=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2858/paper5 |storemode=property |title=Static-dynamic algorithm for managing asynchronous computations in distributed environments |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2858/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2858 |authors=Sergei Gorsky,Alexander Feoktistov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aicts/GorskyF20 }} ==Static-dynamic algorithm for managing asynchronous computations in distributed environments== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2858/paper5.pdf
Static-dynamic algorithm for managing asynchronous
computations in distributed environments

                 S A Gorsky1 and A G Feoktistov1
                  Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of SB RAS,
                 Lermontov St. 134, Irkutsk, Russia, 664033


                 Abstract. The paper addresses a relevant problem of computation scheduling in scientific
                 applications (distributed applied software packages) executed in distributed environments.
                 Forming an optimal schedule of jobs for executing of applied software (modules) is an NP-hard
                 problem. Therefore, in practice, heuristic methods of scheduling are often used. In this regard,
                 we propose a new static-dynamic algorithm for managing computations in heterogeneous
                 distributed environments. The results of operating the proposed algorithm are simulated in
                 comparison with other scenarios for computing management. They show that applying the
                 algorithm makes it possible to achieve a rational balance between the scheduling time and the
                 computations makespan.

1. Introduction
Applications developed for supporting scientific workflows include a variety of software that
implements data processing and analysis, different computational methods, and processes for modeling
the systems under study. Typically, such software is based on a modular approach and oriented to high-
performance computing [1]. Inputs and outputs of modules determine relations between them. In this
case, the computational job describes executed module, its inputs and outputs, features of launching the
module, and requirements to a computing environment. Thus, a workflow consists of a set of
interconnected jobs. Additional job specification includes information about relations between parent
and child jobs.
    When a workflow is executed in a parallel or distributed computing environment of the public access,
non-trivial problems arise in determining the order of workflow job executions on limited resources of
the environment. In general, the formation of the optimal schedule of jobs is NP-hard [2].
    We focus on asynchronous computations. Within the framework of such computations, workflow
modules are launched when their input data is ready.
    In the paper, we consider execution workflows under uncertainties in distributed applied software
packages that relate to a special class of scalable scientific applications [3]. The presence of uncertainties
determines the use of heuristic approaches to scheduling computations.
    Such heuristics should rely on known relations between modules. In addition, considering data
placement when executing workflow modules is also essential.

2. Related work
Developers of scientific applications distinguish between two types of workflows: abstract and concrete
[4]. Jobs for executing workflows of both types consist of sets of interrelated sub-jobs describing

Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0).
executable programs (modules) and requirements (number of processors or cores, sizes of RAM and
disk memory, etc.) to resources of a computing environment.
    In the paper, we consider abstract workflows, jobs and data of which are not related to specific
resources of computational environments. In general, such environments can integrate public access
resources with additional resources from various grid and cloud platforms.
    Well-known Workflow Management Systems (WMSs) implement both the resource allocation and
jobs execution of abstract workflows on dedicated resources [5-7]. Often, an abstract workflow is
presented in the form of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), which reflects relations between modules or
jobs of a workflow [8]. Therefore, many WMSs (for example, Pegasus [9]) use popular tools such as
Condor DAGMan [10] or Gridway [11] that support managing similar relation description structures of
computing tasks. Often, Condor DAGMan is independently applied for managing workflows.
    Within the framework of our study, we assume the presence of uncertainties in the job execution
time and the amount of transferred data. In this case, when selecting resources, such tools apply simple
heuristics, such, for example, as the allocation of the first available node with suitable characteristics or
the node with the least number of jobs [12].
    Another popular approach is to split the workflow into a set of micro-workflows, each of which runs
on a separate resource [13]. However, such a decomposition may not always be implementable for an
arbitrary workflow owing to the possible lack of the necessary structural relations between workflow
jobs [14].
    In this regard, we propose a new heuristic, which in some cases allows us to improve the allocation
of resources by taking into account the relations between jobs in comparison with the Condor DAGMan
scheduler. When using this heuristic, the computation planning time is close to the time spent by the
compared tool.

3. Static-dynamic algorithm
We have developed an algorithm that includes static and dynamic stages of operation. In the static stage,
we assign priorities to workflow jobs according to our proposed heuristic. These priorities can then
change dynamically in accordance with the data readiness for the execution of modules.

A. Model Workflow
As an example, let us consider the workflow represented in Figure 1 by a bipartite DAG, which includes
two disjoint sets of vertices (a set of the parameters d1, d2, …, d11 and a set of the modules
m1, m2, …, m10). Arcs reflect the data transfer between modules. Each ith module has a one-to-one
correspondence with the ith job.

                                              d3          d7           d9            d10
                                       m2           m6          m8           m9
                    d1          d2            d4
                          m1           m3                 d8                        d11
                                              d5    m7                       m10
                                            Figure 1. Workflow.

   The initial data are represented by the parameter d1. d6, d10, and d11 are target parameters, whose
values are to be calculated. We can see that the workflow is weakly structured in terms of the
decomposition into a set of micro-workflows.
B. Heuristic
The proposed heuristic is based on the analysis of causal relations between modules in the static stage
of the algorithm operation. The execution of each module causes the further execution of a certain
number of modules and the implementation of a certain number of parameter transfers. The analysis is
carried out in order to determine the priorities of jobs for the execution of modules.
   Assignment of jobs priorities begins with modules that no other module depends on. We apply a
lexicographical rule for multi-criteria assigning the job priorities using the following four characteristics
with their optimality conditions [15]:

       Number na  max of modules launch in the future caused by the module execution,
       Number ntd  max of parameters, whose transfers in the future are caused by the module
       Sum np  max of priorities of modules, whose launches in the future are caused by the module
       Number nrd  min of parameters that are received by a module.

   In comparison with the lexicographical method mentioned in [15], we use estimates for values of
characteristics instead of the values themselves. To obtain such estimates, we apply the original
algorithm [16].
   The results of assigning priorities to the jobs of the workflow shown in Figure 1 are represented in
Table I. The lexicographical rule applied three times to the following groups of modules: {m5, m9, m10},
{m6, m7}, and {m2, m3}.

                                          Table 1. Priorities of jobs.
                         Module      na      ntd    np     nrd   Job     Job priority
                          m1         9       12     45      1      j1        10
                          m2         4        4     14      1      j2         9
                          m3         4        4     12      1      j3         8
                          m4         3        3      8      1      j4         7
                          m5         0        0      0      2      j5         3
                          m6         2        2      5      1      j6         6
                          m7         2        2      3      2      j7         5
                          m8         1        1      1      2      j8         4
                          m9         0        0      0      7      j9         1
                          m10        0        0      0      4     j10         2

C. Algorithms for Dynamic Stage
The general scheme for job scheduling is represented by the main algorithm, which is realized using the
function JobScheduling(). This scheme includes the following operations:

       Finding available resources that can be allocated,
       Determining jobs ready to be run, whose inputs have already been calculated,
       Resources allocation for the ready jobs,
       Preparing data transfer for allocated resources.

   These operations are correspondingly implemented by the functions ResourceMonitoring(),
JobMonitoring(), ResourceAllocation(), and DataTransferPreparation(). In addition, we use auxiliary
functions   GetDedicatedResources(),      ResourseAvailable(),   JobReady(),       CheckPriority(),
PrioritiesChanging(), ReadyJobAllocation(), and JobAllocationPrediction() which are not discussed in
detail in the paper.
   The simplified algorithms 1-5 for the key functions for monitoring resources and jobs, data transfer
preparation, resource allocation, and job scheduling are given bellow. A monitoring system is
represented in [16]. Data transferring preparation for modules is carried out only when they are
guaranteed to be launched on the allocated resources in accordance with the priorities of their jobs.
   Variables used in the aforementioned algorithms have the following interpretation:

       DAG wf,
       Integer vector r = (r1, r2, …, rk) of dedicated resources, where k is a number of resources,
       Boolean vector v = (v1, v2, …, vk) of resource states, where vi = 1 (vi = 0) shows that the ith
        resource is available (not available),
       Boolean vector w = (w1, w2, …, wl) of job states, where wi = 1 (wi = 0) shows that the ith job is
        ready (not ready),
       Real vector p = (p1, p2, …, pl) of job priorities,
       Boolean matrix A of the dimensions lk shows the result of resource allocation for the ready
        jobs, where aij = 1 (aij = 0) means that the jth resource is allocated (not allocated) to the ith
       Boolean matrix X of the dimensions mk defines the placement of parameters on resources,
        where xij = 1 (xij = 0) shows that the ith parameter is placed (not placed) on the jth resource,
        where m is a number of parameters.
       Boolean matrix Y of the dimensions mk reflects parameter transfers, where yij = 1 (yij = 0)
        shows that the ith parameter will be transferred (will not be transferred) to the jth resource.

   The algorithms considered above form the basis of the proposed static-dynamic algorithm. This
algorithm is implemented in the Orlando Tools framework used to develop distributed applied software
packages [17].

Algorithm 1 for resource monitoring                   Algorithm 2 for job monitoring

1 function ResourceMonitoring()                       1  function JobMonitoring()
2 // Getting a list of dedicated resources            2  // Initializing job states
3   r ← GetDedicatedResources()                       3    w ← (0, 0, …, 0)
4 // Initializing resource states                     4  // Determining the job states (ready or not
5   v ← (0, 0, …, 0)                                     ready)
6 // Determining the current state of a resource      5    for i = 1..l do
7   for i = 1..k do                                   6      if JobReady(i) = 1 then
8     if ResourseAvailable(ri) = 1 then               7        wi = 1
9       vi = 1                                        8      end if
10    else                                            9    end do
11      vi = 0                                        10 return w
12    end if                                          end function
13 end do
14 return v
15 end function
Algorithm 3 for data transferring preparation      Algorithm 4 for resource allocation

1  function DataTransferPreparation(A, X)           1 function ResourceAllocation(wf, v, w, p, X)
2  // Initializing data transferring                2 // Initializing resources allocation
3     Y ← (0, 0, …, 0; 0, 0, …, 0; …; 0, 0, …, 0) 3      A ← (0, 0, …, 0; 0, 0, …, 0; …; 0, 0, …, 0)
4    for i = 1..l do                                4 // If the priority of the ready job is less than
5      for j = 1..k do                              5 // the priorities of the unready jobs,
6  // Analyzing the jth resource allocation for the 6 // then changing the priorities
   ith module                                       7    for i = 1..l do
7       if aij = 1 then                             8     if CheckPriority(wf, i, p) then
8 // Getting inputs of the ith module               9       p ← PrioritiesChanging(w, p)
9         b ← GetInputs(i)                          10    end if
10        for q = 1..m do                           11 end do
11 // Checking the qth parameter placement on 12 // Allocation of the ready jobs
   the jth resource                                 13 A ← ReadyJobAllocation(wf, v, w, p, A)
12         if bq = 1  xqj = 0 then                 14 // Predicting the allocation for the unready jobs
13 // Preparing the qth parameter transfer on the 15 // taking into account the job priorities and
   jth resource                                     16 // data placement
14           yqi = 1                                17 A ← JobAllocationPrediction(wf, v, w, p, A, X)
15         end if                                   18 return (p, A)
16        end do                                    19 end function
17      end if
18     end do
19 end do
20 return Y
21 end function

                        Algorithm 5 for job scheduling

                        1  function JobScheduling( wf, p, X)
                        2  // Getting current states of resources and jobs
                        3    v ← ResourceMonitoring()
                        4    w ← JobMonitoring()
                        5  // Checking available resources and ready jobs
                        6  if (v1 ˅ v2 ˅…˅ vk = 1)  (w1 ˅ w2 ˅…˅ wl = 1)
                        7 // Resources allocation
                        8       (p, A) ← ResourceAllocation(wf, v, w, p, X)
                        9 end if
                        10 // Data preparation
                        11 Y ← DataTransferPreparation(A, X)
                        12 for i = 1..m do
                        13     for j = 1..k do
                        14       xij = xij ˅ yij
                        15     end do
                        16 end do
                        17 return (p, A, X, Y)
                        18 end function
D. Experiment
In the first example, let us suppose that we have to execute flow of workflows in a computing
environment consists of a set of Virtual Machines (VMs). Two VM with one core is allocated to running
one workflow. All workflows have the structure shown in Figure 1.
    This job flow implements parameters sweep computations [18]. Each job is executed with a unique
variant of the source data. Therefore, the size of the data, their transfer time, and the execution time may
differ for different jobs.
    To demonstrate the result in operating our algorithms, we will consider a simple example with model
time in applying to one workflow. Let there be the following execution times of jobs j1, j2, …, j10: t1 = 2,
t2 = 2, t3 = 3, t4 = 2, t5 = 1, t6 = 2, t7 = 2, t8 = 5, t9 = 2, and t10 = 1. The transferring time for any data (d1,
d2, …, d11) is assumed to be equal to 1. These times are proportional to the average computation results
when solving a real problem in the public access Irkutsk Supercomputer Center [19].
    Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the job scheduling by the Condor DAGMan algorithm and proposed
static-dynamic algorithm. Optimal workflow makespan is equalled to 16. The computation time with
Condor DAGMan is 19. The static-dynamic algorithm reduces this time to 17. This is a significant
advantage for such an example.

        time      1       2        3       4        5       6        7       8     9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

         VM1                               d2               d3               d5 d6                     d8 d11
           d1                                                                                                               d11
                              m1               m2               m4           m5              m7        m10

                                            d2                               d3 d4                                          d8
                                                            m3                         m6                     m8                        m9

                                                                             d4                  d7                         d9                d10

                                            Waiting for data                                             Data transfer

                              Figure 2. Job scheduling via the Condor DAGMan algorithm.

          time        1       2        3       4        5       6        7    8        9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

          VM1                                  d2               d3            d5            d7                         d9           d10
            d1                                                                                                                               d10
                                  m1               m2               m4            m6                    m8               m9

                                             d2                                  d5 d4 d3               d8
          VM2                                                                                                                     d11
                                                             m3                         m7        m5 m10

                                                                              d4                  d8     d6    d11

                                           Waiting for data                                            Data transfer

                                       Figure 3. Job scheduling via the proposed algorithm.
    We can see that both algorithms start out the same way. The m1 modules m1, m2, and m4 are
consistently launched on VM1 in accordance with inter-module relations. In parallel, data is being
prepared on VM2 for executing the module m3.
    After that, the operation of the algorithms begins to differ. The Condor DAGMan algorithm launches
the m5 module for execution on VM1. At the same time, our algorithm selects the m6 module.
    According to the heuristic used by our algorithm, module m6 has a higher priority than module m5.
Really, more number of modules depends on the m6 module in further computing within the workflow
compared to the m5 module.
    Owing to launching the module m5, the Condor DAGMan algorithm is forced to delay the execution
of the m6 module because of the need in preparing its input data on VM2.
    In the given example, the reduction of the workflow runtime within our algorithm is also due to the
preliminary transfer of the input data for the modules m8 and m9. Figures 4 and 5 show these transfers
at the corresponding times.
    The transfers of the parameters d4 and d8 are performed although the modules related to them are not
yet ready to run. The parameter d4 for the module m8 is transmitted while the module m6 is being
executed (Figure 4). This is due to the fact that the module m8 will be launched on the VM where the
module m6 is executing.

                         time        1    2        3    4        5    6        7    8      9

                            VM1                         d2            d3            d5
                                              m1            m2            m4        m6

                                                        d2                          d5 d4
                                                                      m3                  m7


                            Waiting for data                                             Data transfer

                                     Figure 4. Preliminary data transfer 1.

                     time        1   2        3    4        5    6        7    8        9 10 11

                      VM1                          d2            d3            d5          d7
                                         m1            m2            m4            m6      m8

                                                   d2                          d5 d4 d3              d8
                                                                 m3                      m7     m5

                                                                               d4               d8

                             Waiting for data                                             Data transfer

                                     Figure 5. Preliminary data transfer 2.
    The decision to transfer the parameter d8 (Figure 5) is also obvious since the decision to launch the
m10 module has already been made. In this case, it remains to run the m9 module. The module m8 will
calculate the parameter d9 required for the module m9.
    Let us consider the issue of selecting a module for its launch on a resource that is being freed. We
have implemented the JobAllocationPrediction() function, which selects the module to run on the
resource when it becomes free. This check is performed for all resources on which workflow modules
are running. Within the check, a set of modules including modules that are not ready to run can exist
(for example, by time 8 in Figure 5).
    The JobAllocationPrediction() function checks how the completion of the module executing and
resource freeing will affect the readiness of the remaining unexecuted modules. Moreover, it allows us
to assign modules to resources that are not yet ready for launch. This assignment of modules to resources
allows us to prepare the necessary input data to the time of their launch.
    Within the considered example, there is another background data transfer. The parameter d3 is
transferred to the module m5. However, this transfer does not affect the workflow runtime.
    In the theory, the preparation of the input data for the modules could be performed through
overabundant sending the calculated parameters to all available computing resources. However, this
solution has significant drawbacks. In practice, data transfers can degrade compute performance and
slow down other transfers of the current data. Typically, the negative impact of data over-sending
increases with the number of resources used and the number of modules executed. Thus, the
overabundant data sending is highly undesirable for scalable workflows focused on a large number of
    For the job flow in the whole, the proposed algorithm reduces the total computation time by more
than 11%, taking into account the change in the module execution times in different jobs. At the same
time, the time spent on job scheduling by the proposed algorithm does not exceed the time of the Condor
DAGMan operating.
    The next example addresses a workflow with the parallel list of data (Figure 6). This is an important
feature of the workflow.
    Let there be the following execution times of jobs j1, j2, and j3 for executing the modules m1, m2, and
m3: t1 = 1, t2 = 2, and t3 = 1. The transferring time for any data (d1, d2, d3, d4) in Figure 6 is assumed to
be equal to 1.
    d2 and d3 are the parallel lists of data. Each element d2i of the parallel list d2 is processed by the ith
instance of the module m2 (Figure 70. The result of the execution of m2i is saved in the element d3i of
the parallel data list d3.

                                                                          d2, 0           d3, 0
                                                                                  m2, 0

                                                         d1               d2, 1           d3, 1          d4
  d1               d2             d3              d4            m1                m2, 1           m3
         m1                m2              m3
                                                                          d2, 9           d3, 9
                                                                                  m2, 9

Figure 6. Initial workflow.                            Figure 7. Workflow with parallel list of data.

   Figures 8 and 9 show the simulation of the considered algorithms for this example. As in the first
example, the presence of tools for assigning preliminary data transfer allows us to reduce the overheads
associated with sending input data for modules. In this example, the proposed algorithm provides the
reduction by 13% in the workflow makespan.
           time          1   2    3      4     5      6      7       8      9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

            VM1                   d2          d3,0          d3,2           d3,3           d3,5            d3,7           d3,8
              d1                                                                                                                          d4
                             m1    m2,0          m2,2          m2,3          m2,5           m2,7            m2,8                m3

                                  d2,1                d2,4                  d2,6                   d2,9                   d3
                                          m2,1                 m2,4                  m2,6                   m2,9
                                                     d3,1                  d3,4                  d3,6                    d3,9

                                          Waiting for data                                           Data transfer

 Figure 8. Job scheduling via the Condor DAGMan algorithm for workflow with parallel list of data.

               time          1    2      3     4      5       6      7      8       9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

                   VM1                   d2          d3,0           d3,2           d3,4          d3,6             d3,8
                                  m1      m2,0          m2,2          m2,4           m2,6           m2,8

                                         d2,1 d2,3            d2,5           d2,7           d2,9                    d3
                   VM2                                                                                                               d4
                                                 m2,1          m2,3          m2,5            m2,7           m2,9          m3
                                                             d3,1          d3,3           d3,5            d3,7           d3,9

                                                 Waiting for data                                                Data transfer

     Figure 9. Job scheduling via the proposed algorithm for workflow with parallel list of data.

4. Conclusions
In the paper, we present a new algorithm that implements static-dynamic scheduling asynchronous
computations in distributed applied software packages. The algorithm operation is oriented to
heterogeneous distributed environments.
    Through the experimental results, we demonstrated that the advantages of the proposed algorithm
for different workflow types. In conditions of uncertainty over the modules execution time, the algorithm
makes it possible to rationally determine the order of modules’ launches in comparison with other ways
of scheduling.
    The advantages of the proposed algorithm for managing asynchronous computations in distributed
environments have been demonstrated in specific examples. In the future, we hope to find theoretical
estimates supporting such advantages for a larger number of cases.
    As additional future work, we plan to use additional heuristics based on analyzing the modules
execution time with test data in environment nodes within the framework of continuous integration,
delivery, and deployment of package software.

The study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation,
project no. 121032400051-9 «Technologies for the development and analysis of subject-oriented
intelligent group control systems in non-deterministic distributed environments».
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