=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2860/paper1 |storemode=property |title=A Pilot Study on Annotating Scenes in Narrative Text using SceneML |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2860/paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2860 |authors=Tarfah Alrashid,Robert Gaizauskas |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecir/AlrashidG21 }} ==A Pilot Study on Annotating Scenes in Narrative Text using SceneML== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2860/paper1.pdf
    A Pilot Study on Annotating Scenes in Narrative Text
                      using SceneML

                                 Tarfah Alrashid1,2                 Robert Gaizauskas1
                         Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
                                     University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

                         SceneML is a framework for annotating scenes in narratives, along with
                         their attributes and relations [GA19]. It adopts the widely held view
                         of scenes as narrative elements that exhibit continuity of time, loca-
                         tion and character. Broadly, SceneML posits scenes as abstract dis-
                         course elements that comprise one or more scene description segments
                         – contiguous sequences of sentences that are the textual realisation of
                         the scene – and have associated with them a location, a time and a
                         set of characters. A change in any of these three elements signals a
                         change of scene. Additionally, scenes stand in narrative progression re-
                         lations with other scenes, relations that indicate the temporal relations
                         between scenes. In this paper we describe a first small-scale, multi-
                         annotator pilot study on annotating selected SceneML elements in real
                         narrative texts. Results show reasonable agreement on some but not
                         all aspects of the annotation. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of
                         the results suggest how the task definition and guidelines should be

1    Introduction
We all have an informal idea of what constitutes a scene in a narrative, such as in literature or in film: the story
moves to a di↵erent location; or one set of characters exits the story and another set enters; or we are taken
forwards or backwards in time. Scenes are the fundamental building blocks of extended narrative, the chunks
into which narrative naturally divides.
   Despite the ubiquity of the notion in literary studies, in particular in narrative theory and in drama studies,
there has been little work on formalising a notion of scene or on developing an annotation framework for scenes
such that automated approaches to scene segmentation might be developed. Why might one want to do this? One
reason is that as in any area of literary or linguistic studies, operationalising a theoretical model in a computer
program and applying to data allows one to verify or, if necessary, to refine the theory to give it empirical
support. Another reason is that there are several potential applications for automated scene segmentation
capability. These include: (1) automatic text illustration [JWL04, AGKK11, FL10], since scenes are the likely
discourse units with which to associate illustrations; (2) aligning books with movies [ZKZ+ 15], since scenes are the
high level units to be aligned; (3) automatic generation of image descriptions [KPD+ 11, DFUL17, YTDIA11],

Copyright © by the paper’s authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
In: R. Campos, A. Jorge, A. Jatowt, S. Bhatia, M. Finlayson (eds.): Proceedings of the Text2Story’21 Workshop, Online, 1-April-
2021, published at http://ceur-ws.org

where scene-segmented narratives could provide background knowledge about what sorts of descriptive elements
should be mentioned in descriptions of particular scene-types; and, (4) automatic narrative generation [CL02],
which could benefit from a corpus of scene-segmented narratives on which to train models.
   To address the lack of a formal model of scene annotation in narrative text Gaizauskas and Alrashid [GA19]
proposed an annotation framework called SceneML. That paper is an initial, theoretical proposal for an annota-
tion framework comprising annotations for entities, including scenes, scene description segments, times, locations
and characters, and for relations between scenes, such as narrative progression relations. While that paper laid
the foundation for SceneML as a framework for scene annotation, it did not report any empirical work on anno-
tating a collection of texts, nor did it discuss levels of agreement obtainable by annotators. This paper addresses
these considerations, reporting the first pilot study on applying SceneML to real narrative texts in which multiple
annotators applied SceneML to annotate selected SceneML elements in several chapters from a children’s story.
   The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews the SceneML annotation framework to
enable this paper to be read stand-alone. Section 3 describes the pilot study carried out and the results, both
quantitative and qualitative, of an analysis of inter-annotator agreement. It also discusses the implications of
the pilot study for SceneML and what steps need to be taken to improve inter-annotator agreement. Section 4
summarises our findings and discusses future work.

2      SceneML
This section provides a compressed overview of the SceneML framework, as introduced in [GA19]. All references
to SceneML in the following are to that paper.

2.1     The Annotation Framework
Adopting the most widely accepted definition of scene in the literature, we treat a scene as a unit of a story in
which the elements of time, location, and main characters are constant. Any change in these elements indicates
a change of scene. A scene is an abstract discourse element, not a specific span of text. It consists of a location
or setting, a time and characters who are involved in the events that take place in the scene. These elements
exist in the real or fictive world, i.e. the storyworld as per narrative theory [Sch10], within which the narrative
unfolds. “The scene itself is an abstraction away from the potentially infinitely complex detail of that real or
fictive world, a cognitive construct that makes finite, focussed narrative possible” (SceneML, §3.1).
    A scene in a textual narrative is realised through one or more scene description segments (SDS). An SDS is “a
contiguous span of text that, possibly together with other SDSs, expresses a scene” (SceneML, §3.1). Typically
a scene consists of a single SDS. However, a scene may reference other scenes, e.g. scenes involving past or future
events. The SDSs describing these events may be embedded within the description of the embedding scene,
causing its textual realisation to be split into multiple, non-textually adjacent SDSs. A scene may also be realised
through multiple SDSs if “the author is employing the narrative device of rotating between multiple concurrent
scenes each of which is advancing a distinct storyline (a common technique in action movies)” (SceneML, §3.1).
    It is important to define what each element of a scene (characters, time, location) is to facilitate the annotation
process and make it easier to detect scene changes if any of the elements change. We propose to adopt the
definitions and annotation standards for the elements time, location, and spatial entities from Iso-TimeML and
Iso-Space 1 . As for characters, we will adopt the definition and annotation standards for named entities of type
person from the ACE program, recently used in the TAC 2018 entity discovery and linking task 2 .
    These previous standards facilitate the annotation process for all mentions of times, locations/spatial entities
and persons represented in the text. However, we are interested in just the specific characters, time, and location
that define a specific scene.

2.2     SceneML Elements
SceneML elements are categorised into two main categories:

    1. Entities: entities consists of scenes, SDSs, characters, times, and locations;
    1 www.iso.org/standard/37331.html and www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:60779.
   2 See    http://nlp.cs.rpi.edu/kbp/2018/        and       https://www.ldc.upenn.edu/sites/www.ldc.upenn.edu/files/

    2. Relations: scene-scene narrative progression links, relational links connecting times, characters, locations
       to the scenes in which they are participant elements and connecting SDS’s to the scenes they comprise. At
       present these relational links are all represented via attributes on entities.

    Scenes are the main element in SceneML. A scene has attributes: id, time and location. It also includes a
list of character sub-elements as there may be more than one character for each scene.
   Scene description segments (SDSs) are the contiguous sequences of words from the narrative text that comprise
the textual realisation of a scene. One SDS cannot belong to more than one scene, but a scene can be composed
of multiple SDSs. SDS attributes include: id and scene id, i.e the id of the scene that the SDS belongs to.
   Time elements used here are the ones developed within ISO-TimeML. Each time annotation includes an id
attribute and a text segment. Time can also be the time of the storyworld, signalled by the attribute base.
   We use the location element from ISO-Space. This also includes an id attribute that is unique for each
location mention and a text span.
   Here we use the named entity type person from the ACE English Annotation Guidelines for Entities, the
only di↵erence being that we allow animals and non-humans as characters if they play the role of characters in
the narrative. Person annotations have a unique id attribute for each character mention and a text segment.
Narrative Progression Links
   Narrative progression links (nplinks) link two scenes whose SDSs are textually adjacent. There are di↵erent
types of nplink depending on the type of temporal relation between the two scenes. SceneML (§3.2) recognises
four types of links. Sequence links are assigned when the scene change happens because of a change in location
or characters, e.g. a character moves to another place, but where the events follow in time directly after those
in the linked scene; Analepsis links are used when there is a flashback in one scene to a scene in the past.
Prolepsis links are used when then we are taken forward in time (i.e. flashforward); Concurrent links are
assigned between two scenes when the transition happens because there is another thread of the story happening
at the same time so the transition takes us to di↵erent characters and a di↵erent place but at the same time.
     An extended example of the XML realisation of SceneML annotation can be found in SceneML §4.

3      Methods and Results
3.1     Methods
A small-scale pilot study was carried out to investigate how well-defined our definitions and annotation framework
are with respect to scene boundary identification. Two chapters (chapters 3 and 4) of “Bunnies from the Future”
[Cor16], a children’s story for reading ages 10-13, were selected to be annotated. Three annotators, distinct
from the authors, were identified (postgraduate students, non-native speakers of English) in addition to one of
the authors. They were given annotation guidelines based on the framework explained in section 2 and were
instructed to use the Brat3 annotation tool to annotate the two chapters following the guidelines, with two
simplifying exceptions: (1) annotators were asked not to annotate the scene abstract discourse element; (2) they
were asked not to annotate explicitly any relations. I.e., they were instructed to annotate SDSs and for each
SDS they were asked to annotate the first mention of the time and location of and the characters participating
in the events described in the SDS.
   The first of these simplifications was imposed because the Brat annotation tool, which is a very easy-to-use
tool for annotation text spans, does not support the creation of zero-span annotations. That functionality is
necessary for creating abstract discourse elements, which can then be linked to spans in the text. We could not
    3 http://brat.nlplab.org/

                  Figure 1: Screenshot showing an example of the pilot annotation using Brat.

find any tool that would allow this and was equally easy-to-use, and did not have the resources to create our own.
The problem can be circumvented by linking all SDSs in one scene together with a “same-scene-as” relational
link, thus extensionally specifying a scene as the set of its SDSs.
   The second simplification was imposed for several reasons. First, for this first annotation exercise we were
primarily concerned with determining whether or not annotators could accurately identify and agree on SDS
boundaries. The problem of determining what the narrative links between scenes are is very much a secondary
problem compared to this. As it turns out, all but one of the scenes in the chosen texts consist of a single SDS
and follow each other in temporal sequence. Single-SDS scenes are likely a characteristic of this level of children’s
stories and one reason why we chose such stories for this pilot, though we did not deliberately chose chapters
because they had few scenes with multiple SDSs. Second, given that virtually all scenes consist of a single SDS,
the need to link same-scene SDSs is low. This led us to ignore it altogether for this exercise, though clearly it
will need to be addressed when dealing with more complex narrative structure. Finally, given the absence of
explicit scene elements in the annotation, the times, characters and locations needed to be annotated in each SDS
participating in a scene. This has the disadvantage of forcing the annotator to annotate these things multiple
times per scene, when there are multiple SDSs per scene, but means that (1) the relations linking the scene
elements time, character and location to the scene can be inferred from simple presence of annotated strings
of these types within an SDS and (2) allows the annotator, and subsequently analyst, to validate that distinct
scenes involve a distinction in at least one of time, location and characters (in fact identity of these elements
could be used as another method to indirectly link multiple SDSs in a single scene together, though annotator
error could make this unreliable).
   Figure 1 shows an example annotation from chapter 4; entity segments are highlighted.

3.2   Results
Tables 1, 2 and 3 show the results of the annotation exercise. Table 1 shows information on the numbers of entity
mentions annotated by each annotator and the averages of these numbers. Note that the chapters di↵er in size:
chapter 3 is 124 sentences long (2756 words) and chapter 4 is only 65 (1775 words). The columns SDS, Character,
Location and Time indicate the number of entity mentions annotated for each category by each annotator. Two
averages are computed: (1) entity mentions per chapter averaged over annotators (2) average entity mentions
per SDS for each annotator averaged across all annotators.
   Table 2 shows inter-annotator agreement results. Pair-wise inter-annotator agreement results are computed
using Cohen’s kappa. Averaged inter-annotator agreement results between all annotators are computed using
Fleiss’s kappa. 1 refers to the kappa score for segments of type SDS. For SDSs the kappa score is computed by

Table 1: Statistics about the annotations. SDS, Character, Time and Location columns refer to the number of
segments marked as each entity type per chapter for each annotator. Averages of these numbers by chapter/by
SDS are also shown.

                                                 Chapter 3                             Chapter 4
                                       SDS      Char      Time         Loc     SDS     Char     Time      Loc
                   Ann1                4        19        2            5       5       14       4         6
                   Ann2                5        21        3            3       6       28       4         6
                   Ann3                13       30        8            12      10      28       4         10
                   Ann4                8        21        0            5       9       19       1         6
                   Av/Chapter          7.5      22.75     3.25         6.25    7.5     22.25    3.25      7.25
                   Av/SDS              –        3.67      0.4          0.78    –       3.33     0.55      1.11

Table 2: Inter-annotator agreement results. 1 refers to the kappa score for SDS, 2 refers to kappa score for all
other entities together.

                        Ann2                            Ann3                           Ann4
                        Ch3            Ch4              Ch3             Ch4            Ch3              Ch4
                       1   2         1      2       1      2      1      2     1       2      1       2
             Ann1 0.60 0.54 0.33               0.27     0.15    0.27    0.20    0.300.23 0.19           0.10     0.21
             Ann2                                       0.27    0.20    0.42    0.390.19 0.24           0.35     0.30
             Ann3                                                                   0.72 0.33           0.95     0.52
              Average 1 Ch3: 0.36                                      Average 2 Ch3: 0.29
              Average 1 Ch4: 0.41                                      Average 2 Ch4: 0.34

considering each sentence as a potential candidate for a scene segment boundary. So, each sentence is represented
by either a 1 or 0, 1 if the sentence either contains a scene segment boundary or is preceded or followed by one,
0 otherwise. 2 refers to the kappa score computed for all other entity types (Time, Character and Location).
Here we treat the problem of recognising these three entity types as a token classification problem, following the
widely used named entity recognition approach of IOB tagging (see, e.g., [JM09]). Each word is tagged as either
Time, Character, Location or Outside, where the Outside tag is given to words that are not part of any entity
mention4 .
   Table 3 shows percentage agreement results between each annotator pair for each entity type. These are
computed by creating a confusion matrix of token entity type labels (including type Outside) for each annotator
pair and dividing each value on the diagonal in this confusion matrix by the corresponding row total.

3.3    Discussion
Here we discuss disagreement between the annotators with a view to determining how our annotation guidelines
and/or processes should be improved and whether or not there are any underlying conceptual problems with our
   In the general the Cohen’s kappa scores show what is commonly interpreted as fair (0.21–0.40) to moderate
(0.41–0.60) agreement with a few cases of slight and substantial agreement around the edges. However, as
the qualitative interpretation of kappa scores is contentious, we use these scores primarily as a diagnostic tool,
highlighting areas of relative agreement and disagreement. Looking the scores overall, several observations can
be made. First, the annotator pair (Ann3,Ann4) agree much more than any other annotator pair. Second,
generally and on average, 1 scores are higher than 2 scores, i.e. agreement on SDSs is higher than agreement
on entities.
   Regarding the percentage agreement results on entity annotation in Table 3, it can be seen that for most
cases, Character and Time entities have higher agreement results than Location entities (agreement for Outside
tags will always be high given the unbalanced nature of the data, i.e. most tokens are outside of any entity
   4 For simplicity we do not include a ‘B’ tag, as instances of contiguous distinct entity mentions of the same type are extremely


Table 3: Percentage agreement results between annotator pairs for each entity type by token. Here O refers to
the Outside tag.

       Ann2                                 Ann3                                  Ann4
       Character   Location   O      Time   Character    Location   O      Time   Character   Location   O      Time
Ann1   0.24        0.15       0.99   0.8    0.28         0.15       0.99   0.26   0.33        0.05       0.99   0
Ann2                                        0.36         0.09       0.99   0.33   0.48        0.05       0.98   1
Ann3                                                                              0.73        0.88       0.98   1

mention). Note that these figures are heavily dependent on agreement in SDS annotation. If one annotator
annotates two SDSs where another annotates just one, the first annotator will have twice the number of time,
location and character annotations, since these entity types are to be annotated for each SDS. Hence low scores
are to expected where agreement in the number of SDSs is not high. Indeed we can see that for annotators 3
and 4, where SDS agreement is higher than for any other annotator pair, agreement on entities is also very much
higher than for any other annotator pairing.
   Analysis of the annotations reveals two underlying causes of the observed disagreement: (1) lack of under-
standing of the guidelines and task and (2) lack of clarity or specificity in the guidelines. These are often not
easy to distinguish.

Lack of understanding

   It emerged in questioning following the annotation exercise that some annotators (Ann1 and Ann2) relied
only on the authors’ verbal explanation of the guidelines and task and had either not read the guidelines at
all or had not read them carefully. E.g., in some places we find two distinct location entities tagged in the
same SDS, in clear contradiction of the guidelines, suggesting either the annotator did not pay enough attention
or simply did not understand. Although our annotators are all good speakers of English and studying at the
postgraduate level in well-respected English-speaking universities, being a non-native speaker of English led to
misinterpretations of some sentences or expressions in the text that obviously caused mistakes in annotation For
example, one annotator labelled earth as a scene location in the idiomatic expression how on earth had he ...
where clearly it is not. In another case, in the example sentence Sorry, old chap, had an attack of the wobbles.
Dashed embarrassing, the word Dashed was annotated as a character.

Lack of clarity and detail in the guidelines

   Some annotators included definite articles in the annotated entity mention, e.g. the stone ages was annotated
as a time by one annotator and stone ages by another (to assess the e↵ect of such minor variation in annotation we
re-measured inter-annotator agreement after removing all stop words and found that results slightly improved).
Some time entities were annotated as the time of a scene while in fact they just reference other times. E.g., in
Do you not have good fabrics in the future? the word future was annotated as the time of the scene. Regarding
tagging characters, confusion arose as to whether to annotate the fullest form of the character mention, the first
mention, or every mention. All of these small divergences need to be eliminated by more fully and explicitly
addressing them in the guidelines.
   Two deeper issues were detected with respect to scene boundary determination and account for most of the
variation between annotators with respect to SDS boundary placement. One is to do with “scene transition
segments”, typically short phrases or a sentence or two that indicate a character is moving from one scene to
another. For example: and soon I emerged back into the corridor looking like a new man. Should this text be
annotated as belonging to the preceding or succeeding scene, or is it a scene in its own right or part of no scene,
but a new “scene transition” element that should be added to the annotation scheme? The other issue is to do
with granularity of scene segmentation. E.g. if one minor character leaves a scene does this imply a new scene,
given our definition of scene as “a unit of a story in which the elements of time, location, and main characters
are constant.”? Or should this be viewed as too minor a change to count as a scene change?
   Again, if, for example, a character goes into a dressing room o↵ another space and his changing clothes in the
dressing room is described while he continues talking to another character outside the dressing room ([Cor16],
Chp. 4), is this a significant enough change of location to constitute a scene change? Further work needs to be
done to articulate a clear position with respect to these edge cases.

4   Conclusion
We have presented a pilot annotation experiment in which annotators are asked to use SceneML to annotate
several chapters in a children’s story. Our aim was to assess the viability of the scene segmentation task and
the adequacy of our guidelines. Results show that the task is feasible, but suggest several changes need to be
made to the annotation process and guidelines to improve inter-annotator agreement. First, annotators should
be better trained, and filtered from the annotator pool if their English language understanding or understanding
of the task is too weak. This can be assessed by asking them to do a trial annotation exercise, which is reviewed
by expert annotators before allowing them to proceed with real annotation. Second, the guidelines should be
refined to reduce confusion, addressing the specific issues identified in the preceding section. With these changes
we are convinced agreement between annotators on the task can be substantially increased.
   Once agreement between annotators has been assured at a higher level, our planned future work includes a
number of activities. First, we will extend the annotation to include all SceneML elements, including narrative
progression links and explicit linking of SDSs. Second, we plan to apply the scheme to a much wider range
of texts, including historical and contemporary fiction for adults, as well as biography. Non-textual narrative
genres, such as film, will also be considered. Third, we plan to investigate automating the process of scene
annotation after getting sufficient manually annotated data to train a predictive model, using supervised machine
learning techniques. Other potential future activities include investigating the application of the scheme to other
languages. There is no reason in principle why SceneML should be restricted to the English language, though
entity annotation guidelines for target languages need to be available. Application to other languages would be
welcome and would serve to confirm the universality of the approach.

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