Intelligent Method of a Competitive Product Choosing based on the Emotional Feedbacks Coloring Roman Gramyaka, Hrystyna Lipyanina-Goncharenkoa, Anatoliy Sachenkoa,b, Taras Lendyuka and Diana Zahorodniaa a West Ukrainian National University, Lvivska str., 11, Ternopil, 46000, Ukraine b Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Department of Informatics, Jacek Malczewski str., 29, Radom, 26 600, Poland Abstract Finding the best products for sale is one of the most important steps in the process of a profitable company creating. That is why the choice of goods for the online store must be made carefully, taking into account both the opportunities and analysis of prospects in the niche, and a number of other important parameters. One of the methods of competitive product choosing can be products analysis in marketplaces based on the emotional feedbacks coloring. Research on product feedbacks is an extremely popular topic, as confirmed by research analysis. Feedbacks can be constantly re-read, but when there are many products in one segment, because there are more and more manufacturers, it is time consuming. Therefore, the development of technology that can automate this process is necessary for the sales business. Paper develops the intelligent method of a competitive product choosing based on the emotional feedbacks coloring, which is divided into three blocks: parser of feedbacks, emotional coloring determination and feedbacks classification. The data will help retailers manage their websites wisely and help customers make purchasing decisions. The implementation of the method was carried out on the data of the Ukrainian site Rozetka, where 4477 feedbacks were used. The classification was tested by eight classical machine- based classification methods, namely Support Vector Classifier, Stochastic Gradient Decent Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes, K- Neighbors Classifier, Ada Boost Classifier, Logistic Regression. Keywords 1 Product, feedback, parser, text emotional coloring, classification, machine learning. 1. Introduction Other people’s opinions have always been an important piece of information for most of us in the decision-making process. The interest shown by users in online feedback and comments, as well as the potential impact of these comments on issues in discourse and decision-making, make us pay attention to this aspect of online activity. The purpose of tone analysis is to find ideas in the text and determine their properties. This method finds its practical application in such fields as sociology, political science, marketing, medicine and many others. The main approaches that can be used to analyze emotional mood are machine learning and a vocabulary-based approach. Currently, the analysis of attitudes is an interesting topic and direction of development, as it has many practical applications. Companies use it to automatically analyze survey feedbacks, product feedbacks, and social media comments to gain valuable information about their brands, products, and services. However, today seller can use the analysis of emotional mood and to IntelITSIS’2021: 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security, March 24–26, 2021, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine EMAIL: (R. Gramyak); (H. Lipyanina-Goncharenko); (A. Sachenko); (T. Lendyuk); (D. Zahorodnia) ORCID: 0000-0001-8698-0377 (R. Gramyak); 0000-0002-2441-6292 (H. Lipyanina-Goncharenko); 0000-0002-0907-3682 (A. Sachenko); 0000-0001-9484-8333 (T. Lendyuk); 0000-0002-9764-3672 (D. Zahorodnia) © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( select the potentially most profitable product that is in good demand in the market, it will allow online sellers to reduce the risks of choosing a product for trade, and thus increase revenue. In this regard, it can be considered that the development of a method of selection by machine learning algorithms of the intelligent method of a competitive product choosing based on the emotional feedbacks coloring is one of the most promising areas in online commerce. This paper is structured as follows. A Section 2 discusses the analysis of related work, and the Section 3 presents the proposed intelligent method of a competitive product choosing based on the emotional feedbacks coloring. The Section 4 presents a case study and discussion, and the Section 5 is summarizing the obtained results. 2. Related works Reviewing customer feedbacks in online stores is attracting more and more attention from practitioners and scientists. Many studies have analyzed the impact of online feedbacks on sales of goods and services: Amazon products [1], technical characteristics of products from social networks [8], Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon India brands [34] and Amazon, Sony and Pocketbook on Facebook, reviews of restaurants from [49], reviews of books ( Also, there are works that analyze research on predicting the usefulness of the review [40], identifying data sources, ML methods [23]. Important after data retrieval is the ranking of these data, [18] presents the structure of merging information to rank product feedbacks. Also, ranking approaches are proposed: method on different aspects of alternative products [11]; model [19] of regression prediction based on their quality; hierarchical approach [20], word level and review level; classifier [15] Ensemble, which uses linguistic features to praise or classify complaints; method [21], which returns the ranking lists of useful feedbacks according to their usefulness in relation to the product, a model of multiple linear regression using the method of elastic network regularization. After structured feedback receiving, seller need to conduct a detailed analysis. In [3] there is developed the system for predicting the usefulness of the feedback for multilingual online feedbacks, which displays the best results in terms of forecasting the usefulness and classification. A [13] model for detecting product defects based on feedback on social networks is proposed. In [14] the method of analysis of competitive advantages of the product is offered, which provides an important basis for quality management and development of marketing strategy by UGC mining. An empirical study of the choice of functions for predicting the usefulness of online product feedbacks was conducted in [22]. The relationship between moods and usefulness for feedback was studied [26], a method was developed for full use of mood features in assessing usefulness for feedback and it was investigated whether the type of product affects the assessment of usefulness for feedback. Based on the bias of negativity and the theory of summation, [33] proposed a theoretical model that explains the usefulness of feedbacks on the Internet based on the specific characteristics of these feedbacks (i.e., duration, evaluation, arguments frame). [43] developed a system that takes all feedbacks containing Hindi, as well as texts in English, and determines the mood expressed in this feedback for each attribute of the product, as well as the final feedback of the product. Several utility predictions models have been studied [48] using multidimensional adaptive regression, classification and regression trees, random forest approaches, neural networks, and deep neural networks using two real Amazon product feedback datasets. Determining the emotional state is the next step in analyzing user feedback. To analyze the emotional mood of feedbacks, seller can use several approaches, namely: models [30, 32] of multiple regression; ensemble method [9] with several revisions; clustering of text [6] focused on the business sector; model [4] consumer decision-making in terms of risk; method [16] to dynamically assign a coefficient of influence to each basic student in the ensemble; SentiCon by LSA consolidation [25]; model [29] prediction based on a combination of neural network (CNN) and TransE; method [38] of classification of action verbs in the feedback text; integrated model [35] of decision support for finding products on the Internet; approach [44] is based on language modeling (LM); model [7] of product recommendations based on product rating, filtering and hybrid classification of decision trees; method [10] of hybrid classification of moods on the basis of attributes for the purpose of receiving orientation on moods, approach [12] on the basis of fuzzy numbers of an interval of type 2; model [31] predicting the usefulness of feedback is presented using a truncated decision tree C4.5. The most accurate in determining the emotional mood of the feedback are models [5, 36, 37] based on machine learning, deep learning [17, 39] and convolutional neural network [2]. An uncontrolled thematic model of emotion extraction has been proposed [24], which adds appropriate relationships between aspect words and thought words to express comments as a bag of aspect-thought pairs. A model is presented [27] for determining the usefulness of comments using text functions removed from feedbacks, based on different types of functions, including emotional, linguistic and textual features, values of valence, excitation and dominance, feedback duration and polarity of comments. An in-depth model has been proposed [28] for using the features of feedbacks based on content, semantics, attitudes, and metadata to predict the usefulness of the feedback. [41] presents a general structure that uses natural language processing (NLP) methods, including mood analysis, text data analysis, and clustering methods, to obtain new estimates based on consumer sentiment for different product characteristics. It is proposed [42] to use the plot of the film Wikipedia to identify genre factions using methods of text extraction, based on the model of word reasoning, where (frequency) of occurrence of each word is used as a feature to prepare a classifier. [45] various model architectures have been proposed that can be used to predict the genre and rating of a film in the different languages available in our abstract-based data set. Proposed [46] approach to the classification of moods and tweet language, the architecture includes a convolutional neural network (ConvNet) with two different outputs, each of which is designed to minimize the error of classification or assignment of distribution, or language identification. [47] The classification of the film genre is proposed only on the basis of poster images, on the basis of an in-depth neural network. As it confirmed by the analysis above a research on product feedbacks is an extremely popular topic, the data help retailers manage their websites wisely and help them make purchasing decisions. Analysis of the emotional state of the feedbacks is an important point in solving the problem of determining the most popular product, which allows the seller to choose the most profitable product for sale. In this regard, a goal of this paper is to develop the intelligent method of a competitive product choosing based on the emotional feedbacks coloring. 3. Proposed method To indicate further the novelty of the proposed method authors conducted a detailed analysis of analogues where data is extracted, the emotional mood of the feedbacks is determined and classified (Table 1). Table 1 Analysis of research analogues Formulation of the Data Emotional Classification Source Data problem mining coloring Method Accuracy 6 A model of product DOM Normalized Random 0.9691 recommendations based Parser Product Tree 0.978 on mood assessments; Feedback Score Hoeffding 0.967 real-time product data is Tree proposed Adaboost +RT 11 A new ranking method is - LDA PageRank - - offered through online feedbacks based on various aspects of alternative products, which combines both objective and subjective values. 14 A method of analysis of Parser UGC NTUSD 0.7425 Social networks competitive advantages Hownet 0.6425 Formulation of the Data Emotional Classification Source Data problem mining coloring Method Accuracy of the product is Trained proposed, which domain- 0.8625 provides an important specific basis for quality sentiment management and lexicon with development of H=9 marketing strategy through the extraction of UGC. 18 The approach of Parser LSGDM SVM 0.63 networks to the detection of social SVM-DS 0.97 networks based on the method of fuzzy clustering. 21 A method with an DOM LS2F Decision 0.77 extended list of tree with functions for presenting LS2F the overview and a model of multiple linear regression using the method of elastic network regularization is proposed. 26 The data set used - Python Random 0.5742 methods to obtain library forest information and assess moods. Gradient SentiWordNet Gradient 0.5721 amplification and F- boosting estimation methods were used to classify the data set with these characteristics. 33 ANOVA assays are used - ANOVA ANN 0.84 - to identify the levels of each of these characteristics that maximize the tangible usefulness of online consumer feedbacks, and an artificial neural network approach is used to predict the usefulness of this feedback based on its characteristics. 37 A new approach called - - Classification 0.706 value-based neighbor threshold selection (VNS) is Formulation of the Data Emotional Classification Source Data problem mining coloring Method Accuracy proposed to address the above constraints. 39 The OCC model and the - OCC CNN 0.84 Chinese social CNN-based networks generalization method for Chinese microblogging systems are proposed. 41 A general structure that - -NLP RSS - uses natural language processing techniques, including mood analysis, text data analysis, and clustering techniques, to obtain new estimates based on consumer sentiment for different product characteristics. 48 Several utility prediction - - MAR 0.90 models are built using multidimensional CART 0.97 adaptive regression, classification and RandF 0.82 regression tree, random forest approaches, Neural Net 0.75 neural network, and deep neural network Deep NN 0.60 using two real-world Amazon product feedback datasets. To reduce the time spent on choosing a popular new product, the authors have developed the intelligent method of a competitive product choosing based on the emotional feedbacks coloring. The proposed method is illustrated schematically (Fig.1) and is represented by the following steps. Step 1. Connect the necessary libraries. They provide general mathematical and numerical operations in the form of pre-compiled, fast functions. They are combined into high-level packages (Block 1). Step 2. Select the desired site for further work (Block 2). Step 3. Enter the link to the product categories that user needs (Block 3). Step 4. Parsing of user feedbacks to goods is performed. Divide them by product id and add to the text file. A separate feedback for each line (Block 4). Step 5. Creating a database of feedbacks collected together (Block 5). Step 6. Connection of feedbacks from a DB (Block 5) for the further work (Block 6). Step 7. The raw text is quite messy for these feedbacks, so seller need to clean the text to make it easier for the algorithm to recognize the mood (Block 7). Step 8. Vectorization is performed (Block 8). Vectorization is a type of program parallelization in which single-threaded applications that perform one operation at a time are modified to perform several operations of the same type at the same time. To perform the vectorization process seller need to: tokenization (Block 8.1), ignoring single characters (Block 8.3), converting text into numerical vectors and n-grams (Block 8.5) and then form an array of values (Block 8.6). Data Mining Text Conversion Text Classification Connection of 6 Input 10 feedbacks of cleaned data Connecting the 1 Cleaning and 7 Selection of ML classifier 11 necessary libraries processing 11.4 Selection of the 11.1 Test sample of 2 Vectorization of ML base 8 classified text Site selection regularization Process of “hot codding” parameter Tokenization 8.1 Link to product 3 11.3 category 8.2 Test sample Cross-checking by classical methods of 8.3 Selection of 11.2 “vocabulary” Ignore of single ML classification: classification method • Support Vector Classifier, characters JSON Parsing 4 • Stochastic Gradient Decent Classifier, • Random Forest Classifier, Parser structure: 8.5 • Decision Tree Classifier, • Good Id Convert text to • Gaussian Naive Bayes, numeric vector 11.5 • response txt • K-Neighbors Classifier, 8.4 representation of Construction of a Test sample • Ada Boost Classifier, “stop words” words and n-grams classification model • Logistic Regression. DB of JSON5 Table forming 8.6 feedbacks Classification 12 Category positive: excellent, perfect, wonderful, amazing and wonderful. Category negative: worst, waste, horrible, bad and boring. DB 9 13 of converted text Result output Figure 1: Structure of the intelligent method of a competitive product choosing based on the emotional feedbacks coloring Step 8.1. Tokenization (Block 8.1) is required to replace a confidential data item with a non- confidential equivalent called a token that has no independent meaning / significance for external or internal use. Sample, which evaluates the quality of the constructed model. The quality assessment made from the test sample can be used to select the best model (Block 8.2). Step 8.2. The process of ignoring single characters that interfere with the program (Block 8.3) is carried out on the basis of a ready set of “stop words” (Block 8.4). Stop words are very common words such as “if”, “but”, “we”, “he”, “she” and “they”. Seller can usually delete these words without changing the text semantics (but not always), improving the model performance. Step 8.3. In this step, the text is converted into numerical vectors and add n-grams (Block 8.5). N- grams are simply a sequence of n elements (sounds, syllables, words or symbols) that go in a row in a text. If seller divide the text into several small fragments represented by N-grams, they are easy to compare with each other and thus obtain a degree of similarity of the analyzed documents. N-grams are often used successfully to categorize text and language. In addition, they can be used to create functions that allow seller to gain knowledge from text data. Step 8.4. Forming an array of vectorized text values for further storage in the database (Block 8.6). Step 9. Forming a database of the converted text to select the classifier model (Block 9). Step 10. Enter the cleared data (Block 10). Step 11. The next step is to select the most optimal classifier by machine learning algorithms (Block 11). Step 11.1. Search for the best regularization parameter (Block 11.1). The regularization parameter reduces retraining, which reduces the variance of the estimated regression parameters. Seller need to use it. Cross-checking by eight classical classification methods: Support Vector Classifier, Stochastic Gradient Decent Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes, K-Neighbors Classifier, Ada Boost Classifier, Logistic Regression (Block 11.3) [50, 52-54]. A ready-made training sample (Block 11.4) was used to check the algorithms. Step 11.2. Based on the obtained results, the best classification method is chosen (Block 11.2) of the classification with the highest regularization parameters (Block 11.1) and form a classification model (Block 11.5) based on the test sample (Block 11.4). Step 12. Next is the data classification (Block 12) for positive and negative comments. Namely, positive feedbacks are divided into categories: excellent, perfect, wonderful, amazing and wonderful. Negatives are divided into categories: worst, waste, horrible, bad and boring. Step 13. The last step is to derive the result on the basis of which seller can decide on a profitable investment in a new product. The results of experimental studies confirmed the correctness of the developed method, which will be described in more detail in the camera-ready and the presentation. 4. Experimental results and Discussion Python was chosen to conduct an intelligent method of choosing a competitive product based on the feedback emotional coloring. The following libraries were used: pandas, numpy, train_test_split, SVC, GridSearchCV, SGDClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, DecisionTreeClassifier, GaussianNB KNeighborsClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, LogisticRegression. 4477 feedbacks from the Rozetka site were used as input [51]. Feedbacks are collected by parsing and formed into a JSON file, which presents the product id and feedback on it. Next, the data was cleaned for the presence of characters that do not affect the content of the text: “.”, “;”, “:”, “!”, “”, “?”, “,”, “"”, “()”, “[]”. The next step is removing the “stop words”, which are in the Russian language, because most feedbacks are in Russian, further research will consider the possibility of feedback distributing by language, for better results. After vectorization and lemmatization, the classification of the most optimal classifiers of machine learning algorithms was performed. Therefore, results will be cross-checked (Table 2) and evaluated based on 8 different methods: Support Vector Classifier, Stochastic Gradient Decent Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes, K-Neighbors Classifier, Ada Boost Classifier, Logistic Regression. Table 2 The results of cross-evaluation # Method Prediction assessment 1 SupportVectorClassifier 0.73 2 StochasticGradientDecentC 0.74 3 RandomForestClassifier 0.78 4 DecisionTreeClassifier 0.67 5 GaussianNB 0.77 6 KNeighborsClassifier 0.76 7 AdaBoostClassifier 0.76 8 LogisticRegression 0.73 Table 2 shows that all methods showed poor results, due to the fact that the feedbacks include both Ukrainian and Russian languages. However, the best is RandomForestClassifier, with a forecast score of 0.78, which is a valid score for evaluation. Probably, the model accuracy can be increased by increasing the dataset size, as the four thousand dataset is quite modest. Also, it would be possible to reduce the problem to a binary classification of feedbacks to positive and negative, which would also increase accuracy. Next, the feedbacks will be arranged into positive and negative based on the classification method RandomForestClassifier (Fig. 4). Arranging is based on the inverted n-gram index and relative to the selected product with id – 122360970 (one of the most popular headphones). Table 3 Arranged feedbacks by product with id – 122360970 ID poswords pos_importance negwords neg_importance 122360970 top 22.57 the worst -0.77 122360970 good 1.82 horror -0.76 122360970 super 0.85 I do not recommend -0.76 122360970 cool 0.71 badly -0.69 122360970 best 0.71 nonsense -0.62 122360970 super-duper 0.71 broke -0.62 122360970 cool 0.58 bad -0.58 122360970 best 0.56 stopped working -0.56 122360970 excellent 0.55 negative -0.56 122360970 reliable 0.53 disappointed -0.54 When arranging (see table 3), 10 positive and negative words were separated relative to the n-gram indices. Accordingly, for the product with id – 122360970, the following positive words with the largest n-gram index were identified: “top” (2.57) and “good” (1.82). Also, negative words with the lowest n-gram index – “worst” (-0.77), “horror” (-0.76). From the numerical characteristics of n- grams, show that the positive words in the feedbacks more than negative, respectively, we can conclude that the product with id – 122360970, is of good quality and worth choosing for resale. Therefore, the developed method differs from analogues (see table 1) in that it will allow to parse the relevant data from the target site, and the classification is tested by eight classical classification methods, namely Support Vector Classifier, Stochastic Gradient Decent Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes, K-Neighbors Classifier, Ada Boost Classifier, Logistic Regression. That gives the chance to make administrative decisions concerning profitable investment in the new goods. 5. Conclusions The intelligent method of a competitive product choosing based on the emotional feedbacks coloring, based on which the seller can make management decisions regarding profitable investments in a new product, and thus reduce the risks of non-profit sales. Also, the proposed method reduces the time spent searching for popular and quality products based on user feedback. The method was implemented on feedbacks (4477 feedbacks) from the Rozetka website. Feedback is collected by parsing and formed into a JSON file and cleaned of unnecessary characters and “stop words”. After vectorization, lemmatization and classification of the most optimal classifiers of machine learning algorithms: Support Vector Classifier, Stochastic Gradient Decent Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes, K-Neighbors Classifier, Ada Boost Classifier, Logistic Regression. All methods showed poor result, due to the fact that the feedbacks include both Ukrainian and Russian feedbacks. However, the best is RandomForestClassifier, with a forecast score of 0.78. Next, the feedbacks were sorted into positive and negative based on the RandomForestClassifier classification. The words with the largest n-gram index are highlighted: positive (“top” (2.57) and “good” (1.82)) and negative (“worst” (-0.77), “horror” (-0.76)). The positive words in the feedbacks are more than the negative ones, based on the n-gram indices, respectively, it can be concluded that they are of good quality and worth choosing for resale. Areas of further research include an in-depth study of the effectiveness of the developed method in expanding the range of goods and their geography, as well as a significant increase in the number of user feedbacks and the ability to distribute feedback by languages. 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