=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2857/nlp4re_paper10 |storemode=property |title=From Legal Contracts to Formal Specifications: A Progress Report |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2857/nlp4re10.pdf |volume=Vol-2857 |authors=Michele Soavi,Nicola Zeni,John Mylopoulos,Luisa Mich |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/refsq/SoaviZMM21 }} ==From Legal Contracts to Formal Specifications: A Progress Report== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2857/nlp4re10.pdf
From Legal Contracts to Formal Specifications:
A Progress Report
Michele Soavia, Nicola Zenia, John Mylopoulosb and Luisa Micha
     University of Trento, Via Sommarive 14, 38123 Povo - TN, Italy
     University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward Ave, Ottawa ON, Canada K1N 6N5

                                  Smart contracts are software systems that partially automate, monitor and control the execution
                                  of legal contracts. The requirements of such systems consist of a formal specification of the
                                  legal contract whose execution is to be monitored and controlled. Legal contracts are always
                                  available as text expressed in natural language. We have been working on the translation of
                                  such text documents into formal specifications. Our translation process consists of four steps
                                  that (a) Semantic annotation of text identifying obligations, powers, contracting parties and
                                  assets, (b) Identification of relationships among the concepts identified in (a), (c) Generation
                                  of a domain model for terms used in the contract, as well as identification of parameters and
                                  local variables for the contract, (d) Generation of formal expressions that formalize the
                                  constituents of obligations and powers. This paper reports on the status of the project and the
                                  results that have been achieved.

                                  Keywords 1
                                  Legal contract, smart contract, semantic annotation, domain model, formal specification

1. Introduction

    The advent of software that partially monitors, automates and controls the execution of legal
contracts has gained increasing interest in Academia, Government and Industry, thanks to the
development of smart contracts. Such software systems have become possible thanks to blockchain and
IoT technologies [1]. A first step towards a systematic software engineering (SE) process for building
such software systems is to translate legal contract text expressed in natural language (NL) into a formal
specification that defines precisely the terms and conditions (requirements) that a legal contract needs
to fulfill and a corresponding smart contract needs to monitor.
    We are interested in making the translation process systematic and tool-supported. To achieve this
goal, we have decomposed the translation process into four steps: (a) Semantic and structural annotation
of legal text; (b) Discovery of relationships for concepts discovered in step (a); (c) Formalization of
terms used in the NL text and elements of the specification such as parameters and local variables; (d)
Generation of formal expressions that use variables and parameters and capture the conditions of the
contract-at-hand. This refinement of the problem is intended to make the translation process systematic,
and also opens the door to tool support for each step of the process. The target language for legal
contracts is Symboleo [2], a formal specification language for legal contracts. The ontology offered by
Symboleo for describing legal contracts is built around the concepts of obligation and power, role and
asset, event and situation.

In: F.B. Aydemir, C. Gralha, S. Abualhaija, T. Breaux, M. Daneva, N. Ernst, A. Ferrari, X. Franch, S. Ghanavati, E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, J.
Guo, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, P. Mennig, E. Paja, A. Perini, N. Seyff, A. Susi, A. Vogelsang (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2021
Workshops, OpenRE, Posters and Tools Track, and Doctoral Symposium, Essen, Germany, 12-04-2021
EMAIL: michele.soavi@unitn.it (M. Soavi); nicola.zeni@unitn.it (N. Zeni); jmylopou@uottawa.ca (J. Mylopoulos); luisa.mich@unitn.it (L.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8519-1034 (M. Soavi); 0000-0003-1296-0140 (N. Zeni); 0000-0002-8698-3292 (J. Mylopoulos); 0000-0002-0018-6883
(L. Mich)
                               © 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
                               Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

                               CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
   The main research contribution of our project so far is the definition of a solution to the translation
problem in the form of this 4-step process. The contribution is grounded on our past work with semantic
annotation of legal text [3], [4], as well as the discovery of semantic relationships in legal text [5].
   This progress report presents the four-step process in detail through an example, then reports on
what has been accomplished so far and closes with future plans.

2. The Translation process

   We illustrate the 4-step process with an example. Consider a simple sales contract between a meat
producer and a supermarket chain that has clauses as shown in Table 1.

Table 1
A Meat Sale contract
 O1: Seller shall deliver a given quantity of meat of AAA quality to the warehouse of Buyer before
 the delivery date (Delivery obligation);
 O2: Seller shall ensure that the meat is transported in accordance with meat transportation
 standards (Transportation obligation);
 O3: Buyer shall pay agreed upon price amount within a week from delivery date (Payment
 P1: If delivery is late, Buyer can charge Seller $1,000 as late fee for each day of delay (LateF

    The semantic and structural annotation step identifies structurally three obligations and a power.
Powers are rights contracting parties have to cancel, suspend obligations, or create new ones. Moreover,
this step identifies roles of parties, namely Buyer and Seller, as well as asset meat. Accordingly, the
output of the first step would be something like what is shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Annotated Meat Sale contract
 <\obl <\role Seller> shall deliver a given quantity of <\asset meat> of AAA quality to the
 warehouse of the <\role Buyer> before delivery deadline>
 <\obl <\role Seller> shall ensure that the meat is transported in accordance with meat
 transportation standards>
 <\obl  shall pay agreed upon price amount within a week from delivery date>
 <\powr If delivery is late, <\role Buyer> can charge <\role Seller> $1,000 as late fee for each day of

    A semantic annotation requires a common vocabulary (ontology) for legal contracts. A structural
annotation requires a grammar for the syntactic structure of legal contracts [4]. Also, for each concept
to be annotated in the text the annotation tool requires a lexical pattern defined as a BNF grammar.
    The ssecond step identifies relationships for each one of the concepts identified in step one. For
example, each obligation must have a debtor who is obliged to fulfill it, and a creditor (beneficiary).
The debtors and creditors of O1 and O2 are obviously Seller and Buyer respectively, while in O3 roles
are reversed. Note that in O2 and O3 there is no mention of a creditor, so this has to be inferred by any
tool addressing this step. Finally, for the power the creditor is the Buyer and the debtor the Seller. In
addition, each obligation/power can have a trigger that initiates it, an antecedent that serves as
precondition, and a consequent that signals successful completion of the obligation/power. P1 has a
trigger ‘If delivery is late’, while others take a trigger ‘true’, indicated by T, and are initiated when
contract execution starts. O1 has antecedent ‘true’ and consequent ‘deliver given quantity of meat of
AAA quality to the warehouse of the <\role [Buyer]> before delivery deadline’, while O2 has
antecedent ‘while meat is transported’ and consequent ‘meat will be transported in accordance with
meat transportation standards’. The output of the second step is a conceptual model of concepts and
relationships identified in the text, where for each obligation we list trigger, debtor, creditor, antecedent,
consequent, and for each power we list trigger, creditor, debtor, antecedent, consequent. The result of
this step has as follows:

Table 3
A conceptual model for the Meat Sale contract
 O1: trigger: T, debtor: Seller, creditor: Buyer, antecedent: T, consequent: ‘deliver given quantity of
 meat of AAA quality to the warehouse of the Buyer before delivery deadline’;
 O2: trigger: T, debtor: [Seller], creditor: [Buyer], antecedent: ‘meat is transported’, consequent:
 ‘meat is transported in accordance with meat transportation standards’;
 O3: trigger: T, debtor: [Buyer], creditor: [Seller], antecedent: T, consequent: ‘pay given amount
 within a week from delivery date’;
 P1: trigger: ‘If delivery is late’, creditor: [Buyer], debtor: [Seller], antecedent: T, consequent: ‘pay
 $1,000 as late fee for each day of delay’.

    The reader can think of this as the backbone of the specification. Now we need to embellish the
backbone with expressions for each trigger, antecedent and consequent. The third step concerns
formalizing terms used in the contract as extensions/specializations of the legal contract ontology used
in step (a). In particular, ‘meat’ is an instance of class Beef, with instances portions of beef, while Beef
itself is a specialization of Meat, which has as instances quantities of meat, including beef, chicken etc.
In turn, Meat is a specialization of Food, which is a specialization of Asset. Asset is one of the concepts
in the contract ontology. Along the same lines, ‘warehouse’ refers to an address which is the target of
the delivery, so it can be formalized as attribute delAddr of class Buyer, which is a specialization of
Role, another class in the contract ontology. The result of this step is a domain model for the contract
being formalized.
    Formalization of terms is intended to eliminate ambiguity. For example, ‘meat’ is multiply
ambiguous (could it be chicken or lamb?) Likewise, does ‘delivery’ in ‘‘If delivery is late’’ could refer
to the delivery action of transporting the meat to its destination, or more likely to the event ‘delivered’
that happens at the end of the delivery. The formalization is based on an ontology for contracts that
includes as primitives, concepts such as Role, Obligation, Power, Asset, etc. and the relationships
mentioned above, such as debtor, creditor, antecedent and consequent.
    This step also identifies parameters for a contract, the ‘givens’ for each contract execution, as well
as local variables that refer to instances of classes in the domain model. For the meat sale contract,
parameters and some local variables are presented in Table 4.

Table 4
Parameters and local variables
 O1: [Seller] shall deliver [qnt] quantity of meat of AAA quality to the warehouse of the [Buyer]
 before [delD] date (Delivery obligation);
 O2: [Seller] shall ensure that the meat is transported in accordance with meat transportation
 standards (Transportation obligation);
 O3: [Buyer] shall pay [price] amount within a week from the date of delivery (Payment obligation);
 P1: If delivery is late, [Buyer] can charge [Seller] {delay-in-days} * $1,000 as late fee (LateF power).

    Here, terms in square brackets […] identify parameters of the contract, to be determined for each
contract execution, while wiggly brackets {…} define variables whose values are to be determined
during contract execution time.
    The fourth step concerns translating NL expressions such as ‘meat is transported’ into expressions
in a formal specification language. Symboleo is such a language where true/false statements are defined
in terms of events, instantaneous happenings, and situations, states-of-affairs that occur over a period
of time. For example, the trigger of P1 ‘‘If delivery is late’’ is translated to “happens(delivered(meat,
Buyer.delAddr), t) and t after delD” where delivered(…) is an event that happens at time t. The
antecedent of O2 is translated to “occurs(transport(meat), int)”, which says that the situation
transport(meat) has occurred during interval int, while the consequent is translated into
“occurs(MTS(meat), int)”, which says that the transportation occurs in accordance with transportation
standards (MTS) during int, the interval of the transportation situation.
   The final output of the translation process is the Symboleo specification shown in Table 5. Note that
the specification also includes input parameters as well as declarations for local variables that take as
values instances of classes defined in the domain model.

Table 5
Formal specification for the Meat Sale contract
    Domain meatSaleD
    Seller isA Role with returnAddr: String;
    Buyer isA Role with delAddr: String;
    Beef isA Meat with quant: Number; Meat isA Food; Food isA Asset;
    Delivered isA Event with item: Meat, delAddr: String, delD: Date;
    Paid isA Event with amount: Number;
    end Domain;

    Contract meatSaleC(buyer: Buyer, seller: Seller, meat:
    Beef; qnt: Number-kg; price: CAN$, delD: Date)
    delivered: Delivered with item := meat, deliveryAddr := buyer.delAddr;
    paid : Paid with amount := price;
    O1: O(seller, buyer, T, happens(delivered(meat, buyer.delAddr), delDate)
    and meat.quant = qnt and delDate before delD);
    O2: O(seller, buyer, occurs(transport(meat), int), occurs(MTS(meat), int));
    O3: O(buyer, seller, T, happens(paid(price), t) and t before delDate + 7days);
    P1: happens(delivered(meat, buyer.delAddr), delDate) and delDate after delD ➾
    P(buyer, seller, T, happens(paid((delDate – delD)* $1,000), t’))
         end Contract

   3. Progress Report

    We are developing an environment that will support each step of the process by proposing an output
for a given input. For example, for the input of Table 1 the tool will (hopefully) propose the annotated
text of Table 2. In our earlier work, [4] we found that such a tool can generate annotations of very good
quality for legal text, and can generate good quality conceptual models [5] by discovering relationships
among the entities identified by the annotation. In both cases the tool is not intended to automate steps
1 and 2, but rather to support a human carrying out each step by (a) Improving the quality of the output,
and (b) reducing the manual effort required to carry out each step. The tool presented in [4], intended
to help a human generate a conceptual model from a legal text was found to reduce the manual effort
required by 80%.
    We have adopted the ideas and the tool proposed in [4] to develop a tool called ContracT 1.0 that
conducts structural and semantic annotation for legal contract text [6]. Moreover, we have evaluated
empirically ContracT 1.0 by having human subjects that generate annotations for a given contract
manually, while others simply correct the output of ContracT 1.0 to produce annotated text. The results
of the experiment suggest that the use of ContracT 1.0 can improve significantly the performance of
human annotators both with respect to precision and recall. Lexical patterns have been refined in
ContracT 2.0 to improve the ability to recognize powers and obligations as results in the experimental
evaluation were mixed [7].
   Finally, a Systematic Literature Review has been compiled concerning the 4-step process [8]. The
aim of the review is to understand the most relevant research efforts undertaken to complete each step
and to identify best practices, development opportunities and existing gaps in approached solutions to
the problem.

5. Work-To-Be-Done

   Our next steps in this project include:

   a) Development of an environment that helps a user to manually translate legal contract text into a
      Symboleo formal specification through the 4-step process presented in this report.
   b) Development of a tool that supports mining of semantic relationships from annotated contract
      text (step 2). The difficulty with automatically mining relationships is that unlike concept
      annotation that exploits lexical indicators to determine what to annotate, relationships are often
      identified in the text positionally; for example, for the obligations of the Meat Sale contract, the
      respective debtor is the role that precedes ‘shall, while for the power of the contract the trigger
      expression appears at the beginning of the clause.
   c) Development of a tool that exploits WordNet [9] to support the generation of a domain model
      for a given contract; the tool will also identify parameters and local variables that refer to
      instances of classes in the domain model (step 3); Our expectation is that the identification of
      parameters and local variables will be mostly manual.
   d) The development of a tool that exploits FrameNet [10] to generate formal event and situation
      expressions from text (step 4).
   e) The empirical evaluation of the whole environment to determine the degree to which it reduces
      manual effort and improves the quality of output specifications.

6. References

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     IEEE Access 4: 2292-2303. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2566339
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     Language for Smart Contracts”, 28th IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference, RE@Next
     track, Zurich, September 2020.
[3] Kiyavitskaya N, Zeni N, Breaux TD, Antón AI, Cordy JR, Mich L, Mylopoulos J, “Automating
     the Extraction of Rights and Obligations for Regulatory Compliance”, 27th International
     Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER’08), November 2008, 154-168.
[4] Zeni N., Kiyaviskaya N., Mich L., Cordy J., Mylopoulos J., “GaiusT: Supporting the Extraction of
     Rights and Obligations for Regulatory Compliance”, Requirements Engineering 20, Springer,
     2015, 1-22.
[5] Zeni N., Seid E., Engiels P., Ingolfo S., Mylopoulos J., “NomosT: Building Large Models of Law
     through a Tool-Supported Process”, Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE). vol.117, Elsevier,
     September 2018, 407-418.
[6] Soavi M., Zeni N., Mylopoulos J., Mich L., “ContracT – From Legal Contracts to Formal
     Specifications: Preliminary Results”, 13th International Working Conference on the Practice of
     Enterprise Modelling (PoEM’20), Virtual Conference, November 2020.
[7] Soavi M., Zeni N., Mylopoulos J., Mich L., “Semantic Annotation of Legal Contracts with the
     ContracT Tool”, International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). To appear.
[8] Soavi M., Zeni N., Mylopoulos J., Mich L., “From Legal Contracts to Formal Specifications: A
     Systematic Literature Review”, Universal Access in the Information Society. To appear.
[9] Miller G., Beckwith R., Fellbaum C., Gross D., Miller K., “Introduction to WordNet: An On-line
     Lexical Database”, International Journal of Lexicography 3(4), Winter 1990, 235–244.
[10] Narayanan S., Fillmore C., Baker C., and Petruck M., “FrameNet meets the semantic web: A
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     Edmonton, Alberta. AAAI, 2002.