=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2836/qurator2021_paper_19 |storemode=property |title=Parsing Discourse Structures for Semantic Storytelling: Evaluating an efficient RST Parser |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2836/qurator2021_paper_19.pdf |volume=Vol-2836 |authors=Pia Linscheid,Peter Bourgonje,Georg Rehm |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/qurator/LinscheidBR21 }} ==Parsing Discourse Structures for Semantic Storytelling: Evaluating an efficient RST Parser== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2836/qurator2021_paper_19.pdf
    Parsing Discourse Structures for Semantic Storytelling:
              Evaluating an efficient RST Parser

         Pia Linscheid1[0000-0001-7231-0137], Peter Bourgonje2[0000-0003-3541-0678], and
                              Georg Rehm2[0000-0002-7800-1893]
        1 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
                    2 DFKI GmbH, Alt-Moabit 91c, 10559 Berlin, Germany

                       Corresponding author: pia.linscheid@hu-berlin.de

       Abstract. We explore if an efficient RST parser achieves as good results with a
       register-balanced data set as with register-specific data of the training and test
       phase. In this paper, we present the evaluation of an efficient parser that identifies
       semantic connections between textual elements within English texts based on
       Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). The parser was tested on data from the
       Georgetown University Multilayer Corpus (GUM). Its output was compared to
       the manual GUM RST annotations serving as gold standard by using the evalua-
       tion tool RST-Tace. This investigation is motivated by the underlying question if
       the parser can be considered for the processing of discourse structure for a
       broader application scenario we call “semantic storytelling”, which is an ap-
       proach for processing content to extract and analyse information as well as gen-
       erate storylines to support knowledge workers such as journalists or scholars. Our
       results are based on a relatively small amount of data, yet they show a clearly
       recognizable difference between manual and parsed annotation of discourse
       structure. This is due to a number of factors, among them the assignment of de-
       fault labels for ambiguous relations. The results demonstrate a need for improved
       disambiguation methods when it comes to assigning rhetorical relations.

       Keywords: Rhetorical Structure Theory, Discourse Parsing, RST Parser,
       RST-Tace, Georgetown University Multilayer Corpus, Semantic Storytelling.

1      Discourse Structure and Semantic Storytelling

With the increase of digitalization in the workspace, the demands on the human and the
machine are growing. In many industries, the demand for automated processing of big
data and AI-supported text generation is increasing, too. Using text and data mining
methods, text segments that are relevant for a specific topic can be extracted from a
document collection. The question of how best to combine such textual fragments is
not trivial. One important aspect of AI-driven text generation is (semi-)automatic pro-
duction of suitable text structures. The discourse structure of a text reflects the content

                            Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors.
       Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

network of sentences and paragraphs [Ste11]. In other words, these links between text
fragments (as semantic units) create a coherent flow of information.
    Knowledge about how to order events and other types of semantic information are
central aspects of a semantic storytelling system. The development of such a system is
one of the goals of the innovation project QURATOR, which aims to develop a sus-
tainable AI technology platform to support human experts in the process of curating
digital content [RBHK+20; RZMO+20]. We aim to provide one component of such a
system, aimed at supporting knowledge workers like journalists or scholars by extract-
ing facts from a document collection and aligning these informational units to a story-
line [RZMS19; RZBO+20]. For this goal, insights into discourse structure and semantic
links between informational units are crucial. A well-known approach to plot discourse
structure as an alignment of informational units is the Rhetorical Structure Theory
(RST) [MT88]. Based on RST (see Section 2), several corpora and discourse analysis
tools have been developed [Neu15; Zel17]. The emerging QURATOR system would
greatly benefit from the inclusion of such a tool into its semantic storytelling prototype
[RMBS+18]. The current paper examines the performance of an efficient RST discourse
parser [HS15] running on register-balanced data from the Georgetown University Mul-
tilayer Corpus (GUM) [Zel17] followed by an evaluation of its accuracy with the eval-
uation tool RST-Tace [WKLS19]. Register-balanced means that the corpus is balanced
according to different text types. Accordingly, no bias is to be expected due to certain
text type-specific occurrences. This paper is a summary of [Lin20].
    We will first outline the theoretical framework, previous work and relevant resources
in Section 2. Section 3 describes the concept and procedure. The results are presented
in Section 4, discussed in Section 5, and summarized in Section 6.

2      Framework, Research and Resources

In order to be able to analyze and generate texts and storylines automatically, a com-
prehensive understanding of text structure and its formalized or formalizable mapping
is needed. With the help of computer-aided text linguistics, this requirement can be
addressed. Text linguistics deals with the question of what discourse (or: a text) is and
how it is structured.
    Most texts consist of more than one sentence, yet a text can also consist of a single
sentence [WEK12], illustrated by single word phrases like Sorry!. In this context, dis-
course and text are used synonymously. A further assumption is that discourse structure
is characterized by the fact that the overall meaning of a text is greater than the sum of
the meanings of the individual sentences due to their relatedness to each other
[WEK12]. What constitutes a sentence descriptively is disputed in scientific discourse.
One way to avoid the problem of defining sentences sufficiently and still be able to deal
with texts is to look at semantic discourse units and thus become more independent of
syntactic surface structures. Among the many proposals that deal with the subdivision
of a text into units, we chose the one suggested in RST [MT88]. In RST, these textual
building blocks are called Elementary Discourse Units (EDU). Thus, RST allows us to
approach a text from an informational, semantic level and visibly grasp how EDUs are

linked together – and to see how information “flows” through the text. This is what we
want to be able to take up and use for the Semantic Storytelling system.
   The visualization of EDUs and their content-related connection within the RST
framework can be described and illustrated in brief as follows. In RST, EDUs are set
in relation to each other and are usually hierarchized. The more relevant EDU is con-
sidered the nucleus and the less relevant the satellite. The relational links are repre-
sented as a tree structure, with the EDUs representing the leaves. There are multiple
types of defined semantic relations in a given RST implementation. RST sets can have
up to two dozen different relations. Most relations between EDUs are asymmetrical,
consisting of nucleus and satellite (see Fig. 2, Background). In case that EDUs are
equally important, some relations are symmetrical consisting of two nuclei, so-called
multi-nuclear relations (see Fig. 2, Joint and Sequence). A sketch of the relation be-
tween EDUs is shown in Fig. 1 [according to MT88].

 Fig. 1. Outline of the basics and technical terms of RST. The more relevant EDU (nucleus) is
                    semantically related to the less important EDU (satellite).

   This theory of analyzing rhetorical and content structure of texts is too extensive to
detail here, but also too abstract not to illustrate when applied in the exploration. There-
fore, a sample RST analysis is presented in Fig. 2 using a text excerpt from the GUM
corpus [Zel17]. Furthermore, names and definitions of some RST relations are ex-
plained and linked to examples from the GUM corpus in Table 1.

 Fig. 2. Sample analysis according to RST: excerpt of the GUM corpus (CC-BY attribution li-
          cense); see the whole analysis under https://korpling.german.hu-berlin.de/an-

   Short meaning-bearing sentence segments or whole sentences are considered mini-
mal units or EDUs (see Fig. 2). They are numbered and positioned in relation to each
other. These relations can be different. If one EDU or complex constituent is considered
more important than the other, there is a hierarchized relation, as in Background. If
EDUs or complex constituents are considered equally important, they a labeled with
multi-nuclear relations, as in Joint and Sequence. The difference between the relations
Joint and Sequence is small: both give information (e.g., about facts). However, with
Sequence these are in a temporal sequence and with Joint in non-specific relation (no
enumeration, no sequence).
   A set of RST relations is defined by determining certain conditions for the EDUs
and their content connection. Table 1 shows some of the definitions.

                             Table 1. A selection of RST relations: Names and excerpts of the definitions [Ste16],
                                                  as well as examples from ANNIS³ [KZ16].
                               Relations        Definition                                   Example from GUM
                               Background       The understanding of the satellite (S)       https://korpling.german.hu-
                                                facilitates the reader's understanding
                                                of the content of the nucleus (N); S         41e6-99e9-d6f57ccc8b70
                                                contains orienting background infor-
                                                mation without which N would not
    hierarchical relations

                                                be understandable or would be diffi-
                                                cult to understand. […]
                               Cause            The circumstance described in N is           https://korpling.german.hu-
                                                caused by the circumstance described
                                                in S. […]                                    46a1-a379-7a87dec12cd1
                               Elaboration      S provides more precise information          https://korpling.german.hu-
                                                or details about the content of N – but
                                                not just about a single item mentioned       4646-b215-54bc3f0f390b
                                                in N. N precedes S in the text. […]
                               Result           The circumstance described in S is           https://korpling.german.hu-
                                                caused by the circumstance described
                                                in N. […]                                    41d1-a608-83eece518d71
                               Sequence         The nuclei describe facts of the world       https://korpling.german.hu-
                                                that take place in a certain temporal
    multi-nuclei relations

                                                sequence. […]                                4f87-b3db-4e4884868d68
                               Joint            The nuclei give separate information,        https://korpling.german.hu-
                                                but do not stand in any clearly identi-
                                                fiable semantic or pragmatic relation        440a-a7c9-1fb99f92b8ff
                                                to each other, nor do they have the
                                                character of an enumeration together.
                                                Nevertheless, there is a coherent con-
                                                nection because they serve the over-
                                                arching textual function equally well.

   Examining these definitions, it becomes apparent that the definitions of RST rela-
tions have grey areas and overlap with one another [DTS17, Ste18]. Likewise, the hi-
erarchy of information according to its relevance is governed by a certain subjectivity.
Therefore, the same sequence of EDUs may have different legitimate analyses or an-
notations, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Despite precise definitions of the relations, ambiguity
can only rarely be avoided, since an RST analysis should systematically depict the re-
sult of a (naturally subjective) interpretation of the text [Ste18]. For this reason, RST
nonetheless enables a consistent, though not unambiguous, analysis and mapping of
discourse structure.

Fig. 3. Three different but valid annotations of the relation between two EDUs illustrating the
subjective and definitorial vagueness of RST exemplified by a news ticker entry, originally in
German: ‘Kellnerin schmeißt CEO wegen rassistischer Äußerung raus und erhält fast 100.000
        Dollar Trinkgeld' from https://www.stern.de/news/ (published on 2020-08-20).

Another theoretical approach used in this work is the black box approach, which disre-
gards the internal structure and coding of a program and refers exclusively to its func-
tionality in terms of the output [Nid12].
    Regarding the research, one crucial aspect of RST-based resources like annotated
corpora is that their construction is highly time- and resource-consuming. The same
applies to the manual evaluation of RST analyses [WKLS19]. Therefore, the develop-
ment of sustainable tools for automated RST analyses is of great importance both for
research and for possible implementations in projects like QURATOR. The existing
corpora with which the developed tools are trained and tested are often limited in their
scope and application due to these circumstances. Most discourse processing tools for
English are based on one or two prevalent corpora: namely the Penn Discourse Tree-
bank (PDTB) [PWLA19] and the RST Discourse Treebank (RST DT) [CMOM02].
PDTB comprises 53600 tokens from Wall Street Journal articles. RST DT, the main
English language RST corpus [Ste18], also includes articles from the Wall Street Jour-
nal. There is a sizeable overlap between the articles of the two corpora [Ste18]. Alt-
hough they are relatively large and well established, they are register-specific. Register
is understood as text type in this context. The register of a text is assumed to have major
impact on the structure of a text [Ste18].

   Therefore, it can be assumed that a database containing one single register might not
allow reliable conclusions to be drawn about text structures of other or all registers.
Which in turn raises the question whether this corpus is sufficient for the development
of tools alone, if the tools are to be used generally (i.e., also register-independently) for
the RST analysis of texts. Regarding a possible industry-focused implementation in a
project such as QURATOR, the question arises whether tools achieving good results in
a register-specific manner would also be suitable for non-register-specific text analysis.
   However, for the last ten years many RST-based text processing tools have been
developed. A good overview is given on the RST Workbench.1 These include several
RST parsers, such as HILDA [HPDI10] and CODRA [JCN15]. Shift-reduce discourse
parsers were also developed like DPLP [JE14]. They can learn to improve RST parsing
by means of surface structures [JE14]. The fastest RST parser tested with comparable
accuracy and robustness to others was the shift-reduce RST parser from Heilman and
Sagae [HS15]. As performance is relevant for our purposes, this parser was chosen to
be evaluated in this project. It was trained and tested using RST DT and PBDT. Within
the scope of the register-specific corpus it achieved state-of-the-art accuracy at high
speed [HS15], see Table 2.

    Table 2. Test set of discourse saving performance as F1-scores (%); the Human Agreement
          from Penn Treebank is serving as gold standard, table with data from [HS15]
    Results of RST Parsing                Span            Nuclearity         Relation
    Heilman & Sagae (2015)                83.5              68.1              55.1
    Li et al. (2014a)                     84.0              70.8              58.6
    Joty et al. (2013)                    82.5              68.4              55.7
    Joty & Mochitti (2014)                 –                  –               57.3
    Feng & Hirst (2014)                   85.7              71.0              58.2
    Li et al (2014b)                      82.9              73.0              60.6
    Ji & Einstein (2014)                  81.6              71.0              61.8
    Human agreement                       88.7              77.7              65.8

   To test the performance of the parser for cross-register text processing, we used the
GUM Corpus, a recent, register-balanced and relatively large RST-annotated corpus
comprising 130,000 tokens from 148 English texts across eight registers [Zel17].
   Several additional tools have been developed for automating the evaluation of RST
annotations. The comparison of multiple RST annotations of the same text involves
three challenges: first, the actual parsing of RST trees to determine their structure, sec-
ond, adequate evaluation and comparison methods have to be found and defined, and
finally, this methodology has to be sufficiently well applied [WKLS19]. Facing this
challenge, RST-Tace, an up-to-date tool for the evaluation of RST annotations
[WKLS19]2, was developed to overcome weaknesses of previous automated evaluation
tools like RSTeval [MP09].

1 Available online at https://github.com/arne-cl/rst-workbench
2 Available online at https://github.com/tkutschbach/RST-Tace

3       Procedure

This study aims to evaluate an efficient RST parser with regard to the question if it
achieves state-of-the-art results when processing texts across registers. The parser is
tested on data of the register-balanced GUM corpus and then compared to the manual
RST annotations from GUM serving as gold standard. For the analysis the evaluation
tool RST-Tace is used. Fig. 4 illustrates the multi-step procedure of the work.

                Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the sequence of work steps.
    Several formats, conversion steps and tools were needed to test the parser on the
GUM texts and to compare its output with the GUM annotations in RST-Tace. The
evaluation with RST-Tace is based on a recent method that uses the agreement of cen-
tral constituents [IDT15]. Inter-annotator agreement (IAA) and matching ratio (MR)
are evaluated with respect to nuclearity, relation, constituent and attachment point. IAA
is calculated by means of Kappa (𝜅) and MR by means of F1.
    The nuclearity variable records whether EDUs were classified differently or equally
as nucleus or satellite in the annotations – it records the direction of the relation
(from satellite to nucleus). The relation variable reflects whether there is agreement or
differences in the assignment of the relation between EDUs. The constituent variable
records the unit(s) in which the satellite (or a nucleus in the case of multi-nuclear con-
nections) is located. The variable called attachment point is superior to the constituent
and compares the annotations with each other with respect to the unit(s) in which a
constituent is linked to [WKLS19].
    In the workflow data loss occurred due to processing errors for many files.3 The data
loss could be attributed to errors of the parser, but it could also be attributed to hidden
issues within the large number of steps in the workflow. Due to the black box approach,
however, these conditions cannot be verified in this paper. The results presented below
are, thus, based on a rather small amount of data.

3 From 130 files at the beginning, only 15 parser files could be analyzed at the end, and 12 of

    them could be compared to the gold standard.

4        Results

The small amount of data reflects a relatively uniform picture. With respect to the IAA,4
the results of the annotation comparison give different mean values for nuclearity
(0.206; SD: 0.093), relation (0.142; SD: 0.058), constituent (0.079; SD: 0.033) and at-
tachment point (0.015; SD: 0.045). The MR also shows varying averages with respect
to nuclearity (0.201; SD: 0.060), relation (0.091; SD: 0.037), constituent (0.112; SD:
0.016) and attachment point (0.087; SD: 0.037). For the IAA, the differences in nucle-
arity and relation are greater than for constituent and attachment point. With regard to
MR, the only major difference is in terms of nuclearity. The distribution of the values
as well as the mean values and standard deviations are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.

    Fig. 6. Distribution by variables in the IAA,   Fig. 5. Distribution by variables for MR,
     𝜅 (mean value as black dot, SD as interval     F1-score (mean value as black dot, SD as
                  marked in black)                          interval marked in black)

   An indicator for the parser's performance are the F1-scores from Table 2 by convert-
ing the relative values to absolute ones and by comparing these values with those of the
MR. Here, the category span should be compared with that of attachment point. In Ta-
ble 2, the F1-scores are generally much higher than in Fig. 6. Yet, differences between
the syntactic and the semantic categories are apparent both in Table 1 (Agreement in
F1-score) and in Fig. 5 (IAA measured in 𝜅). In Table 2, the F1-scores of the syntactic
category span (with an F1-score of 0.835) are 15-28% higher than the semantic-hierar-
chical categories nuclearity (0.681) and relation (0.551). In Fig. 6, all F1-scores are
low, but here the category nucleus (0.206) has slightly better values than the others
(relation: 0.091; const.: 0.112; att. point: 0.087).

4 The measurement of the IAA in this case does not refer to the comparison of the annotations of

    several (human) annotators but to the annotations of one annotator and an automated one.
    Nevertheless, the term IAA is used here in favor of the value specifications of RST-Tace.

    Fig. 7 shows the ten most frequent relations using a confusion matrix. The absolute
frequency of agreement of the relation annotation is shown and its relative frequency is
highlighted in color. According to this, in case of a perfect match, the highest value
would have to be recorded on the diagonal and the values of the remaining cells would
have to be zero. This means, the more the higher values (and thus the colored highlight-
ing) are moving away from the diagonal, the less the relations are matching. Again, it
is clearly visible that there is a considerable deviation of the relations between the gold
standard and the parser output. In 14% of the cases (n=89) the parser assigned the rela-
tion Elaboration, in which an elaboration was annotated in the gold standard as well.
The confusion matrix in Fig. 7 also illustrates that the parser has annotated the label
Elaboration at considerably more nodes where other relations occur in the gold stand-
ard. This can be seen in the line Elaboration, which shows that in the gold standard the
relations Concession, Evidence, Joint, Preparation, Same-unit and Sequence were an-
notated at these points instead of Elaboration.

 Fig. 7. Confusion matrix showing the distribution of the most frequent relations in the parser
                                 output and gold standard

   In Fig. 7, the column Elaboration shows that the parser has annotated Same-unit or
Joint in a percentage of one digit, in which the gold standard contains the relation Elab-
oration. The colors appear weak in the diagonal, stronger in the horizontal and weak in
the vertical, creating rake-shaped symmetries between the distributions of Elaboration,
Joint, and Same-unit. This suggests that there is a certain amount of overlap between
Elaboration, Joint, and Same-unit. The results also suggest that Elaboration is used as
a kind of default relation by the parser. This matches with the results of the individual
annotation analyses, as shown in Fig. 8.
   Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 illustrate that the gold standard has a greater variation of relations,
especially in cases where the parser annotates with Elaboration. Both suggest that Elab-
oration is a default relation of the parser. The figures reflect the fact that in the gold
standard Elaboration, Joint, and Same-unit also occur frequently, but Elaboration is
not as frequent as in the parser output.

 Fig. 8. Absolute frequency of relations in the texts, distribution in parser output (orange) and
 gold standard (blue); without gold-annotations for the files *falling, *nida, and *games. Some
                   low frequent and thus negligible relations do not match in.

5      Analysis and Discussion

If the compared data can be assessed as valid despite its small size, then a rather poor
match is apparent: the negative 𝜅 values could be explained by systematic differences
between parser output and gold standard. The overall low F1-scores also indicate a low
agreement between the two sets of annotations. For the IAA, the differences in nucle-
arity and relation are greater than for constituent and attachment point. With regard to
MR, the major difference is in terms of nuclearity. The F1-scores of the test phase of
the parser (Table 2) are far better. Thus, the state-of-the-art results on register-specific
data could not be reproduced when applying the parser to cross-register data.
    The confusion matrix and absolute frequency of the relations suggest that Elabora-
tion, Joint, and Same-unit are the most common labels in the gold standard and parser
output. Furthermore, there seems to be some overlap between Elaboration, Joint, and
Same-unit. However, Elaboration occurs disproportionately often in the parser output.
A considerable number of the Elaboration annotations in the parser output deviate from
the gold standard, suggesting that Elaboration serves as a default relation for the parser.
    The results are to be expected with regard to certain differences concerning the rela-
tions. Regarding the theoretical framework, we expected that the differences in the hi-
erarchical classification of the text units and the labeling of their relationship could be
greater than in the determination of the sentence constituents and their connection. As
illustrated in Fig. 3, a certain degree of blurring and overlapping in the definition spec-
trum of the relations allows (legitimate) differences between EDU weighting and the
labeling based on it. These decisions relate more to semantic aspects and the subjective

interpretation of the illocution structure. This in turn could be a reason for the overlap-
ping effect between Elaboration, Joint, and Same-unit. The determination of phrases
and their combination is more strongly influenced by the formal surface structure and
by syntactic restrictions and thus has less room for interpretation. This could account
for the smaller deviations in constituent and attachment point.
    Vagueness and ambiguity are hardly avoidable [Ste18]. Thus, the approach in RST
to restrict itself to one tree structure interpretation per text becomes a recurring problem
in case of structural and semantic ambiguities [Ste18]. This underlines the relevance
for text-linguistic tasks of finding resolutions to deal with high-level ambiguity. This
challenge can be addressed by under-specification or over-specification [Ste18] or by
tolerating that a certain percentage of ambiguity should be considered as part of the
gold standard or ground truth: legitimate disagreement included in a complex gold
standard [DTS17].
    Under-specification would require a reduction of the inventory of relations in favor
of more vague relations, e.g., by merging existing relations or adding superordinate
categories as relations. An analysis of all gold standard files showed that there seem to
be register-specific relation patterns. This is consistent with the assumption that dis-
course structure can vary depending on the register [Ste18]. However, high frequencies
of Elaboration and Joint across registers are also apparent in the gold standard. It can
be assumed that a larger amount of data would show comparable results. In other words,
it is probably representative that Elaboration and Joint occur in the parser output with
such high frequency. According to the data, Elaboration is a potential relation for un-
der-specification, as it is common across registers and has a certain intersection with
other relations, which could motivate a possible grouping of relations.
    For over-specification and legitimate disagreement, a multi-level structure could be
implemented, in which several versions of annotations could be systematically recorded
and examined [Ste18]. With regard to the evaluation of an RST parser, a manual anal-
ysis would be necessary to be able to make the following distinctions between annota-
tion agreement and disagreement: (i) concordant and correct, (ii) not concordant and
correct and (iii) not concordant and not correct.
    In view of the effort needed for such an implementation and the focus on practicable,
application-oriented solutions, pursuing under-specified discourse analysis is more ap-
propriate in the context of semantic storytelling. Various proposals were made regard-
ing the under-specification of discourse structure [Ste11] which we will now examine
for their applicability to semantic storytelling.

6      Summary and Outlook

   In this paper, an efficient RST parser was evaluated using data from the GUM corpus
with the evaluation tool RST-Tace. The research question was whether the parser still
achieves state-of-the-art results when processing texts across registers. If yes, the parser
could be considered for processing discourse structure for semantic storytelling. Many
processing and conversion steps were needed. In the workflow, there was a huge loss
of data as RST-Tace attested segmentation errors in a disproportionately large share of

the files. The results are, therefore, based on a small amount of data only. Due to the
adopted black box approach, the erroneous conditions are not verified in this paper.
   According to the results, the performance of the parser for cross-register texts does
not come close to the performance shown for the trained and tested text base from a
single register. Yet, the data situation might be too weak to adequately evaluate the
performance of the parser. Despite the small data basis, two aspects are apparent in the
results beyond the small agreement: first, the results suggest that there is a sort of de-
fault relation. Second, they suggest a certain overlap of several relations in the gold
standard and parser output. The latter speaks for systematic ambiguities, which cannot
be fully resolved in the context of RST. This indicates that high-level ambiguity reso-
lution is needed for text-linguistic tasks: either by countering it through under-specifi-
cation, over-specification and/or broader gold standards.
   Due to the application-oriented approach of the QURATOR project and the sheer
amount of resources required for over-specification approaches, it is advisable to test
under-specification approaches with regard to their applicability for semantic storytell-
ing in future work. In addition, the sources of error in the processing workflow should
be revealed using white box testing in order to repeat the test with a larger data set.


The storytelling system presented in this paper has received funding from the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) through the project QURATOR
(grant no. 03WKDA1A). We would like to kindly thank Anke Lüdeling for her advi-
sory and commendatory support.

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