=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2800/paper-07 |storemode=property |title=Quality in Use -Issues and Proposal- (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2800/paper-07.pdf |volume=Vol-2800 |authors=Shin'Ichi Fukuzumi,Nowky Hirasawa |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/apsec/FukuzumiH20 }} ==Quality in Use -Issues and Proposal- (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2800/paper-07.pdf
                       Quality in Use -Issues and proposal-
                     Shin’ichi fukuzumi                               Noriko Wada                      Nowky Hirasawa
                         RIKEN                                         Meditrina,                 Otaru University of Commerce
         Center for Advanced Intelligence Project                   Yamanashi, Japan                       Otaru, Japan
                      Tokyo, Japan                                nwada0925@gmail.com                  hirasawa@ouc-ux.org

Abstract—In ISO/IEC 25010, Quality in Use is mainly focused                    elements of “Quality in Use”[2]. Figure 1 shows the Quality
to the use of operators who interact with product and system                   in Use model defined in ISO/IEC 25010.
directly. However, as workstyle using ICT (Information
Communication Technology) has been changed, object of
quality in use are also changed to not only direct users with
simple direct interaction but also many stakeholders and society
which are influence on indirectly by someone use the product,
system and service. This paper proposes a Quality in Use model
which corresponds to stakeholder needs. As for stakeholder, we
classified four groups, that is -Operator of system and/or
software, -Organization which has responsibility for system                    Figure 1. Quality in Use model defined in ISO/IEC 25010 [2]
and/or software management, -Customer using system and/or
software, -Society which exists system and/or software. As for                     In this figure, three quality characteristics (effectiveness,
stakeholder needs, we prepare “usefulness”, “managerial                        efficiency, satisfaction) are same as usability elements defined
stability”, dependability” and “Acceptability”. To show the                    in ergonomics standard ISO 9241-11: 2018[3]. About
relationship among them, we proposed a new Quality in Use                      freedom from risk and context coverage, though influence on
model. (Abstract)                                                              economy and health is described in the definition, there is no
                                                                               concrete contents. From this, context of use is mainly focused
Keywords- usability, software engineer, quality in use (key words)
                                                                               on interaction directly.
                                                                                   Recently, as workstyle using ICT (Information
                         I.     INTRODUCTION                                   Communication Technology) has been changed, object of
   Importance of usability has been considered in not only                     quality in use shall be not only simple direct interaction but
ergonomics area but also software engineering area[1].                         also many stakeholders and society which are influence on
Quality model in SQuaRE (System and software Quality                           indirectly by someone use the product, system and service.
Requirement and Evaluation) series which are dealt with in                     That is, ICT users are not only direct users who interacts
ISO/IEC JTC1SC7 defined effectiveness, efficiency,                             system and product directly but also indirect user who use
                                                                               output obtained by using ICT.
satisfaction freedom from risk and context coverage as

                                                Figure 2. Proposal model of Quality in Use[4]

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                                                                        -Society which exists system and/or software
                                                                        The reason why groups are four is to be able to explain
           II.      FUTURE QUALITY IN USE CONCEPT                   almost situation by these four groups, i.e. stakeholders.
 Direct user means a user who interacts with product, system            When “quality in Use” is considered, it is necessary to
or service directly. For example, ATM users in banking              clarify which group is focused because quality models for
system, customers for electric commerce system. On the other        use of system and product are different by the difference of
hand, there are the other kinds of users, they are indirect users   objects described above.
of other stakeholders. They usually use an output of products           In this paper, “Quality in Use” is defined as follows:
or system. For example, in case of self-driving car (level four         Quality in Use is that degree to the system satisfied the
or low), a driver is one of direct user and operators of traffic    stakeholder needs related to use when operator uses the
infrastructure are kinds of secondary user. As for pedestrians,     system and software.
they are indirect users. Figure 2 shows the proposal concept            Figure 3 show the quality in use models for four groups.
of quality in use include other stakeholders[4].

                                                                        In this figure, each box about quality in use, that is,
             III.    PROPOSAL OF QUALITY IN USE                     “quality in use for responsible organization, people”,
    As system and software products are widely used in our          “quality in use for operators”, “quality in use for customers”
life, use of them is influence on not only their direct uses but    and “quality in use for society” is object group of quality in
also organizations and society.                                     use, respectively. Below four boxes describes influence by
    It is responsibility for society of the manufacturer to be      use.
controllable these influence as much as possible.                       In this, “quality in use for operators” is correspond to the
    From this, quality is regarded influence on stakeholders        original quality in use model. As this model mainly focuses
by using. The purpose of quality in use is that manufacturers       on direct user, we consider that elements of usability defined
and managers are able to enforce to “use” for improvement           in ISO9241-11:2018 should be adopted as quality
of quality by measuring and evaluating.[5]                          characteristics in this model. Quality characteristics for the
    The objectives which are influenced by use of system            other three objects shall be defined by terms which
and software in not only their direct users but also indirect       represented each influence suitably.
users included various kinds of stakeholders. Contents of               In ISO/IEC25010, the quality of a system is defined that
influence (quality characteristics) are different by the            the degree to which the system satisfies the stated and implied
difference of objects. From this, we classify these objects         needs of its various stakeholders, and thus provides value.
into four groups shown below and quality in use model for           Refer to figure 2., stakeholder needs for quality in use can be
each group is defined.                                              divided following four items; they are “usefulness”,
    -Operator of system and/or software                             “managerial stability”, dependability” and “Acceptability”.
    -Organization which has responsibility for system and/or        The relationship between stakeholders and stakeholder needs
software management                                                 are shown in figure 4. This figure is proposed quality in use
    -Customer using system and/or software                          model.

                                         Figure 3. Quality in use models for four target groups
Figure 4. The relationship among Quality in Use characteristics, subcharacteristics quality property and stakeholder needs

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