=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2733/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Digital Collaborative Writing in Primary Education: Implementation and Potentialities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2733 |authors=Samuel Gonçalves,Antonieta Rocha,João Paz |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/siie/GoncalvesRP20 }} ==Digital Collaborative Writing in Primary Education: Implementation and Potentialities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2733/paper6.pdf
Digital Collaborative Writing in Primary Education:
         Implementation and Potentialities
         Samuel Gonçalves                                     Antonieta Rocha                                             João Paz
Laboratório de Educação a Distância e               Laboratório de Educação a Distância e                  Laboratório de Educação a Distância e
              eLearning                                           eLearning                                              eLearning
        Universidade Aberta                                 Universidade Aberta                                    Universidade Aberta
           Lisboa, Portugal                                    Lisboa, Portugal                                       Lisboa, Portugal
     1600964@estudante.uab.pt                               mrocha@lead.uab.pt                                       jpaz@lead.uab.pt

    Abstract—This research sought to assess the applicability of             investigation in the field of Mobile Learning seeking to
m-learning to Primary Education, since we believe that one of                measure the potential of digital collaborative writing in
the greatest challenges that Education currently faces is to                 Primary Education. Thus, the research question was the
approach the technological and cultural reality of students since            following:
childhood. Therefore, we recognize the pedagogical potential of
the use of technology in education, namely by their classroom                     Can learning collaborative writing in Primary
integration in Primary Education, the context of our research.                     Education be improved using mobile devices?
In an action research setting, we developed digital collaborative
writing sessions using a web-based text writing platform. The                   With greater specificity, we have outlined some research
results showed that the use of technological resources for                   objectives:
educational purposes presents advantages in terms of                              To determine whether students' motivational index is
motivation, feedback, concentration, productivity, assessment,                     enhanced by the use of mobile devices;
reading and writing taste, digital literacy, error exposure and
assignment sharing. While some technical and/or usability                         To check if there is an increase in teacher productivity
implementation difficulties were recognized, the positive                          in his action performed on the platform;
indicators outweighed the negative ones and are an argument in
favor of school’s mediating role of the use of these technological                To find if there is improvement of the classroom
resources, rather than prohibiting them.                                           climate by the use of mobile devices;
                                                                                  To check for increased student productivity;

   Keywords— collaborative writing, m-learning, primary                           To find if there are advantages in collaborative writing
education, technology.                                                             performed on mobile devices.

                       I. INTRODUCTION                                                                   II. CONTEXT
    There is a growing massification of digital technologies in                  The target audience is a class of 13 students of the 3rd year
today's society, a phenomenon that is recognized by all, but                 of Primary Education, aged between 8 and 9 years, in a public
not exploited by all.                                                        school of Portugal, namely in the Autonomous Region of the
                                                                             Azores (ARA). In addition to the national documents
    Year after year, the technological divide between school                 regulating the educational action of teaching, the Integrated
and society is accentuated. Families in particular and society               Plan for the Promotion of School Success (ProSucesso) is
in general are increasingly dependent on technologies for                    being implemented in the ARA, whose action focuses on three
carrying out the most diverse tasks. Our understanding is that               axes:
the school should encourage and mediate the use of digital
technologies to build knowledge in the various existing                          1) Axis 1: Focus on the quality of students' learning;
learning environments.                                                           2) Axis 2: Promotion of the professional development of
    In this regard, Tavares and Barbeiro [1] add that the                    teachers;
development of societies is also done by technological                           3) Axis 3: Mobilization of the educational community
contribution, but not all citizens exploit this potential and,               and social partners.
therefore, it is up to the School to "mediates the process of                    In short, our investigative intervention focused on the
transformation of information into knowledge"” [1, p. 7].                    context of mobile learning (m-learning) using the concept of
                                                                             Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) with specific intervention
    Despite several initiatives and a general sensitivity of the             in the curricular area of Portuguese (in the field of writing)
educational community to the immanent educational potential                  seeking to measure advantages that may arise from the use of
in technologies, schools still do not attribute due value to                 mobile devices.
mobile technologies. That is, there is an investment in the
acquisition and maintenance of computer resources such as                                         III. MOBILE LEARNING
computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards, but the use of                  According to Traxler [2], there has been a gradual interest
smartphones is not allowed in classes, for example.                          in m-learning visible in the growing number of workshops,
   In this context and with the intention of enhancing                       conferences and seminars held in several countries such as
immersive and meaningful learning, we carried out an                         England, Italy, Sweden, Taiwan, among others.

       Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
    What is meant by Mobile Learning? Without pretending                Thus, opting for this methodology means that teachers
to exhaust the subject, we may add that several authors, as         "study students' learning by relating them to their own
Certal and Carvalho; Laouris and Eteokleous; Sharples,              teaching and, in this sense, it is a process that allows them to
Taylor and Vavoula; and Traxler [2]–[5] have presented              learn about their practices in order to improve students'
several definitions about the concept of m-learning depending       learning" [11, p. 132].
on the variable they emphasize most. In an attempt at
systematization, Certal and Carvalho [3] present four                   It should be noted that the choice for this research
definitions according to different perspectives on m-learning:      methodology was the subject of deep reflection and originated
(1) from the technological perspective, m-learning is               in 3 fundamental premises:
characterized by being a learning supported by mobile                   1) Problem: Gaps were identified in the school path of
devices; (2) in another perspective, it is considered as an         the students obtained from the results of the Summative Tests
extension of eLearning via mobile devices; (3) in formal            of the previous school year;
education, m-learning is compared to traditional forms of
                                                                        2) Researcher: One of the researchers is the teacher of
teaching, not limited to the classroom and finally (4) from the
student and mobility perspectives, m-learning happens               the class chosen as a target audience;
whenever there is student learning taking advantage of mobile           3) Pragmatic nature: There was a pragmatic nature in the
devices or not space dependent.                                     intervention in order to improve teaching practice.
                                                                        To maintain the anonymity of the target audience and the
    In this research we adopted the position of Dias e Victor       confidentiality of the information provided in the context of
[6] on mobile learning, which in essence defines it as all          this investigation, we chose to proceed with the codification
learning carried out through mobile devices at any time and         (Table I).
place, and therefore we can talk about ubiquitous learning in
the 21st century.                                                       We adopted a simple coding based on the initials of the
                                                                    participants in order to transcribe some of the observations,
    In fact, we consider that m-learning is especially directed     speeches and records of the results themselves throughout the
to the current generation of students whose attention in the        analysis of the results. The cardinals from 1 to 13 were added
classroom, according to Carvalho [7], is more difficult to          to facilitate understanding for readers.
keep. This generation dominates apps, games, social networks
through their mobile devices and it is in this context that m-                     TABLE I.    CODIFICATION OF ACTORS
learning can intervene to foster the "involvement,
                                                                                                     Date of data         Applied
responsibility and creativity of students" [7, p. 2], enabling,       Typology      Encoding
                                                                                                      collection        instruments
in particular, an educational practice more focused on, and                                                             Observation
close to, the student. Moreover, according to Laouris and            Students          A             October 2019
Eteokleous [4], in m-learning, access and type of information
differ, because the type of content tends to be more graphic,                             V. THE WRITING
visual and animated. Communication tends to be more                     In relation to writing, Barbeiro and Pereira state that
synchronous, spontaneous, fast, since the mobile device is          "Primary Education constitutes a privileged context to
always connected with Internet access and available in the          proceed to knowledge integration" [12, p. 11] due to the
individual's pocket. The tests, presentations, exams, and tasks     teaching assigned to only one teacher. In this specific context
are more flexible, instantaneous, collaborative, in short,          "information and communication technologies, through the
closer, and tailored, to the student.                               Internet, provide new means and extend the possibilities of
     Attewell [8] systematizes a set of advantages associated       participation" [12, p. 7] allowing the desired openness. That
with mobile learning: (1) it improves the skills of literacy, and   is, usually, most of the work done by the students remains
calculus and allows the student to recognize their skills; (2) it   closed. Closed in the backpack, the notebook, the file folder...
fosters learning experiences, both individual and                   The Internet is the door that opens it. There students can
collaborative; (3) it enables the identification of areas where     research, write, rewrite, format, produce, disseminate, share,
the student needs help and support; (4) it contributes to digital   interact and collaborate and when they do it, they are learning
literacy thus fighting e-exclusion; (5) it helps to reduce the      and training in, and for, the society of their time.
formality of the classroom and to integrate unenthusiastic              It is unavoidable to reference, albeit brief, on the Writing
students; (6)it enables longer attention span times; (7) it         Media at the level of writing didactics. This area has not been
increases self-esteem.                                              object of many studies or research. Aleixo [13] even considers
    It is undeniable that m-learning entails a set of advantages    that the subject of writing media has been little problematized,
that greatly favor the learning and involvement of the student      since the important thing is the final production performed by
in the construction of their knowledge.                             the students and that this view blurs the need to account for
                                                                    writing media.
                    IV. METHODOLOGY
                                                                        However, the same author considers that we should avoid
    What is Action Research? It is a research methodology           the idea of writing media neutrality and that several authors
that was born in the first half of the 20th century whose           have been corroborating the idea that "research on the
founder was Kurt Lewin. Action Research presupposes a               production of texts using the word processor developed in
"new way of making" knowledge by the association of theory          recent decades has been giving greater visibility to aspects
to practice[9].                                                     related to writing media" [13, p. 117].
    Melo, Filho and Chaves [10] assume that Lewin proposed             The same author presents the importance of the writing
Action Research as a methodology not only for in locus              notebook as an instrument for the development of learning to
research, but for participating in the problem.                     write emerging "the clear understanding that they should
constitute something like a workbench [...] that is, what                                     VI. RESULTS
students write is always available either to be reformulated or           Our intervention focused on the curricular area of
to be integrated into an individual writing project" [13, pp.         Portuguese, in the field of writing, with the preparation of
210, 211]. This strategy has been followed within the scope of        classroom scripts aimed at collaborative writing carried out on
the ProSucesso project and we believe that it can be promoted         the web-based Etherpad platform. Please be informed that this
by the use of mobile devices as a writing, starting to be called      platform was discontinued in 2020, however there are other
a digital writing notebook.                                           similar alternatives, even graphically similar, such as Riseup
    Textual production (Fig. 1) implies the mobilization of           Pad and MeetingWords.
knowledge and processes. This activity involves tasks related             We chose to limit our intervention to the narrative text
to three components: planning, textualization and revision            type, since the students were more familiar with this type of
[12], [14], and the introduction is part of the initial situation;    text because it was elected to the initiation to the learning of
the development includes the problem, the difficulty arising          writing in the previous school year. It should be stressed that
from the problem and help to overcome the difficulty: and             we aimed to gauge differences and/or advantages of digital
finally, the conclusion includes the final situation and may          collaborative writing performed on mobile devices compared
have or not a happy outcome.                                          to traditional media.
                                                                          Therefore, the class was split into groups of 3 to 4 students,
                                                                      without changing the layout of the classroom, because each
                                                                      student had their own mobile device. Each element of the
                                                                      group was assigned specific tasks for the writing of the
                                                                      collaborative text. That was an essential organizational stage
                                                                      for the development of the activity, because the students in this
                                                                      age group still have not enough autonomy development to
                                                                      organize themselves without help.
                                                                          During this phase, the students expressed themselves
                                                                      orally evidencing some anxiety about the beginning of the
                                                                      activity fact we interpreted by as an indicator of motivation.
Fig. 1. Sequence of narrative text [13, p. 135]                       "Teacher, may we begin?" (A 4); "I can start writing
                                                                      planning?" (A 2); "Teacher, a A8 has already begun writing;
    Students, even if the already know the narrative structure,       may I, too? (A 5)". These and other similar expressions were
need to develop an appropriate profile and congruent with the         verbalized by the students during this initial period of
skills necessary for writing, to become skillful writers.             organization.
   Cassany, Luna and Sanz [15] present some premises that                 Contributing to this situation were two platform
characterize the profile of a skillful writer.                        affordances that caused some distraction: color user
                                                                      identification and chat. Etherpad allows user identification by
         Skillful writers are skillful readers and the acquisition   the name and by association of a color to that user. It was
          of writing code results from readings performed;            necessary to direct the students' attention to the work to be
         They are aware of their readers, so they spend time         done and not waist useful class time.
          thinking about what they will write and how they will           The chat was the resource that challenged the most the
          do it to meet the expectations of the target audience;      performance of the tasks. Therefore, instead of banning it, we
                                                                      tried to provide some feedback to students to motivate them to
         They plan and structure their writing according to a
                                                                      focus their attention on the work to be developed using the
          mental construction of the text they have already
                                                                      chat itself. The reaction was very good! Students felt free to
                                                                      express themselves with emojis and interacted among
         They often reread the parts of the text that they           themselves and with the teacher in the chat, at the same time
          produce to assess whether it is in accordance with          they continued their written productions.
          what they mean and whether it has the necessary
                                                                          After this initial period marked by some excitement, the
                                                                      students focused themselves on the task and were able to
         They review the text to modify and/or improve it;           produce quality writing work.
         They present a recursive writing process that                   The collaborative writing activity, for the students, was an
          translates into a flexible writing that can be              innovative and enriching experience because it allowed each
          reformulated from its starting point - planning;            student to see his colleague writing, having the possibility to
                                                                      intervene in order to correct, add, propose, complete, among
         They have resources that support to information             other actions.
          retrieval or doubt clarification.
                                                                          Facial and body expressions of astonishment spread
    This ideal of writer is not an utopy, it is achievable. Can       almost among all students. The attention to the work produced
mobile devices trigger higher motivational indexes in students        by peers, and, therefore, the commitment and helping each
and provide moments of such an immersion that contributes             other among the elements of the group were patent.
to the development of writing skills?                                 Occasionally, oral verbalizations were heard trying to help
                                                                      their colleagues organize their ideas and in the construction of
                                                                      paragraphs revealing the development of social, literacy and
writing skills. "A4, you can say that the animal was caught in       teacher to act more timely, allowing faster feedback to the
a trap" (A12); "A10, the lion could be called Crystal" (A8).         student.
     However, this feature was not always well used by the               This speed in feedback entails some advantages in learning
students, as there were situations in which colleagues               writing, because it allows closer monitoring of the student, it
inadvertently deleted the written productions of others.             is process and not product focused, avoids the visualization of
"Teacher, I wrote the introduction and A13 erased everything"        the error by the student, corrects just in time and assists in the
(A12); "Who's erasing?" (A 9); "People are messing with what         correct development of writing skills avoiding the
I've done" (A 6); "Now I have to do it again" (A8); "A13 did         accumulation of faults that can lead to enduring errors and
it" (A12); "It was not me, teacher" (A13).                           demotivation for writing.
    Although these transcripts seem somewhat dramatic, they              To the timely feedback we must add the capability of
are easily corrected by the user himself, undoing their latest       reaching everyone. That is, as the follow-up by the teacher is
actions.                                                             done on the mobile device, it is possible to have in the Internet
                                                                     browser several tabs corresponding to the work of all groups /
   Motivation, perhaps, is the variable that was most                students. Thus, viewing and intervening in the written
evidenced. The classes where mobile devices would be used            productions of the students is a click away.
were preceded by great enthusiasm by students who showed
great anxiety until they were authorized to use these resources.         Since this is not the focus of this study, we just remark that
                                                                     this would be an area worth exploring, as it enables the
   In the time frames that mediated the classes where those          production of collaborative interclass, inter-schools, with
mobile devices would be used, students often produced                family work, i.e., an wider collaboration framework, not
vocalizations requesting their use: "are we going to do              restricted to the classroom.
Etherpad today?" (A8); "shall we finish the text now?" (A3);
and some dialogues that fueled this hope:                                The graphic output we get from the action of students in
                                                                     groups and teacher is another advantage to stress. It is always
    - "Teacher, what are we going to do today?" (A2)                 difficult to measure, in the work of groups, which is the
    - "Why do you ask that?" (Teacher)                               contribution of each element for the final product and this
                                                                     platform facilitates this appraisal, because it associates each
    - "We could do a little Etherpad…"(A 2)                          color with its respective user (students and teacher). For
    It should be noted that this interest was not short-lived as     example, in the text "The unicorn and the mysterious eagle"
the students, on their own initiative, created private pads to       (Fig. 3), we can see that the 3 elements of the group
write their texts. As this is a personal initiative of a few         contributed homogeneously to the final product (the being the
students, we chose not to include them as a research data in         4th contributor).
this investigation, but we think it is worth mentioning.
    The time involved in textual production on the online
platform was roughly the same commonly used in traditional
writing media and the possibility of future publication of the
works was also advantageous because it was carried out on a
digital platform, since the final production was already digital.
   The goal of 75 words (Fig. 2) for textual production in the
3rd year was met and even exceeded, with an average of 135
words. It should be noted that this number of words is also
above that recommended for the subsequent school year – 4th
year (90 words).


   140                      137
   120       113


                   75             75              75            75



              1              2              3               4

Fig. 2. Number of words from collaborative textual production

    The follow-up by the teacher was also done on the                Fig. 3. Graphic output of collaborative text on Etherpad
platform, because, as already mentioned, it is possible, in real
time, to monitor the progress of the students and watch the             From the visualization of the text (Fig. 3) it is possible to
production of their texts, at the time they occur, enabling the      perceive more clearly the advantages of digital collaborative
                                                                     writing compared to the writing performed in traditional
media. It should be noted that collaborative writing on                Another situation that may compromise the task is that
traditional media is more passive for students as their            students do not have mobile devices. It is recommended that
contributions are usually oral and only one student writes. In     the teacher provide some devices to address this possible
digital collaborative writing there is a greater involvement of    situation.
all students at all stages contributing to meaningful and
immersive learning centered on the process and not on the             The level of digital literacy of both students and teachers
product.                                                           can facilitate or hinder the writing process. Some of the
                                                                   common doubts: demarcation of paragraphs, typing of
    We should also stress that our goal, in addition to the        accents, punctuation marks and general formatting of the text.
assessment of the advantages of digital writing, is to enhance
and encourage the use of mobile devices in the teaching-               As a disadvantage in collaborative writing, it is worth
learning process from a perspective of complementarity and         mentioning that we have to deal with some delays as each
never the replacement of existing writing media.                   student contributes to the text in each stage. For example, one
                                                                   cannot write the conclusion without having completed the
    From the stages of writing production, it was found that       development stage. Still in this type of writing, there was a
the review stage gains an important emphasis if practiced in a     more noticeable use of the Chat, and the choice of the online
digital platform, because the correction and rewriting do not      platform for writing should ensure it is as minimalist as
entail some of the constraints of traditional media such as        possible.
erasing and starting again, copying again all production,
common strikethroughs and teacher corrections. In digital                               VII. CONCLUSIONS
media, it is possible to format, correct, add, remove, and even        Recalling the starting question, " • Can learning
move, parts of the text and rearrange it without wasting time,     collaborative writing in Primary Education be improved using
duplication of work and constraints for students.                  mobile devices?", we answer it with a categorical "Yes". The
     Synchronous monitoring of writing tasks developed in the      use of mobile devices can contribute to the improvement of
classroom by the parents and/or other people becomes               collaborative writing in childhood. However, it is not enough
possible on the Etherpad platform. In the days leading up to       to deliver or ask students to use mobile devices without any
the class sessions, the parents were informed of this              criteria and expect beneficial results. It is necessary to
affordance, but despite this information, there were no users      properly plan the activities involving mobile devices with
beyond the students and teacher. However, this possibility is      well-designed objectives for the skills to be developed. That's
assumed to be a great advantage over the traditional work that     why we structured our intervention in order to get relevant
is registered and kept closed in school notebooks, as they tend    results.
to remain throughout the school year in school. However,              We proposed a set of objectives for this research for which
during the following days, the students brought oral accounts      we present some answers:
that they had shown their parents their work and in particular
the conversations held in the chat.                                    To determine whether students' motivational index is
                                                                        enhanced by the use of mobile devices;
    Recalling some of the advantages of m-learning presented
by Attewell [8] such as: literacy development and calculus;            This objective was easily attainable. We would even say
individual and collaborative learning; identification of student   that it is enough to present the task to be performed using
difficulties; increased self-esteem; longer attention periods      mobile devices, that motivation arises instantly. The
and the profile of a skillful writer, as Cassany, Luna and Sanz    motivation index was measurable, throughout the
[15] refer that they plan, structure, reformulate and review the   investigation, by the verbalizations of the students requesting
writing according to their mental construction to correspond       the use of mobile devices. The Etherpad writing platform has
to a target audience, we believe that these writing sessions on    produced high motivational indexes contributing to
the Etherpad platform contemplate all the advantages               immersive, meaningful and contextualized learning. We
proposed by Attewell [8] and contribute to the development         would point out that this interest was not short-lived as
of the profile of a skillful writer presented by Casany, Luna      students, on their own initiative, created pads to write their
and Sanz [15].                                                     texts.
    Due to these assumptions, collaborative writing on an              To check if there is an increase in productivity by the
online platform, in classroom context, when well planned,               teacher in his action performed on the platform;
contributes to the development of the taste for reading and            The absence of a spelling and grammar checker on the
writing, promotes digital literacy, allows writing and rewriting   Etherpad platform requires that these actions must be
without constraints, favors the attention focus in the task,       performed by the teacher. Since the class was subdivided into
promotes a good classroom climate, facilitates the teacher's       groups, there was an effective monitoring by the teacher in
follow-up, contributes to less error exposure, facilitates the     providing the necessary feedback to the groups at the distance
publication or presentation of the works and presents an           of a click. We considered that there was an increase in teacher
openness trait. This openness can be exercised to alter texts,     productivity by the monitoring provided on the platform
review, read them, publish and share them.                         favoring interactivity between peers and textual correction.
    On the other hand, the diversity of equipment (laptops,            To find if there is improvement of the classroom
smartphones, and tablets), with different screen sizes, may be          climate by the use of mobile devices;
a disadvantage in the case of students who are not familiar
with the equipment to be used. However, if the student is              After the initial period of getting used to the mobile
familiar with the equipment, then should not be understood as      devices, we found that the tasks favored a greater focus of
a disadvantage.                                                    students, thus contributing to a good classroom climate.
     To check for increased student productivity;                              [8] J. Attewell, Mobile technologies and learning: a technology update and
                                                                                      m-learning project summary. London: Learning and Skills
   In the class sessions we found that students exceeded the                          Development Agency, 2005.
75-word goal for the 3rd year. However, compared to the                         [9] P. Ferreira, "The Use of The Methodology of Research-Action in Social
records in traditional media, we found that there is a similarity                     Intervention: a theoretical reflection," Rev. Interv. Soc., vol. 32, no. 32,
                                                                                      pp. 215–236, 2008.
between these different writing media.
                                                                                [10] A. S. E. de Melo, O. N. M. Filho, and H. V. Chaves, "Lewin e a
     To find if there are advantages in collaborative writing                        pesquisa-ação: genesis, application and purpose," Fractal Rev. Psicol.,
      performed on mobile devices.                                                    vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 153–159, 2016.
                                                                                [11] J. R. Santos, Action research and the development of educational
    We have seen some advantages in composition writing                               practices and educational leadership conducive to effectiveness in
performed on mobile devices, such as: collaborative writing                           schools. Lisbon: Open University of Portugal, 2017.
allowed at a higher level (contributing and seeing                              [12] L. F. Barbeiro and L. Á. Pereira, O Ensino da Escrita: a dimensão
contributions from colleagues simultaneously); timely follow-                         textual, 1st Edition. Lisbon: Ministry of Education - General
                                                                                      Directorate of Innovation and Curriculum Development, 2007.
up, by the teacher, to the student, enabling faster feedback;
                                                                                [13] M. da C. F. A. Aleixo, "The Writing notebooks as mediators of the
closer monitoring of the student; process-centric evaluation;                         production of texts by students of the 1st CEB," Doctoral Thesis,
avoid the student's display of the error; easier evaluation by                        University of Aveiro, 2010.
visualizing the graphic output of the students' written                         [14] C. Reis et al., "Portuguese Basic Education Programs." Ministry of
productions (group and individual); increased standing of the                         Education - General Directorate of Innovation and Curriculum
review stage and facilitation of future publication of the work,                      Development, Lisbon, 2009.
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versatile.                                                                            1994.

A. Other conclusions
   In addition to the objectives initially presented we have
ascertained, during the sessions, other situations worth
     The time involved in textual production on the online
      platform was roughly the same commonly used in
      traditional writing media.
     In addition to the feedback, we should keep in mind
      the idea of reaching everyone. That is, the monitoring
      by the teacher on the mobile device, in Portuguese,
      allows to reach students more quickly by focusing the
      work of students in several tabs of the same device.
     We verified the possibility, in the writing platform, of
      openness to the educational community, either
      synchronously or asynchronously, or both.
     Mobile devices captivate attention and promote
      students' focus on the tasks to be performed.
     The evaluation of collaborative writing is facilitated
      through the graphic output of textual production.
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      Tomar: Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, 2019, pp. 1–6.