=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2851/paper37 |storemode=property |title=Agile-Oriented Management Educational Projects on the Base of the Global Trends |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper37.pdf |volume=Vol-2851 |authors=Sergey Bushuyev,Carsten Wolff,Stephan Recker,Olena Verenych |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/itpm/BushuyevWRV21 }} ==Agile-Oriented Management Educational Projects on the Base of the Global Trends== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper37.pdf
Agile-Oriented Management Educational Projects on the Base
of the Global Trends
Sergey Buschuyeva, Carsten Wolffb, Stephan Reckerb and Olena Verenycha
    Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotskiy Av., 31, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine
    Dortmund University of Applied Science and Arts, Sonnenstraße 96-100, Dortmund, 44139, Germany

                 The global development of the world's leading countries is accelerating due to the active
                 introduction of innovative information and communication technologies, the growth of global
                 capacity of computer systems, their openness and data transfer speed. The digitalization of
                 economies and the active use of accumulated knowledge are key drivers formation the global
                 societies acceleration. The rapid development of society requires much more knowledge and
                 skills, the acquisition of which requires more time and the involvement of a wide range of
                 teachers from around the world. One of the challenges of the last year has been the COVID-
                 19 pandemic, which has given a strong impulse to the revision of approaches to education
                 and the educational services provision in the face of limited mobility. The development of
                 information technologies and global trends of world development allowed to find a way out
                 of this situation. The article considers approaches to the organization of distance learning and
                 the application of flexible project approaches to the management of educational projects. The
                 article presents the Ukrainian-German project "ViMaCs" results of the implementation.

                 Keywords 1
                 Project management, Agile, innovation, educational projects, digitalization, project ViMaCs

1. Introduction
    The global development of the world's leading countries is accelerating due to the active
innovative information and communication technologies introduction, the growth of global capacity
of computer systems, their openness, and data transfer speed. At the same time, the global trends
economic digitalization, smart systems construction at different levels, databases using, large amounts
of data processing, information protection systems using based on blockchain technologies,
competence approach implementation in HEIs and educational standards, using of the cloud, fog
computing, and innovation development are saved. Many projects and programs have shifted their
management to the line of the Agile methodology using as a response to these trends and challenges.
This methodology is a key driver for accelerating innovation development through the speeding-up of
new products development. In the global dimension, this means the life cycles compressing of
innovation and waiting for the new products according to the formula "faster - more powerful -
    The next group of trends is related to the paradigm change and the shift from a "rational economy"
to a "behavioral economy". The main idea of the "rational economy" lays in the understanding that an
individual makes a choice based on the possible optimal result. On the basis of this, the manager will
make the choice of the project (-s) impartially, acquiring only the best of what can afford, based on
rational expectations [1]. Irrational decisions are increasingly being made in the shifting to a
"behavioral economy." These trends affect all processes of individual development, organizations and
businesses, countries' economy, and the global economy. They form challenges in the convergence

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop IT Project Management (ITPM 2021), February 16-18, 2021, Slavsko, Lviv region, Ukraine
EMAIL: sbushuyev@ukr.net (A.1); carsten.wolff@fh-dortmund.de (A. 2); stephan.recker@fh-dortmund.de (A.3); verenych@ukr.net (A.4)
ORCID: 0000-0002-7815-8129 (A.1); 0000-0003-3646-5240 (A.2); (A.3); 0000-0003-0972-6361 (A.4)
            ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
(approximation) processes of knowledge systems and decision-making. The processes study of such
systems development requires the flexible approaches using for the management processes analysis.
The appearance of the global trend of shifting to a new "behavioral economy" instead of the "rational
economy" significantly changes the techniques support of information systems, managers' behavior
patterns on the base of the state-of-the-art methodologies of management development on the base of
projects, programs, and portfolios. These trends influence societies' development, public
administration systems, and the real economy.
    The convergence hypothesis is a statement that no matter how different information technologies
and management systems differ in the process of development, they reject ineffective tools while
maintaining effective ones. This is a reason why they become relatively similar or close after such a
gradual selection. The knowledge development, technologies and methodologies of the large data
processing, techniques and technologies that focus on value creation and reduce the distance between
management information systems of different industries, creating a single methodological basis,
taking into account the features of management objects, facilitate the selection [2].
    Also, according to the convergence hypothesis, if the control object is initially away from the
position of stable equilibrium, its development speed will be higher than the system that is closer to
the stable equilibrium [3]. Accordingly, in the long run, the differentiation can be smoothed. In
practice, most companies in today's market conditions consider the selection and creation of an
effective methodology for projects, programs, and portfolio management as a key element in
competitiveness ensuring and maintaining. Modern technologies, of communication means, increased
rates of information accumulation and availability allow to speed-up learn and use new
methodologies, to provide their information support and their adaptation speed.
    In the process of new information systems and management methodologies creating,
benchmarking technologies are widely used. They are not always sufficiently substantiated, don't
have a clear integration and harmonization for their practical implementation. The benchmarking
methods using in project management are appropriate where a systematic approach to the knowledge
shifting from existing knowledge models to project management systems [4].
    Coupled with the above information, the economies' digitalization and the active use of
accumulated knowledge are the key drivers the global societies' acceleration forming.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the challenges over the past year, which has given a strong
impulse to the rethinking of the informational project creation. Educational projects and educational
services have been one of the lines of the informational projects. They again have turned back to
distance education and new approaches for their implementation creation in the face of travel
restrictions. The development of information technologies and global trends in world development
made it possible to find a way out of this situation [5].

2. Global trends analysis
   [5] has defined the next four major global trends and challenges: globalization, inequality,
demographic change and environmental degradation. To reduce the influence of the identified trends
and challenges, it is necessary to create strategies development that should be based on a holistic
approach. This approach requires knowledge covering many, often related, areas and analytical
thinking. Moreover, the highly qualified specialists training can take place not even in one country,
but in several, studying certain areas from specialists.
   The global trends and challenges influence is reflected not only in everyday life, but also in the
process of knowledge acquiring and education spreading in the world. Let's take a closer look at the
impact of each trend/ challenge on the education system.
   1. Globalization. It is not something new. At the beginning of the 19th century, the world economy
has already been under influence of globalization. It was the first globalization. However, now it has
completely different trends and directions. “Beyond the mere expansion of trade and investment
flows, underlying global production patterns have changed in recent decades, in particular since the
turn of the millennium, driven by the rise of transnational corporations and global value chains.
Instead of shallow integration, characterized by trade in goods and services between independent
corporations and portfolio investments, this new phase of globalization has brought deep integration,
organized by transnational corporations which link the production of goods and services in cross-
border value adding networks” [5, 6].
    “Information and communications technologies have also made the diffusion of information
easier, and have facilitated better access by developing countries to the global knowledge pool. At the
same time, innovative activity and technology development continue to be concentrated in a small
number of advanced economies. Only very few countries such as Brazil, China and India, have
entered this segment in recent decades, because core research and development activities are very
rarely outsourced and remain overwhelmingly centered at corporate headquarters in developed
countries” [5].
    Furthermore, globalization, coupled with information and communication technologies in the
context of COVID-19, has provided greater virtualization of the education process. The development
of appropriate technologies that provide a virtual attendance in the classroom using online
communications has provided a new impulse to the education forms development and the educational
services boundaries delivery expanding.
    The Bologna Process helps to reduce such inequalities through the joint educational courses and
curricula creation, to obtain diplomas from several universities through the curricula harmonization,
and also contributes to the opportunities appearance to find job in those countries where the necessary
specialists with the appropriate qualifications level are required.
    2. Inequality. The educational level in the information society begins to determine the social status.
Total informatization does not lead to the low-skilled labor deleting - and in the information society, a
labor market where the manual work is required is essential sector of the economy. The moving from
one social status to another requires certain knowledge, and the educational system helps to make this
    3. Demographic changes. This factor of the information society development is a consequence of
the information sphere development. This is a natural increase in the time spent on education, and -
due to the early retirement age - a reduction in the time spent on actual labor activity. The problems of
hunger, disease, indigence, property lawlessness have been resolved and society can afford late
marriages, limiting the number of children in a family in the frame of one or two, long non-
participation of young people in material production and an increase of social maturation period from
17-18 to 24-25, associated with the fact that mastering the required amount of knowledge requires a
significant amount of time and is supported by an increasing variety of educational materials. The
education system aims to maintain this trend [7].
    4. Environment degradation. The production development, environment pollution, a consumer
approach to resources leads to environmental degradation. It leads to the climate changes. Such
challenges negatively affect the general state of resources and land, and can lead to catastrophic
consequences, the first signs of which are already manifested by an increase in the Earth's
temperature, more frequent hurricanes, storms, volcanic eruptions, and melting of glaciers. It is need
urgent to change the approach to the resources use and learn to foresee possible natural disasters. For
this purpose, in recent years, the interest in specialists in climate services and their knowledge
application in climate-dependent economic areas has increased. Such specialists training and
advanced training of existing ones is in the sphere of education system influence.
    Coupled with the above, it can be noted that the education system is becoming one of the
strategically important ones, helping in the training and advanced training of specialists, whose basic
knowledge should be aimed at reducing the impact of major global trends and challenges.

3. Distance (on-line) education
   Until 2020, the education system used knowledge dissemination approaches, mainly based on
face-to-face training with the introduction of curricula distributed through communication networks.
Education provided with the communication technologies use, often without a physical attendance in
the learning classroom, was called "distance education", and the process itself was called distance
learning. This education approaches have been applied for a long time, changing their forms and
service delivery channels.
    The first distance courses began its appearance from the printed materials using delivered through
the mail. The influence of hardware and software development has made it possible to change both
the delivery and presentation forms of educational materials. Since the 80s - 90s of the last century, it
has been actively talking about the distance learning introduction and use in the educational process.
    There are many distance learning definitions. In general, they have descriptive character and
reflect one or another aspect of this multifaceted phenomenon. The education itself is different from
the traditional one. Here are some of the differences:
        • the teacher has a limited ability to see the student's reaction to his/her words and actions;
        • the effectiveness of teaching largely depends on how competently the teacher uses modern
            technologies (both information and communication, and pedagogical);
        • the teacher should pay much more attention to students' motivation;
        • the teacher should actively stimulate the interest of students to seek their own way of
            solving the problem.
    Often technical tools such as computers, information networks and multimedia are being
connected with the main reason for the dissemination and quality of distance education. They are
visible part of the information society. At the same time, the importance of equipping with computers
and the need for highly qualified service personnel to use the information technologies and produce
the media content are underlined.
    However, the experience shows that excessive technification of the process does not increase the
quality level. The lack of the pedagogical architecture of a technical solution is one of the main
obstacles to the effectiveness of such education. It is necessary to pay special attention to the
information and communication infrastructure development as a "student's living space". Any student
must be taught not skills adapted for a particular age, but active creative activity within the framework
of the modern information society. It is necessary to take into account the deep qualitative changes in
the job's culture, the knowledge acquisition, the competence requirements, which became available in
the information society, and which began to be felt most strongly in 2020 during the COVID-19
pandemic. Modern technologies in education should support the processes of searching and extracting
knowledge, as well as provide opportunities for students to independently construct new knowledge
based on available information resources.
    The information and communication technologies introduction into the educational process can
occur within one of two main models: horizontal or vertical [8].
    The horizontal model [8] considers the information and communication technologies
implementation in education as a long-term (continuous) process, during which the education system
or a separate educational organization determines (chooses) for itself the stage (method) of the
informational and communicational technologies implementation, taking into account the peculiarities
of the new educational paradigm, which is based on a personality -oriented approach, constructivism
and problematic. The main stages of passing the education system according to this model are: (1)
acquaintance with the informational and communicational technologies; (2) the informational and
communicational technologies use in various subjects studying; (3) the informational and
communicational technologies use in project work to achieve learning goals; (4) an educational
organization transformation through the of the informational and communicational technologies tools
    The second model (vertical) [8] suggests the availability of a stage of the information and
communication technologies implementation, depending on who and how use the informational and
communicational technologies in their professional activities - the education/learning phases with and
through the informational and communicational technologies using. In this model, the informational
and communicational technologies introduction into the education system moves vertically deeper
through learning and/or teaching. It also includes stages: (1) the informational and communicational
technologies tools discovery, their general functions and using ways; (2) study of the informational
and communicational technologies tools using examples; (3) understanding how and where the
informational and communicational technologies tools can be used; (4) professional the informational
and communicational technologies tools using.
    The distance learning is often addressed not as an alternative to the traditional one, but as
complementing the latter with new opportunities:
       •    provides an unsurpassed rate of updating knowledge that are selected from the world's
            information resources;
        • expands the teacher's audience, while ignoring geographical boundaries;
        • as close as possible to the special needs of people with disabilities and other categories of
            students with special needs.
   As noted above, the distance education quality depends on not only on the technological side, but
also on the pedagogical one. The combination of these components takes place in a specific
educational environment, which should support the following functions:
        • conducting distance learning (the trainees' knowledge, skills and abilities are produced);
        • support for a constantly existing, problem-oriented, online community (community
            members information resources and knowledge are produced);
        • joint problem solving, an example is temporary project groups (new knowledge is
        • information and educational resources creation, support and saving (available information
            and educational resources are produced).
   In [8], an educational environment with the above functions is called a telecommunications
information and educational environment. This is a virtual environment that provides its participants
with information, educational and methodological resources, as well as educational, training and joint
activities means based on global computer communications. The system solves the next tasks:
teaching; training; information search; information analysis; joint projects implementation;
knowledge improvement; ensuring awareness of available resources and services.
   The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has given the strongest push to the widespread and overall
dissemination of distance education around the world. In certain periods, distance education has
become from a "additional" form in main one, which required a change of an approach for such
service providing. In addition, the technological support of the learning process has been improved
due to the widespread software use that provides support for online interaction.

4. Agile-approach for educational projects management
    Rapidly creating of the quality distance learning courses is not easy task. These are always long-
term projects that require a lot of time and resources. In addition, taking into account that distance
learning by itself will not be effective (even if the distance courses are developed with the state-of-
the-art technological approaches) if the learning environment is absent. moreover, as any educational
process, the distance learning quality is based on active feedback from the learner. The effectiveness
of the new approaches’ introduction, the new applications development, the new technologies
introduction should be confirmed by the learners' opinion. All this leads us to the fact that the use of
standard methodologies, approaches and methods for managing educational projects with a rigidly
defined architecture is impossible. In this case, flexible approaches look more effective, which should
satisfy the following trends [9]:
        • to take into account the project life cycle reducing (one distance course can "live" only one
             or two learner groups, and then requires changes based on feedback and the new
             technological / pedagogical opportunities appearance);
        • digitalization of society in all areas;
        • globalization of markets (2020 showed that the globalization of education can be
             effectively carried out on the basis of the living space digitalization of the individual);
        • innovative development based on internationalization and the best practices using;
        • close cooperation between teachers, technical and sociological specialists (the correct
             application of pedagogical strategies based on a modern technical basis, taking into
             account the changing social role and psychological characteristics of the individual).
    These trends support is best provided by a family of flexible methods of software development -
Agile, defined by Agile Manifesto. The main ideas of Agile Manifesto are: (1) people and interaction
are more important than processes and tools; (2) a working product is more important than
comprehensive documentation; (3) cooperation with the customer is more important than the contract
terms agreeing; (4) change readiness is more important than going through the original plan [10].
   Agile Manifesto defines and explains the next principles [10]:
        • customer satisfaction through early and uninterrupted valuable software delivery;
        • supporting changes in requirements even at the development finishing if it can increase the
            product competitiveness;
        • working software supplying;
        • close, daily communication of the customer with developers throughout the project;
        • motivated individuals implement the project. They are provided the necessary job
            conditions, support and trust;
        • a personal conversation is recommended method of information transfer;
        • working software is the best progress measure;
        • constant attention to technical skills improving and convenient design;
        • simplicity is the art no unnecessary work doing;
        • the best technical requirements, design and architecture realize by self-organized team;
        • constant adaptation to circumstances changing (the team should systematically analyze
            possible ways to improve efficiency and adjust their work style accordingly).
   Such techniques provide flexibility in content creation, service delivery, and the ability to improve
both presentation and delivery based on ongoing feedback. In addition, Agile focuses on teams and
leadership. Stable teams that independently make all decisions on the way of implementation and are
responsible for the result [9]. Support for this approach is very important during development, since
any distance course is, first of all, creativity that various specialists bring together, and also clear
algorithmic approaches that provide control, accounting, movement trajectory, assessing the
effectiveness and training results.
   Studies of the competencies field development in project and program management in product
creation showed slight fluctuations in the employees' competence who projects manage and an IT
product creating according to the Agile methodology.
   Key competencies for creating intelligent program support and stakeholder engagement in case for
“Infodemic vs. Panicdemic vs. Pandemic” COVOD-19 project critical influence are Strategic
Thinking, Integral Thinking, Leadership, Coordination, Communication Skills (provided by
information systems, databases and knowledge), as well as motivated, professional initiatives.
   The chart of changes in the managers’ level competence of innovative projects (Figure 1) shows
significant drop incompetence in the context of the influence of negative emotions. In this case, the
coefficient calculated as K = (Score 2) / (Score 1) in this case is equal to 1.55, which indicates the
negative impact of infection on the application of the competence of the project manager.

   Figure 1: Spider diagram of competency assessment by key competency indicators by
competency element "Governance, structures and processes" [11]
    Project managers working in industries with high communication skills may lose interest and
motivation to work after a while, which leads to a decrease in personal efficiency and productivity.
    For project managers who manage teams where employees mostly work in a human-to-human
system, this is an everyday problem. High communication ability is a strong stress factor, especially if
a person's work is associated with a competitive environment and high customer expectations. In
these conditions, the study of the symptoms of emotional burnout, cognitive dissonance and their
prevention becomes especially important for the project manager [11].
    In addition, modern information technologies, communication means, increasing the availability of
information and increasing the rate of its accumulation allow to quickly adapt the developed
methodologies to solve various practical problems, not always taking into account the specifics of
different industries and system characteristics of different management objects, including
infrastructure projects and programs.
    On the other hand, with the scientifically sound, methodologies and methods systematic use of
different subject areas, new opportunities appear to develop new approaches to project decision-
making in order to ensure the project success. Also, when implementing different methodological
approaches, it is necessary to clearly define the criteria for evaluating the success of their application.
Such criteria should take into account the basic principles of evaluating the effectiveness of different
systems, which constitute a single information space for project and program management and
determine the overall project success.
    Also, today, in the conditions of constant fast changes and transformations, the task for the project
manager becomes definition and coordination of requirements of participants of the project from
which initial data for acceptance of administrative decisions during its planning and realization are
formed. In solving such problems, the project manager must not only identify all stakeholders and
take into account their requirements, but also calculate the optimal parameters of their interaction to
achieve success. In this process, project participants invest and receive from the project different
values and influence the project, based on their interests, competencies and the degree of involvement
in the project. Project management can be significantly complicated by changes in such requirements
and values during project implementation. This necessitates the improvement of existing and
development of new methods and models and information technologies for project decision-making
while agreeing on the project main parameters, taking into account the limitations and assumptions of
the main project participants using convergence methods.
    Under the pattern of the project manager behavior is understood the model application of
behavioral competencies in management processes. The model of competence groups in the format
"Leadership-Intelligence-Emotions" is offered [12].

5. Case ViMaCs Project
    The ViMaCs project is being implemented within the framework of German-Ukrainian partnership
in the context of shaping the digital future together under the program to support for the
internationalization of Ukrainian universities [13]. The project is implemented with the support of the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) [14], in cooperation with three Ukrainian universities
and one German university: Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (hereinafter -
KNUCA) (Kyiv, Ukraine) [15], National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic" (hereafter - NUZP)
(Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine) [16], Western Ukrainian National University (hereinafter - WUNU)
(Ternopil, Ukraine) [17] and Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (hereinafter - FH
Dortmund) (Dortmund, Germany) [18].
    The project's aim is to build a virtual training and laboratory infrastructure for distance learning in
the field of "Data Science". The three partner universities KNUCA, NUZP and WUNU should
become part of the virtual master network with FH Dortmund and its European partners.
    One of the project's results is developing 4 distance modules: "Business Intelligence and
Information and Decision Making" (KNUCA is responsible for it), "Data Acquisition and Processing"
(WUNU is responsible for it), "Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics" (NUZP is responsible for
it) and "Cloud Based Data Processing Systems"(FH Dortmund is responsible for it), which will be
introduced into the Master Curricula of partner universities. Each partner develops a 6 ETCS distance
module and makes it available in the consortium. Teaching content in the frame of the project is
presented on the Figure 2.

Figure 2: Teaching content, created in the frame of the project ViMaCs

   Pilot teaching of the developed distance modules was planned within the framework of spring,
summer, autumn and winter schools defined in the academic calendar. However, the World Pandemic
has made some adjustments to the project implementation process. The pilot teaching took place in
the distance mode. Learners during the pilot teaching were students from partner-universities, as well
as students from other universities who expressed a desire and registered. Information about the pilot
teaching was disseminated through university websites, the project website and social networks (such
as Facebook). Note, more than 50 people took an interest in the latest training, which took place from
7 to 11 December 2020. The result of each teaching was the developed educational materials and
tasks testing in order to further improve them and upload to a single common virtual learning
environment. However, distance modules require technical support. For this achievement, it is
planned to build a virtualized IT infrastructure (server, special equipment and software), which will
perform tasks, practices and experiments as part of the module and will be supported by the
appropriate module developer. For this purpose, it was planned to buy needed equipment for each
university depending on the needs. Now, each university bought a special server that will support the
future learning process based on the using the modules of each university both distance and replicate
mode. The distance education effectiveness and motivation are based on the students' collaboration
organization. Such collaboration in the project is planned to be realized by creating a community of
practice (CoP) around the module. Moreover, such communities assist developers in developing
modules during the project implementation phase. Such virtualization allows the infrastructure to be
available online by other partners. The IT infrastructure also serves and will serve to create an
improved e-learning environment, collaboration and digital audiences. Important elements of ViMaC
are the development of a digital counseling service ("Mobility Planner" and "Student Journey
Configurator") for students. The modules using in the Master Curricula of partners-university, as well
as the further coordination of curricula create the way for more dissemination of the double degrees
programmes between different universities. The learning environment develops is the next project's
goal. It integrates Ukraine into the educational environment of European countries. This will be
ensured by signing partnership agreements that are outside the existing Memoranda and planned
double degrees. These agreements will also regulate how new partners can join ViMaCs and what
contribution they will provide. Thus, ViMaC establishes a new model of "Digital Educational
Ecosystem" (DEE) for Ukraine and can serve as a basis for future ecosystems in other areas. ViMaCs
expands the digital network connecting to the EuroPIM network and, as a result, international
cooperation in a structured format, which is supplemented for students in the form of various
consulting services. In general, Ukrainian partners are creating a state-of-the-art curriculum, which
leads to the strengthening of international cooperation and is the basis for in-depth scientific
cooperation with Europe through Germany. Stephan Recker, Professor from FH Dortmund, presented
an example of such educational environment in the frame of the XVII International Scientific and
Practical Conference "Project Management in Society Development" (Figure 3). The topic of the
conference was "Project Management in the digitalization of society". It was held from 15 till 16 of
May, 2020 at KNUCA. The Project Management Department of KNUCA was responsible of it. The
Digital Educational Ecosystem description was the topic of the presentation by Professor Carsten
Wolf from the FH Dortmund in the frame of the same conference. One of the important problems that
led to the ViMaCs project initiation and implementation was that the partnership educational system
management and university management systems[19,20] are still isolated solutions in each university,
although the same IT tools (Moodle and ILIAS) are used. Student life cycle systems are difficult to
connect, at least for reasons of data protection. However, a digital exchange platform needs to be
created. This platform is able to provide services and give possibilities for downloading for HEIs. In
the frame of the project, Ukrainian universities are receiving the necessary equipment. The main
element of the project is creating solutions, integrating into a comprehensive digital infrastructure of
virtual, cross-border curricula and supporting of a sustainable model maintaining of resources. Each
partner must set up an "IT Technology Steward", ie a person who provides advice as an expert and
develops decision concepts, trains and accompanies people as a coach and shapes the transformation
process as a change agent.

Figure 3: Digital Environment, created in the frame of the project ViMaCs

6. Conclusion
    As a result of the research the assessment principles and еру competence approach application to
the development of project management systems, programs and project portfolios are analyzed.
Proactive approaches to the specialists training and their competence development based on the
convergence of global trends and cooperation between different universities based on the Bologna
Process are proposed. The main trends are related to the digitalization of countries, the transition to a
behavioral and circular economy, the competency-based approach application in HEIs and
educational standards, accelerating development through the flexible methodologies using. The
studied patterns of students' behavior allow not only to assess the level of competence according to
the IPMA Agile Leadership model, but also to identify weaknesses in key indicators of competencies
in the formation of programs for further development of project manager competencies. Information
and communication technologies have changed our world, expanding it significantly, and the 2020
pandemic has made it possible to understand how these open spaces can be used to increase human
potential. The Digital Education Ecosystems creation can be seen as the next step in the globalization
and society digitalization that will allow the full implementation of the lifelong learning concept in
any part of the world.

   Authors express they’re thanks to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), financed
from funds by the Federal Foreign Office, for its financial support of the “Virtual Master Cooperation
Data Science” project implementation [13].

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