=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2733/paper24 |storemode=property |title=An Augmented Reality Information System Designed to Promote STEM Education |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper24.pdf |volume=Vol-2733 |authors=Maria Cristina Costa,António Manso,Paulo Santos,João Patrício,Francisco Monteiro Vital,Gonçalo Manuel Martins Rocha,Bernardo Marques Alegria |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/siie/CostaMSPVRA20 }} ==An Augmented Reality Information System Designed to Promote STEM Education== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper24.pdf
           An Augmented Reality Information System
            Designed to Promote STEM Education
            Maria Cristina Costa                                                                               Paulo Santos
  Unidade Departamental de Matemática e                        António Manso                   Techn&Art - Instituto Politécnico de Tomar,
                   Física                        Techn&Art - Instituto Politécnico de Tomar ,                    Portugal
      Instituto Politécnico de Tomar                               Portugal                                   psantos@ipt.pt
   CICS.NOVA - Universidade NOVA de                             manso@ipt.pt
                  Lisboa                                                                             Goncalo Manuel Martins Rocha
               ccosta@ipt.pt                                                                    Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática-
                                                                 João Patrício
                                                 Ci2 - Smart Cities Research Center, Instituto       Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
                                                            Politécnico de Tomar                           aluno20614@ipt.pt
          Francisco Monteiro Vital                             jpatricio@ipt.pt
  Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática-                                                              Bernardo Marques Alegria
       Instituto Politécnico de Tomar                                                           Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática-
             aluno20472@ipt.pt                                                                       Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

    Abstract—The PlanetarySystemGO is an information                         Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) applications in formal
system that is being designed to promote STEM education in the               learning environments such as schools [6,7].
context of planetary systems of the Universe. Besides providing
information about the celestial bodies of the Universe, it also                  This paper presents an information system that is being
provides information about its dimensions being possible to                  designed to promote STEM education in the context of
explore different scales. The information system includes a                  planetary systems of the Universe, such as our Solar System.
mobile augmented reality location-based game and a web                       The PlanetarySystemGO information system architecture
application with a back-office. The game that can be played with             includes a MAR location-based application and a web
a smartphone consists in a sort of planet hunt in an outdoor                 application with a back-office. The MAR application can be
space. The players need to walk in the real world to find virtual            used on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets that
objects, which are celestial bodies such as stars or planets that            have camera, Global Position System (GPS), gyroscope and
appear on the screen of the mobile device. During the several                accelerometer. It consists of a serious game that is a sort of
stages of the game, information about the celestial bodies is                planet hunt in an outdoor space. The players need to walk in
provided and a set of multiple-choice questions needs to be                  the real world to find virtual objects, which are orbits of
answered. The player gains points as he succeeds by either                   planets and celestial bodies such as stars, planets or satellites
finding the planets’ orbits, the celestial bodies or answering the           that appear on the screen of the mobile phone. The back-office
questions correctly. The back-office is responsible for
                                                                             provides the necessary definitions required for the mobile
administering learning objects and data management through a
                                                                             device is responsible for managing learning objects and data
web application running in a web browser. Through the back-
office, teachers can introduce contents about the celestial bodies
                                                                             management through a web application running in a web
that they intend their students to learn and also the set of                 browser. Through the back-office, teachers may introduce the
multiple-choice questions that they find appropriate in order to             contents about the celestial bodies they intend their students
evaluate their students’ knowledge about these contents.                     to learn about and also the set of multiple-choice questions
Therefore, the PlanetarySystemGO may be implemented in any                   that they find appropriate in order to evaluate their students’
level of school curricula to promote STEM learning.                          knowledge about these contents. Therefore, the
                                                                             PlanetarySystemGO may be implemented by teachers in
   Keywords – Mobile augmented reality; location-based                       schools according to the grade level they teach.
games; serious games; STEM; planetary systems.
                                                                                 The paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents the
                       I.    INTRODUCTION                                    background and context of the study, section 3 the
                                                                             functionalities of the PlanetarySystemGO information
    There is an increasing call to promote STEM (Science,                    system, section 4 its architecture, and finally conclusions and
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education to                        future work are presented.
better prepare students to the increasing challenges of the real
world [1]. In this regard, the integration of the subjects                           II.    BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT OF THE STUDY
included in the STEM acronym is defended in the literature
and is part of the school curricula in several countries [2].                    The Academy of Science, Arts and Heritage
                                                                             (AcademySAH) is a pedagogical intervention project that
    Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that                    occurs at the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT) since 2013,
permits to combine the real world with virtual objects and runs              and focuses on establishing a constructivist approach of
interactively in real time [3]. In addition, AR games have the               knowledge (www.academiacap.ipt.pt). The team members are
potential to engage students in practice-based activities [4].               higher education professors in the areas of electrical and
Based on a literature review on the use of AR technology to                  computer engineering, mathematics, biology, physics and
support STEM learning, Ibáñez and Delgado-Kloos [5] refer                    chemistry, graphic arts, archeology, amongst others. Besides
that few studies provided students with assistance in carrying               several activities in the community targeted to students and
out learning activities. The same authors sustain that                       teachers, the AcademySAH also promotes projects of higher
researchers need to design features that allow students to                   education students from IPT, under the supervision of the
acquire basic competences related with STEM disciplines.                     team’s project staff in order to develop hands-on experiments
Moreover, there is a gap in the literature about the use of                  and prototypes, including mobile games, amongst others.

         Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Some examples intended to promote learning about STEM are               Learning objects are celestial bodies, orbits of planets,
“Sonicpaper” related to sound [8], and “SolarSystemGO”              information about the celestial bodies, sets of multiple-choice
related to our Solar System [9]. In a preliminary work related      questions, amongst others. An event is characterized by a
to the implementation of the SolarSystemGO game, which              planetary system parametrized with the following definitions:
was a version hard coded on the app, the authors concluded
that AR games catch children’s attention and promotes                  - GPS coordinates of the star in the real world,
learning of interdisciplinary subjects related to our Solar             - scale that defines the game’s arena and the size of the
System.                                                             celestial bodies including the orbital radius of each planet
    The PlanetarySystemGO is an upgrade of SolarSystemGO            circulating around the star,
to an information system that includes new functionalities             - information about the celestial bodies included on the
such as the possibility of including other planetary systems of     chosen planetary system,
the Universe [10]. With game based-learning purposes, the
PlanetarySystemGO information system is being designed in               - multiple-choice questions about the celestial bodies
the framework of Problem-based Learning. This is an active          included on the planetary system.
engagement pedagogy that is very relevant for engineering               There are two types of game modes: autonomous game
education because it better prepares the engineering students       and game provided by a previous planned event. In the first
for their future professional practice, since it promotes           one, when the player starts the game (e.g., holding a
students learning and leads them to achieve 21st century skills     smartphone) his location in the real world (gathered by GPS
such as problem analysis, problem solving, communication,           coordinates) will be the location of the star of the planetary
teamwork, interdisciplinary knowledge, participant‐directed         system in the virtual world. Moreover, the game arena must
learning, critical thinking and creativity, amongst others [11].    be defined by choosing a certain scale according to the
Every school year, a new group of computer engineering              player’s preferences and the outdoor space available to walk
students takes the challenge of keeping upgrading the               in the real world. The scale corresponds to the orbital radius
information system, in order to improve its performance and         of the last planet. In the case of our Solar System it
to include new functionalities.                                     corresponds to the Neptune’s orbital radius.
    In the school year 2019/2020, the main challenges                   The second type of game mode is defined by an event that
proposed to the computer engineering students were to               was previously prepared by the teacher through the web
introduce more features in order to:                                application. In this case, the teacher choses the GPS
   - increase the MAR game’s immersive experience                   coordinates of the star of the planetary system in the real
                                                                    world, that may be for example the center of the school
   - make the back-office more user-friendly to teachers            campus where the students are inserted in. Moreover, the scale
   - take advantage of the web application as a resource to be      arena and the dimensions of the planets, their velocities
used by the teachers in the classroom.                              around the star, the information about the celestial bodies that
                                                                    teachers intend to transmit to the students and the set of
    In this regard, several tasks were proposed to computer         multiple-choice questions to assess students’ knowledge about
engineering students in the context of their final project before   the characteristics of the celestial bodies, amongst other
graduation. Among them are the inclusion of asteroids and           definitions. Each predefined event is associated with an
moons, new multimedia contents related to the celestial bodies      identification code that will be used in the mobile device to
and the development of the web application to provide an            download the application, in order to play the game according
interactive modelling of the Solar System on a georeferenced        to the teacher definitions (Figure 1). Before starting the game,
map. Three groups of computer engineering students choose           students choose a nickname that will serve to catalogue data
the PlanetarySystemGO as their final project in order to            collected during the game, which will be available to the
improve its performance and include more functionalities. The       teachers through the back-office. In this mode, the star and the
students were supervised by higher education teachers from          planets are in the same position for all the players. Students
IPT (four first authors of this paper).                             should start the game as close as possible to the position
                                                                    defined for the star of the planetary system in the real world.
    In this section, we describe the functionalities of the             The game may be played in online or offline mode.
PlanetarySystemGO information system by highlighting the            Internet is only necessary to download the autonomous game
MAR application, and the web application that includes a            or the event predefined by the teacher. The offline mode
back-office. All those components work as a whole and               minimizes problems related to lack of internet in outdoor
interact with each other, in order to comprise the goals of the     spaces and performance issues related to interconnectivity.
information system, which is to provide learning about              When the game, provided by an event predefined by the
planetary systems in an interdisciplinary way.                      teacher, is played in offline mode, the information is stored in
                                                                    the device and sent to the back-office when it gets online.
A. The location-based augmented reality application                 Therefore, teachers will have access to all the information
    The location-based MAR application can be used on               about the performance of their students during the game. If the
mobile devices (e.g., smartphones or tablets) that have a           game is played online, the teacher will have information about
camera, GPS, gyroscope and accelerometer. Because it                the position of the students and their performance in real time
requires GPS it is an outdoor game. Players need to walk in         through the web application.
the real world to find virtual objects that consist of orbits and
celestial bodies such as stars, planets, satellites or asteroids,
amongst others. The real world is captured by the mobile
camera and the user’s location is tracked by GPS technology.
                                                                                       Fig. 3.    Sequences of the game.

                                                                         Figure 4 shows the Moon circulating around the Earth and
                                                                     the respective question. Moreover, it is possible to see its
                                                                     shadow on the Earth. Once the orbits are found, they turn their
                                                                     color from yellow to green, and the celestial body gets bigger
                    Fig. 1.    Starting the game.                    as the player gets closer to it. Finally, after correctly answering
                                                                     the question, the body is identified with a flag containing the
    The game should start with the player's position in the real     AcademySAH logo. With this information, the player knows
world representing the star. In this case, the star will be the      which celestial bodies he already captured and the ones he still
first virtual object that appears in the screen of the mobile        needs to find.
device. After capturing it, a question about its characteristics
appears with 4 answer options (Figure 2). When pressing the
wrong answer, the option is blocked and turns its color to red.
When the correct answer is selected, it turns its color to green
and the player receives points. If he chooses the right answer
in the first choice, he receives 4 points, 3 points in the second
choice, 2 points in the third choice and 1 point in the fourth

                                                                          Fig. 4.   Question and the Moon circulating around the Earth.

                                                                         The MAR game has been implemented in informal and
                                                                     formal learning contexts, including several primary schools,
                                                                     and has proven to engage the students to play it and also to be
                                                                     very effective in promoting students' interest in learning about
                                                                     the Solar System [10]. The in-service teachers of the classes,
                                                                     where the game was implemented, also considered that it was
    Fig. 2.   Multiple-choice questions about the Sun and Mercury.
                                                                     adequate for the school context and that this was a more
    After answering the question about the star, the goal is to      effective way of teaching students about these contents in a
“travel” through the planetary system to find other orbits and       much more motivating way.
celestial bodies such as planets or moons and answer the             B. The web application
respective questions. Moreover, if the player touches the
                                                                        The web application has evolved with the addition of tools
celestial body, information about its characteristics appears in
                                                                     to allow the planetary systems modelling over any part of the
the mobile device screen. The player gains points when he
                                                                     world on a georeferenced map. In this regard, a given point on
finds the orbit, captures the celestial bodies or answers
                                                                     the map is defined as the star and the application provides the
correctly the questions about them. Figure 3 presents some
                                                                     planetary system modelling on the selected location.
sequences of the game when the planetary system is our Solar
                                                                     Moreover, it can be used by teachers in the classroom without
System. In this sequence, the player accumulated 37 points.
                                                                     having to go outdoor, as is the case of the MAR game that
                                                                     needs GPS. In this regard, it is possible to view the celestial
                                                                     bodies (which are in motion) with different levels of detail
                                                                     through a menu and by manipulating the map zoom (Figure
                                                                     5). The inclusion of celestial bodies and planetary systems that
                                                                     group them together in repositories allows teachers to prepare
their own lessons or sharing pedagogical contents among                    teach contents of the Solar System based on previous
them. In this regard, we define three types of repositories in             knowledge of their students related to their community. For
the information system: The public repository that is                      example, the Sun may be placed on the school and the planets
accessible to all users; the repository of an organization (e.g.,          may circulate around the Sun overlaid on the map of their
school or group of schools) that is accessible only by the                 municipality. Thus, the teacher may discuss with the students
teachers of that organization and the private repository that is           where the orbits of each planet are placed on the map
accessible to an individual person.                                        according to a chosen scale. For example, research if it is near
                                                                           their homes or heritage monuments that they recognize, and
                                                                           also relate the size of the planets on the chosen scale with the
                                                                           size of real objects that they recognize.

Fig. 5.   Interaction with the Solar System on a Map of Tomar, Portugal.

  Next, we summarize some examples of functionalities that
may be provided by the back-office:
    - clone celestial bodies (includes physical characteristic
      such as textures, orbital radius, velocities, and also
      information about the celestial bodies and questions to
      assess students’ knowledge)
    - clone planetary systems already parametrized in the
    - introduce new planetary systems and celestial bodies                      Fig. 6.   Modelling the Solar System on Malaga city (Spain).

    - introduce information about the celestial bodies                         With the described functionalities, teachers can provide
                                                                           different parametrizations of the planetary systems just by
    - introduce multiple-choice questions
                                                                           pressing buttons, which will be automatically visualized on
    - provide information about the results of the game                    the simulation provided by the web application. Moreover,
                                                                           they can create an event with a chosen parametrization that
    Events are created by the web application that gather all              they intend to explore with their students, which afterwards
the information provided by the back-office. After playing the             will run on the MAR application.
game, all the information such as scores, the questions with
more correct answers and number of attempts to answer                      C. The back-office
correctly a question, if the players searched for information                  With the inclusion of an information system that
about the celestial body, etc, will be available in the back-              communicates with the MAR application, it is possible to
office. Therefore, the teachers can evaluate the performance               provide the player with different experiences every time he
of their students during the game. For example, Figure 11                  plays the game. In this regard, the back-office is responsible
shows the graphics that resulted from an implementation of                 for managing the information that will be made available in
the game that took place in a primary school, where the                    the MAR application. Moreover, teachers may introduce the
application was played with 6 teams, with each team using a                contents that they find adequate to teach their students.
mobile phone.                                                              Furthermore, all data collected by the MAR application during
                                                                           the game will be send to the back-office, in order for teachers
    By using a menu, different interactions are provided, such             to assess students’ performance when playing the game.
as changing the scales of the planetary system by using
“Expand” and “Diminish” buttons, and also moving the Solar                     Learning objects, associated to celestial bodies, provide
System centre (the star) with the planets to another place on a            information about their characteristics through multimedia,
map (e.g. school), which is achieved by using the “Change                  such as text, images, or animations. In addition, they include
Centre Button”. Figure 5 shows the Solar System on Tomar                   sets of multiple-choice questions to be answered by the player.
city (Portugal) and Figure 6 shows the Solar System on                     Celestial bodies and the planetary systems that group them
Malaga city.                                                               together are stored in repositories included in the back-office
                                                                           (Figure 7). By pressing the celestial body, it is possible to see
    Moreover, it is possible to change the planet’s speed by               or to introduce information about its characteristics (Figure 8).
using “More Speed” and “Less Speed” buttons. This feature
allows an interactive way to model the Solar System on a map                   In the menu of the celestial body (Figure 7) it is possible
in a web environment with georeferenced data. Besides                      to visualize the existing multiple-choice questions (Figure 9)
exploring science contents related to the Solar System, we                 or to edit and insert new sets of multiple-choice questions
propose to explore mathematics. Teachers may use different                 (Figure 10).
scales to model the Solar System. Furthermore, they can use
the map scale to ask students the distance of the orbits from
the Sun on the map, amongst other possibilities. In addition, if
the map represents their local community, the teacher can
                                                                               Fig. 11.   Team results obtained from the back-office.

                                                                           As can be seen in the figure, the winning team (Os
                                                                       Planetários) won 32 points and the worst ranked team (Os Via
                                                                       Láctea) got 16 points. By placing the mouse cursor over the
Fig. 7.    Part of the repository that includes the Trappist System.
                                                                       graphic, the exact punctuation is revealed, as can be seen in
                                                                       the team “Os Galáxias” that scored 26 points.

                                                                             IV.    ARCHITECTURE OF PLANETARYSYSTEMGO
                                                                           In this section, we describe the PlanetarySystemGO
                                                                       architecture. The PlanetarySystemGO information system is
                                                                       mainly composed by two components, android application
                                                                       and a web application, that share data on a common server.
                                                                       The MAR game is played on the Android application
                                                                       developed in Unity. The web application runs on a WAMP
                                                                       server (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) and includes a
                                                                       back-office and front-office accessed by several web browsers
                                                                       (Figure 12).

          Fig. 8. Information about the Trappist star.

             Fig. 9. Questions about Trappist star.
                                                                                    Fig. 12.   PlanetarySystemGO architecture.

                                                                           The server provides an API (Application programming
                                                                       interface) through REST (Representational State Transfer)
                                                                       web services to be consumed by the Android application. All
                                                                       communication in this API uses JSON (JavaScript Object
                                                                       Notation) standards for data representation.
                                                                             V.     FINAL CONSIDERATIONS AND FUTURE WORK
                                                                           This paper presents an information system that is being
                                                                       designed to promote STEM education in the context of the
                                                                       planetary systems of the Universe, such as our Solar System.
                                                                       Through the back-office, the information system allows the
                                                                       introduction of school contents, for example related to the
          Fig. 10. Edit question about the Trappist star.              Solar System. Therefore, teachers can introduce information
                                                                       about the celestial bodies of the Universe and also a set of
                                                                       multiple-choice questions in order to assess students’
                                                                       knowledge about the contents they intend them to learn.
   The contents introduced in the back-office will be               played in an outdoor space with mobile devices, but the web
available to be used in the MAR application. After playing the      application can be used in the classroom. Finally, we argue
game, all the data collected by the MAR application is              that teachers may use the different components of the
accessible to the teachers through the back-office, namely the      PlanetarySystemGO information system, that interact with
scores of the players, the answers that students gave to the        each other, to prepare interdisciplinary classes related to
questions including number of attempts to get the correct           planetary systems, according to the school level they teach.
answer and the time it took to answer correctly, and also if
they consulted the available information about the celestial                                    ACKNOWLEDGMENT
bodies.                                                                 *This work is supported by national funds through FCT -
    Furthermore, the web application can provide the                Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P., in the context
modeling of the planetary systems on a map by placing the           of the project PTDC/CED-EDG/32422/2017
star on a certain coordinate. Moreover, it parametrizes the
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