=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2790/paper28 |storemode=property |title= Automated Generation of a Book of Abstracts for Conferences that use Indico Platform |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2790/paper28.pdf |volume=Vol-2790 |authors=Anna Ilina,Igor Pelevanyuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/rcdl/IlinaP20 }} == Automated Generation of a Book of Abstracts for Conferences that use Indico Platform == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2790/paper28.pdf
    Automated Generation of a Book of Abstracts
      for Conferences that use Indico Platform

    Anna Ilina1[0000−0002−2498−2091] and Igor Pelevanyuk1,2[0000−0002−4353−493X]
                     Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
                 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

         Abstract. Indico is a software which is widely used in High Energy
         Physics for conferences and events organization. It gives the possibility to
         provide registration, abstract submission, timetable of events, materials
         uploading, etc. The creation of a book of abstracts is an important step
         for many conferences. It provides an overview of the topics which will be
         presented during the conference. So, participants may be consulted on
         the topics discussed in every talk.
         Indico platform itself provides a possibility to create PDF documents of
         the book with all authors, abstracts, and affiliations, but the formatting
         of the book is quite stiff and all corrections and mistakes should be
         manually found and fixed using the admin panel. The order of abstracts
         in the book is also confined by options in the Indico system.
         So two important requirements appear greater flexibility in terms of for-
         matting and structure of a book, and the ability to check submitted
         abstracts automatically. The second requirement is quite important too.
         Authors may call the same affiliation institutes differently, mix different
         languages in the ”authors” field and the abstract text itself, create too
         short or too long abstracts.
         To fulfill the requirements another approach has been chosen: to use
         the XML representation of all abstracts, check the correctness of each
         of them, and create Microsoft Word document DOCX based on a tem-
         plate. This approach has been successfully used during the International
         Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing 2019.

         Keywords: Document generation · Book of abstracts · Automated sys-
         tem · DOCX

1      Introduction

Automatic document generation is an important topic especially for systems that
process a big amount of data to generate standardized reports or documents.
Manual document creation may be tedious and error-prone. And if the data
amount is large and document format is not trivial the creation of a document
may become too expensive in terms of time. The worst thing is that without
some additional efforts there is no way to prove that the document is free of
typos or mistakes.

    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
    Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

    The task of document generation is important for Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research(JINR) - International Intergovernmental Organization which unites
scientists from areas of nuclear physics, high-energy physics, neutron physics,
information technologies, and radiation biology. JINR organizes and hosts more
than 40 international conferences and meetings annually. Organization of a con-
ference requires a substantial amount of work related to conference information
publication, registration of participants, abstracts collection, time table creation
etc. For this purpose, the Indico system is widely used.
    Indico is a software started as a European project in 2002. In 2004, CERN
adopted it as its own event-management solution and has financed its devel-
opment since. Today Indico is an Open Source Software available under MIT
license. As a tool for conference organization, Indico provides a web page with
information about the event, registration form, abstract submission form, sur-
vey form, time schedule of the event, links to web pages with other information
related to the event, and some other features. With its rich functionality, in the
world of high energy physics, Indico became a de facto standard tool for event
    One of the features of Indico is abstract submission form and the possibility
to generate the book of abstracts automatically. All abstract texts collected as
a plain text, but with the possibility to include LaTeX formulas. The book of
abstracts is an important aspect of a scientific conference. It should be accessible
before the talks start, so all the participants may get it, get acquainted with it
to understand which other talks may be interesting and important to them. The
book of abstracts may appear in two forms: a printed copy or a digital copy. It
is always possible to read any particular abstract on a page dedicated to a talk
if there is no book prepared in Indico.
    The task of the creation of a book of abstract is not unique to JINR. But there
are not many publications about approaches and methods that allow automating
the process. The only example has been found in publication [2]. Authors there
use R language and LaTeX to not only generate abstracts but also to generate

2    Requirements to a Book of Abstracts

Standard abstract consists of several blocks of information: title, list of authors,
list of affiliations, corresponding author email, and the text of the abstract itself.
Simple example is on the Fig. 1
     Each author has one or several affiliations. Affiliations marked by numbers.
The email address relates to the corresponding author. Sometimes there are
several corresponding authors. Email addresses marked by letters. The Indico
system generates rather correct abstract structure. The only issue may be that in
Indico generated abstracts the email addresses are displayed, but not connected
to a particular author.

                          Fig. 1. Simple abstract example.

2.1   Specific Requirements to Book of Abstracts in JINR

Our primary goal was to simplify a process of a book of abstracts creation for
the International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing(NEC) or-
ganized by JINR in 2019. Usually, a book of abstract for this conference consists
of around 150 abstracts. The creation of this book was performed manually and
required a lot of effort. The work was monotonous, boring, and related to many
copy/paste cycles. That led to typos and errors during document creation. The
work could be divided between several people which lead to spending of around
30 man-hours in total just for one book of abstracts. Manual indexing of affilia-
tions could lead to mistakes and required from the editor an additional check.
    In JINR for some conferences, the book of abstracts should be at least as
a digital copy in PDF format. And if the printed version is also required JINR
Publishing Department accepts PDF documents as a source for books. A simple
way is to generate a book using the Indico system. The result will contain the
title of the event, list of contents, and all the abstracts sorted by abstract title,
presenter name, section name, or some other features. The following require-
ments make the Indico generated book of abstracts not suitable without some
additional editing:

 1. After the title page, the second page with the conference annotation in Rus-
    sian and English language should follow.
 2. The third page contains general conference information and topic covered
    during the conference.
 3. The fourth page is a list of Program Committee.
 4. The fifth page is a list of Organizing Committee.
 5. Then the list of contents follows. But abstracts should be divided by sections
    and the order of abstracts may be changed in order to bring key talks on
    top of the section. Various ordering approaches may be used depending on
    the conference.

 6. On one page is only one abstract. Abstracts should be grouped by sections.
    Section titles should occupy one page, be placed at the center of the page,
    and be capitalized.

    While the first four requirements may be fulfilled by editing a PDF document,
requirements 5 and 6 would require substantial efforts in the PDF editor and
the list of contents may be easily broken.
    Another important issue during the creation of a book of abstracts is the
fact that if we just put all of the abstracts from abstract submission forms in
one document the inconsistencies and errors will become visible. Among all the
different problems the following are more common:

 – Authors with the same affiliation writes them differently. For example with
   the correct ”Joint Institute for Nuclear Research” affiliation, we have seen the
   following variations: JINR, LIT JINR, JINR LIT, Laboratory of Information
   Technologies JINR, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Joint Institute for
   nuclear research, etc. The biggest issue here is that the affiliation of the
   author is asked once during the registration of the Indico account. So, the
   author cannot change affiliation filling the abstract submission form. To do
   that author should go to the Indico profile settings to change affiliation there.
 – Abstract titles in the book of abstracts may be either fully capitalized or just
   starting with the capital. Authors by themselves decide whether to write it
   in capital or not. The editor of the book of abstract should check every title
   manually and bring it to the right format.
 – The languages of different pieces of information about abstracts may be
   written in a different language. For example, during registration, the author
   wrote the name in Russian, but during abstract form submission used En-
   glish. The final book created automatically by Indico will use Russian for
   names and English for abstract text. That is a discrepancy and it should be
   fixed. Generally, it requires organizers to communicate with the author to
   get the right spelling of the name in the language of the abstract text.
 – Abstract text is usually confined by 250 words. Some authors may violate
   this rule. The editor sometimes should manually check the number of words
   and send requests to authors to shorten texts.

2.2   Automatic Processing and Corrections of the Data for a Book
      of Abstracts

The described requirements and issues demonstrate that the problem of the
generation of a document with some specific format is not the only issue with
document generation. The analysis and automatic corrections of the text are
also possible and required.
    It is possible to correct the affiliation name or capitalize on the title of an
abstract. But, mixing of languages inside an abstract usually requires organizers
to communicate with authors. To perform automatic analysis of texts for book
abstracts it is required to have a convenient source of data. Fortunately, Indico

provides the possibility to download the XML document with the representation
of all authors and abstracts. That XML document may be used to find usual
inconsistencies. After that, the corrections may be done manually in the Indico
system. In the newer versions of the Indico, the XML format has been replaced
with JSON. In the scope of this article, we will refer only to XML since it was
the only option available for use at the moment.
    Once the information about all abstracts and necessary corrections are avail-
able, it is possible to make all corrections manually and generate a document.
Or use that data to generate the final document automatically. This would give
great flexibility in terms of content and the form of the final document.

3     Methods of Document Generation

The final goal of document generation is the creation of a PDF file that can
be distributed as a digital copy or be printed in a printing house. The only
disadvantage of the PDF format is the fact that PDF is relatively difficult to
edit. The possibility to edit the generated document is necessary since some
manual changes may be required during the later stage of the book creation.
The generation of the PDF file directly from the data is also not as simple as a
generation of PDF from HTML, DOCX, or TEX formats. We will overview just
two common ways to generate PDF: from TEX file using the LaTeX document
preparation system, and from DOCX file using Microsoft Word word processor.

3.1   Using the LaTeX System

LaTeX is the standard for the publication of scientific documents. It provides
high-quality document printing, so the document looks like a book. The system
allows generating a document with specified formatting and the possibility to
draw mathematical formulas. In our case, it is possible to draw mathematical
formulas directly from abstracts texts.
     The biggest advantage of this method is the possibility to generate a TEX
file without third-party libraries. Once the template TEX file is available it is
rather easy to fill it with text form source XML file. And LaTeX system itself is
free software and could be used to generate documents without any payments.
And some modern TEX editors even support WYSIWIG mode (What You See
Is What You Get, means that editing software allows content to be edited in
a form that resembles its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished
product), although this type of editors may be non-free.
     However, the preparation of a template in the LaTeX system usually requires
some special skills. Another issue with LaTeX was the fact that not all organizing
committees had a LaTeX template available. Some committees used a complex
DOCX template with macros to apply correct formatting to different parts of a

3.2   Using a Prepared DOCX Template

This method involves the use of a prepared DOCX template. Templates may
be different. It is possible to make it simple and just define several types of
formatting for different fields, like ”Abstract title”, ”Authors”, ”Abstract text”.
Sometimes more complex templates with macros may be used. The resulting
document may be generated from a template using special third-party libraries.
The generated DOCX document may be additionally edited in Microsoft Word.
The WYSIWIG is originally supported by Microsoft Word and may simplify the
manual editing process.
    The disadvantage of this approach is the need to use third-party libraries.
There is no guarantee that they will always generate the correct document and
the newer version of Microsoft Word may render generated DOCX files differ-
ently. Microsoft Word itself is non-free software, however, currently, it is a stan-
dard software for document creation in many organizations, including JINR. So,
everybody has access to Microsoft Word. Another issue is the support of LaTeX
formulas. There are some approaches to include them in DOCX documents but
most of them require some manual operations.
    There were three reasons for us to use DOCX templates for the generation
of the book of abstracts. First, the DOCX template has already been created
and used for several previous NEC conferences. Second, libraries for Python
language for work with DOCX templates and documents have been found, and
their functionality was proved during initial tests. Third, in our case, members
of the organizing committees responsible for the books of abstracts preferred
Microsoft Office.

4     Implementation of the Book of Abstract Generation

4.1   Tools and Technologies Used for Implementation

The Python3 language has been chosen as a primary language for the developed
system. It is possible to use programs developed in Python under Linux and
Windows operating systems. Moreover, Python provides the possibility to make
the developed program available as a web-application. The Python is quite pop-
ular in science organizations and the developed system may be easily used and
changed by other users.
   The following Python libraries were used in the developed system:

 – xml.etree.cElementTree is a Python standard library written in C for ex-
   tracting data from XML files. Now, since Indico system introduced export
   in JSON format the json library from standard Python libraries may be
 – python-docx is Python library for reading, writing and creating sub docu-
   ments files [3].

 – python-docx-template is a library for modifying DOCX documents that have
   already been created. python-docx-template was created because python-docx
   is powerful for creating documents, but not for modifying them. This package
   itself based on python-docx [4].

    The developed system uses the Command Line Interface. It has been chosen
since it is much easier to make it look the same on both Linux and Windows
operating systems. The possible next step is providing a developed system as a
service through a Web Interface.

4.2   General Scheme of the Program
The generation of a book of abstracts is done in several steps:
1. Export of the XML file with all abstracts data.
2. Parsing of XML file in Python and creating object with all data from XML
3. Automatic correction of standard inconsistencies described in section 2.1.
4. Displaying the notifications about issues that cannot be fixed automatically.
5. Generation of the ”preface” part with general conference information de-
   scribed in list of requirements items 1-4 section 2.1.
6. Generation of abstracts part which contain only abstracts.
7. Creation of the final document by concatenating preface and abstract parts.
   To allow the execution of these steps several additional files are required:
templates, information about the conference to be used for preface generation,
CSV file with validated affiliation names.

Preparation of a DOCX Template for Preface. The preface template will
determine the look and layout of the preface part of the book. For that, an
existing book of abstracts from a previous conference is used. Instead of the
information which changes between conferences, we insert variables enclosed in
curly brackets. Each variable must have a unique name. If a variable with the
same name is repeated in several places, the text associated with it will be in-
serted instead of all of them. In places where the information may change (like
endings of ordinal numbers in conference title) and can not be automatically
inserted, the Microsoft Office Word notes used. They show places where the
editor’s attention is required. Styles should be chosen and applied during tem-
plate preparation because they will be used in the final document of the book
of abstracts. The example of a preface template is shown in Fig. 2.

Making an Additional XML File with Data for Preface part. To fill the
previously described template additional XML file should be created. It contains
general information about the conference (conference name and number, date,
description) in two languages (see Fig. 3). It should be done once for every book
of abstracts.

      Fig. 2. Example of a DOCX template for preface.

Fig. 3. XML file containing an information about a conference.

Making a CSV File. Since the same affiliations may be written by different
authors differently it is important to bring them to consistency at least in one
particular book of abstracts. For that purpose, the CSV file is used. It works
like a dictionary. All ways to write a particular affiliation should be included in
this file. If the name of affiliation used inside an abstract description does not
exist in the CSV file, the warning message appears and suggests to add it to the
file. If the spelling of the affiliation is correct it still has to be in the CSV file
and refer to itself. This ensures that the editor confirms the correction of the
affiliation name. An example of a text from the described CSV file is shown in
Fig. 4.

      Fig. 4. Variety of incorrect Joint Institute for Nuclear Research spellings.

     When parsing an input XML file with abstracts, the program accesses CSV
file and compares the spelling of the current Affiliation with the correct one. If
it matches one of the incorrect variants, the program replaces it with the correct
one and inserts it to the final document in an appropriate place. If no such
Affiliation is found in the CSV file, the program displays a message stating that
this Affiliation is not in the CSV standards file.

Checking the Language Consistency. To ensure that different parts of the
same abstract are not written in different languages, we created a special function
checking and indicating the language inconsistency (see Fig. 5).

     Fig. 5. Program output when different languages are found in an abstract.

Checking the Amount of Words. The program checks the number of words
in the abstract. If it is greater or lesser than the specified limit, the warning is
displayed in the log of the execution.

4.3   Making corrections

Since many issues determined by the developed system can not be resolved auto-
matically the editor should resolve them manually. There are at least three ways
to perform corrections: in the Indico system itself, in some configuration files
(now we have two: XML with conference info and CSV with correct affiliations),
in the generated document.
    Fixing the data in the Indico system is the best way. Usually, it requires some
work from authors of the abstract or at least their agreement. All the changes will
be included in the generated book of abstracts during the next generations. This
works well with inconsistent language use or incorrect abstract text size. If the fix
inside Indico is impractical, like with affiliation names, the special configuration
file may be introduced to perform corrections during every generation of the
particular book of abstracts. This is what has been done with affiliation names.
    The fixing data inside the generated document is a viable option, but only
when everything else is established and there are no new generations expected.
That is because all changes inside could not be used in the next generation and
should be done manually again. In real use-case during the creation of a book
of abstracts for NEC conference all of the described approaches have been used.

5     Results

The work involved designing and creating an automated abstract book generator
that would be identical to the one created by hand. Besides, we had the task to
check the source XML file for possible errors listed in this article. As a result, a
software product was created that receives four necessary input files:

 – an XML file exported from Indico containing abstracts,
 – an XML file containing conference information,
 – a CSV file containing the Affiliations writing standards,
 – a DOCX template that will be used as a base to generate the final document.

    As a result, the program creates a final DOCX file with the formatting used in
the template. Besides, the program performs checks for possible errors described
in this article. Using the information obtained during checks, an editor of the
book of abstracts can decide how to correct mistakes: make changes in Indico,
ask for a new feature for the book of abstracts generation tool, or change the
final document directly.
    The applied approach greatly reduced the amount of effort required to gener-
ate a document of a book of abstracts. The pursuit to simplify manual indexing

and copying led to introducing automatic checks and corrections. And devel-
oped system allowed to generate a document in a format that is known to the
    The developed product is a command-line interface (CLI) application written
in Python v3.5 for Linux and Windows. This requires some specific libraries to
be installed on the client machine before the use of the system. All source code
is available under GNU General Public License v3.0 at [5].
    The software product, methods, and approaches described in this article were
used during the preparation of the book of abstracts for the NEC’2019 Sympo-
sium. The generated book is available at [6].

1. Indico Project , https://docs.getindico.io/en/latest/. Last accessed 25 July 2020
2. Lara Lusa, Andrej Blejec, Automated Preparation of the Book of Abstracts for
   Scientific Conferences using R and LaTeX: Infor Med Slov 2009, 14(1-2), pp. 10–18.
3. python-docx             library           documentation,            https://python-
   docx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. Last accessed 25 July 2020
4. python-docx-template library documentation, https://docxtpl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
   Last accessed 25 July 2020
5. Project GitHub repository https://github.com/trnkv/IndicoAbstract. Last accessed
   25 July 2020
6. Generated        book       of     abstracts      for     NEC2019        conference
   https://indico.jinr.ru/event/738/attachments/4884/6443/NEC 2019 BoA.pdf
   accessed 25 July 2020
