=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2788/om2020_Tpaper9 |storemode=property |title=A survey of OpenRefine reconciliation services |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2788/om2020_STpaper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2788 |authors=Antonin Delpeuch |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/Delpeuch20b }} ==A survey of OpenRefine reconciliation services== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2788/om2020_STpaper3.pdf
    A Survey of OpenRefine Reconciliation Services

                     Antonin Delpeuch1[0000−0002−8612−8827]

            Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK

      Abstract. We give an overview of the OpenRefine reconciliation API, a
      web protocol for tabular data matching. We suggest that such a protocol
      could be useful to the ontology matching community to evaluate systems
      more easily, following the success of the NIF ontology in natural language
      processing. This would make it easier for linked open data practitioners
      to build on the systems developed for evaluation campaigns. The OAEI
      task formats suggest some changes to the protocol specifications.

      Keywords: record linkage · entity matching · reconciliation service ·
      deduplication · web standards

1    Introduction

Integrating data from sources which do not share common unique identifiers
often requires matching (or reconciling, merging) records which refer to the same
entities. This problem has been extensively studied and many heuristics have
been proposed to tackle it [1]. The Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative
runs a yearly competition on this topic, offering a variety of task formats.
    The OpenRefine reconciliation API1 is a web protocol designed for this task.
While most software packages for record linkage assume that the entire data is
available locally and can be indexed and queried at will, this protocol proposes
a workflow for the case where one of the data souces to be matched is held
in an online database. By implementing such an interface, the online database
lets users match their own datasets to the identifiers it holds. The W3C Entity
Reconciliation Community Group2 , has been formed to improve and promote
this protocol.
   In this article, we survey the existing uses of the protocol and propose an
architecture based on it to run evaluation campaigns in ontology matching.

  Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2         Antonin Delpeuch

{                                  "id": "121291081",
  "query": "Cesaria Evora",        "name": "Évora, Cesária",
  "type": "DifferentiatedPerson", "score": 92.627655,
  "properties": [                  "match": true,
    {                              "type":[
      "pid": "dateOfBirth",           {"id": "AuthorityResource"},
       "v": "1941-08-27"              {"id": "DifferentiatedPerson"}]
    }                             },
  ]                               ...
}                                ]

        (a) A reconciliation query     (b) Response with candidates entities

                    Fig. 1: Example of a reconciliation workflow

2      Overview of the reconciliation protocol

The reconciliation API is essentially a search protocol tailored to the reconcil-
iation problem. This protocol is implemented by many servers3 and clients4 .
Consider the query in Figure 1. It contains the following components:

    – The name of the entity to search for;
    – An optional type to which the search should be restricted. The possible types
      are defined by the reconciliation service itself;
    – An optional array of property values to refine the matching. The ontology is
      also defined by the reconciliation service.

    We can submit this query to the reconciliation endpoint https://lobid.
org/gnd/reconcile, which exposes the authority file of the German National
Library (GND). As a response, we get a list of candidates ranked by score and
a matching decision, predicting whether the entity matches the query.
    The canonical client for this API is OpenRefine5 [4], a data cleaning tool
which can be used to transform raw tabular data into linked data. The tool
proposes a semi-automatic approach to reconciliation, making it possible for
the user to review the quality of the reconciliation candidates returned by the
service. To that end, the reconcilation API lets services expose auto-complete
endpoints and HTML previews for the entities they store, easing integration in
the user interface of the client.
  A list of publicly available endpoints can be found at https://reconciliation-api.
                            A Survey of OpenRefine Reconciliation Services      3

3     Potential use in OAEI evaluation campaigns

In this section we turn our attention to the Ontology Alignment Evaluation
Initiative, whose tasks cover among others the alignment of tabular data to
knowledge bases. In these campaigns, reconciliation heuristics are evaluated on
datasets covering various topics. Participants submit their systems which are
run by evaluation platforms on test datasets, and their results are compared to
reference alignments provided by the organizers. We argue that a web-based API
such as the reconciliation API would be useful in OAEI campaigns, for multiple
    The evaluation of candidate systems in OAEI events is carried out using
various platforms. SEALS [8] is a Java-based tool to evaluate matching systems
which has been used in OAEI campaigns for about 10 years. To be compatible
with SEALS, matching systems must implement a Java interface which offers
an API for ontology alignment. Participants who want to develop their systems
in other programming languages have to write a Java wrapper around them,
in order to be compatible with the evaluator. More recently, the HOBBIT [6]
platform proposed a similar approach, where systems are submitted as Docker
images and communicate with the evaluator in a similar way. Finally, the MELT
platform [3] was proposed this year as a Java framework to develop systems com-
patible with both HOBBIT and SEALS. The newly launched SemTab challenge
has been using the AIcrowd6 platform so far. This platform does not evalu-
ate systems directly, as participants submit the alignments produced by their
systems on their own.
    The complexity of this ecosystem is daunting for new participants. It also un-
likely that systems packaged for the OAEI challenges are reused as such outside
academia, for instance by an investigative journalist who would like to match
company names to records in company registers or by a linked data enthusiast
who would like to import a dataset in Wikidata.
    We argue here that the communication between the evaluator and partici-
pating systems could be done via a web protocol such as the reconciliation API.
This architecture is already been used in other domains. For instance, in natural
language processing, it is used for entity linking (annotating text with men-
tions of named entities aligned to a knowledge base). The GERBIL platform [7]
evaluates systems for this task using a web API based on NIF [2], an ontol-
ogy to represent text annotation tasks. Experiments can be configured from a
web interface, letting the user choose systems, datasets and evaluation metrics.
Experiment results are then archived publicly.
    The use of a web-based architecture has three main benefits. First, academics
can evaluate their entity linking system simply by submitting to GERBIL the
URL of their service. They can easily compare their systems to other services
available online. Debugging services on some input data can be done easily with

4       Antonin Delpeuch

a web browser.7 Second, systems can be used outside academia easily, as users
only need to interact with a simple web API without installing anything. In
turn, this use of the systems by practitioners can help source new datasets for
evaluation campaigns. For instance, the Wikidata reconciliation service serves
millions of queries each month. These queries can be logged, analyzed and turned
into new datasets which match real-world use cases closely.

4    Adapting the protocol to the OAEI tasks
The protocol specifications are actively being discussed and improved with feed-
back from users, service providers and other stakeholders. Therefore, if we iden-
tify aspects of the protocol which do not fit well with the use case sketched
above, it is possible to address them in a new version of the specifications.
    In the SemTab challenge, the task is to match table cells to entities of a
knowledge graph, without any information about the relations between columns
or the domain of the dataset: these must be inferred by the service too. In
contrast, reconciliation queries already identify the role of each data field using
the service’s ontology. One could therefore wonder whether the reconciliation
protocol should be adapted not to require this information.
    The anonymous reviewers have also been helpful in pointing out points that
we have then forwarded to the Community Group. For instance, in some tasks
a given cell can be matched to multiple entities8 . Another useful comment was
made about the absence of multilingual support in the API,9 which had also
been brought up in a different context.

5    Conclusion
We have surveyed a range of services which conform to the reconciliation API.
The use of a web API such as the reconciliation API could well benefit academic
initiatives such as OAEI, especially for the newly-lauched challenge on alignment
of tabular data to knowledge bases [5]. Therefore, we hope to see fruitful interac-
tions between these two communities in the future. We encourage all interested
parties to join the W3C Entity Reconciliation Community Group10 .

6    Acknowledgements
We thank the anonymous reviewers, the OpenCorporates team, Vladimir Alex-
iev and the W3C Entity Reconciliation Community Group for their feedback
on this project. This work was supported by OpenCorporates as part of the
   The reconciliation testbench can be used to submit queries to services: https://
                              A Survey of OpenRefine Reconciliation Services         5

“TheyBuyForYou” project on EU procurement data. This project has received
funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme (grant agreement n 780247).

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