An approach to information export from database for complex master-detail table hierarchies into a single flat table form Alexei Hmelnov1 , Gennadiy Ruzhnikov1 , Tianjiao Li2 , Huan Xu3 1 Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 134 Lermontov st. Irkutsk, Russia 2 “the Belt and Road” Institute for Information Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, No.115, Wenyi Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, China 3 School of Automation (Artificial Intelligence), Hangzhou Dianzi University, No.1158, Number Two Street, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China E-mail: Abstract. When developing a database client application it is usually required to implement a capability to export information from database tables into some simple data-exchange representations of tables like the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. It is very straightforward to implement the export for a single database table. But some information about the records of a master table may be represented by the records from, sometimes, several detail tables, so the resulting CSV table would be incomplete without this information. We develop AIS (automated information systems) using declarative specifications of database applications (SDA). The AIS’es are implemented using general algorithms, which are directed by the specifications. In this article we’ll consider the approach to generation of flat tables from the master-detail groups of tables, which allows users to represent compactly the data from a hierarchy of tables related by the master-detail relationships and to select conveniently which kind of information to include into the resulting table. 1. Introduction We consider the approach to development of AIS (automated information system) using declarative specifications of database applications (SDA). Automated information systems are designed to accomplish specific information-handling operations [1]. Considerable part of AIS‘es uses relational database management systems (DBMS) for storing and processing the information they collect. Usually the database interaction is the central functionality of AIS. In our work we consider database client applications (or, shorter, database applications) — the AIS’es that implement DBMS user interface. The database client application should allow their users to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete), search and some other operations, for example, report generation. The traditional way of database application development is based on the usage of some libraries like VCL (Visual Component Library) [2], MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) [3], Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). FCL (Framework Class Library) [4] and so on. The choice of a particular library depends on the programming language used. Anyway, the process of application development will require a lot of similar steps, which should be performed for each table or entity type represented in the database. As a result the process becomes very time-consuming and tedious. Some libraries like LINQ (Language Integrated Query) [5] are intended to simplify somehow the code we should write to process single table. But it doesn’t removes the need to write the repetitive code for a lot of tables. The same effect gives the use of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries [6] — it will still be required to write a lot of code but this time in a more object-oriented way. The approach, which potentially allows programmers to substantially decrease the development time, is the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) [7]. It helps programmers to generate a baseline code of an application from the application model. The main disadvantage of generation unfinished code is the necessity to finish its development manually, because after manual editing it may be hard to regenerate the code again while saving the manual edits following the changes in the application specification. The need for more effective methods of application development becomes widely accepted nowadays. To present an argument for the need in [8] they cite the estimate of Microsoft specialist, that “Over 500 million new apps will be built during the next five years, which is more than all the apps built in the last 40 years.” To meet the need the low-code [8] and the no-code [9] approaches emerged. The low-code platforms work by automating generation of some repetitive code and require for developer to have some programming knowledge. The no-code platforms are advertised to allow non IT-professionals to develop applications using some kind of visual programming. The descriptions of the low-code and no-code platforms don’t specify a particular check list of the information they need to be specified by the developers to build an application. Our approach is based on the specifications of database applications (SDA) and can be considered as a low-code one when using the modern terms. The specifications of database applications contain all the information about database structure, which is required to build a typical AIS. The information is represented in its pure form, so the specifications are rather concise. The AIS’es are implemented using general algorithms, which are directed by the specifications. We have developed the algorithms for such tasks as: user interface generation, query building, report generation, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) interaction. Using the specifications of database applications and the algorithms the software system MetaDBApp/GeoARM was implemented. We have described the approach in more details in [10]. In this article we consider the sub-task of generation of a text or a spreadsheet file from the results of a user-defined query. This task shouldn’t be mixed with that of report generation, because here we are not interested in a particular data formatting according to a report template, but in the export of all the selected data for further analysis outside the application, primarily in the form of a spreadsheet. To be able to formulate this kind of problems it is required to be in possession of the meta-information about the tables and their relations, like that we have in SDA. That’s why no developers try to solve this problem when using the traditional approaches and it is hard to find any articles directly considering this kind of tasks. The main contributions of the paper are: (i) We suggest a human-readable representation of hierarchic master-detail data in the form of single grid. (ii) We consider the capabilities of the SDA-controlled algorithms as exemplified by the algorithms of master-detail data export and interactive query building. 2. Research problem While the task of export into CSV-like file format of a single table is very simple, it becomes non-trivial for a group of tables interconnected by the master-detail relationships. For example, if we have a table of Persons and suppose, that each person may have several contacts, then the Contacts should be stored in a separate detail table. The same may happen to the other attributes of the Persons entity, which may have several values, e.g. Addresses, Documents. If we’ll export just the attributes of the Persons table itself from the database, we will miss all the multi-valued attributes of the entity. There exist structured text file formats, which are well-suited for representation of hierarchical data, such as XML (eXtensible Markup Language), JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), YAML (Yet Another Markup Language). After implementation of the export into flat tables we can now easily add to our software the capability to export into the structured formats if it will be required. But the primary goal of the structured text formats is the information exchange between applications. And the formats are not intended for data visualization for humans. It doesn’t matter that user can easily read any line of a text file, when the file has, say, 100000 lines. In the YAML representation the attributes of a single record will hardly fit into one screen, so it will be difficult to compare even two consecutive records. 3. The proposed approach Another area, where we can see tabular representations of rather complex relations between objects is OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing). The OLAP grids represent the contents of multidimensional cubes in 2D [11]. The user of the OLAP application may select various representations of the hyper-cube data by choosing the dimensions, corresponding to the top and left table headers and their order. The selected hierarchy of dimensions and hierarchies of their values (for the multilevel dimensions) are represented by the hierarchical table headers (Figure 1). The position in the OLAP hypercube, corresponding to an internal grid cell, can be unambiguously determined by the corresponding to its row and column left and top headers. Irkutsk Angarsk 2019 2020 2019 2020 I II I II I II I II Summer In 1.1 2.1 3.2 2.5 1.4 5.1 4.5 3.7 Out 2.3 1.2 5.1 3.4 4.0 4.7 7.8 5.0 Winter In 6.3 8.2 2.1 4.6 3.9 3.4 1.8 7.0 Out 2.2 9.6 1.7 7.4 8.6 3.5 3.0 2.3 Figure 1. An example of OLAP grid. The OLAP data representation can be very dense from the point of view of the number of values per screen. And the approach considered in this article is inspired by the OLAP representation. Indeed, we also have a tree — the tree of tables connected by the master-detail relationships. The leafs of the tree are the fields of the tables. To reflect this hierarchy we can use the OLAP-like top table headers. But in contrast to the OLAP grids we will not use the left headers. Instead, we will represent the master-detail hierarchy of the table records by placing the 1st detail record after its master in the same row, and the next detail record in the next row with the master fields in the next row being empty. Let us consider our approach in more details. Figure 2 presents an example of the master- detail tree for some illustrative tables. The names of the tables correspond to their levels in the hierarchy. The selected fields in the tables to be exported are shown in the round brackets here. And the Figure 3 illustrates the suggested idea. It shows the grid representation of a fragment of the tables from the Figure 2, corresponding to couple of records of the main table. The fields have synthetic values here, which consist of the field name, the master record key and the detail Main(A,B) Detail1(C,D,E) Subdetail1(F) Subdetail2(G,H) Detail2(I) Subdetail3(J,K) Detail3(L) Figure 2. A three of detail tables record ordinal number. The key feature of the data representation is that the cells in the columns, corresponding to different detail tables, even from the same resulting grid row, are mutually independent and are governed by their master records only. Main Detail1 Detail2 Det.3 Subdet.1 Subdetail2 Subdetail3 A B C D E F G H I J K L A1 B1 C1.1 D1.1 E1.1 F1.1.1 G1.1.1 H1.1.1 I1.1 J1.1.1 K1.1.1 L1.1 F1.1.2 G1.1.2 H1.1.2 J1.1.2 K1.1.2 L1.2 F1.1.3 I1.2 J1.2.1 K1.2.1 L1.3 C1.2 D1.2 E1.2 F1.2.1 G1.2.1 H1.2.1 J1.2.2 K1.2.2 G1.2.2 H1.2.2 I1.3 J1.3.1 K1.3.1 A2 B2 C2.1 D2.1 E2.1 F2.1.1 G2.1.1 H2.1.1 I2.1 J2.1.1 K2.1.1 L2.1 G2.1.2 H2.1.2 J2.1.2 K2.1.2 L2.2 C2.2 D2.2 E2.2 F2.2.1 G2.2.1 H2.2.1 J2.1.3 K2.1.3 F2.2.2 I2.2 Figure 3. The suggested grid representation of the data from Figure 2. 4. Applied solution The specification of database application contains information about the database table fields and the master-detail links between the tables. The availability of this information makes it possible to create universal export setup dialogs, which allow users to control the data export. Let us consider the dialogs that we use here in more details. 4.1. The export setup dialog The export setup dialog allows users to select the tables to be exported, their records and fields (Figure 4). The dialog represents the hierarchy of details of the current table using the TreeView nodes. We use the information about the master-detail links from SDA to create the detail nodes. We build the tree dynamically, so the dialog will work correctly even in the presence of loops in the graph of master-detail relations (for example, when a table has a field named, say id parent, with the foreign key pointing to the parent record in the same table). The first sub-node of each table node represents the list of the table fields. Using the check- marks of the tree nodes user can select the tables and fields to be exported. And to select the records to be exported we use the query builder dialogs, which can be called for any detail table node. Figure 4. The hierarchic data export setup dialog 4.2. The query builder To select the records of the tables to be exported we use another universal dialog controlled by specification — the query builder dialog (Figure 5). First of all we may use the query builder to filter the records of the main table. Then we may filter the records of some detail tables by calling the query builder dialog from the export setup dialog. The query builder dialog has two modes: simple and advanced. In the simple mode it allows user to fill some positions in the list of conditions on the values of the table fields and the resulting condition will be the conjunction of the filled conditions from the list. And the advanced mode allows user to construct an arbitrary logical formula by combining any number of conditions on the values of the fields and the conditions on the detail data-sets. The conditions on the detail data-sets are the requirements on the existence or on the number of their records satisfying some criteria. And the criteria on the records of the detail data-sets are constructed using the recursive calls of the same query builder dialog. The query-builder dialogs get from SDA the information about the table fields, their types and roles in the application, and about the links to the detail tables. Using the information entered in the dialog we generate SQL queries to the tables (Figure 6 for an example). 4.3. Application implementation To perform the export we use array of buffers of cell values for each resulting grid column. The main loop processes the records of the master data-set. For each record it clears the buffers, fills them using the recursive function EnumDetails, and flushes the resulting values to the resulting grid. Figure 5. The Query builder dialog in the advanced mode, which sets a condition on a detail table Employee using a condition on the number of its subdetail records in the table [Employee Department History] select T . BusinessEntityID , T0 . ModifiedDate F_1 , T . PersonType , T . NameStyle , T . Title , T . FirstName , T . MiddleName , T . LastName , T . Suffix , T . EmailPromotion , T . AdditionalContactInfo , T . Demographics , T . rowguid , T . ModifiedDate from Person .[ Person ] T left outer join Person .[ Busines sEntity ] T0 on ( T . B us i n e s s E n t i t y I D = T0 . B u s i ne s s E n t i t y I D ) where ( exists ( select * from Human Resource s .[ Employee ] S where ( S . B u s i n e s s E n t i t y I D = T . B u s i n e s s E n t i t y I D ) and (( select count (*) from Human Resource s .[ E m p l o y e e D e p a r t m e n t H i s t o r y ] R where ( R . B u s i n e s s E n t i t y I D = S . B u s i n e s s E n t i t y I D )) >1)) and T . LastName like ’A % ’) order by T . B u s i n e s s E n t i t y I D Figure 6. The SQL query generated using the data entry in the query builder dialog from the Figure 5 The function EnumDetails has two parameters: TableInfo, which represents the information about the table to be exported, and l0 — the buffer row, starting from which the table data will be placed (Figure 7). The TableInfo object has the following attributes: • Fields — the list of fields selected for export; • Children — the list of detail tables selected for export; 1: function EnumDetails( TableInfo, l0 ) 2: for i ∈ 0..TableInfo.Fields.Count do . Show the field values of the current record 3: Buffer[TableInfo.StartCol + i][l0 ] ← TableInfo.Fields[i].AsString 4: end for 5: lmax ← l0 + 1 . The next free buffer line by now 6: for Child ∈ TableInfo.Children do . Process detail tables 7: l ← l0 8: for each record of Child.Dataset do . Process the detail table records 9: l ← EnumDetails(Child,l) . Show current record and its subdetails 10: end for 11: lmax ← max(lmax , l) . Update the next free buffer line 12: end for 13: return lmax . return the number of the next free buffer line 14: end function Figure 7. The output buffer filling function • StartCol — the starting column of the table in the resulting grid; • Dataset — already opened table or query, which contains the selected records. The TableInfo data structures are constructed using the information entered in the export setup dialog. And all the detail data-sets are linked to their master data-sets by the master-detail relations, so that their records are automatically filtered after moving to the next master record to show only the detail records of the current master record. The SDA engine already had the operation for generation of the detail data-sets, which is required for construction of the data view/edit forms, so here we just reuse this capability. 5. Empirical research In the Figure 8 we can see an output of the algorithm considered. The output file was generated in the Microsoft Excel XLS file format with some additional styling and headers in comparison with the CSV file format. To demonstrate the algorithm we use the well-known AdventureWorks MS SQL sample database. Here we select the records from the Person table and from its detail tables Employee and Email Address. And the table Employee also has its own detail table EmployeeDepartmentHistory. The hierarchy of the tables is reflected by the 3-level header (the rows 3 − 5) above the field names (the row 6). Using the query builder we have selected from the main table only the persons, which are employees, this condition is shown in human-readable form before the table header (in the row 2). In the figure we can see two persons, who have two records in their job history (see the rows 10 − 11 and 23 − 24). So they have two sub-detail records in the EmployeeDepartmentHistory table and all the other cells in the 2nd row of the resulting table are empty. And the Figure 9 shows another export example from the other master table SalesPerson, where the master records have much more detail records, than in the previous case. Note, that when a master record has several details, the records of the two distinct details from the same resulting table row are not related to each other, they just have the same ordinal number in the corresponding lists of the detail records. In fact the specification of database application for the AdventureWorks database, that we use here, was generated automatically by the database structure analysis algorithm. The algorithm allows developer to quickly create a starting database application specification, that can be Figure 8. An example of exported table, generated using the suggested approach for the main table Person from the AdventureWorks2008 MS SQL sample database. Figure 9. An example of exported table, generated using the suggested approach for the main table SalesPerson from the AdventureWorks2008 MS SQL sample database. then corrected manually, if it will be required. And because the AdventureWorks database is a showcase MS SQL database of high quality, it was not required here to correct the generated specification, and we used it as is. 6. Conclusion We have proposed and implemented a method for compact representation of information from the group of associated by the master-detail relationships tables. The algorithms get the information about the relations between tables from the declarative specifications of database applications. The export parameters dialogue allows user to select the tables and their fields to export. It is also possible to select the records of the detail tables of interest using the interactive query builder, which is also controlled by specifications of database applications. The practical usage of the suggested approach to data export has shown, that even nontechnical people easily understand this kind of data representation. Acknowledgments The results were obtained within the framework of the State Assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the project ”Methods and technologies of cloud-based service-oriented platform for collecting, storing and processing large volumes of multi-format interdisciplinary data and knowledge based upon the use of artificial intelligence, model-guided approach and machine learning”. Some results were obtained using the facilities of the Centre of collective usage ”Integrated information network of Irkutsk scientific educational complex”. References [1] ATIS Telecom Glossary - American National Standard, Automated information system (AIS), https: // Last accessed 12 Feb 2021 [2] VCL Overview, Last accessed 12 Feb 2021 [3] MFC Desktop Applications, view=msvc-160. 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