=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2859/paper15 |storemode=property |title=Structural Constructions of Computer Engineering Elements in K-valued Logic |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2859/paper15.pdf |volume=Vol-2859 |authors=Volodymyr Yartsev,Dmitry Gololobov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/its2/YartsevG20 }} ==Structural Constructions of Computer Engineering Elements in K-valued Logic== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2859/paper15.pdf

      Structural constructions of computer engineering
                  elements in k-valued logic

                   © Volodymyr Yartsev 1 and © Dmitry Gololobov 2
                  1 State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv, Ukraine
                       2 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

                     jvp57@ukr.net, gololobov.dma@meta.ua

       Abstract. Methods are proposed for implementing the logical functions of digital
       devices without memory and with memory using three-valued logic obtained us-
       ing direct and inverse multiplexer circuits as a logical basis. This simplifies the
       development of digital logic circuits with a large number of input arguments,
       reduces the number of tiers of the tree structure of the circuit implementation.
       Using a multiplexer to perform operations in three-valued logic allows reducing
       the number of logical elements in the structure of a digital device, reducing the
       delay time when generating a control signal, and using existing microcircuits
       with transistor-transistor logic. As an example, structural synthesis of a finite
       state machine recognizing a given combination is given.

       Keywords: digital devices, logical basis, finite-state machine, logic function,
       multiplexer, ternary adder, ternary trigger.

1      Introduction

In modern discrete mathematics and the theory of building digital technology, an im-
portant place is occupied by the problem of building state machine based on the con-
version of Boolean functions. Various digital devices on which artificial intelligence
systems, control systems are built, solve complex computational problems based on
elementary binary operations. But today, the physical and technological parameters of
binary logic microchips have reached the practical limit in both size and speed. Further
growth of these indicators is associated with the use of calculators that work in multi-
valued alphabets [1].
   The complexity of the tasks that digital devices perform is constantly growing. This
requires an increase in the operating frequency, the number of logic elements in the
circuits, and at the same time, a reduction in the cost of power consumption. The use of
multi-valued logic is one way to resolve these problems. The multi-valued logic pro-
vides more opportunities for the development of various information processing algo-
rithms, which allows to reduce the computational complexity, the number of elements
and connections in various signal conditioning devices, increase the density of ele-
ments, increase the speed and volume of processed data [2].

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

   Professor of Stanford University D. Knut in his book "The Art of Programming"
emphasized that ternary logic is more elegant and more efficient than binary, and in the
future, humanity will again return to its development [3]. The multi-valued logic has
been widely used to solve the problems of data transmission and storage, the formation
of a visual display of graphic information and the processing of complex digital signals
   The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of literary sources. Most
of the technical solutions of the sets of logic and operating devices use a symmetric
triple system with a set of signals corresponding to the values of ‒1, 0, +1, which are
technically implemented on the threshold elements of three-valued logic in integrated
electronics [5- 6].

2        Problem Formulation

In this paper, the theoretical and practical problems of the implementation of digital
devices, in particular, the finite state machine, in ternary number system are considered.
Digital devices in this number system are the simplest in technical implementation com-
pared to other positional number systems with a base of more than two [7]. In addition,
ternary computers are considered promising for the creation of artificial intelligence,
since ternary logic is the most natural way of thinking from the point of view of human
thinking, and the cognition process, along with the categories "yes" and "no" to describe
the state of uncertainty, the meaning of "unknown" or "may be". Note that three-valued
logic is considered as a possible replacement for binary logic in the development of
quantum computers [8–9]. To construct structural schemes in any multi-valued logic,
it is necessary to have a functionally complete logical basis and a memory element with
a functionally complete system of transitions, states, and outputs. [10] The study of
these issues is focused on in this paper.

3        Choosing a logical basis

    The total number of N logic functions in three-valued
                                                          logic is:
                                         N  33

where r is the argument of a logical function. The properties of many logical functions
of multi-valued logics are still not well understood, but at the moment, among the many
logical functions of each k-valued logic, two can be distinguished, which, together with
the constants 0, 1, 2, ..., k-1, create two universal logical bases. These logical functions,
as well as the devices that implement them (logic elements), are called forward and
reverse multiplexers.
  The forward multiplexer (Помилка! Джерело посилання не знайдено., left)
function has the form:
180                                                        x1 if x0  0
                                                           x if x0  1
                             M xk0 ( x1 , x2 ,..., xk )   2
                                                           xk if x0  k -1

 The reverse multiplexer (Fig. 1, right) function     xk isifwritten x0  as0 follows:
                         k                           x          if x0  1
                      M x0 ( xk , xk 1 ,..., x1 )   k 1
                                                      ..........................
                                                      x1 if x0  k -1

                             Fig. 1. Forward and reverse multiplexers.

  A multiplexer with one control signal will be called an elementary multiplexer. Mul-
                                       k -1areifcalled
tiplexers with two or more control signals              x complex.
                                                              0     In addition to this logical
                                                        x 1
                                       k - 2 -ifinversion:
basis, we introduce another logical function
                                 X 
                                      0 if x  k -1

 The corresponding logical element is shown in Fig. 2.

                                  Fig. 2. Multi-valued inverter

  The functional completeness of the basis can be brought indirectly by obtaining struc-
tural diagrams for arbitrary logical functions of the three-valued logic. The table of
functioning of the three-valued logical function of one argument is given in Table 1.

                     Table 1. Three-valued logical function of one argument

              x                   0                1                  2
              f(x)                0                2                  1

  The rule of functioning of the three-valued logical function of two arguments is pre-
sented in Table 2.

                   Table 2. Three-valued logical function of two arguments

              x0             0     1     2     0       1   2      0       1   2
              x1             0     0     0     1       1   1      2       2   2
              f(x0,x1)       2     1     0     0       1   2      1       0   2

  Structural diagrams of the three-valued logical function of one and two arguments are
shown in Fig. 3, left and right, respectively.

              Fig. 3. Three-valued logical function of one and two arguments

  Similarly, block diagrams using a reverse multiplexer can be obtained. Thus, any log-
ical function of multi-valued logic can be represented by a multi-tiered tree structure in
which the basic element is an elementary k-valued multiplexer.
  The following equalities holdMfor
                                  x (0, 0,...,
                                      any      0)  0
                                           multi-valued logic and can be used to simplify
structural diagrams:           M (1,1,...,1)  1

                                M xk (0,1, 2,..., k  1)  x
                                M xk (k  1, k  2,...,1, 0)  x

   Consider an example of the synthesis of the structural diagram of the three-valued
adder, the rule of operation of which is given in Table 3 and obtained on the basis of
obvious three-valued expressions:
0+0=0                   0+1=1                           0+2=2
1+1=2                   1 + 2 = 10                      2 + 2 = 11
0 + 1 + 2 = 10          1 +1 + 1 = 10                   0 + 2 + 2 = 11
1 + 2 + 2 = 12          2 + 2 + 2 = 20

                 Table 3. The table of functioning of the three-valued adder
      bi     012      012     012         012         012      012   012   012   012
       ai    000      111     222         000         111      222   000   111   222
      Pi-1   000      000     000         111         111      111   222   222   222
      Si     012      120     201         120         201      012   201   012   120
      Pi     000      001     011         001         011      111   011   111   112

where ai, bi are the symbols that make up i-th digit of the three-valued numbers; Pi-1 is
transfer from the previous digit; Si is the sum of numbers of the i-th digit; Pi is transfer
to the next (senior) digit.
  Table 3 allows you to get a block diagram of the full three-valued adder on elementary
multiplexers, consisting of a node for realizing the sum of Si (Fig. 4) and the transfer
signal Pi (Fig. 5).
  As for the case of binary logic, complex multiplexers with several control signals can
be used to construct the structural diagrams of the logical functions of multi-valued
logic. It is easy to show that complex multiplexers also have functional completeness.
  They can be used to reduce the number of levels in the structural diagram of a device
designed to form a model for presenting information on various indicators.

    Fig. 4. Node for realizing the sum of the full three-valued adder on elementary multiplexers

Fig. 5. Node for realizing the transfer signal of the full three-valued adder on elementary multi-

4        Implementation of logic elements with memory in a
         multiplexer basis

  By a memory element is meant an elementary storage element that is capable of stor-
ing one bit of a multi-valued code. For k-valued logic, such an element must remember
one of the values 0, 1, 2, ..., k-1. Such elements are a trigger circuit of a static or dynamic

type. In modern calculators, the static storage mechanism is most often used. A trigger
as a memory element must have a certain minimum set of properties that allow it to
obtain its functioning table and block diagram [5]. These properties are: storage of the
previously set value of the input signal, setting the value 0, setting the value 1, setting
the value k-1. For example, a ternary trigger must have the following properties: storage
of the previously set value of the input signal, setting value 0, setting value 1, setting
value 2. In any multi-valued logic, such properties have a one-bit shift register [5]. The
transition table (or graph) is easy to obtain using "window"-technology. For this, the
register is conventionally represented as a single “window” through which in the gen-
eral case a random sequence of k-digit signals alternately passes. The signal value in
the "window" determines the state of the register. The number of states is N=k corre-
sponds to the number of values of the used logical function. At each next moment of
time, the next signal of the sequence enters the window and replaces (displaces) the
previous signal, thereby changing the state of the "window". If the same signal arrives
that was in the “window”, the state of the “window” does not change. For three-valued
logic, the transition graph has the form shown in Fig. 6 (left - if there is a clock signal;
right - in the absence of a clock signal).
  A circuit that implements the transition graph will perform the function of a D-trigger.
Using the same principle, you can get a k-valued register graph. Given that the transi-
tions of the register triggers occur in the presence of a synchronizing signal C the table
of the D-trigger functioning will take the form shown in Table 4.

                   Table 4. The functioning table of the three-valued D-trigger
      Q      012        012       012      012      012      012      012         012   012
      D      000        111       222      000      111      222      000         111   222
      C      000        000       000      111      111      111      222         222   222
      Q      012        012       012      000      111      222       ---        ---   ---
      ¬Q     210        210       210      222      111      000       ---        ---   ---

  In Table 4, the symbol “-” indicates values that can be arbitrarily selected. According
to the Table 4 block diagram of the three-valued D-trigger will look as shown in Fig. 7.
All structural schemes are based on a universal logic element, which is a multiplexer.
The table shows that all the necessary properties of the trigger as a memory element are
satisfied. To build block diagrams in k-valued logic, you can now apply the classical
technique developed for binary logic.
  As an example, we show the implementation of the structural diagram of the Mealy
machine in three-valued logic, which, from the sequence of input signals X = 0, 1, 2,
detects a combination of 1220 and sends the output signal y = 1. Otherwise, the machine
sends a signal to the output y = 0. The graph of such a finite state machine is shown in
Fig. 8, and Table 5 contains a table of its transitions. If the input of the machine, which
is in the 3rd state, receives the next input signal equal to 0, then it returns to its original
zero state. To implement the structural diagram of this finite state machine, two D-

triggers are required, the states of which are denoted by Q1 and Q2. We encode the state
of the machine in the form given in Table 6.

                    Fig. 6. Transition graph of a three-valued shift register

                    Fig. 7. Structural diagram of the three-valued D-trigger

         Fig. 8. The graph of a state machine that recognizes a combination of 1220

      Table 5. Transition table of a state machine that recognizes a combination of 1220

            input       state          0            1           2               3
            0                          0            0           0               0
            1                          1            1           1               1
            2                          0            2           3               0

                              Table 6. Table of the machine state encoding

              state of the machine             0          1          2         3
              trigger            Q1            0          0          0         1
              state              Q2            1          1          1         1

  With the selected option of encoding states, we obtain an encoded table of transitions
and outputs presented in Table 7.

  Table 7. Encoded transition table of a state machine that recognizes a combination of 1220
      Q'2    012        012       012       012        012     012       012   012      012
      Q'1    000        111       222       000        111     222       000   111      222
      x      000        000       000       111        111     111       222   222      222
      Q1     000        0--        ---      000        0--     ---       001   0--       ---
      Q2     000        0--        ---      111        1--     ---       020   0--       ---
      y      000        0--        ---      000        0--     ---       000   1--       ---
      Q1     000        0--        ---      000        0--     ---       001   0--       ---
      Q2     000        0--        ---      111        1--     ---       020   0--       ---

The table corresponds to the structural diagram of a given machine, which consists of
three parts: to determine the value of the first digit (Fig. 9), the second (Fig. 10, left)
and the third (Fig. 10, right) digit of the state code.

       Fig. 9. Structural scheme of the machine for determining the value of the first digit

 Fig. 10. Structural scheme of the machine for determining the values of the second and third


  The possibility of using direct and reverse multiplexer circuits as a logical basis for
constructing in three-valued logic structural diagrams of digital devices without
memory and with memory of any complexity is shown. As an example of using a mul-
tiplexer to implement 3-valued logic, a structural synthesis of a finite state machine is
given, which, from a sequence of input signals, detects a given combination and gener-
ates an output control signal. Using the proposed method for constructing block dia-
grams of digital devices based on k-valued logic, it will be possible to create control
signal conditioners for constructing various models of discrete-analog representation of
data on semiconductor indicators. This will increase the capacity, processing speed and
display of large amounts of information while reducing hardware and energy costs for
their technical implementation.

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