=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2733/paper28 |storemode=property |title=Higher Education Polytechnic Students’ Perspectives on the Transition to Emergency Remote Teaching |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper28.pdf |volume=Vol-2733 |authors=Marisa Correia,Perpétua Santos Silva |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/siie/CorreiaS20 }} ==Higher Education Polytechnic Students’ Perspectives on the Transition to Emergency Remote Teaching== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper28.pdf
   Higher Education Polytechnic Students’
 Perspectives on the Transition to Emergency
              Remote Teaching

                        Marisa Correia                                                                 Perpétua Santos Silva
          Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém                                                  Escola Superior de Educação
              Instituto Politécnico de Santarém                                                  Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
                      Santarém/Portugal                                                                  Santarém/Portugal
           https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6205-4475                                                 perpetua.silva@ese.ipsantarem.pt

    Abstract—COVID-19 pandemic forced higher education                       However, this author invokes the preeminence of discussing
institutions to make a sudden transition from face-to-face to                the various problems that arise with this sudden change. One
distance learning, which involved a huge effort by all those                 of these weaknesses is the mere replication of the less
involved in adapting to a new learning system. The analysis of               effective teaching methods of face-to-face instruction, such
students’ responses to questionnaires applied in a Portuguese                as, for example, lectures (through videoconferencing
higher education institution highlighted the main positive and               platforms) and not to favor more individualized learning
negative aspects experienced, bringing contributions to a                    activities [4], which encourage the active participation of
discussion on factors that determine the success of remote                   students and interaction between students, and between
education and the preparation of the next semester.
                                                                             teacher and students [5].
    Keywords—COVID-19 pandemic,             emergency           remote           We cannot consider that the answer to the global crisis in
teaching, higher education, students’ perspectives.                          education, caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, is distance
                                                                             learning, which requires the voluntary participation of
                     I. INTRODUCTION                                         students and a complex process of planning and developing
    Due to the rapid scale of contagion of COVID-19,                         learning environments [5]. For these authors, it is, rather, a
Portuguese higher education institutions suspended face-to-                  temporary and forced response, which they call remote
face classes in March 2020, having suddenly started the                      emergency teaching. The difference between these concepts
transition to distance learning. Some institutions partially                 is noticeable if we analyze the definition of distance
retook face-to-face classes in mid-May, however Polytechnic                  education expressed in the Portuguese legislation that
Institute of Santarém (IPSantarém) decided to maintain                       regulates distance education in higher education institutions
classes fully online until the end of the 2019/2020 academic                 [6]:
                                                                                “teaching predominantly provided with physical
                                                                             separation between participants in the educational process,
                                                                             namely teachers and students, in which:
    Most of the degrees provided by IPSantarém are offered
as a face-to-face format, as a result, the courses were not                      i) Interaction and participation are technologically
designed for online instruction, which implied a huge effort                 mediated and supported by online academic and
by teachers in adapting to remote education. At this moment,                 technological support teams;
the academic year 2020/2021 is expected to work as a
combination of online and face-to-face learning (blended                        ii) The curricular design is oriented to allow access
learning), therefore, it is urgent to identify positive and                  without constraints of time and space to the contents,
negative aspects and learn from this previous experience                     processes and contexts of teaching and learning;
through the students' voice, to plan the teaching-learning                       iii) The pedagogical model is specially designed for
process in time and overcome identified constraints, namely                  teaching and learning in virtual environments.”
to develop training offers for teachers [1].
                                                                                 The transition to an education system with such complex
                II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK                                    characteristics does not happen overnight. For this reason, the
                                                                             distinction between concepts is important in order not to
A. Distance Education and Emergency Remote Teaching                          make false assumptions about distance learning [5]. On the
    Distance education has gained expression in recent                       one hand, when things are back to normal, teachers and
decades, following international recommendations that stated                 students will associate the bad experiences they had during
the need to prioritize lifelong learning and the development                 this period with distance learning. On the other hand, there is
of essential skills in the digital society [2] [3]. The                      a tendency to consider that technology is the most important
confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is                               in distance learning, when the focus should be on pedagogical
accelerating the digital transition in education, as it leads to             approaches [5].
the rapid spread of adoption of distance learning and                           In the wake of natural disasters or due to troubled political
providing an opportunity to prepare students for the                         and social situations, several times in the past, universities
complexities of the ever-changing globalized world [4].                      have had to suspend most of their face-to-face classes.

       Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
However, teaching carried out in times of emergency should                         Online Resources                             [9] [12]
not be called distance education, under penalty of this             Teaching and
teaching method being forever associated with hasty and             Learning       Interactive Resources                          [13]
remedial teaching practices, right in the antipodes of              Process
pedagogical innovation [7].                                                        Online assignments submission                  [9]

    Emergency remote teaching was the possible response to                         Learning management system (LMS)               [13]
continue the teaching and learning process in an extreme
                                                                                   Flexibility of methods that enhance          [9] [11]
context, however situations like the one we are experiencing                       students’ autonomy
allow us to identify support mechanisms for students and
teachers that guarantee equal access for students in times of                      Teacher feedback                           [9] [14] [15]
crisis [8].
                                                                                   Interaction with students                  [9] [12] [13]
B. Students’ Perspectives about Emergency Remote                                                                                [14] [15]
   Teaching                                                                        Align assessment        practices   with       [16]
    Research has shown that student satisfaction with                              learning activities
distance education has a positive correlation with the quality
                                                                                   Clearly present the assessment criteria     [12] [16]
of learning outcomes, so it is important to identify the factors
that influence students' online experience and adapt learning                      Diversify assessment strategies and            [11]
environments accordingly [9].                                                      instruments
    In the context of emergency remote education, which                            Technologies      that  promote                [16]
higher education institutions have been forced to develop, the                     collaborative work and formative
need to assess students' difficulties is even more demanding.                      assessment
Tables I and II present a synthesis of a literature review
                                                                                   Well-organized instruction                  [14] [17]
findings focused on the factors that determine the success of
distance learning for students in two categories: students                         Provide clear guidance to students             [14]
(Table I); and teaching and learning process (Table II).
                                                                                   Active/traditional learning methods         [11] [13]
  TABLE I. SUCCESS FACTORS FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION RELATED TO                                                                   [15] [17]
                                                                                   Diversify learning activities               [12] [13]

   Categories                Subcategories            Research                     Teacher preparation                         [12] [15]

 Students         Technological resources               [10]                          III. METHODOLOGY
                  Work conditions                       [10]
                  Digital competences                   [10]       A. Participants
                  Attitudes towards technology          [11]
                                                                       An online questionnaire was applied to IPSantarém
                                                                   students in the second half of May and responses were
    Based on the literature review, this study, carried out in a   collected until June 30, 2020. The IPSantarém Campus
Portuguese higher education institution during the COVID-          consists of five higher schools from which 315 students
19 pandemic, analyzes students' perspectives on remote             answered the questionnaire (about 7,5% of the total students);
education seeking to discuss the success of the initiative and     35,2% attend a course at Education School, 28,6% at School
make useful considerations for the future, in the short term,      of Management and Technology, 14,9% at Health School,
in which a combined teaching approach (b-learning) is being        14,9% at Agrarian School and 6.3% at Sports School.
considered.                                                        Regarding the cycle of studies, 81,3% were attending a
                                                                   degree course, 11,7% a master's course and 7,0% a Higher
                                                                       Considering the age of the students, they are between 18
                                                                   and 60 years old; the average age of students who answered
   Categories              Subcategories             Research      the questionnaire is 26 years old, with a median of 21 years.
                                                                   Among the 315 students, 31.4% indicated that they were
                                                                   working students.
                                                                    B. Data collection
                                                                       The questionnaire was developed based on the literature
                                                                   review, from which some categories emerged, contributing to
                                                                   define its structure. In the first part, it was intended to
                                                                   characterize the respondent: age; school; course and year
                                                                   attended; place of residence; working student.
                                                                      Then, the academic working conditions were checked,
                                                                   namely the available technological resources and the
                                                                   appropriate environment to study remotely. The third part of
the questionnaire integrates issues associated with the             place and almost 40% are not in a quiet place to carry out
distance learning process in the confinement period,                distance learning activities.
presenting seven questions using a Likert Scale that focused         TABLE III. CONDITIONS FOR CONTINUITY OF ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES IN
on different aspects, such as student satisfaction with                                      REMOTE MODE
synchronous and asynchronous activities, communication
with teachers, learning management platforms, work and                                                                  n          %
interaction with peers, workload. etc. In this section, two
open-ended questions were also included, in which it was                 Technologies and resources
requested to describe a positive and a negative experience in
the context of remote learning.                                          Unlimited internet access                     270        85,7
                                                                         Limited internet access                       39         12,4
    The next section of the questionnaire focused on online              Personal computer for exclusive use           264        83,8
assessment. Five questions were presented to respondents,                Shared-use computer                           50         15,9
                                                                         Tablet                                        63         20,0
using a Likert scale, in order to assess their degree of                 Webcam                                        283        89,8
agreement with the methods and instruments used at the                   Microphone                                    290        92,1
evaluation process. It was also given the possibility to make            Smartphone                                    276        87,6
suggestions regarding the exams.                                         Access to online resources                    251        79,7

   The last section was dedicated to the main challenges and             Environmental context
opportunities of distance learning, through open-ended
questions whose content analysis has not yet been concluded              Quiet environment                             197        62,5
                                                                         Private environment                           175        55,6
and, therefore, these aspects were not considered in this
C. Data analysis                                                       The Fig. 1 illustrates students’ satisfaction with
    For treatment and analysis of the data we´ve used the           synchronous, asynchronous activities and online assessment.
SPSS program. This is an exploratory analysis of the data and
therefore it is presented only a descriptive analysis of a
selection of variables.
                       IV. RESULTS
    One of the central concerns in this study was to know the
conditions of students to continue studying remotely. The
majority of the respondents indicated that they had the
essential conditions to study remotely, with 60.6% saying           Fig. 1 Students’ satisfaction with synchronous, asynchronous activities and
that they had all the required conditions and 31.7% saying          online assessment
that they had almost all the conditions; 7.7% (21 cases)                 Regarding synchronous teaching sessions using the
indicated they had only a part of the necessary conditions (21      videoconferencing platform (Zoom), the students declared
cases) and one case reported not having the essential               themselves globally satisfied (54,3%) and very satisfied
conditions.                                                         (23,8%). As Moodle is used in IPSantarém as the
    When some essential conditions were analyzed so that            management platform for teaching-learning activities,
students could effectively continue their distance learning         students were asked about their degree of satisfaction with the
activities, we found some interesting results as shown in           asynchronous activities developed using this platform: 87.6%
Table III.                                                          rated positively the work done (satisfied: 45,7%; very
                                                                    satisfied: 41,9%). With regard to interaction with teachers,
    With regard to technical conditions and access to               although the degree of student satisfaction remains positive
technologies, most respondents stated to have good                  (together, 76,8% said they were satisfied and very satisfied)
conditions to develop their academic work remotely:                 it is possible to verify that the degree of satisfaction is low in
unlimited access to the internet (85,7%); a personal computer       relation to others evaluated indicators. In the open-answer
for exclusive use (83.8% %); webcam (89,8%); microphone             questions, students pointed out the need for greater feedback
(92,1%) and Smartphone (87,6%).                                     in some curricular units and the importance of an organized
    However, there were some discrepancies. Namely, the             and planned interaction with information made available
number of participants reporting to have access to online           more quickly.
resources is lower than those who indicated unlimited access            As for online assessment activities, like the previous
to the internet. This may mean that they have some                  indicator, a lower level of student satisfaction is also
difficulties in accessing resources that are not available online   identified. Although they consider themselves satisfied
in open access (for example, with installation problems             (46,3%) and very satisfied (19,4%), analyzing together the
and/or connection to the institution's VPN) or, also,               relative weight of those who consider themselves dissatisfied
difficulties at a user's perspective - how to find and select the   and very dissatisfied is 28,5%.
appropriate resources. This subject deserves deepening
attention from the institution's training team in order to be           Considering the interaction between peers, the majority of
clarified with the students. It should be noted that at the level   students (79,1%) stated that they contact their colleagues
of the environmental context, conditions worsen for most            every day or almost every day within the scope of teaching
students, with about half not being able to work in a private       activities, namely for group work: 11,7% reported that they
                                                                    do it once or twice a week and 9,2% rarely or never.
    Regarding students' perception of their own performance
and skills development [Fig. 2], it should be noted that,
overall, they present a positive self-assessment with regard to
the ability to team work (66,7% disagree that this ability has
worsened), with regard to the ability to perform autonomous
work (together the 3 items that positively evaluate this
dimension correspond to 74,9%) and with regard to the
development of working methods (60,3% consider that they
have developed new working methods and 55,6% consider
that they have developed more effective work). It should also
be noted that 87,6% of respondents indicated that they have
improved their knowledge of work platforms and tools.
    Although the results are not dramatically negative, it is
advisable to reflect on the fact that about a third of the
students claim to have worsened their ability to do team work
and also in the development of working methods - indicating
the need to train these students in collaborative distance
working methodologies.                                             Fig. 3 Students’ self-perception of the reconciliation of activities
    Throughout the period of remote work, in meetings of              The main negative aspect presented in relation to this
teaching teams and of different IPSantarém Bodies, overwork        remote teaching experience refers to the existence of a high
and the difficulty of reconciliation between family / personal     work overload – 83,8% of the respondents indicates their
and professional life were repeatedly stressed - this aspect       agreement with this statement and 51,4% even affirm that
was identified both in relation to teachers and in relation to     they fully agree.
students considering academic activities.
                                                                        On the positioning of students in relation to the 2020-
    Regarding to the reconciliation of school requirements         2021 school year [Fig. 4], namely in the 1st semester, given
with other tasks of personal and family life [Fig. 3] 56,2% of     the unpredictability of the evolution of the pandemic
our respondents stated that this ability has improved;             situation, only 12,9% stated that face-to-face education
therefore, again, about a third of the students expressed          should be resumed without restrictions. The most consensual
difficulty in articulating the various spheres of personal life.   option is to organize the school year in a mixed mode,
                                                                   combining classroom sessions with remote teaching (59,2%).
                                                                   It should also be noted that a considerable number of students
                                                                   assume that they prefer a completely at distance teaching-
                                                                   learning process (28,0%) - which includes working students,
                                                                   who identified remote teaching as positive for the
                                                                   reconciliation of their studies with their professional
                                                                   activities, as well as students living outside the city and/or
                                                                   Municipality of Santarém, who stated that developing their
                                                                   school activities in distance learning was beneficial because
                                                                   it represents savings in expenses and travel time.

Fig. 2 Students' self-perception of performance and skills
                                                                   Fig. 4. Organization of classes during the first semester of 2020-2021

                                                                       Considering the support in recent literature on, the study
                                                                   carried out by [10], which looks at the barriers to distance
                                                                   learning experienced by older students (in the Portuguese
                                                                   context they access higher education through a special
                                                                   application “over 23” ), which have to reconcile studies with
                                                                   family and employment, and which generally come from
                                                                   more disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, although
                                                                   this reality is not completely equivalent to that of the
                                                                   participants in our study, the results obtained by [10]
                                                                   approximate working conditions to which our students were
subjected in the confinement situation resulting from the                                    V. CONCLUSIONS
COVID-19 pandemic; as an example of this, sharing a                     In order to face the challenges of adapting face-to-face
computer with other members of the household, the lack of a         teaching in times of crisis, it is necessary to strengthen the
quiet and private space to work, the poor quality of internet       communication channels between students and teachers;
access, the use of outdated devices (PC, tablet, etc.) and even     prepare teachers to use distance methodologies; prepare
the limited digital skills.                                         students to work independently and at a distance; and
    The analysis of the survey applied by [9] to students at an     ensuring accessible and diverse technological resources [8].
Australian university, demonstrated the value of e-learning:            These are also conclusions that we can draw in this first
access to online resources; submission of papers online;            analysis of the information collected through the application
autonomy and flexibility at work; from teacher feedback to          of a survey to a group of higher education students.
assignments and interaction with students. It should be noted
that students showed great dissatisfaction with the last topic.         Although students, globally, have pointed out significant
                                                                    aspects in the development of their skills and abilities to work
    The results obtained by [15] also revealed that the             remotely; although they have revealed skills in carrying out
variables related to teachers are the most determining factors      autonomous work and even if they have positively evaluated
for the satisfaction of students in online courses, among           a set of indicators, as mentioned, they have also identified less
which communication, feedback, preparation, and teaching            successful aspects which should be a matter for in-depth
methods stand out.                                                  reflection in the context of the institution.
    The study developed by [16] presents fundamental                    As the results of the study by [12] point out, factors such
aspects for the successful integration of students in distance      as teacher preparation and accessibility; the precision of the
education, namely the alignment between tasks proposed to           evaluation criteria; the proposed asynchronous activities
students and assessment practices, the explanation of               (combination of strategies); and the resources available
assessment criteria and the integration of technologies that        online, are aspects that can only be achieved with time to
encourage collaborative work and formative assessment. In           prepare and to plan. Having not been able to predict in the
our study, it was possible to identify that, although globally      school year that has just ended, it is possible to envision in
high satisfaction rates are presented in relation to the remote     relation to the future. The students' contributions enhance the
teaching experience lived, the practices that encourage             discussion around dimensions such as pedagogical
collaborative / team work are highlighted as necessary and,         innovation, the development of training offers in distance
also, methods of work that promote formative evaluation.            learning modalities (b-learning or e-learning) and,
    [14] identified in their study that student satisfaction with   consequently, the training of different stakeholders.
distance education is strongly influenced by the lack of               Thus, the conclusions of the study are expected to have an
organization of the teaching sequence, clarity in the               impact on the preparation of the academic year at IPSantarém
instructions given to students and feedback. The situation          and, in addition, bring contributions to other research in other
experienced in the current circumstances brought difficulties       higher education institutions.
to teachers and, consequently, reflected in the students'
learning processes. Notably due to the impossibility of having                                    REFERENCES
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