=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2858/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Application of user dew agent in hybrid-computing environments |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2858/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2858 |authors=Anton Pashinin,Vera Bogdanova |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aicts/PashininB20 }} ==Application of user dew agent in hybrid-computing environments== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2858/paper8.pdf
Application of user dew agent in hybrid-computing

                A A Pashinin and V G Bogdanova
                Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS, Lermontov St.
                134, Irkutsk, Russia, 664033


                Abstract. In recent years, research in Dew computing as a new layer in the vertical hierarchy
                of scalable computing has been developing. Directions for the development of this technology
                include research into the possibilities of Dew computing and its applications. Our research
                belongs to the second direction. We use this technology in a package of applied microservices
                for solving complex problems of the qualitative study of binary dynamic systems based on the
                Boolean constraint method in a hybrid cloud environment. This environment includes on-
                premises, high-performance, and cloud resources. In this paper, the usage of Dew computing
                technology in a hybrid cloud environment is discussed. A user dew agent installed on an on-
                premises resource is proposed to provide the possibility of the applied microservices package
                collaboration with cloud services in a hybrid cloud environment. The advantages of using a
                user dew agent are considered. The architecture, functionality, operation modes, and the
                installation of the dew agent are presented.

1. Introduction
In recent years, beyond well-known technologies such as Cloud and Fog computing, a new paradigm
has emerged, Dew Computing (DC). This paradigm combines the concept of Cloud computing with
the capabilities of on-premises resources. DC is oriented on a microservice approach in a vertical
hierarchy of heterogeneous distributed computing [1]. Dew-Server (DS) is one of the Dew-
architecture components. Its main functions are providing cloud services for on-premises resources
and synchronizing the DS database with the cloud database.
    The objective of our research is to develop software that provides the use of DC in an applied
microservices package (AMP) for solving complex problems of the qualitative study of binary
dynamic systems (BDS) based on the Boolean constraint method [2] in a hybrid cloud environment.
Following this method, a Boolean model of the required BDS property is constructed using the BDS
dynamic description and the property specification. For BDS functioning on a finite time interval, the
obtained Boolean model is in the form of Boolean constraints or a Quantified Boolean formula. These
problems are correspondently in the complexity classes NP and PSPACE. Efficient SAT or QSAT
solvers are required for verifying the Boolean constraints satisfiability or QBF truth. The software for
constructing property models and verifying their satisfiability is implemented as microservices. The
advantage of the AMP implementation based on the microservice-oriented technology is described
in [3]. AMP microservices are divided into intensive- and non-intensive using computational
resources. In the first case, their installation requires high-performance resources. In the second, local
user resources are sufficient. The SAT and QSAT solvers require high-performance computations in
Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0).
dependency on the problem dimension. These characteristics determine the use of a hybrid
infrastructure for their deployment, consisting of cloud and on-premises resources, including on-
premises clusters. The use of DC technology in such infrastructure ensures the following possibilities:

       The availability of computational microservices installed on local computers during the
        temporary absence of the Internet;
       Scaling of computing to cloud resources when peak loads occur (if there is a network
       Automatic synchronization of cloud and local resources when the connection is restored.

    The HPCSOMAS agents provide access to AMP and the control of computations. These agents are
implemented using the class library of the HPCSOMAS-MSC platform [4]. In this study, we propose a
User Dew Agent (UDA) based on the class of HPCSOMAS-agent with extended functionality. UDA
is intended for supporting data synchronized distributed AMP-based computing in a hybrid cloud
environment. These new UDA possibilities include analogical DS functions mentioned above.
    This paper has the following structure. Section 2 discusses publications close to the research topic.
In Section 3, the architecture and functional possibilities of the UDA are presented. The UDA
functioning is described in Section 4. In Section 5, several aspects of the proposed software are
considered. Section 6 provides a conclusion on the results achieved during the study.

2. Related work
DC definitions covering various aspects of this new computing paradigm are given in [1, 5-7]. In [1], a
hierarchy of scalable distributed computing is presented, in which DC is at the ground layer. In [6], the
goal of DC is defined, which is to ensure the full realization of the potential of local computers (non-
cloud resources) and cloud services. In [7], the description of DC includes features, such as
independence and collaboration of dew- and cloud services. The first feature is the ability to work
without an Internet connection, and the second is the ability of software installed on on-premises
resources to automatically synchronize information with the cloud when this connection is
restored [8]. In [9], a detailed comparison of post-cloud technologies is given by some criteria, and the
difference between cloud and dew computing models is considered. In the first case, online
applications are launched from users' computers using cloud services. In the second, part of the
functionality and data are transferred to on-premises resources while using the potential of cloud
services and distributed computational resources remains possible. In [5], the Cloud-Dew architecture
is presented, which is an extension of the client-server architecture, and a special kind of web server,
DS, is proposed. The differences between DS and the usual server, namely, servicing only one client
on whose resource the DS is installed, the need for periodic synchronization, and interaction with the
network only for the synchronization process, are discussed in [10].
    In [11], three research directions in dew computing are identified: early research, DC capabilities,
and DC applications. The studies of DC in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are considered
in [12, 13]. In [12], the feasibility of IIoT devices as the dew devices is examined. The research,
evaluation, analysis, and discussion of smartwatches for the DC environment are shown in [13]. Our
research is devoted to scientific computations in DC. In our previous studies [14], DC technology was
used for solving the problem for the parametric synthesis of the stabilizing regulator for controlled
dynamic objects in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment. As noted in [11, 12, 13], this
study is referred to the using DC technology in high-performance computing. In the current study, we
propose the DC-based UDA providing access for the AMP for solving problems of qualitative analysis
and parametric synthesis of BDS based on the Boolean constraint method in a hybrid cloud
environment [15].

3. Architecture and the functional possibility of the UDA
UDA provides the following possibilities:
      A web-interface for the user problem formulation;
      Formation of the execution scheme of this problem (a further task for brevity);
      Organizing of launch and monitor the execution of sub-tasks of this problem;
      Access to AMP services, the user knowledge base, computational results on external
       HPCSOMAS-agents (in the cloud or on-premises clusters, etc.), and automatic
       synchronization of these data with correspondent data on local user resources.

   The UDA architecture is presented in figure 1. The UDA has a web-interface and executable agents
for performing its commands. UDA subsystems can be divided as follows: functioning in the same
way as HPCSOMAS-agent subsystems, new and modified ones. Synchronization, Authentication, and
Authorization managers are new. These managers are involved in ensuring data synchronization and
provision of cloud services for on-premises resources.
   New and modified UDA managers are intended for performing the following functions:

      Synchronization manager synchronizes user data (files, calculation results) on UDA with data
       on HPCSOMAS agents on resources.
      Configuration manager provides tools to customize the agent.
      Task distribution and Task managers control the execution of tasks, respectively, only on the
       on-premises or external resources.
      File manager performs the control of files. Files can be both local and synchronized with
       other agents.
      Authentication and Authorization managers provide a fast connection via access keys that the
       user can download from HPCSOMAS agents and install on the UDA.

                        Figure 1. The architectural components of the UDA.

   The advantage of using the UDA on an on-premises computer is the ability to run computationally
uncomplicated tasks on services locally, even without access to the Internet. Also, an evident
advantage is the ability to synchronize user data, such as downloaded files and computation results,
from remote resources and saving them in the absence of communication or other situations that lead
to data loss.
    The UDA, unlike the HPCSOMAS agent, only sends tasks and does not accept them from other
agents. After starting on the user's computer, the UDA runs in the background mode and, if necessary,
checks the need for data synchronization with a specified frequency.
    The UDA notifies the user about the status of tasks received from him and directed to other agents.
After task completion, these agents return UDA results. If it is not online, the results are stored in the
user folder on this agent. After the connection is restored, the UDA will notify the agents about this
fact, synchronize all previously not transferred results, and send the user a notification.

3.1. UDA functioning modes
The UDA has two modes of processing task, depending on its intended use:

       Local assembly mode of subtasks. In this mode, the UDA collects intermediate results and
        launches the following subtask with the obtained results. This mode is suitable when part of
        the computations is performed directly on the user's computer.
       Task clone mode. This mode provides the creation of a duplicate task on an external resource
        of the computing infrastructure. The UDA submits the task clone for processing to the agent
        of this computational resource.

   By default, the UDA uses clone mode if it is not involved in computations, and the task can be
performed on agents of external resources.

3.2. The UDA implementation and installation
The UDA is implemented as a servlet that runs within the Apache TomEE web server [16]. The user
can download the installation wizard for the local client of the HPCSOMAS-MSC. This wizard carries
out the following actions. The Apache TomEE is installed on the user's computer, with previously
installed UDA and some AMP computational microservices in the servlet container. These
microservices are non-resource intensive and compatible with the user operating system installed on
his computer. During installation, the user only needs to select a port for his work and the path to the
folder where agents will store working files.
   The user can connect his UDA to HPCSOMAS agents on remote computing resources and use its
web interface in the future to send tasks for computations. UDA user interface is based on JSP and
JavaScript technologies [17]. The HTTP protocol is used to transfer commands and exchange
messages. The UDA is connected to external agents in the same way as agents on computing resources
communicate with each other – using access key-files. Such files contain data for authorization,
names, and network addresses of servers. The user authorized in the computing resource agent can
upload the authorization key to his account. After that, the key is used to connect this agent to its local

3.3. UDA settings
UDA web-interface includes the following sections: Services, Tasks, Results, and Resource (Figure 2).
In the Services section, access to the available computational microservices is provided. Launched and
completed tasks are listed in section Tasks. In section Resources, available resources characteristics
are shown. The Results section contains the results of both this agent and all others connected using
resource keys. In the section Results (figure 2), there are 154 results of completed tasks, which can be
viewed. User settings are edited on the side panel. The UDA provides the following special user
settings (Figure 2):

       Resource keys – access keys to other agents for downloading lists of available services, task
        results, and user files;
       Synchronization – settings for automatic synchronization of user files and completed tasks.

   All task result files can be downloaded but stored physically on this or other agents, depending on
the settings.

                                    Figure 2. UDA web-interface.

   In figure 3, the example of listed result files is shown. The search bar allows finding the completed
task by the name, service, result file, and the agent on which it ran. The action (denoted by “i”) allows
viewing the following task characteristics: name and ID, user name, queue and completion time,
computational subtasks created at runtime, etc. The action (denoted by “?”) allows viewing task

                               Figure 3. Viewing and processing result
4. UDA functioning
The UDA servlet has a functioning cycle (figure 4) in the main thread. In this figure, dotted arrows
represent sending messages and data. All actions in this cycle occur in order of priority. It eliminates
problems of simultaneous data processing and regularizes the prioritization of decision making.
Received from the web interface or HPCSOMAS agents, a command or message is registered in the
UDA Messages manager if it is impossible to respond immediately.
   The main actions of the cycle are the following:

       Processing commands and messages received from HPCSOMAS agents or the web-interface;
       Initializing tasks based on the user problem formulation in local assembly mode and creation
        of local subtasks;
       Sending computational subtasks execution proposals to connected HPCSOMAS agents with
        suitable computational microservices;
       Analyzing requests for subtasks execution from HPCSOMAS agents;
       Sending subtasks (in local assembly mode) or tasks (in clone mode) to selected HPCSOMAS
        agents (figure 5);
       Running subtasks on local computational microservices by UDA Executive agent;
       Checking the status of subtasks executed on local computing services and solving failure
             o Task time limit is achieved;
             o Respond to a request is not receive;
       Checking the status of user tasks on HPCSOMAS agents for testing its operability;
       Processing the results of completed subtasks (received locally or remotely) and updating local
       Synchronizing user files for HPSOMAS agent and UDA in bilateral or unilateral order, if
       Unilaterally synchronizing of task lists for UDA and connected HPCSOMAS agent;
       Informing the connected HPСSOMAS agent that the UDA is online (the user's computer
        could be in sleep mode or disconnected from the Internet for some time).

           Figure 4. The cycle of the functioning UDA.                   Figure 5. Task distribution.
5. The example of using UDA
In the example, the problem for searching cycles of a given length k in BDS is used.

5.1. Problem formulation
In [2], a synchronous autonomous BDS is considered, the vector-matrix equation of which has the

                                                       x t  F ( x t 1 ) ,                                       (1)

where x is the state vector of the dimension n ( x  B n , B  {0,1} ), t  T  {1,2,...,k} is the discrete
time, and F(x) is the vector function of logic algebra called the transition function ( F : B n  B n ). Let
us define the trajectory x (t , x 0 ) of (1) for each initial state x 0  B n as the finite sequence of states
 x 0 , x1 ,..., x k from the set B n . The state xi is a successor of the state xi-1, and xi-1 is a predecessor of the
state xi. In an autonomous BDS, each state has only one successor, and the number of predecessors of
this state can vary from zero to 2n-1. A cycle of the length k is a closed trajectory (x0 = xk) in which all
two states are pairwise distinct.
     In the example’s problem, it is required to find all cycles of the given length k. For solving this
problem based on the Boolean constraint method [2] the following actions must be performed:

        Building Boolean constraint L( x t 1 , x t )   in1 ( xit  Fi ( x t 1 )) based on BDS dynamic
         description (1);
        Building Boolean model using L and the property specification of the presence of k-length
        Verifying Boolean model satisfiability.

   Following [2], a cycle of length k (if it exists) is a solution to the Boolean equation
                                   ( x 0 , x1 ,..., x k ) x0  xk  R( x 0 , x1 ,..., x k 1 )  0 ,             (2)

where the condition for pairwise differences of all states of the set C of a cycle of length k is given by
the expression

                     R( x 0 , x1 ,..., x k 1 )  1qk 1,  in1 yiq  0, yiq  ( xi0  xiq  xi0  xiq ) .
                                                    k modq 0

For the above actions, the corresponded AMP microservices are required.

5.2. Features of the implementation of microservices for solving the problem
The searching for cycles of the given length k is performed for BDS of high-dimension of state vector
n = 288 (stream cipher Trivium). The description of the BDS dynamics has the following form [18]:

                                          t 1     t 1     t 1     t 1    t 1
                                  x1t  x 288   x 287   x 286   x 243   x69
                                         t 1    t 1    t 1    t 1    t 1
                                  x94  x93    x92    x91    x171   x66
                                          t 1    t 1    t 1     t 1    t 1
                                  x178  x177   x176   x175   x 264   x162
                                  xit  xit11 ,
                                 i  {2,3,...,93,95,...,177,179,...,288}, t  {1,..., k}.
  Boolean constraints for this dynamics description are generated using the SageMath convertor
ANF = 0  CNF = 1 [19]. Sage Math is supplied with a free license in the following forms:

    1) Online service performing small calculations;
    2) A package of programs installed on Windows;
    3) An image of a virtual machine on Linux.

    We use the third form for the microservice Sage Executor implementation. Apache TomEE, UDA,
and microservices are installed on the image with Sage Math. For such an approach, it is enough to
launch this image in Virtual Box and provide it with external access via IP to connect the agent from
this virtual machine to any other HPCSOMAS agents, UDA, or use it through the browser.
    The microservice Cycle BM for building a Boolean model for the dynamic property (the presence
of k-length cycles) is implemented based on the ordinary program in the C++ language. Sage Executor
and Cycle BM are non-resource intensive and may be installed on UDA.
    Microservices BM SAT-X verifying Boolean model satisfiability are implemented based on the
AllSAT solver. In the case of small and medium BDS dimensions, the sequential AllSAT solver [20]
is used (launched by the non-resource intensive microservice BM SAT-S). In another case, parallel
AllSAT solver HPCAllsat [21] developed by authors is used (launched by the resource-intensive
microservice BM SAT-P). The BM SAT-P requires a high-performance resource for its running.
Several microservices are implemented for the result post-processing, for example, POST TR-T (table
post-processing) and POST TR-G (graph post-processing). The service Grapher [4] is used for the
result visualization.
Sage Executor, Cycle BM, BM SAT-S, POST TR-T, POST TR-G, and Grapher are non-resource
intensive and may be installed on UDA. The BM SAT-P must be installed on the SMP cluster.
    For the installation of the HPCSOMAS cloud resource agent (CRA), the virtual dedicated server
(VDS) [22] was used (figure 6).
    The UDA uses the local assembly mode for solving the considered problem. The UDA launches
Sage Executor for obtaining the BDS dynamic description. Microservices Cycle BM, BM SAT-P,
POST TR-T are launched for k from 35 to 45. The BM SAT-P is used due to the large BDS dimension.
The search state space is 2 288 for considered BDS. The POST TR-G is launched for preparing data for
visualization by the Grapher (figure 7).
    All computational results are synchronized for the UDA and cloud user data. Required cloud
services were made available for UDA. All steps of solving the problem for searching k-length cycles
are automated.

5.3. Features of our approach to solving the problem
    Let us briefly describe the features of our approach to solving this problem in comparison with
existing ones. In [18, 23, 24], SAT-approach to solving the considered problem is presented.
    Based on an approach [18], Boolean constraints for finding a path of the given length k are formed
dynamically, followed by a call to the standard SAT solver and analysis of the resulting solution to
identify a cycle of length k. The process is repeated iteratively. Such organization of the algorithm
prevents the parallel solution of the problem. In [23], based on a standard SAT solver, a specialized
SAT solver focused on cryptography problems was implemented. In [24], algebraic equations
describing k iterations of the cryptographic algorithm are generated in the ANF format manually or
automatically, and the ANF is converted to CNF. Then the SAT solver is called. The authors note that
methods of converting ANF to CNF can affect the efficiency of the subsequent solution.
    Our approach is based on the Boolean constraint method (BCM) [2]. In contrast to [23], we use the
standard AllSAT solver [20]. For BDS of high dimension, the developed parallel solver [21] is used.
In comparison to [23, 24], the Boolean model based on BCM includes a BDS dynamics description (1)
and, additionally, a property specification of the presence of k-cycles (2). Unlike [24], we use a sparse
strategy for ANF to CNF converting [26].
                     Figure 6. Synchronized distributed computation using UDA.

      Figure 7. The visualization of the runtime speedup for increasing processor number cores.

   In detail, computational experiments for the considered problem are presented in [21]. In particular,
the comparison of the BCM-based approach with the approach described in [18] is given. The
experiment is conducted on the on-premises resource (Intel Core i7-2670QM, 2.2 GHz) for solving the
considered problem sequentially. In this experiment, the BCM-based solving problem reached a
speedup 2.5 times on average (for k from 1 to 30) in comparison with the approach proposed in [18].
In [24], the considered problem is solved in parallel for k from 1 to 31 on 44 cores (Intel(R) Xeon(R)
CPU E5-2699 v4 2.20 GHz). The runtime for k = 31 is 51m 54.39s (for Trivium) as shown in [24]. In
our case, the runtime of the parallel HPCAllsat [21] running on 32 core (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-
2695 v4 2.10 GHz) for k = 31 is 34m 56.03s (for Trivium) using the BCM-based approach.
    A sequential solving of the considered problem on a local resource is acceptable for k less than 32.
In the example, k is increased from 35 to 45. In this case, additional resources of the high-performance
cluster or cloud are required. UDA forms and sends subtasks to HPCSOMAS agents. As subtasks are
completed, UDA synchronizes and visualizes results (figures 6 and 7). In this study, we consider the
UDA implementation features on finding cycles of the given length k for Trivium. We use this
problem for UDA testing due to its high dimension and not focus on its cryptographic aspects.

6. Conclusion
The user Dew-agent was developed for using Dew Computing technology in a package of applied
microservices for solving problems of qualitative analysis and parametric synthesis of binary dynamic
systems based on the Boolean constraint method in a hybrid computational environment.
   Based on this technology, the user Dew-agent automates providing a choice of the resource for
computations in the hybrid computing environment, the availability of cloud services, and
synchronization of both computations results and other user data.

The study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation,
project no. 121032400051-9. The authors would like to thank Irkutsk Supercomputer Center of SB
RAS for providing the access to HPC-cluster "Akademik V.M. Matrosov" [26].

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