Making clinical trials available at the point of care - connecting Clinical trials to Electronic Health Records using SNOMED CT and HL7 InfoButton standards Jay Kola1*[0000-0002-7584-5003], Wai Keong Wong2 and Bhavana Buddala1 1 Termlex Limited, Spaces, The Porter Building, Slough, SL1 1FQ, United Kingdom 2 University College London Hospitals, 250 Euston Road, NW1 2PJ, United Kingdom Abstract. Making clinical trials discoverable at the point of care (patient en- counter) is one of the holy grails of connecting clinical research with clinical practice [1, 2]. Semantic interoperability standards designed for hospital sys- tems do not interface well with clinical trials, which are predominantly unstruc- tured/free text. In this paper, we describe our experiences of using SNOMED CT and HL7 InfoButton standards to make clinical trials from a trial registry accessible to clinicians within an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system in University College Hospitals, London. In particular we discuss the use of HL7 InfoButton standard [15] as a standardised interface for a clinical trials reposito- ry, which we believe is a first of its kind in the UK. We discuss some of the bar- riers to making clinical trials more accessible in EHR systems, including con- siderations for using standards and associated challenges & opportunities. Keywords: Clinical trials, SNOMED CT, HL7 InfoButton, Trial eligibility, Keytrials. 1 Introduction 1.1 Connecting clinical research to clinical practice There is extensive literature that highlights how despite clinical research and trials being vital to advances in clinical medicine [1, 2], multiple challenges exist in patient recruitment [3], physician participation [3, 4] and identification of patient eligibility [4]. One of the key challenges in both patient recruitment and physician participation is the ability to expose existing local clinical study information (e.g. eligibility, re- cruitment status) to providers and patients [5]. While external trial registries like Clin- [6] and UK Clinical Trials Gateway [7] exist, site-specific information in these registries are often not kept updated with on-going studies. At times coverage of on-going trials in external registries can be less than 50% [8]. In other cases, in- formation in external registries might not be kept up to date with changes to the study. In this paper (written as application notes), we describe our experience of cre- ating Keytrials, a clinical trials discovery platform, designed to make local clinical Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 2 trials accessible to physicians and patients. While Keytrials makes existing clinical trials (either local or imported from external registries) available to users via a web (REST1) API2, our objective was to integrate trial-matching (on-demand) into the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. There have been past attempts at creating electronic solutions and novel specifications for making local registries accessible to external consumers [5, 9, 10] including EHR systems. However, we based our inte- gration between the EHR system and Keytrials on existing healthcare standards like SNOMED CT [11] and HL7, that are already in use in Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems within our setting and also internationally. 2 Keytrials Platform Keytrials is an open source clinical trials discovery platform, designed to make it easier for clinicians and patients to find trials that are open, with a goal to increase trial recruitment and improve visibility of clinical trial activity at University College London Hospital (UCLH), UK. Keytrials is built using modern Web 2.0 and Java enterprise technologies. There is a clean separation of its backend layer from the user interface and backend layers using REST APIs as shown in Figure 1. This makes it easy for other 3rd party applications and other apps to plugin into the RESTful service layer. Fig. 1. Overview of Keytrials Platform, showing its integration with local Trials Registry and hospital EHR System. 1 REST – Representational State Transfer 2 API – Application Programming Interface 3 R&D – Research and Development 4 However, since morbidity and mortality information in hospital systems has traditionally been 2 API coded – Application using ICDProgramming for statutory reporting Interface to the World Health Organisation (WHO), aspects of the clinically relevant information (e.g. diagnosis, age, gender, interventions, etc.) tend to 3 For the purposes of this paper, three aspects of Keytrials are of interest – R&D3 Environment Integration, Terminology Integration and HL7 InfoButton Inte- gration. Together, these three functionalities allow local (or remote) trials to be ac- cessible for trial-matching within the EHR, at the point of care. 2.1 R&D Environment Integration This functionality allows Keytrials to import existing trials from a clinical trials regis- try. Within UCLH, existing trials are held in a local trial management system (Edge), which acts as the primary source of trials. However, Keytrials also allows existing trials to be imported from remote registries like 2.2 Terminology Integration This functionality allows Keytrials to access a centralized `terminology server` that provides search (lookup) functionality for healthcare terminologies like SNOMED CT. Keytrials uses both the terminological content (e.g. concept ids, descriptions, etc.) and the semantic relationships within SNOMED CT. For example, when users can search for disease conditions they can search for matches using the preferred terms (small cell lung cancer) or synonyms (oat cell carcinoma of lung). Both return the exact trials, since the terminology server resolves them to the same SNOMED CT concept. Keytrials also uses the underlying semantics of SNOMED CT as part of returning matches. For example, if a user searches for `Plasma Cell Neoplasm`, it will also bring back `Multiple Myeloma` even though there is no textual match between Plasma Cell Neoplasm and Multiple Myeloma. It does this because in SNOMED CT, Multiple myeloma is defined as a type of Plasma Cell Neoplasm - which makes re- sults more intuitive to our clinician users. A longer discussion of how SNOMED CT as a standard is implemented in our workflow is discussed in section 3.4. 2.3 ULCH EHR System UCL Hospitals (UCLH) have recently implemented Epic as their EHR system across all clinical specialties. As part of this roll out, UCLH decided to adopt SNOMED CT as the reference terminology for their EHR, in keeping with the national requirements in the UK. However, instead of natively using SNOMED CT to populate their diagno- sis, UCLH procured a 3rd party content provider that provides an interface terminolo- gy system for clinicians to use. This is mapped to ICD 10 [12] and SNOMED CT. However, Epic does not currently support the transmission of SNOMED CT concept ID via the Infobutton interface. Instead it can only provide the ICD 10 code. So when Keytrials interfaces with Epic, it receives ICD codes instead of SNOMED CT codes. Keytrials then uses the `terminology server` to translate these ICD codes into their SNOMED CT equivalents as needed. 3 R&D – Research and Development 4 3 Standards based Integration with EHR 3.1 SNOMED CT Annotation of Trials Trials that have been imported into Keytrials have both structured (defined) data ele- ments (e.g. status, open date, closing date, etc.) and unstructured elements (e.g. eligi- bility criteria, description/summary of trial, etc.). In order to match suitable trials with existing patient details (e.g. age, disease conditions, gender), it is often the eligibility criteria of a trial that are of most relevance. However, most of this information is pro- vided as `free-text` in trial, which is not coded to any `standardised` medical vocabu- lary/terminology. As described above, the EHR itself is coded in either ICD or SNOMED CT – leading to situation where trial-matching will require the clinical trials to also be `coded` using the same coding system. As part of the project, we use Bio-YODIE [13], a `Natural Language Processing` (NLP) engine to annotate clinical trials with their corresponding disease conditions. The results of this NLP process are clinical trials with associated disease conditions coded in SNOMED CT. These `anno- tated trials` are then stored in Keytrials, making them available for subsequent que- ries. 3.2 HL7 InfoButton interface with EHR Context-dependent `infobuttons` have been proposed & used for displaying contextu- ally relevant knowledge resources within EHRs [14]. This approach for integrating online knowledge resources with EHRs has been standardized by HL7 as the Info- Button standard [15]. The InfoButton standard allows systems (e.g. EHR systems) to request information from `knowledge resources` using a standardised `reference mod- el` which can be expressed as a series of URL (Uniform Resource Locator) query parameters and values. These requests can then be sent to the `knowledge resource` using Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) technologies. A limited subset of these InfoButton standardised URL parameters are shown in table 1 below. Table 1. Selected subset of InfoButton URL parameters relevant for clinical trials URL parameter Description Code systems name The main clinical concept of interest in a Main search criteria knowledge request (e.g., a medication, a ICD, SNOMED-CT laboratory test result, a problem) HL7 administrative Gender The patient’s gender gender Age The patient’s age as a value and a unit Not Applicable The action the user is performing in a clinical information system when a knowledge re- Task Context HL7 Act Code quest is triggered (e.g., order entry, laborato- ry results review, problem list review) 5 HL7 Infobutton has been used to varying degrees of success in EHR systems for clinical decision support, medication alerts and for allowing access to online refer- ences [17]. It has more recently also been used to integrate genomic resources within EHRs to mixed success [18]. However, since its inclusion in the `meaningful use` certification in the US [19], major EHR vendors support its use out of the box. Within our project, Epic the EHR system in use in UCLH supports InfoButton based re- quests, making it quite attractive as a way for accessing trial information held in Key- trials. This in effect, turns Keytrials into a knowledge resource for clinical trials and allows us to use InfoButton URL queries to access trials appropriate for a patient. 3.3 InfoButton Queries for Clinical Trials in Keytrials Using the URL query parameters specified in the standard, it is possible to create a InfoButton request to a knowledge resource as below: The above request specifies that the value of `age` as `78`. A slightly more realistic query being sent to a test server for Keytrials would look like: mainSearchCriteria.v.c=C34 This translates to a query for all matching trials suitable for a patient of age 78 years and an ICD-10 diagnosis of `Lung Cancer` (C34). The workflow within ULCH, is set up such that a when a clinician is with a patient, she/he can right click on a patient’s diagnosis/disease con- dition to display an option for retrieving matching clinical trials. This creates an `Info- Button` query that is sent to the `InfoButton API` in Keytrials. As shown in Figure 2, Keytrials then translates this query into its inter- nal representation and Fig. 2. Overview of InfoButton based integration between Key- creates a list of match- trials and the EHR system. ing trials. In our pro- ject, we chose to con- 6 figure the EHR system to display these matching trials in a separate built-in browser tab. This allows the physician in effect to perform trial-matching at the point of care, directly from the EHR. The next section describes how this InfoButton query with the ICD-10 diag- nosis code is translated into the semantic equivalent of `all descendants of Lung can- cer` using SNOMED CT via the terminology server. 3.4 Semantic Search of Trials using SNOMED CT (via a terminology server) In the above section we explained how the criteria for finding a clinical trial are passed to Keytrials platform using HL7 InfoButton request parameters. One notable part of these InfoButton request parameters is the `mainSearchCriteria.v.c` parameter, which represents the `code` in the coding system used for identifying concepts of interest (e.g. disease diagnosis, procedures, etc.). In Epic, ICD-10 is used to code diagnosis. For example in Fig- ure 2, the fragment after this parameter with value C34 is the ICD-10 code for `Lung Can- cer`. When this InfoButton query is sent to Keytrials, it parses this query and extracts the code `C34`. Since this re- quest parameter is known to contain a `code`, this is sent to the Terminology Server for lookup. Within the Terminolo- gy Server, this code is associat- Fig. 3. Use of Terminology server in Keytrials – to ed with ICD-10 and we use a retrieve all types/descendants of T-cell Lymphoma, `cross-map` to go from ICD-10 including Lennert’s Lymphoma (shown in red). to SNOMED CT. This trans- form from ICD-10 to SNOMED CT and associated issues are described in section 4.2. Once we find an equivalent SNOMED CT concept for an ICD-10 code, we perform a `semantic expansion` based on the meaning of this SNOMED CT concept. For exam- ple, when the query is for `T-cell Lymphoma`, we know that in most cases the user is expecting trials for all types of `T-cell Lymphomas`. Our terminology server calcu- lates this `semantic expansion` (transitive closure) on the fly and returns all transitive sub-types (descendants) for that concept. We refer to this `semantic expansion during search` as `semantic search`. This `semantic search` based on SNOMED CT has the added benefit of picking up concepts that would otherwise have been missed by `text- based` search alone. For example, in Figure 3, we are able to include trials for `Len- nert’s Lymphoma` as part of `T-cell Lymphoma` trials, since in SNOMED CT it is declared as a sub-type of `T-cell Lymphoma`. Any `text-based` search for `T-cell Lymphomas` would have likely missed `Lennert’s Lymphoma` as it does not have the token `T-cell` in it. 7 4 Discussion Since the ability to support queries is based on the HL7 InfoButton and SNOMED CT standards, we believe our approach should be adoptable by other investigators. We believe that within the UK we are the first project to adopt InfoButton and SNOMED CT standards for accessing clinical trials from an EHR system. This approach howev- er was not without issues given how clinical trials and clinical medicine do not often support the same standards. We share some of our experiences in this section. These challenges can be separated into trials related and EHR related issues. 4.1 Issues with Clinical Trials data We have previously mentioned how existing large registries of trials have issues in staying up to date with trials that are on-going and open for recruitment. This contin- ues to be a problem even in smaller registries. In our project, we were forced to build a batch import integration between the local trial management system and Keytrials. This batch import is currently run weekly to ensure that Keytrials is kept in sync with the updates to local trial registry. We however recognise that creating integrations for multiple local trial registry systems will be expensive as every system will likely have its own internal representation. Standards based interchange format would help sim- plify this task. While CDISC-ODM [20] exists, it is tied to the operational workflow of running clinical trials as opposed to specifying the data standards for trials. In the future term, we believe that HL7 FHIR might evolve to become a standardised repre- sentation for clinical trials [21, 22]. However, this current specification of a `Re- searchStudy` is still in early stages of development [23]. A further issue with making clinical trials accessible to EHR systems is the in- ability to explicitly specify eligibility criteria (inclusion, exclusion criteria, disease conditions, interventions, etc.) as structured/coded entities. While FHIR seems to allow this level of specification in the future, a vast number of existing studies are free-text based, limiting the ability to automatically match trials to coded diagnosis, age or other information in EHR systems. This limitation can be overcome using NLP as adopted within our project and other initiatives [24 - 27]. However, this approach of post-processing and annotating trials could be avoided if clinical trials registries could facilitate the coding of eligibility criteria at the time of trial registration. 4.2 Issues with EHR data Similar to the state of clinical trials ecosystem, the landscape in EHRs is still riddled with large amounts of un-coded and unstructured free-text information4. While having 4 However, since morbidity and mortality information in hospital systems has traditionally been coded using ICD for statutory reporting to the World Health Organisation (WHO), aspects of the clinically relevant information (e.g. diagnosis, age, gender, interventions, etc.) tend to be coded more commonly. 8 ICD-10 used for coding diagnosis provides a slightly better starting point for integrat- ing EHRs with clinical trials, often the level of granularity required by researchers and physicians interested in research is not provided by ICD as it was primarily de- signed for statistical reporting. SNOMED CT is starting to see adoption across the globe and in the UK, but within our project we note that Epic did not support SNOMED CT natively. This meant that when we had to integrate our EHR (coded using ICD-10) with clinical trials (annotated using SNOMED CT via NLP), we were forced to use ICD codes as part of the `mainSearchCriteria` attribute in InfoButton to send diagnosis codes to Keytrials. This required a workaround within Keytrials, where all ICD codes passed via InfoButton were then processed by the `terminology server` to convert them into corresponding SNOMED CT codes. As knowledgeable readers will note, going from ICD-10 to SNOMED CT will often result in a `lossy` transform, as SNOMED CT is often more granular/specific than ICD. This `lossy transform` and incorrect use of the semantics of SNOMED CT while perhaps not immediately relevant for trial-matching is likely to become more important when automated trial-matching becomes more prevalent. We believe that with greater adoption of SNOMED CT, we will likely see native use of this standard in EHR systems in the future so these `lossy` transforms can be avoided. While not immediately part of the EHR issues, we also noted within our pro- ject that the use of SNOMED CT presented interesting challenges. For example, in SNOMED CT searching for `adenocarcinoma` might present two exact matches – one of them being a `morphological abnormality` and the other being a `disorder` making it confusing for users as to which match to select. This can easily be ad- dressed by ensuring that only relevant SNOMED CT hierarchies are included by de- fault during search – in this case only including `clinical findings` hierarchy from SNOMED CT. However, it should also be noted that even within `clinical finding` hierarchy, exactly named matches could sometimes appear. For example, searching for `fatigue` might return a `symptom` and a `disorder`, both of which are part of the `clinical finding` hierarchy. Needless to say, like all clinical information systems us- ing a terminology, a degree of clinical assurance is required to improve usability. However, on the whole using a combination of SNOMED CT and InfoButton has provided a degree of assurance and flexibility within our project. We believe that as clinical trials registries and EHR systems continue to mature, standards based inte- gration will continue to become more prevalent and a lot more plug-n-play. 5 Conclusions In this paper we shared our experience of using existing healthcare standards SNOMED CT and HL7 InfoButton to make data in a clinical trials accessible to EHR systems. While InfoButton has been used with mixed results in other domains, it has 9 not been previously been used to access clinical trials in the UK. One major challenge in making clinical trials discoverable and connecting them to EHRs is the lack of standardisation of trial eligibility criteria – with most being just un-coded, free-text content. This is a barrier for matching patients to eligible trials, even if relevant in- formation (coded diagnosis, age, gender, etc.) is already available within the patient record in the EHR system. We used an NLP approach to annotate eligibility criteria (e.g. disease conditions) in SNOMED CT, thereby allowing us to use a fuller range of InfoButton query parameters to match trials to patients directly from the EHR system. Since our approach is based on international standards, we believe it could serve as a means of creating reusable integrations between clinical trial registries with EHR systems. However, the lack of standardisation of clinical trials might mean that significant effort is required to integrate a clinical trials registry needs to a HL7 Info- button compliant EHR system. We note that a standardised specification of clinical trials could make this integration less onerous. However, existing standards for clini- cal trials do not yet specify this level of detail (CDISC-ODM) and others are not yet sufficiently mature to meet this need (HL7 FHIR). A similar, albeit slightly different problem exists within EHR systems where relevant information is coded but in ICD- 10, which does not always provide the level of detail required for clinical research. However the increasing adoption of SNOMED CT in this space will likely solve that issue, even if SNOMED CT itself comes with its own set of challenges. We hope that as standards for clinical trials and EHRs mature and become more widely adopted, it will be possible to make clinical trials discoverable at the point of care in EHR sys- tems using a plug-n-play model. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge that UCLH BRC (Bio- medical Research Centre) and CRIU (Clinical Research Informatics Unit) funded development of the Keytrials platform. References 1. 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