=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2859/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Ensuring Secure Long-term Data Storage |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2859/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2859 |authors=Viacheslav Petrov,Andriy Kryuchyn,Ievgen Beliak,Olexiy Shihovets |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/its2/PetrovKBS20 }} ==Ensuring Secure Long-term Data Storage== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2859/paper2.pdf

               Ensuring secure long-term data storage

    © Viacheslav Petrov, © Andriy Kryuchyn, © Ievgen Beliak, © Olexiy Shihovets

            Institute for Information Recording of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


        Abstract. In this presentation, technologies used to create long-term data storage
        systems have been reviewed. The objectives of long-term data storage systems
        of strategic importance for the development of society have been identified. It
        has been shown that network-based data storage systems (DSSs) are becoming a
        promising trend in this field. The most promising types of storage media that can
        be used to create long-term data storage systems have been identified.

        Keywords: long-term data storage, optical media, network-based data storage
        systems, data migration.

1       Introduction

The problem of long-term storage of electronic documents is of high importance, hav-
ing its impact on various fields of economy, science, and culture. While producing
enormous amounts of data, modern society faces challenges related to organising sys-
tems for their storage, as well as methods for securing these storages against unauthor-
ised access [1,2]. Ensuring secure storage of and access to data is an important element
of an information security system [35]. The number of electronic documents increases
drastically, and therefore, long-term storage will become even more challenging over
time. The key challenges of long-term storage are: preserving the authenticity of a
stored document throughout the whole storage period; ageing of storage media; inevi-
table updates of hardware and software storage environment; as well as the interpreta-
bility and presentation of stored electronic documents [3]. The following requirements
apply to long-term data storage systems: a system for durable long-term storage of elec-
tronic documents has to be created and maintained, preserving all content-related and
functional characteristics of source documents, as well as ensuring transparent search
and access to the documents for users, for the purpose of both reading, analysis, and
research [4]. As the body of knowledge available to humanity continue to expand, and
so do data recording technologies, the importance of developing long-term storage
methods increases [28]. Several types of data require continuous storage for decades,
like archival storage, and even for hundreds or thousands of years, when dealing with
ancestral data or data that can impact the survival of future generations [35].

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

2      Information Objects Requiring Long-term Data Storage

There’s a growing number of information resources of strategic importance for ensur-
ing informational security of both individual countries and international associations,
containing data that require long-term storage. Some of these information resources are:

    Storing information related to complex engineered facilities. An example of such
     a system is the project for long-term storage of design and engineering documents
     (LOTAR – Long Time Archival and Retrieval). This project is considered a crucial
     work element in a number of industries involving products with long life cycle –
     architecture and construction, power industry, shipbuilding, and aerospace indus-
     try. The project goal is to develop common standards for all members of this inter-
     national consortium designed to provide the capability to archive and retrieve dig-
     ital product information. This applies primarily to 3D CAD (computer-aided de-
     sign) and PDM (product data management) data that can be read and reused
     throughout the product life cycle, independent of changes in the IT application en-
     vironment originally used for their creation. The multi-part standards created as
     part of the project cover both the information content and the processes required to
     ingest, store, administer, manage and access the information [5]. However, it is
     unclear from the open documents presented by LOTAR, to what extent this ap-
     proach applies to the industrial equipment used in manufacturing processes.
     There’s also no information on developing a specific archival medium that would
     suit the declared objectives.
    Storing data from routine environmental monitoring. These data are of special im-
     portance because of their crucial role in ensuring economic sustainability, therefore
     they are constantly used for servicing various industries, as well as the general
     public. For this purpose, data are routinely collected, analysed, and accumulated.
     These data are subject to official registration, long-term storage, and information
     services provided to various consumers. Data from hydro-meteorological monitor-
     ing in a given country can amount to hundreds of terabytes, and various media are
     used to store them [6]. Based on data from hydro-meteorological monitoring for
     long periods, hydro-meteorological or helio-geophysical phenomena, which due to
     their intensity, duration, or time of occurrence pose a threat to people’s life and
     health or property, can be predicted with considerable credibility. The total world-
     wide economic losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters were
     USD 218 billion in 2010 (as estimated by Swiss Re, a Switzerland-based reinsur-
     ance company). According to the worldwide statistical data, the average annual
     increase in the number of dangerous natural emergencies is 4.0%, entailing a
     10.4% increase in economic losses. Such specialised sets of data from hydro-me-
     teorological monitoring for long periods are of special importance for emergency
     management agencies. The risks for economic activities arising from global cli-
     mate change or major man-made accidents and disasters pose a significant threat
     to people and economic entities of different countries [7].
    Storing seismic tomography data for long periods. Archival seismic tomography
     data are valuable, because, when coupled with new data, they help in achieving

    higher quality of seismic investigation results. Seismic tomography data are char-
    acterised by their high volume. Even a partial loss of data results in significant
    expenses for conducting repeated investigations. Current monitoring techniques
    can yield tens, and in some cases hundreds of terabytes of data per investigated
    area [8]. Seismic tomography has long been the primary method for oil and gas
    exploration [9]. Storing seismic tomography data for long periods and their com-
    prehensive analysis can be highly beneficial for extraction works from current
    wells, as well as for exploring new reservoirs of liquid hydrocarbons. Long-term
    data storage in this case is ensured based on a combination of technologies – field
    data are archived on tape, while disk arrays are primarily used to store results of
    analysis [10].
   Storage of scientific heritage data, namely published results of scientific research
    and experiments, bibliographic and factual databases, information about scientists,
    their scientific activities, publications, projects, etc., as well as numerous un-
    published documents such as reports, letters, memoirs, notes, photographs, etc.
    These resources are of great interest to the scientific community and general public
    [4]. Durable storage of research data is of great importance for further development
    of science [12].
   The storage and management of government records is a priority task in most coun-
    tries of the world, including the US, the UK, and member states of the European
    Union. The U.S. National Archives today contain approximately 700 terabytes
    (TB) of electronic documents, of which 79 TB were acquired during the presidency
    of George W. Bush, and 250 TB – during the presidency of Barak Obama. E-ARK
    (European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation) was co-funded by the
    European Commission under its ICT Policy Support Programme (PSP) within its
    Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). The aim of the
    project is to ensure efficient record-keeping workflow related to the three main
    activities of an archive – acquiring, preserving, and enabling re-use of information.
    EARK is a multinational research project, which includes, except for archives, uni-
    versities, ministries, foundations, and government authorities [13]. Creation of ar-
    chives for long-term storage of legally relevant documents is of increasing im-
    portance, because, unless durable storage is achieved, documents with retention
    periods of 10, 25, 75 years or more could be impossible to digitalise. And if pre-
    sented only in paper form, further work with such documents seems inefficient.
    Information from electronic archives will be available for use, intelligent search,
    knowledge retrieval, analysis and intelligent processing in expert systems, etc.
   Storage of medical and biological information. Medical and biological information
    is extremely important for providing high quality services, as well as for preserving
    data on biological diversity. The amounts of medical and biological information
    subject to long-term storage are constantly growing. The volume of molecular ge-
    netic data presenting decoded genomic information subject to long-term storage
    exhibits especially drastic increase [15]. Today’s medical research, including stud-
    ying genetic bases of complex diseases, require comprehensive analysis of large
    sets of clinical information and molecular genetic data characteristic of individual

     patient’s organism. One of the most important computer databases of biological
     data in general scientific terms are global databases on the structure of biological
     molecules and genomes of various organisms, which contain a variety of infor-
     mation about living systems. The creation of computer databases of biological data,
     which contain various information about living systems, is a necessary tool for
     solving complex issues of assessing the biodiversity of individual regions, poten-
     tial risks for it, formalising the assessment of their scale, and planning ways to
     restore and preserve biodiversity [16].
    Storing cultural heritage of humanity. Creating digital backup copies will help pre-
     serve cultural heritage objects in case of fires or other emergencies, as well as pro-
     vide remote access to cultural heritage objects [2,17]. A separate challenge in pre-
     serving cultural heritage of humanity is preserving the languages of small-num-
     bered peoples and ethnic groups [2]. Every people accumulates useful information
     about the world around and ways of solving specific problems of survival, exist-
     ence, and development within its culture. Therefore, the diverse cultural heritage
     of small-numbered peoples and ethnic groups is valuable for modern society and
     should be preserved in order to prevent the loss of strategically important infor-

3      Main Objectives of Ensuring Long-term Storage of Electronic

In general terms, the problem statement for ensuring long-term preservation of elec-
tronic documents is as follows: long-term storage of electronic business documents
needs to be ensured, securing the authenticity, interpretability (readability), and confir-
mation of authorship for a document, as well as the durability and disaster tolerance of
the storage environment throughout the whole storage period [3]. The schemes of ac-
cess to long-term archival storage differ significantly from those to general-purpose
storage. Furthermore, data throughput and latency are of lesser concern for archival
storage compared to ensuring consistence, integrity, and data security [32].
   Traditionally, the problem of data storage has been solved by ways of increasing the
capacity of storage devices using DAS (Direct-Attached Storage) architecture. DAS-
based data storage systems are represented by external storage devices connected di-
rectly to server and used only by server. The use of multiple DAS-based data storage
systems within information systems, as a rule, leads to the emergence of local storage
systems distributed throughout the enterprise network. This makes expanding enter-
prise data storage challenging, since these systems don’t support storage capacity shar-
ing between servers and data distribution between them [1].
   Lately, rapid development of distributed data processing methods and drastic in-
crease in amounts of information accumulated in IT systems have led to radical changes
in long-term data storage technologies. As requirements to storage capacity and data
access speed increase, traditional approaches to storage no longer meet them [3]. The
maximum capacity of storage devices, including those used for long-term data storage,
is currently coming close to its physical limit, where the size of units of information is

comparable to single molecules [2,18]. Therefore, in recent years, increase in data stor-
age capacities has been secured by means of parallelism technologies, i.e. designing
network-based data storage systems (DSSs) [11].
   The problem of increasing manageability, durability, and security of data storage
and access, as well as the procedures of data transfer between applications and storage
devices, has become pressing. Storage Area Network (SAN) is one of the most prom-
ising approaches to ensuring long-term storage of large data arrays. The main benefits
of this approach are good scalability, high performance, and usability of SAN. At the
same time, development and operation of SANs entail challenges associated with vari-
ous aspects of security of stored information: accessibility, integrity, readiness, authen-
ticity, and confidentiality. SANs can contain proprietary information of high value
owned by different organisations or individuals. The most challenging situation in
terms of data security can occur, when a part of storage capacities comprising a SAN
is physically or logically lost, e.g., in case of major terrorist attacks, subversive actions,
malicious intrusions, natural disasters, or errors of servicing personnel. In these cases,
an important task is to study and develop methods of ensuring secure access to infor-
mation contained in a SAN, meeting the following principal requirements: high perfor-
mance and durability, utilising such benefits provided by SAN as parallelism and dis-
tribution of storage and processing functions [3].
   The next step in the evolution of data storage is virtualisation and the use of cloud
storage systems. Cloud storage services supplement and expand storage systems of a
traditional data centre, while requiring zero investment in new equipment [33].
   Long storage periods (varying from 70 to thousands of years) entail a pressing prob-
lem of organising an address system, which would allow some users to store infor-
mation, and others to find and use it, even though the storage of and access to such
information might be several generations apart. The primary challenge to be faced when
designing such an address system is the structure of metadata. Without metadata, you
cannot transform digital data (material level) into semantic data (ideal level). Moreover,
metadata represents information about the location of data in space and time, their link-
age with the user, and location on a storage device (spatial coordinates inside the de-
vice). Metadata are produced during the storage of information and are subject to rou-
tine management [39].
   A set of organisational and technical measures should be in place to ensure preser-
vation of electronic documents. These are creation of multiple copies placed in different
geographical locations; the use of the checksum mechanism to control the integrity of
a document; access differentiation and audit, antivirus protection; the use of recom-
mended archival metadata standards and keeping metadata from the electronic docu-
ments preservation process; limiting the number of supported formats and migration to
more stable formats as critical risks arise [37, 38].
   Routine inspections should be carried out to secure digital storage devices against
failures and physical degradation (at least once in 3-5 years), and information should
be transferred onto new devices, if necessary. This operation should include data integ-
rity checking and estimation of the remaining storage device lifetime. In case integrity
checks reveal data corruption on a storage device, a new copy is created based on other
copies of this information. Checking intervals are chosen based on the type of a storage

device, but in any case, for a read-only device (write once read many, WORM) they
shouldn’t exceed three years, i.e. once in three years each storage device should be
checked and, if necessary, replaced. The process of transfer needs to provide for merg-
ing data from different storage devices, which is important due to growing capacity of
storage devices of all types [19]. Data migration is an integral part of methodology for
creation of long-term storage electronic archives. However, it is arguable, whether only
documents from the database should be subject to migration, or also related metadata,
classifiers, indices, etc. Classifiers and indices are integral parts of a document, since
they define the context of its use: the subject area, organisational structure, storage and
classification logics, relation to other documents, etc. Data loss during migration can
be critical, leading to a document being viewed out of context of its use, which will
complicate recognition of the subject area where it belongs. As information technolo-
gies continuously advance, the hardware and software environment changes, and all
currently known electronic media rapidly become obsolete, it is impossible to preserve
electronic documents without their conversion and migration. Solutions should be
found to ensure their authenticity, integrity, fidelity and usability under conditions of
long-term storage [12]. The primary method to preserve document authenticity is the
use of an electronic signature. Long-term storage is associated with the problem of ex-
pired certificates (which are valid for a maximum of 5 years) and signature keys. It is
recommended to use only encrypted qualified electronic signatures for long-term stor-
age. Moreover, an electronic signature has to contain a trusted timestamp. Ideally, a
certificate chain is incorporated into an electronic signature or transferred to an elec-
tronic archive with the signature. Only this can guarantee that the authenticity of a doc-
ument will be traceable decades later, of course, if standards won’t change and means
to verify the electronic signature will still exist. To secure the authenticity of stored
documents in an electronic archive, it is proposed to use an archival electronic signa-
ture, which will be automatically computed for all electronic documents placed in the
archive [19]. Current long-term data storage technologies are based on the data migra-
tion method. When hard drives are used for long-term storage of information, it requires
routine (once in 4-5 years) data transfer to new storage devices [19]. Data migration
needs to include not only migration of electronic documents themselves, but also of
document metadata. The long-term storage format description should be augmented
with a set of tags needed to store document metadata (e.g. Qualified Dublin Core) [19].
The process of data migration is considerably complicated and expensive, and can en-
tail partial data loss or modification. Therefore, storage devices with maximum possible
migration intervals are preferable when creating archival storage systems [2]. Long-
term data storage technology based on storage devices with short lifespan, which re-
quire frequent migration, is associated with high costs and doesn’t ensure high storage
durability [19].
    Ensuring secure data storage is one of the most important features of a long-term
archival storage system. Keys are widely used to encrypt information in order to ensure
secure data storage. However, this method has several major drawbacks. Unfortunately,
encryption with a key doesn’t provide adequate data security, taking into account the
lifespan of data stored in an archival storage system. Such encryption is based on com-
putational efforts necessary to determine the key. Having enough time and computation

capacity, a key for a given data set can be calculated. Technical progress often reduces
the time needed to obtain an encryption key drastically. When data are stored for dec-
ades or centuries, using encryption keys turns into a real problem [32]. On the other
hand, using encryption for long-term data storage entails risks of losing the keys [30].

4      Analysis of Requirements to Media for Long-term Data

The currently used common data storage technologies are not designed for long-term
preservation. They are intended for use in real-time systems and provide for multiple
modification of relatively small amounts of data, as well as their transfer to users
through communication networks. The competitiveness of these systems relies on
higher density of recording onto the data media and shorter reading/writing time (the
developers also strive to reduce the time of access to data). Storage devices for such
systems can be designed based on the years-long guaranteed preservation time, which
is usually enough for real-time systems [35].
   When considering types of storage devices for long-term data storage, the following
storage intervals are distinguished:
1. Source data – up to one year;
2. Backup copies – 1 to 10 years;
3. Archived data – 10 to 100 years;
4. Data to be saved for future generations – possible storage time ranging from 100 to
   1000 or more years [18].
Based on these requirements, types of storage devices for long-term data storage are
determined according to their intended storage time. It should be noted that currently
available storage media are not durable enough to store data for decades, let alone cen-
turies. Moreover, due to technological obsolescence, in a couple of decades there will
be no devices to read the currently available storage devices [2]. The lifespan of elec-
tronic documents stored in electronic archives is often longer than that of hardware and
software. For instance, personnel records have to be stored for 75 years [3].
   From analysis of today’s technologies, it seems that producers of storage devices
aren’t much interested in long-term existence of any storage media. The estimated av-
erage lifespan of storage media production technologies, from their birth to almost com-
plete disappearance from the market, is 10-15 years (magnetic tape, floppy disks, CD-
R, DVD-R, etc.). Then new technologies displace older ones, and manufacturers
wouldn’t profit from supporting obsolete technologies [19].
   When creating media for long-term data storage, two central questions emerge. The
first of these concerns the material of storage media likely to last long enough to convey
a message to generations thousands of years into the future. Throughout much of his-
tory, people carved important messages into stone, bone, or other hard materials. Faced
with the lack of suitable options for storage device production, researchers around the
world have re-embraced the use of chemically stable high-strength synthetic materials

as adequately durable long-term storage media. The Long Now’s Rosetta disk, for ex-
ample, is made of nickel. Arnano, a French technology start-up, has developed a disk
of leucosapphire, on which to micro-etch information about the storage of nuclear
waste. Hitachi announced a new data storage technology that uses quartz glass [28]. It
should be noted that large-scale research is being carried out to create special long-term
data storage media based on the use of highly stable materials and recording methods,
which support different methods of reading. [2,21,22].
    The second problem when creating long-term data storage media concerns the
choice of the form for data presentation, which would enable their interpretation and
use to obtain required information. When choosing data presentation form, not only
technology is taken into consideration, but also the history of coding information for
the purpose of knowledge transmission and preservation. What kind of ‘code’ will be
most easily accessible to future generations, and what technologies will they have avail-
able to help them decrypt a message from the past? These questions of language and
code are inevitably more difficult to answer than that of the storage medium. You can
subject your chosen material to stress tests to make sure that it will stand up to acid,
erosion, or any other kind of potential natural disaster. But there’s no similar test for
language: it’s impossible to predict what codes will be interpretable by the people of
the future, or what technology they’ll have available to decrypt a message. The storage
and transmission of data often requires multiple levels of encoding. Typically, two lay-
ers of encryption are used before we begin to digitise information. Spoken human lan-
guage is itself a code, in which sounds are used to signify things or ideas. The use of a
writing system adds a further layer of encryption: sequences of letters or pictographs
signify the sounds that represent things or ideas. Yet another layer of encryption can
then be applied by translating a writing system into binary numbers. These extra layers
of encoding offer the advantage of increased information density. However, each layer
further complicates the decodability and readability of a message. The Long Now pro-
ject has proposed to store its data in the analogue form (human alphabet), rather than
add an extra layer of encryption by a binary code [28]. To ensure high durability of
long-term storage of information, noise-resistant codes are used. There’s high interest
to non-binary codes working with digital data on a symbol level, e.g. with bytes of
information. Non-binary codes are used in channels with grouped errors as components
of cascade codes to ensure error control on various types of optical media (CD, DVD,
Вlu-rау, etc.) [28].
   It is proposed to record information on long-term storage media by means of placing
diminished graphic or textual images onto the medium, which can be read by optical
systems using appropriate magnification. The advantage of this way of presentation is
that subsequent retrieval of information doesn’t require special reading devices or soft-
ware. The optical resolution required to read the data is defined by the diminution used
for recording. Such data presentation is used on several types of sapphire and metal
disks [2]. Presenting data as microimages complicates their processing and lowers the
processing speed. Blu-ray disks intended for long-term storage incorporate redundant
codes to ensure their quality [29]. These codes are inserted into the data area on the
disk, separate from the customer's user data. When these codes are shown to the cus-
tomers, they often say that it looks as if unknown data is inserted. A new method was

devised to insert redundant codes that conforms to the Universal Disk Format (UDF),
an international Blu-ray Disc standard [29]. Piql microfilm uses data recording as QR-
codes [2,25]. Since there is no universal type of large capacity long-term data storage
device, long-term storage systems and archives are created on different media types.
Long-term electronic archives use various types of storage devices. As no digital media
can guarantee long-term data storage, microfilm with analogue recording method is
widely used for archiving. When produced using modern materials and stored under
specific conditions, microfilm can ensure data storage for centuries [22,23]. It should
be noted that using photographic film with gelatine information layer is hardly an opti-
mal choice for a noise-resistant and disaster tolerant storage medium. Choosing the
best available long-term storage medium is quite challenging. The reason is that the
choice is completely dependent on the area of application and customer preferences.
Using two or three different storage devices is recommended in order to ensure maxi-
mum security [2]. In case one of them fails, the other ones will preserve the data. Spe-
cial underground repositories like Barbarastollen (Germany), Granite Mountain Record
Vault, Iron Mountain (USA), the Arctic World Archive on Spitsbergen (Norway) and
more are created in order to store data on microfilm [2,24].
   The following are examples of using different types of media to create long-term
storage archives:

 Long term data storage systems are created based on hard disk drives. An example
  is ColdStorage run by Facebook. It is optimised in terms of energy efficiency and
  higher recording density, not performance or accessibility. To achieve this, magnetic
  drives are used, which are not intended for continuous operation, but allow changing
  disk rotation speed, increasing their number in one rack, and decreasing the number
  of simultaneously rotating disks. Due to the use of such storage technology, energy
  consumption per 1 exabyte disk array is about 0,375MW instead of 1.5MW [35].
 The robotised library on Panasonic optical disks established by Saint Petersburg
  State University can store data for 50 years or more [26]. Facebook proposes a sig-
  nificantly larger optical disk-based repository – this is an experimental repository
  comprised of 300,000 optical disks storing 30 petabytes of data. A specific disk with
  requested files is found by a robot. An optical storage system is projected to store up
  to 150 petabytes. Such system increases the access time to requested files signifi-
  cantly, however, its advantages are increased guaranteed preservation time and 80%
  lower energy consumption [35].
 Magnetic tape is widely used to store meteorological monitoring data [6, 7]. The
  European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) Data Centre processes on av-
  erage one petabyte of data per day. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments
  produce about 90 petabytes of data per year, and additional 25 petabytes of data are
  produced per year for data from other (non-LHC) experiments at CERN. Archiving
  the vast quantities of data is an essential function at CERN. Magnetic tapes are used
  as the main long-term storage medium, and data from the archive are continuously
  migrated to newer technology, higher density tapes [27]. For long-term archiving,
  tape storage offers tangible advantages over storage on on-line systems. It is ten
  times cheaper to store a gigabyte of data on tape than on HDD or SSD. The service

  life of tape media is considerably longer, there are little or no hysteresis losses, and
  multiple error correction mechanisms can be used. Storing data on tape does not
  entail any energy consumption, and the high packing density means that only small
  quantities of material are required [31].
 Solid state devices are becoming increasingly used for archival storage. The use of
  SSD capacities considerably boosts performance as compared to traditional hard
  drives [34].
 The central repository of Germany's cultural heritage, located in a disused mine in
  Black Forest, uses microfilm to store data. Information is stored on 32,000km of
  microfilm (over one billion images). Records continue to be added to the archive at
  the rate of 1.5 million documents per year [24]. Microfilm is also the primary me-
  dium in the state system of insurance fund of the documentation of Ukraine. Modern
  microfilm, when stored in proper conditions, preserve its characteristics for over 500
  years. For the purpose of long-term storage of archival fonds, special repositories
  are created, designed to ensure durable data storage [24].


1. Creating long-term data storage systems is a scientific and technological objective
   of high importance, having its impact on the progress in many fields of today’s in-
   dustry, as well as on the communication of knowledge to future generations.
2. Continuous increase in amounts of data subject to long-term storage and physical
   limitations of storage device capacities result in network-based data storage systems
   (DSSs) becoming the primary trend in creating long-term data storage systems.
3. When creating long-term data storage systems based on various architectures, spe-
   cial media for long-term data storage are used.

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