=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2853/paper19 |storemode=property |title=Stochastic Game Model of Data Clustering |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2853/paper19.pdf |volume=Vol-2853 |authors=Petro Kravets,Yevhen Burov,Oksana Oborska,Victoria Vysotska,Lyudmyla Dzyubyk,Vasyl Lytvyn |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/intelitsis/KravetsBOVDL21 }} ==Stochastic Game Model of Data Clustering== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2853/paper19.pdf
Stochastic Game Model of Data Clustering
Petro Kravetsa, Yevhen Burova, Oksana Oborskaa, Victoria Vysotskaa, Lyudmyla Dzyubyka
and Vasyl Lytvyna
    Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandera Street, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine

                 A stochastic game model of data clustering under interference conditions is proposed. An
                 adaptive recurrent method and algorithm for stochastic game deciding have developed.
                 Computer simulation of game clustering of noisy data has performed. The parameters
                 influence on the stochastic game method convergence for noisy data clustering is researched.
                 For this purpose, each data point is considered as a separate player with the ability to learn
                 and adapt to the uncertainties of the system. After the selection of clusters is completed, all
                 players calculate the corresponding losses by the criteria of minimizing the total distance
                 between the cluster points formed by the free choice of player strategies. The results obtained
                 are analysed. A stochastic approximation based on the mixed-strategy adjustment method
                 minimizes the mean loss functions on single simplexes.

                 Keywords 1
                 Stochastic game, computer linguistic system, cluster analysis, data clustering, machine
                 learning, mixed strategy, game method, big data, pure strategy, player strategy, natural
                 language processing, stochastic game model, stochastic approximation, clustering method.

         1. Introduction
    Clustering can accomplished by solving data mining and data visualization problems, grouping
and pattern recognition, knowledge extraction and information retrieval, and object classification [1-
2]. The purpose of cluster analysis is to find groups of similar objects in a given set or sample. Unlike
discriminant analysis, where classes are predefined, cluster analysis determines the composition of
clusters [3].
    Cluster analysis is used in data science, data mining, natural language processing, machine
learning, electronic commerce, information technologies, scientific work, computer linguistics,
informatics, document science, pattern recognition, signal processing, marketing, philology,
psychology, pedagogy, sociology, medicine, biology, chemistry and other human activity fields to
data processing and organization in the classes form for their systematization, grouping and analysis
    Cluster analysis in computational linguistics is a tool for creating new classifications, defining
models of tokens and finding general patterns of development of whole groups of tokens, for
example, to determine propaganda in content for computer linguistic system (CLS) [5].
    Cluster analysis allows interlanguage generalizations of the studied concept based on comparison
of features possessed by objects in one group. Cluster analysis offers a deeper qualitative analysis of
each of the groups. It is necessary to emphasize the role of statistical methods in linguistic research. In
the light of the scientific and technological revolution and the growing amount of information
(including corpora), linguistics, despite the complexity and versatility of the object of study, requires

IntelITSIS’2021: 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security, March 24–26,
2021, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
EMAIL: Petro.O.Kravets@lpnu.ua (P. Kravets); yevhen.v.burov@lpnu.ua (Y. Burov); oksana.v.oborska@lpnu.ua (O. Oborska);
victoria.a.vysotska@lpnu.ua (V. Vysotska); liudmyla.v.dziubyk@lpnu.ua (L. Dzyubyk); vasyl.v.lytvyn@lpnu.ua (V. Lytvyn)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8569-423X (P. Kravets); 0000-0001-8653-1520 (Y. Burov); 0000-0002-8647-3305 (O. Oborska); 0000-0001-6417-
3689 (V. Vysotska); 0000-0001-6942-9436 (L. Dzyubyk); 0000-0002-9676-0180 (V. Lytvyn)
            © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
the development of new methodological foundations of a comprehensive quantitative-systemic
   The term cluster is widely used in the exact sciences. In particular, in physics and chemistry, as
well as sociology, a cluster characterizes a group of atoms or molecules, a cluster of objects, that is, a
form that unites homogeneous particles.
   In relation to linguistic objects, a cluster can called a sequence of linguistic elements, such as
sounds or parts of speech, as well as a group of dialects or languages that have a number of common
features. Thus, noting the organizing function of a cluster as its main characteristic, let us trace which
linguistic unities are classified as clusters.
   1. An indication of an enlarged linguistic cluster is the genre of the text, since it is characterized
   by a set of linguistic units of a certain level that implement a single communicative form.
   2. The cluster can combine various spelling, syntactic, phonetic, morphological and lexical
   characteristics of texts.
   3. Clusters also include a combination of propositions directly related to lexical groups.
   The list goes on.
   Clustering process is the objects set division into separate different power subsets depending on
their similarity. Selected subsets are called clusters [6]. The elements of a single cluster have common
properties [7]. The elements of different clusters differ significantly [8]. Packages of computer
programs have developed that implement cluster analysis procedures. Although the existing packages
have great power and versatility, but quite complex to use. These are programs like Statistica, SPSS,
MatLab, R, and others.
   The main groups of cluster analysis tasks:
   1. Hypotheses submission based on data research;
   2. Hypotheses or research testing for the groups (types) identified in any way determination in the
   available data;
   3. Research of useful conceptual schemes;
   4. Development of typology or classification.
   The general process of clustering is as follows [9]:
   5. The objects characteristics selection and analysing [10];
   6. Definition of object metrics [11];
   7. Division of multiple objects into clusters [12];
   8. Interpretation of clustering results [13].
   However, it is always necessary taking into account the shortcomings of cluster analysis.
   1. This type of analysis can give unstable clusters. It is very important to pay attention to the
   preparation of initial data so that the clusters are so to speak clean. However, special attention
   should be paid to the characteristics based on which the clustering is carried out, and the method
   that is effective in a particular field of study. The results of the classification should verified by
   other examples.
   2. Cluster analysis implements the inductive method of research from partial to general. Ideally,
   the sample for classification should be very large, heterogeneous. All hypotheses obtained because
   cluster analysis must tested. The problem of accurate determination of the number of clusters is
   also not solved.
   3. One of the important problems is the interpretation of clustering results.
   In the formulation of clustering problems, the number of clusters may specified or may be
unknown a priori [12-14].

      2. Related works
    The Computer Linguistic System (CLS) is designed to process natural language (NLP) [1]. The
main purpose of СLS is the use of artificial intelligence methods, applied linguistics and information
technology to understand natural information when performing various tasks both in everyday life and
in specialized research (Fig. 1) [1].
    Today, the field of computational linguistics is developing rapidly, but most projects are
commercialized and one-time. Therefore, there is no-single unambiguous approach, general
requirements and recommendations for the design, development and synthesis of relevant СLS. There
is also no consensus on the classification of СLS. Thus, according to the classification from
Grammarly [1], there are three main types of СLS: analysis, transformation and mixed (Fig. 2). This
list is expanded by referral systems, human psychological analysis systems (e.g. IBM Watson on
Personality Insights), plagiarism detection (copyright and rewrite) systems, authoring style
identification systems, speechless access interface, sign language recognition systems, etc. Stephen
William Hawking was one of the most famous people to use a language computer to communicate.



Figure 1: The main directions used for the synthesis of СLS

                                  Computer linguistic systems

            Analysis                 Transformation                 Mixed

                 Spam Filtering             Machine Translation        Conversational Agents
                Search Engines                Error Correction              Language learning
              Sentiment Analysis            Speech to Text / Text           Story Cloze Task
                 Essay Grading                   to Speech

               Sarcasm Detection            Question Answering

             Good/Evil Characters           Text Summarization

Figure 2: Computer linguistic systems classification

    IBM Watson ™ Personality Insights provides an API for retrieving statistics from social networks,
corporate data, and other digital communications. The service uses linguistic analytics to infer the
internal characteristics of people's personalities through digital communications such as e-mail, text
messages, tweets and forum posts.
    The main factor in market development and the frequency of implementation of CLS was the
motivation to use intelligent devices, cloud solutions and applications based on NLP, which improve
customer service in various industries and significantly increase the potential audience of modern
information technology users without special knowledge to use them. This is also influenced by the
range of tasks to be solved by the different purpose of the CLS (Fig. 1). The main areas of problem
solving for CLS are text analysis, text generation, speech recognition and synthesis.
    Some of the current tasks belong to some areas, for example, dialog systems rely on such NLP-
tools as language recognition, content and context selection, determination of intentions, and then
building a dialogue based on the above (ideally - by language synthesis). Thus, a smart assistant must
solve the tasks of language recognition, text analysis, text generation and, accordingly, language
synthesis. A machine translation solves the problems of text analysis, speech synthesis and text
generation. For QA-systems (question-answer) it is enough to solve the problems of text analysis.
    Cluster analysis methods are used to solve most problems of computer linguistic systems.
Clustering and classification of big text data is now carried out using machine learning. The machine
learning software algorithm for processing natural languages in computer linguistics consists of three
main parts:

   1.   Natural language processing [5].
           •    tokenization;
           •    lemmatization;
           •    stop listing;
           •    frequency of words;
   2.   Clustering methods [2-12].
           •    TF-IDF;
           •    SVD;
           •    finding cluster groups;
   3.   Classification methods - Aylien API [5].

                  Problems of computer linguistic systems

         Speech recognition             Speech synthesis                  Text analysis

             Voice control                    Voice cloning               Extraction of information
        Command recognition                Information retrieval
                                                 systems                     Information search
            Voice text input
                                                                           Analysis of statements
             Voice search               Imitation of a singing man
                                                                          Text tone analysis in user
                                              Voice encoder                        content
        Subvocalic recognition
                                               Generate ads                  Text tone analysis
          Speaker recognition
                                         Acoustic dialog interface          Question answering
        Silent Speech Interfaces                                                 systems
                 (SSI)                   Creating electronic music           Phrase recognition
                                        Text generation
         A smart assistant                                                     decomposition
           IVR systems                                                    Recognition of nominal
                                           Machine translation                   entities
        Smart home module                      Abstracting
                                                                          Defining parts of speech
          Dialog systems                   Syntactic annotation
                                           Semantic annotation                    Chat bots

Figure 3: Classification of problems of computer linguistic systems

   The task for NLP in computer linguistic systems [1]:
   •    Develop algorithms to extract features from language;
   •    Develop algorithms that use the extracted features to solve the broader task.
   More Features of linguistic units of measurement analysis in computer linguistic systems [1]:
   •    Size and arrangement of paragraphs;
   •    Number of sentences, words, words per sentence, etc.;
   •    Word position in a sentence;
   •    Word length;
   •    Ratio of vowels vs consonants;
   •    Number of syllables in a word;
   •    Number of word senses;
•    Depth of the word in the dependency tree of the sentence;
•    Morphemes: affixes, roots, endings;
•    Ngrams;
•    Grammatical categories of different POS;
•    The word capitalized/hyphenated/compound.
Challenges for computer linguistic systems [5]:
    1. Splitting;
    2. POS tagging;
    3. Parsing;
    4. Pragmatics.
Workflow for computer linguistic systems [1]:
    1. Research available data and algorithms;
    2. Prepare the test set and the baseline;
    3. Define metrics;
    4. Develop an algorithm:
        •    Feature design;
        •    NLP pipeline;
        •    NLP resources;
        •    Approach: rule-based/statistical/machine learning;
    5. Implement the solution;
    6. Test the solution;
    7. Monitor the performance;
Viral headlines identification in computer linguistic systems [1, 5]:
    1. Tokenization;
    2. Named-entity recognition;
    3. Part-of-speech tagging;
    4. Ngrams (sequences of elements and their frequencies);
    5. Clustering;
    6. Machine learning with neuron networks;
    7. SentiWordNet.
Approaches to error correction in computer linguistic systems [1, 5]:
    1. Pattern matching:
        •    Rules make use of:
                    a) Coreference resolution;
                    b) syntactic parse trees;
                    c) POS tags;
                    d) Lexical and grammatical dictionaries;
                    e) Regular expressions;
                    f) Etc.;
        •    Rules can be complex, multi-layered;
    2. Statistical methods (for example clattering analysis);
    3. Machine learning (sometimes pattern matching and simple statistics cannot generalize);
    4. Preposition presence and choice:
        •    Multiple correct options
                    a) Correct but rare usage (I rely mostly {upon=>on} my instinctive feeling);
                    b) We have problems {such as/like/with} rapid development;
                    c) The economic globalization is of the most concern {by=>to/of/for} each
        •    Detection: check every preposition in the sentence;
        •    Correction:
                    a) Train a classifier (e.g., Random Forest, Logistic Regression);
                    b) Prepositions are a closed word class;
        •    Needed:
                    a) Choose features to use;
                         b) Annotated data for training;
           •     Ngrams:
                         a) Unigrams, bigrams, three-grams…;
                         b) Left and right context;
                         c) Part-of-speech Ngrams;
            •    Grammatical features:
                         a) Part of speech;
                         b) Dependency relations;
                         c) Constituency spans;
            •    Semantic features:
                         a) Word embeddings;
                         b) Semantic role labelling;
                         c) VerbNet;
            •    Linguistic resources:
                         a) Word-form dictionaries;
                         b) Governing dictionaries;
            •    Meta features:
                         a) Dialect (AmE vs BrE);
                         b) Genre of the writing;
                         c) L1 of the writer;
        5. Article presence and choice;
        6. Derivational morphology;
        7. Run-on sentences;
        8. Neural machine translation.
            •    Round-trip – translation from English to another language and then back to English;
            •    Noisy channel: what if we do translation from bad English to good English?
    Machine learning is just used for big data, to reduce labour and material resources. Big data is any
data source that has at least one of four common characteristics: volume, diversity, speed, credibility.
    In conclusion, we can say that big data and machine learning are closely related to each other,
since big data is useless without analysing and extracting information, and machine learning could not
coexist without big data, which gives the algorithm experience and learning.
    Clustering is a straightforward technique to understand. Objects with similar parameters are
grouped together (in a cluster). All objects in a cluster are more similar to each other than to objects in
other clusters. Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning because the algorithm itself determines
the general characteristics of the elements in the data. The algorithm interprets the parameters that
make up each element and then groups them accordingly. Clustering categories [2-14]:
    1. K-means method;
    2. Density-based spatial clustering for noisy applications - DBSCAN;
    3. Clustering algorithm OPTICS;
    4. Method of principal components.
    However, it is important to note that in clustering, especially in unsupervised learning, the
algorithm looks for connections between input data. The beauty of machine learning is finding hidden
connections between data, better known as latent connections. For clustering in the search for latent
relationships, a model of hidden variables is used, which is applied to study the relationships between
the values of variables. The hidden variable model includes [2-14]:
    1. EM algorithm;
    2. Method of moments;
    3. Blind signal separation;
    4. Method of principal components;
    5. Analysis of independent components;
    6. Non-negative matrix decomposition;
    7. Singular value decomposition.
    Semantic text analysis is one of the key problems of both the artificial intelligence systems
creating theory, related to computational linguistics, and natural language processing (NLP). The
semantic analysis results can used to solve problems in such areas as, for example [5]:
    1. Automatic translation systems;
    2. Search engines (The Google search engine is entirely based on semantic analysis);
    3. Philology (analysis of copyright texts );
    4. Trade (analysis of the demand for certain goods based on comments on this product);
    5. Political science (predicting election results);
    6. Psychiatry (for diagnosing patients);
    Visualization of the results of semantic analysis is an important stage in its implementation, since
it can provide fast and effective decision-making based on the analysis results.
    Analysis of publications on the network on latent semantic analysis (LSA) shows that the
visualization of the analysis results is in the form of a two-coordinate semantic space graph with the
words and documents plotted coordinates. Such visualization does not allow unambiguously
identifying groups of related documents and assessing the level of their semantic connection by words
belonging to the documents. Only cluster labels and centroid coordinates were determined for groups
of words and documents without visualization.
    Let each object x ∈ X from many objects X = ( x1 , x2 ,..., xL ) be described by the properties vector
 x = ( x[1], x[2],..., x[m]) as quantitative or qualitative object characteristics.
    The similarity of the two objects xi and x j is determined by the metric of their proximity
D( xi , x j ) in the space of characteristics. The Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, Chebyshev
distance, percentage of discrepancy, Pearson correlation coefficient, etc. are used as metrics [3].
   The following methods are most often used to separate many objects into clusters [4, 6]:
   1. Hierarchical tree clustering;
   2. k-means method;
   3. The nearest or farthest neighbor method;
   4. Method of unweighted or weighted paired mean;
   5. Methods of fuzzy clustering;
   6. Use of neural networks;
   7. Genetic algorithms;
   8. Quenching method.
   In general, object clustering can see as the task of optimally dividing objects into groups. The
optimization criterion may be to minimize the standard error of cluster allocation:
                                            N   Cj

                                           ∑∑ x
                                    =δ                 ( j)
                                                       i      − xj       → min ,                    (1)
                                           =j 1 =i 1

where C j is j -cluster items number;
x j is j - cluster mass centres, a point in the characteristic vectors space with the mean characteristics
value for this cluster.
   The final stage of cluster analysis is a meaningful interpretation of the clusters formed, during
which we identify the factors or cause of grouping of objects into clusters. It should note that different
clustering methods could generate different cluster solutions [14]. In addition, the clustering method
can detect imported data structures that are not actually present in the analysed data [15]. It is
necessary to choose the best clustering methods for the most meaningful decisions in the researched
subject area [16]. Experts of relevant subject areas are usually involved to evaluate the quality of
   Based on the results of cluster analysis, you can classify objects, identify conceptual clusters of
objects, test and formulate hypotheses about data organization models, compress data by replacing the
cluster with its default element, identify the novelty by data that is not included in any of the clusters.
   The possibility of software tools of data clustering [17]:
   1. Demonstration examples that implement algorithms for real industrial data.
   2. Visualization functions that display data in a smaller space (Sammon).
     3. Analysis functions designed to evaluate fixed partitions into clusters using index-based
             •     Partition index,
             •     Xie and Beni's,
             •     Alternative Dunn,
             •     Dunn, etc.
     4. Data clustering methods:
             •     GGclust,
             •     GKclust,
             •     FCMclust,
             •     SOM,
             •     Hierarchical,
             •     PAM,
             •     K-medoid,
             •     K-means, etc.
     The software tools number for data clustering problems solving is developed, in particular:
     1. Commercial development:
             •     STATISTICA;
             •     SPSS Statistics;
     2. Popular software packages:
             •     Cluster Validity Analysis Platform;
             •     Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis Toolbox;
             •     MatLab.
     In practical applications, clustering data typically contains elements of uncertainty [18]. These may
be obscure object characteristics, missing object attributes in databases, noisy alerts, and more [19].
     In uncertainty conditions are used, in particular [14-19]:
     1. Neural networks with training without a teacher;
     2. Genetic algorithms;
     3. Fuzzy, adaptive clustering methods.
     Big data has many characteristics that limit the range of clustering techniques that can work with
it. In particular, since big data is a product of modern technologies, methods of their analysis are also
at the stage of active development. Thus, the aim of the work is to study statistical methods for
clustering large amounts of data with their practical application.
     The purpose is a game data-clustering model development with uncertainty elements. For achieve
this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:
     •    Formulate the game clustering data problem,
     •    An adaptive game method development,
     •    A computer program model development,
     •    The obtained results analysing and interpretation.

        3. Methods and Materials

    Let the set X = {x1 , x2 ,..., xL } be given by the coordinates of the points x ∈ R m in m -measurable
parametric space. Point coordinates define a normalized characteristic vector for clustering objects. It
is necessary N clusters selecting in set X = {x1 , x2 ,..., xL } in particular:

                    {Y , n =1..N ∪ Y = X , Y ∩ Y = ∅ ∀(i, j) ∈{1..N}}
                     = n 1.. N
                                       n       i
                                                   i≠ j

with parameters
                               1                                                                   (2)
                                  ∑ xl − xk → min , n = 1..N ,
                               Cn x∈Yn
where    ∗ ∈ R1 is Euclidean vector norm;
  Cn =| Yn | is the number of elements included in the cluster Yn .
     In order to find the distribution of the set X on clusters Yn ( n = 1..N ) is executed by the
  stochastic game method through a tuple:
                                         ( I , Ai , Ξ i | i ∈ I ) ,                         (3)
  where Ai = {a i (1),..., a i ( N )} are pure i - player strategies set, which determine the choice of one
  from the clusters;
   L =| I | is I players number;
   N is pure strategies i -player;
  Ξ i : A → R1 is loss function i -player;
  A = × Ai is combined player strategies.

      The game essence is randomly players moving from one cluster to another. Each player randomly
  selects a pure strategy in time moments t = 1, 2,... based on a random event generator a i ∈ Ai , which
  determines its entry into the corresponding cluster. Players receive random losses ξ i (a ) with a priori
  unknown stochastic characteristics after the combined variant a ∈ A implementation according to (2):
                                    i ∑ ( t
                                           a i atj ) x i − x j + µ ∀i ∈ I ,
                          = ξti         χ=
                                 Ct j∈I
  where d is dispersion of distribution;
  µ ~ Normal (0, d ) is a random variable for the system uncertainty modelling;
   χ (∗) ∈{0,1} is event indicator function;
=Cti     χ ( a a ) is the current number of cluster elements with i -player.
        ∑=     i
               t   t


     The game performance by the medium losses functions is determined:
                                        1 t                                                           (5)
                                  Ξ it = ∑ ξτi     ∀i ∈ I .
                                        t τ =1
     The game purpose is to the medium losses functions system minimization (5) in time:
                                  lim Ξ it → min ∀i ∈ I .                                             (6)
                                              t →∞

     Therefore, based on observing the current losses {ξ ni } every player i ∈ I must learn how to choose
  pure strategies {ati } so that over time t = 1, 2,... ensure that the criteria system is fulfilled (6).
      The stochastic game solution (2) is performed using adaptive recurrent transformations for mixed
  strategies vectors. We construct the stochastic game-solving method based on a stochastic
  approximation of the condition of the complementary rigidity of the deterministic game, which holds
  for mixed strategies at the Nash equilibrium point [20].
      To do this, we define the polyline function of the mean losses of a deterministic game:
                          V i ( p ) = ∑ v i (a ) ∏ p j (a j ) , v(a ) = M {ξti (a )} .                    (7)
                                       a∈ A          j∈I ; a j ∈a

     Then the vector condition of complementary slackness will look like:
                   CS=∇ pi V i ( p ) − e Ni V i ( p ) =
                                                      0 ∀i ∈ D =
                                                               , e N (1=
                                                                       j | j 1..N ) ,

  where ∇ pi V i ( p ) is the gradient of the mean losses function;
   p ∈ S M is combined mixed player strategies set on a convex single simplex S M ( M = N L ).
     It is necessary to the additional non-rigidity condition weighing by mixed strategies vectors
  elements for taking into account the solutions in the single simplex vertices:
                                                 →                                             (9)
                                   diag ( p i )(CS ) = 0 ∀i ∈ D ,
  where diag ( p i ) is square diagonal order matrix N , built of vector elements p :
                           diag ( p i )[∇ pi V i − e= V ] E{ξti [e(ati ) − pti=
                                                    Ni i
                                                                              ] | pti p i } .
     Recurrent dependence is obtained from (9) based on the stochastic approximation method:
                                pti+1 =π εNt +1 { pti − γ t ξti (e(ati ) − pti )} ∀i ∈ I ,                          (10)

where e(ati ) is a single vector that indicates a pure strategy choice a=
                                                                        t a i ∈ Ai ;
γ t > 0 , ε t > 0 are monotonically declining sequences of positive quantities;
π εN is projector on single N - measurable simplex S N [21].
  t +1

    Options γ t and ε t determine the convergence conditions of a stochastic game and can be set as
                                      γ t = γ t −α , ε t = ε t − β ,                             (11)
where γ > 0 ; α > 0 ; ε > 0 ; β > 0 .
    The strategies convergence (10) to optimal values with probability 1 and rms is determined by the
γ t and ε t parameters ratio [22], which must satisfy the basic stochastic approximation conditions [23-
    Expandable design ε t - simplex SεNt +1 provides the condition
                                          pti [ j ] ≥ ε t , j =
                                                              1..N ,                              (12)
that required for statistical information completeness about selected pure strategies. The parameter
ε t → 0 , t = 1, 2,... is used as an additional element for the recurrence method convergence control.
  Pure strategies ati Choosing is performed by players based on dynamic random distributions (10):
                                        k                                                (13)
              ati=  Ai (k ) k= arg  min ∑ pti (ati ( j )) > ω  , k= 1.. N  ∀i ∈ I ,
                                   k j =1                                 
where ω ∈ [0, 1] is a real random number with uniform distribution.
  Stochastic play begins with untrained mixed vector vectors with element values ( j = 1..N ):
                                          p0i ( j ) = 1 / N .                                  (14)
   The mixed strategies vectors dynamics are determined by the Markov recurrence method (10)-
   Each player chooses a pure strategy ani , based on a mixed strategy pti at the moment. This player
gets the current loss ξti for the time t + 1 . Next, this player calculates a mixed strategy pti+1 according
to (10). Method (10)-(13) provides an adaptive pure strategies choice over time by the dynamic mixed
strategies reorganization based on the current losses processing [28-35].
    The game data clustering quality of is evaluated by:
    •     The average loss function ( L = | I | is the power of many players):
                                                        1 L i                                        (15)
                                                 = t       ∑
                                                        L i =1
                                                                Ξt ,

    •     The average norm for mixed player strategies:
                                                      1 t L                                          (16)
                                              ∆ t = ∑∑ pτi
                                                     tL =τ 1 =i 1
    Stochastic game solving algorithm is presented:
    1. Set the initial parameter values:
        L = | I | is number of players;
        t = 0 is the starting point of time;
        X = {x1 , x2 ,..., xL } is a clustering parameters set;
         m is number of parameter measurements x ∈ R m ;
         N is number of pure player strategies (number of clusters Yn , n = 1..N );
         Ai = {a i (1), a i (2),..., a i ( N )} , a i ( j ) = j , i = 1..L , j = 1..N are pure player strategies vectors;
         p0i = (1 / N ,...,1 / N ) , i = 1..L is mixed initial strategies of player;
         γ > 0 is the learning step;
         ε is simplex parameter;
         α ∈ (0,1] is the learning step order;
         d > 0 is variance of the plants;
         β > 0 is the speed of expansion of ε - simplex;
         ω ∈ [0,1] is a valid random value with a uniform distribution.
         tmax is the maximum method steps number.
     2. Choose action options ati ∈ Ai , i = 1..L according to (13).
     3. Get current losses values ξti , i = 1..L according to (4). The current values of the Gaussian white
     noise are calculated as:
                                                 12           
                                        =µt   d  ∑ ω j ,t − 6  .                                                 (17)
                                                 j =1         
     4. Calculate parameter values γ t , ε t according to (11).
     5. Compute the mixed strategies pti vectors elements according to (10) by i = 1..L .
     6. Calculate the quality characteristics of clustering Ξ t (14), ∆ t (15).
     7. Set the next point in time t := t + 1 .
     8. If t < tmax , then go to step 2, otherwise - end.

        4. Experiments, Result and Discussions
    The stochastic game solvation for data clustering is used by the game method (10)-(13) with
    •    N = 2,
    •   m = 2,
    •    Ai = (1, 2) ,
     •    tmax = 105 ,
     •    α = 0.01 ,
     •    β =2,
     •    γ =1,
     •    ε = 0.999 / N .
     Let two nonempty subsets Y1 ∪ Y2 =   X be visualized within the base set X = {Y1 , Y2 } . Consider the
 following three options of a points set organizing for clustering.
     Option 1. The subsets do not intersect: Y1 ∩ Y2 =    ∅ . The distance between subsets exceeds the
 subsets diameters:               S (Y1 , Y2 ) > D(Y2 )   and   S (Y1 , Y2 ) > D(Y1 ) , where =
                                                                                              D( Z ) max z1 − z2      and
                                                                                                    z1 , z2 ∈Z

S (Y1 , Y2 )      min           y1 − y2 .
               y1∈Y1 , y2 ∈Y2

    The set X = {{(1,3),(3,1),(3,3)},{(7,7),(7,9),(9,7)}} satisfies these conditions. The methods (10)-
 (13) use provides the stochastic game solution in pure strategies. For this variant of data, the game's
 solution is subsets that do not intersect: Y1 = {(1,3),(3,1),(3,3)} and Y2 ={(7,7),(7,9),(9,7)} .
    Fig. 4 shows the graphs of the players' average loss functions on a logarithmic scale Ξ t and the
 average rate of mixed strategies ∆ t , that characterize the convergence of a stochastic data clustering
 game (parameters values α and β must satisfy the basic conditions for stochastic approximation
    The dependence of the average number of steps t learning the game from parameter α shown in
 Fig. 5. Value t averaged over kexp = 100 implementations of random processes. The game stopping
 moment is determined by correct attribution for the set elements X to one of the clusters Y1 or Y2
 (these clusters are rendered in the set X ) and the ∆ t ≥ 0.99 approximation condition for the average
 rate of mixed strategies to 1. The results are obtained for the variance value of the noise d = 0 .
Figure 4: Stochastic game convergence characteristics
   For a solvable task, increasing the parameter value α from 0 to 0.7 does not significantly impair
the convergence of stochastic play. A significant increase in the average game steps number occurs at
α > 0.7 .

Figure 5: The parameter effect on the game convergence

   The stochastic game stability under the noise influence in the white noise form is investigated. The
impact of interference dispersion d the average number of steps t data clustering game is shown in
Fig. 6. The results are obtained for parameter values α = 0.3 and β = 2 .

Figure 6: The variance effect on the game convergence

   The variance value d ∈ [0;50] does not significantly affect the data clustering problem solution by
the game method (10)-(13). The increase in noise intensity ( d > 50 ) leads to a significant increase in
the average game steps number required to properly assign elements from the set X to one of the
clusters Y1 , Y2 at the game learning level ∆ t ≥ 0.99 . The variance limits you set depend on the
absolute values of the players' current losses.
   As the distance S (Y1 , Y2 ) between subsets Y1 and Y2 decreases (when the conditions of Option 1
are violated, their boundary elements can be referred to as a subset Y1 so to the subset Y2 .
   Option 2. The subsets intersect: Y= Y1 ∩ Y2 ≠ ∅ .
   Points y ∈ Y in the common subset is placed at the same distance from subsets Y2 − Y and Y1 − Y :
                           | s ( y, Y1 − Y ) − s ( y, Y2 − Y ) |< ε , s (=
                                                                         y, Z ) min y − z .            (18)

   The set X = {{ (1,3),(3,1),(5,5)} , {(5,5),(7,9),(9,7)}} satisfies those conditions. A point
(5,5) ∈ Y is in the same distance from subsets Y2 − Y =    {(7,9),(9,7)} and Y1 − Y =   { (1,3),(3,1)} . It can
equally be referred to as the cluster Y1 and to the cluster Y2 . For given inputs, methods (10)-(13)
ensure that stochastic games are solved in pure strategies. The possible solutions are:
   •     Y1 = {(1,3),(3,1)} , Y2 = {(5,5),(7,9),(9,7)} .
   •     Y1 = {(1,3),(3,1),(5,5)} , Y2 = {(7,9),(9,7)} .
   Option 3. In the set X no subsets are rendered Y1 and Y2 : X= Y=      1  Y2 .
   Let X = {(4,6),(5,5),(6, 4)} and can divided into clusters according to criteria (6). The possible
solutions at N = 2 are: Y1 = {(4,6)} , Y2 = {(5,5),(6, 4)} , Y1 = {(4,6),(5,5)} , Y2 = {(6, 4)} .
   Method (10)-(13) provides a solution to the clustering data game problem in mixed strategies
when 0 < | X | ≤ 2 . Fig. 7 shows the convergence characteristics of a stochastic division game
 X = {(4,6),(6, 4)} to N = 2 clusters. The game settings are as follows: α = 0.3 , β = 2 , d = 0 .

Figure 7: Stochastic game convergence 2 × 2 characteristics

    The average rate function for mixed strategies ∆ t does not reach the logarithmic zero. This
indicating that the possible solutions for the mixed strategies are:
    •    Y1 = {(6, 4)} , Y2 = {(4,6)} .
    •    Y1 = {(4,6)} , Y2 = {(6, 4)} .
    •    Y1 = ∅ , Y2 = {(4,6),(6, 4)} .
    •    Y1 = {(4,6),(6, 4)} , Y2 = ∅ .
    The set X power and the player’s number increasing leads to a decrease in the convergence rate
of the stochastic game, which is manifested in the increase in the steps number required to cluster
    Fig. 8 shows a graph of the average number for stochastic game learning steps from the input data
number. The results are obtained for the following game method parameter values: α = 0.3 , β = 2 ,
 d = 0 , N = 2.
    The data intended for clustering are obtained accidentally by the normal law of the points
coordinates distribution on a plane. Two clusters of points with normal distribution parameters are
                                Normal ( E{(10,10)}, d (9)) , Normal ( E{(5,5)}, d (9)) .        (19)
   Moment t completion of the game is determined by the condition ∆ t ≥ 0.99 . The results obtained
are averaged over kexp = 100 experiments.

Figure 8: The average game steps number dependence from clustering points number

   As the point’s number allocated for clustering increases, the steps number required to stochastic
game learning to divide data into clusters increases. Achieving acceptable for practical applications
characteristics of the stochastic game convergence is determined by fine-tuning the parameters of the
game method within the basic relations provided by the stochastic approximation theory [22].

      5. Conclusion
    This article proposes a new data clustering method based on the stochastic game theory results.
    A stochastic game model of data clustering under interference conditions is proposed. An adaptive
recurrent method and algorithm for stochastic game deciding have developed. Computer simulation of
game clustering of noisy data has performed. The parameters influence on the stochastic game
method convergence for noisy data clustering is researched. The results obtained are analysed.
    The developed and researched game method (10)-(13) solves the clustering noisy data problem.
For this purpose, each data point is considered as a separate player with the ability to learn and adapt
to the uncertainties of the system. The net player’s strategies are to choose one of a fixed clusters
    After the selection of clusters is completed, all players calculate the corresponding losses by the
criteria of minimizing the total distance between the cluster points formed by the free choice of player
    The resulting losses are used by players to rearrange the dynamic vectors of mixed strategies,
which form the basis of a random mechanism for generating pure player strategies. A stochastic
approximation based on the mixed-strategy adjustment method (10) minimizes the mean loss
functions on single simplexes. Unresolved in this paper is the question of autonomous determination
of the clusters number in solving the stochastic game of clustering noisy data.

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