=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2836/qurator2021_paper_17 |storemode=property |title=Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex Named Entity Recognition and Classification Hierarchy using Wikipedia and DBpedia |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2836/qurator2021_paper_17.pdf |volume=Vol-2836 |authors=Diego Fernando Válio Antunes Alves,Gaurish Thakkar,Gabriel Amaral,Tin Kuculo,Marko Tadić |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/qurator/AlvesTAKT21 }} ==Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex Named Entity Recognition and Classification Hierarchy using Wikipedia and DBpedia== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2836/qurator2021_paper_17.pdf
     Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex
     Named Entity Recognition and Classification
       Hierarchy using Wikipedia and DBpedia

     Diego Alves1[0000−0001−8311−2240] , Gaurish Thakkar1[0000−0002−8119−5078] ,
    Gabriel Amaral2[0000−0002−4482−5376] , Tin Kuculo3[0000−0001−6874−8881)] , and
                        Marko Tadić1[0000−0001−6325−820X]
      Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb 10000,
                {dfvalio,marko.tadic}@ffzg.hr, gthakkar@m.ffzg.hr
      King’s College London, London, United Kingdom gabriel.amaral@kcl.ac.uk
         L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany

         Abstract. With the ever-growing popularity of the field of NLP, the
         demand for datasets in low resourced-languages follows suit. Following a
         previously established framework, in this paper1 , we present the UNER
         dataset, a multilingual and hierarchical parallel corpus annotated for
         named-entities. We describe in detail the developed procedure necessary
         to create this type of dataset in any language available on Wikipedia
         with DBpedia information. The three-step procedure extracts entities
         from Wikipedia articles, links them to DBpedia, and maps the DBpedia
         sets of classes to the UNER labels. This is followed by a post-processing
         procedure that significantly increases the number of identified entities in
         the final results. The paper concludes with a statistical and qualitative
         analysis of the resulting dataset.

         Keywords: named-entity · multilingualism · data extraction

1       Introduction

Named entity recognition and classification (NERC) is an essential Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) task involved in many applications like interactive ques-
tion answering, summarizing, relation extraction, and text mining. It was orig-
inally defined in the 6th Message Understanding Conference (MUC-6) as the
identification of “Person”, “Location” and “Organization” types [3]. As shown
by Alves et al. [1], NERC corpora usually respond to the specific needs of local
projects and differ in terms of the complexity of the types’ hierarchy and format.
    NERC systems that depend on machine learning models need to be trained
with a large amount of language-specific annotated data to attain high accuracy.
    Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
    Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2       Alves et al.

Nevertheless, annotating this type of data is expensive, time-consuming, and
requires specific annotators, training to guarantee good inter and intra-annotator
agreements [5].
    The complexity of generating NERC annotated data increases when multi-
lingualism and a complex hierarchy of types are involved [12]. The Universal
Named Entity Recognition (UNER) framework proposes a hierarchy composed
of 3 levels2 : the first one covers eight broad categories, the second is composed
of 47 named-entity types, and 15 of which are detailed in a third level with a
total of 69 subtypes [1]. Therefore, our challenge was to generate automatically
annotated data (silver standard) following the UNER hierarchy.
    Our goal is to parse data from Wikipedia3 corpora in multiple languages,
extract named entities through hyperlinks, align them with entity classes from
DBpedia4 [6] and translate them into UNER types and subtypes. The idea is to
propose a NERC dataset creation workflow that works for languages covered by
both Wikipedia and DBpedia, including under-resourced languages.
    This paper presents the data extraction and annotation workflow and its
application on English5 and Croatian6 languages under the licence CC BY-NC-
SA 4.0. It is organized as follows: In Section 2, we present the state-of-the-
art concerning NERC automatic data generation; in Section 3, we describe the
details of the data extraction and annotation workflow, and in Section 4, we
provide statistical analysis and qualitative evaluation of the annotation. Section
5 is dedicated to the discussion of the results, and in Section 6, we present our
conclusions and possible future directions for research, including applications of
the UNER corpora.

2   Related Work
Due to the importance of the NERC task, the challenge of creating a quality
annotated dataset has been the object of many studies.
   Yadav and Bethard [15] and Li et al. [7] provided complete reviews on NERC
methods, however, focusing on data extraction using existing training corpora,
not detailing procedures for generating new data. Nevertheless, both articles
agree on the fact that a large amount of quality data is required for this task.
   To overcome the problem of cost, Lawson et al. [5] proposed the usage of
Amazon Mechanical Turk to annotate a specific corpus composed of e-mails.
However, this method is still time-consuming and requires specific training and
bonus strategies. It also relies on the availability of annotators for each specific
language if the aim is to generate multilingual corpora.
   A generic method for extracting MWEs from Wikipedias was proposed in
Bekavac and Tadić [2] and this covers also Multi Word Extraction named entities
  Link for English UNER Corpus v.1: https://tinyurl.com/y2taxs8b
  Link for Croatian UNER Corpus v.1: https://tinyurl.com/y4tlz4a2
              Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex NERC Hierarchy          3

using local regular grammars. An automatic multilingual solution is presented
by Ni et al. [9]. Their approach was to use annotation projection on comparable
corpora or to project distributed representations of words (embeddings) from
a target to a source language and, therefore, use the NER model of the source
language to annotate the target one without retraining. Although with promising
results, these methods require at least one quality annotated corpus (source
language), which is not the case in our workflow, and that can be problematic
for complex hierarchies such as UNER.
     Kim et al. [4] propose an automatic method (semi-CRF model) to label
multilingual data with named entity tags using Wikipedia metadata and parallel
sentences (English-foreign language) extracted from this database. This method
still requires manual annotation of articles-pairs for the CRF training and the
final corpus is restricted only to the encountered parallel sentences. Additionally,
using Wikipedia metadata, Nothman et al. [10] present a workflow used for
the generation of silver-standard NERC corpora for English, German, Spanish,
Dutch, and Russian. The idea was to transform the links between articles into
new annotations by projecting the target article’s classifications onto the anchor
text. This method also requires previous manual annotation of a considerable
number of Wikipedia articles.
     A complete automatic workflow is proposed by Weber & Vieira [8] for Por-
tuguese NERC corpus generation by using Wikipedia and DBpedia information.
The proposed method is the basis of our study, but we extend it to multiple
languages and to a more complex NERC hierarchy.

3     Process for Data Extraction and Annotation
The workflow we have developed allows the extraction of texts and metadata
from Wikipedia (for any language present in this database), followed by the
identification of the DBpedia classes via the hyperlinks associated with certain
tokens (entities) and the translation to UNER types and sub-types (these last
two steps being language independent).
    Once the main process of data extraction and annotation is over, the work-
flow proposes post-processing steps to improve the tokenization and implement
the IOB format [11]. Statistical information concerning the generated corpus is
gathered, and missing UNER entities are automatically identified.
    The whole workflow is presented in detail in the project GitHub web-page7
together with all scripts that have been used, and that can be applied to any
other Wikipedia language.

3.1    Components
The following items are important components that were used for the dataset
creation. These are mappers that map entities from the source to a target class
or hierarchy.
4       Alves et al.

 1. UNER/DBpedia Mapping: This is a mapper that connects each per-
    tinent DBpedia class with a single UNER tag. A single extracted named
    entity might have more than one DBpedia class. For example, entity 2015
    European Games have the following DBpedia classes with the respective
    UNER equivalences:
      – dbo:Event – Name-Event-Historical-Event
      – dbo:SoccerTournament – Name-Event-Occasion-Game
      – dbo:SocietalEvent – Name-Event-Historical-Event
      – dbo:SportsEvent – Name-Event-Occasion-Game
      – owl:Thing – NULL
    The value on the left represents a DBpedia class and its UNER equivalent
    is on the right side of the class. It maps all the DBpedia classes to UNER
    equivalent classes.
 2. DBpedia Hierarchy: This mapper assigns priorities to each DBpedia class.
    This is used to select a single DBpedia class from the collection of classes
    that are associated with an entity. Following are classes are their priorities.
      – dbo:Event – 2
      – dbo:SoccerTournament – 4
      – dbo:SocietalEvent – 2
      – dbo:SportsEvent – 4
      – owl:Thing – 1
    For entity 2015 European Games, the DBpedia class SoccerTourna-
    ment presides over the other classes as it has a higher priority value. If the
    extracted entity has two assigned classes with the same hierarchy value the
    first from the list is chosen as the final one. All the DBpedia classes were
    assigned with a hierarchy value according to DBpedia Ontology8 .

3.2   Main process
The main process is schematized in the figure below and is divided into three
 1. Extraction from Wikipedia dumps: For a given language, we obtain its
    latest dump from the Wikimedia website9 . Next, we perform text extraction
    preserving the hyperlinks in the article using WikiExtractor10 . These are
    hyperlinks to other Wikipedia pages as well as unique identifiers to those
    named-entities. We extract all the unique hyperlinks and sort them alpha-
    betically. These hyperlinks will be referred to as named-entities henceforth.
 2. Wikipedia-DBpedia entity linking: For all the unique named-entities
    from the dumps, we query the DBpedia endpoint using a SPARQL query
    with SPARQLWrapper11 to identify the various classes associated with the
    entity. This step produces, for each named-entity from step 1, a set of DB-
    pedia classes it belongs to.
             Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex NERC Hierarchy         5

Fig. 1. Main process steps for Wikipedia data extraction and DBpedia/UNER anno-
tations. Squares represent data and diamonds represent processing steps.

3. Wikipedia-DBpedia-UNER back-mapping: For every extracted named-
   entity obtained in step 1, we use the set of classes produced in step 2, along
   with an UNER/DBpedia mapping schema, to assign UNER classes to each
   named-entity. For an entity, all the classes obtained from the DBpedia re-
   sponse are mapped to a hierarchy value, highest valued class is resolved and
   chosen and then it is mapped to UNER class. For constructing the final an-
   notation dataset, we only select those sentences that have at least one single
   named entity. This reduces the sparsity of annotations and thus reduces the
   false negatives rate in our test models. This step produces an initial tagged
   corpus from the whole Wikipedia dump for a specific language.

3.3   Post-processing steps

The post-processing steps correspond to four different Python scripts that pro-

1. The improvement of the tokenization (using regular expressions) by isolat-
   ing punctuation characters that were connected with words. In addition, it
   applies the IOB format to the UNER annotations inside the text.
2. The calculation of the following statistic information concerning the gen-
   erated corpus: Total number of tokens, Number of Non-entity Tokens (tag
   “O”), Number of Entity Tokens (tags “B” or “I”) and Number of Entities
   (tag “B”). The script also provides a list of all UNER tags with the number
   of occurrences of each tag inside the corpus.
3. Listing the entities inside the corpus (tokens and the corresponding UNER
   tag). Each identified entity appears once in this list, even if it has multiple
   occurrences in the corpus.
6        Alves et al.

 4. The increment of the annotations by an automatic process using the list of
    entities (output of item 3 above). The script checks if, inside the corpus,
    entity tokens from the mentioned list were not tagged as a UNER entity. If
    so, the corresponding UNER tag is associated to them. Entities composed
    of one single character, two lower-case characters, and digits were discarded.
    Also, multi-tokens entities were prioritized using the longest match approach.

   Post-processing steps from 1 to 4 were applied to the UNER Croatian corpus,
while for the English one, only steps 1 to 3 due to its size. Results and qualitative
analysis are presented in the following section.

4      Data Analysis
We have decided to test the proposed workflow with two different languages:
English and Croatian. The Croatian Wikipedia [13] is composed of 223,488 ar-
ticles, while the English Wikipedia [14] has 6,188,204 articles (almost 28 times
bigger). The aim was to check the compatibility of the process with a very well-
resourced language and a low-resourced one. We have applied the main process
for both languages and post-processing steps from 1-3 to the English corpus. The
Croatian corpus has also been passed through the fourth step of post-processing.

4.1     Statistical Information
After applying the main process of the proposed workflow, we obtain, for each
language, annotated text files divided into folders. The sizes of the English and
Croatian UNER corpora are presented in the following table.

                              Table 1. Corpora Size.

             Corpus        Total Size Number of folders Number of files
             English UNER 3.3 GB      172               17,150
             Croatian UNER 108 MB 5                     411

    After applying post-processing steps 1-3 in both Croatian and English UNER
datasets, we obtain the following statistics concerning both corpora.
    Therefore, concerning the English Corpus, 8.9% of tokens are entities, 7.1%
in the Croatian one.
    As explained previously, the UNER hierarchy is composed of categories,
types, and subtypes. UNER includes the most common classes used in NERC
(“Person”, “Location”, Organization”, being more detailed (subtypes):

    – “Person”: correspond to UNER “Name-Person-Name”
    – “Location”: correspond to all subtypes inside the UNER types “Name-Location”.
    – “Organization”: correspond to all subtypes inside the UNER type “Name-
              Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex NERC Hierarchy             7

                      Table 2. Corpora Annotation Statistics.

                                English UNER Corpus Croatian UNER Corpus
   Total Number of Tokens       325,395,838         9,388,224
   Number of Non-Entity Tokens 320,719,350          8,436,254
   Number of Entity Tokens      31,676,488          951,970
   Number of Entities           15,101,318          668,231
   Number of Different Entities 630,519             157,418

  Therefore, it is possible to analyse the generated corpora in terms of these
more generic classes.

Table 3. Corpora Annotation Statistics in terms of number of occurrences of the most
used NERC classes (and % of all entities occurrences).

                         English UNER Corpus Croatian UNER Corpus
            Person       4,200,313 (27.8%)   179,440 (26.8%)
            Location     2,613,248 (17.3%)   248,801 (37.2%)
            Organization 3,489,813 (23.1%)   74,564 (11.5%)

    These main classes correspond to 68.2% of NEs in the English corpus and
75,5% in the Croatian one. As explained in section 3.1, the annotation of a certain
named-entity depends on the existence of hyperlinks. However, these links are
not always associated with the tokens if the entity is mentioned repeatedly in
the article. Therefore, to improve the corpus generated through the proposed
workflow, we have established another post-processing step, which we applied
to the Croatian corpus. By using the list of entities present in the corpus, we
identify in the text the tokens that should have been tagged as entities, but that
did not have the corresponding hyperlink.
    In the following table, we present the statistics of the final post-processed
Croatian corpus compared to the one obtained before this last step.

Table 4. Croatian Corpus statistics after final post-processing step and delta compared
to the previous corpus.

                                Post-processed Croatian UNER Corpus Delta
 Number of Non-Entity Tokens 7,858,052                              -578,202
 Number of Entiy Tokens         1,530,172                           +578,202
 Number of Entities Occurrences 1,217,633                           +549,402

   The percentage of entity tokens is increased from 7.1% to 16.2%. In the next
table, we focus the statistical analysis on the UNER types that can be associated
with the classic NERC classes: Person, Location and Organisation.
8        Alves et al.

Table 5. Croatian UNER Corpus Statistics in terms of number of occurrences of the
most used NERC classes (and % of all entities occurrences) and delta compared to the
previous corpus.

                         Post-Processed Croatian UNER Corpus Delta
            Person       286,593 (23.5%)                     +107,153
            Location     453,985 (37.3%)                     +205,184
            Organization 172,471 (14.2%)                     +97,907

4.2     Qualitative evaluation

The automatic annotation of the text extracted from Wikipedia requires the
identification of the DBpedia classes associated with the respective tokens (via
hyperlink) and the translation to UNER using (UNER/DBpedia equivalences).
In order to evaluate this step, we have performed an analysis of 943 entities
randomly selected concerning the English UNER Corpus. For each one, we have
checked the DBpedia associated classes and the final UNER chosen tag. The
next table presents the results of this evaluation.

Table 6. Evaluation of the annotation step: DBpedia class extraction and translation
to UNER hierarchy.

         Tag Evaluation                    Number of Occurrences Percentage
         Correct                           797                   85%
         Correct but vague                 55                    6%
         Incorrect due to DBpedia          62                    7%
         Incorrect due to UNER association 29                    3%

   The analysis of this sample shows that 91% of the entities are correctly tagged
with UNER tags. However, 6% are associated to the correct UNER type but to a
generic sub-type. For example, Bengkulu should be tagged as Name-Location-
GPE-City but received the tag Name-Location-GPE-GPE Other.
   The incorrect tags are due to errors in the DBpedia classes associated with
the tokens or due to the equivalence between DBpedia and UNER rules:

    – Buddhism is associated only to the DBpedia class EthnicGroup and, there-
      fore, is wrongly tagged as Name-Organization-Ethnic Group other while it
      should be associated to the UNER tag Name-Product-Doctrine Method-Religion.
    – Brit Awards, due to the prioritization of DBpedia class hierarchy in the
      choice of UNER tags, is wrongly tagged as Name-Organization-Corporation-
      Company while it should receive the tag Name-Product-Award.

    It is possible to observe a considerable number of False Negative instances in-
side the corpora not being processed by the last post-processing step. This is due
to the fact that not all entities in Wikipedia extracted articles have hyperlinks.
              Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex NERC Hierarchy          9

    A qualitative analysis of the final Croatian UNER corpus shows that the
final post-processing step considerably reduces the number of False Negative in-
stances. Nevertheless, with the actual set of rules for this final automatic annota-
tion step, we can observe some problems concerning mostly mono-tokens entities,
for example, all jezik instances are associated with UNER tag Name-Product-
Printing-Magazine while in the text it may not correspond to a magazine but
to the common noun jezik (language in English). Also, it is important to
mention that while the UNER hierarchy proposes a very complex hierarchy in
terms of time and numerical expressions, this workflow covers basically UNER
types and sub-types of the Name category.

5   Discussion
The implemented workflow and the generated corpora show the potential of
the method presented by Weber & Vieira [8] comprising the extraction of texts
and metadata from Wikipedia and the usage of DBpedia to annotate in terms
of NERC. Our approach is broader, proposing a method that can be used for
any language present in Wikipedia and using a more complex NERC hierarchy
(UNER). Compared to other proposals of generating silver NERC standards
[4][9][10], our workflow has the advantage of being fully automatized. However,
we can identify that some improvement is needed concerning, more specifically,
the last post-processing step. We have succeeded in increasing the number of
annotated entities; nevertheless, the accuracy needs to be enhanced. In addition,
a manual and more detailed evaluation is necessary to verify the precision and
recall of the classification of the entities inside the final annotated texts.

6   Conclusions and Future Directions
In this paper, we describe an automatic process for generating multilingual
Named-Entity recognition corpora by using Wikipedia and DBpedia data. We
also present the UNER corpus, a hierarchical named-entity corpus in Croatian
and English, developed with the proposed method. We show some statistics of
the corpus and detail the procedure used to create it, finishing with a quali-
tative evaluation. In our future work, we plan to extend our corpus to other
under-resourced languages while evaluating our workflow’s performance across
the languages. Also analysing the different limitations due to the uneven content
of Wikipedia across languages. Following this intrinsic evaluation of our dataset,
we will train models on the obtained data to extrinsically evaluate the corpus.

7   Acknowledgements
The work presented in this paper has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-
Curie grant agreement no. 812997 and under the name CLEOPATRA (Cross-
lingual Event-centric Open Analytics Research Academy).
10      Alves et al.

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