An Analysis of Ontological Entities to Represent Knowledge on Quantum Computing Algorithms and Implementations Darya Martyniuk1 , Michael Falkenthal2 , Naouel Karam1 , Adrian Paschke1 , and Karoline Wild3 1 Data Analytics Center, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany {darya.martyniuk, naouel.karam, adrian.paschke} 2 StoneOne AG, Berlin, Germany 3 Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany Abstract. The field of quantum computing is developing rapidly. As a result, a variety of quantum hardware, software development kits, and quantum algorithms have been developed in recent years. However, knowl- edge about these artifacts is either not available or spread among different sources. Thus, to analyze, compare, and evaluate knowledge on quantum computing an integrated knowledge base is required. In this paper, we introduce key concepts of an ontology for quantum algorithms and their implementations. The presented ontology serves as basis for a collabora- tive platform for researchers and practitioners to support collection and development of knowledge on the field of quantum computing. Keywords: Ontology, Taxonomy, Quantum Computing, Quantum Algorithm 1 Introduction and Motivation The advent of publicly available quantum computers in recent years has boosted the developments of quantum software, quantum programming languages, and quantum platforms a lot. Quantum computers are no longer just scientific experi- ments but can be accessed even outside quantum hardware vendors’ laboratories via application programming interfaces (API) and software development kits (SDK) [9]. SDKs provided by vendors such as IBM, Google, D-Wave, and Rigetti, include initial implementations of quantum algorithms, which act perfectly as training material for people trying to gain insights into the area of quantum information. These endeavors, combined with the huge efforts undertaken by the scientific community around the world to find new quantum algorithms that outperform known classical algorithms, have led to a manifold of publications and Copyrightc © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 2 Martyniuk et al. exemplary programming code, which can form a valuable body of knowledge for the development of quantum-inspired and -enhanced applications in the future. This is important because, even being in the so-called Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era [19], quantum computing has the potential to become a disruptive innovation driver in many different fields, where we are facing the limitations of execution powers of classical computers. So, for example, it is very likely that quantum computing will allow to tackle complex problems from molecule simulations [7], the broad topic of artificial intelligence (AI) [22], and even the optimization of energy systems [2]. However, for companies and scientists trying to leverage quantum computing for business, development, and research, this means hard times ahead. This is because the knowledge about quantum computing and, especially, how to build applications that can make use of quantum resources to gain improvements over classical algorithms is not systematically available. Explanations of quantum algorithms, such as estimations of the speedup over classical algorithms, theoreti- cal considerations of required quantum resources, and actual implementations of the algorithms are typically spread among different sources. As a consequence, required knowledge has to be collected and obtained manually from a vast amount of scientific publications, vendor-specific documentation pages, or public code repositories. Yet, such information has to be analyzed holistically to understand how to implement quantum algorithms and quantum applications for specific use cases and scientific problems at hand. Moreover, the absence of an integrated knowledge base hinders to establish a community bridging theoretical foundations and research on new quantum algorithms with their usage, application, and im- plementation for relevant and real scenarios. In this regard, an open ecosystem is key for rapid technological progress in quantum computing via close cooperation and steady interchange of ideas between research and industry [16]. Therefore, it is required to come up with a systematic approach to semantically represent and curate knowledge about quantum computing algorithms along with their implementations, as presented in this paper. We contribute with a semantified meta-model that was engineered to provide the core knowledge structure for semantic knowledge curation in the project PlanQK – platform and ecosystem for quantum-enhanced AI [13, 18]. The semantic curation of knowledge artifacts described and managed on the PlanQK platform provides the basis for e.g. semantic search and semantic service functionalities. PlanQK aims to lay a body of knowledge to the field of quantum-enhanced AI via a publicly accessible platform following the mindset already taken in classical AI [23]. Besides the pure capturing of quantum algorithms and their implementations it is also inevitable to establish a community-based discussion and exchange around the captured knowledge to enable continuous evolution of the knowledge. This paper is structured as following: We introduce the PlanQK project in Sect. 2 and discuss the key objectives of the intended knowledge platform. We introduce the mentioned core meta-model as an ontology in Sect. 3. Finally, we conclude this paper in Sect. 4 by an outlook to future work, which will be conducted in PlanQK based on the presented ontology. 3 Algorithm Developer Researcher Software Architect Customer Service Provider Specialist System Integrator Consultant Data Provider QPU Provider and Developer Analysis and development platform for algorithms, data, and applications Marketplace User Customer Provider Crawler Expert Portal Interface Portal Portal API API API API Publication QAlgo- QC-Pattern- Data- QApp Requests/ Deployment & NISQ-Analyzer Purchases/ Management Content Store Repository Repository Repository Repository Offerings QC-, Cloud- and On- ArXiv/ GitHub / Bitbucket / GitLab / Docker Hub / Dataset Search / … Premise-Infrastructure Fig. 1: Architecture of the PlanQK Platform [12]. 2 The PlanQK Project The vision of a collaborative platform for the exchange of knowledge in the field of quantum computing has already been presented in previous work [11, 12]. The PlanQK project will realize this vision by providing a platform that enables (i) knowledge and technology transfer between research and industry, (ii) a vendor- agnostic access to quantum computing resources, and (iii) quantum applications as a service. Fig. 1 depicts the PlanQK architecture with the two main components: The analysis and development platform and the marketplace. The goal of the first component is to provide a platform for quantum experts to collect, discuss, evaluate, and share knowledge, e. g., publications, algorithms, or implementations. Marketplace, on the other hand, offers solutions in form of quantum applications and consulting services to users with a specific problem to be solved. The key knowledge artifacts that are provided on the analysis and develop- ment platform include Quantum Algorithms (QAlgos) and their Implementations using different SDKs for the different quantum computing vendors, Quantum Design Patterns (QC-Patterns) that provide best practices for quantum algo- rithms, Datasets (Data) for specific machine learning and AI algorithm, and Quantum Applications (QApps) that can be deployed and integrated with classical applications. New knowledge, e. g., in form of publications, can be added using the user interface or in an automated manner using the crawler. The knowledge artifacts can then be extracted and linked, discussed and evaluated, and made available to customers to identify suitable algorithms or implementations for their specific use cases. Selected QApps can be automatically deployed and managed, e. g., using established deployment technologies. The NISQ-Analyzer component supports users by analyzing which implementation of a quantum algorithm and which quantum computer are recommended for specific input data [21]. 4 Martyniuk et al. referenced by implements executes Publication Algorithm Implementation Execution referenced by owl:Class owl:ObjectProperty Fig. 2: Central concepts of the PlanQK ontology. An important goal of the PlanQK platform is to build a quantum community and establish knowledge exchange between scientific and commercial users. The ontology presented in this work defines an unambiguous machine-interpretable semantic description of the platform knowledge artifacts and intend to used to support the user exchange through (i) proving the logical consistency of the curated data, (ii) serving as the foundation for the realization of various AI- based features, e.g., semantic faceted search, natural language question answering engine, or recommendation system for the selection of an appropriate quantum algorithm in a specific use case, and (iii) providing an opportunity to document the expert discussions held on the platform in a semantically usable way. 3 Towards a Unified Ontology for Quantum Algorithms In developing the ontology, we followed existing ontology development guide- lines [4, 5, 17]. As a first step towards the knowledge definition, we derived competency questions from general platform requirements specified by potential users (both quantum computing researchers and industry partners). Based on the list of competency questions, we identified key concepts related to the description of quantum algorithms and their implementations. The ontology draft has been then presented to quantum computing experts to collect their feedback and has been improved accordingly. Fig. 2 depicts the connections between key concepts of the ontology, which we specify as OWL4 classes. This design was inspired by the Algorithm-Implementati- on-Execution Ontology Design Pattern (ODP) [10] and the ML-Schema Core Vocabulary [20]. The class Algorithm aggregates characteristics that are common for quantum and classical algorithms and Implementation represents a realization of an algorithm. Publication represents publications about an algorithm or an algorithm implementation. Since the class Execution requires in-depth knowledge about quantum hardware and input data, it will be considered in detail in future work. In the following, we introduce the classes Algorithm (Sect. 3.1) and Implementation (Sect. 3.2) with their related concepts in detail. 3.1 Algorithms Fig. 3 shows selected object properties of the class Algorithm. An algorithm provides a solution for a specific problem. We formalize this using two classes, 4 5 formalized as Gate Model Classical Quantum Quantum Computational Computational Annealing Problem Model Computational Model Measurement- Type solves Model based Quantum belongs to improves designed for Computation Complexity has output provides has part Output Algorithm Solution Function Class based on has input owl:Class Input Quantum Hybrid Classical Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm owl:NamedIndividual owl:ObjectProperty achieves quantum rdfs:subclassOf speedup over rdf:type Fig. 3: Description of an algorithm in the PlanQK ontology. Solution and Problem Type, and connect them with Algorithm through object properties “provides” and “solves”. Solution is defined as algorithmic steps to solve a computation problem, typically pseudocode or/and circuit. Solution can have connection to the class Function when it is an essential part of the solution, such as an appropriate objective function is a fundamental element of optimization algorithms or a quantum oracle is a crucial part of some quantum algorithms, e.g., Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. Problem Type represents types of problems that are solvable by algorithms. Many real-world problems can be mathematically formalized in terms of other problems, e. g., a cluster problem can be expressed as an optimization problem. Complexity Class stores knowledge about the hardness of a problem. The class Input represents the input accepted by an algorithm, and Output specifies the output produced by an algorithm. The ontology is able to express two relation types between algorithms: An algorithm can improve an existing algorithm or be based on the idea of other algorithms. A researcher designs an algorithm with a computational model in mind. We distinguish between Classical and Quantum Computational Model and classify algorithms in Quantum, Classical and Hybrid Algorithms depending on the model for which an algorithm was designed. Quantum Algorithm is an algorithm that is designed only for a quantum computational model. Examples of the Quantum Computational Model are “gate model”, “measurement-based quantum computa- tion”, “quantum annealing”. Classical Algorithm is equivalent to an algorithm that is constructed only for a classical computational model. Hybrid Algorithm is an algorithm that utilizes some quantum and some classical computational models. In addition to the above presented classification of algorithms, the ontology also forms the taxonomy of algorithms based on the underlying problem type (machine learning, optimization, search algorithms etc.). The classes for specific algorithm types can act in the future as connection points for linking semantically similar knowledge bases, e. g., machine learning algorithms can be linked with such knowledge bases as MEX [3], a lightweight vocabulary for exchanging machine learning metadata, or ANNETT-O [6], an ontology for describing artificial neural network evaluation, topology, and training. 6 Martyniuk et al. Computational realizes Computational Hybrid Quantum Resource Model Algorithm Algorithm requires requires Classical Quantum Quantum Qubit has Connectivity Computational Computational Resource characteristics Resource Resource Characteristic Gate Set compatible with Quantum owl:Class Quantum Number Processing Fidelity qRAM owl:ObjectProperty Simulator of Qubits rdfs:subclassOf Unit (QPU) Fig. 4: Relations between Computational Model and Computational Resource. By exploiting quantum-mechanical effects, such as superposition, entangle- ment, and quantum tunneling, quantum models perform computation more efficiently than classical ones [1]. Thus, quantum and hybrid algorithms can achieve speedup over their best known classical counterparts. Formalizing this consideration, we connect the classes Quantum Algorithm and Hybrid Algorithm through the property “achieves quantum speedup over“ with the class Classical Algorithm. For the class Algorithm we define the following data properties (not shown in Fig. 3):“skos:prefLabel“ and “skos:altLabel“ (algorithm name and its abbre- viation, this properties are reused from SKOS Schema [14]), “intend“ (the idea of the algorithm described in 1-2 sentences), “assumption“ (basic assumptions underlying the algorithm), and “limitation“ (known limitations of the algorithm). The classes Quantum Algorithm and Hybrid Algorithm have additional data properties: “NISQ-ready“ from type “xsd:boolean“, which relates an expert esti- mation whether the execution of an algorithm on NISQ-devices will be possible, and “expected quantum speedup“, which specifies speedup (e. g., “exponential“) obtained by the algorithm over the classical methods for the same task. A Computational Model is realized by a Computational Resource, which col- lects instances utilized for the execution of an implementation. Fig. 4 illustrates relations between Computational Model and Computational Resource. We dis- tinguish between Classical and Quantum Computational Resource that realize only Classical and only Quantum Computational Model, respectively. Quantum computational resources are categorized in Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) and Quantum Simulator. Since quantum simulators run on a classical hardware, Quantum Simulator is connected with Classical Computational Resource through the property “compatible with”. Quantum computational resources have specific characteristics defined by the class Quantum Resource Characteristic, which has subclasses Gate Set, Fidelity, Quantum Access Random Memory (qRAM), Number of Qubits, and Qubit Connectivity. Also quantum and hybrid algorithms can specify hardware characteristics that are required for their realization, as shown in Fig. 4. For example, an algorithm can require a specific set of gates realizable only by some computational resources or show a theoretical speedup but assumes the availability of a qRAM such as Grover‘s algorithm for database search, or HHL for solving linear systems of equations. This information allows 7 compatible compatible with Quantum Computer with Software Computational Language Resource written in provides depends on supports Programming Instruction Software Quantum Implementation Language Language Tool Provider has part has part Classical Quantum has part Data- Data- owl:Class Programming embedded Programming Error owl:ObjectProperty in Preprocessing Correction Postprocessing Language Language rdfs:subclassOf Fig. 5: Description of an algorithm implementation. developers (i) to evaluate the practical usage of an algorithm, and (ii) to select an appropriate quantum computational resource for executing an algorithm. 3.2 Algorithm Implementation Fig. 5 presents classes connected with the class Implementation. An implemen- tation is written in a Computer Language and can depend on a Software Tool. The class Computer Language formalizes languages that can be used to write a machine or programming code. Similar to Lando et al. [8] and LaRose [9], we distinguish between Instruction and Programming Language. Instruction Lan- guage is defined as a low-level machine language used to instruct the computer which physical operation to perform on which bit [8]. Instruction Language has a subclass Quantum Instruction Language with individuals such as “Quil” and “OpenQASM”. Programming Language has subclasses Classical and Quantum Programming Language and contains languages that have a human readable syntax. Some quantum vendors provide quantum programming languages that are embedded in classical host languages, e. g., PyQuil from Forest SDK or Qiskit from Qiskit SDK are embedded in Python [9]. Others introduce new programming languages, such as Q# from Microsoft. Software Tool collects various frameworks, libraries, SDKs, or APIs that developers can use for implementing an algorithm. We specify classes Implementation, Computer Language and Software Tool as sub- classes of Software. Guided by Computer System ODP [15], Software is connected with Computational Resource and with itself with the property “compatible with”. The class Quantum Provider collects vendors that provide access to quantum computational resources. Most quantum providers supply software tools for developing and executing implementations on their quantum computational resources [9]. Analyzing various software tools, we came to the conclusion that if a software tool supports a specific quantum hardware provider, e. g., IBM, Rigetti, or D-Wave, it is compatible with all quantum computational resources provided by them. To formalize it, we connect the classes Software Tool and Quantum Hardware Provider through the property “supports“ and define the relation “compatible with“ as a superproperty of the chain “supports“ and “provides“. Apart from the algorithm realization itself, an implementation can include error correction, pre- and postprocessing. Error Correction Technique collects 8 Martyniuk et al. methods for limiting errors that occur during information processing. Data Preprocessing Technique specifies operations that are applied on the input data before the actual algorithm steps will be executed. The class Data Postprocessing Technique includes methods that are applied on the algorithm output. A common postprocessing technique for quantum and hybrid algorithms is the Read-out Error Correction that is specified in the ontology as a subclass of both Error Correction Technique and Data Postprocessing Technique. Ontology source can be found in our repository5 . The first prototypical implementation of the platform services has shown that the ontology is consistent and can be used for the realization of semantic features. 4 Conclusion and Future Work In this work we present the first key entities towards a unified ontology for semantically curating knowledge about quantum algorithms and their imple- mentations. The ontology provides a basis for the AI-powered semantic features on the PlanQK platform, such as semantic search and semantic services. The next steps will be to extend the ontology to not yet covered knowledge artifacts, such as quantum applications and data, and to refine the existing artifacts. In addition, provenance data about implementation execution and performance will be included, which is important to identify suitable algorithms for a given problem. Furthermore, a standard-based API for supporting the semantic access to the curated knowledge artifacts and semantic services will be developed. Acknowledgments This work was partially funded by the BMWi project PlanQK (01MK20005N / 01MK20005F). References 1. Abhijith, J., et al.: Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03719 (2020) 2. Ajagekar, A., You, F.: Quantum computing for energy systems optimization: Challenges and opportunities. Energy 179, 76–89 (2019) 3. 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