=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2851/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Information Tools for Project Management of the Building Territory at the Stage of Urban Planning |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2851 |authors=Tetyana Honcharenko,Viktor Mihaylenko,Yevhenii Borodavka,Elena Dolya,Volodymyr Savenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/itpm/HoncharenkoMBDS21 }} ==Information Tools for Project Management of the Building Territory at the Stage of Urban Planning== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper3.pdf
Information Tools for Project Management of the Building
Territory at the Stage of Urban Planning
Tetyana Honcharenko1, Viktor Mihaylenko1, Yevhenii Borodavka1, Elena Dolya1 and
Volodymyr Savenko1
    Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine

                  The article deals with the problems of project management of the building territory at the
                  stage of urban planning. The model of building territory planning project is presented as an
                  integrated system, which consumes information from the environment and transmits
                  information about its state to the environment to increase its information potential. In the
                  study process of urban planning is carried out in four stages. The decision-making algorithm
                  for territory planning project at the stage of urban design is developed. The study considers
                  eight stages of the lifecycle of building territory based on BIM technology. There are
                  conceptual BIM-models of data storage and data exchange for consolidation of information
                  of different automated systems. Central Project Database for comprehensive information
                  support of the territory planning project is given. The application of integrated BIM
                  management for urban infrastructure is presented.

                  Keywords 1
                  BIM project, IT for urban planning, common data environment, central project database

1. Introduction
    Complex construction projects are becoming an important direction in the formation of sound
economic decisions when assessing the possibilities of introducing innovative information
technologies. An example of such an innovation is BIM technology, information support for urban
planning. The idea of BIM was born in the 70s of the XX century and has been actively developing
since then. BIM technologies belong to the CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support)
family of technologies, which are aimed at continuous information support of supply and product
lifecycle. Unlike other representatives of the CALS family, BIM technologies operate with visual
infographic presentation of models. An infographic model is an information model of an object or
process, which is specified in terms of geometry and graphics (images of abstract space, figures and
bodies of real space, etc.). Such a representation makes it possible to impose various interpretations of
its functional content on the precise description of the object's shape [1].
    The use of BIM-technology involves working directly with a building model from any type (plans,
sections, specifications) with the ability to make automatically synchronized changes. Due to the
interdependence of all elements, the model is correctly updated and allows automatically generating
updated project documentation.
    By creating an accurate digital information model of an object, the integrated information common
data environment (CDE) enables all participants in the investment and construction process,
according to the regulations, to receive the necessary information about the construction- design-
modernization object at any time. At the expense of CDE, BIM technology allows the investor to

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop IT Project Management (ITPM 2021), February 16-18, 2021, Slavsko, Lviv region, Ukraine
EMAIL: geocad@ukr.net (A. 1); iust511@ukr.net (A. 2); yevgeniy.borodavka@gmail.com (A. 3); elena_367@ukr.net            (A.       4);
savenkoknuba@gmail.com (A. 5)
ORCID: 0000-0003-2577-6916 (A. 1); 0000-0002-9573-9873 (A. 2); 0000-0002-7476-9387 (A. 3) ); 0000-0002-7476-9387 (A. 4) ); 0000-
0002-7476-9387 (A. 5)
             ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
control the use and expenditure of funds at all stages of the building project, and the combination with
the life cycle of the territory allows to take into account the changes introduced by changes in the
characteristics of the territory in the parameters of the building and vice versa. The territory of the
building, depending on its geographical location, climate and other factors, requires additional
research to ensure its safe construction and operation. The analysis of literature sources [2-9] allowed
classifying the requirements for the layout of the elements of general planning and the main
environmental factors that affect their location. The authors of [10, 11] propose models by which it is
proposed to specify information flows to achieve consistency in all elements of the automated system.
In the works of specialists [12, 13] the prospects of creating integrated and specialized data
warehouses on all aspects of the municipal economy are considered. This topic was further developed
in the manuscripts [14, 15], in which the infrastructure of three-dimensional spatial data includes the
mechanism of accessibility, standardization, accumulation of information exchange, taking into
account primarily geo data about the study area by terrain, hydrology, engineering networks and
administrative boundaries. Information support of DB is formed by both primary and secondary data.
The authors of [16, 17] propose information models of construction object on BIM-Based Design.
The accuracy of the primary data determines the resolution parameter when conducting photo
fixation, probing, scanning and other types of measurements [18-30].
    The purpose of the article is to develop of information tools for project management of the
building territory at the stage of urban planning based on BIM technologies.

2. Theoretical Studies
    Building territory should be considered as a complex open system. For a system to operate and
interact with the external environment, it must consume information from the environment and
transmit information about its state to the environment to increase its information potential. The
scheme of the interaction of the building territory with the external environment is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 1: Scheme of interaction of the building territory with the external environment
   Thus, the area intended for development is considered as a logical geospace and is a source of
information about the location of planning elements. The assessment of the suitability or unsuitability
of the site for development can be based on one of the factors provided in the studies, and a
combination of them. Factors influencing the structure of planning restrictions on land use:


where          is a function of the suitability of the building territory;                are factors of
influence; а1,….аn , b1,….bn , , c1,….cn are planning constraints.
    The study of information data to solve the problems of land planning allows us to propose a
functional model of planning the territory for construction project, which is presented in Fig. 2.

                                           Influence factors
                                  Planning conditions and restrictions

                            Territory as a
                                               Territorial      Building territory

                              Requirements for elements of urban planning
                                         Functional purpose
Figure 2: Functional model of the territory planning for construction project

    Decision-making algorithm for territory planning project at the stage of urban design is shown in
Fig. 3. Project implementation has four stages.
    Stage I is obtaining initial data.
    Initial data for creating a digital terrain model (DTM) serve as the basis for making decisions on
the master-planning of the building territory. They can be obtained in two ways: from open sources
and based on the results of existing engineering and topographic surveys and raster images of the
relief. Today there are many open sources of information on the Internet. They can be both paid and
free. The files with information about the terrain mainly have the extension STRM (Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission) is radar topographic survey of most of the globe. Existing DWG data must be
processed in AutoCAD Civil 3D to create a TIN surface. Here it is necessary to analyse what objects
the terrain survey consists of and what attributes these objects have. Data presented in the form of
raster images must first be processed in AutoCAD Raster Design, resulting in objects with the
necessary attributes, and then, with the AutoCAD Civil 3D tools, to obtain a TIN surface.
    Thus, the result of stage I is to obtain a TIN surface for preliminary modelling of building territory.
    Stage II is assessment and analysis of the resulting DTM.
    After obtaining the TIN surface, it is necessary to analyse it for elevation differences, the nature of
the relief and the type of terrain. To determine the preliminary mark of Master-planning, it is mainly
necessary to be guided by the balance of earth masses. As a rule, at this stage there is no data from
engineering-geodetic and engineering-geological surveys. After receiving data on complex
engineering surveys, the elevation of the master planning can be adjusted.
    Stage II should result in a clear understanding of the complexity of the terrain, preliminary
marking of master planning, preliminary volumes of earthworks, solutions for strengthening slopes in
vertical planning, as well as preliminary solutions for the engineering arrangement of the Building
    Stage III is clarification of the mark of the master planning according to the results of obtaining
topographic surveys.
   After receiving the engineering survey data, it is necessary to correct the existing TIN surface
obtained in stage I. The data is processed in AutoCAD Civil 3D and loaded into the existing surface.
After that, it is necessary to adjust the mark of the master planning, based on the conditions that were
described above. Stage III should result in a corrected TIN surface, as well as the amount of
   Stage IV is the correction of the model based on geological data.
   Geological data can have a significant impact on the choice of the building territory master plan
elevation. Buildings and structures cannot be placed on "weak" soils without appropriate measures
concerning the foundation and the soil itself. Therefore, for further design stages (Design
Documentation and Working Documentation), it is necessary to obtain geological information on the
types and characteristics of soils. In this regard, it is necessary to create a working geological 3D
model of the Building territory. For this, it is recommended to use the Geotechnical Module software
product. With its help, layer-by-layer TIN surfaces are obtained for each soil. After creating a
geological 3D model, it is necessary to adjust the master level elevation again, taking into account the
working geological model.

                                  Obtaining initial data
                                Open data sources STRM
                         Retrieving data from DWG or raster JPG

                           Stage I. Creation of digital terrain model DTM
                             Obtaining surface TIN-model of the relief

                      Stage II. Assessment and analysis of the resulting DTM

                          Preliminary master planning of building territory

                     Stage III. Clarification of the mark of the master planning
                      according to the results of obtaining topographic surveys

                     Horizontal and vertical macro-planning building
                           territory, volumes of earth masses

                    Stage IV. Correction of the model based on geological data

                Results. Information model of the macro-planning
                building territory, working 3D geology, engineering
                networks consolidated plan, TIN-models of surfaces for
                each information layer

Figure 3: Decision-making algorithm for territory planning project at the stage of urban design
Decision-making algorithm for territory planning project at the stage of urban design
3. Information model of the territory planning project at the stage of urban
    The data system required for the formation of the territory of urban planning design is shown in
the table 1. The introduction of such a model of the territory with the objects to be placed and the
accompanying infrastructure allows expanding the capabilities of BIM technology and increasing the
efficiency of the design and construction process.

Table 1
Information model of the territory planning project at the stage of urban design
           Information content of the territory planning project        Information layers of spatial
          Stage 1.               Existing use of the territory and
     Assessment of the          prerequisites for its development
   current situation and
                           The current state and prerequisites for the
   prerequisites for the
                           development of transport services for the
    development of the
                             The current state and prerequisites for
                               engineering support of the territory
                            Functional planning organization of the
                                        planning territory
           Stage 2.             Plan of architectural and planning
       Urban planning         organization of the planning territory
       documentation       Transport service of the planning territory
     (project proposals)
                              Engineering support of the planning
                                 Architectural planning solution
                                Proposals for the preservation,
                            development and limitation of the use of
                           land plots in zones with special conditions
                                             of use

   This model in the table 1 makes it possible to establish relations between the design stages: pre-
design, design and the stage of working documentation, which makes it possible to manage the
quality of territory planning project. In the course of studying the possibilities of using BIM-
technology in master planning, the software AutoCAD Civil 3D was used in the implementation of
the project for planning the territory.
   At the same time, the possibilities of the software package were studied for solving problems of
developing urban planning documentation, such as:
   •     formation of a package of documentation for a territory planning project in a single file with
   the integration of various information layers according to the relevant sections;
   •     binding the planning solution to the geo-digital terrain model;
   •     development of interrelated materials to justify the spatial planning solution;
   The functional and planning solutions of the territory, made in conjunction with a digital terrain
model with data from satellite elevation survey, is shown in information model of the territorial
cluster of urban planning.
   Binding to elevations of buildings and structures, roadways, utilities allows forming a ready-made
planning solution in one file, as well as all accompanying sections for the project stage. This serves as
the basis for further BIM-modeling of each of the buildings with vertical and horizontal reference to a
specific territory with certain parameters. Thus, a digital model of the projected territory is created,
which is the basis for the development of the planning solution itself and the materials for
justification, requiring reference to elevation marks and integrated into a single constructive,
engineering and technological solution.
    In accordance with the developed information model in table 1, stage 2 of materials for
substantiating the functional planning solution for the territory of the educational centre includes the
following information layers, performed in one digital mod-el of the projected territory.
    Information layer № 1 is the scheme of transport services, the development of which includes:
    •     routing of the road network of the projected territory in relation to the elevation marks of the
    buildings being placed and the existing relief with the appointment of slopes and parameters of the
    transverse and longitudinal profiles in accordance with the standards of urban planning;
    •     linking the entrances-exits from the territory to the external street network;
    •     automatically built longitudinal and transverse profiles, as well as vertical lay-out of the road
    network, output of black and red marks of trays.
    Information layer №2 is the scheme of engineering support of the territory with containing:
    •     the scheme of the vertical planning of the territory with reference to the tracing of the road
    network and engineering communications;
    •     a summary plan of engineering networks with marks of laying relative to the red marks of the
    •     automatically generated cartogram of earth masses.
    Information layer № 3 is architectural and planning solution of the territory, which includes plans:
    •     1st floor and floors located below, requiring the implementation of work under-ground or at
    ground level with a height reference to the red marks of the vertical lay-out of the territory;
    •     insolation of facades and adjustment of the placement of buildings in the absence of standard
    lighting times;
    •     typical floors, roofs, typical section, etc., giving an idea of the functional purpose of the
    construction object;
    •     isometric views of facades for visualization of design solutions.
    On the example of the educational centre, work was carried out to simulate the pre-design stage of
urban planning in the development of a territory planning project in accordance with the requirements
of the national standard of urban planning. This experience should be considered a contribution to the
development of BIM technology in urban planning and the expansion of the modeling field from a
specific construction site to its location.
    Summarizing the approaches used to form information support in design systems of construction,
the conceptual model of spatial data storage for solving problems of territory planning project at the
stage of urban design can be represented in the form of three main blocks, which are presented in Fig.

                   1           Spatial              2            Spatial               3
                                Data                              Data
            Data Sources                                                          Users of
                                             Data Storage
             Operational                      Data Banks                       Representation
                                               Metadata                        Requirements
               External                       Repository
                              Metadata                          Metadata

Figure 4: Conceptual BIM-model of data storage for territory planning project
   Block 1 is data sources that are taken from the operating system and external sources. Block 2 is a
data store, which operational and external sources supply spatial data or metadata. Block 3 is
consumers of information that generate requests for data to the means of presenting information,
which, in turn, generate a request sent to the data warehouse.
   The main components of the data warehouse are:
   •    operational data sources;
   •    design/development tools;
   •    means of data transfer and transformation;
   •    DBMS;
   •    means of access and data analysis;
   •    means of administration.
   For automated systems of integrated general planning of territorial clusters, it is important to have
"feedback" with the data storage , which allows to notify the user about the appearance of the required
information in the repository and automatically send this information in the form converted to
customer data model.
   The data bank on organizational preparation of territories should generate information both for
operative design decisions, and for the control over already put into operation communications.
Therefore, data transfer and transformation services must only be able to receive and convert
information, but also provide or automatically download the necessary data from the repository to
operating systems in an understandable form and the required data format.
   Fig. 5 presents a BIM-model of data exchange in territory planning project. Data stores are
characterized by multidimensional presentation of information. This structure determines the set of
actual and measured data. This is due to the desire to identify individual entities that facilitate
business intelligence data from the required in-formation sections of the organization. In contrast to
the multidimensional information model of general construction tasks, for the storage of cadastral
information of architectural and construction design, the model requires a multilayer, and its main
element should be a cadastral object.
   The aggregated data on the object will represent an information slice for all layers relevant to the
object at a certain point in time. Thus, in the system of organizational preparation for construction, the
data warehouse for the subject area of the urban cadastre must meet the following requirements:
   1. perceive and recognize cadastral information through procedures for extracting, converting
   and uploading data to the repository;
   2. to ensure long-term storage of information and keeping a history of its accumulation;
   3. create and store matching schemes of source operating system metadata and storage metadata;
   4. provide services for automatic updating of storage data into the operating system, converting
   information in accordance with the client's metadata;
   5. protect information from unauthorized access; have an open architecture that is easily
   integrated and expandable; provide access to metadata and data from analytical information
   Thus, the main difference between the data exchange model in Fig. 5 from the traditional storage is
determined by the purpose of information accumulation: data in the database should be organized in
an optimal way not for analysis, but for consolidation of information of different automated systems.
Thus, a conceptual model of information support of the process of general planning of territories for
complex concentrated construction has been developed. The developed conceptual model of
information support of the process of general planning of territories for complex concentrated
construction envisages creation of a single methodological and technological base for integrated
information space with maximum use of already existing databases and available technical means.
                                     Data          sources
                                              External sources

                                 Means of data       Data design and
                                   transfer and       development
                                 transformation           tools

                                     Data             DB
                                    Storage        Metadata

                    Means of                                               Data
                   access and                                          administration
                   data tools                                              tools
                                          ● Cadastre systems
                                          ● Analytic systems
                                    Data ● GIS
                                    Users ● BIM systems
                                          ● CAD systems

Figure 5: BIM-model of data exchange for consolidation of information of different automated
systems in the territory planning project

4. Central Project Database for comprehensive information support of the
   territory planning project
   The lifecycle of building territory using information modeling can be divided into the following
   •     from the moment of strategic planning and preparation of the design assignment to the
   transfer of the facility into operation;
   •     stage of operation and dismantling of the building.
   Basic works on information modeling of the lifecycle of building territory include eight stages. All
kinds of events shown by the letter in table 2 refer to the operational stage. There can be any number
of such events, depending on the object management strategy. Their example is reconstruction, repair,
transfer of the building to another owner, etc.
   The main works on information modeling are brought in accordance with the current stages and
are summarized in the table. In addition to these works, data is transferred to the customer throughout
the entire lifecycle of building territory.
   All kinds of events shown by the letter in table 1 refer to the operational stage. There can be any
number of such events, depending on the object management strategy. Their example is
reconstruction, repair, transfer of the building to another owner, etc.
   The approach to the implementation of the project with a breakdown at the stage involves the
predetermination of various tasks of information modeling (BIM Uses), the interaction between the
persons involved in the construction process at all stages of the life cycle of the building. Decision-
making on the choice of tasks is carried out by managing the life cycle to achieve the objectives of the
project and maintaining a balance between cost, risk, quality and other parameters.
    To implement the principle of integrated data processing, a single information base of the system
is created, and information links are made through the central service of the system and the computer
centre interacts with it. The complex of interconnected means of transmission, storage, accumulation
and processing of information is the technical basis of such a system, in which the central place is
occupied by automation. The workplaces of the project executors are equipped with computers that
meet the technical requirements of BIM, integrated into a local network.

Table 2
Basic works on information modeling of the lifecycle of building territory
 Stage    Project stage                          Information modeling works
   0        Strategic      Advising a customer on the purpose of using information modelling
            definition     technology. Advising the customer on attracting a specialist who
                           manages the information model at various stages of its life cycle.
   1       Preparation     Determination of long-term rights and obligations for the information
            and Brief      model. Development and approval of requirements for information
                           models and the scope of their application. Establishing the scope of the
                           assessment of the building after the start of its operation. Determining
                           the amount of information that needs to be obtained through research.
   2       Conceptual      Pre-launch meeting on working with information modelling technology.
             project       Design variants. Use of information to determine environmental
                           parameters and area analysis. Ensuring access of the project team to
                           the data on the object. Coordination of work performed by a specialized
   3        Developed      Exchange of information between different sections of documentation.
             Design        Search for collisions. Development of project components. Use of
                           information to clarify environmental parameters and areas. Data
                           exchange for design coordination, technical analysis and specification.

   4        Technical      Works similar to stage 3. Inclusion of specifications in the model.
             Design        Formation and evaluation of 4D and 5D models. Data exchange and
                           detailed analysis of the work of the general designer and
                           subcontractors. Development of detailed models for production. Final
                           verification and approval of the model.
   5       Construction    Export of data for construction control. Providing the construction
                           organization with access to the information model. Integration of data
                           from the construction site into the information model. Carrying out the
                           analysis of construction works according to the schedule (4D).
   6        Handover       Coordination of terms and volumes of works for commissioning of
            and Close      object. Coordination and publication of information model data at the
               Out         construction stage.
   7      Exploitation     Making changes to the information model during the operation of the
                           building. Study of data about the objects of the building included in the
                           information model.

    To perform the work on the design of the consolidated plan of engineering networks, a computer is
allocated, which performs the functions of a server, on which a common project directory is created,
to which all project participants have access. All work on the project is carried out only in it. As a
result of joint work each employee has operative data of a condition of networks of the adjacent are
coordinates, diameters, marks in points of intersection. Surveys of networks are in the thematic plan
of the organization of projects, are placed on the server where the software product is started, and on
other computers local workplaces are opened. The structure of Central Project Database and
performers for the provision of spatial information for the organizational training of the territory is
presented in Fig. 6.

                   1                               2                               3

            Data Sources                    Data Storage                      Data Users
                                                                          1. Design marks of
             1. Full-scale               1. Geoinformation
                                                                          communication of
             marks of the                digital 3D model of
                 earth                    the existing relief
             2. Marks of                 2. Geoinformation                 2. Coordinates of
               existing                  digital 3D model of              intersection points
           communications                  the design relief                 with existing
           3. The structure              3. Summary plan of                communications
            of geological                    engineering                  3. Design marks of
                layers                        networks                         the earth

               survey                     Comprehensive                  Design departments
             departments              information support of
                                       the territory planning                Water supply
               Geodetic                        project
               surveys                                                        Gas supply
                                          Central Project
                                            Database                          Heat supply
            measurements                                                     Power supply

Figure 6: Central Project Database for comprehensive information support of the territory planning

    Users design with the software in BIM environment, which automatically interpolates the natural
marks of the earth from the substrate opened on the server, recognizes communications passing at
acceptable distances detects characteristic points of intersection and assigns design marks to
communications. Databases of information modeling should be developed in a single system for
different stages of the lifecycle of the building territory, including the following elements:
    •    formation of information cadastral data;
    •    geoinformation survey;
    •    comprehensive urban planning of the of territory planning project, taking into account the
    factors of influence of the adjacent territories. The information modeling of a building territory is a
    database about a construction object, which is accessed through graphical interfaces various
    Information modeling allows obtaining a complete set of information data about a building
territory at the stage of urban planning. Having this data, specialists have to make rational decisions
about the further operation of the urban planning. Information models should reflect the actual state of
the territory planning project at all stages of its lifecycle.
5. Conclusions
    Building territory should be considered as a complex open system. It is advisable to develop and
implement the system with BIM principles of the lifecycle, including at the level of national
    The results of work present information tools for project management of the building territory at
the stage of urban planning based on BIM technologies. There are information model of the territory
planning project, BIM-models of data storage and exchange for consolidation of information of
different automated systems, Central Project Database for comprehensive information support of the
territory planning project at the stage of urban planning. The benefit of this approach is that spatial
and attribute data of planning territory can be organized and managed in one central database. Any
modifications at the stage of urban design immediately appear in the information model of the project
of planning territory and coordination issues can be detected.
    Further research should be conducted in the areas of the development complex BIM management
of urban infrastructure. It is noted that the design of any building is impossible without its interaction
with the location territory and urban infrastructures. The quality of this interaction will determine not
only the effectiveness of the construction solution as a whole, but also the comfort of the urban
environment for the users of the facility, which fully corresponds to the modern trends in the
development of the urbanized environment.

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