=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2851/paper21 |storemode=property |title=Information System for Sewing Enterprise |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper21.pdf |volume=Vol-2851 |authors=Nataliia Kunanets,Anna Synko,Nataliia Veretennikova |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/itpm/KunanetsSV21 }} ==Information System for Sewing Enterprise== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper21.pdf
Information System for Sewing Enterprise
Nataliia Kunanetsa, Anna Synkoa and Nataliia Veretennikovaa
    Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandery str., 12 , Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

                 The implementation of the project on construction of a rational model of the automated
                 information system of complex accounting at the enterprise is described. The requirements to
                 the project of information system and the analysis of the system functionality are given. The
                 development of an automated information system of enterprise management is considered as
                 a scientific project that has a certain life cycle, which is implemented in such phases as pre-
                 investment, investment and operational. The main issues that need to be considered when
                 developing an automated enterprise management system are outlined. Having analyzed the
                 system, using object-oriented methodology, the boundaries of the system and the
                 environment are separated, the actors, options for use and the relationship between them are

                 Keywords 1
                 Project life cycle, business plan, Gantt chart, automated information system, critical path,
                 human resources, material resources, project participants, sewing enterprise.

1. Introduction
    The word of project is very often used in our lives. There is development of means to fight AIDS,
conservation of the Chornobyl NPS, election campaign, renting and repairing a new office, etc. All
these tasks have several common features that characterize them as projects. These features include a
focus on achieving the goal; the presence of numerical hierarchical goals; coordinated implementation
of related actions; project time frame; availability of budget; uniqueness.
    It is the project that allows us to properly plan and quickly manage the implementation of tasks.
The aim of the project is to create something new, non-existent at this moment. As a result of the
project, a new product appears as an enterprise, a product, a production line, service. The concept of
project covers a wide range of activities from minor modernization of the existing facility to the
creation of an enterprise in a complex with the developed infrastructure that requires significant
    Project management is one of the most complex and time-consuming areas due to the large amount
of information used for management decisions, as well as the fact that the structure of the project in
the process of its implementation is changing.
    Effective project management is impossible without the use of modern information and
communication technologies and appropriate tools.

2. Analysis of recent research and publications
   The paper [1] analyzes the content of the concept of project and project management; the main
components of the project are given; the life cycle of the project in the form of phases is described
(design, implementation, and operation), which have a certain set of works (processes) that need to be
implemented as well as the main functions for effective project management are mentioned.

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop IT Project Management (ITPM 2021), February 16-18, 2021, Slavsko, Lviv region, Ukraine
EMAIL: anna.i.synko@lpnu.com (A. 1); nek.lviv@gmail.com (A. 2); nataver19@gmail.com (A. 3)
ORCID: 0000-0002-8355-461X (A. 1); 0000-0003-3007-2462 (A. 2); 0000-0001-9564-4084 (A. 3)
            ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
   The main theoretical and conceptual principles and practical examples of strategic management
were studied by Tony Morden [2], Wyn Jenkins and David Williamson [3]. The use of information
technology in project management of the enterprise was researched by Michael S. Zambruski [4]. The
issues of organization management are studied by Hal G. Rainey [5], K. Schwalbe [6].
   Data flow diagram (DFD) is one of the main tools for structural analysis and design of information
systems. They are used for graphical structural analysis, which describes external sources to the
system and data recipients, logical functions, data flows and data warehouses to which access is made.
IDEF0 notation, based on SADT methodology, is most often used to describe business processes.
   Scientific works of many domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to business process
modeling, in particular works by John Jeston [7], J. Pinggera, P. Soffer, S. Zugal, B. Weber, M.
Weidlich, D. Fahland, H.A. Reijers, J. Mendling [8], J. Cardoso [9], H. Gould [10] and others.
   One of the methods of project planning is the Gantt chart, which is used to illustrate the plan, the
work schedule for any project. The method of planning the activities of the enterprise using the Gantt
chart was investigated by such scientists as J. Geraldi [11], A. Sharon [12], Olivier and Cristina
Rebière [13].
   A significant contribution to the study of life cycles of related fields of knowledge was made by
J. Westland [14], Massimo Pica [15].

3. Project proposals for the formation of the information system
    It is known that a lot of industries today do not have partial or full automated work. Therefore,
employees of such enterprises are forced to perform some routine operations that could be done with
computers. Thanks to new information technologies, it is possible to automate management
operations, as well as to obtain information for decision-making and analytics in enterprise
    The purpose of this paper is to create and implement a project to build a rational model of an
automated information system of integrated accounting of material resources, production costs, sales
of finished products of light industry, building an effective business management model using
intelligent systems and technologies.
    This task can be considered in terms of a research project, which contains a set of purposeful,
consistent actions aimed at achieving the result with limited resources and timing of their beginning
and end. A project is a certain enterprise with established goals, the achievement of which determines
the completion of the project [15].
    Each project has its own life cycle that is the period from the conception of the project (idea) to its
completion (liquidation of the project). The project life cycle is defined as a set of consecutive phases
of the project, their names and numbers are determined by the control needs of the organization or
organizations involved in the project [16].
    The following phases of the project were used to solve this goal:
    Pre-investment phase includes identification that is a problem definition and proposal for its
solution, preparation and evaluation of a business plan, especially an identification of investment
opportunities, analysis of alternatives and preliminary project selection, namely preliminary feasibility
study, analysis of analogue projects (if any), definition of time, resource (human), financial costs of
the project, assessment of risks and viability of the project, selection and preliminary approval of
equipment and its location (s), expertise, negotiations on the development of an automated system.
    Investment phase includes establishing the legal, financial, and organizational basis for the project,
detailed design and contracting, development of the most automated system and its testing, tenders for
equipment supply, purchase and installation of equipment and programs, data filling system, pre-
production marketing, staff training, commissioning, and launching.
    Operation phase:
    •     in the short term, it is studied the possible occurrence of problems related to the use, operation
    of equipment or staff qualifications;
    •     in the long term, it is considered the chosen strategy and the total cost of production and
    marketing, as well as saving time and resources during operation, which automatically leads to an
    increase in profits from the manufacture of goods. This phase also includes the following works as
   testing of equipment, debugging programs, correction of errors and inaccuracies in the work,
   closing the contract, analysis of results, development, and improvement of certain functions of the
   automated accounting system at the enterprise.
   The point of the project is to produce a new and unique product for the company [16].
   The process of managing this project can be considered as a set of some functions:
   1. Subject area management. The subject area of the project (project goals, objectives, and
   work) in the process of its life undergoes changes, so there is a need to manage the subject area of
   the project.
   2. Quality management. There are clearly defined and established requirements or standards of
   quality of results, using which it is possible to assess the degree of success of the implemented
   automated information system or the developed project. Defining these requirements, their control
   and support during all phases of the project is the essence of the quality management function.
   3. Time management. It means keeping time limits, control of project development and in case
   of deviation from the plan, the appropriate measures for their elimination should be applied. To
   prevent undesirable deviations, it is necessary to predict the project development process.
   4. Cost management. It is necessary to keep the established, planned budget according to the
   plan [17].
   Effective project management is impossible without the use of modern information technologies.
At each stage of the project life cycle, the goals of automation will be different. During the pre-
investment phase these is search for sponsors, ensuring effective interaction with the customer,
reducing development time, concluding key documents, calculation of risks, etc. During the
investment phase these are the choice of performers, staff, equipment, suppliers, etc. At the design
stage it is to reduce the time of development of the project implementation schedule [18]. At the
implementation stage it is to increase the reliability and efficiency of information about the status of
the project to solve operational management tasks; to reduce time for preparation of documents,
reports on the progress of the project; to ensure effective interaction between project participants. At
the stage of delivery and completion of the project it is observed checking the efficiency of the
equipment, and the formation of working documentation [19-26].
   In practice of project management, it is used both universal and specialized tools or programs
(software packages).
   Universal software packages include spreadsheet, word processor, database management systems
(DBMS), presentation programs (e.g., PowerPoint) and communication programs (e.g., Skype, Zoom,
MS Teams, etc.).
   Specialized programs are the tools that are specifically designed to manage the project at different
stages. For example, during the concept phase, the software package ProjectExpert can be used,
during the system design it can be ERWin package, if it is preparation and implementation, MS
Project is proposed.
   The MS Project software package is most often used for the implementation of small and medium-
sized projects due to the wide capabilities of the package, and user-friendly interface. The program
provides an opportunity to structure the project by dividing it into stages, tasks, and subtasks, to
identify critical tasks, to obtain a schedule of project implementation, to allocate resources to project
tasks, as well as to effectively control the load of resources.
   The development of a project to create an automated information accounting system was
implemented using the MS Project environment using the Gantt chart, which is one of the methods of
project planning. All tasks performed during the project life cycle are presented in Fig.1.
Figure 1: Project development life cycle
    This diagram shows the names of tasks, their sequence, start and end dates (duration), resources
(labor, material ones), which are used to perform a task, as well as their involvement (as a percentage,
where 100 % is one bet). It should be noted that the composition of these subprocesses / activities
may change, i.e., some activities may degenerate.
    Project tasks can be performed simultaneously or sequentially. The list of tasks and the time
required to complete them is displayed on the task schedule. It can be used to determine when a task
should begin and end and how long it will last.
    In the project it is possible to define intermediate purposes, or checkpoints (milestones) which will
be used for display of intermediate results of the project. Checkpoints help to group tasks [14].
    In the Resource Sheet section of the MS Project environment, it must be specified all the resources
that are attached to the project. These can be labor, financial, and material resources. For material
resources it is necessary to specify units of measurement. For labor resources it is necessary to set the
following parameters as the maximum workload for an employee, the hourly rate, the cost of overtime
work. Time of payment for the performed work could be at the beginning, during the performance or
after the delivery of the finished work. Figure 2 shows all the resources that were used to implement
our project.
    As can be seen, the following human resources take part in the development of the project, namely
developers (they write a program for the system), tester (they test software and detect errors in the
work of applications), business analyst and analyst (they analyze the problem and make a business
plan) , director (manages the sewing enterprise and is involved in the project development process),
manager (manages the production process and assists in the development of the business plan),
administrator (is responsible for training employees to use the developed product), investors (finance
the project for profit), accountant (keeps accounts during the project), installer (delivers and installs
the equipment which the system will work on), advertising manager (is responsible for advertising the
developed system), employees (master the work of the system for further use).
    Project participants realize different interests in the project implementation process, form their
own requirements in accordance with the goals and motivation and influence the project based on
their interests, competencies, and the degree of involvement in the project.
    The project participants, their roles, distribution of functions and responsibilities depend on the
type, scale, and complexity of the project, as well as on the phases of its life cycle. Project participants
can be active, passive, and direct.
    Material resources are office rent for work (creation of software applications), measured in days;
rent of the necessary equipment for software creation and its testing; purchase of necessary equipment
for system operation at the enterprise; transportation and installation of equipment.
Figure 2: All resources involved in the project
   Since resources are rarely available, this factor must be considered when developing a project.
Each resource and each type of work has a certain value in monetary terms, which makes up the
budget of the whole project. The MS Project environment also provides information which resources
are overloaded and which tasks cannot be completed untimely.
   The Task Usage section automatically calculates the cost of the project and it can be estimated the
project budget (Fig. 3).
   With the help of different modes of viewing information about the project and reports, it is
possible to quickly identify the types of tasks, the implementation of which is delayed or the cost of
which exceeds the budget [13].
   Project management is about tracking the status of tasks and determining whether they are being
carried out according to plan. If execution lags the plan, you should either change the plan or take
measures to eliminate the delay. MS Project automatically adjusts the plan according to the changes.

Figure 3: Costs during project implementation
   The following main points should be noted when calculating the project budget:
   •    the project budget should be based on cost estimates and schedules;
   •    it should be also based on project requirements, and any assumptions should be identified and
   The structure of the project budget is shown in Fig.4.

                                Basic budget              Reserve for unknown risks

                       Reserve for          Distributed         Undistributed
                       known risks            budget              budget

                                            Expense items


Figure 4: Project budget structure
    To calculate the project budget, it is necessary to have a project estimate; approved cost items;
project schedule. Graphical representation of the project budget is called the S-curve of the project.
    When any complex task must be completed by a certain deadline, the important factors are time
and material resources [13]. They can be managed using the critical path method. This method allows
you to predict how long the project will take, which of its tasks are critical and which are the most
stretched in time. Critical tasks are those whose delay may affect the completion of the project.
Critical tasks form a critical path. Delays in non-critical tasks will not affect the completion date of
the project [11].
    The critical path method is a standard method for determining critical tasks [12]. It is based on a
mathematical model that considers the relationship between the types of tasks, their duration, and the
conditions of resource availability. MS Project allows you to quickly identify the critical path and
focus on critical tasks. Using the critical path method, it can also be predicted and optimized labor
costs [13]. MS Project provides the user with various tools for creating and maintaining a project.
    Thus, according to the obtained data, it can be concluded that the selected project is small in scale
because it relates to the modernization of certain functions of business (at a cost of up to 10 million
    In terms of complexity, it is a mono-project that is a separate narrow-profile project of a certain
type and scale.
    In terms of quality, it belongs to the projects of ordinary quality, because it does not pose a threat
to humanity in the case of an error.
    By the nature and scope of its activities, it belongs to organizational projects aimed at reforming
the management system, creating a new organization, restructuring, etc. After all, the developed
system should automate the work of production due to the developed electronic systems of storage,
data processing, etc.
    According to the duration of the project or the terms of implementation it refers to short-term
projects (up to 3 years). Figure 3 shows that the duration of the project is 80 days.
    The main features of the project are:
    •    saving labor, and time costs;
    •    quantitative measurability, evaluation of all costs and benefits;
    •    ability to track, check the work of employees;
    •    ability to report on the performed work;
    •    low equipment requirements;
    •    minimal use of manual labor related to information processing;
    •    ease of performing operations for the user;
    •    ability to verify the correctness and completeness of calculations on computers;
    •    ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access.
    The advantages of using the Gantt chart as a method of project planning are:
     •    visualization of the task and all stages of the project;
     •    assistance in identifying critical points;
     •    optimization of planning and distribution of tasks;
     •    the ability to quickly update with software and applications;
     •    the ability to build even on plain paper or in Excel, etc.
     Management functions of this project are:
     •    forecasting and planning of project activities;
     •    organization of work;
     •    coordination and regulation of project development and implementation processes;
     •    activation and stimulation of work of executors, developers;
     •    accounting, control and analysis of the progress of project development and implementation
     (regular meetings, inspections such as monitoring of project implementation).
     Also, it should be emphasized that during the development of the project there is an important
justification, which is presented in the business plan [7]. After all, it provides a detailed description of
the goals and objectives that need to be solved, as well as their ways to achieve. A business plan
provides an opportunity to determine the viability of the project in conditions of fierce competition;
describes possible risks of the project; contains a reference point for the development of the
enterprise; is an important tool for obtaining financial support from external investors, auctioneers,
etc. [8].
     Although the development of this project is done by a business analyst and an enterprise analyst,
who make a significant contribution to its conclusion and formation, but it is primarily intended for
the following categories of participants as directors or owners; investors or ordinary banks for which
it is a mandatory document.
     The content of the business plan and the degree of its detailization usually depend on the size of
the future project and the scope to which it relates; the size of the market (demand); the presence of
competitors and their number.
     There are different standards of business planning [7]. The most famous are the UNIDO standard
(United Nations Industrial Development Organization); KPMG standart (Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co.,
William Barclay Peat & Co., Marwick, Mitchell & Co., Treuhand-Gesellschaft); TACIS standard
(Technical Assistance for the Commonwealth of Independent States); EBRD standard (European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development).
     The automated information system itself, to which the project was developed, needs to solve the
following issues:
     •    analysis of product demand in the market;
     •    study of the system of indicators of accounting for production costs and sales at industrial
     enterprises in order to organize automated information accounting;
     •    examination of disadvantages and problems in the organization of the system of accounting
     for production costs and the organization of the sales process of finished products at the enterprise;
     •    development of a database of potential buyers for further communication with them;
     •    substantiation of the use of information technology for analysis and management decisions in
     commercial activities;
     •    analysis of the use of information systems and technologies in order to study the needs of the
     buyer and the organization of production of goods;
     •    creating a database of manufactured products to calculate the cost of their production;
     •    development of personal electronic accounts to obtain the necessary information by
     employees in accordance with their work at the enterprise.
     The object of the study is the organizational and economic process of automation of cost
accounting and sales of finished products at industrial enterprises to ensure its effective management
in modern conditions of high competition using information technology and systems.
     The subject of the study is a set of methodological, practical, and theoretical aspects of
automation of the process of managing the commercial activities of light industry, which provide a
rational structure and create competitiveness in the market.
   The work of the automated information accounting system at the sewing enterprise, for which the
project was developed, can be represented by a use case diagram, which is designed to build a
conceptual model of how the system works in the environment.
   The main purpose of the system is to automate the input and storage of reporting data on the
receipt of orders and their processing, scheduling and workload of employees. The system allows you
to change, supplement and view information about the work of the enterprise, impose restrictions on
access to the system, save orders that have already been processed.
   The selected system contains the following main functions:
   1. Obtaining and processing the order.
   This function is designed to receive and process information about the execution of the order. It
describes how the order arrives at the enterprise and stores information about it and the customer as
well as the characteristics of goods that are listed in the database.

                                      View the            <>
                                                                        Making an order
                                   product catalog

                        Creating a database                            Receiving an
                        of goods and prices                               order

                                            <>                         <>
                                                                                       Change the
                                                          Creating a catalog           status of the
                                                          of goods sewn by                 order
                                                            the company
                                                                                  Providing a list of
                                                                                  goods to be sewn
                           System administrator

                          Figure 5: Obtaining and processing the order
   2. Supply of materials and warehouse work.
   This subsystem is responsible for the availability of materials in the warehouse, as well as for
supply and communication with suppliers (Fig. 6).
                                                                Change the
                                    View the                    status of the                       Order
                                  availability of                   order                        cancellation
                                 materials in stock

                              <>                              Making an order


                                                                                    Sending an order

                                                                       Receipt of the
                                                                          order                         Provider

                                        Figure 6: Supply of materials
   The input data of the subsystem are receipt of materials in the warehouse, their name, number,
price, date of receipt, name of the supplier and information about them. At the output, the subsystem
provides this data, which is entered into the system. Also, when materials are taken from the
warehouse to fulfill the order, this is also considered.
   3. Execution of the order.
   This feature is designed to store information about employees working in the company and the
distribution of tasks between them (Fig. 7).
   In this situation, the enterprise acts as an employer for employees. Employees have their own work
schedule and workload, as well as a personal account, where they receive tasks and deadlines. After
completing the task, employees enter this information in their account. To ensure the effectiveness of
the system, it is necessary to motivate employees with the following measures as self-development,
profit sharing, career growth, professional recognition, etc. [6]. The place of application of the system
is industrial enterprises for sewing. This system, for example, reflects the transition from manual,
time-consuming and error-prone routine operations to the use of computer technology that quickly
and accurately stores and processes the information needed to make management decisions.
                                                                Establishing a
                                                                work schedule

                                                                                      Set a schedule
                                              Distribution of                          for each task
                                              tasks between
                                    Defining the
                                     powers of
                                                                                     Execution of the

                                                                information about
                                                                 the status of the
                                Seamstress                             order

                                      Figure 7: Execution of the order

4. Conclusions
   The problem of automating the work of certain departments or even the whole enterprise is
important. After all, every day there are new functions, opportunities to simplify the work, the use of
which will facilitate the work of production and reduce costs. Therefore, each company must monitor
new trends, functions, applications, programs, etc. and implement them to make a profit. Also, it is
necessary to constantly analyze the work of production and identify weaknesses and eliminate them.
One of such methods is the transition to automated work using modern technologies. The paper
considers the development of an automated information enterprise management system as a research
project that has a certain life cycle, which is implemented in such phases - pre-investment, investment
and operational. With the help of calendar planning tools, a Gantt chart was constructed, which shows
the sequence of works defined in time. And it allows you to specify the resources (labor, financial and
material) and their workload, which are necessary to perform a task. After describing all the works
and resources, the general budget of the project was calculated, and the main points of its conclusion
were described. For systematization of the project the classification on traditional features is carried
out as scale, complexity, quality, sphere of activity, duration. The main functions of the project are
given. The structure of the business plan, its content, participants, and standards are analyzed. After
analyzing the system, using object-oriented methodology, the boundaries of the system and the
environment were separated, the actors, options for use and the relationship between them were
identified. There are three main functions that reflect and characterize the operation of the automated
information management system of the enterprise manufacturing goods.

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