=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2853/short36 |storemode=property |title=Same Bit-Size Moduli Formation of Residue Number System for Application in Asymmetric Cryptography |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2853/short36.pdf |volume=Vol-2853 |authors=Mykhailo Kasianchuk,Ihor Yakymenko,Vasyl Yatskiv,Stepan Ivasiev,Andriy Sverstiuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/intelitsis/KasianchukYYIS21 }} ==Same Bit-Size Moduli Formation of Residue Number System for Application in Asymmetric Cryptography== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2853/short36.pdf
Same Bit-Size Moduli Formation of Residue Number System for
Application in Asymmetric Cryptography
Mykhailo Kasianchuka, Ihor Yakymenkoa, Vasyl Yatskiva, Stepan Ivasieva and Andriy
    West Ukrainian National University, 11 Lvivska str., Ternopil, 46009, Ukraine
    I. Gorbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, 1 Maidan Voli, Ternopil, 46001,Ukraine

                 This paper presents three methods (factorization, exhaustive search and replacement) of four
                 equal bit size moduli sets formation in a residue number system modified perfect form. This
                 allows using the bit grid registers more efficiently. Such problem is relevant for asymmetric
                 cryptography and noise-protected coding algorithms. The theoretical bases of residue number
                 system, its perfect and modified perfect forms are considered, their advantages and
                 disadvantages are defined. It is shown that the most commonly used moduli in the form of
                 power of two, Mersenne numbers and Fermat numbers require searching for the inverse
                 element and multiplying by it, which makes it difficult to recover a decimal number from its
                 residues using the Chinese remainder theorem. A modified perfect form of the residue
                 number system simplifies this procedure. The graphical dependency of the fourth modulo on
                 two prior ones with one known modulo is presented. Different bit sizes of moduli sets are
                 considered. It is shown that in sets of four modulo with the same bit size in a modified
                 perfect form of residue number system, the first and fourth moduli are negative, second and
                 third are positive.

                 Keywords 1
                 Residue number system, modified perfect form, computing range, modulo system, speed,
                 asymmetric cryptography.

1. Introduction
    Nowadays the rapid progress in the information technology area, in particular in mission-critical
applications, leads to the new demands for improved reliability, performance and productivity of
various computing systems [1]. Modern requirements for reliability of information transmission using
technical means lead to a decrease in productivity or increase in time and computational complexity
and, accordingly, to increased energy consumption [2]. On the other hand, economic factors and
development level of the technical means also impose appropriate restrictions. Therefore, it is advised
to use special code systems that do not have such restrictions to solve these problems [3]. However,
existing approaches and methods for data transmission and processing, that operate in positional
numeral system (PNS), can not achieve increased requirements data processing reliability without
reducing the performance of computing system with limited hardware and economic resources [4, 5].
It's caused by such disadvantages of PNS as high digit capacity, strictly consistent structure and the
presence of inter-bit transfers, that complicate the architecture of computing systems and reduce their
speed [6].

IntelITSIS’2021: 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security, March 24–26,
2021, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
EMAIL: kasyanchuk@ukr.net (M. Kasianchuk); iyakymenko@ukr.net (I. Yakymenko); jazkiv@ukr.net (V. Yatskiv);
stepan.ivasiev@gmail.com (S. Ivasiev); sverstyuk@tdmu.edu.ua (A. Sverstiuk);
ORCID: 0000-0002-4469-8055 (M. Kasianchuk); 0000-0003-3446-1596 (I. Yakymenko); 0000-0001-9778-6625 (V. Yatskiv); 0000-0003-
2243-5956 (S. Ivasiev); 0000-0001-8644-0776 (A. Sverstiuk)
            © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
   The most relevant task is the processing speed improvement for large amounts of numerical data in
asymmetric cryptography [7] and noise-protected coding problems during data transmission [8-10].
One of the possible ways of solving it is to use non-positional number systems, in particular, the
residue number system (RNS). Data processing and transmission in RNS has a number of advantages
due to independence, lack of inter-bit transfers, low bit size and equality of residues, as well as
possibility of parallel arithmetic operations execution. However, currently RNS is used only for
solving some specialized problems [11-16], due to required conversion of binary code, which is used
by universal computers and data processing devices, into RNS code, which allows to parallelize
computational processes [17, 18]. In addition, RNS has a number of disadvantages that have slowed
down its development, in particular, difficulties in performing division and numbers comparison
operations [19]. But since the main operations in asymmetric cryptography are multiplication and
exponentiation, the use of RNS becomes a very effective tool for processing multi-bit numbers [20] in
asymmetric encryption of information flows. Furthermore there are effective correction codes
developed for RNS, that are able to detect and correct error packages [21].

2. Theoretical basics of RNS and its usage in asymmetric cryptosystems

   Let us consider positive pairwise coprime integers р1 , р2 ,..., р z , which are called bases or system
modulo (z-moduli count). Lets define Р = ∏ pi . This value represents the range of numbers in the
                                             i =1
selected moduli system. RNS is a non-positional number system in which the nonnegative integer N
can be presented as a set of nonnegative residues from division of this number on the chosen bases of
the system, such as
                                        bi=Nmod pi.                                                    (1)
   The RNS usage in computational algorithms is possible due to the presence of a certain
isomorphism between mathematical operations on integers and the corresponding operations on the
system of nonnegative integers over individual moduli. Moreover, the addition, multiplication and
exponentiation of any nonnegative integers are completely identical to the corresponding operations
performed on the residues system [18].
   The reverse conversion into a positional number system is usually based on the Chinese remainder
theorem [22]:
                                            z            
                                      N =  ∑ bi M i mi  mod P ,                                    (2)
                                            i =1         
              z                                                     P
where P = ∏ pi (inequality should be satisfied N0.

5. Conclusions
    In this research the methods for the four-moduli sets of the same bit size creation in a modified
perfect form of residue number system are developed. This allows using bit grid registers more
efficiently. This problem is relevant for usage in asymmetric cryptography and noise-protected coding
algorithms. The theoretical bases of residue number system, its perfect and modified perfect forms are
considered, their advantages and disadvantages are defined. It is shown that the most commonly used
moduli are the power of two, Mersenne numbers and Fermat numbers require the finding the inverse
element and multiplying by it, which makes it difficult to recover a decimal number from its residuals
using the Chinese remainder theorem. A modified perfect form of residue number system simplifies
this procedure. Three methods of moduli system formation have been developed: factorization,
exhaustive search and replacement. The graphical dependence of the fourth modulo on two previous
ones with one known modulo is presented. Different bit sizes of moduli sets are considered. It is
shown that in four-moduli sets of the same bit size in a modified perfect form of residue number
system, the first and fourth moduli are negative, the second and third - positive.

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