46 Application of expert decision-making technologies for fair evaluation in testing problems © Hryhorii Hnatiienko1, © Vitaliy Snytyuk1, © Nataliia Tmienova1 and © Oleksii Voloshyn1 1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine g.gna5@ukr.net,snytyuk@gmail.com,tmyenovox@gmail.com, olvoloshyn@ukr.net Abstract. New approaches to evaluation in testing problems are considered. The closed type questions are investigated and the substantiated formulas of the def- inition of testing results are offered. To formalize testing, the apparatus of deci- sion theory and expert technologies are successfully used. The classification of questions during testing is given. A unified approach to the formalization of dif- ferent types of test tasks is introduced. It is proposed to use an algebraic approach to determine the evaluation results in the testing problem. The problem statement, the algorithm for evaluating test results with multiple choice, and an example that illustrates this type of testing are given. The problem of evaluation of test results in conformity assessment tasks is considered. The problem statement, formalities for establishing conformity, variants of formulas, and an illustrative example for calculating the degree of similarity between answer variants are described. The problem statement and algorithm for solving the problem of estimating the cor- rectness of the sequence established by the respondents are described. Keywords: formalization of testing, expert evaluation, decision making, classi- fication of testing problems. 1 Introduction Testing is ambiguous, debatable, but reliable, powerful, effective, and, for some areas of human life, an irreplaceable tool. In particular, the testing procedure is fruitfully used in programming, engineering, medicine, psychiatry, education, etc. Moreover, for ex- ample, pedagogical testing performs several functions simultaneously: educational, di- agnostic, evaluative, stimulating, developing, educational, and so on. Today, there are many opinions about the appropriateness of using tests. On the one hand, tests are seen as a means of positive improvement of the educational process in the direction of its technologicalization, reducing complexity and objectivity. On the other hand, tests are seen as a means of reducing the role of the teacher, and test results are sometimes considered unreliable. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. It is necessary to use and develop the best features of this approach and reject those that negatively affect the use of the Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 47 tool. It should be noted that testing itself is gradually becoming the main form of exams. After all, the tests eliminate the shortcomings of empirical control: the test consists of a number of tasks in a certain direction and a standard known to the teacher that is a sample of complete and correct performance of the task. At the same time, incorrect approach to the organization of testing or unreasonable as- sessment can lead to appeals, demotivation of respondents, claims against teachers, al- legations of unfair and non-transparent assessment, disputes, and other misunderstand- ings. Therefore, the study of some non-trivial types of questions used in testing is rele- vant and necessary. Despite comprehensive and partly well-founded criticism, testing the educational pro- cess has a number of advantages:  it is a qualitative and objective method of assessment, as procedures for conducting and verifying the quality of test tasks for all respondents in the group are standardized;  testing is a fairly accurate tool, as the scale of the test depends on the number of questions included in it, and can vary greatly;  it is a sizable tool that allows you to determine the level of knowledge of the re- spondent throughout the discipline as a whole and in its individual sections;  it is a soft tool that puts all respondents on equal conditions, using a single procedure and common evaluation criteria;  it is a fair method of assessing knowledge, which puts all respondents on an equal footing in the process of control and assessment of the knowledge, significantly elimi- nating the subjectivity of the teacher: there is information that testing can reduce the number of appeals more than three times;  is cost-effective because the main costs of this method of evaluation are one-time and are much lower than in written or oral control. 2 Relevance of the research The problem of studying and improving testing for many years is the focus of re- searchers of different countries. Various aspects and various problems of knowledge control are studied by many domestic and foreign scientists [1-3]. Today, a significant number of publications are devoted to studying the possibilities and prospects of com- puter technology testing students' knowledge [4-7]. Models of e-learning development in virtual reality [8], learning through computer games [9] and the concept of lifelong learning are also considered [10, 11]. Fuzzy formulations and heuristics in the assess- ment [12-15], information communication systems in the educational environment [16], assessment methods in distance learning [17, 18] are investigated. Comprehensive study and improvement of testing processes [6, 14] will help to improve and modernize the quality of the education system as a whole. 48 3 Classification of question types in test tasks Many researchers study various aspects of testing. Therefore, there are different classi- fications of tests that have different degrees of justification. For the purposes of this work, the authors propose a modified classification of test tasks. Test tasks are tradi- tionally divided into two large groups: closed-ended and open-ended. Today there are about 300 types of test questions. There are different approaches to the classification of test questions. In this article, we will follow this approach to the classification of test questions. Table 1. Classification of test tasks Types of Closed-ended test questions Types of Open-ended test closed- open- questions ended ended questions questions Type 1.1 Dichotomous questions (True- Type 2.1 Supplement the an- false questions): choosing an swer alternative answer Type 1.2 Multiple choice questions with Type 2.2 Short answer ques- the choice of one correct an- tion swer Type 1.3 Multiple choice questions with Type 2.3 Essay question a choice of several correct an- swers Type 1.4 Matching questions Type 2.4 Calculating the result Type 1.5 Ordering questions Type 2.5 Determining the in- terval of values Problems using open-ended questions will not be considered in this paper. We formal- ize the first five types of questions in different classes of problems and unify the as- sessments on these questions. 4 Formalization of question types that are used in the control of knowledge To optimize knowledge control, it is necessary to use the following procedures:  unification of assessment;  ensuring the information unity of the evaluation;  ensuring systematic evaluation;  unambiguous interpretation of questions;  unambiguous formation of the assessment on the basis of answers. The implementation of these procedures is associated with the formalization of ques- tion types, procedures for their evaluation, and criteria for determining a comprehensive assessment [19]. 49 Let the total number of questions that cover the subject area, according to the ontology, and form a logical scheme of testing, be equal n . They are all divided into k types, depending on what type of answer should be matched the question.  The set of questions is described as follows:  Q  Q1 , Q 2 ,..., Q n   Q1 , Q 2 ,..., Qn1 , Q n1 1 ,..., Q n k 1 , Qn k 1 1 ,..., Q nk (1) Questions of type 1.1 are formally presented as follows: Q1  Qi , Ai 0,1,1 , (2) Q1  Qi1  where the subset of questions of type 1.1, the questions of the first type, Qi1  Q1 i  1,..., n1 Ai1  , , the set of possible answers to i  th question, 1 - the number A1 , i  1,..., n1  of answers to be selected from the set of values i . Q 2  Qi , Ai a1 , a2 ,..., a p ,1 Questions of type 1.2 are formally presented as follows: 1 , (3)   a  where i  n1  1,..., n2 , j possible answers to questions of type 1.2, j  1,..., pi  , pi  the number of answer options. Q 3  Qi , Ai a1 , a 2 ,..., a p , d i Questions of type 1.3 are defined by the following formalism: i , (4) where i  n2  1,..., n3  , j possible answers to questions of type 1.3, di  the possi- a  d i  const  2, pi  di  ble number of answers, moreover and determined a priori or d  1, pi  a variable, i . Questions of type 1.4, where the elements of one set should be placed in accordance with the elements of another set, are called matching questions and formally described as follows:    Q 4  Qi , Ai Ai1 , Ai2 , f Di1 , Di2 ,  (5) i  n3  1,..., n 4  Ai , Ai  1 2 where , the sets of elements between which we should to f :D1i  Di2  establish a correspondence, the answer in the form of an established cor- Ai1 , Ai2 respondence between the sets . Questions of type 1.5, where the correct sequence of actions or words (answer op- tions, etc.) should be established, are used in ordering test tasks and described by the following  formalism: Q 5  Qi , Ai a1 , a2 ,..., a pi , Ri, (6) where i  n 4  1,..., n  5 , a j  answers options to questions of type 1.5 of the set of elementsRfor which ai1  aiit2 is...necessary  ai n to establish the correct sequence, that is to build a ranking i 5 . Questions of type 1.1 and type 1.2 are trivial, so let us take a closer look at ap- proaches to formalizing the last three types of questions. Each of the questions of type 1.3-1.5 contains ambiguity and uncertainty, so they should be formalized for the unam- biguous perception of such questions. 50 5 Evaluation of test results in the analysis of the answers of type 1.3 (with multiple choice) Consider a formal description of multiple choice in closed-ended testing questions. Note that models and methods of multiple choice based on the axiom of non-displace- ment were studied in the monograph [19]. 5.1 Statement of the problem with multiple choice of options Suppose that we have a set of answer options a i  A, i  I  1,..., n, the number of n  A. which is equal to n , Part of the answers n1 , n1  n , are correct and they 1 n , n0  n, form a subset A , A  A, and the other part of the answers 0 1 are false and they form a subset A , A  A, , moreover A  A  A. In addition, we assume that 0 0 1 0 a i  A, i  I , all answers to the test are equivalent. For many test tasks, this statement is natural and logical. For example, to choose from given variants of numbers those that are divisors of a given number. There are many options for this type of task. That is, such an approach takes place in everyday life and the task of its formalization in testing is relevant. The peculiarity of such tasks is that they reflect the well-known truth: "Many men, many minds." Therefore, the de- cision must be justified to the measure prompted by the logic of its construction, the evaluation policy determined by the test organizers, common sense, and so on. For the specified statement of the testing problem, it is expedient to apply the algebraic approach to the definition of results of estimation which is successfully used in the theory of decision-making and at the application of technologies of expert estimation. In the algebraic approach, formalization involves the calculation and justification of all possible answers. The maximum number of points for a reliably selected subset of op- tions is equal to B . The number of points for a correctly selected element of a subset of correct answers b  B /n1 . 5.2 Statement of the problem with multiple choice Algorithm for evaluating test results with multiple choice of answer options Therefore, problems that a priori depend on the subjective component cannot be solved without the use of heuristics. The heuristic formula of determination of a point estima- tion for a choice of answer variants in the form of the set V  A which is generated by  V answers of the respondent is offered. Moreover, the number of elements in the 0    n. set V can be different: from 0 to n, Let the number of correct answers selected by the respondent be  1 , and the number of incorrect answers, which he iden-  ,  1   0    n . Accordingly, the number of answer options tified as correct be 0 that are not involved in the respondent's response to the question is equal to n   . 51 Heuristics H1. The value of the fine k for each mismatch of the answer is entered. It is equal to:  H1.1 - some reasonable coefficient k that reflects the subjective perception of the testing organizers about the "error price", for example, k  2 ; k  1  p0 , p   H1.2 - the value of the expression where 0 the probability of incor- rect answer;  H1.3 - the value of some function k  f Е1 n0 , p0 , set by the experts, which depends on the number of incorrect answers and their probabilities. Heuristics H2. For the incomplete answer, that is when   n1 , a partial proportional assignment of points is assumed:  H2.1 - in accordance with the ratio of the received correct answers  1   , to the total number of correct answers n1 ;  H2.2 - the value of some function f Е 2 n1 , p1 , set by experts, where the p1  prob- ability of obtaining the correct answer. Of course, a partially correct answer can be guessed by the respondent with a higher probability, but the scores for it are also attributed proportionally lower. Heuristics H3. For situations when the respondent did not select any answer   0  or all answers are marked as correct, i.e.   n, the penalty is a zero score for lack of selectivity: B  0 . Important and ambiguous is the situation when the respondent did not identify any correct answer. In this case, a respondent may indicate a different number of incorrect answers. Depending on the policy of planning test tasks and the position of the decision- maker, this situation can be described and regulated by additional heuristics. Heuristics H4.1. In the absence of correct answers, the score is always zero, regard- less of the number of incorrect answers. Heuristics E4.2. When the number of correct answers is zero, fewer incorrect an- swers are preferable to more incorrect answers. To formalize this heuristic, we use the lower limit of the described situation. To do this, consider the decision-making situation, which is formalized by a tabular function c  1  1, 0  n0  , when the respondent identified one correct answer v1  1 and all 0 n v0  n0 incorrect answers . According to the described technology, the value of the estimate is determined by the following heuristics. Heuristics H5. We will assume that the situation c  1  0, 0  1 is next to the situa- tion c  1  1, 0  n0  and worsens the resulting assessment by one step, i.e. c  1  0, 0  1 c  1  1, 0  n0  c  1  1, 0  n0  1 = - . The following situations of de- termining the resulting assessment are calculated in one of the ways: c  1  0, 0  i  c 1  0, 0  i  1 / k i  2,..., n0 .  H5.1 - descending function: = for  E5.2 - the situation c 1  0, 0  n0  is equivalent to the situation 1   0  n : c  1  n1 , 0  n0  i.e. its consequence is a zero assessment of the respondent. In this 52 case, estimates for different numbers of incorrect answers 0   1,..., n  with zero 0 number of correct answers  1  0  are determined as follows: c  1  0, 0  i  c  1  1, 0  n 0  i  c  1  1, 0  n0  n0 i  1,..., n0 . = - / , 5.3 Example of testing with multiple choice of options Let us consider the situation of constructing a test task with the following parameters: n  5, n1  3, n0  2. Without reducing the generality, we will assume that in the op- tions for answers to the test question, the first three answers are correct, and the last two are incorrect. That is, the question is posed in such a way that true and false answers can be presented in the form of a vector: (1,1,1,0,0). In the vectors that correspond to the answers of the respondent, the elements will be marked as follows: "1", if the respondent chose the correct answer, "0", if the respond- ent chose the wrong answer, and "*", if there is no answer. Heuristics H1.1, H2.1 and H3 are used in the construction of this illustrative test assessment. Thus, heuristics H1, H2, H3 are transformed into such answer options and such estimates are calculated for them. Answer 1: a  1,*,*,*,*   *,1,*,*,*   *,*,1,*,* 1    c a1  1 / 3 ; a  2 1,1,*,*,*   *,1,1,*,*   1,*,1,*,*   c a   2 / 3 2 Answer 2: ; a  3 1,1,1,*,*   c a   1 3 Answer 3: ; Answer 4: a  1,*,*,0,*  *,1,*,0,*  *,*,1,0,*  1,*,*,*,0   *,1,*,*,40   *,*,1,*,0  4  ca    1/ 3 / 2  1/ 6 ; Answer 5: a  1,*,*, 0,0   *,1,*,0,0   *,*,1,0,0  5  ca    1 / 3 / 4  1 / 12 ; 5 Answer 6: a  1,1,*,0,*  *,1,1,0,*  1,*,1,0,*  1,1,*,*, 0   1,*,1,*,60  6  ca    2 / 3 / 2  1/ 3 ; Answer 7: a  1,1,*,0,0   *,1,1,0,0   1,*,1,0,0  7  ca    2 / 3 / 4  1/ 6 ; 7 Answer 8: a  1,1,1,0,*  1,1,1,*,0  8    c a  1/ 2 8 ; a  9 1,1,1, 0,*   1,1,1,*, 0   c a   1 / 2 9 Answer 9: . When constructing test content, you can use heuristics that will have different pat- terns and correspond to other configurations of answers. Depending on the choice of heuristics, the sensitivity of the function that determines the value of the resulting esti- mate changes. But the problem of selecting such heuristics is not the subject of this work. 53 6 Evaluation of test results in the analysis of the answers of type 1.4 (matching questions) Statements of testing problems in the analysis of the answers of type 1.4 can be varied and their comprehensive review is not the subject of research in this paper. Let us con- sider only some aspects of research problems that may arise when using this type of testing. 6.1 Statement of the problem of matching A  a1 ,..., an  Suppose we have some set of n elements, which we will call the set of B  b1 ,..., bm  k definitions, and a set of elements, which we will call the set of values. The test (true, reliable, known, correct, ideal, etc.) correspondence of the elements of the0 set of definitions A to the elements of the set of values B given by1 the mapping f : A B . The task of the respondent is to establish the mapping f between the 0 sets A and B , and which will be as close as possible to the test mapping f . Based 0 1 on the differences between the test reflection f and the reflection f given by the respondents, a reasonable and fair assessment should be determined. It is clear that this type of test task can have different relations: injection, surjection, and ideally bijection. The type of relation in the test task can be reported to the respond- ent in advance, before testing, or not be reported, then the student's task becomes more complicated. 6.2 Formalisms for establishing matching At such statement of a problem various configurations of initial data can take place:  all elements of the set A must be matched to all elements of the set B ;  all elements of the set A must be matched to some elements of the set B , B   B ; A, A  A  some elements of the set , must be matched to all elements of the set; A, A  A  some elements of the set , must be matched to some elements of the set B , B  B . The following problem can be formalized using known formalisms:  injective mapping, when a relationship is established between the elements of two sets, in which two different elements of the set A are never compared the same element of the set B ;  surjective mapping, when for each element of the set B there is at least one element of the set A , such that f a   b ;  bijective reflection, which is both injective and surjective. 54 It is clear that the bijection between sets A and B can be established only if they are of equal power. 6.3 Variants of formulas for calculating the similarity measure between the options for matching 0 s  For further presentation, we introduce additional notations. Let A be a subset of 0 s  objects of the set , A A  A , the elements (element) of which correspond to the subset B  B in the test mapping f , s  1,2,... . The value of the index s  1,2,... s 0 depends on the specific statement of the problem and, in particular, on what mapping it is formalized: injection, surjection or bijection. The corresponding subsets given by the respondents will be denoted by A  A , l  1,..., k , where k  the number of re- l s  spondents. The formulas for determining the similarity measures between the test mapping and the mapping performed by the l  th student, l  1,..., k , which are proposed in    Sl [20], are as follows:  l1  2   A l  s   A 0  s  / A l  s   A 0  s  / S l s 1 , (7)   Sl   l  2    A  A / max A , A 2  l s  0s  l s  0s    / Sl s 1   , (8)    l3   2   Al s   A 0  s  / Al  s   A 0 s   / S l Sl s 1 , (9) l l A S l , l  1,..., k ,  where the number of elements of the set A is denoted by ; the number of subsets of the set B used by the l  th student in answering the test task. Sl The fourth formula proposed in [20]:  l 4    l s  s 1 , (10)  1 / S , if   , s  1,..., S l lset l l  s  th respondent ,  1,..., k , are defined as follows: l where  the values l s    correct mathing of s  th element, 0, if l  th respondent was mistaken.  6.4 Example of calculating the degree of similarity between the options for matching There are different interpretations of the described problem. Consider a situation A  a1 ,..., a9  where the set of definitions A consists of 9 elements: , and the set of 55 B  b1 , b2 , b3  0 values B consists of 3 elements: . The test mapping f looks like a1 , a3 , a7   b1  , a2 , a5 , a6 , a8   b2 , a4 , a9   b3  . The answers of the four respondents will be presented in the form of a table: Table 2. Results of the survey on matching Indices of respond- Indices of the set B b1 b2 b3 ents 0 (test mapping) a1 , a 3 , a 7  a 2 , a 5 , a 6 , a 8  a 4 , a 9  1st respondent a1 , a2 , a3 , a7  a 5 , a 6 , a 8 , a 9  a4  2nd respondent a1 , a3 , a5 , a7 , a8  a 2 , a 4 , a 6 , a 9   3rd respondent a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , a 5  a1 , a 6 , a8  a7 , a9  4th respondent a 2 , a 3 , a 5 , a 7 , a 8  a1 , a4  a6 , a9  The cells of the table contain subsets of the elements of the set A , which each of the respondents put in accordance with the subsets of the set B , each of which in this example consists of one element. The order of the elements of sets is insignificant and indicates only the fact of assignment to a subset, not its importance. The sign of an empty set means that the 2nd respondent did not refer to the third subset of the set B any element of the set A . As a result of calculating the similarity measures given by formulas (7) - (10), we obtain table 3. Table 3. Values of similarity measures for test mappings and mappings specified by respondents Indices of respond- Index of similarity measure ents  1  2   3   4  0 (test mapping) 0 0 0 0 1st respondent 0,669 0,583 0,617 0,778 2nd respondent 0,417 0,367 0,311 0,556 3rd respondent 0,397 0,333 0,3 0,444 4th respondent 0,278 0,217 0,222 0,333 Based on the similarity measures calculated in this way, it is possible to determine the estimates of the respondents based on the test results. To do this, let us enter addi- tional heuristics. Heuristics H6. Choosing the similarity measure among those described by formulas (7) - (10). 56 Heuristics H7. Choosing a formula to translate thel similarity measure into a score. c   l t   M c  t For example, l , where l the score,   selected similarity measure for the l  th respondent using the heuristics H6, M  the maximum value of the rating scale. 7 Evaluation of test results in the analysis of the answers of type 1.5 (ordering questions) This paper considers a closed-ended problem, namely the problem of arranging list el- ements in a certain sequence, i.e. determining the order of elements (objects, alterna- tives, entities), sequence of actions, operations, processes, calculations, chain of events, judgments, etc. In this case, the respondent is offered a list of concepts, phenomena, dates, words, etc., which he must arrange in the correct sequence. Such test tasks occur in various fields, for example: - establish a chronological sequence of events; - determine some logical sequence; - to formulate some definition from a set of randomly given words; - arrange some numbers in ascending or descending order; - to restore the order of proof of some theorem; - write a sequence of calculations when writing program code, which provides the definition of the value of a given formula, etc. Such tasks help to formulate algorithmic thinking in students, consolidate the rele- vant knowledge and skills. Consider a formal description of the ordering of elements in closed-ended questions during testing. Note that the models and methods for determining the competence of respondents on the basis of the axiom of immutability in the ranking of alternatives were studied, in particular, in the monograph [21]. 7.1 Statement of the problem of assessing the correctness of the established sequential order a i  A, i  I  1,..., n Suppose a set of elements of a complete answer , is given, the number of these elements is equal to n, i.e. n  A . The respondent must build a linear (complete) order on this set, i.e. a strict ranking of the given elements of the an- swer. We will indicate the correct order of elements, which is known to the teacher, and 0 for0 which the respondent receives the maximum score, by R , R  ai1  ai2  ...  ain , i j  I , j  I . Thus, the testing procedure can be formal- ized in the class of ranking problems. Note that the ability to guess the answer is the main reason for the negative attitude of teachers to the closed-ended form of tasks. To eliminate this shortcoming, even the correction of test scores on guess is used, the essence of which is that from the total 57 score obtained by each respondent the number that can be guessed is subtracted in ac- cordance with the provisions of probability theory. Since the number of possible answers for the problems of ranking elements is equal to n! , then even if n  5, for example, n!  5!  120 , and it increases significantly with an increasing number of elements to be arranged. That is, the probability of guessing the correct answer is extremely low. Therefore, educators' warnings about the possibil- ity of guessing are unfounded. 7.2 Solution algorithm When evaluating the tasks of ordering the set of given elements, the dichotomous evaluation of the task is most often used: "Yes" - "No", 0 or 1. Some heuristic evaluation rules are used less often. For example, a correctly completed task is evaluated with three points, the error at the end of the task is evaluated at 2 points, the error in the middle of the task is evaluated at 1 point, and the error at the beginning of the task entails zero evaluation value. It should be noted that sometimes in these tasks it is advisable to establish only a dichotomous, binary assessment. But a large number of test tasks allow for variation of estimates in a wide range. We will apply the algebraic approach where it is appropriate and justified. That is, the value of the respondent’s assessment C R * will proportionally depend on the distance of 0 his answer R * to the correct (or - ideal,0 reference)M answer R , and symbolically indicate this in this way: C R *  B  (1  d ( R , R*) / d ) , where B  the maximum possible score for the answer, d  the maximum possible dis- M tance, i.e. the distance from the correct answer to the completely incorrect (the opposite to R 0  a1  a 2  a3  a 4 the ideal) answer. For example, when the correct answer is , then R*  a4  a3  a2  a1 the farthest from it, the "worst" answer is . According to works [21, 22], distances in ordinal (rank) scales, in particular, in rankings, are measured using various metrics, in particular:  Cook d К (R 0 metrics  mismatch , R*) of  ri 0  ri*of, ranks (places, positions) of list elements iI (11) ri0  where the rank of the i  th element of the list in the reference ranking of the ri*  the rank of the i  th element of the list in the ranking 0 elements of the list R , * of the elements R specified by the respondent; R*)  d H ( R 0 , metrics  Hamming  bij0  bij* , iI jI (12) bij0  1 i, j  I , 0 where , if and only if in the correct answer R there is a relation a i  a j , i, j  I ; bij0  1 i, j  I , 0 ai  a j , i , j  I , if in the correct answer R there is a relation ; 58 bij*  1 i, j  I , * , if and only if in the answer of the respondent R there is a relation ai  a j , i, j  I ; bij*  1 i, j  I , * , if the respondent defined the following order in his answer R : a i  a j , i, j  I . 1/ 2  Euclid metrics  2  Е 0  d ( R , R*)    ri 0  ri*  ,  iI  iI ;  preference vector, the elements of which are the number of alternatives that precede each alternative in the ranking [23]. The maximum possible distances between the standard and the worst ranking: M  for Cook metrics of the form (11) dK  n 2 / 2 for even n ; and M d K  ( n 2  1) / 2 for odd n ;  for M the Hamming metric of the form (12) the maximum distance is dH  n ( n  1) / 2 . It should be noted that the partial answers of the respondent should also be perceived and fairly assessed. It is clear that this procedure must be justified and formalized. That is, the approach described in this paper can be generalized in case of incomplete an- swers (when the respondent could not complete the test for technical reasons, did not have time to complete the test, does not know the complete correct answer, but is sure of its fragments, does not want to give a full ranking of a given set of elements). This situation can be considered as a case of incomplete rankings. 8 Conclusions The paper proposes new approaches to calculating the assessment in testing using dif- ferent types of questions:  multiple choice questions;  matching questions;  ordering questions. The approaches proposed by the authors are reasonable and formalized, so they can be applied in different subject areas. A positive feature of the proposed approaches is the transparency of a priori of testing rules set by the organizers, the absence of situa- tions of uncertainty during the evaluation procedure, monotony of the behavior of the function, which reflects the integrated evaluation of the respondent. In addition, the described approaches allow the possibility for further development and improvement. Approaches previously used in practice have been proposed primarily because of their simplicity. However, due to the development of soft computing [24], such approaches can be supplemented, as it is necessary to distinguish, for example, a completely incor- rect answer from a partially incorrect one. 59 References 1. Avanesov V.S. Form of test tasks: textbook / V.S.Avanesov. – M.: Testing Cen- ter, 2005. – 153p. 2. Balykina E.N. Questions of construction of test tasks: ucheb.-method. allowance / E.N. Balykina, V.D. Skakovsky // Fundamentals of pedagogical change. Issues of de- velopment and use of pedagogical tests; edited by V.D. Skakovskiy. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2009. – Pp. 128–155. 3. Efremova N.F. Test control in education: a textbook / N.F. Efremova. – М.: Litagent "Logos" publishing house, 2007. – 217 p. 4. Povidaychyk M.M. Modern computer technologies for testing students' knowledge / M.M. Povidaychyk, O.V. Povidaychyk // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Pedagogy. Social work. – 2011. – Vol. 21. – Pp. 160-163. 5. Avanesov V.S. 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