=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2852/paper1 |storemode=property |title=A Quantitative Study of Russian Colour Terms Buryj and Koričnevyj in the Google Books Ngram Corpus |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2852/paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2852 |authors=Vladimir V. Bochkarev,Anna V . Shevlyakova,Galina V. Paramei,Ekaterina V. Rakhilina }} ==A Quantitative Study of Russian Colour Terms Buryj and Koričnevyj in the Google Books Ngram Corpus== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2852/paper1.pdf
A Quantitative Study of Russian Colour Terms Buryj and
Koričnevyj in the Google Books Ngram Corpus
Vladimir V. Bochkareva, Anna V. Shevlyakovaa, Galina V. Parameib and Ekaterina V.
  Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya str. 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia
  Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park, Liverpool, L16 9JD, United Kingdom
  Higher School of Economics, Staraya Basmannaya str, 21/4, Moscow, 105066, Russia

                We report a microdiachronic investigation of distributional semantics of two competing
                Russian colour terms (CTs) for ‘brown’, buryj (12th cent.) and koričnevyj (17th cent.), while
                using Russian subcorpus of Google Books Ngram. By conducting time-series analysis (1800–
                2009) of bigrams containing either of these terms, we estimated frequency of occurrences of
                the two “Russian browns” and explored changes in the extent of the terms’ combinability with
                nouns signifying objects (N=259). Results provide evidence that in total frequency of use,
                koričnevyj overtook buryj at the beginning of 1920s and unequivocally prevails from the
                beginning of 1960s. Furthermore, the perplexity index indicates significant increase in the
                scope of objects whose denotations collocate with koričnevyj. This is complemented by the
                observed increase of the Jensen-Shannon divergence between frequency distributions of buryj
                and koričnevyj, with both phenomena being particularly manifested from 1960s. The obtained
                estimates of distributional semantics corroborate the status koričnevyj as the basic CT for
                ‘brown’ in modern Russian. The present diachronic corpus analysis provides novel insights
                into linguistic evolution of an emergent basic CT – by revealing the process of it gradually
                supplanting an old term with a similar colour meaning, the timescale of the new term’s increase
                in usage, and significant expansion in its distributional semantics.

                Computational Linguistics, Google Books Ngram, linguistic evolution of colour terms,
                Russian terms for ‘brown’, buryj and koričnevyj, combinability, collocations, diachronic
                distributional analysis, frequency distribution, Jensen-Shannon divergence

1. Introduction
    In the present study we explore linguistic evolution of the two competing Russian terms for ‘brown’
бурый / buryj and коричневый / koričnevyj by methods of diachronic computational analysis. The two
terms differ in the time of their emergence and lexical origin, and in colour space together fill the slot
termed brown in English or its counterparts in other European languages [1].
    In modern Russian, koričnevyj is considered basic colour term (BCT) for ‘brown’, according to the
criteria provided in the seminal work of Berlin and Kay [2]. As such, koričnevyj is attested in numerous
linguistic and psycholinguistic studies [e.g. 1, 3–6]. The term emerged in the 17th century as a derivative
of Russian word korica ‘cinnamon’, which in turn was derived from kora ‘bark’ [7–9].
    Along with it, a significant scope of objects is still named by Russians by the old term buryj
‘dust/greyish brown, brownish black’ [10]. Studies in historical linguistics attest emergence of buryj in
Old Russian in the 12th century [3, 7–9]. According to Herne [7], it is cognate of Mongolian bürüj ‘dark-
coloured’ and is related to Persian *bōr ‘red, colour of pistachio’ and Turkish *bur ‘fox-red’.
Proceedings of the Linguistic Forum 2020: Language and Artificial Intelligence, November 12-14, 2020, Moscow, Russia
EMAIL: vbochkarev@mail.ru (VVB); anna_ling@mail.ru (AVS); parameg@hope.ac.uk (GVP); rakhilina@gmail.com (EVR)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8792-1491 (VVB); 0000-0002-2659-1887 (AVS); 0000-0003-2611-253X (GVP); 0000-0002-7126-0905 (EVR)
             ©️ 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
    The earliest dictionary examples of expressions containing buryj usually refer to (i) horse coat,
defined as being between russet and (dark) brown, and (ii) silver (lit. black-buryj) fox. In modern
Russian, the term exclusively collocates with ‘bear’, ‘coal’, ‘ore’, ‘wheat’ etc.
    Here we investigated contextualised linguistic behaviour of each of the two “Russian brown” terms,
specifically, their combinatorial lexical typology. Unlike broadly used (decontextualized)
psycholinguistic analysis of denotative meanings of CTs, linguistic analysis focusses on collocational
possibilities, structural semantics of the nouns denoting objects, and the contexts CTs are used in [11].
In diachronic studies, the linguistic approach provides insights into innate mechanisms and driving
forces underlying the ways of re-structuring of colour categorisation system in order to capture
optimisation of evolutionary dynamics of (basic) colour categories. Statistical changes in the co-
occurrences of colour concepts over time in a large corpus reflect changes in distributional semantics,
namely, the drift of colour concepts over time stipulated by sociocultural processes [12, 13]. Among
the latter are local practices, technology and aesthetics [11], as well as sociocultural incentives that
transpire in colour terminology: pragmatic and semantic distinctions [14]; cultural symbolism and
values accorded to particular colour due to the workmanship that coloured objects received, and the
distances that materials travelled [15], thus, bestowing the colour prestige and making its name a marker
of social identity [16].
    In the present study we undertook a diachronic computational analysis of Russian subcorpus of
Google Books Ngram [17] that contains Russian books spanning more than four centuries, to explore
frequency of occurrences of the two “Russian browns” and combinability of buryj and koričnevyj with
nouns signifying certain objects. In pursuing this, we tested Rakhilina’s [18, 19] hypothesis that an
incipient colour term (here: koričnevyj) gradually expands in the realm of nouns signifying objects,
increasingly supplanting the old term (here: buryj) in collocations, to finally becoming entrenched as a
BCT. In our analysis we leaned upon indicative results of our previous study that ascertained
frequencies of collocations of the two “Russian browns” with nouns denoting objects, where we
employed the National Corpus of Russian Language (18th–21st centuries) [20].

2. Method

2.1     Dataset source and data cleansing
    Russian subcorpus of Google Books Ngram (GBN) was employed [17], which contains data on
frequencies of individual words, as well as n-grams, contiguous sequences of n words, with n = 2, 3, 4,
or 5. In the present study, the second version of the GBN corpus [21] was used, which includes texts of
591,310 books published in Russian between 1607–2009, with the total number of words amounting to
more than 67 billion words. The GBN corpus was criticized by some as being unbalanced [22, 23]. In
spite of this, the exceptionally large size of the corpus makes it a valuable tool for studies of language
evolution, addressed, for example, in [24, 25]. Notably, the majority of the books contained in the
Russian subcorpus of GBN were published after the beginning of the 19th century. Here the analysed
period in effect comprised about 200 years, since the data for distributional analysis of buryj and
koričnevyj becomes sufficient and representative starting from 1830.
    For the analysis, we extracted frequencies of all 2-grams (bigrams) corresponding to attributive
constructions with buryj and koričnevyj (including their inflectional forms). Bigrams of the
Noun+colour and colour+Noun types were selected automatically. Noteworthy, GBN is a part-of-
speech (POS) tagged corpus, however, it contains numerous POS-tagging errors. To rectify
inaccuracies, to lemmatize the nouns that collocate with the terms buryj and/or koričnevyj, POS-tagged
data were verified using the OpenCorpora morphological dictionary (OC) [26, 27]. The OpenCorpora
is one of the largest electronic dictionaries of the Russian language, which currently contains 391,800
lemmas that include 5,140,000-word forms. Finally, to ensure that only the target bigrams were
selected, in some cases a manual check was performed in addition. In total, 2,621 bigrams were selected,
including words related to 796 different lemmas. Selection of the bigram lists and their lemmatization,
extraction of bigram frequencies from the GBN subcorpus, and statistical analysis were performed
using scripts written in the Matlab environment.
2.2     Data analysis
    Analysis of changes in distribution of the terms buryj and koričnevyj was performed (along with
other methods) as vector representation of the word meaning, the method broadly applied for
ascertaining distributive semantics [28–31]. Recently this approach was also used to estimate diachronic
changes in word semantics and reveal new word meaning(s) [32–35].
    For semantic computation, all referred to works utilized frequencies of the word in question in
various contexts. However, different methods of computing word-representing vectors were employed,
e.g. Pointwise Mutual Information [36] or Lexicographer’s Mutual Information [37]. In addition, for
estimating semantic similarity (distance) between words different metrics are applied.
    In the present study we applied the explicit word vectors by using relative frequencies of buryj- and
koričnevyj-bigrams that occur in different contexts, i.e. collocate with various nouns. Presaging the
results reported below, 259 nouns were found to collocate with both buryj and koričnevyj, hence, the
dimensionality of vector representation was d=259. Further, for each year and each of the two ‘brown’
terms, frequency vectors were computed and normalized to 1. Finally, differences in distributional
semantics of buryj and koričnevyj were estimated by the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) [38]:
                  1                   𝑝       1                𝑞
   𝐽𝑆𝐷(𝑝||𝑞) = 2 ∑𝑖 𝑝𝑖 log 2 (𝑝 +𝑞𝑖 )⁄2 + 2 ∑𝑖 𝑞𝑖 log 2 (𝑝 +𝑞𝑖 )⁄2,                                   (1)
                                  𝑖       𝑖                𝑖       𝑖

where 𝑝𝑖 and 𝑞𝑖 are components of the two compared vectors for the i-th context.
    A simple technique was proposed in [39] that allows one to estimate the contribution of each context
to the obtained distance estimation. Note that each term in formula (1) reflects the contribution of only
the i-th component of the compared distributions p and q. The values for each of the components,
separately, are calculated as follows:
   1                𝑝𝑖       1                 𝑞
     ∑ 𝑝 log 2
   2 𝑖 𝑖       (𝑝𝑖 +𝑞𝑖 )⁄2
                           + 2 ∑𝑖 𝑞𝑖 log 2 (𝑝 +𝑞𝑖 )⁄2                                                 (2)
                                             𝑖   𝑖

   Further, one can sort the contexts in descending order of this value to determine by this means which
contexts contributed most to the JSD value. A similar approach was used in the present analysis to
identify specific collocations whose frequency change most strongly affects the change in the JSD
values over time. To do this, we calculated increments of the values defined by formula (2) and sorted
the nouns (bigram constituents) in the descending order of the values of these increments.

3. Results

3.1.    Dynamics of frequency distribution of buryj and koričnevyj
   As indicated in 2.2. above, 796 nouns were found in the corpus to collocate with the terms buryj and
koričnevyj, whereby 133 co-occur only with buryj, 404 only with koričnevyj, and 259 nouns appear in
combinations with either. Thus, over the entire period between 1607–2009 the term koričnevyj generally
collocates with more nouns designating various objects than buryj.
   Figure 1 shows the change of frequency of the terms buryj and koričnevyj (in all inflectional forms)
over time. It is apparent that at the beginning of the 19th century frequency of the term buryj is
significantly higher than that of koričnevyj. However, after a long period of competition, from the
beginning of the 1980s, in the 20th century frequency of koričnevyj started to prevail. It is worth bearing
in mind that in GBN some objects are mentioned quite often in combination with “Russian brown”
terms, whereas others are mentioned only several times per century. Hence, the observed dependencies
can be due to co-occurrences of each of the two terms with a relatively small number of frequently used
nouns, and the obtained dependencies might disguise the ongoing competition of the “Russian brown”
terms in typical cases.
Figure 1: Total frequency of use of colour terms buryj and koričnevyj in GBN between 1800–2009

    We scrutinised diachronic dynamics of the diversity of the “Russian brown” terms’ usage by
computing information entropy (h) of each term’s frequency distribution in various contexts, i.e. in
bigrams with different nouns. Expressed in bits, entropy is not particularly telling. Therefore, in Figure
2 we present its more instructive derivative – perplexity of frequency distribution [40], equal to 2ℎ , that
reflects the number of frequently used alternatives, i.e. nouns collocating with either buryj or koričnevyj.
Note that before 1840 the GBN corpus has data insufficient for a reliable analysis of the distribution of
the terms buryj and koričnevyj.

Figure 2: A: Perplexity of frequency distribution of bigrams containing a noun and either buryj or
koričnevyj, computed year-by-year. B: The prevalent term perplexity is colour-coded by yellow for
buryj and by blue for koričnevyj

   As illustrated by Figure 2A, frequencies of both buryj and koričnevyj increase after 1840 – primarily
due to the growth of the corpus size (as a manifestation of the Heaps’ law [41, 42]). It is also apparent
that initially, more objects collocate with buryj than with koričnevyj. However, after a long-period
competition, from 1920s combinations of denoted objects with koričnevyj start to prevail. Furthermore,
in the post-WWII period, the diversity of objects combined with koričnevyj become even greater
compared to those with buryj. Dynamics of the prevalence of perplexity of the two “Russian browns”,
on year-by-year basis, is presented in an alternative form in Figure 2B: it reveals an initial greater
collocational diversity of buryj (until ca. 1900), the ensuing process of competition of the two terms
(around 1900–1920), followed by overtaking the combinability diversity by koričnevyj in 1920s and its
further incremental raise from mid-1940s.

Figure 3: Mean and median percentage of collocations with koričnevyj from the total number of
combinations with nouns (N=259) that in GBN co-occur with either buryj or koričnevyj

   We undertook scrutiny of the competition process between buryj and koričnevyj by ascertaining the
term prevalence for the subsample of object-denoting nouns (N=259) that collocate with either of the
terms. Specifically, for each year and each of the colour terms we estimated the frequency of collocation
with individual nouns and, from the total number of combinations with buryj and koričnevyj, calculated
the proportion of objects collocating with koričnevyj. This proportion was estimated by two measures
– as a mean over 259 nouns for each year and median. The latter measure is probably be more indicative
since a small number of spurts in corpus individual nouns might significantly bias resulting mean
values. Figure 3 prompts the tendency of an increase in the proportion of koričnevyj – from ca. 30% at

Figure 4: Average proportion of combinations with koričnevyj from the total number of nouns (N=259)
in GBN collocating with either buryj or koričnevyj in the first and second half of the 20th century

the end of the 19th century to about 70% by the beginning of the 21st century. Furthermore, post-WWII
the (ongoing) process of buryj being supplanted by koričnevyj is unidirectional.
    Although, in tendency, the proportion of koričnevyj-combinations increases, this does not imply that
it uniformly increases for all considered 259 nouns of objects. Figure 4 shows a scatterplot contrasting
values of koričnevyj-proportion for the (approximately) first vs. second halves of the 20th century.
Apparent is the general tendency of the increase in the share of koričnevyj between 1950–2009, which
amounts to 74.1% of the cases, although for some objects the proportion of koričnevyj slightly decreases
(manifested by points below the diagonal in Figure 4).

3.2.    Differences in distribution of buryj and koričnevyj
   We further explored dynamics of distributional semantics of the two “Russian browns” by estimating
the JSD between the frequency distributions of the terms buryj and koričnevyj for the 259 nouns
combining with either of them. The outcome is presented in Figure 5. Large values reaching 1.0
(maximum possible JSD value) for the early analysis period (ca. 1850–1870) might result from depleted
amount of corpus data for those years. For the following century, approximately from 1870s till 1960s,
the JSD values decrease, to then revealing a slow ongoing increase. It is conceivable that the incessant
JSD decrease before 1960s reflects the expansion of koričnevyj use in combination with nouns for the
objects that hitherto had combined solely or predominantly with buryj. Conversely, subsequent JSD
increase, from 1960s till the beginning of the 21st century, may manifest contraction of the scope of
objects named buryj.

Figure 5: The Jensen-Shannon divergence between frequency distributions of buryj and koričnevyj
with nouns (N=259) collocating with either term; GBN, 1840–2009

3.3. Exploring the impact of the corpus size on the values of
distributional divergence of buryj and koričnevyj
   We are cognisant though that, while reflecting a genuine change in the two terms’ distributional
semantics, i.e. the diachronic linguistic phenomenon, the JSD decrease might, in addition, result from
a confounding factor – growth of the yearly corpus size, which is likely to bias JSD estimates [43]. For
the Russian GBN subcorpus, in particular, it is known that until 1960 its size was rapidly increasing.
To ensure that statistical significance of the observed changes in distributional semantics of buryj and
koričnevyj are veridical, we examined whether the JSD estimates depended on the yearly amount of
corpus data by performing a statistical modelling using the bootstrap-like procedure developed in [44].
   The algorithm included the following steps [44]:
•       Choosing the timespan, within which the frequency distribution of the target-word
combinations is unlikely to change.
•       Computing relative frequencies of the word combinations, i.e. the frequencies independent of
the corpus size. For this, empirical frequencies of the word combinations in the considered year were
normalized by the total corpus size in that year.
•      Selecting one of the year values of the relative frequency from the chosen timespan for each
component (independent of other components) of the frequency vector (frequency of the word
•      Computing JSD between the vectors generated at the previous steps.
  The implementation of this algorithm allowed to simulate an empirical distribution of the JSD.

Figure 6: Boxplots of simulated values of the Jensen-Shannon divergence between frequency
distributions of buryj and koričnevyj with nouns (N=259) collocating with either term, for four selected
timespans, of comparable length, between 1896–2008

    Leaning upon the results presented in Figure 5, we selected four timespans of comparable length,
wherein the JSD values vary within relatively small limits and do not show signs of a clear trend: 1896–
1916, 1924–1940, 1948–1968, and 1993–2008. Empirical distribution of the JSD was simulated for
each of these timespans using bootstrapping (samples of 1,000 values generated). The simulation results
are shown in Figure 6. As one can see, for each pair of the subsequent timespans the ranges of the
obtained JSD values hardly overlap, implying that the obtained JSD differences definitely are
statistically significant.
    We were still aware of a possible impact on the JSD values of the variation in the corpus size, as
well as changes in frequency of the compared terms (see Table 1). A calculation scheme that allows
one to consider this effect is described in [44]. Following the proposed algorithm [44], we generated a
vector representation of each “Russian brown” term constructed from relative frequencies of the
combinations that include the given term. The so obtained vector was then multiplied by the mean value
of the term absolute frequency within the timespan. The expected values of the frequencies of the term
combinations were rounded down, and the obtained frequency vectors were normalized to 1.0.

Table 1
Average yearly number of occurrences of buryj and koričnevyj in combination with nouns (N=259)
collocating with either term, in each of the four selected timespans between 1896–2008
             Timespan                             buryj                        koričnevyj
            1896–1916                            224.3                           132.4
            1924–1940                            2,249                           1,252
            1948–1968                            6,007                           5,417
            1993–2008                            2,413                           4,014

    For the timespan 1896–1916, the average yearly number of occurrences of the terms buryj and
koričnevyj is 224.3 and 132.4 respectively (see Table 1); in comparison, for the timespan 1924–1940,
it equals 2,249 and 1,252. Let us assume, as the null hypothesis, that the distribution of both colour
terms actually is the same in both timespans, and the observed differences are associated solely with
the change in the corpus size and the absolute frequency of the compared terms. Let us further assume
that the relative frequencies of the noun combinations with buryj and koričnevyj are equal to their
empirical values for the later of the two timespans (1924–1940). The calculation shows that, under the
assumption that the average yearly absolute frequencies of buryj and koričnevyj are 2,249 and 1,252
respectively, the JSD median value is 0.3200. However, if the average yearly absolute frequencies are
224.3 and 132.4 respectively, as in the earlier of the two timespans (1896–1916), the JSD median value
increases to 0.3607, with the JSD standard deviation 0.0525. This comparison indicates that the change
in the corpus size can indeed cause an estimate bias, however, the small discrepancy is not sufficient to
explain the observed large differences between the two corresponding JSD values for the two compared
    The calculations for the two other timespans, 1924–1940 and 1948–1968, were carried out in a
similar way. The average yearly absolute frequencies of both colour terms for the later timespan (1948–
1968) are 6,007 and 5,417 respectively. The modelled estimation of the JSD median value for this case
is 0.2296. Provided the average yearly absolute frequencies of 2,249 and 1,252 (as in 1924–1940) are
set in the model, under the same frequency distributions, the JSD median value increases to 0.2474,
while the standard deviation of the JSD is 0.0278. Thus, as in the first instance, the bias is observed in
this case, too, but, again, it is not significant and cannot explain the observed differences.

4. Conclusions
    The present diachronic computational analysis of the two competing “Russian browns”, the old term
buryj (12th cent.) and the historically newer term koričnevyj (17th cent.), explored dynamics of the terms’
linguistic behaviour using Russian subcorpus of the second version of Google Books Ngram. By
conducting time-series analysis spanning 1800–2009, we ascertained and compared combinability of
the two terms, in bigrams, with nouns signifying various objects. We were particularly interested in
frequencies of occurrences buryj and koričnevyj in bigrams, which revealed the noun (N=259)
collocational possibility with either of the ‘brown’ terms. The results provide evidence that in total
frequency of use, koričnevyj overtook buryj at the beginning of 1920s, to progressively prevail from
the beginning of 1960s. Furthermore, the perplexity index indicates significant increase in the scope of
objects, whose denotations collocate with koričnevyj, in initially at the beginning of 1920s, with another
upsurge mid-1940s, i.e. time windows following the two sociocultural upheavals, the WWI/October
revolution and civil war in Russia, and WWII respectively. The findings on the expansion of koričnevyj
collocational potential is complemented by the gradual increase of the Jensen-Shannon divergence
between frequency distributions of buryj and koričnevyj observed from 1960s. The obtained estimates
of distributional semantics corroborate the status koričnevyj as the basic CT for ‘brown’ in modern
Russian. Together the findings provide convincing evidence supporting Rakhilina’s [18, 19] hypothesis
that an incipient colour term, koričnevyj, entrenches as a basic gradually, by expanding to the realm of
nouns signifying objects with a colour previously named by the old term, buryj. Beyond this, the
reported diachronic corpus analysis offers novel insights into linguistic evolution of an emergent basic
CT – by revealing the process and timescale of the new term’s increase in usage, significant expansion
in its distributional semantics, and increasingly supplanting an old term in collocations, where the two
terms compete.

5. Acknowledgements
    The project was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 20-18-00206 to VVB and
AVS). The authors are grateful to V.D. Solovyev for insightful comments on data analysis and outcome

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