=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2849/paper-32 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2849/paper-32.pdf |volume=Vol-2849 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/swat4ls/Katayama19 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2849/paper-32.pdf
                       MetaStanza: Generic WebComponents Widgets for
                          Visualizing SPARQL Results on the Web

                                                        Toshiaki Katayama

                     Database Center for Life Science, Research Organization of Information and Systems,
                                  178-4-4 Wakashiba, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-0871, Japan

                        Abstract. SPARQL queries are used to retrieve information from RDF datasets
                        while visualizing the results on a web page still requires development of custom
                        modules especially when it needs to be graphically displayed. To ease this situa-
                        tion, I have developed MetaStanza as a generic framework to generate typical
                        visualizations based on the TogoStanza and the d3sparql.js tools that have also
                        been in-house developed. With MetaStanza, user can specify a SPARQL query
                        API with desired parameters to embed 15 different types of visualizations in any
                        web site as a WebComponents widget.

                        Keywords: SPARQL, JavaScript, WebComponents, visualization, MetaStanza.

                1       Introduction

                   To introduce a modularity in web applications, IFRAME or WebComponents are
                being used with which a web page can be constructed as a combination of widgets
                showing different information blocks. The TogoStanza framework1 enables to create
                such modules showing information obtained from SPARQL queries and has been used
                to develop the TogoGenome database2 and several other databases in life sciences [1].
                Even with TogoStanza, web application developers still needed to be responsible for
                the implementation of a visualization in each widget. To lower the burden, I have cre-
                ated the d3sparql.js library 3 to generate typical visualizations by transforming a
                SPARQL Query Result JSON Format into an expected JSON structure such as tables,
                trees and graphs. However, it was still required to code some JavaScript for calling
                functions of the d3sparql.js in each TogoStanza module.
                  To resolve this situation, I developed a set of MetaStanza which currently provides
                15 different typical types of visualizations on top of the TogoStanza framework and the
                d3sparql.js library. As a result, users can embed a MetaStanza in any web page only by
                writing a small amount of the HTML markup which in turn automatically converted to
                a WebComponents widget showing the result of a designated SPARQL query.


Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

2        Results

   Each MetaStanza takes the URI of a SPARQL query or a REST API which returns
the SPARQL Query Result JSON Format with some additional parameters to adjust
visualizations (Fig 1).

     Fig. 1 Embedding MetaStanza in a web page where the italic parts are variables.

   Currently 15 different types of visualizations are available4 including barchart, cir-
clepack, coordmap, dendrogram, forcegraph, htmlhash, htmltable, namedmap, piechart,
roundtree, sankey, scatterplot, sunburst, treemap, and treemapzoom (Fig 2).

          Fig 2. MetaStanza showing a zoomable treemap visualization embedded
                 in the help page (left panel) and a web page (right panel).

  The source code of MetaStanza5 and d3sparql.js are freely available on GitHub and
example REST APIs returning SPARQL results are provided by the SPARQList 6
which can be easily customized according to the developer’s needs.

Reference. 1. Katayama T, Kawashima S, Okamoto S, Moriya Y, Chiba H, Naito Y,
Fujisawa T, Mori H, Takagi T: TogoGenome/TogoStanza: modularized Semantic
Web genome database. Database (Oxford) 2019, 2019:1–11.
