=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2735/paper35 |storemode=property |title=FrEX: Extracting Property Expropriation Frame Entities from Real Cases |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2735/paper35.pdf |volume=Vol-2735 |authors=Roberto Salvaneschi,Daniela Muradore,Andrea Stanchi,Viviana Mascardi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aiia/SalvaneschiMSM19 }} ==FrEX: Extracting Property Expropriation Frame Entities from Real Cases== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2735/paper35.pdf
     FrEX: Extracting Property Expropriation Frame
                Entities from Real Cases

 Roberto Salvaneschi1 , Daniela Muradore2 , Andrea Stanchi3 , and Viviana Mascardi1
          Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi,
                                  University of Genova, Italy,
          ro.salvaneschi@gmail.com, viviana.mascardi@unige.it
                                 Freelance Lawyer in Milan, Italy,
                    Managing Partner of Stanchi Studio Legale, Milan, Italy,

       Abstract. We describe FrEX, a Frame Entity eXtractor for real estate prop-
       erty expropriation cases rooted in Frame Semantics and heavily exploiting Nat-
       ural Language Processing approaches. FrEX has been tested on 24 real, non
       anonymized cases shared with us by the Tribunal of Milan, described by almost
       1000 PDF documents. FrEX results were compared with the relevant entities as-
       sociated with those cases, namely debtors, creditors, lawyers, judges, experts,
       cadastral data of the property to be expropriated, manually inserted by domain
       experts. Although FrEX’s development is still under way, the results are very
       encouraging and suggest that it can effectively relieve lawyers and judges from
       the highly repetitive task of looking for entities relevant for expropriation cases,
       when retrieving, filtering, and classifying legal documents.

       Keywords: NLP4Law, civil law, property expropriation case, frame semantics.

1   Introduction
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform the field of law. This is widely recognized by
professionals involved in both AI and law, and by observers of societal changes4 . For
AI experts the potential, limitations and risks of predictive justice and algorithmic law
are almost clear, and many technical journals5 and conferences6 address these themes.
   Copyright ©2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
   cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
   ai-will-transform-the-field-of-law/, published on December 2019;
   https://www.technewsworld.com/story/86521.html, published on February
   Artificial Intelligence and Law, https://www.springer.com/journal/10506.
   JURIX, the International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, http:
   //jurix.nl/; ICAIL, the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law

However, despite many efforts to make AI and legal experts reach the same knowl-
edge and awareness7 , most professionals from the law field are overwhelmed by news
about smart courts and AI-powered judges and cannot easily understand the technical
tools behind these robotic surrogates. Sometimes they are worried, and they are not
completely wrong. At the time being, all the “robotic judges” used in trials employ ma-
chine learning, most often deep learning, and some of them became famous for their
biased decisions. The State v Loomis 881 N.W.2d 749 (Wis. 2016) case is one among
the most well known examples: the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s
sentencing decision informed by a COMPAS risk assessment report and rejected the
defendant’s appeal on the grounds of the right to due process. COMPAS (Correctional
Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) is a case management and
decision support tool developed and owned by Equivant8 , “legally opaque”, because its
source code cannot be inspected, and “technically opaque”, being based on deep learn-
ing [24]. Using machine learning for boosting predictive justice is becoming a very
lively research field, although in many cases the developed applications are academic
prototypes, not yet used in real trials. Applications range from predicting decisions of
the European Court of Human Rights [26] to predicting recidivism of many different
crimes [8], to risk assessment in criminal justice [5]. Actually, many scientists warn
about opaque predictive models also from a technical point of view, besides an ethical
one [37], and advocate the adoption of interpretable models instead [34]. Looking at
the struggle between scientists pushing some approaches and scientists warning against
them, judges and lawyers, whose computer literacy is often a basic one (as shown for
example by the results of a questionnaire compiled by 17 magistrates in 2020 [25]),
become more and more confused. Is AI good or bad for them?
    In this paper we present the results of a project involving two computer scientists
and two lawyers, aimed at implementing a tool that suits the lawyers’ needs and that
– up to the authors – does not hide any unexpected ethical threat. The tool, named
FrEX (Frame Entity eXtractor), is a Python application that roots into Frame Semantics
[15] and exploits Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify the main actors, their
role, and the cadastral data of real estates in property expropriation cases. Its purpose
it neither predicting trial results nor making risk assessments, but rather making life of
professionals in the legal field easier by automatically retrieving data that would require
a manual inspection of thousand documents otherwise.
    The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the FrEX domain and
overviews the related works; Section 3 describes the FrEX design and implementation;
Section 4 presents the results of our experiments on real cases; Section 5 concludes and
discusses the future developments of FrEX.

   The International Association for AI and Law, http://www.iaail.org/; the
   Stanford Artificial Intelligence & Law Society, https://law.stanford.edu/
   stanford-artificial-intelligence-law-society-sails/; the Digital
   Forensics: Evidence Analysis via Intelligent Systems and Practices (DigForASP) COST
   Action, CA17124, https://digforasp.uca.es, involving magistrates and lawyers as
   https://www.equivant.com/, last accessed September 2020.

2    Background and Related Work

Background. The FrEX application domain is that of real estate distraint. Suppose that
a subject is a creditor of a certain sum of money towards another, be it a person or
a financial institution/company: even if the creditor manages to obtain a sentence that
establishes her claim, her right cannot be satisfied if the debtor refused to give her that
sum of money spontaneously. This credit can be compensated for by forced execution,
by proceeding with the expropriation of a real estate of the debtor. During their life
cycle, real estate expropriation cases enter in many phases and a variable amount of
documents in digital form9 is associated with each of them. Our data set consists of 24
expropriation cases for a total of 1157 PDF files that the Tribunal of Milan shared with
us, under Non Disclosure Agreement. Each case also has a variable set of XML files
associated with, including no XML file at all. These XML files are generated by hand,
and contain structured information about the entities and the parties involved in the case
including name, surname and fiscal code of debtors, creditors, lawyers, judges, experts,
along with cadastral data of the debtor’s real estate that should be distrained.
    According to frame semantics as defined in the FrameNet portal10 , “the meanings of
most words can best be understood on the basis of a semantic frame, a description of a
type of event, relation, or entity and the participants in it.” Although FrameNet provides
some frames for the legal domain, no frame suits our needs by involving debtors, cred-
itors, and the property that is used to satisfy the credit. Indeed, “creditor” and “debtor”
lexical units are not even included in the FrameNet database. We designed our own
frame as follows with the aim of complementing FrameNet from a logical point of
view, but no integration with the database contents has been performed so far. For space
constraint, we do not provide the definition of the entities, since they can be found in
any dictionary:

Real Estate Distraint Frame
   Core Entities
           – Debtor(s)
           – Creditor(s)
           – Real estate(s) to be distrained
   Non-Core Entities
           – Lawyer(s)
           – Judge(s)
           – Expert(s)

FrEX aims at automatically extracting the frame entities above from the PDF files as-
sociated with property expropriation cases.
   The Civil Telematic Process (“PCT”) is a project initiated by the Italian Ministry of Justice
   for improving the quality of judicial services in the civil law sector by making – besides other
   goals – documents associated with sentences available in digital form.
   FrameNet is a lexical database containing over 1,200 semantic frames, 13,000 lexical units,
   202,000 example sentences, https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu, accessed on
   September, 2020.

Related Work. “Many industries have embraced NLP approaches, which have altered
healthcare, finance, education and other fields. The legal domain however remains
largely underrepresented in the NLP literature despite its enormous potential for gen-
erating interesting research problems.” This statement, quoted from the Introduction
to the Proceedings of the First Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop [3], de-
scribes the current situation of NLP in the legal domain. Scientists and legal experts are
in fact just starting to understand that, among the many AI techniques and tools, NLP
may play a major role to help lawyers and magistrates in document filtering, tagging
and retrieval, without generating those ethical and legal concerns that algorithms used
for predictive justice may indeed raise.
    Although the idea of exploiting NLP for law has been explored, in a fragmented
way, since the seventies of the last century [18, 22, 27, 38], and even more in recent
times [16, 19, 36], the full awareness of its potential is almost recent. As an example,
the MIning and REasoning with Legal texts project11 funded by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme closed at the end of 2019, the Natural
Legal Language Processing Workshop was at its second edition in 2020 [2], and the
special issue NLP for legal texts of the AI and Law journal was published in 2019 [33].
    Many research activities and projects in the NLP and law domain are now being
carried out; those more closely related to ours can be divided into two main categories:
those where NLP is exploited for performing highly repetitive tasks in the legal domain
and those dealing with frame semantics for the legal domain.
    Most works in the first category address the problem of summarizing legal texts and
courts decisions [14, 17, 20, 29, 32], that is very distant from the problem we tackle.
The works by Cardellino et al. [10, 11], who implemented an information extraction
tool based on active learning for natural language licenses that need to be translated to
RDF, are the most similar to ours, but the different application domain and the different
approach they followed make them not easily comparable.
    As far as the adoption of frame semantics for the legal domain is concerned, a few
attempts exist, along with works on legal ontologies and their learning from text. Ontol-
ogy learning [12] requires to identify the main concepts that characterize a document,
taking their lexical semantics into account, the role they play therein, and to associate
them with the right existing concepts in the ontology, if any, or to create new ones.
This “entity finding” activity, aimed at putting each concept or individual in the right
place in the ontology, shares some similarities with the frame entity finding activity de-
scribed in this paper. The connections between FrameNet-style knowledge description
and ontologies has indeed been recognized by many authors, also for managing funda-
mental legal concepts [1]. In a paper dating back to 2009 [39], Venturi et al. focussed
on methodological and design issues, ranging from the customization and extension of
the general FrameNet for the legal domain to the linking of the developed resource with
already existing Legal Ontologies. Bertoldi et al., instead, pointed out the limitations
of using FrameNet frames to build legal ontologies [7] and moved some initial steps
in the development of a legal frame-based lexicon for the Brazilian legal language [6].
Although not based on frames, we may also mention – being tailored to the Italian lan-
guage – the work by Lenci et al. who presented a method and preliminary results of
     https://www.mirelproject.eu/index.html, accessed on September 2020.

a case study in automatically extracting ontological knowledge from Italian legislative
texts [23].

3     FrEX Design and Implementation

For designing FrEX we followed the pipes and filters architectural pattern [28] where
independent entities, called filters, perform transformations on data. Once filters have
processed the received input, the other type of component, called pipes, serve as con-
nectors for the stream of data being transformed in the way requested by the program.
Figure 1 shows the FrEX pipes and filters:

    – white rectangles stand either for inputs to FrEX (the PDF and XML files), or for
      off-the-shelf software resources that we used to implement FrEX (the RDRP Tagger
      and the Italian Dictionary);
    – blue ellipses are filters that receive in input what written in their entering arrows
      and return as output what specified in the outgoing arrows;
    – green rectangles represent the FrEX final output;
    – the orange rectangle stands for a feature under development at the time of writ-
      ing: the filter that links cadastral data in their standard, but barely readable, Italian
      cadaster format with their explicit civic address is not yet available.

                                    Fig. 1. FrEX architecture.

The RDRP Tagger is a tool developed by Nguyen et al [30] to perform part-of-speech
(POS) tagging. It follows a set of rules to label words in a given text; since those rules
are inferred via machine learning techniques, the RDRP Tagger can label text in many
different languages as long as a proper training set is available. On the RDRP Tagger’s

web site12 it is possible to find and download dictionaries for more than 15 different
languages and Italian is one of them. We used it to train the tagger for Italian.

                                Fig. 2. FrEX workflow.

Below we briefly discuss the implemented filters. The workflow they are involved in,
shown in Figure 2, was built for real estate expropriation cases, but as suggested by
Software Reuse in Practice [21] it was kept as general as possible, to possibly adapt
to other legal cases. The functions implementing them amount to almost 1400 lines of
     http://rdrpostagger.sourceforge.net/, accessed on September 2020.

Python code, whereas the FrEX main consists of almost 500 lines of code.

    Stringify PDF receives in input all PDF documents for one case and returns as out-
put an array of array of strings. The output list contains all documents as lists and each
cell of the inner list is the string version of the document’s phrases. To convert PDF text
to string we relied on the library called Tika13 .

    Tag Text receives in input the string version of the PDF text and a tagger, which is
the one built by the Build Tagger filter explained below, and returns as output an array
which follows the structure of the string passed as input, but where each word has an
associated tag from the Coarse-grained and Fine-grained tags [9] of the ILC/PAROLE
tagset [31], compliant with the EAGLES international standard14 .

    Tokenize receives in input the tagged version of the PDF text transformed into a
string and returns as output three new arrays, each with one word per cell:

 – Raw Tokens array – each cell of this array contains one word with no tag;
 – Tagged Tokens array – each cell contains one word with the corresponding assigned
   tag in the form ’[word]/[tag]’;
 – SP Tokens array – contains the untagged version of words tagged as SP, which is
   the ’Proper Noun’ tag in the EAGLES standard.

Below we show an example of the Tokenize output:
        ’PER’, ’L’ISCRIZIONE’, ’A’, ’RUOLO’, ’DI’, ’UNA’, ’PROCEDURA’, ’DI’,
        ’ESPROPRIAZIONE’, ’IMMOBILIARE’, ’Si’, ’chiede’]
         ’Si/PC’, ’chiede/V’]
SP:     [’MILANO’, ’NOTA’, ’A’]

    Fiscal Code Finder receives in input an array of tokens and returns a dictionary of
unique fiscal codes extracted from those tokens. Italian Fiscal Codes have a peculiar
structure that stands out from other words and is built on personal information: some
of them are clearly readable, such as the person’s year of birth, others require some
decoding, like the place the person was born in, while others are guessable at most,
such as name and surname. Figure 3 (left) gives an example of how a fiscal code looks
like. Understanding if tokens in a list are or are not fiscal codes can be performed in
linear time, if the tokens have been correctly parsed, but unfortunately the tokens we
worked on were produced from processing PDF documents and the final result was not
as clean as if starting from fiscal codes written in ASCII. Most fiscal codes turned out
to have been split so a token-by-token checking approach was not possible: we had to
merge adjacent tokens in the array until all the fiscal code parts were combined into a
     https://tika.apache.org/, accessed on September 2020.
     http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES/browse.html, accessed on September 2020.

single string again. This merging process starts every time the program finds a word, or
a couple of words, that suggest that a fiscal code may appear immediately after, such
as ’cf’ or ’fiscal code’. Recognized fiscal codes are stored in a dictionary as keys and
their corresponding values are their indexes in the used tokens list. Storing fiscal codes
in this way allowed us to ensure their uniqueness.

     Fiscal Code to Name Linker receives in input the dictionary of fiscal codes produced
by the Fiscal Code Finder and returns as output a list of couples where the first element
is the fiscal code and the second is the person’s name and surname, stored as a string.
Figure 3 (right) shows this structure.

   Role Assigner receives in input the list of couples produced by the Fiscal Code to
Name Linker filter and returns a list of couples where the first element is the person’s
name and the second is the role w.r.t. the Real Estate Distraint Frame semantic frame
(debtor, creditor, etc).

     Cadastral Data Finder receives in input the list of tokens produced by the Tokenize
filter and returns as output a dictionary where keys are the cadastral data in a very tech-
nical – but standard for the Italian cadastre – format, namely “Foglio [some integer]
Particella [some integer] Subalterno [some integer]”. We choose to use a dictionary to
store cadastral data to ensure their uniqueness.

     Cadastral Data to Address receives in input the dictionary produced by the Cadas-
tral Data Finder and returns as output another dictionary where keys are cadastral data
and values are their addresses. Unfortunately, extracting full and human readable ad-
dresses (street, civic number, postal code, municipality) from cadastral data is even
harder than associating personal data of people with their fiscal codes: there is little
possibility of guessing the civic address from Foglio, Particella, and Subalterno. The
only proper way to face the problem would be to query a database that we could not
access, and hence the actual dictionary values are lists of tokens that may or may not
contains the address. This explains the orange box in Figure 1.

   Fig. 3. Fiscal Code example (left) and Fiscal Code to Name Linker filter’s output (right).

   Build Tagger receives the RDRP Tagger and a dictionary – in our case the Italian
one – and returns a ready-to-use POS Tagger for the dictionary’s language.

    Extract Data receives in input an XML file and returns the lists of frame entities
belonging to the Real Estate Distraint Frame semantic frame:
    – Debtors List - with name and surname of all people whose associated role is debtor;
    – Creditors List - with name and surname of all people recognized as creditors;
    – Lawyers List - list with name and surname of all people recognized as lawyers;
    – Experts List - list with name and surname of all people recognized as experts;
    – Judges List - list with name and surname of all people recognized as judges;
    – Cadastral List - list of all triples of integer numbers that stands for the cadastral
Debtors and creditors may be juridical entities, in which case Extract Data recognizes
them as ’people’ and saves them in the proper list along with their data.

   Format Data receives in input the six lists generated by Extract Data and returns
two lists as output:
    – People List – a list with all people listed in some of the input lists, saved as string
      with the following format: "[FiscalCode] [Name Surname];[Role;]
      +||[CompanyCode] [CompanyName TypeOfCompany];[Role;]+";
    – Cadastral List – a list of cadastral data linked to the real estate property and stored
      with the following format: "[Address] - Foglio [int] Particella
      [int] Subalterno [int]";
It is in theory possible that one person or company plays two or more distinct roles in
the same case. If this is the case, the second, third, n-th role are attached to the previous
one with a ”;” in the back.

4     Experiments
In this section we discuss the results obtained by using FrEX for people retrieval, roles
recognition and cadastral data retrieval.
    FrEX allows users to manually tune some parameters; all the experiments presented
here refer to the standard settings, which are those that allow FrEX to achieve the best
overall results according to our empirical tests: for people retrieval, “windows” involve
20 tokens; at the first round of search for persons, only proper nouns are considered,
but if no result is obtained in this way then the window is enlarged by 5 tokens and
common nouns are also considered. For role retrieval, we consider a “window” of 40
tokens, 20 left and 20 right the current word. To verify the correctness of FrEX results
we compared its output to those in the XML files associated with the 24 cases. Unfor-
tunately, we soon realized that XML files were far from being complete, as most people
retrieved by FrEX did not appear therein, but – by performing a random manual check –
we could verify that they were indeed persons mentioned in the PDF documents, often
with correctly associated Fiscal Code and Role. To make the evaluation as scientific and

reproducible as possible, we still assumed the XML files to contain the ‘gold’ labels. We
tagged those entities that were not found in the XML files as “unknown”, but this does
not necessarily mean a wrong retrieval result by FrEX. Given that the only gold labels
we could count on are not ‘as gold as expected’, the significance of FrEX’s precision
and recall is limited.

Fig. 4. People – left –, Roles – center –, and Cadastral Data – right – recognition: success (green),
failure (red) and not in XML (yellow) rates.

People Retrieval. A person is considered as correctly retrieved by FrEX when his/her
fiscal code is found and linked to the proper name and surname. If a fiscal code retrieved
by FrEX does not belong to the XML file, then that person is considered as “unknown”.
A retrieval is correct if the name and surname for a certain fiscal code found in the XML
files and returned by FrEX are exactly the same, regardless the order. Figure 4, left,
shows the FrEX performance on the people retrieval task. As we can see most people
are unknown, but the retrieval success rate is higher than the failure rate, that is the most
relevant result for our purposes.
     In order to identify a person, FrEX searches first his/her fiscal code, then looks at
adjacent words labeled as proper noun (SP tag) by the POSTagger in a “window” of
tokens from the found fiscal code and checks if one of those proper nouns could be
the one that generated the three-letter sets contained in a fiscal code and corresponding
to name and surname (see Figure 3, left). Limiting the research to words labeled as
SP allows FrEX to avoid retrieving wrong words, but the POSTagger is not working
perfectly and some names may be tagged incorrectly; if the search fails, then names
corresponding to fiscal codes can also be looked for among entities not tagged as proper
nouns. This, of course, makes the algorithm much more inefficient, and it is in fact up
to the user to switch this feature on or off.
     In the FrEX standard settings, besides proper nouns also common noun are looked
for. Dino Campana (an Italian poet) would be retrieved even if “Campana” is a common
noun meaning “Bell”, but Francesca Neri (an Italian actress) would not, as “Neri” cor-
responds to the adjective “Black” in plural form, and would be labeled as an adjective
and hence ignored during the proper noun search.

Summary of FrEX’s performance on people retrieval.
                 |{People in XML}|∩|{People recognized by FrEX}|
 – Precision =             |{People recognized by FrEX}|
                                                                 = 22%

              |{People in XML}|∩|{People recognized by FrEX}|
 – Recall =                 |{People in XML}|
                                                              = 85%

 – F-measure = 2 × Precision×Recall
                   Precision+Recall = 35%

Roles Recognition. A role can be considered as properly recognized by FrEX when the
profession assigned by the program to a certain person is the same as the profession
associated with that very same person in the XML files. People not mentioned in XML
files are labeled as unknown, as before, since we cannot automatically decide whether
the role assigned by FrEX was correct or not. This means that results from people
retrieval and roles recognition are connected, as explained in the following example
where Roberto Salvaneschi is a lawyer:

 – if Roberto Salvaneschi is correctly retrieved and FrEX assigns him the role of
   Lawyer, then we have a hit for both people retrieval and roles recognition;
 – if Roberto (without surname) is retrieved and FrEX assigns him the role Lawyer,
   then we have a miss for both people retrieval and roles recognition since we cannot
   be sure that the recognized Roberto, is actually Roberto Salvaneschi;
 – if Roberto Salvaneschi is retrieved and FrEX assigns him the role of Debtor, then
   we have a hit for people retrieval and a miss for roles recognition.

To recognize a role we must first retrieve the person so the success rate of roles recog-
nition will never exceed that of people retrieval. Figure 4, center, shows the results
obtained by the FrEX on roles recognition. To assign a role to a person, the FrEX picks
all words inside a certain “window” from the name of the interested person, then a for-
mula is applied to each word to give them a weight and compute a value for each word.
Weight of words depend on their presence inside a list of keywords and on the distance
between the person’s name/surname and the current word. Keywords are sets of words
for each role that are linked to the roles, some of them may be shared among more
roles. At the end of the computation all roles are ranked by their values and reordered
according to a heuristics. The heuristics takes into account that some roles can easily get
higher values than others due to the wide and common use of some of their keywords.
For example, if Viviana Mascardi turns out to play both the debtor and creditor roles,
and the ranking of those roles are the same, FrEX associates to her the debtor role since
she is a person. If instead of Viviana Mascardi we had University of Genova, then FrEX
would assign to it the role of creditor because it is an institute/company. More accurate
heuristics together with a better and richer definition of keywords for each role would
definitely improve the FrEX’s role recognition performances.

Summary of FrEX’s performance on roles recognition.
                 |{Roles in XML}|∩|{Roles recognized by FrEX}|
 – Precision =             |{Roles recognized by FrEX}|
                                                               = 18%

              |{Roles in XML}|∩|{Roles recognized by FrEX}|
 – Recall =                 |{Roles in XML}|
                                                            = 68%

 – F-measure = 2 × Precision×Recall
                   Precision+Recall = 28%

Cadastral Data Recognition. Cadastral data are considered as recognized by FrEX
when the three integer numbers corresponding to Foglio, Particella, and Subalterno are
the same as those in the XML files. In our dataset most cases involved only one property
so for the majority of the times we dealt with just one cadastral datum. FrEX failure in
retrieving cadastral data is usually due to one of the following problems:

 – the documents where the cadastral data were mentioned were unreadable;
 – cadastral data were never mentioned in any documents;
 – the XML file did not include cadastral data.

To improve the results shown in Figure 4, right, we might improve the PDF-to-string
transformation rather than the cadastral retrieval process, since – provided that the PDF
document has been correctly translated into a textual representation – the structure of
cadastral data is so peculiar that they are easily discriminated from other tokens.

Summary of FrEX’s performance on cadastral data recognition.

                 |{Cad. data in XML}|∩|{Cad. data recognized by FrEX}|
 – Precision =               |{Cad. data recognized by FrEX}|
                                                                       = 87%

              |{Cad. data in XML}|∩|{Cad. data recognized by FrEX}|
 – Recall =                    |{Cad. data in XML}|
                                                                    = 57%

 – F-measure = 2 × Precision×Recall
                   Precision+Recall = 69%

FrEX case by case recall. Figure 5 summarizes the recall of FrEX. The results are
shown case by case (24 cases on the horizontal axis): if all the persons (roles, prop-
erty data, respectively) that belong to the XML have been correctly identified and the
associated data have been correctly retrieved, then we associate 100% recall with the
“Persone” light blue column (“Ruoli” green column, “Catast.” pink column, respec-
tively). If not all the persons (roles, property data) in the XML have been recognized, the
associated recall is lower.
    We can easily see that, most often, the retrieval of cadastral data either fully suc-
ceeds (cases 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24) or fully fails (cases 1,
3, 5, 7, 9, 16, 19, 21, 22). Only in case 15 we have a partial recognition. This is due
to the fact that while cases may involve many debtors, creditors, lawyers, judges and
experts, and discriminating between some roles (a lawyer and a judge, for example) is
not easy for FrEX, leading to variable recall results, there is usually only one property
mentioned in each case. Hence, either the property cadastral data are recognized (100%
recall) or they are not (0% recall).

                    Fig. 5. FrEX recall over the 24 cases for all three tasks.

5   Conclusions and Future Work
We have presented FrEX, a working prototype for extracting frame entities compliant
with the Real Estate Distraint Frame we designed, from PDF documents in Italian.
FrEX has been tested on 24 property expropriation cases, amounting to almost 1000
PDF documents, and its performances in terms of precision, recall and F-measure have
been computed by comparing its results with (very imprecise...) existing manual tags
for those cases. FrEX overall recall is almost good, with 6 cases out of 24 where all the
entities in the XML file have been retrieved, and its precision is low but the result may be
negatively affected by the gold labels we use, which do not include all the persons/roles
actually mentioned in the analyzed documents. An improvement of the experimental
results might be obtained by manually creating correct and complete gold labels, that is
however a time-consuming activity not foreseen in the very near future, and adding an
error analysis. Although more tuning and more tests are required, we believe that FrEX
can soon evolve into a tool usable in practice.
    The main and most urgent improvement concerns the Real estate(s) to be distrained
frame entity, that is characterized by its cadastral data only, and is not yet correctly asso-
ciated with the civic address. Also, the user interface should be better designed, to allow
lawyers and magistrates to use FrEX in an intuitive way. We are also evaluating the pos-
sibility to boost FrEX performances by taking advantage of existing legal ontologies [4,
13, 35] and – once the property expropriation test case will produce fully satisfactory
results – to address other kinds of cases, described by different semantic frames. Fi-
nally, in order to address the requirements of eXplainable AI (XAI), we plan to add an
explanation function that keeps track of the reason of FrEX choices, and presents them
to the user in a human-readable form. This would make professionals from the legal
domain more comfortable with the tool, and – hopefully – more keen on trusting AI
and accepting its help in their daily activities.

Acknowledgements. We thank Roberto Bichi, President of the Tribunal of Milan, and
Marianna Galioto, President of Civil Section III of the Tribunal of Milan, for sharing,

under Non-Disclosure Agreement, the set of real documents used for the experiments.
In designing the tool presented in this paper, we took advantage of exciting and con-
structive discussions carried out during the meetings of the DigForASP COST Action,
supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). We thank the
DigForASP participants for their inspiring ideas.


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