=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2851/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Emotional Intellectual and Cognitive Factors of Success in Project Management |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2851 |authors=Nadiia Rusan,Oleksandr Voitenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/itpm/RusanV21 }} ==Emotional Intellectual and Cognitive Factors of Success in Project Management== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2851/paper8.pdf
Emotional-intellectual and Cognitive Factors of Success in
Project Management
Nadiia Rusan, Oleksandr Voitenko
  Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31 Povitroflotskyi avenue, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine

                 The article discusses the criteria for evaluating the success of the project. The issues of
                 project success assessment are probably the least elaborated and at the same time the most
                 important in the field of project management. Previous theoretical research found a lack of
                 systematic understanding of how companies implement projects that can be considered
                 successful upon completion. In particular, this problem is acute when considering projects
                 related to the development of a new product. This fact is confirmed by statistics: quite often
                 projects to develop a new product are considered failures, and succeed in an average of 60%
                 of cases. A formalized model of project success in the format of set theory, which provides
                 an integrated understanding of project processes. This model identifies those elements that
                 can and should be under the control of the project manager. The practical approbation of the
                 results on the example of the company "Dahservis" was carried out and the competencies that
                 the project manager lacks were established. The elements of the model include such factors
                 as the competencies of the leader, team values, transformational leadership, emotional

                 Keywords 1
                 cognitive factors, team values, emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, project

1. Introduction
     As for the development of this topic in the literature, it is appropriate to mention the scientific
works of Belassi and Tukel [2], Cooper [7], Westhuizen and Fitzgerald [10], Gemuenden and Lechler
[11] and many others, which reflect different ideas about the success of the project and the principles
that the authors recommend to follow when managing projects to achieve success.
     This literature covers a wide range of issues in the field of project management - from planning
activities and team management to taking into account the interests of sponsors and stakeholders.
     Based on the analysis of sources, we can conclude that there is no single set of factors and criteria,
universal for all projects, as the topic of assessing the success of such projects is moderately studied in
both domestic and foreign literature. Among the authors who came closest to resolving this issue, we
can highlight the following: Souder, Tzokas and Weidman.
    According to Smith and Reinertsen, the degree of success of the project is the degree of
achievement of goals. The key objectives of the project - technical performance (functionality and
quality of the product), unit cost of the product, time to market. These goals are set at the beginning of
the project and their achievement as a result is a success [20]. Translating the complex concept of
project success, it should be noted the conclusions of Cooper and Kleinschmidt. The authors identify
two key components of project success: profitability and impact. Profitability covers all aspects that
reflect the benefits and profits of the effort. This concept includes: profitability compared to
competitors; overall performance rating; achievement of planned goals; cost-effectiveness; the impact
of all efforts on the profit of the business unit [9].

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop IT Project Management (ITPM 2021), February 16-18, 2021, Slavsko, Lviv region, Ukraine
EMAIL: nadya.rusan03@gmail.com (A. 1); boytehko@gmail.com (A. 2)
ORCID: 0000-0001-9927-0198 (A. 1); 0000-0002-7414-7836 (A. 2)
            ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
2. Problem statement and the aim of the article
    At the level of project theory, given the lack of elaboration of the topic of success in science, there
is no single established paradigm that defines a formalized set of criteria and factors of success. As a
result, there are differences of opinion as to which project should be called successful, as each
company has its own "recipe" for success.
    Statement of the research problem. The article considers a formalized model of project success and
its practical application at «Dahservis». The aim of the article is to build a formalized model of
project success to achieve the goals of the organization.

3. Criteria and indicators of project success
     The issues of project success assessment are probably the least developed and at the same time
the most important in the field of project management. Previous theoretical studies have revealed a
lack of systematic understanding in terms of how companies implement projects that can be
considered successful upon completion. In particular, this problem is acute when considering projects
related to the development of a new product.
     The practical significance of measuring success is also that this activity is aimed not so much at
assessing the quality of the already implemented project by analyzing its results and the degree of
achievement of goals, but at predicting the future success of the project at different stages of
     Factors that guarantee commercial success are called сritical success factors: you need to think
about how to benefit from using these factors and how they can be translated into the management
     It is also important to understand that the presence of critical success factors does not guarantee
the successful completion of a project, but their absence seriously reduces the likelihood of achieving
project results [22].
    Many articles are based on a statistical analysis of completed projects and all end with a list of
factors that unite successful projects. Factors contributing to the successful implementation of the
project include:
    •     Clear goals. Starting with the philosophy of the project (or its mission). Commitment of the
    project team to the stated goals.
    •     Competent project manager. A competent, sociable leader who has the necessary technical
    and administrative experience.
    •     Support from senior executives. All stakeholders should be aware of and feel this support.
    •     Competent members of the project team. The success of the project is ensured by a competent
    and trained group of performers.
    •     Sufficient resources. Sufficient financial, human, material and other resources.
    •     Adequate information support. Availability of information necessary for the project
    implementation about its goals, status, changes, organizational conditions and customer needs.
    •     Management mechanisms. Mechanisms for managing all events and detecting deviations
    from the plan.
    •     Feedback. All stakeholders in the project should be able to study the situation and make
    appropriate suggestions and adjustments.
    •     Sensitivity to customers. All potential users of the project receive information about the status
    of the project.
    •     Mechanisms for finding and correcting deviations. A system of measures to find problems
    and eliminate their causes.
    •     Invariance of the composition of project participants. The personnel component of the project
    for the entire period of its implementation should remain constant as much as possible. Frequent
    personnel changes can disperse the group's experience.
   Table 1 provides an overview of the key success factors of the projects identified by different
                                                                                           Table 1
                                Key success factors of the project
 Researchers                                   Key success factors
  Lynn and        ▪ some understanding of the product;
   Bender         ▪ understanding of the market and its dynamics;
                  ▪ team support and vision from top management;
                  ▪ adequate funding and a tight time frame;
                  ▪ team factors (skills, experience, stability);
                  ▪ availability of experienced team members;
                  ▪ storage and processing of information;
                  ▪ structured process of new product development;
                  ▪ clear and definite vision in the team;
                  ▪ the process of developing a new product;
                  ▪ development and launch of a new product within the planned time frame;
                  ▪ redefining the product after launch to create a long-term perspective;
                  ▪ accounting for errors upon completion of projects.
  Cooper,          ▪   emphasis on previous research;
   Edgett          ▪   development of products that surpass competitors;
                   ▪   high quality of work;
                   ▪   hard, strict decision points;
                   ▪   availability of performance indicators (NPV, timely launch);
                   ▪   project manager who drives the process.
Cooper and          ▪ high-quality new product development process;
Kleinschmidt        ▪ availability of a new product strategy with appropriate goals;
                    ▪ availability of material and human resources;
                    ▪ professional project teams;
                    ▪ involvement of top management;
                    ▪ innovative climate and culture;
                    ▪ use of cross-functional project commands;
                    ▪ responsibility of top management for results;
                    ▪ customer orientation.
The success factors of the project also include timely assessment of project indicators (Table 2).
                                                                                                Table 2
                     Relationship between success factors and timely project indicators
                           Indicator                           The goal it affects
                     Costs exceed budget                              Cost
                         Cash shortage                                Cost
               Change in the price of suppliers                       Cost
                        Large overtime                                Cost
                Changes in project objectives                  Quality, time, cost
                   Low technical indicators                    Quality, time, cost
                      Insufficient control                     Quality, time, cost
                    Incorrect information                      Quality, time, cost
              Delays in the supply of resources                    Time, cost
                        Supplier delays                            Time, cost
            Change by the buyer of delivery date                   Time, cost
                    Delay in starting work                            Time
               Untimely completion of works                           Time
    The above are general fundamental factors and indicators related to the circumstances and
technical side of the project, but researchers and researchers do not take into account a number of
important factors, which will be discussed in detail in the next paragraph.

3.1. Influence of key factors on the success of the project within the life
cycle stages
    Based on the main factors that determine the success of the project, we can assume that at different
stages of the project life cycle, some factors have a greater impact than others. For example, in the
initial stages, important environmental factors, analytical processes, the role of management in
decision-making, as well as the technological and research level of decision-making. At later stages,
the professionalism of the project team and the administrative qualities of the project manager are of
great importance, due to which compliance with deadlines and competent management of internal
processes are achieved.
    Consider in more detail the key success factors, metrics and tools for measuring project progress
for each stage of the project life cycle (Fig. 1).
    The key factor of success at the "zero" stage is the formation of a clear and unambiguous product
strategy, formed within the company's strategy. The company's strategy should provide a clear
understanding of the goals and objectives for the introduction of a new product, as well as reflect the
expected return on investment (ROI). Thus, companies that have clearly defined strategies for their
new products have a 32% higher success rate of projects, 42% more often meet the sales plans and
achieve the planned profit 39% more often [8].
    At the stage of generating ideas, the key factor of success is customer focus, many studies show
that a deep understanding of customer needs is vital to the success of a new product [3]. Active
participation of the client is necessary already at a stage of generation of ideas. According to Souder's
review of the causes of project success and failure, ideas generated within the company had lower
success rates than ideas generated by external sources [21].

   Figure 1: Project life cycle

    At the stages of concept development and business case building, the key success factor is
preliminary work, which includes such activities as financial analysis, market analysis, competitive
analysis, identification of customer needs, concept testing, preparation of feasibility study. Carrying
out careful preliminary work makes a significant contribution to the success of the product and
strongly correlates with financial performance. Companies spend on average about 7% of the project
budget and 16% of man-hours on these activities, which is not enough to create a successful product
[4]. These facts allow us to conclude that more time and resources should be devoted to activities that
precede the design and development of the product.
    The development phase of new products often takes years, and the most unexpected events can
occur during this time. The market may change and initial estimates of market size and volume may
be out of date. Customer requirements may change as the initial characteristics of the product become
obsolete. Also during this time, competitors can develop similar products. These and other possible
changes mean that the original definition and concept of the product are no longer valid.
    Based on this, the key to success at this stage is the reduction of development time. Companies
that develop products quickly gain a number of competitive advantages: premium prices, valuable
market information, positive reputation, leadership, reduced development costs and accelerated
learning [7]. In addition, the rapid development process minimizes the impact on the project of a
changing environment. No less important factor in the product development stage is the availability of
customer feedback, which guarantees the correct purpose and design of the product, as well as to
accelerate the movement to the intended goal. In order to develop a product that fully meets the
customer's request, it is not enough to follow the information gathered about the customer's needs
before the start of development, it is important to consider the feedback that is formed during the
development process.
    At the testing stage, the functionality of the product is crucial. Therefore, customer acceptance of
the product is a key factor in assessing whether the product is acceptable to the customer, measuring
the level of interest in the product, sympathy and intention to purchase, identify the presence or
absence of benefits and features of the product important to the customer [16].
    At the final stage - launch and entry into the market, the most important factors for the success of
projects should include a developed strategy for promoting a new product and its business model,
availability of material and human resources, the ability to redefine (change) the product after its
launch to create long-term prospects. marketing and customer interaction.
    However, it is not enough to define the success of the project and identify the key factors
influencing its success within the chosen model, it is also necessary to evaluate and track the success
of the project in some way.
    Once you have clarified the main aspects of the impact of key factors on the success of the project,
you should understand the algorithm for forming criteria to assess the success of the project [1].
    As mentioned earlier, project success criteria are standards that help make decisions about the
status and progress of a project, and factors are facts or situations that affect results.
    The set of criteria that a company adheres to depends on its specifics and values. According to
Kerzner, the main role in assessing the success of the project is played by three criteria, namely:
approval of the results of end users, mutually agreed changes in the scale of activities, the absence of
radical changes in the corporate culture of the company [14]. The company can implement models
and methods of development and adaptation of the organizational structure taking into account
proactive and bi-adaptive approaches [19, 22-24]. Thus, the criteria "the absence of radical changes in
the corporate culture of the company" can be improved.

3.2.    Building a formalized model of project success
    Approaches to determining project success have varied from the traditional triple constraint to
multi-criteria and multi-factor models. This can be explained by the fact that the stories of many
successful projects show the insufficiency and ambiguity of time, cost and quality constraints
(external success), and hence the need to assess success as a set of features closest to the specifics of
the project [17].
    Within the framework of the conducted scientific research a number of concepts were used, about
which there are still discussions in wide scientific circles. Therefore, in order to further correctly
understand the conducted in the framework of this scientific work, it is advisable to present the basic
concepts and their definitions. The main concepts in the work are defined as "emotional intelligence",
"transformational leadership", "leadership competencies" and "team values". Each concept is
considered separately below.
    Emotional intelligence - the ability of the project manager to interpret their own emotions and the
emotions of others, based on them to organize effective interaction in the business community with all
stakeholders for the successful implementation of the project and program.
   Transformational leadership is a process in which a leader overcomes selfish preferences,
increases the level of consciousness and creativity of his subordinates ("followers") through an
individual approach, intellectual stimulation, inspiring motivation and idealized influence.
   Competence - a given area (field) of activity in which the project manager must show the ability to
effectively (successfully, rationally) to act purposefully in complex situations.
   Team values are a reflection of the choice of behavior of team members, taking into account:
openness, focus, commitment, courage, respect in making decisions to achieve goals.
   Relying only on the external or only internal criterion of success is useless. What looks like the
pinnacle of success from the outside, may be a complete disappointment from the inside. In this
paper, it is proposed to mean success by internal success:
                     Project success = External success + Internal success,                    (1)
                           External success = Time + Cost + Quality,                           (2)
   Internal Success = Emotional Intelligence + Transformational Leadership + Leadership
                                 Competences + Team Values,
   Formally, the success of a project or program can be represented as follows:
                                   {EI , TL , CP , TV }  PS,                                  (4)
                                     n   m    t   i
where PS is the success of the project or program;
      EIn - a set of elements of emotional intelligence;
      TLm - a set of elements that form transformational leadership;
      CPt - a set of elements of professional competencies of the project manager;
      TVi is a set of elements of command values [18].

   A lot of emotional intelligence (EIn):
   •     elements of self-awareness. An emotionally mature project manager understands both his
   strengths and areas for development and how to act accordingly. We denote such a subset by       .
   •     self-control (self control). The leader can control and control his feelings and emotions
   properly in the appropriate situation. We denote such a subset by    .
   •     social responsiveness. A reasonable share of empathy can significantly improve the quality of
   life and communication with people on an emotional level. We denote such a subset by       .
   •     relationship management. A manager with well-developed social skills likes to be among
   colleagues and subordinates. We denote such a subset by         .
                                {   ,    ,    ,       }  EIn,                                 (5)
   Many elements of transformational leadership:
   •     elements of intellectual stimulation. The leader encourages employees to use their
   imagination, think independently, look for new creative ways to solve common problems. We
   denote such a subset by      .
   •     elements of individual consideration. The leader gives subordinates such tasks that would
   develop their skills and strengthen self-confidence. We denote such a subset by     .
   •     elements of inspiring motivation. The leader creates a clear picture of the future, which is
   both optimistic and achievable, encourages others to raise expectations. We denote such a subset
   by       .
   •     elements of idealized influence. The leader strives to become a role model for his employees,
   is in a constant process of change and development of himself. We denote such a subset by      .
   Formally, the set TLm can be represented as follows:
                                { ,     ,     ,    } TLm,                                     (6)

   The set of competencies of the project manager:
   •    Promising competencies (strategy; leadership, structures and processes; compliance,
   standards and rules; power and interest; culture and values). We denote such a subset by .
   •    Human competencies (self-reflection and self-regulation; personal integrity and reliability;
   personal communication; relationships and interaction; leadership; teamwork; conflicts and crises;
   ingenuity; coordination; result orientation). We denote such a subset by    .
   •    Practical competencies (project design; requirements and tasks; content; time; organization
   and information; quality; finance; resources; procurement; planning and control; risks and
   opportunities; stakeholders; change and transformation; selection and balancing). We denote such
   a subset by     .
   Formally, the set of CPt can be represented as follows:

                                 {    ,        ,       }  CPt,                                (7)

   Many teams value. The TVi set will consist of five subsets:
   •   focusing elements - ;
   •   elements of obligation - ;
   •   elements of courage - ;
   •   elements of openness - ;
   •   elements of respect -     .
   Formally, the set TVi can be represented as follows:

                                { ,    ,   ,       ,   }  TVi,                                (8)

   «Dahservis» is a ukrainian enterprise (founded in 2002), that performs roofing and facade works,
as well as provides comprehensive supplies of materials for roofs and facades. Analyzing the
company «Dahservis» it can be noted that the advantage is the application of the standard IPMA ICB
4 "Individual competencies of specialists in the management of projects, programs and portfolios."
The results of modeling the behavior of the project manager are shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2: Modeling results for the group "Behavioral competencies"
    According to the results of the analysis, we will highlight the competencies for which the manager
lacks competence. These are "Self-reflection and self-regulation", "Coordination", "Relationships and
interaction" and "Teamwork". In the process of developing the competencies of the project manager,
these competencies should be considered for their development [12,13]. The intersection of the
competence of project managers is based on behavioral competencies. This forms the structure of the
chromosome, which reflects the creation of the product and the result of the project and the project
management process [6]. In the study of management methods at this company and the
implementation of projects, it was found that there are not all components of success:
    •    management uses a transactional management style;
    •    there are no prescribed clear team values.
    The above factors lead to reduced performance at the company «Dahservis». This is due to the
following provisions of transactional leadership:
    •     execution of instructions and orders of the leader - the main task of subordinates;
    •     people best carry out orders when they are formulated very clearly and distinctly;
    •     employees are motivated by a system of incentives and penalties;
    •     subordinates are closely monitored to ensure that they meet management's expectations.
    If employees perform their duties well, they are rewarded; if subordinates fail, they receive a
reprimand or a more severe punishment. The occurrence of anomalies in management decisions is
facilitated not only by incorrect decisions of governing bodies, but also by the formed anomalies in
the construction of the organization. These anomalies also lead to disruption of the work process,
cause declines in the organization. An example is pendulum solutions at «Dahservis». This pathology
occurs due to the lack of a clear decision-making system and plan, and as a result the result of some
actions is neutralized by others. Sometimes it manifests itself in its pure form: a countermeasure is
introduced to the extent taken, and the decision is revoked. For example, the creation of a center of
competence for the management of development programs and its subsequent abolition, justifying the
importance of introducing new technology and returning to the old method of production, etc.
Situational approach, lack of action program can be very dangerous because is reduced to zero. The
company does not develop and loses competitiveness [5]. Rules, procedures and standards play a
critical role in transactional leadership. The creative approach of employees to work is not particularly
encouraged, as is the search for new solutions to problems. Research has shown that transactional
leadership is usually most effective when the issues to be addressed are simple and clearly defined.
Although transactional leadership can be quite effective in some situations, it is considered
insufficient: it can prevent both the leader and subordinates from fully unleashing their creative
potential. Therefore, the company «Dahservis» proposed to use subsets of transformational leadership
to increase the successful implementation of projects. Qualities necessary for the process of
transformation of a leader to successfully fulfill its functional role:
    •     focus on the future, strategic and proactive thinking;
    •     charisma - integrity, the presence of an inner core;
    •     IQ + E - and emotional intelligence is more important, but no one has canceled a sufficient
    level of IQ [15];
    •     LQ - the level of vital energy of the leader - an innate indicator that significantly determines
    the leadership potential;
    •     confidence in yourself, your business and subordinates.
    After the implementation of transformational leadership, the following quantitative and qualitative
indicators were obtained:
    •     increased productivity;
    •     reducing staff turnover;
    •     employees showed greater job satisfaction and commitment to the organization, readiness for
    organizational change;
    •     stimulates innovative behavior of subordinates;
    •     increased internal motivation of employees to work, increased involvement in work (work
    •     increased efficiency of teamwork (growing trust in the leader and other team members,
    creating an atmosphere of cooperation);
    •     positively influenced the team's faith in its own strength, that it has difficult tasks;
    •     contributed to the formation of an innovative environment in the organization;
    •     the organization's ability to learn has increased;
    •     the company's intellectual capital is used more efficiently.

4. Conclusion
   The following results were obtained in the process of research and development:
   •    The concepts and components of the project success model are studied.
   •     Approaches to determining project success have varied from the traditional triple constraint to
   multi-criteria and multi-factor models. This can be explained by the fact that in the history of many
   successful projects there is a lack and ambiguity of limitations in time, time and quality, and hence
   the need to assess success as a set of features closest to the specifics of the project. The main
   components of all approaches to assessing the success of projects are the definition of their criteria
   and factors. If the criteria play the role of project success indicators and serve as a basis for further
   decisions, then the factors are the drivers that directly affect the success of the project.
   •     As for the factors, in theory there is currently no ideal approach to determining the critical
   success factors of projects. As a result, a set of success factors was formed by selecting from
   different models those that are recognized by all authors of scientific papers and those that reflect
   the specifics of projects in terms of management, project team, the project itself and its external
   •     For the first time, a model of project success is formalized, which demonstrates the
   relationship between emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, competencies and team
   values during the implementation of a project or program. The main sets related to the success of
   the project are considered and highlighted.
   •     A practical approbation of the project success model was carried out. The enterprise
   «Dahservis» is analyzed and it is defined which components are not enough for successful
   realization of projects. According to the results of behavior modeling, competencies are identified
   for which the manager lacks competence. These are "Self-reflection and self-regulation",
   "Coordination", "Relationships and interaction" and "Teamwork". In the process of developing the
   competencies of the project manager, these competencies should be considered for their
   development. It was found that at the «Dahservis» management uses a transactional management
   style. Situational approach, lack of action program can be very dangerous, because the result of the
   organization in this case is reduced to zero. The company is losing competitiveness. Therefore, the
   company is proposed to use subsets of transformational leadership in order to increase the
   successful implementation of projects. It is established that the company does not have clearly
   defined team values and mission. Values should not only be articulated in the organization, but a
   policy should also be pursued to prioritize values. Until those actions that contribute to the
   achievement of the main corporate goals are listed, these actions will not be considered a priority.

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