=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2839/paper12 |storemode=property |title=An Evaluation of Saga Pattern Implementation Technologies |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2839/paper12.pdf |volume=Vol-2839 |authors=Karolin Dürr,Robin Lichtenthäler,Guido Wirtz |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/zeus/DurrLW21 }} ==An Evaluation of Saga Pattern Implementation Technologies== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2839/paper12.pdf
       An Evaluation of Saga Pattern Implementation

                   Karolin Dürr, Robin Lichtenthäler, and Guido Wirtz

                      Distributed Systems Group, University of Bamberg

            Abstract. The Saga pattern is frequently mentioned in the literature
            to structure communication workflows in Microservices Architectures.
            To ease the implementation of the Saga pattern frameworks and tools
            have emerged. By implementing an exemplary use case, we qualitatively
            evaluate two of such technological solutions in this paper according to
            criteria relevant for Microservices Architectures. This evaluation can be
            considered when deciding on which technology to use for implementing
            the Saga pattern, or also as a more general insight into what should
            be kept in mind when implementing the Saga pattern in Microservices

   Keywords: Microservices, Saga pattern, Workflow

   1      Introduction

   The Microservices Architecture is a pattern that emerged from real-world usage
   and constitutes a fast-moving topic [5, 9, 16]. A microservice is a small and
   autonomous service modeled around a business domain. A distributed system
   that consists of numerous microservices represents the Microservices Architecture
   [5] where data storage is ideally not shared, but owned exclusively by each mi-
   croservice. Communication between microservices happens via messages over the
   network [9]. The main advantage is service independence enabling independent
   deployability, maintainability and evolvability of services [11]. A main challenge,
   however, is inter-service communication, because communication over the network
   is comparatively slow and unreliable [5]. The question arises how this communi-
   cation can be structured and managed, especially for complex business scenarios
   with multiple services which even require certain transactional guarantees [16].
       Such a complex business scenario would be booking a trip where the booking
   includes several steps such as booking a flight, a hotel, and a rental car. Applied
   to a Microservices Architecture where different microservices are responsible for
   the different steps, this scenario has also been used by Catie McCaffrey in a
   conference talk1 to motivate the usage of the Saga pattern.
       Because all steps are required to book a trip as a whole, a classical approach
   would be to use a distributed transaction for example with the 2-Phase Commit
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDuwrtwYHu8, last accessed: 2021-02-17

      J. Manner, S. Haarmann, S. Kolb, N. Herzberg, O. Kopp (Eds.): 13th ZEUS Workshop,
ZEUS 2021, Bamberg, held virtually due to Covid-19 pandemic, Germany, 25-26 February 2021,
                               published at http://ceur-ws.org
Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
                          Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
       An Evaluation of Saga Pattern Implementation Technologies                 75

(2PC) protocol [1, 9]. However, classical distributed transactions contradict the
service independence characteristic of a Microservices Architecture. First, the 2PC
protocol depends on the availability of all participants [7, 11]. If one participant
fails, the system as a whole becomes unavailable. Second, the scalability is
affected, because 2PC participants need to lock resources which can affect the
overall transactional throughput and lead to competitive situations [9, 12]. And
third, distributed transactions are missing support from modern technologies,
like NoSQL databases or message brokers [11].
    Therefore, other approaches have been discussed [3, 7, 9] with the Saga pattern
being mentioned frequently [6, 10, 11, 15]. The Saga pattern divides a transaction
that might take a long time into multiple local ones. Thereby, it reduces the
dependence on the availability of all participants at the same time and prevents
the need to lock all included resources until full completion. Although it can
therefore not provide the same transactional guarantees as, for example, the 2PC
protocol, it aligns better with the characteristics of Microservices Architectures.
Using the Saga pattern for the trip booking scenario means that still the whole
trip booking needs to be supervised by one service. However, the included steps,
such as booking a hotel or booking a flight, are done more independently in local
transactions by the different services involved.
    Because this separation into multiple more independent transactions leads to
additional challenges, implementing the Saga pattern can get complex. Therefore
framework support is desirable and some technological solutions have emerged.
The goal of this paper is to investigate the capabilities offered by existing
frameworks with a focus on orchestrated Sagas and the context of characteristics
and challenges of Microservices Architectures. This is summarized in the following
research question:
    RQ: How well do recent technological solutions support implementing the
    Saga pattern concerning the design, the execution and the visualization of
    communication between microservices?
    In Sect. 2, our approach to answer the research question is described. In
Sect. 3, the details of the Saga pattern are depicted based on literature and the
already introduced example scenario. This is used as a foundation for the following
evaluation in Sect. 4, our main contribution. Finally, we draw a conclusion in
Sect. 5.
76      Karolin Dürr et al.

2    Methodology

First, we carried out a literature review to understand the Saga pattern itself and
its applicability to the Microservices Architecture. As sources, we considered the
original paper for the Saga pattern [6], as well as more recent books [3, 10, 11]
and papers [8, 15] which add the context of microservices. The result is the
description of the Saga pattern in Sect. 3 based on the trip booking example.
     We then used this example to implement the Saga pattern with available
technological solutions. Solutions that have emerged so far are Axon2 , Eventuate
Tram3 , Netflix Conductor4 , and more recently Long Running Actions for Micro-
Profile5 . However, because this work has been done as a part of the bachelor
thesis of the first author, we had to limit the scope and therefore only selected
two solutions. The first solution we selected for our evaluation is Eventuate Tram,
because it is specifically designed for the Saga pattern and described in detail in
[11]. And the second solution is Netflix Conductor, because Netflix as a company
is well-known for its successful microservices approach [2]. Furthermore, Netflix
Conductor was not considered in another similar study [15] which compared
technological solutions for the Saga pattern. The study by Štefanko et al. [15]
includes a small set of criteria for comparing the different solutions which are
not explained in detail in the paper and additionally discusses problems of the
solutions in a qualitative way. Furthermore, Štefanko et al. [15] conducted a
performance test to measure processing times and throughput. In contrast, we
derived a more comprehensive criteria catalog from general Saga execution char-
acteristics as well as from considering Microservices Architecture characteristics
and challenges to evaluate the solutions. Our evaluation is qualitative, because
we assess the solutions according to the criteria catalog based on our imple-
mentations. We have not performed quantitative evaluations, like performance
benchmarks to assess scalability and throughput or user experiments to assess
the ease of use. With respect to the work of Štefanko et al. [15], our work extends
it by evaluating additional criteria and considering an additional solution. The
resulting evaluation of Eventuate Tram and Netflix Conductor based on these
criteria is presented in Sect. 4.

3    The Saga Pattern

The Saga pattern was introduced by Garcia-Molina and Salem [6] for long lived
transactions by designing them as a sequence of local transactions. Although
they focused on a centralized system, they also mentioned the possibility of a
distributed implementation [6]. Therefore, Sagas have been proposed for updating
  https://docs.axoniq.io/reference-guide/axon-framework/sagas, last accessed
  https://eventuate.io/, last accessed 2021-02-17
  https://netflix.github.io/conductor/, last accessed 2021-02-17
  https://microprofile.io/project/eclipse/microprofile-lra, last accessed 2021-
             An Evaluation of Saga Pattern Implementation Technologies                                                                         77

data in multiple services in a Microservices Architecture without using distributed
transactions [11].
    To clarify this, Fig. 1 shows an exemplary execution of the trip booking
example. The system offers the possibility to book a trip which includes booking
a hotel and a flight. This can be considered as a long lived transaction with three
microservices involved: a Travel Service which accepts requests for booking a
trip and initiates the execution, a Hotel Service which manages hotel bookings,
and a Flight Service which manages flight bookings. Using the 2PC protocol
would mean that booking the hotel and the flight would be done within one
ACID [14] transaction coordinated by the Travel Service where the whole trip is
either booked or rejected. During the transaction execution, all services must lock
resources impacting throughput [9, 12]. If one service is temporarily unavailable,
the transaction may fail reducing the availability of the system as a whole [7, 11].

                                          Saga Log
                                         Begin Saga

                                      Start Booking Hotel                                      Start Booking Hotel

                                                               Saga Execution Coordinator
                       Start Saga                                                                                             Hotel Service
                                     End Booking Hotel                                           End Booking Hotels

                                     Start Booking Flight                                     Start Booking Flights
    Travel Service
                                        Abort Saga                                                 Abort Sagas

                                    Start Canceling Flight                                  Start Canceling Flights

                                    End Canceling Flight                                    End Canceling Flights             Flight Service
           Microservice             Start Canceling Hotel

                                    End Canceling Hotel                                              Start Canceling Hotels
       request/ message

         writing to logs                 End Saga                                                    End Canceling Hotels

                           Fig. 1. Execution of a Saga’s failure scenario based on 6 .

    Implementing the example as a Saga means that the long lived transaction is
split into three local transactions: Save Trip Information, Booking Hotel, and
Booking Flight. The Save Trip Information transaction is executed upon a trip
booking request locally by the Travel Service to initiate the Saga and ensure
Durability. It is part of the Begin Saga step and does not require communication
with another service which is why it is not explicitly shown in Fig. 1. The Booking
Hotel transaction and the Booking Flight transaction are executed locally in the
Hotel Service and Flight Service, respectively. Each local transaction updates
only the data within one service and then triggers the next one [8, 11] until
all transactions are completed, and hence the Saga itself completes. If one
transaction fails, the Saga aborts and all previously completed transactions have
to be compensated. This case is shown in Fig. 1, where after the booking of a
flight fails, the previously done hotel booking has to be canceled. Consequently,

     slide 70, last accessed: 2021-02-17
78       Karolin Dürr et al.

for each local transaction, a compensating transaction also needs to be provided,
which can compensate the transaction completely or at least semantically [6, 10].
    In contrast to the 2PC protocol, a service therefore only holds locks for local
transactions and not for the whole Saga execution enabling it to effectively serve
more requests. One consequence is that the Isolation property is not satisfied
because intermediate results are visible to other Sagas before the executing one
is fully committed [15]. Therefore, countermeasures need to be taken to prevent
anomalies resulting from the lack of Isolation [11]. Also, Atomicity is not given
for the Saga as a whole, solely for each local transaction [6, 10]. Instead of strict
Consistency, only eventual consistency [13] is provided [10, 15]. During execution,
a trip with a hotel, but no flight would be inconsistent, but after completion
consistency is again achieved, when necessary through compensations. Durability
is fully guaranteed through the durability of local transactions and the Saga log,
which is a distributed log to persist every executed transaction. The Saga log
is managed by a component called the Saga Execution Coordinator which is
itself stateless and uses the log to trigger transactions and thereby proceed Saga
executions [6]. Having a Saga Execution Coordinator either as a separate service
or within a service exemplifies the orchestrated Saga approach with the Saga
Execution Coordinator being called the orchestrator [3, 10]. Although out of the
scope of this work, also a choreographed approach would be possible where the
coordination is distributed [10].

4     Technological Evaluation
Before we discuss the evaluation based on a set of criteria, some fundamental
differences need to be mentioned, because they also affect our evaluation re-
sults. Eventuate Tram specifically focuses on Sagas by offering a Java-based
Domain Specific Language (DSL) for specifying a sequence of transactions and
corresponding compensating transactions inside the service acting as the Saga
orchestrator. It is then executed together with the so-called CDC service and
infrastructure components such as a database for persisting the Saga log and a
message broker for communication. The DSL can also be used for the participants,
if implemented with Java. For other languages, participants have to be integrated
based on the used communication mechanisms. We implemented all services as
Spring7 services with the DSL included. In contrast, Conductor is not designed
explicitly for Sagas, but distributed workflows in general. The central component
is the Conductor server which accepts workflows in the form of a JSON-based
DSL. A Saga is registered as a workflow, with tasks representing transactions
for which different types are offered. We used so-called worker tasks which are
more customizable than others. They need to be registered, and the services,
again implemented in Java, can then poll and update these tasks to proceed with
the workflow. All implementations with examples and detailed information on
execution can be found online8 .
    https://spring.io/, last accessed 2021-02-17
       An Evaluation of Saga Pattern Implementation Technologies                           79

                             Table 1. Evaluation overview

Criterion                                      Eventuate Tram Netflix Conductor
General Saga Characteristics
Specifying compensating transactions (CT)              ✓                       ✓
Automated execution of CTs                             ✓                       ✓
Compensation only where needed                         ✓             not directly supported
Parallel execution of transactions                     ✗                       ✓
Choreographed Sagas                                    ✓                       ✗

Runtime state of Sagas                            via database          UI visualization
Orchestrator metrics                           from CDC service from Conductor server
Tracing                                        Zipkin integration not directly supported
Logging                                        microservices logs Conductor server logs

Relatively simple integration                          ✓                       ✓
Terminating or pausing running Sagas              not directly              via UI
Versioning Sagas                                       ✗                       ✓
Built-in language support                             Java               Java, Python
Any language for orchestrator                          ✗                       ✓
Any language for participant                           ✓                       ✓

Failure performance
Enforced execution timeouts                            ✗                       ✓
Retry of failing participant without restart           ✗                       ✓
Independent compensating transactions                  ✓                       ✗
Auto-continuation after orchestrator crash             ✗                       ✓
No. of services for orchestration                      2                       1
New Sagas while orchestrator unavailable               ✓              only with buffering
High availability                              through replication    through replication
80       Karolin Dürr et al.

    Our first set of criteria (see Table 1 for an overview of all results) covers
general characteristics. Both technologies allow for specifying compensating
transactions which are also automatically triggered. However, only Eventuate
allows for mapping compensating transactions to transactions so that only
needed compensating transactions are executed while Conductor allows for one
failure workflow per workflow. That means the failure workflow must contain
all compensating transactions and even compensating transactions which would
not have been necessary are executed in case of a Saga abort. This is because
Conductor is not specifically focused on Sagas. With Conductor, the central
component is the Conductor server which orchestrates the Saga execution, and
participants are connected to the Conductor server, which is why it does not
support a choreographed approach to Sagas. With Eventuate as a framework
however, the participants could also be connected directly with each other,
enabling also a choreographed approach. In contrast, transaction execution
in Eventuate is strictly sequentially, while Conductor also allows for parallel
execution of transactions.
    The second set of criteria considers monitoring, a challenge in Microservices
Architectures [2, 4]. To get insights at runtime, Eventuate offers no pre-built
tool, but the database tracking all transactions and messages could be used as a
source for building a custom monitoring solution. Instead, Conductor offers a UI
which visualizes current workflows and provides useful functionalities for runtime
insights. A metrics endpoint exists for both technologies, which can be used to
collect metrics like the number of sent messages, average execution times, or the
number of failed Saga workflows. A possibility to use distributed tracing is only
given by Eventuate which offers a pre-built Zipkin9 integration. Additionally,
logs are written by both technologies which could help with troubleshooting.
    Because Microservices Architecture-based systems change and evolve, the third
set of criteria covers expandability. We extended the example with an additional
service, which can also be found in the repository. For both technologies, the
integration was possible without significant problems. Nevertheless, Conductor
is suited better for updating or extending a running system because currently
executing Sagas can be managed via the UI and workflows can be versioned.
This means that Sagas of a new version can be started at the same time as there
are still Sagas of an old version executing. With Eventuate, handling updates at
runtime requires more effort. Regarding polyglot programming as a characteristic
of Microservices Architectures [9, 16], Eventuate is a bit more restricted because
the DSL is based on Java which means that the orchestrator also needs to be
written in Java. With Conductor, the Conductor server is mainly responsible for
the orchestration which means that the service starting a Saga can be written
in any language. In addition to a pre-built Java client for writing participants,
Conductor also offers a Python client.
    As a final set of criteria, we consider the technologies’ handling of failures
which have to be expected in a distributed system. Both technologies tolerate
possible crashes of Saga participants by retrying communications. However, only
    https://zipkin.io/, last accessed 2021-02-17
         An Evaluation of Saga Pattern Implementation Technologies                 81

Conductor enforces an execution timeout to be set while Eventuate might, per
default, wait indefinitely for a service to restart. Depending on the use case and
volume of requests, this can become an issue. If there is no execution timeout for
Sagas, a service being unavailable for an extended period together with a high
volume of requests might lead to an overloaded system as a whole, because Saga
executions pile up and cannot make progress. An execution timeout can then
protect the system from consequential failures. Then again, there might be use
cases where Sagas should not be stopped at all because of a timeout. In such
a case, the enforced execution timeout of Conductor might be problematic. A
participant responding with a failure is unsubscribed from the message broker
with Eventuate, requiring a full restart of the participant so that it can re-register.
In contrast, Conductor retries even if a participant responded with a failure
that might only be temporary. Because compensating transactions are executed
only where needed with Eventuate, they can be executed independently from
participants where no compensation is necessary. Thus, also crashes of such
participants can be tolerated. Crashes of the Saga coordinator are tolerated by
both technologies and execution can continue afterwards because all necessary
information is persistently logged. However, merely Conductor automatically
continues while Eventuate needs a trigger after restart, such as a new Saga start.
With Eventuate, two services are required for orchestration: The CDC service
as orchestrator and a service in control of the Saga. Therefore, new Sagas can
still be started if only the orchestrator is unavailable. In case of Conductor, the
Conductor server is the exclusive orchestrator and additional logic would be
needed to buffer new requests in another service. Finally, both can be set up as a
highly available system by replicating the CDC service or the Conductor server,
     To summarize, both technologies enable robust Saga implementations. The
characteristics of the Saga pattern are represented more clearly with Eventuate
than with Conductor. However, Eventuate comes with limitations regarding the
flexibility in operation which is in turn better supported by Conductor.

5      Conclusion and Outlook
Given the Microservices Architecture as a popular software architecture approach,
patterns and technologies are needed to efficiently implement these systems and
tackle their accompanying challenges. Our evaluation of Saga pattern implemen-
tation technologies covers one of the aspects software engineers should consider
to make an informed decision on which technologies to use based on their specific
needs. As future work, we want to include additional technologies into our evalu-
ation, such as Axon and Long Running Actions for MicroProfile, but also the
possible usage of BPMN workflow engines as proposed in a recent talk by Bernd
Rücker10 and also by Niall Deehan at the ZEUS 2020 workshop. Furthermore,
extending the evaluation with quantitative methods is imaginable, for example
by doing a performance benchmark.
     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uvK4WInq6k, last accessed: 2021-02-17
82       Karolin Dürr et al.

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