Corpora as evolving entities: embedding corpora in biomedical ontologies Elizabeth T. HOBBSa, Stephen M. GORALSKIa, Ashley MITCHELLa, Andrew SIMPSONa, Dorjan LEKAa, Emmanuel KOTEYa, Matt SEKIRAa, James B. MUNROb, Suvarna NADENDLAb, Rebecca JACKSONb, Aitor GONZALEZ-AGIRREc, Martin KRALLINGERc,d, Michelle GIGLIOb, and Ivan ERILLa,1 a Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD (USA) b Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA c Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), 08034 Barcelona, Spain d Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), 28029, Madrid Spain Abstract. Biomedical corpora are essential for the development of text-mining tools to assist in and enhance the curation of biomedical knowledge stored in scientific text. Biomedical corpora lag behind other resources in the adoption of FAIR principles. This is due to their research-driven, narrow scope, limited funding and the lack of standards, and it is aggravated by rapid obsolescence. Here we report on the development of a novel corpus containing annotated evidence- based assertions in journal articles. The ECO-CollecTF corpus uses the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) as a referential framework and is the first corpus to be released as an ontology embedding. Our work details the requirements for releasing a corpus embedded in an ontology, and outlines the many benefits of this approach, using one or more ontologies, for making corpora more findable accessible, reusable and interoperable, to delay obsolescence, and to promote scientific collaboration. Keywords. biomedical, corpus, ontology, annotation, evidence, FAIR 1. Introduction Life scientists are increasingly dependent upon the availability of standardized scientific knowledge to analyze high throughput experimental results [1,2]. Expert curators extract this information from journal articles and make it available as standardized knowledge [3–5]. However, manual curation cannot keep up with the rapid pace of publication. This has led to the use of text mining techniques to assist with curation [3–9]. Manually-constructed, gold standard biomedical corpora play a vital role in the development of text mining techniques. Biomedical corpora provide a computer-readable mapping between formal biomedical entities and written text, which can be used to train and fine tune text-mining systems [4,7,10–13]. 1 Corresponding Author, Ivan Erill, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 (USA); E-mail: Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Databases, taxonomies and ontologies support the creation of computer-accessible, standardized knowledge by providing unique identifiers and well-defined concepts and concept relationships. In this context, the annotation process inherent to the creation of a corpus can be formally defined as the establishment of a set of mappings between segments of human readable text and objects in a database, taxonomy or ontology. Many corpora have been created to satisfy a range of goals, such as recognizing disease and species names [14–17], identifying biomolecular interactions [7,18], recognizing anatomical entities [19,20], specifying negation and speculation [21,22], and indicating sequence features, proteins, chemicals, biological processes, molecular functions, and cellular locations [23]. Corpora provide considerable value to the community, but their development and maintenance requires a significant investment of time and resources [24]. As it is the case with other biomedical datasets and resources [25–27], a substantial fraction of existing biomedical corpora remain underused and are hard to access. This is partly due to the very nature of biomedical corpora. Most corpora are generated by dedicated research groups in response to specific research needs. Even though they may later be shared with the community via initiatives like BioCreative [28], their narrow focus means that most corpora will be of relatively little interest to the wider biomedical community. Their existence may not be known outside of the research focus community, and they will generally lack unified formats and mechanisms of access. Being linked to a specific research need also entails that funding for their development is likely to expire, making corpora harder to find and prone to obsolescence, as the databases and ontologies they depend on continue to evolve. The issues surrounding the lack of use, obsolescence and difficult accessibility of scientific resources led to the development of the FAIR principles in 2016 [29]. The FAIR principles provide guidelines for the development of a data and systems infrastructure that enables data and knowledge to be “findable”, “accessible”, “interoperable” and “reusable” by both humans and machines. The FAIR guidelines hence encourage long-term data stewardship that enables discovery and innovation through the reuse of data [29–31]. Under these principles, critical infrastructure has been developed to unify and efficiently crosslink large biomedical resources, such as the sequence databases hosted by the National Center for Biotechnological Information and the European Bioinformatics Institute [32,33]. Infrastructure has also been created to integrate and consolidate the development of biomedical ontologies using unified standards and best-practices and accessible repositories [34–36]. The great advances in standards and infrastructure prompted by the adoption of FAIR practices in biomedical resources have not fully percolated to corpora. Even though some standards and repositories for annotation have been developed [37,38], there is no universally accepted central repository for corpora, and issues like continued development, community adoption and obsolescence remediation remain to be addressed. Here we propose and explore an innovative approach to address these issues, through the distributed embedding of biomedical corpora within biomedical ontologies. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach on a manually-curated corpus of evidence-based statements in scientific manuscripts, using the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) as the primary ontological framework [39]. We showcase the advantages of this approach in generating fully accessible, evolvable corpora that can be easily and extensively reused and expanded by the community and that escape obsolescence by evolving organically with the ontology. We discuss how this approach can be easily extended to generate a new generation of cross-ontology corpora that seamlessly builds up an all-encompassing knowledge-base of textual annotations of biomedical concepts. 2. Methods 2.1. Annotation of evidence Training and guidelines for annotation are documented in the Zenodo ECO-CollecTF reference project repository. Briefly, curators annotate only individual or consecutive sentences with self-contained evidence-based assertions in the Results (or Results and Discussion) section of selected manuscripts. Curators create an annotation for text that maps to a native evidence term in ECO if that evidence is used in that sentence or a contiguous one to make an assertion about a biological entity (Figure 1). We consider five primary categories of biological entities that reference broad ontology terms from the Gene Ontology (biological process - GO:0008150, molecular function - GO:0003674, cellular component - GO:0005575) [40], the Sequence Ontology (SO:0000110) [41] and the Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes (OMP:0000000) [42], as well as a broadly defined taxonomy/phylogeny category to capture statements about evolutionary relationships. In addition, annotation attributes were used to capture the curator’s confidence in the text-ECO term mapping (high/medium/low), the strength of the assertion statement (high/medium/low), whether the annotation was for consecutive sentences, or whether the assertion was negative. Articles were selected from CollecTF [43], a database of bacterial transcriptional regulation. Annotations were made using BRAT [44]. Figure 1. Schematic representation of the annotation workflow for the ECO-CollecTF corpus. 2.2. Manuscript parsing and computation of inter-annotator agreement A set of 84 articles was downloaded from PubMed Central in XML format, and parsed to extract the result sections, known to contain the largest concentration of evidence passages [45], using custom Python scripts. HTML tags were removed and non-ASCII characters mapped to ASCII. The Natural Language Toolkit [46] (NLTK) was used to break the text into sentences. Inter-annotator agreement was calculated for each pair of curators using Cohen’s K [47]. The IAA of the corpus was computed as the average of these pairwise scores. 2.3. Ontology embedding The corpus is released as an ECO OBO file containing annotations. Annotations are conceived as self-contained, independent units associated to ECO terms in the ontology through an “annotation” property, formatted for convenience in JSON. This property contains several primary attributes: source, curator, relationship, manuscript, sentence and annotation. Relationships encapsulate one or more annotations on an individual sentence from an individual curator and can span multiple ontologies. Sentences are identified relative to their order in the reference manuscript, and provided also in parsed form as text. The annotation markup is defined by offsets within the sentence, and contains also the ancillary attributes described above (text-ECO term mapping confidence, assertion strength, consecutive sentences, negative assertion and entity category). The source is identified by the ECO-CollecTF project DOI, the manuscript by its PubMed identifier (PMID), the relationship type by a Relations Ontology (RO) identifier and entity categories by the respective ontology term identifier [48]. For curators, annotations and relationships, we follow the recommendation for the Dublin Core™ Metadata Term element identifier [49] and use the Version 4 UUID namespace as a Uniform Resource Name (URN) [50]. Curators are linked to manuscripts via a dynamic table referenced in the project source. To generate the OBO file, BRAT “.ann” files containing the annotations were processed using Python scripts, converted into the JSON annotation structure and assigned to the OBO annotation fields for the ECO terms used in the annotation. All text parsing and format conversion scripts are available in the project reference. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. The ECO-CollecTF corpus The ECO-CollecTF corpus is the result of a two-year curation effort involving the ECO and CollecTF teams and six undergraduate curators. A primary element of this effort was the definition of the annotation scope for evidence in scientific manuscripts. Evidential techniques are often mentioned in scientific text but techniques, by themselves, do not constitute evidence. The ECO structure reflects this by defining two sub-ontologies: evidence and assertion, and deriving terms as cross-products of these two fundamental elements. The annotation reflects this framework by focusing on sentences that contain both a statement of evidence and an assertion based on this evidence. Because such statements are usually split into two declarative sentences, we annotated also pairs of consecutive sentences following this schema. After training on the annotation methods and approach, curator teams were assigned scientific manuscripts focusing on bacterial transcriptional regulation, and the curation process was supervised via regularly scheduled team meetings to discuss annotation issues. This effort resulted in the annotation of 84 unique documents, yielding 5162 annotations. The average inter-annotator agreement (IAA), as measured by Cohen’s K, was 0.69, comparable to reported K scores in annotation tasks of similar complexity [51,52]. 3.2. Ontology embedding of the ECO-CollecTF corpus Corpora present unique problems for the adoption of FAIR standards. These difficulties originate primarily from corpora’s targeted, specific and research-driven nature, and are confounded by the availability of few standards, corpora’s dependence on evolving external resources and the temporality of funding. These factors result in limited visibility, reproducibility and accessibility, as well as severely constrained reusability due to obsolescence. To address these issues, here we reevaluated the paradigm of corpus storage, moving away from the conventional storage of corpora as independent entities and towards their embedding within ontologies. Since corpora reference ontology objects, the most logical approach to embedding a corpus in an ontology is to store annotations within the ontology objects they reference. This, in turn, requires that annotations be self-consistent and independent, but incorporate enough metadata to effectively reconstruct the corpus from the ontology. To accomplish these, we took an annotation-centric approach for embedding the ECO-CollecTF corpus in ECO (Figure 2). ECO:0001810 - DNAse footprinting evidence RF:10.5281/zenodo.3840283 Corpus reference Evidence RLID:4337e223-e29b-63d2-a355-422568040000 RO:0002559 SO:0000110 ST:DNase I footprinting experiments indicated that His-PhoP protected a single region located from 102 to 47 bp upstream of rovA. Relationship ATID:232d5671-f92a-21f6-a226-4a6653c0fe31 SID: 32 PMID:21966533 CTID:146f4221-e86b-1f23-f241-22466a6214f1 Mapping:high D:05/02/20 ECO:0000218 - manual assertion RF:10.5281/zenodo.3840283 Assertion Manuscript RLID:4337e223-e29b-63d2-a355-422568040000 RO:0002559 SO:0000110 ST:This footprint was considered the PhoP site D:05/02/20 ATID:2d4f455a-92f1-1f38-2fa6-56f43f013422 SID: 33 PMID:21966533 CTID:146f4221-e86b-1f23-f241-22466a6214f1 Strength:med Neg:No Figure 2. Embedding of annotations in ECO terms. The two annotations, linked by their relation identifier, detail the text mapping to the ECO evidence term, as well as the sentence mapping to the ECO assertion term. To encapsulate annotations in the ontology, we define a new, JSON-formatted ‘annotation’ property for ECO terms (green boxes in Figure 2). The annotation property contains several unique identifiers. The sentence (SID) and PubMed (PMID) identifiers link the annotation to a specific sentence in a published article, which is marked up with offsets and also provided in parsed form. Each annotation and its curator have their own UUID identifiers (ATID and CTID). The annotation also contains qualifier fields of interest to the curation effort, such as the ECO mapping confidence and the object category, referenced by an external ontology identifier (e.g. SO:0000110). Functional ECO terms are the cross-product of evidence and assertion terms. The ECO-CollecTF corpus mirrors this reference framework by embedding independent annotations to evidence and assertion terms. The relationship between both terms is instantiated in a relationship array by a UUID identifier shared by both annotations. This array also holds the relation type, defined by a Relation Ontology (RO) identifier [48], as well as any relation-specific properties. The corpus, as an entity, is defined by an external digital object identifier (DOI). This designates a repository that contains all the training documentation and annotation guidelines, as well as the necessary code to parse source articles, compute corpus statistics and embed BRAT annotations into an ECO OBO file. To ensure that the entire approach is entirely reproducible, and that other contributors can expand corpus with new annotations, the repository contains a link to a dynamic curator table that maps curator UUIDs with article PMIDs. The embedding of the ECO-CollecTF within ECO pioneered here represents a marked paradigm shift in corpus storage, with far-reaching implications for corpus generation and maintenance. This shift derives from a reassessment of the concept of corpus. A corpus is, by definition, a mapping between referenceable objects and segments of text referring to said objects. Published text is, by nature, immutable, whereas reference frameworks, such as ontologies, are continuously evolving entities. This makes ontologies a logical target for corpus storage. This transition, together with the shift towards an annotation-centric model adopted here, addresses many of the issues hindering the adoption of FAIR principles in corpora. The embedding of the corpus within the ontology directly addresses findability by leveraging a well- established, community-supported resource. Moreover, offloading the corpus onto the ontology also promotes long-term support and community involvement. Most significantly, corpus embedding directly addresses the fundamental challenge of obsolescence. Embedded in the ontology, the corpus can evolve organically with the ontology. Annotations can be transferred, if appropriate, to related terms when a term is obsoleted, and the format can be updated following ontology interoperability initiatives. The adoption of an annotation-centric framework enhances reproducibility and reusability. In contrast with conventionally-released corpora, individual annotations in the ECO-CollecTF corpus are directly accessible to users, enabling sub-setting and customization. Users may, for instance, reassess inter-annotator agreement using metrics of their choice, subset the corpus to include only sentences with multiple annotator agreement, or extract only annotations involving SO category objects. Importantly, users can freely add annotations to the corpus, as long as they abide by the published annotation guidelines. Lastly, the integration of the corpus in the ontology enhances ontology development, open communication and community building, by bringing together focused research groups with ontology development teams. This interaction has beneficial effects on ontology development, prompting the fine-tuning of term and relationship definitions as curators identify inconsistencies. It also generates a library of examples of use, now currently available in ECO (v2019-10-16), that facilitates ontology use through textual illustration of ontology concepts and assists curators in making informed decisions about their applicability in different contexts. 3.3. Towards multi-ontology embedded corpora An implicit advantage of the annotation-centric corpus-ontology embedding illustrated by the ECO-CollecTF corpus is that it is directly extensible to multi-ontology corpora (Figure 3). Annotation in different sentences, and to different terms in multiple ontologies, can be formalized through the embedding of annotations in the respective ontologies, with multiple relation identifiers in the relation array structuring the interrelationships between ontology terms. ECO:0001810 - DNAse footprinting evidence RF:10.5281/zenodo.3840283 Manuscript Reference RLID:4337e223-e29b-63d2-a355-422568040000 RO:0002559 D:05/02/20 RLID:22179f1-2346-1265-85b3-4321534851201 RO:0002559 D:05/02/20 ST:DNase I footprinting experiments indicated that His-PhoP protected a single region located from 102 to 47 bp upstream of rovA. ECO:0000218 - manual assertion RF:10.5281/zenodo.3840283 ATID:232d5671-f92a-21f6-a226-4a6653c0fe31 SID: 32 PMID:21966533 D:05/02/20 RO:0002559 RLID:4337e223-e29b-63d2-a355-422568040000 CTID:146f4221-e86b-1f23-f241-22466a6214f1 Mapping:high confidence D:05/02/20 RO:0002559 RLID:22179f1-2346-1265-85b3-4321534851201 ECO:0000218 - manual assertion RF:10.5281/zenodo.3840283 ST:DNase I footprinting experiments indicated that His-PhoP protected RLID:4337e223-e29b-63d2-a355-422568040000 RO:0002559 D:05/02/20 a single region located from 102 to 47 bp upstream of rovA. RLID:22179f1-2346-1265-85b3-4321534851201 RO:0002559 D:05/02/20 ATID:54a4b572-322f-3236-2d51-3255687d3574 SID: 32 PMID:21966533 ST:This footprint was considered the PhoP site CTID:146f4221-e86b-1f23-f241-22466a6214f1 Strength:med Neg:No ATID:2d4f455a-92f1-1f38-2fa6-56f43f013422 SID: 33 PMID:21966533 CTID:146f4221-e86b-1f23-f241-22466a6214f1 Strength:med Neg:No GO:0043565 - sequence-specific DNA bindingd RF:10.5281/zenodo.3840283 D:05/02/20 RO:0002559 RLID:4337e223-e29b-63d2-a355-422568040000 SO:0000235 - TF binding site RF:10.5281/zenodo.3840283 D:05/02/20 RO:0002559 RLID:22179f1-2346-1265-85b3-4321534851201 RLID:4337e223-e29b-63d2-a355-422568040000 RO:0002559 D:05/02/20 ST:DNase I footprinting experiments indicated that His-PhoP protected RLID:22179f1-2346-1265-85b3-4321534851201 RO:0002559 D:05/02/20 a single region located from 102 to 47 bp upstream of rovA. ST:This footprint was considered the PhoP site ATID:00546f71-9314-2f63-22e2-87353287a226 SID: 32 PMID:21966533 ATID:54156f51-90a5-8878-3456-43f768913422 SID: 33 PMID:21966533 CTID:146f4221-e86b-1f23-f241-22466a6214f1 Mapping:med D:05/02/20 CTID:146f4221-e86b-1f23-f241-22466a6214f1 Strength:high D:05/02/20 Figure 3. Illustration of a multi-ontology corpus annotation involving two sentences and mappings to terms from ECO, GO and SO. Multi-ontology embedded corpora build on the advantages outlined here for the ECO-CollecTF corpus. Offloading annotations to the ontology enables the corpus to evolve with the ontologies harboring it, delaying obsolescence and expanding accessibility, since the corpus becomes accessible through any of its enabling ontologies. Interoperability mechanisms and protocols are already in place for ontologies, resulting in a direct enhancement of corpus interoperability for embedded corpora. The ability of users to subset and customize also increases with multi-ontology embedded corpora, since users can slice corpora using ontologies, focusing only on specific referential elements. Most importantly, the transition of corpora from standalone entities to ontology embeddings fosters the development of an open-ended, mutually-beneficial collaborative environment for the ontological and research communities, promoting alignment of both corpora and ontologies, and fostering community involvement. Many further steps are required to complete the vision of ontology-embedded corpora advocated in this work. An important step will be the development of a centralized source text resource, derived from existing repositories like PubMed, where text elements (such as sentences) have been pre-parsed and uniquely identified. Such a resource will greatly facilitate the deployment of embedded corpora, making annotations slimmer and preventing congruence errors in annotated text. Even though many of the issues limiting FAIR adoption in corpora could in theory be addressed by a centralized corpus repository, addressing obsolescence would require a significant, continued investment in coordination with ontology developers and other stakeholders. By distributing the corpus across ontologies, corpus embedding provides an accessible, rapidly implementable and sustainable solution that provides added value to participating ontologies and has the potential to bring together a diverse set of scientific disciplines. 4. Availability The ECO-CollecTF reference and the ECO OBO file are available as Zenodo repositories (ECO-CollecTF reference – DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3840283, ECO OBO file - DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3843501). The project is available through GitHub ( 5. Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their gratitude to Marcus C. Chibucos and James Hu for insightful discussions and technical assistance. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Biological Infrastructure [1458400] and the National Institutes of Health [R01GM089636, U41HG008735], and by a management commission from Plan TL (Plan de Impulso de las Tecnologías del Lenguaje) of the Spanish Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital to BSC-CNS. 6. Author contributions Conceptualization: ETH, SMG, JBM, SN, MG, IE; funding acquisition: MG, MK; methodology: ETH, SMG, JBM, SN, MG, IE; project administration: MG, IE; resources: RJ, AG-A, MK; software: ETH; supervision: ETH, MG, IE; data curation: ETH, SMG, AM, KL, AS, EK, MS; visualization: ETH, IE; writing – original draft: ETH, IE; writing – review & editing: ETH, AM, EK, JBM, SN, AG-A, MK, MG, IE. References [1] Marx V. The big challenges of big data. Nature 2013;498:255–60. [2] Reshetova P, Smilde AK, van Kampen AH, Westerhuis JA. Use of prior knowledge for the analysis of high-throughput transcriptomics and metabolomics data. 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