Arts and Humanities (16.7%) and Education
(8.3%). Most of them had previous experience working in a                  In relation to the technical and resolutive competences,
fieldwork related to technology (58.3%) as well as developing          nearly all the instructors indicated that it is very important to be
robotics related activities (57.1%).                                   creative (91.7%) in relation to being able to find innovative ways
                                                                       to face a situation. Technology knowledge was also considered
                                                                       as very important by most of them (66.7%), followed by
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prejudices and the second one related to guarantee the same                     politics, 2008.
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compromised with the task and children and teenagers’
education (75%), being it considered as fairly important by the                 [6] L. Castañeda, F. Esteve, and J.Adell, J. “¿Por qué es necesario repensar la
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                                                                                [8] INTEF. Common Digital Competence Framework for Teachers –
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think that the process conducted, the design of the survey, and                 [9] Departament d’ensenyament. Competències bàsiques de l’àmbit digital.
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    More specifically, in relation to the competences that an ICT               [12] M. P. C . Bravo, J. de Pablos Pons, J. and J.B. Pagán, “Incidencia de las
facilitator should have, the survey helped us to identify the most              TIC en la enseñanza en el sistema educativo español: una revisión de la
relevant ones. First, regarding critical thinking, both groups have             investigación”. Revista de Educación a Distancia, (56), 2018.
considered it is important to be opened to questions. Next, about               [13] S. Carretero, R. Vuorikariand Y. Punie. The Digital Competence
pedagogy, they have coincided in the importance of the                          Framework for Citizens. Publications Office of the European Union, 2017.
methodology. The competences related to communication that                      Retrieved July 13, 2020 from http://bit.ly/Carretero2017
have been identified as highly important are the following ones:
                                                                                [14] European Commission. Rethinking Education: investing in skills for better
respect, interdisciplinary coordination, relational skills and                  socio-economic outcomes, 2012. Retrieved July 13, 2020 from
interpersonal skills. For creativity and inventiveness, many have               http://bit.ly/ECreEDUC
agreed that innovation and adaptation are very important
competences. Next, with reference to the technical and resolute                 [15] E. Van Laar, A.J., Van Deursen, J.A Van Dijk, and J. De Haan, “The
competences, technology, resolution and interdisciplinarity                     relation between 21st-century skills and digital skills: A systematic literature
                                                                                review”. Computers in human behavior, 72, pp.577-588, 2017. DOI:
have been highlighted. Finally, the transversal competences that                https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.03.010
have been indicated as most important have been tolerance and
gender equity - being the last one, gender equity, an aspect that               [16] Observatori Barcelona. Informe 2014. Gabinet Tècnic de Programació de
needs urgent actions especially in disadvantaged areas [20 and                  l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2014.
    The main conclusion of this study is that beyond technical
competences, the competences related to the social context and
the capacity of development in environments of social exclusion
are even more important. A next step in our plan is to distribute
the survey to a higher number of ICT instructors in Spain and
also in Europe to extend the study.
[1] A. Collin and R.Halverson,“Rethinking education in the age of technology:
The digital revolution and schooling in America. Teachers” College Press,
2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-69132-7_1