=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2862/paper1 |storemode=property |title=Tokamak Elementary: Visual Novel Meets Natural Language Understanding (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2862/paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2862 |authors=Daniel Darabos,Gyorgy Lajtai,Andras Nemeth |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aiide/DarabosLN20 }} ==Tokamak Elementary: Visual Novel Meets Natural Language Understanding (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2862/paper1.pdf
    Tokamak Elementary: Visual Novel Meets Natural Language Understanding

                                    Daniel Darabos, Gyorgy Lajtai, Andras Nemeth
                                                             Lynx Analytics

  “Tokamak Elementary” is a game built around a custom con-
  versational engine. The player can talk with “Toki”, the AI-
  controlled character as with a chatbot. Toki is a gentle spirit
  creature summoned from the world of spirits. As such, Toki
  starts from a mostly clean slate and it’s up to the player to
  teach them basic concepts of our world (such as what ani-
  mals are) and how to interact with humans (such as returning
  One part of the game is a sandbox environment where the
  player chats with Toki in freeform natural language. (Fig-
  ure 1) This part is fun because the player can interact with
  a goofy AI and teach it things. (Consider (Lionhead Studios
  2001).) The other part of the game is a school Toki has to
  go and pretend to be a human. This part is a non-interactive
                                                                      Figure 1: The free natural language chat interface where the
  scripted visual novel with a branching dialog tree. (Figure 2)      player can chat with Toki.
  This part is fun because of a complex plot involving school
  children, magical creatures, and fusion reactors.
  The novelty of the game comes from the interaction of these           matched against the parse trees of all rules stored in Toki’s
  two parts. At school Toki’s conversational engine gets the di-        knowledge base. The best matching combination of rules is
  alog from other characters as input. Toki answers according           executed. The rules query and update the knowledge base
  to its engine, just like when speaking to the player. The dia-        and craft a response. There are rules that allow the player to
  log branches are selected by simple checks on Toki’s output.          add new rules, for example teaching Toki to say ”hello” when
  (Usually via regular expressions.)                                    greeted.
  Gameplay alternates between the two parts. Toki goes to               The neural network-based parsing approach allows some
  school, faces challenges and initially fails them. The player         flexibility in the input. But we can’t hope to understand all
  then gets to talk to Toki at home and teach them new facts            possible inputs. While providing a challenge and telling an
  and rules. When the player sends Toki back to school, they            interesting story, the visual novel part also serves to demon-
  will go through the same day (same dialog tree), but Toki             strate to the player the kind of grammar structures that Toki
  will give different responses due to an updated knowledge             understands. (Figure 3)
  base. This will lead to new branches of the dialog tree and           Crafting a response is also challenging. The rules give exam-
  eventually a successful completion of the day.                        ple responses, and our engine performs substitution according
  The school setting is an opportunity for real educational con-        to the actual rule execution context. We use SpaCy (Honnibal
  tent. In our video walk-through of the demo (Darabos 2020)            and Montani 2017) to tokenize and tag the template sentence
  we meet Sophie, the music teacher who explains the chro-              and Pattern (Smedt and Daelemans 2012) for conjugation to
  matic scale and a musical interval. Tokamak Elementary does           match the target tags.
  not directly quiz the player, but progress is gated behind Toki       Tokamak Elementary is under development. The focus so far
  achieving good grades. The player is tasked with explaining           has been on demonstrating that the basic concept works. We
  real-world concepts to Toki. Sometimes teaching someone               have a playable demo that includes the sandbox mode and
  else is the best way to learn a lesson ourselves.                     a single short day at school. (As shown in the video walk-
  Our conversational engine parses inputs based on a con-               through.) We plan to add more days with a gradual ramp up
  stituency parse tree generated by the Berkeley Neural Parser          of difficulty and an unfolding of the story. When we add new
  (Kitaev and Klein 2018). The parse tree is recursively                scenes, we add grammar and knowledge representation fea-
                                                                        tures as needed. (Such as past tense and a concept of time-
Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted un-       lines.) This accumulation of natural language understanding
der Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC          also improves the sandbox chat experience.
BY 4.0).
Figure 2: Toki goes to a school near the ITER nuclear fusion
research site. Could there be a connection between fusion
and magic?

                                                               Figure 4: A journal feature lets the player access the full
                                                               transcript of everything so far. Here we can see how Toki
                                                               managed to complete a simple logical reasoning task.

Figure 3: A line from the visual novel part of the game. The
text that demonstrates grammar that Toki can understand is
highlighted in red. This is also an example of educational
content in Tokamak Elementary. The player has to teach
Toki some music theory to progress.

Darabos, D. 2020. Tokamak elementary demo 2020.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5 V5fDM9lrI.
Honnibal, M., and Montani, I. 2017. spaCy 2: Natural
language understanding with Bloom embeddings, convolu-
tional neural networks and incremental parsing. To appear.
Kitaev, N., and Klein, D. 2018. Constituency parsing with a
self-attentive encoder. CoRR abs/1805.01052.
Lionhead Studios. 2001. Black & white. [CD-ROM].
Smedt, T. D., and Daelemans, W. 2012. Pattern for python.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 13(66):2063–2067.         Figure 5: Once a required magical item is obtained, the
                                                               player gets the ability to directly inspect Toki’s knowledge
                                                               base. Here we see the knowledge base entries created upon
                                                               hearing “a cat has four legs.”