=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2735/paper56 |storemode=property |title=Injecting Designers' Knowledge in Conversational Neural Network Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2735/paper56.pdf |volume=Vol-2735 |authors=Giancarlo A. Xompero,Cristina Giannone,Fabio Massimo Zanzotto,Andrea Favalli,Raniero Romagnoli |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aiia/XomperoGZFR19 }} ==Injecting Designers' Knowledge in Conversational Neural Network Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2735/paper56.pdf
               Injecting Designers’ Knowledge
          in Conversational Neural Network Systems

           Giancarlo A. Xompero1 , Cristina Giannone1 , Fabio Massimo
     Zanzotto2[0000−0002−7301−3596] , Andrea Favalli1 , and Raniero Romagnoli1
                   Language Technology Lab, Almawave srl, Rome, Italy
              [first name initial].[last name]@almawave.it
                  ART Group, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

       Abstract. Sequence-to-sequence neural networks are redesigning dialog man-
       agers for Conversational AI in industries. However, industrial applications im-
       pose two important constraints: training data are often scarce and the behavior of
       dialog managers should be strictly controlled and certified. In this paper, we pro-
       pose the Conversational Logic Injected Neural Network (CLINN). This novel net-
       work merges dialog managers “programmed” using logical rules and a Sequence-
       to-Sequence Neural Network. We experimented with the Restaurant topic of the
       MultiWOZ dataset. Results show that injected rules are effective when training
       data set are scarce as well as when more data are available.3

1    Introduction

Sequence-to-sequence neural networks are giving an unprecedented boost to dialog sys-
tems and to the adoption of Conversational AI in industries. Sequence-to-sequence dia-
log systems based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been used to train open
domain [9, 7] as well as task-oriented [12] dialog systems. These RNN-based dialog
systems have reached interesting results given a sufficiently big set of training data.
Transformer-based systems, instead, are less demanding as these can be pre-trained on
large datasets and, then, adapted to carry out specific task-oriented dialogs [4, 10, 2].
Due to its interesting performance, Conversational AI is becoming an integral part of
business practice across industries4 . More and more companies are adopting the advan-
tages dialog systems or chatbots bring to customer service, sales as well as workplace
    However, the adoption of conversational AI in industries impose two important con-
straints on the design of dialog systems: (1) the scarcity of training data and (2) the
need for an extreme control on the behavior of dialog systems. In fact, in industrial
applications, the scarcity and, sometimes, the complete absence of pre-existing conver-
sation data is the norm. Generally, the Wizard-of-Oz approach for data collecting [11]
is adopted to generate training data. This is an expensive process and it is generally
   Copyright (c) 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
   License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

not able to provide high quality datasets [8]. On the other hand, the need for an ex-
treme control of dialog systems is generally solved by using dialog systems that can be
“programmed” with explicit rules. Undoubtedly, these dialog systems offer extremely
precise dialog control in business scenario need and, at the same time, guarantying a
satisfying experience for users in covered cases. In this context, design conversational
experience is done by defining rules depending on the dialog context and on inter-
pretations of user inputs [6]. Hand-crafted rules ensure generally more control in the
conversation flow but do not guarantee scalabily and the generalization given by learn-
ing approaches. If dialog interactions are not explicitly modeled, the interaction may
miserably fail.
    In this paper, we propose to empowering Seq-to-Seq Neural Networks with Conver-
sational Logic Instructions, to satisfy the two industrial constraints on these sequence-
to-sequence dialog systems. We adopt a neural dialog manager, based on the Domain
Aware Multi-Decoder network [14], adding to it explicit conversational logic instruc-
tions to keep human-in-the-loop [13]. The Conversational Logical Injection in Neural
Network (CLINN) system combines the generalized power of neural architectures with
the control on specific conversational patterns defined by the designers. We experi-
mented with the Restaurant topic of the MultiWOZ dataset [1]. We used two different
sets of dialogs to allow conversational designers to generate explicit rules. Results show
that rules injected are effective in the situation when training data are scarce and, more-
over, the defined behaviors on specific conversational patterns are preserved.

2     Method and System

2.1   Domain Aware Multi-Decoder (DAMD) network

          Fig. 1. Architecture of the Domain Aware Multi-Decoder (DAMD) network

     In this study, we use an end-to-end dialog architecture that includes the concept of
belief span [5]. The belief span is a sequence of symbols that expresses the belief state
at each turn of the dialog. In particular, we rely on the pipeline realized by Zhang et
al. [14] that consists of four seq-to-seq modules plus the access to an external database
(Fig. 1). The pipeline is applied for each turn of the dialog. It, globally, takes four inputs

(Ut , Rt−1 , Bt−1 , At−1 ) and produces three outputs (Rt , Bt , At ) where t is the actual
turn, Ut is the user utterance, Rt−1 and Rt are the previous and the current system
responses, Bt−1 and Bt are the previous and the current belief state spans, At−1 and At
are the previous and the produced system actions. The four modules behave as follows.
The context encoder encodes the context of the turn (Ut , Rt−1 ) in a context vector ct .
The belief span decoder decodes the previous belief span Bt−1 and, along with the
context vector ct produces the belief span Bt of current turn. This Bt is used to query
the database DB and the answer DBt is concatenated with Bt to form the internal
state St of the turn. Then, the action span decoder produces the current action At by
taking into consideration the current state St and the previous action At−1 . Finally, the
response decoder emits the final response Rti taking into consideration the current state
St and the corresponding action At . In [14], multiple actions and multiple responses
are produced to increase variability in dialogues and, for this reason, the framework is
called multi-action data augmentation.

2.2   Injecting Hand-Crafted Knowledge in DAMD
DAMD network offers a tremendous opportunity to inject external knowledge. In fact,
the belief span decoder transforms the internal context vector ct and an explicit sym-
bolic previous belief span Bt−1 in an explicit belief span Bt . In the same way, the action
span decoder takes in input an explicit, symbolic previous action At−1 . As Bt−1 and
At−1 are explicit, these can be easily controlled by an external, symbolic module.

                Fig. 2. Injecting External Knowledge in DAMD with CLINN

    We then propose an external knowledge injector module, that is, our Conversational
Logical Injection in Neural Network (CLINN), that allows conversational designers to
control the dialog flow with symbolic rules. CLINN acts in between turns, that is, it
takes the output and the input of the DAMD network at a given turn t and gives an input
to the next step (Fig. 2). CLINN aims to control the next belief state Bt and the action
At given the previous belief state Bt−1 , the previous action At−1 and the current user
utterance Ut .
    We integrated the CLINN approach into a rule based dialog management system [3].
The rules are derived from the state machine diagram designed by the conversational

designers when they defined the interaction experience in term of tasks and behaviors
of the conversational agent. Within the diagram the conversation is defined in term
of system actions (i.e. the states) and user input and belief span (in the edges), i.e.
the preconditions for changing the state. These are a convenient way for designers to
express the conversation behavior they want to mould5 . In our setting, these diagrams
become logical rules that fire when preconditions are matched in the conversation turn.
Designing the behaviors for all the possible interactions is very hard and unfruitful.
Then, training a neural network can be the solution. However, training a neural network
requires a lot of data. Writing symbolic rules is way to inject knowledge in CLINN to
boost neural network learning.

3      Experiments

3.1     Experimental Set-Up

We evaluated CLINN on the MultiWOZ dataset [1] as in Zhang et al. [14]. This dataset
is widely used and it has been designed as a human-human task-oriented dialog dataset
collected via the Wizard-of-Oz framework. One participant plays the role of the system.
The dataset contains conversations on several domains in the area of touristic informa-
tion (hotel, train, restaurant, taxi,...). Each domain has a set of dialog acts in addition
to some general acts such as greeting or goodbye. Users’ and system’s interactions are
described in term of these dialog acts.
     We focused on the restaurant domain of the MultiWOZ dataset that consists of 1200
dialogs for the training set, 61 dialogs for the testing set and 50 dialogs for the validation
set. We used two different settings for the training set: (1) a small set of 150 randomly
selected dialogs; (2) the full set of 1200 dialogs. These two settings are relevant to study
the behavior of our system with few training examples.
     In order to simulate the delivering in production environment of a conversational
agent, we modeled a state transition diagram, which describes the expected conver-
sational behavior of the agent. The diagram is defined observing some conversational
examples in the training set. For the evaluation we have two different models designed
using two set of dialogs: the small model is designed using 5 training conversations
and the medium model has been designed adding other 10 conversation examples to the
small. From the diagram model we obtained two sets of rules: bs rules for the produc-
tion of the belief state Bt and action rules for the production of the system action At .
We also used bs rules in two different configurations, that is, with or without the use
of constraint on the previous action At−1 and we used action rules in two different
configurations, that is, with or without the constraint on the belief Bt .
     We evaluated CLINN and the DAMD architecture [14] to determine their ability
to recreate the inner states: the action span At and the belief span Bt as we aim to
verify that our model can control the flow in the dialog states. To evaluate the ability to
replicate At , we used the F1-measure that is the harmonic mean of recall and precision
of produced actions with respect to gold actions. For what concerns the belief span we
used the Joint Goal Accuracy that is the percentage of turns in a dialogue where the
     For an exhaustive description of the dialogue modeling please refer to [3]

user’s informed joint goals are identified correctly. Joint goals are accumulated turn
goals up to the current dialog turn.

                 Injection Type                                   Action Span Belief Span
System Rule Set Belief    Action Action/Belief Train Set Test Set      F1      joint goal
DAMD                                 gold         150      full       36.5        69.4
CLINN small              no belief   gold         150      full       39.8        71.9
CLINN small              use belief  gold         150      full       39.5        62.6
CLINN small no action                gold         150      full       37.9        66.2
CLINN small use action               gold         150      full       44.1        66.9
DAMD                                 gold        1200      full       42.2        75.9
CLINN small              no belief   gold        1200      full       37.2        78.1
CLINN medium             no belief   gold        1200      full       47.2        82.4
DAMD                                  gen         150      full       37.3        40.6
CLINN small              no belief    gen         150      full       39.6        54.3
CLINN small              use belief   gen         150      full       39.4        42.1
CLINN small no action                 gen         150      full       37.7        48.6
CLINN small use action                gen         150      full       45.3        48.9
DAMD                                  gen        1200      full       42.9         64
CLINN small              no belief    gen        1200      full       36.8        64.7
CLINN medium             no belief    gen        1200      full       48.8        69.4
DAMD                                  gen         150    reduced      44.4        71.8
DAMD                                  gen        1200    reduced      41.4        71.1
CLINN medium             no belief    gen         150    reduced      48.7        74.6
CLINN medium             no belief    gen        1200    reduced      53.4        84.5

Table 1. Comparison of the performances of DAMD and the CLINN system with different con-
figurations. The type gold or gen in Action/Belief denotes if previous Action/Belief are taken
from the ground truth (gold) or are generated by the system (gen).

3.2   Results and discussion
The first set of the experimental results (Table 1 - Test Set ”Full”) shows that CLINN
positively inject symbolic rules in sequence-to-sequence neural networks when training
data are scarce. CLINN outperforms DAMD in nearly all the configurations when com-
pared on the Action Span F1 and in some configuration when compared on the joint
goal on the Belief Span. More importantly, CLINN seems to obtain interesting results
in situations with data scarcity. With a small training set with 150 dialogs, one config-
uration of CLINN outperforms DAMD of more than 7.5% on the Action Span F1 both
in the gold setting (44.1 vs. 36.5) and in the gen setting (45.3 vs. 37.5). The increase
in the joint goal for the Belief Span is less impressive in the gold setting where only
one configuration – with rule injection type Action without using belief constraints –
outperforms DAMD (71.9 vs. 69.4). Instead, the performance increase of CLINN in the
joint goal is more stable in the gen setting. Moreover, the difference between DAMD

and the best system is more than 13% (54.3 vs. 40.6). Moreover, CLINN is an effec-
tive model to include hand-crafted rules when the training set is relatively large. We
selected the best configuration selected with the training set of 150 dialogs (Injection
Type Action with no belief) and we experimented with 1,200 dialogs as training. By
using a larger rule set, that is, the medium rule set, CLINN outperforms DAMD for the
action spans and for the joint goal of the belief span in the gold and in gen setting.
    The second set of experimental results (Table 1 - Test Set ”reduced”) gives the im-
portant indication that CLINN can help in controlling the behavior of dialog systems in
specific and critical situations. The reduced test set is composed only with the conver-
sations used for building the medium rule set (15 conversations). Although the DAMD
model contains these conversations in the training set, its performance drops when in-
creasing the training set. CLINN instead improves its performance of both metrics when
the training set increases. Hence, CLINN offer a better stability for critical dialogs that
are used to design rules.
    The two sets of experiments demonstrates the applicability of CLINN on industrial
real cases.

4   Conclusions

Critical industrial applications such as banking or medical applications impose impor-
tant constraints on Conversational AI systems: data scarcity and need for certified di-
alogs. We proposed Conversational Logic Injected Neural Network that allow to posi-
tively include logical rules to control a sequence-to-sequence dialog manager. Our sys-
tem shows a possible approach towards a more effective integration of neural network
conversational AI in industrial applications.

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