=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2800/paper-09 |storemode=property |title=About the Framework of Quality Evaluation Using SQuaRE |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2800/paper-09.pdf |volume=Vol-2800 |authors=Tsuyoshi Nakajima |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/apsec/Nakajima20 }} ==About the Framework of Quality Evaluation Using SQuaRE== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2800/paper-09.pdf
              About the framework of quality evaluation
                           using SQuaRE
                                                               Tsuyoshi Nakajima
                                                        Shibaura Institute of Technology
                                                                  Tokyo, Japan

Abstract—Of the five core divisions of the SQuaRE series, the                  can perform quality evaluation adequately for itself. This may
revision study of the quality evaluation division has started. As              lead to a project failure.
systems and software have become more complicated and                             To overcome this situation, it is important to have a
diversified in recent years, it is important to have a mechanism               mechanism to ensure the quality evaluation of a system and
to ensure the quality evaluation of them by a whole society. In
order to do so, this revision aims to provide a framework for
                                                                               software by a whole society, including objective comparison
systematic quality evaluation using quality models and quality                 techniques for its quality with other products in the industry,
measures in the SQuaRE series. Furthermore, the framework                      and third parties’ reliable quality certification.
will expand its scope of application to include four purposes:                    This paper proposes a quality evaluation framework as a
comparison, qualification to standard, conformity checking to                  basis to support such a mechanism, including systematic
requirements, and suitability evaluation in the market. This                   quality evaluation in three stages: quality measurement,
paper organizes and reports on the idea.                                       quality rating, and quality evaluation, using quality models
                                                                               and quality measures in the SQuaRE series. Furthermore, the
Keywords- quality evaluation, framework, quality measurement,
                                                                               framework will expand its scope of application to deal with
quality rating
                                                                               four purposes: comparison, qualification to standard,
                                                                               conformity checking to requirements, and suitability
                         I.    INTRODUCTION                                    evaluation in the market. This paper organizes and reports on
   ISO/IEC 25000 (SQuaRE) series is a set of international                     the idea.
standards for quality requirements and evaluation for a wide
range of systems and software [1]. Fifteen standards have                             II.    REVISION OF QUALITY EVALUATION DIVISION
been published since 2006 to cover all the five core divisions.
                                                                               A.     Quality evaluation division in SQuaRE
Among them, the quality evaluation division (ISO/IEC
2504n) is currently studying its revision in the study group.                      SQuaRE divides the 25000 series into SQuaRE divides
   In the development of a system or software, there are no                    the 25000 series into five core divisions and one extension
absolute criteria for its quality to be achieved[2]. This is                   division. Figure 1 shows how quality evaluation division
because the quality goal is a relative one needed in the context               relating to the other division in SQuaRE. At the center are the
of social demands and competition with others. Actual
products need to fulfill different types of quality, such as                            Quality
                                                                                                                 Quality                     Quality
performance efficiency and security, and so difficult trade-                           Definition
                                                                                                               Engineering                  Evaluation
offs are often required to achieve those qualities in a balance.
   On the other hand, if a system or software operates as an                                  Support                   Support                    Support
important service in the society or works with the other
systems already operating in the society, the quality                               Quality Requirement                      Quality Evaluation
                                                                                      division (2503n)                        division (2504n)
evaluation may exceed the responsibility of one company                                     Use                                       Use
because of the significance of its impact on society[3] [4] .
   Nevertheless, many of the quality evaluations for systems                                      Quality Measurement division (2502n)
and software, even if it drives the society, are carried out                                                    Based on
based on the empirical knowledge of development
organizations for testing and ambiguous pass/fail criteria.                                          Quality Model division (2501n)
Although it may be managed by an experienced development
                                                                                            Figure 1 Quality evaluation division in SQuaRE
organization with high quality awareness, a small
organization with little experience in quality control hardly

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
quality model division in 2501n and the quality measurement              However, there exist many cases in which the quality
division in 2502n. The quality model division currently has          evaluation based on the current ISO/IEC 25040 and 25041,
four quality models: quality in use and product quality              cannot be applicable because it requires a full set of quality
(ISO/IEC 25010), IT service quality (ISO/IEC TS 25011),              requirements for the target. Therefore, we decided to expand
and data quality (ISO/IEC 25012), each of which defines              its scope so that it can deal with the cases without fixed
characteristics and sub-characteristics. The quality                 requirements. We categorize the assumed situations that
measurement division defines the quality measures to                 require quality evaluation and reconstructed the quality
measure the quality (sub)characteristics defined in each             evaluation framework so that such cases can be included.
quality model. The quality evaluation division provides a                We have identified the following four types of quality
framework and usage guides to support the quality evaluation         evaluation:
process (partly, validation and verification activities in quality   (T1) Quality evaluation for comparison
engineering) using the pairs of quality model and quality                This is a type of quality evaluation:
measurement.                                                             - for the purpose of obtaining information for
B.    Revision of quality evaluation division                               product/component/data selection
    The SQuaRE Future Direction Study Group (2018-2019)                  - to finds out:
in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 WG6 concludes has improved the ISO                      Ø whether the candidate entities meet the setting
/ IEC 2504n quality evaluation department as follows[5].                         criteria,
                                                                            Ø which entities are better overall, and
[Problems]                                                                  Ø what are the strengths and weaknesses of each
     There is a great demand from the industry for methods                       entity,
and techniques to support how to plan inspections and testing            - by comparing multiple entities based on quality
on quality, and concrete assessment based on their results. In              requirements or general guidelines (including industry
addition, due to the development of 2502n and the revision                  standards)
of 25030, the quality requirements and their measurement                 - mainly performed by the acquirer or development
have been clarified, so modifications aligning with these will              organization (integrator).
also be necessary.                                                   (T2) Quality evaluation for qualification to quality standard
[Proposed solution]                                                      This is a type of quality evaluation:
Ø Ensuring consistency with 2502n and 25030R                             - for the purpose of obtaining quality certification or
Ø Improving the concept of evaluation modules (EVs) (and                    information for quality improvement of the target
     encouraging industries to provide ANNEXs)                              entity
Ø Guidelines for the following activities:                               - based on the standards in the industrial domain
     ² Organizing quality testing including inspections,                 - to find out:
           aligning with 29119 (WG 26)                                        Ø whether the entity meets the setting standards
     ² Comprehensive quality evaluation (e.g., for                                 (mostly minimum set) and,
           judgment of delivery) based on measurement                         Ø what are its strengths and weaknesses from the
           results                                                                 quality perspective
                                                                         - mainly performed by the development organization
           ⁻ How to devise a set of quality measure suitable
                                                                            (quality assurance) or an independent evaluation and
             for evaluation                                                 certification organization.
           ⁻ Concept of evaluation (analysis of testing results,
                                                                     (T3) Quality evaluation for conformity checking to
             etc) and rating
     ² Selecting the right quality characteristics from some
           evaluation goal                                               This is a type of quality evaluation:
     ² Choosing an appropriate evaluation module for the                 - for the purpose of confirming the satisfaction of the
                                                                            contract items
           characteristics or to make a new evaluation
                                                                         - based on the agreed requirements
           module.                                                       - to confirm whether the product satisfies the quality
    Based on this policy, we are currently studying a study                 requirements
group within WG6 for revision.                                           - mainly performed by:
        III.   FRAMEWORK OF QUALITY EVALUATION                                Ø the ordering party (at its acceptance) or
                                                                              Ø the development organization (quality
A.     Quality evaluation and its types                                            assurance)
                                                                                   (at the time of final inspection before delivery).
    Quality evaluation is a systematic examination of the
extent to which an entity is capable of fulfilling stated and        (T4) Quality evaluation for suitability to the market
implied needs. This is a set of activities to perform objective          This is a type of quality evaluation:
confirmation work on the target to produce quality evaluation            - for the purpose of obtaining information for
results.                                                                    management decisions
                                                                         - on in-house products / services
         Ø based on the requirements derived from the                 target to identify the important quality characteristics and sub-
            assumed stakeholder needs                                 characteristics for the quality evaluation. For ICT products,
         Ø to check how well the product meets the needs              important quality (sub)characteristics differ depending on the
            of the assumed market                                     category of its system type. For example, user interface
   - mainly performed by the development organization                 aesthetics is important for consumer products while
       (quality assurance).                                           operational operability and user error prevention are required
   The revision of ISO/IEC 25040 needs to provide the                 more for mission-critical systems.
framework which covers these four types of quality                        Furthermore, even if the same quality characteristics/ sub-
evaluation.                                                           characteristics are selected, the quality properties to be
                                                                      evaluated differ depending on the target category. For
B.    Relationships between Quality models/measures and               example, even with the same time behavior, it is necessary to
   quality valuation                                                  evaluate "efficiency in processing requests" (throughput) on
   Quality evaluation can be performed objectively,                   the server and "quickness of response to input events"
quantitatively, and comprehensively by using SQuaRE's                 (response time) on the client. Even with the same learning
quality model and quality measures. As shown in TABLE I, the          ability, it is "the degree of operation without a manual" for
SQuaRE series defines a pair of quality model and quality             consumer products, and "a lot of support for learning
measures for each entity type to be evaluated.                        operations" for mission-critical systems. These are measured
                                                                      by different quality measures.
     TABLE I Quality models for entity types and related documents
                                                                      C.     Flow of quality evaluation
                                        Standard for   Standard for
 Entity            Quality model
                                        model          measures           Use of the SQuaRE quality model and quality measures,
 Information       Quality in use       ISO/IEC        ISO/IEC        quality evaluation can be systematically performed
 system                                 25010          25022          according to the flow shown in Figure 3, including three
 ICT product       Product quality      ISO/IEC        ISO/IEC
                                        25010          25023          activities: quality measurement, quality rating, and quality
 IT service        IT service quality   ISO/IEC TS     ISO/IEC TS     evaluation. These activities are described below.
                                        25011          25025          (1) Quality measurement
 Data              Data quality         ISO/IEC        ISO/IEC
                                        25012          25024              Quality measurement is an activity to measure the quality
                                                                      property of the target entity using a quality measure under a
    As shown in Figure 2, the Quality model classifies the            certain measurement condition. Since a quality measure
quality that the target entity should have as quality                 defines the measurement method, whose concrete tasks
characteristics and subcharacteristics. Quality property is an        includes testing or inspection (including static analysis) on the
attribute (information needs) of the target entity which you          target entity, detailed measurement conditions (how many
want to measure. Quality measure measures a specific quality          subjects to use, what to do with the parameters of the
property. In general, one quality property corresponds to             execution environment, etc.) at that time must be given.
multiple quality measures.                                                ISO/IEC 2502n provides quality measures corresponding
    The quality evaluator must first select a quality model for       to each quality model defined in ISO/IEC 2501n. If no
quality evaluation based on the type of the target entity.            suitable quality measures for the target entity are found, a new
Furthermore, all the quality characteristics and                      quality measure that meets the requirements specified in
subcharacteristics defined in the model are examined for the          ISO/IEC 25020 can be used.
                                                                      (2) Quality rating
                                                                          Quality rating is an activity to classify the values of
                                                                      quality measures into preset rating levels. The rating level
                                                                      gives the meaning of the degree of quality to the measured
                                                                      value. An example of rating levels that can be used to
                                                                      determine pass/fail.
                                                                          Figure 4 shows an example of a typical pre-determined
                                                                      rating level, in which four rating levels are set for the
                                                                      measurement scale of quality measurements. Acceptable is a
                                                                      level that has an unconditionally acceptable value as the lower
                                                                      limit with the target value as the upper limit. When scoring,
                                                                      the level of Acceptable can be divided into multiple levels. In
                                                                      the case of Type 3, the allowable value uses the value
                                                                      determined by agreement with the customer. Boundary is not
                                                                      unconditional but acceptable by setting conditions. Not-
                                                                      acceptable is a level that means unconditional fail. Excessive
                                                                      quality (optionally defined) represents a level above the target
       Figure 2 Relationship between quality model and measures       value, which means unnecessarily high quality. In Figure 4,
                                                                    results of 𝕡, and the evaluation value 𝐸(𝑐) for the quality
                                                                    characteristic c is the minimum value among the evaluation
                                                                    result of 𝕤. The quality evaluation value 𝐸!"#$%&& of the target
                                                                    are calculated as the minimum value among the evaluation
                                                                    results of 𝕔.
                                                                         With this calculation method, the lowest level of rating
                                                                    results for all quality properties goes to the overall result. If
                                                                    all are boundary or higher, it passes (conditionally), and if
                                                                    there is even one Not-acceptable, the whole fails.
                                                                         In case of obtaining a score for quality of the target entity,
              Figure 4 Typical preset rating levels
                                                                    it is reasonable to assign a value to the quality level. This is
the lower limit values of Excessive quality, Acceptable, and        because a quality measure basically has a value ranging from
Boundary are respectively 0.008, 0.02, and 0.025.                   0 to 1 but cannot be used as a universal scale. To interpret the
                                                                    levels into some score value, it is recommended that
(3) Quality evaluation                                              Boundary should be 0, Acceptable should be further divided
     Quality evaluation is an activity to determine pass/fail or    into multiple levels and integer values of 1 or more should be
score regarding quality (sub)characteristics using the quality      assigned to the levels, and Not-acceptable should be assigned
rating results for each quality property. The quality evaluation    values of -1 or less.
is the integration of the quality rating results for the lower           From the quality rating results, the quality evaluation
quality properties, or the integration of the quality evaluation    score can be calculated for each stage by the following
results for the quality subcharacteristics immediately below.       calculation. Here, wi, wj, and wk are weighting coefficients for
     In case of determining pass/fail, the following calculation    each stage. It is good to normalize each (adding up to 1 for
can be used.                                                        all).
               𝐸(𝑠) = min (𝐿(𝕡))
                                                                                    𝐸(𝑠) = 6 𝑤' ∗ 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒(𝐿(𝑝' ))
               𝐸(𝑐) = min-𝐸(𝕤)/
               𝐸!"#$%&& = min (𝐸(𝕔))
    𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒                                                                                  𝐸(𝑐) = 6 𝑤( ∗ 𝐸(𝑠( )
        s : a quality subcharacteristic                                                               (
        c : a quality characteristic                                                   𝐸!"#$%&& = 6 𝑤) ∗ 𝐸(𝑐) )
        𝕡 : a vector of all quality properties under s
        𝕤: a vector of all the selected subcharacteristics under    𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒(𝑙) is a function to map from quality level to
    c                                                               score.
        𝕔 : a vector of all the selected characteristics
        𝐸(𝑠 𝑜𝑟 𝑐): evaluation result of s or c                              IV.    DIFFRENCES IN FOUR TYPES OF QUALITY
        𝐿(𝕡): a vector of rating result for each element of 𝕡                                   EVALUATION
        𝐸!"#$%&& : total quality evaluation result for the target   Quality evaluation is classified into four types according to
                                                                    its purpose, which is useful to clarify variation points on how
   The evaluation value 𝐸(𝑠) for the quality
                                                                    to conduct quality evaluation activities. We identified these
subcharacteristic s is the minimum value among the rating
                                                                    points as below:
                                                                      a) Model: Which quality model should be applied, Quality
                                                                          in use, Product quality, Data quality, or IT service
                                                                          quality (TABLE III “Model to use”)
                                                                     b) Charas & measures: Which quality characteristics and
                                                                        sub-characteristics are important, which quality
                                                                        properties and quality measures should be used.
                                                                     c) Criteria: Quality criteria to set quality levels, including
                                                                        weights for scoring for quality properties, quality
                                                                        subcharacteristics and quality characteristics.
                                                                           TABLE II Variation points of quality evaluation and their factors
                                                                             Variation      QE type           Entity type   Industrial
                                                                             point                            & category    domain
                                                                             a) Model            V                  V
                                                                             b) Chars &                             V             V
                                                                             c) Criteria                           V              V
                                                                             d) Output      V
             Figure 3 Flow of quality evaluation_
                                        TABLE III Four types of quality evaluation and their differences

                                             Model to use                     Expected results
                           Number of                                                                Strength
 Type                                                           Pass/    Candidate                                 Source of quality criteria
                           targets     QiU      PQ     DQ                                Score      and
                                                                Fail     selection

                                                                                                                   Quality requirements or
        QE for
 T1                        Multiple     M         M         M                  V            V            V         general guidelines (including
                                                                                                                   industry setting standards)

        QE for
        determining to                                                                                             Standards in the industrial
 T2                        Single        S        M         M       V                                    V
        achieve quality                                                                                            domain

        QE for
 T3     conformity to      Single        S        M         M       V                                    V         Agreed requirements

                                                                                                                   Requirements derived from
        QE for                                                                                                     the assumed stakeholder
 T4     suitability to     Single       M         S         S                               V            V         needs
        the market                                                                                                 (established during
M: major, S: supplementary

                                                                        quality rating, and quality evaluation, using quality models
     a) Output: What kind of output are needed (TABLE III               and quality measures in the SQuaRE series. Furthermore, the
“Expected results”)                                                     framework will expand its scope of application to include four
    TABLE II shows variation points of quality evaluation               purposes: comparison, qualification to standard, conformity
and their factors. The factors to determine these variation             checking to requirements, and suitability evaluation in the
points includes the type of the quality evaluation, entity type         market. This paper organizes and reports on the idea.
of the quality evaluation, and industrial domain of the target             We hope to get many feedbacks from SQuaRE users on the
entity.                                                                 ideas in this paper to successfully complete the revision of the
    TABLE III shows each type has its own pattern of quality            quality evaluation division.
model selection to use and expected results. Only T1 can
have multiple targets while the others cannot. Concerning                                            REFERENCES
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