Empowering In-Service Teachers to Support Students in Using Sensors to Address Environmental Problems Maria João Silva Margarida Ribeiro Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal Lisboa, Portugal mjsilva@eselx.ipl.pt margaridar@eselx.ipl.pt Abstract— Electronic sensors can be used by teachers and The next section will describe the theoretical framework, students as epistemic mediators in environmental knowledge including: the context of indoor environmental problems in creation. A workshop was designed and developed, on the basis schools; and the presentation of the Eco-SolvingS Model. The of the Eco-SolvingS Model, in order to train in-service teachers methodology is explained in the succeeding section. In the in using electronic sensors with their students to identify and fourth and fifth sections, the results of the implemented explore school environmental problems. In this paper, the authors describe that workshop, and analyze its results, workshop are presented. The conclusion is the closing section. presenting evidences of the significant use of sensors by students. II. THEORETHICAL FRAMEWORK This way, this paper make available a simple, brief and validated strategy to empower in-service teachers to support students in In the last two decades, sensors have been used in schools using sensors to address environmental problems. to sense the environment in diversified activities, namely in inquiry tasks, in which data are collected, analyzed and Keywords— sensors, environmental problems, teachers, communicated [9] [10] [11]. Globe [12], TEEMS [13], students, workshop POLLEN [14], and Eco-Sensors4Health [15] are four examples of projects that are developed through curricular I. INTRODUCTION activities to improve scientific inquires, and used sensors to Human senses are the primary interface of children with acquire, analyze and make sense of environmental data. the environment. Consequently, embodiment is in everything The workshop, analyzed in this paper, was developed on children see, feel, think and do, and must be addressed in the basis of the Eco-SolvingS Model, which facilitates the children’s constructions of meanings, with these constructions creation of didactic sequences that allows teachers to mediate being made in practice [1]. This way, any educational the use of sensors by children to solve environmental school approach should privilege the knowledge and experimentation problems. of body [2]. In this paper, the authors follow the framework of the Eco- Sensors can measure or detect physical, chemical, and Sensors4Health Project, in what concerns the focus on the biological quantities [3], and nowadays they are integrated in main indoor environmental school problems [15]. According ICT devices, such as smartphones, and tablets. Therefore, to the Portuguese National Plan for School Health, the main sensors are portable, affordable, wireless, connectible, and schools’ environmental risks include air and water quality, widely available [4] [5]. noise, thermal (dis)comfort, solid wastes, and transportations With teacher mediation, electronic sensors can be used by [16]. The sound pollution and thermal (dis)confort are two children, together with human senses, as epistemic mediators specific problems, whose variables can be sensed by human to collect and make sense of qualitative and/or quantitative senses, and which can be addressed by children, using affordable and robust sensors. environmental data [6] [7]. Sensors, as epistemic mediators, allow children to codify and make sense of unexpressed A. Sound Pollution and Thermal (dis)Confort in Schools information, through manipulation of those external devices Sound pollution and termal disconfort are important [8]. environmental school problems, at a national but also at an In this paper, the authors present a workshop that was international level [16] [17] [18] [19]. These problems can designed and developed, on the basis of the Eco-SolvingS cause concentration difficulties [16] [20], with negative consequences in teaching and learning performance and well- (Solving Environmental Problems, using Sensors) Model, in being [19] [21]. order to train in-service teachers to mediate the use of electronic sensors by students, to identify and explore school Noise can cause hearing damage and has negative effects indoor and outdoor environmental problems. The Eco- on speech, communication and learning [21], which are SolvingS is an educational model developed to produce fundamental processes in schools. Noise affect children in a didactic sequences that empower in-service teachers to more significant way, since they are often exposed to noise for support students in using sensors to address environmental long periods in schools [21], and their cognitive functions are problems. less automatized than the adults’ ones [22]. The thermal conditions of classrooms can affect students’ motivation, concentration and performance [20]. This way, Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). learning results are influenced by the thermal conditions of the new data”, “to represent”, “to interpret”, and “making classroom, where teaching and learning take place [20]. decisions based on data” [26] [24]. Noise and thermal discomfort are perceived, in a sensorial The joint use of students’ senses and sensors in sensorial way, by students in schools, and the assessment of such and epistemic practices make it possible [6]: i) to improve perceptions, together with students’ opinions, can be used to students’ awareness to sensors’ affordances and identify the sources of the problems and to address significant environmental phenomena; ii) to complement sensory solutions [19] [23]. information with sensors’ data, this ways improving sensorial observation; iii) to proceed from concrete sensory observation B. Eco-SolvingS Model of reality towards more abstract representations, such as The Eco-SolvingS Model resulted from the analysis of sensors’ data, through concreteness fading; iv) to enhance multiple case studies, based on the use of electronic sensors to observation and description, facilitating better interpretations, solve environmental problems. It is a model to develop predictions, and decisions. didactic sequences, and uses some of the components of the METILOST Model, Model for Effective Teaching of Intended Teacher mediation is related to: i) providing the relevant Learning Outcomes in Science and Technology [24], namely: information to the learning of the main concepts; ii) assigning Tasks, Teacher Mediation, Epistemic practices, Resources, the tasks, as challenges, making resources available, such as and Learning outcomes. sensors, registration forms, scales… ; iii) perform the needed interactions to scaffold students’ activities, such as The METILOST model define that [24]: i) tasks are what contextualize the problem; ask questions, stimulating the students are asked to perform, are related to problems, ask for sharing of ideas and valuing students’ thoughts; respect and action, induce the development of competences, allow encourage students’ autonomy; synthesize information; guide assessment, and can be exemplary for autonomous work; ii) and support students in the development of tasks; make teacher mediation includes the assignment of tasks, and a set resources available; conduct formative evaluation [26] [27]. of frequent interactions, during and after the performance of tasks; iii) epistemic practices are students’ practices that In the Eco-SolvingS Model, the resources include: produce knowledge, and have as reference the Science and everyday objects, as bottles or hangers to the sensory Technology practices that produce Science and Technology exploration of air and sound properties; electronic sensors that knowledge; iv) resources can be diverse equipment, tools, and are usually linked to mobile devices, such as smartphones; facilities, being important to assure that the intended activity registration forms that support the organization of the acquired take place; v) learning outcomes include knowledge learning, data; information tools, such as sound or carbon dioxide attitude change, and development of competences. scales, which support the interpretation of the acquired data; surveys to assess knowledge and attitudinal outcomes. Nevertheless, the Eco-SolvingS Model is more specific than the METILOST Model. While the METILOST Model Resources, such sensors and registration forms, are can be used with diverse teaching methods, the Sensors4Eco- epistemic mediators designed to support students in reifying, Problems Model is linked to the Problem-based teaching and making sense of environmental information in knowledge mode. The Eco-SolvingS Model supports the creation of building (epistemic) practices. didactic sequences encompassing the following components: III. METHODOLOGY i) problem question/s that will inform the students’ tasks; ii) the main concepts and processes related to the problem; iii) a The study here presented adopts a qualitative methodology set of sensorial tasks related to the main concepts and [28], and investigates the efficacy of a Workshop in supporting problems, which ask students to use their multiple senses, in-service teachers to scaffold students in using sensors to together with everyday resources, to explore, and understand address school environmental problems. such concepts and processes; iv) a set of students’ tasks The workshop was developed with in-service teachers, (epistemic practices) that makes use of students senses supporting them to implement a set of activities in classroom, together with electronic sensors, and registration forms, to aiming to identify, explore, and solve school indoor acquire and interpret data, fostering the identification and environmental problems. A fundamental resource in the characterization of processes/problems related to the global workshop was the Eco-Sensors4Health Toolkit (Eco- problem question/s; v) a set of students’ tasks to allow decision Sensors4Health, 2019) – a teacher guide to develop activities making to solve the identified problems; vi) teacher mediation; that follow the Eco-SolvingS Model. The goals of the vii) resources, and viii) learning outcomes. workshop were to: (i) recognize the importance of sensors to Problem questions are fundamental components of the participation in environmental health; (ii) reflect on the model, since they guide the diverse set of tasks. Examples of potential of using sensors in science education; (iii) problem questions are: “How does sound level change, when characterize environmental health problems in schools in I change my location in school?”, “How does sound level Portugal; (iv) use sensors to identify environmental health change, when I change the class activity?”, “How does carbon problems at school and in the school environment; (v) reflect concentration change, when I change my location in school?”, critically on case studies, centred on the use of sensors in the “How does carbon concentration change, when I open the 2nd and 3rd cycle of basic education (CBE) to identify and solve classroom door or window?” environmental health problems; and (vi) conceive, implement and reflect on didactic activities that use sensors in the 2nd and Epistemic practices are “ways of proposing, 3rd CBE, to identify and solve environmental health problems communicating, evaluating, and legitimizing knowledge in schools, which can be addressed within the scope of the claims” [26], as for instance “to observe”, “to describe”, “to Portuguese Curricular Autonomy and Flexibility Project. recognize phenomena in context”, “to predict”, “to acquire TABLE I. WORKSHOP STRUCTURE AND SCHEDULE Sessions Activities 1st session Information and debate on case studies presented by the trainer. Experimentation of sensors by the teachers. 2nd session Design of didactic sequences to be implemented with students. Structuring and planning work related to these didactic sequences. 3rd session Investigative reflection on implemented activities with students focusing on the treatment and interpretation of the collected data. 4th session Communication and discussion of the results of the implemented didactic sequences. A. Workshop Structure and Content ideal sound conditions to be able to be exercised with minimal The workshop was developed along four presential quality” (WR, Group 2, p. 1). The students of grades 5, 6 and sessions (see Table 1), lasting three hours each. The workshop 8 measured the sound level in several school locations, using also involved autonomous work, in which the participants Decibel X app (Fig. 1). Group 4 chose thermal (dis)comfort developed and implemented the didactic sequences with the problem to work with 6th graders who measured the students, scaffolding them in identifying environmental temperature using sensors (probes), in several days of January, problems, and in proposing solutions. hours and school locations. The students also answered a survey on thermal comfort sensations. The presential sessions were designed in order to establish a strong connection between the theoretical ideas and the teachers’ practices, using case studies, based on the Eco- SolvingS Model that was reified in the Eco-Sensors4Health Toolkit. This Toolkit offer structured and illustrated examples of problem question/s, main concepts and processes related to the problem, resources, sensorial tasks, epistemic practices, and learning outcomes, in what concerns sound pollution, air pollution, and thermal discomfort proble. The diverse sensors were explored, and the in course didactic sequences were shared, with the support of the three Fig. 1. Collecting data with the smartphone Decibel X app (WR, Group 1, trainers (two of them are the authors of this paper). p. 7). B. Data Collection and Analysis Afterwards, all students analyzed and interpreted data Data collection used the techniques of participant collected, using registration forms, adapted from the Eco- observation and documents collection (group reports and Sensord4Health Toolkit. Table III presents groups’ activities. individual reflections). The participant observation of the TABLE III. ACTIVITIES OF THE FOUR GROUPS OF IN-SERVICE presential sessions was driven by the authors and was TEACHERS complemented by field notes. The activities were described, interpreted and reflected by in-service teachers in written Group Problem Sensor Sampling School Locations Discipline reports (WR). A content analysis [29] of these reports and 1 Sound Decibel X Classroom Mathematics reflections was carried out. pollution app with Courtyard Natural mobile Mini Golf Sciences IV. WORKSHOP RESULTS phone Course At the beginning of the workshop, there were 11 Gym Refectory participants, 11 in-service teachers of several schools that Library were teaching different disciplines of different grades. Playroom However, one of the participants gave up, due to difficulties Students room of scheduling the didactic sequence with the students. The 10 2 Sound Decibel X Classroom Mathematics participants organised themselves collaboratively in four pollution app with Bar Physics mobile Courtyard Chemistry according to the school they belonged (Table II). phone 3 Sound Decibel X Classroom Mathematics TABLE II. GROUPS OF IN-SERVICE TEACHERS pollution app with Refectory Physico- Group Women Men mobile Lobby/garden Chemistry phone Hallway Natural 1 2 0 Bar Sciences 2 2 0 Ping pong Citizenship and 3 3 0 table Development 4 1 2 A. Groups’ Activities Three of the four groups selected the sound pollution problem. This option relates to their sensibility to the problem in the sense that “didactic-pedagogical processes depend on Group Problem Sensor Sampling School C. Constraints and Facilitators Locations Discipline 4 Thermal Temperature Courtyard Mathematics In the first session of the workshop, all the teachers shared (dis) probes Hallway Natural that they had no prior knowledge or experience regarding the comfort Bar Sciences use of electronic sensors for educational purposes. Thus, it Refectory was required a high commitment and dedication from them to Classroom achieve the workshop's objectives. On one hand, the small Teachers Room number of sessions in the workshop required the in-service Tap water teachers to concentrate highly on the work developed in the Library sessions, taking advantage, efficiently and effectively, of all Students room sessions’ time and trainers' support. On the other hand, the Girls WC workshop's autonomous work schedule coincided with the Concierge interval between semesters in the schools of some teachers; so B. Exploration and Solution of the Identified Problems the pressure on the fulfilment of the curricular programs at the end of the semester made it difficult to deepen the didactic Concerning the sound pollution problem, the students intervention. Group 2 (WR) referred the difficulty of students identified some locations as presenting harmful sound levels performing the pretended work, due to lack of active learning (mean superior to 80 dB) such as the refectory (Fig. 2), the habits. All of these challenges were overcome by the library, the hallway and the classroom (lesson final), being participants in the workshop. The teachers decided to return to that these locations registered maximum values considered as the project intervention in the following semester. Group 3 dangerous (superior to 100 dB) (WR, Group 1; WR, Group 2; also decided to involve the school Direction and extend the WR, Group 3). project to elementary classes, in the scope of an ongoing project called “To do Science”, contributing to the awareness of the sound pollution problem to a wider school community. There are multiple factors that facilitated the achievement of the workshop's objectives. One of them was the collaborative work between the teachers and also between students. As trainees, we feel that the collaborative and participatory work of everyone, both students and teachers, or others is an aspect of great relevance. Since we are from such different areas of knowledge, we used the different perspectives to, in a participatory way, conceive a project that is in Fig. 2. Sound level graphic in the refectory (WR, Group 2). everyone's interest, that concerns everyone and, The students proposed several solutions to the sound with everyone's contribution, it can grow even pollution problem, which are related to: (i) behavior changes, more. (WR, Group 3) such as “speak quietly”, “don't shout when leaving” (WR, Another facilitator was the interdisciplinary approach Group 3, p. 18), “put up posters in refectory to alert to sound (WR, Group 1) that contributes to citizenship education, being level” (WR, Group 1); “create relaxation sessions at school” coherent with the recent curriculum guidelines consigned in (WR, Group 1), “avoid using music speakers at a high the Curricular Autonomy and Flexibility Project, as referred volume” (WR, Group 2); and (ii) intervention measures, such by Group 3: as “line the walls with insulator materials”, “in the library we could put cork on the walls and ceiling and put giant origami The articulation of several disciplines/knowledge, hanging from the ceiling”, “hang more exhibition work this to generally considered isolated, gives students a muffle the sound”, “to have cork sculptures and decorate the global view of knowledge and allows them to give walls and ceiling with egg cartons” (WR, Group 3). meaning and intention to knowledge and to conceive more meaningful learning. They were With regard to thermal (dis)comfort problem, according to active and non-passive agents in the process of data from the survey, “it was found that more than 50% of building their own learning, allowing learning for students felt uncomfortable and symptomatically cold” (WR, life. (WR, Group 3) Group 4). The temperature measured in the school's outdoor space and in the classrooms varied between 13ºC and 20ºC. The use of the mobile phone in a didactic situation was a The mean temperature was 16.8ºC (WR, Group 4). facilitator to the achievement of the workshop’s goals (WR, Groups 2 and 3). Nowadays, the mobile phone is a device About half of the students proposed solutions to thermal owned by all students. Despite its recurring use to (dis)comfort problem, such as to install conditioned air or to communicate, it can be explored with an educational proposal. use oil heaters in classrooms, hallways and bar. The energy Decibel X is a free and interactive app which is easy to access consumption of these solutions were not discussed. Two and read/interpret, allowing students to be aware of a problem students reported that simple glasses and PVC blinds are not that affects their health and, in an informed, creative and very good for keeping warm. Other students suggested conscious way to adopt behaviours and attitudes that promote insulation of walls with cork (WR, Group 4) or “I think we their health and the environment”. Through the use of this could arrange lamps of various colors, to give us a feeling of application, “it is possible to motivate students and involve hot or cold” (WR, Group 4). them in the construction of learning” (WR, Group 3), promoting their responsibility, autonomy and the possibility of an app and of mobile phones as educational resources; and of working collaboratively. v) the active role of students as environmental agents. All workshop’s participants did a very positive global The trainers positively highlighted the developed evaluation of the implemented activities, as illustrated in the competences of the in-service teachers and their students, the following transcript: hard-autonomous work of the in-service teachers, and the efficacy of the 12 presential workshop hours in attaining the Overall, this project was considered very defined objectives. interesting, taking students (at the same time that they experience and develop contextualized This way, the workshop was successfully implemented essential curricular learning), to be agents in their with ten in-service teachers, validating this simple, and short school environment, identifying problems and strategy to empower in-service teachers to support students in being part of the solution. (WR, Group 2) using sensors to address environmental problems. V. CONCLUSION REFERENCES This paper described a workshop designed and developed [1] T. 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