Resilient Computer Systems Development for Cyberattacks Resistance Sergii Lysenkoa, Kira Bobrovnikovaa, Piotr Gajb, Tomas Sochorc, and Iryna Forkuna a Khmelnitsky National University, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine b Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland c Prigo University, Havirov, Czech Republic Abstract The dynamic growth of cyberattacks amount makes the antivirus developers to construct and involve new approaches to not only detect, but mitigate the impact of the attacks. One of new direct to ensure such possibility is the concept of construction of a resilient computer system, that will be able to resist the attacks. This paper presents some principles concerning the computer systems’ resilience for cyberattacks resistance. In particular, we describe the concept of resilience as the set of requirements to the computer system. Thus, to ensure the resilient functioning of the computer system in the conditions of cyberattacks, it must be prepared for possible cyberattacks, protected, able to detect cyberattacks, able to respond cyberattacks and to adsorb the cyberattacks’ impact, be adaptive, be recoverable. In addition, paper presents experimental issues concerning the techniques are to be used to ensure computer system’s resilience under the cyberattacks. Keywords 1 Resilience, Cyberattack, Computer Network, Cybersecurity, Computer system, Malware, Malicious traffic, Cyberattacks Detection 1. Introduction Today we are observers of the dynamic growth of the cyberattacks amount. Attacks impact every sphere where the computer systems are used. Thus, the very strong challenge is to develop new techniques not only to detect the attacks, but also to mitigate, adsorb and resist the attacks. The very new approach to do this is to develop resilient computer systems, able to resist the known and unknown attacks [1-5]. The concept of resilience has been widely used in many contexts, and some of these researches are already applied to critical infrastructures. For example, in the ecological context [6-10] resilience is a property of the population, which can be considered in terms of the properties of equilibrium and oscillations caused by the disturbances of the system. Also, resilience interpretation is applied in economics [11-16]. The construction of buildings includes the property of resisting disasters [17-18]. In the context of protection of critical infrastructure, system resistance is presented in [19]. From the point of view of cybersecurity, computer system resilience is the ability to anticipate, resist, restore and adapt under the influences caused by cyberattacks [20-21]. So, it is very important to develop the concept of resilient computer system functioning under the cyberattacks. 2. Related work IntelITSIS’2021: 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security, March 24–26, 2021, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine EMAIL: (Sergii Lysenko); (Kira Bobrovnikova); (Piotr Gaj); (Tomas Sochor); (Iryna Forkun); ORCID: 0000-0001-7243-8747 (Sergii Lysenko); 0000-0002-1046-893X (Kira Bobrovnikova); 0000-0002-2291-7341 (Piotr Gaj); 0000- 0002-1704-1883 (Tomas Sochor) © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( Nowadays, a great variety of approaches [22] and techniques [23] for identification and object classification [24] are employed. In the paper [25] a comprehensive set of current challenges of phishing attacks and literature review of different Artificial Intelligence (AI) based detection techniques: Scenario-based, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Hybrid Learning were provided. Also the comparison of different works devoted to detection the phishing attack for these AI technique as well as their advantages and disadvantages were highlighted. In [26] the pros and cons of all aspects of the concept of moving target defense (MTD): key roles, principles of design, classifications, common attacks, basic methodologies and algorithms, metrics and evaluation methods were discussed. The goal of this work is to provide the common trends of the concept of moving target defense research in terms of critical aspects of systems defense for researchers who seek to develop adaptive, proactive mechanisms of MTD.nWith aim of insights into the aspects of proactive defense- in-depth strategies in work [27] a dynamic game framework to model an interaction between a proactive defender and a stealthy attacker was proposed. The deceptive and stealthy behaviors take place by the multi-stage game with incomplete information, where each player has his own unknown to the other information and act according to their convictions which are formed by the learning based on multi-stage observation. In [28] a solution for visual analytics and analysis the possible cyberattacks and identifying suitable mitigations was developed. This solution allows security operators to improve the network security by make decisions on the possible countermeasures. Developed system allows presenting visually the relevant information for a better understand of the attack and its probable evolution. In the paper [29] intrusion detection system (IDS) for a proactive network security monitoring for a computing infrastructure was presented. It includes an intelligent module with using deep learning modeling in order to monitoring network traffic flows in near real- time. In the work [30] a system for cyberattack detection and corrective action in the distribution system was proposed. The developed framework allows detecting abnormal behaviors and identifies them as internal failure or cyberattack. It based on two algorithms: to identify anomalies in the distribution system and provide a corrective control using smart inverters. In addition, this framework includes geographic community smart devices measurements based cyberattack detection mechanism. In [31] the approach for defense a cyber-physical system under various types of attacks, including actuator and sensor attacks was proposed. A novel integral Bellman-based IDS to detect and mitigate the cyberattacks by collecting data online and without knowledge of the systems physical interpretation was developed. The proposed IDS consist of proactive and reactive components. With aim to neutralize the efforts of attackers the proactive component based on the principles of moving target defense and a stochastic switching changes dynamically behavior of system. In order efficiency increasing this component uses the entropy based unpredictability metric. The reactive component blocks the compromised system components. The presented in [32] IDS for cyber-physical systems is based on an approximate dynamic programming technique that learns the policies for optimal tracking and optimal regulation for the detection and mitigation against actuator and sensor cyberattacks in a model-free fashion. Switching rules are used to force proactive and reactive defense mechanisms and increase of the stability. The research [33] devoted to detection, prediction, prevention and recover from cyber-attacks in the railway industry by using defensive controls called the Railway Defender Kill Chain (RDKC). With this aim the proposed approach uses an extended cyber kill chain (CKC) model and an industrial control system (ICS) cyber kill chain. The CKC model includes internal and external CKC. Early breaking of these chains allows stopping the cyber-attacks. Also, an OSA (open system architecture) with the cybersecurity OSA-CBM (open system architecture for condition-based maintenance) architecture was developed. The OSA-CBM architecture includes eight layers: collection, processing and analysis of data; detection, assessment and prognostics of incident; decision support. In [34] a proactive defense approach for protection a group of related users against lateral spear- phishing was proposed. The proposed technique is based on frequently randomly mutation of sender email address that can only be verified by trusted users. Also corresponding algorithm, protocol and implementation for any email service providers such as Gmail, Apple iCloud, etc were presented. 3. Operational Cycle of the Resilient Computer System under cyberattacks 3.1. Requirement to the resilient computer system under cyberattacks To ensure the resilient functioning of the computer system in the conditions of cyberattacks, the system must be: 1. prepared for possible cyberattacks. 2. protected; 3. able to detect cyberattacks; 4. able to respond cyberattacks and to adsorb the cyberattacks’ impact; 5. be adaptive; 6. be recoverable. Let us consider a set A of destructive actions am against the computer system C, A = {a m }m=1 Nm . Then operational cycle of the resilient computer system under the cyberattacks we will consider as a set of information and technical states that the system passes (Fig. 2): S= s { prep prot detect absorb respond recovery adapt } ,s ,s ,s ,s ,s ,s , (1) where sprep – preparation for the functioning of the system under the cyberattacks; sprot – system protection; sdetect – attack detection; sabsorb – attack absorption; srespond – attack response; srecovery – system recovery after the attack; sadapt – system adaptation based on knowledge about previous cyberattacks. Let us consider the initial moment of computer system functioning C as t0, in which the system functions normally, ta – the moment when the attack A starts, tdeg – the moment when the system began to degrade under attack A, trec – the moment when computer system begins to recover, tnorm – the moment when the system has reached a normal state after the recovery. Then let us determine the set of time intervals that characterize the resilience of system C under attacks: τ = {τ ,τ ,τ ,τ } , (2) 0 att inf rec where τ 0 is the interval of normal functioning of the system, τ 0 (C, A) = [t 0 , t a ) ; τ att – the interval of resilient functioning of the system when an attack is carried out, but the degradation system is not yet affected, τ att (C, A) = [t a , t deg ) ; τ inf – system degradation interval under the influence of destructive actions of the attack, τ inf (C, A) = [t deg , t rec ) ; τ rec – system recovery interval after the attack, τ rec (C, A) = [t rec , t norm ) . Each state of computer system is characterized by a set of values of parameters ∀s j ∈S : s j = { X j , Z j , F j } (3) where X j = {Xsys , X env , X req , Xfail } ; Xsys – system parameters, Xsys = {x j} N Xsys , N Xsys – number j=1 of system parameters; Xreq – system requirements, X req = {x j} N X req ; N X req - number of system j=1 requirements; Xenv – environment parameters, X env = {x j} N Xenv ; N Xenv – the number of parameters j=1 of the environment; Xfail – fail parameters, Xfail = {x j} Xfail ; N Xfail – number of failure parameters; N j=1 { } Fj = Fprep , Fprot , Fdetect , Fabsorb , Frespond , Frecovery , Fadapt – set of mechanisms Fj, which have to be applied depending on the state of the system C and in the conditions of attack Ak, Ci × A k → Fj ; Z j = {Zprep , Zprot , Zdetect , Zabsorb , Zrespond , Zrecovery , Zadapt } – a set of system parameters obtained as a result of the use of mechanisms Fj. From the point of view of the operating cycle, the resilience of computer system C will be influenced by a set of indicators w, which reflect different aspects of the uncertainty of states S = W ( w1; w 2 ;…) , w=i (i 1, 2, …) . Since the information and technical states S are independent, the probability P of successful implementation of operational cycle of the functioning of the computer system C will be presented as: P (W ) =P (W prep ) ∪ P (Wdet ect ) ∪ P (Wabsorb ) ∪ (4) ∪P (Wrespond ) ∪ P (Wre cov ery ) ∪ P (Wadapt ) , P (W ) = ∑ Pi , w i ∈W where P(wprep) is the probability that the system is timely prepared and protected; P(wdetect) is the probability that the system is capable of detecting threats; P(wabsorb) is the probability that the system is capable of absorbing threats; P(wrespond) is the probability that the system is capable of responding to a threat; P(w) is the probability that the system is capable to recover after the attack. Figure 1: Operational cycle of the resilient computer system in conditions of cyberattacks 3.2. Stages of the resilient computer system functioning under the cyberattacks Let us consider the stages of the resilient computer system functioning under the cyberattacks. Preparation. To build a resilient system C that is under cyberattack A and we are to apply a set of preparatory measures Gprep to predict the prevention of possible cyberattacks: G = {Ar , Com , Seg , Mon , SS , Res } , prep (5) where Ar is a set of measures for customizing the architectural components of the system, { } j=Ar1 , N – the number of measures; Com – a set of measures to configure the connection N Ar = arj Ar between the computer system components, Com = {com j} N Com , NCom – the number of measures; Seg – j=1 a set of measures to adjust the segmentation of the computer system, Seg = {seg j} NSeg , NSeg – the j=1 number of segmentation measures; Mon – a set of measures to ensure monitoring of the computer { } j=Mon N system, Mon = mon j , N Mon – the number of monitoring measures; SS – a set of security 1 scenarios, which are to be applied to attacked system, SS = {ss j} NSS , NSS– number of scenarios; Res – j=1 a set of measures to ensure the critical data and system information backup execution, { } j=Res N Res = res j ,N Res – the number of backup measures. 1 Other aspects of the resilient computer system functioning are the preparedness, that is the implementation of actions: 1. understanding and evaluating cyber risk by analyzing and simulating cyberattacks; 2. identifying and eliminating known vulnerabilities in computer systems by which cybercriminals carry out cyberattacks; 3. raising awareness of the signs of known cyber threats and understanding how to recognize them; 4. appropriate backup and restore strategies. Protection. The protection stage involves the development and implementation of a set of methods and measures of Gprot for the computer system security C in order to limit or determine the of cyberattacks impact. The goal of this stage is to protect the computer system’ infrastructure and minimize the likelihood that an attack can be successful and, if that happens, the ability to respond quickly to reduce the damage. The assessment of the security of the system should reveal any vulnerabilities in existing protection methods. Detection. The purpose of detection stage is to develop and implement a set of methods GDetect, { G Detect = G Detect host , G lan Detect } to quickly detect attack A, to evaluate the affected system, and to ensure timely response, where G host lan Detect – a set of methods for detecting host type cyberattacks, G Detect – a set of methods for detecting network type cyberattacks. Absorption. Continued functioning of computer system under cyberattacks may require unpredictable changes in the basic architecture of the system, depending on what exactly is degraded by means of a cyberattack. To describe the process of system degradation under the of cyberattacks, let us consider a function ξ that will reflect the current performance of the computer system. Any destructive action a m of attack A will affect the computer system, then ξ (t | a m ) will indicate the value of the computer system performance at the time t when it performs the action am. Given the impact of destructive actions of attack A on system C, which functioned in the time interval from t0 to tnorm, let us consider the set of = actions of attack A as A {a m : ξ (t | a m ) ≠ ξ (t 0 )} , t ∈ [t 0 , t norm ) . Respond. The respond stage of the resilient computer system has to contain a set of Gresp methods for activities that can speed up the time to mitigate the impact of attack after it was detected. Recovery. The final and most important stage of ensuring the resilience computer system under the attack is recovery stage. Adaptation. To increase the system's resistance, adaptation involves a set of methods Gadapt, G adapt = {R str , R cnf } , where Rstr is a set of restructuring methods, Rcnf is a set of methods for reconfiguring system components based on knowledge about previous cyberattacks. 4. Experiments In order to determine the efficiency of the proposed technique a set of experiments were carried out. To do this the framework named BotGRABBER was employed [35]. In this article we present as a case the process of resilient functioning of the computer system under the Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack [36]. This type of attack may occur when an attacker performs the communications insertion between a client and a server. In our case, attack involved the hijacking of the communication session between a trusted client and network server. The computer system infected by MitM substitutes its IP address for the trusted client. At this moment the infrastructural server continues its session and does not know about intrusion. Consider the operating cycle of the computer system under the MitM attack let it present as A MitM : s prep → sdetect С × А MitM → FMitM , τ att (C, A MitM ) = [t a , t deg ) . MitM attack mitigation relies on performing of a set of mechanisms and measures: 1. Strong WEP/WAP Encryption on Access Points. 2. Strong Router Login Credentials. 3. Virtual Private Network. 4. Force HTTPS. 5. Public Key Pair Based Authentication. The usage of the mitigation mechanisms FMitM τ inf (C, A MitM ) = [t deg , t rec ) at the moment tdeg will transfer the computer system to the response and recovery stages: sdetect → s resp → s req . Depending on the intensity of the attack and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures at the time of treq, the system goes into a state of recovery s req → s norm , τ rec (C, A MitM ) = [t rec , t norm ) . In order to assess the assurance of the network' s resilience, the integrated resilience metric presented in [37] was used: 𝑅𝑅 = 𝑓𝑓(𝑅𝑅, 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 , 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑃𝑃 , 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇, 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 )=𝑅𝑅 × � 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 �× 1 × 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 (6) 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 where R – computer system resistance, which indicates a value of the compute system performance value between some period of time and is normalized between 0 and 1 (where 0 - a total compute system operation’s degradation under attacks and 1 – value for the normal network functioning); SRAPDP - the attack’s rapidity; SRAPRP – the computer system reconfiguration stage rapidity; TMPL – averaged value of the computer system performance degradation; RCAB – the reconfiguration ability to apply the security scenario in order to recover after the attack. We will consider that the computer system recover was successful if GR> δ, where δ - the predefined threshold. Based on the above-described concept of resistance and its attributes, we have involved the set of techniques able to perform needed action for preparation [38-39], detection [40-42], respond [43-46] and recovery [47-48]. During the experiments, the 357 attacks of different types against the hosts, server and routers were performed [49-52]. The rates of the successful computer system reconfigurations that leads to the mitigation of the attacks are presented in a table 1. Thus, the involvement of the proposed approach has demonstrated the ability to ensure the computer system resilient functioning under the cyberattacks at the rate of 73%. Table 1 Results of the experiments Attack’s Number of Number of the Resilience target attacks successful computer value system recovery Network hosts 143 41 0.69 Server 111 38 0.74 routers 103 36 0.76 total 357 105 0.73 5. Conclusion This article gives an approach concerning the construction of the computer systems’ resilience for cyberattacks resistance. It presents the main principles to assure resilience as the set of needed requirements to construct such computer system. Thus, to ensure the resilient functioning for the computer system under the cyberattacks, it has to be prepared for possible cyberattacks, protected, able to detect cyberattacks, able to respond cyberattacks and to adsorb the cyberattacks’ impact, be adaptive, be recoverable. Article also paper presents experimental section with the analysis of possible computer system resistance under attacks. Thus, approach involves the set of techniques to not only detect the attacks, but to mitigate it performing the computer system reconfiguration scenarios according to the cyberattacks. Experimental results showed that the implemented principals ensured the resilient functioning under the cyberattacks by botnets at the rate at about 73%. The further work may be devoted to the development of the techniques that involve machine learning algorithms for increasing the efficiency of the computer system resilience. 6. References [1] R. Leizerovych, G. Kondratenko, I. Sidenko and Y. Kondratenko, "IoT-complex for Monitoring and Analysis of Motor Highway Condition Using Articial Neural Networks," 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT), Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 207-212 (2020), doi:10.1109/DESSERT50317.2020.9125004. [2] Sokol P., Zuzcak M., Sochor T. Denition of attack in the context of low-level interaction server honeypots. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 330, pp. 499-504 (2015). [3] Potii O., Illiashenko O., Komin D. Advanced Security Assurance Case Based on ISO/IEC 15408. In: Zamojski W., Mazurkiewicz J., Sugier J., Walkowiak T., Kacprzyk J. (eds) Theory and Engineering of Complex Systems and Dependability. DepCoS-RELCOMEX. 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