=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2838/Bethencourt |storemode=property |title=Bias and truth in science evaluation: a simulation model of grant review panel discussions |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2838/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2838 |authors=Adrián Martín Bethencourt,Junwen Luo,Thomas Feliciani |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecir/BethencourtLF21 }} ==Bias and truth in science evaluation: a simulation model of grant review panel discussions== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2838/paper2.pdf
Bias and truth in science evaluation: a simulation model of
grant review panel discussions
Adrián Martín Bethencourta, Junwen Luob and Thomas Feliciania
     School of Sociology, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
     School of Information and Communication Studies, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

               Research funding organizations draw upon the expertise of peer review panels to decide which
               research proposals to fund. That of review panels is a collective task of information acquisition
               that is hindered by social influence dynamics and biases. The combination of social influence
               effects and biases in peer review panel discussions has gone understudied in the literature, and
               to date it is not clear what dynamics and what biases are at play. We conduct an empirically
               calibrated agent-based simulation model of peer review panel discussions to explore which
               dynamics and biases might explain the opinion patterns that we identify from real review
               panels at Science Foundation Ireland. This investigation moves first steps to allow future
               investigation of strategies that reduce the review panel unreliability due to social influence
               dynamics and biases.
               Our results tentatively suggest that discussion dynamics in grant review panels are (1) guided
               by compromise/consensus seeking discussions; (2) affected more by negative bias than
               positive bias; this could be a result of, for example, gender biases or by early career stage
               discrimination biases.
               Keywords 1
               Peer review, research evaluation, bias, social influence, social simulation.

1.       Introduction
    Although traditional information retrieval (IR) research has emphasized the individual searcher,
recent research has focused more on understanding and supporting collaborative information retrieval,
so many tasks in knowledge-intensive environments depend upon the collective experience and
knowledge of a group of individuals [1,2,3] Although research evaluation has not been conceptualized
as an IR problem information seeking, use, and identification, selection, and retrieval are crucial for
scientific peer review and the systems that support peer review in funding agencies and journals
underpin collaborative information seeking, use, and retrieval [4].
    Information identification, selection, and retrieval are crucial for scientific peer review. When
selecting research grant proposals to recommend for funding, peer review panels face the challenge of
evaluating the submissions fairly and competently. Misjudgments and biases, however, are looming, as
ample evidence shows [5]. To curb these issues, research funding organizations (RFOs) implement
different safeguards—of which this paper considers two: structured review forms that separate
evaluations on different criteria and sitting panel discussions that facilitate reviewers’ consensus.
    Review forms can be structured to guide the reviewer through the evaluation of a proposal against a
set of predetermined, objective, and transparent evaluative criteria, such as “feasibility” and “impact”.
    Despite efforts to standardize review forms and to define clear criteria, epistemic, personal, and
cultural differences between reviewers still lead to their different interpretation and implementation of
these criteria [6]. Additionally, the evaluation of different criteria might be subject to different sources
of bias; gender bias, for instance, might matter more in the evaluation of the applicant’s scientific track
record, and less on the evaluation of the project’s feasibility.

EMAIL: Adrian.martinbethencourt@ucdconnect.ie (A. 1); junwen.luo@ucd.ie (A. 2); thomas.feliciani@ucd.ie (A. 3)
ORCID: -0003-2148-2080(A. 1); 0000-0003-3347-3982(A. 2); 0000-0003-4977-0877(A. 3)
            ©️ 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
    The second safeguard deserves scrutiny, too. Sitting panel discussions often take place at a review
stage where panel members exchange their opinions about the proposals and collectively reach a sound
final panel judgment; such a discussion is often moderated by a panel chair. There is increasing
awareness that group dynamics in small deliberative groups such as juries, online fori, and indeed peer
review panels [7,8] can be detrimental to effective groupthink and collective decision making.
    In this paper we examine these three elements and their interaction: biases, evaluation criteria, and
social influence dynamics in review panel discussions. We investigate which combinations of biases
and social influence dynamics are responsible for the criterial opinion shifts as we identified from the
structured review forms filled before and after the panel discussions.
    This is achieved in three steps. First, we develop an agent-based simulation model (ABM) of panel
discussions that incorporates the three ingredients (biases, criteria, influence dynamics). This model is
empirically calibrated according to the real panel data at Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). Second, we
empirically identify and measure reviewer opinions on individual criteria based on their textual review
sentiments before and after the panel discussions (see more details in section 4.1). Third, taking these
opinion distributions as a reference, we use the ABM to find which combinations of biases and influence
dynamics during the panel discussion may reproduce the change of reviewer opinion distribution.
    The next sections elaborate on the conceptual ingredients of the model: biases and criteria (Section
2), and influence dynamics in panel discussions (3). Section 4 explains how empirical data were
collected and outlines the simulation model. Results are presented in Section 5, and their implications
are discussed in Section 6.

1. Bias in peer review and evaluation criteria
    While most researchers agree peer review to be the most reliable instrument for science evaluation
[9,10] evidence on peer review (in academic journals and RFOs alike) shows that the system suffers
from bias against novel research [11,12], females [13,14,15], young researchers [16], and ethnic and
linguistic minorities [17]. Crucially, even small review biases and errors can negatively impact the
decisions of the review panel [18,19]. This can in turn accelerate a self-perpetuating uneven distribution
of resources in science that favors privileged few: a phenomenon known as Matthew effect [20].
    Crucially, biases might affect reviewer evaluation not only directly (e.g. by influencing reviewer’s
opinion of the evaluated proposals), but indirectly, too. A debate among reviewers on the merit of a
submission might in fact amplify (or, conversely, curb) the effect of individual biases. Here we explore
the potential interplay between reviewer biases and influence dynamics in review panel discussions.
    To explore this idea, we distinguish between three classes of bias: negative, positive, and ambivalent
bias. Negative bias encompasses those forms of bias that lead to a more severe than fair evaluation of
submissions. Intuitive examples include bias against female, early-career, or non-native English-
speaking applicants: when these forms of biases are at play, these discriminated groups are treated less
favorably than deserved [21] Positive bias, by contrast, is what leads to evaluations that are more
positive than fair. Examples include old-boyism, or bias in favor of applicants from very prestigious
institutions [22,16]. Last, ambivalent bias describes forms of bias that sometimes play against and
sometimes in favor of some applicants. Conservatism is a typical example of ambivalent bias: in grant
peer review novel proposals are often treated favorably—however, novelty may come with high risk
and less feasibility that conventional reviewers might be biased against [23].
    Structured review forms at RFO are typically divided in separate sections, each allowing reviewers
to provide comments on a specific evaluation criterion. In our studied funding programme at SFI,
review forms are structured around three criteria: ‘applicant’, ‘research programme’, and ‘potential for
impact’. To evaluate these different criterion, reviewers may consider different aspects of a proposal
with probably different types of bias. For example, the applicant’s track record will likely be more
relevant for the evaluation of the criterion “applicant” than others. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that
the review bias related to applicants’ gender, career stage would mostly affect the panel discussions and
opinion change on ‘applicant’ criterion; the bias on proposals’ novelty might play the most on ‘research
programme’ discussion.
2. Social influence dynamics
Interaction is the defining feature of sitting panels, where reviewers discuss proposals together, jointly
forming their opinions. We study how social influence dynamics may affect panel discussions and
reviewer opinion distribution.
    For many RFOs, the stated function of panel discussions is to allow reviewers to bridge their
differences and find a consensus over the true merit of the evaluated proposals. Even where consensus
is not the explicit mandate by the RFO, a reduction in opinion differences is still often expected, or
identified from panel discussions [24]; this is the reason why low inter-rater reliability is often regarded
as a mark of inefficient or unreliable panel review processes [25,26].
    To reflect the idea of consensus-seeking panel discussions, we focus on one prominent type of
opinion dynamics that explains the convergence of opinions: assimilative models [27]. Grounded in the
theories of social conformity, persuasion, and cognitive dissonance [28,29,30] assimilative dynamics
represent the idea that, by interacting, individuals tend to reduce their attitudinal and behavioral
differences. Section 4.2 presents a computational model of assimilative dynamics that builds on the
established literature on assimilation.
    A prominent role in peer review panel discussions is that of the panel chair: the person whose role
is to moderate and facilitate the panel discussion in a fair and balanced manner [24]. Panel chairs can
promote a discussion that is structured, effective, or otherwise conducive to productive interactions
between reviewers. When the chair fails in this task, the panel discussion might be less likely to find a
balanced consensus [31,11]. In our study, we treat the role of the panel chair as a proxy for how effective
the discussion is at tempering the most extreme views expressed in the panel, ultimately enabling the
emergence of consensus via assimilative opinion dynamics.

3. Methods
   The panel discussion process is a complex phenomenon in which many interdependent actors and
factors are involved. Hence the method of social simulation (ABM specifically) becomes useful to
explore the interactions between the actors and factors and the effects of the interactions towards the
distribution of reviewers’ opinions. We build our ABM to incorporate the multiple and interdependent
actors and factors, and calibrate the model based on empirical data on real SFI panels.

    3.1.         Qualitative coding of reviews as proxies of reviewer opinions
   We use empirical data from a 2016 funding scheme by SFI called “Investigators Programme”. Its
review process is organized in two stages: first, a postal review stage where individual reviewers
provided their evaluations autonomously without any interaction and second, a sitting panel review
stage. At the end of panel discussions, panel members would write down their individual evaluations
vis-à-vis the three evaluation criteria. SFI provided the same structured review forms for both postal
reviewers and panel members.
    We conducted qualitative coding of the textual review sentiments from both postal and sitting panel
review forms to represent individual reviewers’ opinions on the evaluation criteria before and after the
panel discussion [32]. Our qualitative coding of review sentiments uses the 5-point scale: very negative,
moderate negative, neutral, moderate positive, and very positive. All reviews were coded by two team
members. Internal training and a pilot exercise ensured a satisfactory level of inter-coder reliability.
Furthermore, all instances where the two coders disagreed on how to code the sentiment of a specific
text were resolved through discussion.
   We exploit the differences of review sentiments on the three evaluation criteria to calibrate
reviewers’ opinion distribution at the start and at the end of the panel discussion. Even though the two
review stages are performed by two different sets of reviewers, this study attributes the differences in
the reviewer opinion distribution between first and second stage to the panel discussion process. With
the ABM we explore what review bias and social influence dynamics during the panel discussion could
better explain the differences between the two opinion distributions.
    3.2.         Agent-based model of assimilative dynamics
    Following the overview provided in Figure 1, each simulation run simulates the discussion between
N reviewers about on one of the evaluation criteria regarding a proposal. N is set to {3, 4, 5}, which is
the size of typical SFI review panels. The simulation is initialized by assigning reviewers an initial
opinion on how to grade the proposal on the given evaluation criterion. These are based on the sentiment
of reviews from the first postal review stage (pre-discussion). Sentiment is expressed as a value in the
range [0,1] in steps of 0.25: this corresponds to the 5-point scale of our qualitative coding, where 0
represents “very negative” and 1 “very positive”. From the bag of sentiments on the given evaluation
criterion (taken from all reviews of any proposal), we randomly draw each reviewer’s initial opinion
with uniform probability. This results in an opinion distribution that resembles how sentiments are
distributed across reviewers who have not yet interacted with one another.

Figure 1: Overview of the ABM scheduling.

    Once the initial opinions are generated, the simulation determines whether and how bias will
influence the discussion. Bias has a valence (positive or negative), a level of strength, and a probability
to be at play. Technically, we denote bias as ε, and we determine its value in different steps. First, the
simulation performs a random trial, where bias is determined to be positive, negative or null depending
on the probabilities of a negative, positive, or null bias (which are three model parameters - see Table
1). Whichever bias is drawn, its strength (or “magnitude”) is another model parameter. This setup allows
to model the three classes of biases (positive, negative, and ambivalent) for all three criteria, so that we
can determine which class of bias might be most prevalent during the discussion of each criterion. These
three classes of biases and their parameterization in the model are summarized in Table 2. Once
opinions are initialized and a level of bias ε is set, the discussion is simulated. This happens in 10
simulated discrete time points, following the assimilative opinion dynamics adapted from [27]. During
each time point, reviewers synchronously update their opinion. For reviewer i at time point t, the opinion
at the next time point (oi,t+1) is:

where ρ ∈[0,1] is rate of opinion change - a proxy for how effective the discussion is, how open-minded
are the discussants, and ultimately how competent is the panel chair at moderating the
discussion. Thus, at every time step, agents will update their opinion to move closer to the average
opinion among the other panelists, and non-null bias exerts an influence that continuously pushes the
agents in one or the other direction. Note that when ε ≠ 0, opinions may be pushed outside of the
interval [0,1]. To prevent this, opinions exceeding the range [0,1] are truncated.
Table 1 illustrates the parameter space we explored. For each unique parameter configuration, we
simulated 300 independent runs (100 for each evaluation criterion) with unique initial random seeds.
Table 1
Parameter space overview
           Parameter                              Label                              Value
      Number of proposals                                                             100
      Number of reviewers                           N                                3, 4, 5
     Number of interactions                                                            10
       Panel chair strength                         ρ                             0.025, 0.05
         Bias probabilities                                                  Positive: 0, 0.25, 0.5
                                                                            Negative: 0, 0.25, 0.5
            Bias strength                           ε                      Positive: 0.025, 0.05, 0.1
                                                                          Negative: -0.025, -0.05, -0.1

Table 2
Biases: examples and parameterization.
                                    Corresponding parameter
              Bias                                                                  Example
                                 probability of positive bias = 0,
                                                                         Bias against female applicants
            Negative             probability of negative bias > 0
                                     probability of positive bias > 0,
             Positive                                                           Old-boysm [22].
                                     probability of negative bias = 0

                                                                         Conservatism: innovativeness
                                     probability of positive bias > 0,     can at times be a desired
                                     probability of negative bias > 0      quality of proposals, and
                                                                          sometimes pose a risk [23].

    3.3.         Outcome variable: the similarity index
    To determine which conditions and biases might be at play in real-world peer review panels, we
define a fitness function with which to measure the performance of each parameter configuration. A
fitness function informs us on which parameter configuration(s) produce opinion distributions more
similar to the empirical distributions at the end of panel discussions.
    This is achieved in five steps. First, for each parameter configuration and for each criterion, we fill
a bag with the opinions of all the reviewers from all simulation runs under the given parameter
configuration. Second, for simplicity of interpretation of the results, we discretize all the generated
opinions to match a 5-point scale (integers in [1,5], where higher values signify more positive
sentiment). Third, we calculate the relative frequency of each of the five integers among both simulated
opinions and empirical post-discussion opinions. Fourth, for each of the five integers, we take the
absolute difference between its two relative frequencies. Last, fitness is calculated as 1 - the average of
the five absolute differences. We call this measure similarity, because it ranges in [0,1], and values
closer to 1 are given to parameter configurations that generate opinion distributions more similar to the
empirical ones at SFI panels.
   For each parameter configuration, we calculate the similarity score for each evaluation criterion
separately: this allows us to determine which kinds of biases are more likely at play in the discussion
over which evaluation criterion. For completeness, we also calculate the similarity by averaging across
the three criteria.

4. Results
    We first examine the empirical opinion distributions before and after the discussion: these are the
opinions at the end of the first stage, which we use to initialize opinions, and at the end of the second
stage, which we use to calculate the fit of, or similarity with, the distribution from the simulations.
Figure 2 shows the opinion distributions for each aggregation criterion separately: at the top, before the
discussion (grey); at the bottom, after the discussion (blue).
    For all three evaluation criteria, we found a positive correlation between the two stages (R2 > 0.25,
p-value < 0.01). At the same time, Figure 2 shows that the opinion distributions are different before and
after the panel discussion. After a discussion, opinions tend to follow a bell-shaped distribution; they
are overall less positive, and extremely positive scores are seen more rarely.

Figure 2. Distribution of empirical opinions before (top) and after a panel discussion (bottom). The difference
between the two distributions can be attributed to influence dynamics at play during the panel discussion.

   Next, we point our attention to whether the simulation model can replicate the opinion distribution
in real panels. We do so by calculating the similarity between the opinion distributions from the
simulation and from real panels (i.e. the empirical distribution after the discussion). We calculated the
similarity for each parameter configuration averaging across all simulation runs with that configuration.
   First, we look at the overall similarity score for each parameter configuration, averaging across the
three criteria. The similarity index took values between 0.95 and 0.67 - thus, some parameter
configurations produce simulated discussions that yield opinion distributions very similar to those of
real-world panel discussions. Figure 3 shows the opinion distribution for the parameter configuration
with the best fit: N = 5; ρ = 0.05; ε = 0.025 (positive bias) and -0.1 (negative bias); probability = 0.25
(positive bias) and 0.25 (negative bias). Even this most realistic parameter configuration does not fully
reproduce all the features of the empirical distribution. This is most evident for the evaluation criterion
“Potential for Impact'' (Figure 3, right-most histograms), for which the empirical distribution is bi-
modal and roughly symmetric, whereas the simulated distribution is bell-shaped and left-skewed.

Figure 3. Empirical (top) and simulated (bottom) opinion distribution. The simulated distribution shown is from
the parameter configuration that most closely resembles the empirical distribution.

    To generalize, we can inspect the parameter configurations that recorded the highest values of
similarity and identify some patterns.
    For instance, parameter configurations that generated the most realistic-looking (-alike?)
distributions vary in number of reviewers (N) and strength of the panel chair (ρ): this signals that these
two factors might not play a significant role in the discussion dynamics. In fact, we find only negligible
differences in average performance between parameter configurations that vary in N and ρ.
    However, bias seem to have a much larger role for the accurate simulation of the empirical opinion
distributions. We found that top-performing parameter configurations tend to have high values for
negative bias (probability = {0.25, 0.5}; ε = {-0.1, -0.05}). By contrast, positive bias seems less
important: among the 15 best-performing parameter configurations, we find roughly equal shares of
high, mid and low levels of both positive bias probability and ε. In sum, simulation results suggest that
the opinion distributions of panel discussions might be the result of assimilative influence and some
form of negative biases, not necessarily in combination with positive biases.
    Last, we inspect the similarity score of each parameter configuration for the three criteria separately.
We observe two main differences between criteria. First, the criteria ‘Applicant’ and ‘Research
Programme’ score about 0.98 on the similarity scale, whereas the criterion ‘Potential for Impact’ has
lower values (≤0.95). Second, different criteria are best matched by different bias parameterizations:
for example, we found that the empirical distribution for ‘Research Programme’, unlike the other
criteria, is best reproduced by simulations with a strong panel chair role (ρ=0.05), and predominantly
negative bias. Overall, the results show that the model reproduces not only the macro-level distributions
of the peer review process but also the micro-level characteristics of the individual criteria.

5. Conclusion and limitations
    Our study showcased the use of social simulation methods (such as ABM) to study social dynamics
in social settings where, under uncertainty and under the effects of various biases, small groups seek
some objective truth. We studied the discussion dynamics in peer review panels that attempted to find
the true merit of each submission. Using a simulation model, we explored whether a combination of
assimilative influence and various kinds of biases could reproduce the opinion changes identified in
real-world peer-review panels. To summarize, we found that (1) assimilative dynamics (consensus-
oriented, disagreement-reducing panel discussions) and some degree of negative bias against some
proposals were compatible with the empirical opinion changes. Furthermore (2), we found that the
distributions of reviewer opinions after panel discussions differed between criteria, and these
differences might be the effect of different biases being at play.
    Some limitations to our study are worth examining: on the one hand, these warn caution in
interpreting and generalizing these results; on the other hand, they indicate further directions for follow-
up work. A first limitation is that we have examined the effects of only one type of influence dynamics
(assimilative influence). More realistically, multiple kinds of social influence dynamics might be at play
in real-world panel discussions. Secondly, in the limited scope of this paper we explored only a small
subset of the parameter space: this opens the possibility that other combinations of biases and conditions
perform even better at replicating the empirical opinion changes in review panels. A third limitation
concerns our calibration data and measurement instrument: our data was based on one research funding
scheme provided by one research funding agency (Science Foundation Ireland) - ideally, our results
need to be validated by (1) using data from other funding schemes, funding organizations, countries;
(2) using a different operationalization of reviewer opinions.
    Although peer review and ABM have not been part of the IR research landscape, we feel that the
results of our project suggest new venues for exploring the intersection of complex information
environments and collaborative information retrieval. Peer review could provide more opportunities for
studying collaborative information seeking, the meanings of relevance, and the role of documents such
as instructions, review forms, and proposals.
    We conclude by highlighting a relevant aspect that our investigation has not explored. While our
work has highlighted a possible link between evaluation criteria and types of bias, we have not
considered the role of agents’ demographic characteristics in the evaluation process. For instance, a
reviewer’s demographic attributes might correlate with particular types of biases by which their
judgment might be influenced the most. The link between agent demographic and biases lends itself to
the exploration in the simulation model, as thus offers another promising direction for future work.

6. Acknowledgements
    This material is based upon works supported by the Science Foundation Ireland under Grant
No.17/SPR/5319. We thank Prof. Kalpana Shankar for her advice during the preparation and revision
of this article.

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