=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2735/paper28 |storemode=property |title=Impact Analysis of Document Digitization on Event Extraction |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2735/paper28.pdf |volume=Vol-2735 |authors=Nhu Khoa Nguyen,Emanuela Boros,Gaël Lejeune,Antoine Doucet |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aiia/NguyenBLD19 }} ==Impact Analysis of Document Digitization on Event Extraction== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2735/paper28.pdf
    Impact Analysis of Document Digitization on
                Event Extraction?
                  1[0000−0003−2751−5349]                  1[0000−0001−6299−9452]
Nhu Khoa Nguyen                          , Emanuela Boros                        ,
             2[0000−0002−4795−2362]                     1[0000−0001−6160−3356]
 Gaël Lejeune                       , and Antoine Doucet

               University of La Rochelle, L3i, F-17000, La Rochelle, France
                       Sorbonne University, F-75006 Paris, France

      Abstract. This paper tackles the epidemiological event extraction task
      applied to digitized documents. Event extraction is an information ex-
      traction task that focuses on identifying event mentions from textual
      data. In the context of event-based health surveillance from digitized
      documents, several key issues remain challenging in spite of great ef-
      forts. First, image documents are indexed through their digitized version
      and thus, they may contain numerous errors, e.g. misspellings. Second,
      it is important to address international news, which would imply the
      inclusion of multilingual data. To clarify these important aspects of how
      to extract epidemic-related events, it remains necessary to maximize the
      use of digitized data. In this paper, we investigate the impact of working
      with digitized multilingual documents with dierent levels of synthetic
      noise over the performance of an event extraction system. This type of
      analysis, to our knowledge, has not been alleviated in previous research.

      Keywords: Information Extraction · Event Extraction · Event Detec-
      tion Multilingualism.

1   Introduction
The surveillance of epidemic outbreaks has been an ongoing challenge globally
and it has been a key component of public health strategy to contain diseases
spreading. While digital documents have been the standard format in the modern
days, many archives and libraries still keep printed historical documents and
records. Historians and geographers have a growing interest in these documents
as they still hold many crucial information and events in the past to analyze,
noticeably in health and related to epidemics events in an international context.

  Copyright    ©2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
  Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  This work has been supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and
  innovation program under grants 770299 (NewsEye) and 825153 (Embeddia).

    Event extraction (EE) is an important information extraction (IE) task that
focuses on identifying event mentions from text and extracting information rele-
vant to them. Typically, this entails predicting event triggers, the occurrence of
events with specic types, and extracting arguments associated with an event.
In the context of event-based health surveillance from digitized documents, for
extracting relevant events, even though the historical documents are in physical
form, few of them have been converted into digital form for further storage as
records in a database. However, due to the digitization process, several issues
can arise, most commonly in the case when the original document is distorted,
whether through deterioration due to aging or was damaged in the storing pro-
cess, which will aect the converted content. Moreover, errors from the digiti-
zation process could also be a factor that causes adulteration of the converted
documents e.g. word variations or mispellings.
    In this article, we propose to experiment with an approach to event extraction
with the ability of handling not only multilingual data, but also large amounts of
data without relying on any additional natural language processing (NLP) tools.
The architecture is based on the DAnIEL system [11] which is a discourse-level
approach that exploits the global structure of news. It also tackles the diculty
of language adaptation by its character-based approach that uses positions of
substring occurrences in text. We believe that DAnIEL is adequate for its ability
to handle text in any language and that its algorithm should be robust to noise.
We aim at testing the robustness of this model against noise, its ability of treating
highly inected languages and misspelled or unseen words, which can be either
due to the low quality of text or the spelling variants. For these experiments, we
present the evaluation general settings. Furthermore, we create synthetic data
starting from the initial dataset in order to study the direct impact of automatic
text recognition (ATR) over the performance of both approaches.
    The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 briey overviews the related
works on epidemiological event extraction. Section 3 introduces the DAnIEL
system and its characteristics and in Section 4 the dataset built specically
for the DAnIEL system is presented in detail. The Section 5 describes the ex-
periments and an extrinsic evaluation of the results. We conclude and propose
possible suggestions for future research in Section 6.

2    Related Work
Specic to epidemiological event extraction, there exist a few of empirical works
targeted to extract events related to disease outbreaks. For instance, similar to
the chosen system for this paper, DAnIEL, there are two other systems, BIO-
CASTER [2,3] and PULS [5]. These architectures produced adequate results
in analyzing disease-related news reports and providing a summary of the epi-
demics. For example, the BIOCASTER, an ontology-based text mining system,
processes and analyzes web texts for the occurrence of disease outbreak in four
phases namely, topic classication, named entity recognition (NER), disease/lo-
cation detection and event extraction.

       To our knowledge, there are no works related to the analysis of the impact
of documents digitization for event extraction in the epidemiological domain.
In return, few studies have been devoted to other information extraction tasks
i.e. the extraction of named entities from digitized historical data [1,4]. Dealing
with noisy data, several eorts have been devoted to extracting named entities
from diverse text types such as outputs of automatic speech recognition (ASR)
systems [6,9], informal messages and noisy social network posts [16]. Other re-
searchers [8] quantitatively estimate the impact of digitization quality on the
performance of named entity recognition. Other studies focused on named en-
tity linking [15], more specically on the evaluation of the performance of named
entity linking over digitized documents with dierent levels of digitization qual-

3       Approach
DAnIEL [11] stands for Data Analysis for Information Extraction in any Lan-
guage. The approach is at document-level, as opposed to the commonly used
analysis at sentence-level, by exploiting the global structure of news as dened
by the authors of [14]. The entries of the system are news texts, title and body
of text, the name of the source when available, and other metadata (e.g date of
article). As the name implies, the system has the capability to work in a multilin-
gual setting due to the fact that it is not a word-based algorithm, segmentation
in words can be highly language-specic, but rather a character-based one that
centers around the repetition and position of character sequences.
       By avoiding grammar analysis and the usage of other NLP toolkits (e.g part-
of-speech tagger, dependency parser) and by focusing on the general structure of
journalistic writing style [7,14], the system is able to detect crucial information
in salient zones that are peculiar to this genre of writing: the properties of the
journalistic genre and the style universals form the basis of the analysis. This
combines with the fact that DAnIEL considers text as sequences of characters,
instead of words, the system can quickly operate on any foreign language and
extract crucial information early on and improve the decision-making process.
This is pivotal in epidemic surveillance since timeliness is key, and more than
often, initial reports where patient zero appears are in the vernacular language.
The approach presented in [11] considers the document as the main unit and aims
at the language-independent organizational properties that repeat information at
explicit locations. According to the author, epidemic news reports, which use the
journalistic writing style, have well-dened rules on structure and vocabulary to
convey concisely and precisely the message to their targeted audience. As these
rules are at a higher level than grammar rules conceptually, they are applied to
many languages, thus oer high robustness in a multilingual scenario.
       DAnIEL uses a minimal knowledge base for matching between the extracted
possible disease names or locations and the knowledge base entries. Its central
processing chain includes four phases. In the     Article segmentation phase, the
system rst divides the document into salient positions: title, header, body and

footer. In   Pattern extraction, for detecting events, the system looks for repeated
substrings at the salient zones aforementioned. In   Pattern ltering, the substrings
that satisfy this condition will be matched to a list of disease/location names
that was constructed by crawling from Wikipedia.
    For the string matching between the extracted character sequences and knowl-
edge base entries, the system is parameterized with a ratio. For instance, a small
ratio value could oer a perfect recall but with high noise (many irrelevant en-
tries are selected). For a maximum value (1.0), the system will match the exact
extracted substrings which could be detrimental to the morphologically rich lan-
guages (e.g. Greek, Russian). There are cases where the canonical disease name
cannot be found in the text, as in the case of aforementioned languages, but
grammatical cases of nouns. For example, in Russian,       Prostuda (prostuda)
means cold, and since this disease name cannot be found in the text article,
we used the instrumental case in Russian that can generally be distinguished
by the -om (-om) sux for most masculine and neuter nouns, the -o/-o
(-oju/-oj) sux for most feminine nouns. A ratio of less than 1.0 will consider
the instrumental case for singular    prostudo as a true positive.
    Finally, the   Detection of disease − location pairs (in some cases, the num-
ber of victims also) produces the end result with one or more events that are
described by pairs of disease-location.

4    Dataset Description
In this section, we present the dataset that was created for the DAnIEL sys-
tem [11]. The corpus is dedicated to multilingual epidemic surveillance and con-
tains articles on dierent press threads in the eld of   health (Google News) that
focused on epidemic events from dierent collected documents in dierent lan-
guages, with events simply dened as disease-location-number of victims triplets.
The corpus was built specically for this system [11,12], containing articles from
six dierent languages: English, French, Greek, Russian, Chinese, and Polish. It
contains articles on dierent press threads in the eld of    health (Google News)
focused on epidemic events and it was annotated by native speakers.
    A DAnIEL event is dened at document-level, meaning that an article is
considered as relevant if it is annotated with a disease − location pairs (and
rarely, the number of victims). An example is presented in Figure 1, where the
event is a   listeria outbreak in USA and the number of victims is unknown.
    Thus, in this dataset the event extraction task is dened as identifying articles
that contain an event and the extraction of the disease name and location, i.e.
the words or compound words that evoke the event. Since the events are epidemic
outbreaks, there is no pre-set list of types and subtypes of events, and thus the
task of event extraction is simplied to detecting whether an article contains an
epidemiological event or not.
    Common to event extraction, the dataset is characterized by imbalance. In
this case, only around 10% of these documents are relevant to epidemic events,
which is very sparse. The number of documents in each language is rather bal-

             Fig.1. Example of an event annotated in DAnIEL dataset.
"15960": {
    " annotations ": [
            [       "listeria ",
                    "USA" ,
                    "unknown " ]
    "comment " : " " ,
    " d a t e " : "2012 − 01 − 12" ,
    " l a n g u a g e " : " en " ,
    " document_path " : "doc_en /20120112_www. cnn .
           com_48eddc7c17447b70075c26a1a3b168243edcbfb28f0185 " ,
    " u r l " : " h t t p : / /www. cnn . com/2012/01/11/ h e a l t h / l i s t e r i a −
           o u t b r e a k / i n d e x . html "

anced, except for French, having about ve times more documents compared to
the rest of the languages. More statistics on the corpus can be found in Table 1.
     The DAnIEL dataset is annotated at document-level, which dierentiates
itself from other datasets used in research for the event extraction task. A docu-
ment is either reporting an event (disease-place pair, and sometimes the number
of victims) or not. We will elaborate the evaluation framework in Section 5.

Table 1. Summary of the      DAnIEL dataset. The relevant documents are documents
annotated with an event.

    Language                 # Documents # Relevant # Sentences # Tokens
    French (fr)                          2,733 340 (12.44%)            75,461    2,082,827
    English (en)                           475 31 (6.53%)               4,153      262,959
    Chinese (zh)                           446 16 (3.59%)               4,555      236,707
    Russian (ru)                           426 41 (9.62%)               6,865      133,905
    Greek (el)                             390 26 (6.67%)               3,743      198,077
    Polish (pl)                            352 30 (8.52%)               5,847      165,682
    Total                                4,822 489 (10.14%)           140,624    3,080,157

5     Experiments
The focal point of this set of experiments is to observe how the level of noise
stemming from the digitization process impacts the performance of the models.
However, there is no adequate historical document dataset provided with man-
ually curated event annotation that could directly be used to measure the per-

formance of the models over deteriorated historical documents. Thus, the noise
and degradation levels have to be articially generated into clean documents,
so as to measure the impact of ATR over event detection using DAnIEL. We
shall thus use readily available data sets over contemporary and digitally-born
datasets, which are free of any ATR-induced noise.
      In order to create such an appropriate dataset, the raw text from the DAnIEL
dataset was extracted and converted into clean images . The rationale is to simu-
late what can be found in deteriorated documents due to time eect, poor print-
ing materials or inaccurate scanning processes, which are common conditions in
historical newspapers. We used four types of noise: Character Degradation adds
                                                                Phantom Char-
small ink dots on characters to emulate the age eect on articles,
acter appears when characters erode due to excessive use of documents, Bleed
Through appears in double-paged document image scans where the content of
the back side appears in the front side as interference, and Blur is a common
degradation eect encountered during a typical digitization process. After con-
taminating the corpus, all the text was extracted from noisy images , for initial
clean images (without any adulteration) and the noisy synthetic ones. An exam-
ple with the degradation levels is illustrated in Figure 2. The noise levels were
empirically chosen with a considerable level of diculty .
      The experiments were conducted in the following manner: for each noise type,
the dierent intensity is generated to see its relation to the performance of the
model. Character error rate (CER) and word error rate (WER) were calculated
for each noise level, that can align long noisy text even with additional or missing
text with the ground truth, thus enables it to calculate the error rate of OCR
process. The experiments are performed under conditions of varying word error
rate (WER) and character error rate (CER): original text, OCR from high-
quality text images, and OCR on synthetically degraded text images.

5.1     Evaluation Framework
For the evaluation of the performance of the event detection task, we use the
standard metrics: Precision (P), Recall (R), and F-measure (F1). For measuring
the document distortion due to the OCR process, we also report the standard
metrics: character error rate (CER) and word error rate (WER). We perform
two types of evaluations, both at the document level (included in the DAnIEL

  Event identication: a document represents an event if both triggers were
      found, regardless of their types;
  Event classication: a document represents an event if the triggers are cor-
      rectly found and match exactly with the groundtruth ones.
  For simulating dierent levels of degradation, we used DocCreator [10].
  The Tesseract optical character recognition (OCR) Engine v4.0 https://github.
  com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract [17] was used to produce the digitised documents.
  The following values of DocCreator are: Character Degradation (2-6), Phantom
  Character (Very Frequent), Blur (1-3), Bleed Through (80-80).

Fig.2. Example of types of noise applied on a dataset: (i) clean image, (ii) Phantom
Character, (iii) Character Degradation, (iv)Bleed Through, (v) Blur, and (vi) all mixed

5.2     Experiments with Clean Data

Hereafter, we present the experiments performed with the clean data. Consider-
ing that the DAnIEL system has a ratio parameter for matching the extracted
triggers, we test two values for it. For the rst experiments, we use a ratio value
of 0.8 (the default value of the system) that was empirically chosen in [11] for the
best trade-o between recall and precision. Second, we test the maximum ratio
value of 1.0 in order to analyze the system's performance when the extracted
disease names and locations exactly match with the knowledge base.
      For event identication on clean textual data, one can notice from the Table
2, that usually DAnIEL favors recall instead of precision and tends to suer
from an imbalance between precision and recall, which may be due to the high
imbalance of the data. It is aso not surprising that the DAnIEL system the high-
est performance values for event identication for Chinese and Greek, since for
Chinese, there are few relevant documents comparing with the other languages
(16 documents that report an event), and for Greek, there are 26 of them.

Table 2. Evaluation of DAnIEL on the initial dataset for event identication (regard-
less of the types of the triggers).

              Polish       Chinese Russian Greek     French   English All languages
           P 0.6842        0.8     0.7115 0.641      0.592    0.4918      0.6052
 ratio=0.8 R 0.8667        1.0     0.9024 0.9259     0.9088   0.8571      0.9059
           F1 0.7647       0.8889 0.7957 0.7576      0.7169   0.625       0.7256
           P 0.0           0.0     0.0     0.0       0.9155   0.0         0.9155
 ratio=1.0 R 0.0           0.0     0.0     0.0       0.5735   0.0         0.3988
           F1 0.0          0.0     0.0     0.0       0.7052   0.0         0.5556

      We also can note the large dierence between the two chosen ratios. More
exactly, an increase in this value comes in the detriment of the languages that
are not only morphologically rich, but also in the case where the exact name of
the disease is not located in the text.

Table 3. Evaluation of DAnIEL for event classication (triggers are correctly found
and match with the groundtruth ones).

              Polish      Chinese Russian Greek     French    English All languages
           P 0.3421       0.35    0.2692 0.4103     0.5211    0.2951      0.4645
 ratio=0.8 R 0.4          0.4118 0.3146 0.5079      0.5781    0.4737      0.5363
           F1 0.3688      0.3784 0.2902 0.4539      0.5481    0.3636      0.4978
           P 0.0          0.0     0.0     0.0       0.7934    0.0         0.7934
 ratio=1.0 R 0.0          0.0     0.0     0.0       0.3592    0.0         0.2666
           F1 0.0         0.0     0.0     0.0       0.4945    0.0         0.3991

      In the case of event classication, we observe from Table 3, that DAnIEL
is balanced regarding the precision and recall metrics, being able to have higher
F1 on the under-represented languages (Chinese, Russian, and Greek). We also
notice that, in all the cases, DAnIEL does not detect the number of victims. We
assume that this is due to the fact that many of the annotated numbers cannot
be found in the text, e.g. 10000 cannot be detected since the original text has
the 10, 000 form, or it is spelled    ten thousands. Generally, for the detection of
locations, we recall that DAnIEL is capable to detect locations due to the usage
of external resources and article metadata.
      For the experiments on noisy data, we will use a ratio value of 0.8, since the
maximum value for the ratio creates results prone to suer from word variations
or misspelings of words (which is a direct consequence of the digitization process).

5.3     Experiments with Noisy Data
The results in Table 4 clearly state that   Character Degradation is the eect that
aects the most the transcription of the documents. However, for character-

       Table 4. Document degradation OCR evaluation on the DAnIEL dataset.
                          Clean     CharDeg Bleed     Blur     Phantom All
 All             CER      2.61      9.55    2.83      8.76     2.65    11.07
                 WER      4.23      26.23   5.93      19.05    4.71    27.36
 Polish          CER      0.15      5.86    0.19      7.57     0.19    5.51
                 WER      0.74      20.66   1.17      13.23    1.17    20.70
 Chinese         CER      36.89     41.01   38.24     43.97    36.91   46.97
 Russian         CER      0.93      16.20   1.45      8.13     1.03    10.91
                 WER      1.63      28.46   6.61      14.94    2.73    29.72
 Greek           CER      3.52      9.04    3.76      13.79    3.54    16.28
                 WER      15.86     41.36   17.39     54.02    15.93   54.76
 French          CER      1.96      8.37    2.13      7.43     2.0     10.90
                 WER      3.33      23.56   4.89      16.31    3.76    26.07
 English         CER      0.35      5.75    0.52      4.74     0.44    7.43
                 WER      0.66      24.78   2.14      14.72    1.66    20.99

based languages (e.g. Chinese), CER is commonly used instead of WER as the
measure for OCR, and, thus, we report only the CER [18].
   We note also that, regarding the Chinese documents, the high values for CER,
for every type of noise, might be caused by the existence of the enormous number
of characters in the alphabet that, by adding such an eect asCharacter Degra-
dation can change drastically the recognition of a character (and in Chinese,
one single character can often be a word). Otherwise, while Character Degrada-
tion noise and Blur eect have more impact on the performance of DAnIEL
than Phantom Character type since it did not generate enough distortion to the
images. A similar case applies for the Bleed Through noise.
   Regarding the experiments presented in Tables 5 and 6, we notice, rst of all,
that the   Character Degradation eect, Blur, and most of all, all the eects mixed
together, have indeed an impact or eect over the performance of DAnIEL, but
with little variability. Meanwhile,   Phantom Degradation and Bleed through had
very little to no impact on the quality of detection with DAnIEL.
   The cause of the decrease in performance of DAnIEL is that, in order to
detect events, the system looks for repeated substrings at salient zones. In the
case of many incorrectly recognised words during the OCR process, there may
be no repetition anymore, implying that the event will not be detected. However,
since DAnIEL only needs two occurrences of its clues (substring of a disease
name and substring of a location), it is assumed to be robust to the loss of many
repetitions, as long as two repetitions remain in salient zones.
   Regarding all the aforementioned results for the DAnIEL system, computing
the number of aected event words (disease, location, number of cases), we also
notice that a very small number of them have been modied by the OCR process,
only 1.98% for all the languages together, for all the eects mixed together, close
to the 1.63% that were aected by the OCR on clean data. This is due to the
imbalance in the DAnIEL dataset: only 10.14% of a total of 4, 822 documents

Table 5.   Evaluation of   DAnIEL  results on the noisy data for event identication
(regardless of the types of the triggers). Orig=Original, PL=Polish, ZH=Chinese,
RU=Russian, EL=Greek, FR=French, EN=English.

       Orig Clean         CharDeg Bleed               Blur          Phantom All
    P 0.61 0.735 (+0.12) 0.755 (+0.14) 0.735 (+0.12) 0.74 (+0.13) 0.731 (+0.12) 0.758 (+0.14)
All R 0.91 0.859 (-0.05) 0.674 (-0.23) 0.862 (-0.04) 0.857 (-0.05) 0.862 (-0.04) 0.718 (-0.19)
    F1 0.73 0.792 (+0.06) 0.712 (-0.01) 0.793 (+0.06) 0.794 (+0.06) 0.791 (+0.06) 0.737 (+0.00)
    P 0.68 0.643 (-0.03) 0.656 (-0.02) 0.658 (-0.02) 0.692 (+0.01) 0.643 (-0.03) 0.645 (-0.03)
PL R 0.87 0.9 (+0.03) 0.7 (-0.17)       0.9 (+0.03) 0.9 (+0.03) 0.9 (+0.03) 0.667 (-0.20)
    F1 0.76 0.75 (-0.01) 0.677 (-0.08) 0.761 (+0.00) 0.783 (+0.02) 0.75 (-0.01) 0.656 (-0.10)
    P 0.8 0.882 (+0.08) 0.882 (+0.08) 0.789 (-0.01) 0.733 (-0.06) 0.789 (-0.01) 0.857 (+0.05)
ZH R 1.0 0.938 (-0.06) 0.938 (-0.06) 0.938 (-0.06) 0.917 (-0.08) 0.938 (-0.06) 0.75 (-0.25)
    F1 0.89 0.909 (+0.01) 0.909 (+0.01) 0.857 (-0.03) 0.815 (-0.07) 0.857 (-0.03) 0.8 (-0.09)
    P 0.71 0.688 (-0.02) 0.691 (-0.01) 0.688 (-0.02) 0.705 (-0.00) 0.688 (-0.02) 0.727 (+0.01)
RU R 0.9 0.805 (-0.09) 0.744 (-0.15) 0.846 (-0.05) 0.795 (-0.10) 0.846 (-0.05) 0.821 (-0.08)
    F1 0.8 0.742 (-0.05) 0.716 (-0.08) 0.759 (-0.04) 0.747 (-0.05) 0.759 (-0.04) 0.771 (-0.02)
    P 0.64 0.59 (-0.05) 0.682 (+0.04) 0.59 (-0.05) 0.639 (-0.00) 0.59 (-0.05) 0.667 (+0.02)
EL R 0.93 0.852 (-0.07) 0.556 (-0.37) 0.852 (-0.07) 0.852 (-0.07) 0.852 (-0.07) 0.518 (-0.41)
    F1 0.76 0.697 (-0.06) 0.612 (-0.14) 0.697 (-0.06) 0.73 (-0.03) 0.697 (-0.06) 0.583 (-0.17)
    P 0.59 0.803 (+0.21) 0.828 (+0.23) 0.806 (+0.21) 0.801 (+0.21) 0.801 (+0.21) 0.816 (+0.22)
FR R 0.91 0.849 (-0.06) 0.666 (-0.24) 0.849 (-0.06) 0.849 (-0.06) 0.849 (-0.06) 0.723 (-0.18)
    F1 0.72 0.826 (+0.10) 0.738 (+0.01) 0.827 (+0.10) 0.825 (+0.10) 0.825 (+0.10) 0.767 (+0.04)
    P 0.49 0.508 (+0.01) 0.458 (-0.03) 0.508 (+0.01) 0.516 (+0.02) 0.508 (+0.01) 0.52 (+0.03)
EN R 0.86 0.943 (+0.08) 0.629 (-0.23) 0.943 (+0.08) 0.943 (+0.08) 0.943 (+0.08) 0.743 (-0.11)
    F1 0.62 0.66 (+0.04) 0.53 (-0.09) 0.66 (+0.04) 0.667 (+0.04) 0.66 (+0.04) 0.612 (-0.00)

contain events. It brings us to the conclusion that the event extraction task is
not considerably impacted by the degradation of the image documents.

   One interesting observation is that the precision or the recall can increase,
resulting in a higher F1, despite the higher noise eect applied. One possible
explanation for this phenomenon is that with a greater level of noise, some false
positives disappear. Documents, which were previously classied wrongly due to
being too ambiguous to the system (for instance documents relating vaccination
campaigns are usually tagged as non-relevant in the ground truth dataset), were
given much more distinction thanks to the noise, thus making them look less like
relevant samples to the system. More formally: let document X be a false positive
in its raw format (Xraw ). Let XN oisy be its noisy version. If the paragraph that
triggered both system's misclassications disappeared in Xnoisy , there are good
chances that it will be classied as non-relevant. In that case, Xraw is a false
positive but Xnoisy is a true negative. That may seem counter-intuitive but noise
can improve classication results, see for instance [13] for a study on the same
dataset of the inuence of boilerplate removal on results.

Table 6.   Evaluation of    DAnIEL results on the noisy data for event classication
(triggers are correctly found and match with the groundtruth ones). Orig=Original,
PL=Polish, ZH=Chinese, RU=Russian, EL=Greek, FR=French, EN=English.

       Orig Clean         CharDeg Bleed               Blur          Phantom All
    P 0.46 0.552 (+0.09) 0.548 (+0.08) 0.549 (+0.08) 0.558 (+0.09) 0.548 (+0.08) 0.547 (+0.08)
All R 0.54 0.497 (-0.04) 0.377 (-0.16) 0.496 (-0.04) 0.497 (-0.04) 0.498 (-0.04) 0.4 (-0.14)
    F1 0.5 0.523 (+0.02) 0.447 (-0.05) 0.521 (+0.02) 0.526 (+0.02) 0.521 (+0.02) 0.462 (-0.03)
    P 0.34 0.333 (-0.00) 0.328 (-0.01) 0.342 (+0.00) 0.359 (+0.01) 0.333 (-0.00) 0.274 (-0.06)
PL R 0.4 0.431 (+0.03) 0.323 (-0.07) 0.431 (+0.03) 0.431 (+0.03) 0.431 (+0.03) 0.262 (-0.13)
    F1 0.37 0.376 (+0.00) 0.326 (-0.04) 0.381 (+0.01) 0.392 (+0.02) 0.376 (+0.00) 0.268 (-0.10)
    P 0.35 0.412 (+0.06) 0.353 (+0.00) 0.342 (-0.00) 0.367 (+0.01) 0.342 (-0.00) 0.464 (+0.11)
ZH R 0.41 0.412 (+0.00) 0.353 (-0.05) 0.382 (-0.02) 0.423 (+0.01) 0.382 (-0.02) 0.382 (-0.02)
    F1 0.38 0.412 (+0.03) 0.353 (-0.02) 0.361 (-0.01) 0.393 (+0.01) 0.361 (-0.01) 0.419 (+0.03)
    P 0.27 0.302 (+0.03) 0.312 (+0.04) 0.302 (+0.03) 0.295 (+0.02) 0.302 (+0.03) 0.273 (+0.00)
RU R 0.31 0.326 (+0.01) 0.357 (+0.04) 0.341 (+0.03) 0.306 (-0.00) 0.341 (+0.03) 0.282 (-0.02)
    F1 0.31 0.314 (+0.00) 0.333 (+0.02) 0.32 (+0.01) 0.301 (-0.00) 0.32 (+0.01) 0.278 (-0.03)
    P 0.41 0.333 (-0.07) 0.341 (-0.06) 0.333 (-0.07) 0.361 (-0.04) 0.333 (-0.07) 0.357 (-0.05)
EL R 0.51 0.413 (-0.09) 0.238 (-0.27) 0.413 (-0.09) 0.413 (-0.09) 0.413 (-0.09) 0.238 (-0.27)
    F1 0.45 0.369 (-0.08) 0.28 (-0.17) 0.369 (-0.08) 0.385 (-0.06) 0.369 (-0.08) 0.286 (-0.16)
    P 0.47 0.691 (+0.22) 0.693 (+0.22) 0.69 (+0.22) 0.689 (+0.21) 0.689 (+0.21) 0.675 (+0.20)
FR R 0.51 0.527 (+0.01) 0.402 (-0.10) 0.524 (+0.01) 0.527 (+0.01) 0.527 (+0.01) 0.431 (-0.07)
    F1 0.49 0.598 (+0.10) 0.509 (+0.01) 0.596 (+0.10) 0.597 (+0.10) 0.597 (+0.10) 0.526 (+0.03)
    P 0.47 0.292 (-0.17) 0.26 (-0.21) 0.292 (-0.17) 0.297 (-0.17) 0.292 (-0.17) 0.31 (-0.16)
EN R 0.51 0.5 (-0.01)     0.329 (-0.18) 0.5 (-0.01)   0.5 (-0.01)   0.5 (-0.01)   0.408 (-0.10)
    F1 0.49 0.369 (-0.12) 0.291 (-0.19) 0.369 (-0.12) 0.372 (-0.11) 0.369 (-0.12) 0.352 (-0.13)

6    Conclusions and Perspectives
We conclude that, in our experimental setting, the epidemical event extraction is
prone to digitization errors, but, at the same time, the impact on the DAnIEL
system is not considerable, which makes it a robust solution for health surveil-
lance applications. Nevertheless, while these experiments were performed in an
articial setting with synthetically produced noise eects, the challenges that
exist in a more realistic reasonable scenario could generate other tremendous is-
sues due to the digitization process. As a perspective, we consider the annotation
of a digitized dataset in order to asses our assumptions.

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