=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2838/Hatua |storemode=property |title=On the Feasibility of Using GANs for Claim Verification- Experiments and Analysis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2838/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2838 |authors=Amartya Hatua,Arjun Mukherjee,Rakesh M. Verma |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecir/HatuaMV21 }} ==On the Feasibility of Using GANs for Claim Verification- Experiments and Analysis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2838/paper4.pdf
On the Feasibility of Using GANs for Claim
Verification- Experiments and Analysis
Amartya Hatuaa , Arjun Mukherjeea and Rakesh M. Vermaa
    University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd, Houston, TX 77004

                                         The research on fact checking and claim verification has been explored using the Fact Extraction and
                                         VERification (FEVER) dataset. To supplement this research a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
                                         based model is used for fact checking on the FEVER dataset. The GAN based model generates synthetic
                                         data in an extended feature space of the FEVER dataset and gives leverage to new features. This synthet-
                                         ically generated data is further classified using positive-unlabeled (PU) learning considering supported
                                         facts as positive class and are added to the existing training dataset. Bidirectional Encoder Representa-
                                         tions from Transformers (BERT) based encoding technique is used for both original and newly generated
                                         data to get the text’s underline context. Due to the Information Gain in the synthetically generated data
                                         features, better performance is achieved in the fact checking and claim verification task. A thorough
                                         analysis of the model selection is done by comparing the GAN based model with BERT based classifier
                                         and other standard classifiers.

                                         Fact checking, GAN, BERT, positive-unlabeled learning

1. Introduction
Fake news and misleading information are becoming a widespread phenomenon in our daily
lives. Sometimes fake news is designed in such innovative ways, that it becomes difficult to
separate the fake news from facts. To check the validity of such facts, other available resources
are often used. To solve this problem, research on fact checking and claim verification is gaining
a lot of attention. In most of the earlier research, this problem is treated as a classification task
based on the patterns of the language [1, 2, 3], or the type of sources of the facts [4]. Sometimes
external resources are used [5, 6] to supplement the classification task.
   Fake claims and fake news often exhibit similar patterns and features. Earlier research
attempted to find and use those patterns and features to perform fact checking tasks. In this
research, we propose new features for fact checking and claim verification, and an attempt has
been made to determine whether these new features help in fact checking tasks. To generate
such synthetic features, generative models are used. In this research, a GAN [7] based model is
used to create synthetic data, which helps to add new features to the existing dataset. The new
features show an information gain which leads the model to produce better results. The class
label of the newly generated data is given by the PU learning [8] method, where supported

RETRIEVAL, April 01, 2021, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy (ONLINE EVENT)
" ahatua@central.uh.edu (A. Hatua); arjun@uh.edu (A. Mukherjee); rmverma@cs.uh.edu (R. M. Verma)
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
claims or the true claims are considered as the positive class. The synthetically generated data is
added to the existing training data so that the training feature space gains more features. BERT
[9] plays a significant part in this experiment, as BERT is used for encoding of the training
dataset. It helps to capture the underline context and the relationships between claims and
evidence pairs. The diagrammatic representation of the proposed model is presented in Fig. 1.

1.1. Data
We use FEVER dataset for our fact checking and claim verification experiments. The FEVER
dataset is open-source, and the research community is actively working on this dataset, so
the FEVER dataset is selected for this research [10, 11, 12]. For every claim in the dataset, the
evidence for the given claim and its class is given. Two of such (claim, evidence) pairs are
presented in Table 1. In the FEVER dataset, the third category of data is also provided where the
class of the claim is not mentioned as there is not enough information provided for or against
the claim.

Table 1
Examples of claim verification

 Claim: Tetris has sold millions of physical copies.
 Evidence: It was announced that Tetris has sold more than 170 million
 copies, approximately 70 physical copies and ...
 Label: True
 Claim: Andy Roddick lost 5 Master Series between 2002 and 2010.
 Evidence: Roddick was ranked in the top 10 for nine consecutive years between 2002 and 2010, and
 won five Masters Series in that period.
 Label: False

   Each data point in this dataset has three main elements: claim, evidence and label. For every
claim there is one or multiple evidence from Wikipedia. The class label describes whether the
evidence supports / refutes / do not provide enough information for the given claim. FEVER
published different versions of the datasets. In this research we used FEVER 1.0 and FEVER 2.0 for
training, validation and testing. FEVER 1.0 training dataset has 80,035 Supported claims, 29,775
Refuted claims, and 35,639 NotEnoughInfo claims. The FEVER 1.0 validation set and test set have
3,333 Support claims, 3,333 Refute claims, and 3,333 NotEnoughInfo claims respectively. FEVER
2.0 has 391 Support claims, 396 Refute claims, and 387 NotEnoughInfo claims respectively.
   This research explores the possibilities of improvements in fact checking and claim verification
tasks by adding extra features from synthetically generated data. Generating new data using
GAN, which leads to improvement of the fact checking result, is novel to our knowledge. We
also compare our result with prior research of Yang et al. [8] and other standard models like
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) [13], Convolution Neural Network (CNN) [14], Graph Neural
Network (GCN) [15], Naive Bayes classifier [16], Support Vector Machine (SVM) [17], Random
forest [18], Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) [19].
Figure 1: Block diagram of the GAN based model

2. Related Work
Significant work has been done on fact checking with most of it focusing on the text’s linguistic
patterns, the source of the fact, and occasionally some external information used as a supplement
for a given claim.
   Internal features. Throughout this research, we find that linguistic features are the most
important and widely used features for this task. For example, in [1], H. Rashkin et al. analytically
characterized the language of fake political news and determined political news’s truthfulness.
A similar type of study is done by Ramy Baly et al. in [2] on multiple news resources. Apart from
linguistic features and patterns; sentiment, mood, and other psychological factors can help to
identify fake claims or news. In [3], Pérez-Rosas et al. showed a method of fake news detection
using psycholinguistic features of the news. Using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count software
(LIWC), they extracted essential words in text that are part of psycholinguistic categories. These
words are then used to identify fake news.
   Addition of external sources or metadata. Some research shows that, other than the
internal features of the text of the fact/news, external resources and meta data can play a
vital role in identifying the truthfulness of a fact or claim. One such approach is in [4], where
the meta-data is combined with the data to achieve a significant improvement in fake news
detection. Furthermore, external sources include additional information about the news, user
interaction, public opinion, etc., and helps in assessment of news or claims [5]. Moreover,
previous work also proposed a method to find the truthfulness of news by collecting information
from multiple related sources [6, 20]. These sources can either support or refute each other.
In [6] Ravali et al. proposed a novel method of modeling the correlations between different
sources of news and applied that in determining the truthfulness of the news. Similarly, Jeff
Pasternack et al. introduced a generalized fact-finding framework in [20], which incorporates
uncertainty in the information extraction of claims from documents, attributes of the sources,
the degree of similarity among claims, and the degree of certainty expressed by the sources as
additional information into the fact-finding process. For fact checking on inconsistent sources
and information, Liang Ge et al. [21] proposed a two-step procedure. It calculates the degree of
information consistency and identifies the underlined common reason for the inconsistency and
calculates a consistent score for each item. Similarly, Q. Li et al. [22] proposed an optimization
framework in which truths and reliable sources are considered as two sets of unknown variables
and the framework aims to minimize the deviation between the truths and the multi-source
observations. A generalized algorithm called TruthFinder is proposed in [23], which utilizes the
information of different related web sites to perform fact checking.
   PU Learning. In recent works on fact checking and claim verification, Yang et al. [8]
proposed a GAN based PU learning technique on the FEVER dataset for claim verification task.
This work is used as a baseline for this research, and their results are compared in this research.
For our research we used FEVER as it is an open-source dataset for fact checking and claim
verification. FEVER dataset contains evidence taken from Wikipedia pages, and the claims are
constructed by crowdsourcing [24].
   Pipeline. In some of the earlier fact checking research using the FEVER dataset, researchers
followed a pipeline used in the base model [24]. The pipeline consists of identifying relevant
wiki articles, extracting the appropriate supporting sentences, and determining the truthfulness
of the claim. In prior research, document selection is made using different techniques. Some of
the important techniques used by the Wikipedia API are the DrQA framework for document
detection; token matching techniques and the AllenNLP framework. The second phase of the
pipeline, i.e., sentence selection is done using TF-IDF based method, sequence matching neural
network, and some ranking based methods. The third and final step of the task, i.e., classification
is done using TF-IDF based approach in the base model. Neural network based models, different
natural language inference models, and deep learning based models are also used later.

3. Model
As presented in Figure 1, the model’s pipeline consists of three central units: i) GAN, ii) PU
Learning, iii) Classification unit. In this experiment the Leak GAN [25] model is used; for PU
learning, a bagging based method is used with Random forest [26]. The BERT [9] encoding
based classifier is used for the classification in the final step. A brief description of each of the
units is given below.

3.1. Leak GAN
A GAN [7] model consists of a generator (𝐺) unit and a discriminator (𝐷) unit. The generator
unit generates synthetic data while the discriminator distinguishes between true data and
synthetic data. The goal of the generator unit is to generate data that are very similar to the
original data so that the discriminator cannot identify them as synthetic data. The optimization
of GAN is done by 𝐷 and 𝐺 alternatively via a min-max game and 𝑝(𝑧) denotes a simple
distribution, such as 𝒩 (0, 1).

           min max 𝑉 (𝐷, 𝐺) = E𝑥∼𝑝𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎(𝑥) [𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐷(𝑥)] + E𝑧∼𝑝𝑧(𝑧) [𝑙𝑜𝑔(1 − 𝐷(𝐺(𝑧)))]                 (1)
            𝐺    𝐷

   Generation of long sentences using GAN is a challenging task, Leak GAN [25] is specially
designed to generate long sentences and to produce good results on standard natural language
processing based tasks [25]. Hence Leak GAN is used in this research. Leak GAN follows the
standard adversarial training principle but in the standard method the scalar guiding signal to
the generator unit becomes relatively less informative when GAN attempts to generate a long
sentence. Leak GAN overcomes this problem because the discriminator unit leaks information
of its own high-level extracted features to the generative unit for further guidance, which
eventually helps Leak GAN to generate long sentences. A hierarchical reinforcement learning
(RL) architecture [27] is used in the generator unit to incorporate the leaked information from
the discriminator unit. Although Leak GAN produces excellent results due to its hierarchical RL
based architecture, it takes a long time to generate sentences. Another GAN model, LaTextGAN
[28] is also used in this research to compare the results with Leak GAN. As LaTexGAN is not
an RL based model, it converges faster than Leak GAN.

3.2. PU Bagging
Once the synthetic data is generated using the Leak GAN model, the next task is to label these
data using the PU Learning method. PU bagging is one such PU learning method. In the first
step, a training set is created combining all positive data points (here the supported claims in
FEVER dataset) with a random sample from the unlabeled points, with replacement. In the
second step, the dataset is used as a “bootstrap” sample to train a classifier considering unlabeled
data points belonging to the negative class. In the next step, the classifier is used to classify the
unlabeled data points that were not included in the random sample or the OOB (“out of bag”)
points and record their assigned class. These three steps are repeated many times and finally
each unlabeled point is labeled with the class it was assigned to the maximum number of times.
While assigning the class label of the generated data, only ‘SUPPORTED’ and ‘REFUTED’ class
labels are assigned, ‘NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION’ class label is ignored.

3.3. BERT
In this research BERT plays a significant role as an encoder and a classifier. BERT Huggingface
[29] pretrained model is used to encode the training and test datasets. It ensures the consistency
of the underlying semantic context and corresponding relations between claim, evidence and
classes. The [SEP] token is used to separate the claim and the evidence. Some claims have
multiple supporting statements, in such cases multiple claim evidence pairs are created. For a
particular claim, its corresponding evidence is concatenated separately. For example, there is a
data point with the following claim (𝐶), evidence (𝐸), and label (𝐿) : [𝐶, 𝐸 < 𝑒1 , 𝑒2 , 𝑒3 >, 𝐿].
The input data format to the BERT model will be: 𝑥 = [< 𝐶; 𝑒1 , 𝐿 >, < 𝐶; 𝑒2 , 𝐿 >, <
𝐶; 𝑒3 , 𝐿 >].

4. Experimental Setup
4.1. Experiments
GAN Based Models: In this experiment, two different GAN based models are used to generate
claims synthetically. One of the GAN based models (Leak GAN) uses reinforcement learning
(RL), while the other model (LaTextGAN) does not use RL based models. Using each GAN based
model, a total of 10,000 synthetic data points (claims) are generated. The length of the sentences
generated by Leak GAN is longer than LaTextGAN. On average, the length of the generated
sentences by LeakGAN is 20. Whenever LaTextGAN generates a long sentence, it exhibits a
tendency to repeat some words multiple times. This problem is not observed in the synthetic
data generated by the LeakGAN.
PU Learning with Bagging using Random forest: PU Learning with Bagging using Ran-
domforest: The unlabeled synthetic data is labeled using the PU Learning technique. In the
PU learning technique, a Random forest classifier is used for the initial step, and a bagging
approach is followed to label the synthetic data in the final step.
BERT Transformer: Huggingface BERT pretrained transformer is used as tokenizer for the
training, validation and testing dataset. The vocabulary size of the pretrained model is 30522
and the size of the hidden layer is 768. Later the pretuned model is fine tuned to classify the
claims. BERT is used as an encoder for training (original and sythetic data), validation and
testing datasets.
Classifiers: Other than BERT based classifiers some of the standard machine learning and
deep learning classifiers are also used for the classification task. These classifiers are: GCN,
LSTM, CNN, SVM, Random forest, Naive Bayes, SGB. The deep learning classifiers like GCN,
LSTM and CNN are implemented. For GCN pointwise mutual information between words is
calculated to generate the graph. To implement the CNN five kernels of sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are
used. For LSTM, the input data is encoded using GloVe [30]. The learning rate and batch size
for these 3 models are 0.001, 64, respectively. In machine learning models, Categorical Naive
Bayes classifier, SVM with RBF kernel, and Random forest is implemented. The Random forest
is equipped with 1000 trees and entropy is used as supported criteria for the information gain.
The SGB model utilizes hinge loss and L2 penalty. The deep learning models are implemented
using PyTorch [31], and the Scikit learn library [32] is used for machine learning models.
Evidence Sentence Selection: The evidence for the synthetically generated sentences are
selcted from the Wikipedia database [10] using cosine similarity [33]. In this case we have
selected one evidence for every synthetically generated sentence.

Table 2
Examples of synthetically Leak GAN generated claims and respective evidence from the FEVER dataset
 Claim: Colantoni Entertainment Singing dealt Wisin densely expertise Crooks Carthaginians
 toxoplasmosis Dextroamphetamine 313,000 1204 orphanages Illuminate Protestant Hackers Gupta
 Evidence: Andrea Colantoni, quarter-finalist in Men’s Low-Kick at WAKO World Championships
 2007 Belgrade-67 kg.
 Label: False
 Claim: Jackson’s singing citing blast Austrian Coppola direct 100 gruelling The screams Tick Mycroft
 FX Bacsinszky Orci MacShayne Castlevania Unkrich.
 Evidence: “All in Your Name” is a song written and performed by Barry Gibb and Michael Jackson
 Label: True

5. Results
The result of the above experiments on FEVER 1.0 and FEVER 2.0 is presented and discussed in
this section. The precision, recall, and F1 score for all the models are reported in this section.
All the results are compared with the previous research by Yang et al. The Leak GAN based
model generates 10,000 data points, which are added to the initial training data. PU Learning
Table 3
Examples of synthetically LaTextGAN generated claims and respective evidence from the FEVER
 Claim: Steven Angele certified Kroll, burglary presidential Texas Lactobacillales Pont finding jumped
 knight population, Switzerland, person person person person.
 Evidence: The 1877 Stevens Ducks football team represented Stevens Institute of Technology in the
 1877 college football season.
 Label: False
 Claim: Lionel messi reached breakdown now Barcelona ““Bonet”” philosophical Afghanistan
 Championship, adherents hook abandoned Kentuck Kentuck Kentuck Kentuck Kentuck
 Kentuck Kentuck
 Evidence: Lionel Messi scored the winning goal in the fifth minute of the second half of extra time,
 securing Barcelona’s record sixth trophy for the 2009 calendar year.
 Label: True

is applied to these 10,000 synthetically generated data, and 6,823 data points are classified as
Supported claims, and the rest 3,177 data points are classified as Refuted claims, and we ignore
the NotEnoughInfo class. Hence, the new training dataset has 86,858 Supported claims, 32,952
Refuted claims, and 35,639 NotEnoughInfo claims. The test and validation dataset has 3,333
Supported claims, 3,333 Refuted claims, and 3,333 NotEngoughInfo claims. Training data for
both FEVER 1.0 and FEVER 2.0 is the same; the test data different. All the experiments are
repeated five times.

Table 4
Result of FEVER 1.0
                                                            FEVER 1.0 Dataset
           Classifiers                       Precision        Recall        F1 Score
           BERT Classifier                   0.45 ± 0.011     0.44 ± 0.010 0.44 ± 0.009
           Leak GAN Based Classifier         0.65 ± 0.003     0.64 ± 0.006 0.63 ± 0.003
           LaTextGAN Based Classifier        0.41 ± 0.008     0.36 ± 0.016 0.30 ± 0.009
           Graph Convolutional Network       0.45 ± 0.015     0.44 ± 0.013 0.44 ± 0.013
           SVM                               0.53 ± 0.013     0.42 ± 0.013 0.38 ± 0.013
           Naive Bayes                       0.41 ± 0.016     0.34 ± 0.014 0.24 ± 0.015
           Random forest                     0.33 ± 0.011     0.33 ± 0.010 0.28 ± 0.011
           SGD                               0.31 ± 0.023     0.22 ± 0.022 0.27 ± 0.023
           LSTM                              0.45 ± 0.003     0.42 ± 0.004 0.004 ± 0.004
           CNN                               0.46 ± 0.012     0.44 ± 0.011 0.43 ± 0.012
           Yang et al. result                0.61             0.58          0.60

   It can be observed in Table 4 and Table 5 that the performance of the Leak GAN based model
is better than all other models on both the datasets. The F1 mean scores for the two datasets are
0.63 and 0.51. The Leak GAN based model performed better than the earlier published results
and the results of the other standard classifiers.
   We have implemented two GAN based models, LaTextGAN and Leak GAN for synthetic data
generation. Analysis is done on the synthetically generated data from both the GAN models.
Table 5
Result of FEVER 2.0
                                                         FEVER 2.0 Dataset
            Classifiers                      Precision     Recall         F1 Score
            BERT Classifier                  0.46 ± 0.013 0.44 ± 0.014 0.44 ± 0.013
            Leak GAN Based Classifier        0.52 ± 0.023 0.51 ± 0.019 0.51 ± 0.021
            LaTextGAN Based Classifier       0.42 ± 0.02   0.39 ± 0.019 0.39 ± 0.019
            Graph Convolutional Network      0.43 ± 0.023 0.39 ± 0.013 0.37 ± 0.016
            SVM                              0.40 ± 0.019 0.37 ± 0.022 0.35 ± 0.019
            Naive Bayes                      0.33 ± 0.030 0.22 ± 0.023 0.27 ± 0.025
            Random forest                    0.33 ± 0.014 0.26 ± 0.017 0.29 ± 0.015
            SGD                              0.30 ± 0.025 0.22 ± 0.029 0.26 ± 0.027
            LSTM                             0.43 ± 0.028 0.40 ± 0.039 0.39 ± 0.032
            CNN                              0.41 ± 0.021 0.38 ± 0.011 0.37 ± 0.018

Figure 2: t-SNE Plot of Original & Synthetic Data     Figure 3: t-SNE Plot of Original & Synthetic Data
by LaTextGAN                                          by Leak GAN

In Figure 2 and Figure 3, the distribution of the original data and newly generated data (using
LaTextGAN and Leak GAN) can be observed. To plot this graph, the dataset is encoded using
BERT and t-SNE algorithm is used for visualization. The t-SNE plot is done using perplexity
value 30, number of iterations 1000, and learning rate 200. In this visualization, 10,000 randomly
selected data points are used from both the original and the synthetic datasets.
   To understand the statistical significance of the synthetically generated dataset, paired t-Test
is also performed on the same 20,000 data points. Here we considered the null hypothesis as
there is no difference in the distribution between the two datasets. The paired t-Test produces a
t-value of 1.811, and the respective p-value is 0.072 for the data generated by the Leak GAN
based model. The result of the paired t-Test supports the null hypothesis with a p-value of
0.072. Moreover, the new features added by the synthetic data helps in information gain of 0.020
bits. On the other hand, the paired t-Test using the synthetic data from LaTextGAN produces a
t-value of -3.37, and the respective p-value is 0.000737. The information gain is 0.008 bits. The
information gain and result of t-Test shows that the synthetic data generated by Leak GAN has
similar distribution to the original data and gives more information to the entire training dataset
than the dataset generated using LaTextGAN. In Table 2, it can be observed that the performance
of the Leak GAN based model is better than all other models on both the datasets. The reason
behind the better performance of the Leak GAN based classifier model is its synthetic data
generation capability. All the analytical results discussed here helps us to draw this conclusion.

Figure 4: F1 Score of SVM Classifier on                Figure 5: F1 Score of BERT Classifier on
gradually increasing dataset                           gradually increasing dataset

   To confirm the synthetic data’s effectiveness on the improvement of the F1 score, we per-
formed an empirical analysis with SVM and BERT classifier. To arrive at this analysis, a subset
of the training dataset (original + synthetic) is used for training, and the test dataset provided
by FEVER 1.0 is used for the testing. 10,000 original training data points are randomly selected
for this experiment, where the ratio of the classes is kept the same as the entire dataset. Initially,
the percentage of the synthetic data is 5% of the training data, and in the next 10 steps, the
volume of synthetic data is gradually increased to 50% of the total training data. BERT based
classifiers and SVM are applied to this subset of the training dataset, and F1 scores are recorded
and plotted in Figure 4 and Figure 5. It can be observed from Figure 4 and Figure 5 that as the
percentage of the synthetic dataset is increasing in the subset of the training dataset the F1
score is also increasing. This proves enhancement in effectiveness of classifiers due to addition
of synthetic data with the original data.

6. Conclusion
This research attempts to employ the effectiveness of the synthetic data generation capability
of the GAN. We proposed a GAN based model with PU bagging for fact checking and claim
verification. The model is capable of generating synthetic data, which eventually helps the fact
checking task. This research also discusses the distribution of the newly generated data and its
statistical significance toward information gain and classification results. The entire research
is carried out on FEVER 1.0 and FEVER 2.0 datasets, and the result of the proposed model is
compared with several standard classifier’s results and previous results. In the future, a similar
set of experiments can be carried out on other publicly available standard datasets to test this
proposed model’s effectiveness.
Research was supported in part by grants NSF 1838147, NSF DGE 1433817 and ARO W911NF-
20-1-0254. Verma is the founder of Everest Cyber Security and Analytics, Inc. The views and
conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and not of the sponsors. The
U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes
notwithstanding any copyright notation herein.

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