=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2800/paper-04 |storemode=property |title=Quality Evaluation and Testing Method of Industrial Application Based on ISO/IEC 25000 SQuaRE Standard |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2800/paper-04.pdf |volume=Vol-2800 |authors=Xiuming Yu,Wenpeng Li,Yangyang Zhang,Zengzhi Liu |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/apsec/YuLZL20 }} ==Quality Evaluation and Testing Method of Industrial Application Based on ISO/IEC 25000 SQuaRE Standard== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2800/paper-04.pdf
                  Coverage analysis method using quality
                              Daiju Kato                                                              Hiroshi Ishikawa
                 Nihon Knowledge Co., Ltd.                                                        Tokyo Metropolitan University
                       Tokyo, Japan                                                                       Tokyo, Japan
                  d-kato@know-net.co.jp                                                            ishikawa-hiroshi@tmu.ac.jp

Abstract— Requirement of Must-Be Quality for software has                              -Quality with the user in mind (Effectiveness -
changed over time, and the awareness of software quality has                           Quality in Use-)
become increasingly strong. Therefore, an objective and easy-                          -Safe and secure to use (Freedom for risk – Quality
to-understand method for analyzing software quality is                                 in Use-)
necessary. By utilizing SQuaRE (ISO/IEC 25000 series) in
software development projects, it is possible to proceed with
                                                                                     *Quality characteristics in parentheses
software development with comprehensive quality in mind.
However, in order to utilize these quality characteristics, the                   Ten years ago, Must-Be Quality indicated that a function
project is needed to have traceability of quality in various                   worked exactly as required and that there were no
phases or sprints. Therefore, analyzing the quality using by                   performance issues. However, this alone is worrisome in a
various evidence under development project provides an                         world where a variety of devices are connected to the Internet.
effective means of explanation of the quality logically and                    Every week, numerous cyber incidents are distributed by the
enables us to judge the quality under standard rules. In this                  CERT Coordination Center[2] , and Microsoft delivers
paper, we propose a quality coverage analysis method using                     security updates on the second Tuesday of every month[3]. In
quality characteristics for software within a general software                 addition, antivirus patterns are being delivered by anti-virus
lifecycle. (Abstract)                                                          software vendors quickly. The ability to use software with
                                                                               peace of mind, i.e., to use software without being aware of
Keywords- quality analysis, software               engineer,     quality       vulnerabilities and security as well as features and
characteristics,SQuaRE (key words)                                             performance, has become a minium requirementment of
                                                                               quality these days.
                                                                                  ISO/IEC 25010[4] defines two quality models. A system
                         I.      INTRODUCTION
                                                                               must meet the explicit and implicit needs of the various
   The Kano Model[1] is a type of customer satisfaction                        people who use the system, called stakeholders, and
model and the model uses data obtained from questionnaires                     satisfying them is considered to be quality. This quality is
to rank product quality (function and performance) in terms                    categorized by characteristics, and the standard defines two
of attractiveness (differentiation) and affordability                          models: product quality and Quality in Use. There are other
(indispensability), etc., to visualize the characteristics of                  data quality models defined in ISO/IEC 25012[5], which
products from the customer's point of view and stimulate                       defines the quality of the data used in the system.
discussion in design and development.                                             The quality model consists of characteristics and sub-
   In the world of software, I feel that this Kano model of                    characteristics that make up the characteristics. The product
quality has been broadly interpreted and used in the same way                  quality model classifies the quality of a software or system
as minimum requirement of quality. However, we believe that                    product into eight characteristics. This product quality
this quality requirement is changing with the times like below                 provides the 'quality of things'. It means the quality of a thing
bullet. The quality characteristics in parentheses at the end                  because it is a quality that the product itself has.
indicates those that match the product quality.                                   On the other hand, quality in use is the quality that people
                                                                               receive or feel when they use the product. It is called as "user
            •       Quality that was commonplace 10 years                      quality" and it is a quality that is perceived mainly by the user.
          ago                                                                  Quality in use is closely related to product quality, and quality
         -Functions work correctly as required (Functional                     in use will not improve unless product quality is exhaustive.
         Suitability)                                                             SQuaRE consists of five divisions and defines the means
         -No response problems (Performance Efficiency)                        to achieve quality-conscious software development, Figure.1.
            •       Quality that is commonplace today                          Utilizing SQuaRE in your development projects will enable
         -Safe to use (Security)                                               you to develop software with quality characteristics in mind.
            •       Quality as a matter of course in the future                   However, to make full use of quality characteristics,
                                                                               SQuaRE can be used from the quality requirement phase of a
                                                                               development project, or all test work must have test cases or

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
test criteria that are mapped to quality characteristics to                    is work for all quality characteristics and the second ‘Risk
classify the ensured quality into quality characteristics. Since               Base Priority’ is work for functional suitability, reliability and
quality characteristics provides essentially a classification of               performance efficiency.
quality, they are effective in measuring the coverage of the                      Table 1 shows the results of mapping common test types to
quality of the final product. Therefore, we developed a                        quality characteristics. You can refer to this table to map the
method to achieve coverage analysis of quality with                            quality characteristics of the test types written in the test plan.
classification of the quality of software during a development
project with ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 [6] and ISO/IEC/IEEE                            TABLE I.        MAPPING OF QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS TO TEST TYPES
15288[7]. Those standards define software life cycle model                                    Test types                Quality Characteristics
and classification of activity at development process with                         Accessibility Testing             Usability
mapping of product quality characteristics.                                        Compatibility Testing             Compatibility
                                                                                   Conversion Testing                Functional Suitability
                                                                                   Disaster Recovery Testing         Reliability
                                                                                   Functional Testing                Functional Suitability
                                                                                   Instalation Testing               Portability
                                                                                   Interoperability Testing          Compatibility
                                                                                   Localization Testing              Functional Suitability
                                                                                   Maintainability Testing           Maintainability
                                                                                   Performance-Related Testing       Performance efficiency
                                                                                   Portability Testing               Portability
                                                                                   Reliability Testing               Reliability
                                                                                   Security Testing                  Security
                                                                                   Usability Testing                 Usability
                                                                                   Stress/Load Testing               Performance efficiency
                                                                                   Screen Transition Testing         Functional Suitability
                Figure 1. Organization of SQuaRE series                                                              Usability

       II.    CLASSIFICATION OF ACTIVITIES BY QUALITY                            From the above approach, it will be possible to summarize
                         CHARACTERISTICS                                       which quality characteristics the development project is
                                                                               performing for from the activities listed in the project plan or
   This section proceeds with the quality coverage analysis                    sprint plan and the test plan.
from the following artifacts created in a typical software
development project.                                                                    III.   MAPPING QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS TO
           •       Project plan and test plan                                                         REQUIREMENTS
           •       Various documents: requirement spec,                           The next step is to map the quality requirements to quality
         design spec, test cases and test procedures                           characteristics to identify the quality that the final product, the
           •       Bug information during the project                          software, will require. If the quality requirements are not clear,
           •       Review results and Test analysis report                     it is a good idea to categorize them into functional
           •       Software and test data                                      requirements, performance and load requirements, user
 The project plan generally describes goal of the quality                      interface requirements, etc., and map each requirement to a
requirements. Also, the document indicates how to fulfill the                  quality characteristic. If there is a service specification, the
quality requirement even though the project use waterfall                      listed items can also be classified as quality characteristics.
development process or agile process. The project plan                            Maintainability requirements are generally not included in
includes test process to list the test types to be conducted and               requirement definitions. Of course, You can refer to the
will contain the idea of the criteria for each test type.                      project plan or project rules to determine how software
   Since the quality requirements written in the project plan                  maintenance will be performed. The quality characteristic
are the quality goals of the final deliverable software, it is                 probably contains coding style rules for programming or
possible to define the required quality by classifying the                     testing way for using some stab or debugging technique.
quality requirements by quality characteristics. It is necessary                  Ideally, the requirements derived from each requirement
to analyze both the process and the deliverables to see if the                 should also be classified as a quality characteristic. Typically,
developed software has the quality that is the goal.                           requirement items are mapped to a single quality
   The first step to find out if the process was a quality-                    characteristic so that the requirements required by the final
building process is to find out which quality characteristics                  product, the software, can be counted for each quality
the various activities during the project have an effect on.                   characteristic. Since the number of man-hours of
Although it is very time-consuming to do this task from                        classification work increases proportionally with the size of
scratch, ISO/IEC 30130[6] summarizes which quality                             the software, requirements can be sampled or, at worst, only
attributes are mapped to various activities, TABLE 3. For                      requirements can be classified into quality characteristics.
example, ‘Test Design’ described in the first part of this table

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  This work completes the classification of quality                                  V.      CREATING A COVERAGE ANALYSIS OF QUALITY
characteristics of the quality required for the software.
       IV.    MAPPING VARIOUS EVIDENCE TO QUALITY                                    Quality Requirement                                      Software
                                                                                            Mapping to Activity                                Checking of PQ
   Then, classify all the review evidence over the life of the
project, e.g., design reviews, code reviews, test design                                                     Design/Manufacture/Test
reviews, etc., into quality attributes. Rather than simply                                                    Activity during project
mapping activities to quality attributes, we classify criteria
into quality attributes. For example, in the case of API design,                             Mapping to PQ           Mapping to PQ               Mapping to PQ
the criteria and review reports show whether the reviewers
check not only the implemented functionality itself, but also                         Review Criteria                                           Test Criteria
                                                                                                                    Bug Reports
error sequencing and recovery methods, performance and                                                                                          Test Reports
                                                                                      Review Results    Reference                 Reference
load considerations, authentication methods, and
vulnerability responses and so on.                                                                       Evidence of built in quality
   The findings that are identified and corrected during the
review are also classified by quality characteristics. Corrected                Figure 2. Coverage analysis method using quality characteristics
bug information is important evidence to ensure the quality of                                  USING QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS
the corresponding quality characteristic.
    Finally, we refer to the criteria for each test type performed                Once all the classification work for completeness analysis
to see if the quality characteristics mapped to the test type are              using quality characteristics is completed, the results of
ensured by having met the criteria. For example, suppose the                   categorizing the quality requirements are compared with the
criteria are set for performance testing, Table 2. If the criteria             results of categorizing the final deliverable, the software, to
are too vague to map the quality characteristics of the criteria,              ensure that the quality is on target. The broad analysis is
the test cases are checked and classified. In addition, bugs                   determined by using a radar chart as like Figure 3 to visualize
found and fixed in the test as well as in the review report are                the differences between requirement and results.
classified according to each quality characteristic to check                      The areas that have a large difference between
whether the quality characteristics are maintained or not.                     requirements and results indicate possibility of the unclear
                                                                               qualities, which can be pursued by checking the specific
TABLE II.          MAPPING QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS TO TEST CRITERIA            classified results and investigating the causes.
                            AT STRESS TESTING                                     In general, functional conformance requirements are often
 No       Test                    Criteria                      Quality        fulfilled. But reliability is not ensured if the scope of impact
                                                           Characteristics     of a bug fix is not adequately checked or if the functional
 1     Single         The CPU load should return to        Performance         conformance test is not re-run even though effect of fixed
       operation      normal after each process.           efficiency          some bug found in a test related to performance efficiency has
 2     Single         Memory is released after each        Performance         an impact on functionality. It is also a good idea to analyze
       operation      process                              efficiency
                                                                               whether their impact on relevant quality characteristics has
 3     Use-case       If a new process occurs while        Reliability
                      multiple processes are in                                been verified or not, when the bugs which are classified as
                      progress, it should not result in                        non-functional conformance have been fixed.
                      an error.                                                   If there is a large difference between the two, you can run
 4     Use-case       The CPU load becomes 100%            Reliability         some of the tests and check the results of the analysis with
                      and other processes are not                              your team members to improve the validity of the results.
                      interrupted while multiple
                      processes are running.
 5     Peak           The process is carried out even if   Performance
       operation      the load is twice the expected       efficiency
                      workload.                            Reliability
   If there is a description of quality in the test report, we
consider whether the description or results can be mapped to
some quality characteristics as well.
   Categorizing the evidence of these activities into quality
characteristics will clarify the comprehensiveness of the
quality of the final product.
   Figure 2 shows the way of mixed up classify for coverage
analysis method using quality characteristics. PQ in the figure
stands for Product Quality.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                                                                               an exhaustive analysis of whether the quality requirements
                         Coverage Analysis                                     are being met or not. Although it is most desirable to use
                                                                               SQuaRE from the beginning of a development project, quality
                                    Suitability                                analysis using quality characteristics can be performed even
                                     20                                        after the project is over by using the method described here.
            Maintenability           15                Performance             In addition, it is possible to identify the quality that is
                                                        Efficiency             considered to be unsecured from the analysis results, and
                                                                               therefore, it is also possible to consider policies for
                                      5                                        strengthening weaknesses.
                                                                                   Thus, quality comprehensiveness analysis using quality
          Portability                 0                      Reliability
                                                                               characteristics not only visualizes the quality of software, but
                                                                               it is also effective as a means to improve quality.
                                                                                   It is also possible to classify test techniques, process
                                                                               transfer criteria and test reports in sprints by quality
                  Security                             Compatibility
                                                                               characteristics. In the case of derived development, it is
                                                                               possible to judge the appropriateness of quality quantitatively
                                    Usability                                  for each quality characteristic by using quality data from past
                  Requirement             Results                              development and quality characteristic quantities defined in
                                                                               ISO/IEC 25022. We intend to further improve the quality
                 Figure 3. Coverage analysis by radar chart                    comprehensiveness analysis method using these quality
                                                                               characteristics so that it can be used as a quality monitoring
                             VI.   CONCLUSION                                  method that enables objective visualization of quality.
  Quality characteristics enable us to objectively and
logically classify the quality of software product, and conduct

                                                                               [6]  ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207: Systems and software engineering — Software
                                REFERENCES                                          life cycle processes(2017)
[1]   Kano,N., Seraku, N., Takahashi, F., Tsuji, S. : Attractive Quality and   [7] ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: Systems and software engineering — System
      Must-Be Quality; Quality Vol.14(2), pp147-156, JSQC, 1984,                    life cycle processes(2015)
      (Japanese)                                                               [8] Kato, D., Okuyama, A., Ishikawa, H. : Introduction of test
[2]   CERT Coordination Center,                                                     management based on quality characteristics, IWESQ 2019, 2019.
       https://www.sei.cmu.edu/about/divisions/cert/index.cfm                  [9] Kato,D., Ishikawa, H. : Develop Quality Characteristics based quaity
                                                                                    evaluation process for ready to use software products, JSE-2016,
[3]   Microsoft Security Update Guide,                                              February, 2016.
      https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-us/security-guidance                [10] Kato,D., Okuyama, A., Ishikawa, H.: Use proactive evaluation
[4]   ISO/IEC 25010: Systems and software engineering — Systems and                 process for ‘Quality in Use’, Seventh World Congress for Software
      software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — System                Quality, 2017.
      and software quality models (2011)
[5]   ISO/IEC 25012: Software engineering — Software product Quality
      Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Data quality model(2008)

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                                                            TABLE III.                        SUMMARY OF CAPABILITIES WITH CHARACTERISTICS IN ISO/IEC 30130
                                                                                 Categories                                                                                                            Characteristics
                           Dynamic test execution         environm      Code analysis                      Test management                                                   software quality characteristics                                  Granularity
                        Input for Dynamic Test data         Test      Input for    Code       Test Test Quality    Test        Ver if     Test     Functional Reliability Usability Performance Maintain Portability Compatib Security Smallest Intermedia Largest
                        dynamic       test      repository environm     code      analysis plan asset record completio        ication     status   suitability                     efficiency    ability                 ility          unit    te units     unit
                          test      execution                ent      analysis                           report   n report      and       report
                        execution                                                                                            validation
Test design                〇                                                                                                                           〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Risk Based Priority        〇                                                                                                                           〇         〇                     〇                                         〇      〇          〇          〇
Test execution
                                       〇                                                                                                               〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Automated test
Caputure,Playback                      〇                                                                                                               〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Keyword driven test
                                       〇                                                                                                               〇                                                                                           〇          〇
Test comparator                        〇                                                                                                               〇                                                                                                      〇
Debugging                              〇                                                                                                               〇                                                                                〇          〇          〇
Dynamic analysis                       〇                                                                                                               〇                               〇                                                〇          〇          〇
Monitoring                             〇                                                                                                               〇         〇                     〇                                                〇          〇          〇
                                       〇                                                                                                               〇                                                                                〇
Security testing                       〇                                                                                                                                                                                         〇                            〇
Test data
preparation,                                       〇                                                                                                   〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Test data generation
Stress testing,Load
                                                   〇                                                                                                             〇                     〇                                                                      〇
Performance testing                                〇                                                                                                                                   〇                                                〇          〇          〇
Data validation and
                                                   〇                                                                                                   〇                               〇                                         〇                 〇          〇
Database validation
                                                   〇                                                                                                   〇                               〇                                         〇                 〇          〇
and Verification
                                                             〇                                                                                         〇                               〇                                                〇          〇          〇
Unit test framework                                          〇                                                                                         〇                                                                                〇
                                                             〇                                                                                         〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
environment set up
envrionment                                                  〇                                                                                         〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇                 〇          〇
Review                                                                   〇                                                                             〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Code analyzer                                                                        〇                                                                           〇                                 〇            〇                〇      〇
Codebased security
Test management                                                                               〇                      〇                                 〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Test Asset
configuration                                                                                       〇                                                  〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
                                                                                                           〇                                           〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
                                                                                                           〇                                           〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Defect tracking,Bug
Test monitoring                                                                                                                             〇          〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Relating of data that
serves as the basis
                                                                                                                                〇                      〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
for Verification and
Validation Reports
Verification and
                                                                                                                                〇                      〇         〇         〇           〇           〇            〇         〇      〇      〇          〇          〇
Validation Report

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