Towards Automatically Abridging Game Levels Varun Bhat1 , Gillian Smith1 1 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 100 Institute Road Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Abstract Cheong et al. 2008). Abridgment in games is underexplored, however; some games do allow either narrative or combat el- In this paper, we describe an approach to procedurally gener- ements to be skipped or auto-played. For example, the ”As- ating abridged game levels. We present a design pattern-based sist mode” in Super Mario Odyssey(Nintendo 2017) or skip- method for abridging a collection of Super Mario Bros. lev- els. These design patterns are salient regions that users de- ping dialogues, and cutscenes in XCOM 2 (Firaxis Games scribe as memorable after playing original Mario levels. We 2016). We are not aware of any editions of games that have use the Mario AI Framework and Mawhorter and Mateas’s been deliberately abridged. Occupancy-Regulated Extension (ORE) generator to gener- Our main motivation for this paper and work was to create ate 20 abridged levels based upon 3 original levels from Super an abridgement of a game that portrays the highlights of the Mario Bros. We conduct a preliminary study for 2 abridged full, original game. This could give a player a quicker way to levels and compare the play experience with the original lev- enjoy the salient parts of the original game without spending els’ play experience. We also compare these abridged levels too much time in it. It would especially be useful for people to those created by previous level generators using the same who don’t have the time required to explore the full game. patterns. Finally, we offer a critical reflection of the process taken to generate these levels, and the assumptions and values In this paper, we present a method for procedurally gen- inherent in this design pattern-based approach. erating abridged levels based on a collection of Super Mario Bros.(NES, 1985) (Shigeru et al. 1985) levels, using the Mario AI Framework 10th Anniversary Edition (Khalifa Introduction 2019). We choose to abridge the game with respect to level Most forms of media today have a tradition of abridgment. design elements that players consider memorable; we opera- Works of literature may be shortened to account for differ- tionalize “memorability” as user-identified regions of a level ent audiences who have different cognitive abilities and/or that players claim to be significant after having played. We time to devote to the original work 1 ; theatrical productions chose “memorability” because an initial goal with our work are often shortened for film adaptations; films are edited for was to generate a preview level that lets a player decide if time and content in order to be shown on short plane jour- they are interested to play the full game, akin to a trailer for neys on small screens; songs may be edited to fit radio for- a movie. Thus, the abridgement would more coverage of the mats 2 Games, too, often are subject to abridgment, most of- game than a demo level. ten through written reviews, gameplay trailers, or Let’s Play We performed a user study to identify level regions that videos. However, these methods do little to provide play- players remarked upon as memorable and important. Based ers with the experience of gameplay. Demo levels, though on user-identified regions, we then created a saliency map playable, typically focus on early gameplay rather than of- for each level and extracted high saliency regions as design fering an abridgement of the full game. Previous works of patterns. We then used the Occupancy-Regulated Extension creating abridged video game content have resulted in the (ORE) generator (Mawhorter and Mateas 2010) to assemble creation of narrative summaries, and video montages (Barot these design patterns into abridged levels. We focus specif- et al. 2017; Cheong and Young 2006; Mindek et al. 2015; ically on level design (to include level structure and art as- sets), acknowledging that games incorporate so many differ- Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted un- ent and interlocking creative elements (Hendrikx et al. 2013; der Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC Liapis, Yannakakis, and Togelius 2014), and that aiming to BY 4.0). procedurally abridge all is outside the scope of this early re- 1 As an extreme example: the Cozy Classics book series (Wang search. and Wang 2012) takes works of literature such as Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and abridges them to twelve words, each il- We begin this paper by introducing how both abridgement lustrated with needle felted scenes, for preschool children to enjoy. and summarization has been explored in several forms of 2 Perhaps too extreme, though nonetheless relevant: a Canadian media including video games. We then give a brief overview radio station experimented with halving the length of songs they of how design patterns are used in level generation, and how played to fit more music per hour (Jones 2014). they are derived. We describe the methods used for salient region identification, and describe how we selected salient empirical study of how users interact with and react to orig- features and incorporated them into level generation. We inal levels. Through this, we aim to come closer to under- conduct a comparative study between 2 generated abridged standing how level design factors drive player experience of levels and the original Super Mario Bros. levels. This study the game. compares adjectives of play and asks participants to judge the better abrdiged level. Finally, we close with a critical re- Overview of Abridgement Process flection on our approach to this research, on the underlying 1. Phase 1: Identifying ”Memorable” Level Regions. We values and assumptions in design pattern-based generation study how users play levels and interview them to deter- and what that means for applications in summarization and mine which areas of the levels they find the most memo- abridgment, and how we think this work can be improved in rable and mark it on a printed map. the future. 2. Phase 2: Distilling Salient Design Patterns. Using data Related Work from phase 1, we determine salient regions and identify the most salient as design patterns. The salient regions of An abridgement is generally shortening a pre-existing au- all playtesters are combined into a single salience map per thored work to include elements that the editor considers to level. Then, we use quantitative analysis on the maps in be “highlights” worthy of inclusion. Automated summariza- order to extract individual salience features or ’chunks’. tion and abridgment systems already exist for a variety of media including text, audio, and video using methods such 3. Phase 3: Generating the Abridged Levels. This phase as tokenization (Hovy and Lin 1998), graphs based on lexi- deals with using the extracted chunks and combining cal analysis (Liu et al. 2017; Erkan and Radev 2004), Hidden them as input to the ORE generator in order to generate Markov Models (Conroy and O’leary 2001), video analysis our abridged levels. It also deals with testing these lev- and segmentation (Lienhart, Pfeiffer, and Effelsberg 1997), els and comparing the experience with the original game and audio signal analysis and processing (Peeters, La Bur- experience. We do this in order to gauge how close they the, and Rodet 2002; Spina et al. 2017). Summarization in were to abridging them through another user study. video games is complicated, complex, and deep. As argued We ran studies and generated levels using the 10th Anniver- by (Hendrikx et al. 2013) and (Liapis, Yannakakis, and To- sary Edition of the Mario AI Framework. It’s a research- gelius 2014), a video game consists of many different and based framework with an in-built, playable emulator, mak- interlocking creative components. The complexity of a video ing it a suitable testbed for this project. We modified the game and the broad variety of content that it includes poses a framework to play the original Mario audio during Phase 1 significant challenge in creating a summary that essentially playtesting, and to support the Mario respawning in the level captures all that the game is trying to convey. A summary if he loses a life. can also vary according to what a user requests (Hahn & Mani, 2000). For example, a summary of character biogra- phies in a video game would be different than the summary Identifying “Memorable” Level Regions of its plot. To identify regions that are “memorable” and thus worth Prior work in summarization for video games focuses on including in our abridged levels, we first conducted a user converting gameplay into another format, such as a video study where the participants played 3 levels from the origi- trailer or written description of play. Mindek et al. pro- nal Super Mario Bros. and reported upon sections that were posed a method of summarizing gameplay highlights into particularly important or memorable to them. a video montage by applying stop-motion capture to cam- Level Selection The levels we chose for this study are 1- era views of players in-game (2015). The “Steam Micro- 1, 2-1, and 4-1 3 . Since our method of recruiting participants trailers” from Steam Labs (SteamLabs 2019) also generates did not screen for prior experience with the game, we wanted abridged video trailers from video input, sourced through to choose levels appropriate for less experienced players. existing promotional material provided by game developers. However, we also wanted sufficient level variety to introduce Originally created by Ichiro Lambe as a Twitter bot (Lambe new elements of the game for the abridgment process. Thus, 2016), these generated trailers composite 6 seconds of snip- we selected introductory levels from different worlds. We pets from available videos of the game to create a single, chose worlds that share the same visual style (thus, World smaller ‘micro trailer’ of the game. Panagiotopoulos, Gi- 3 is excluded) because the generator does not support mul- annakopoulos, & Liapis provide a method for summarizing tiple tilesets, and we wanted to maintain visual uniformity multiple text-based game reviews, using keyword and sen- for this first attempt at abridgement. We didn’t include the timent analysis to determine which features should be in- overground and the underground levels for similar reasons. cluded in the summary (2019). We also developed a custom tutorial level to orient play- In contrast with prior work on game summarization, we ers to the game. Since the original game is a controller-based focus on creating playable abridged levels, operating di- but participants played with keyboard and mouse, we wanted rectly on level structure data as both input and output. to provide maximum familiarity to both experienced and Rather than inferring salient features from video or text new players to make their experience smoother. The tutorial (though, in the case of Mindek et al.’s study, their input video comes from human players), or drawing from already- 3 Super Mario Bros. is divided into eight worlds, and each world curated video inputs, we determine salient features via an has four levels (Wiki 2020). level was custom-designed and contained 1 gap, 1 enemy, 13 out of the 18 participants (72%) had experience in the 1 powerup, and 1 obstacle. We use this to familiarize them Super Mario Bros. (NES, 1985) while 4 participants (22%) with the mechanics and level elements of the larger levels. had experience with the Super Mario universe on other hand- held devices (e.g. Wii, Original Gameboy, SNES). 1 partici- Method We asked participants to play the 3 levels, and pant chose not to answer this question. recorded both keyboard inputs and vocal expressions during All 18 participants self-reported gender and race us- play (via audio recording). Users played through the tuto- ing their own descriptors. 7 people (39%) identified them- rial level, and then played each of the three original game selves as ’Female’, 10 people (56%) identified themselves levels until a maximum of 15 minutes per level or till satis- as ’Male’, and one chose not to respond. 12 people (67%) faction. The time limit was chosen in order to limit the total identified themselves as ’White’. one (5%) as ’half Chinese, study time to no more than 1 hour per participant. The play- half White’, one (5%) ’African American’, one (5%) ’In- ers were encouraged to play naturally, and were told they dian’, two (11%) ’Asian’, and one chose not to respond. could vocalize while playing if they wished to do so. The goal was to provide as much freedom as possible to simu- Salience Maps late a comfortable gameplay environment. During playtesting, one researcher sat with the partici- After the playtesting sessions, we transcribed each annotated pants and observed their play. The researcher held three level map (user-provided and researcher-annotated) as a 2D level maps, one for each level which were obtained from array, where each array element corresponds to a 1x1 tile on the Video Game Level Corpus (VGLC) (Summerville et al. the original map. We assigned all regions marked as salient 2016). The researcher marked areas or elements that the par- on the map a value of ’1’, and ’0’ otherwise. Several anno- ticipants remarked upon, as potentially salient along with tations included partial tiles; caused if a user circled a re- noting down their expressions and/or words. gion where the boundary tiles were partially marked. These Immediately following their play experience, the players partially annotated tiles were marked as salient only if they were asked to circle or outline sections on their own printed contained a game object (i.e. not open space). We summed map that they felt were memorable. They were given the together all annotated maps for a given level to create a option to watch a video replay of their gameplay. They were frequency-based saliency map for each level. Figure 1 shows also asked to write down any specific emotions or thoughts the 1-1 level map with the saliency map overlaid. Note that that they felt were important to be linked to these sections. highly salient regions emerge from multiple users annotating While the players marked these sections, a short, semi- them, and variability in how users marked their maps results formal interview was conducted asking the players some in a frequency fall-off surrounding salient regions. We cre- questions regarding their gameplay. The questions were ated saliency maps for all three levels. aimed towards understanding what key objects played a piv- otal role in influencing the player’s gameplay experience. Distilling Salient Design Patterns The questions were as follows: From these saliency maps, we extract slices that can be used 1. Which parts of the levels did you find most memorable? by the ORE generator. The maximum frequency in each saliency map is fmax . A slice is a set of contiguous tiles 2. Which characters did you like in the gameplay? in the saliency map whose frequencies are within X units of 3. Which was your favorite game object to interact with? fmax . Figure 2 shows two different slices with different X 4. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your game- values: the first is contiguous tiles that have the value fmax play? (X = 0), the second is contiguous tiles whose frequencies fall between [fmax − 1, fmax ] (X = 1). As mentioned in Finally, we asked participants to complete a survey that describing the creation of saliency maps, there is a fall-off asked for their age bracket, their preferred genre of video in frequency surrounding salient regions due to difference games, their frequency of play, and prior Super Mario Bros. in how users annotate their maps. For this study, we man- (NES, 1985) experience. ually selected a X threshold that we determined by visu- Gender and race were intentionally left as free-entry, in ally inspecting potential libraries resulting from different X keeping with current best practices for inclusive survey de- values, and choosing a threshold that minimized repetition sign with a small number of anticipated responses. (Spiel, between patterns while maintaining surrounding context. In Haimson, and Lottridge 2019) future work, we aim to find a more consistent method for determining the X threshold. Participants We recruited participants by advertising via email to department mailing lists. As a result of this process, we have a library of level slices for use by the ORE generator. From Level 1-1 there are 56 18 participants completed this stage of the user study, all slices (X = 13, fmax = 17), from Level 2-1 there are 100 aged over 18. Out of the 18 participants, 17 were aged be- slices (X = 20, fmax = 23), and from Level 4-1 there are tween 18-28 while 1 participant was between 51-61. 9 par- 68 slices (X = 10, fmax = 12). ticipants (50%) reported that they enjoyed playing platform- ers. The most popular category was the Action genre at 14 participants (78%). 10 participants (56%) reported playing Generating Abridged Levels games Daily, 4 Weekly (22%), 2 Monthly (11%), 1 Never We use the ORE generator to combine these level slices from (5%). multiple levels into a set of potential abridged levels. Figure 1: Contrast map of salient regions in 1-1 (Split into two halves for better readability) Figure 3: Scatter plot showing how generated candidate lev- els vary in terms of number of enemies+gaps and powerups. Figure 2: Slices vs. their respective level slice excluded levels that met the following criteria in relation to Why ORE? overall level playability: 1) We should avoid have recurring The ORE generator recombines pre-authored, arbitrarily gaps between single ground tiles, as the player must slow sized ”chunks” that are annotated with ’anchor’ points that down considerably to time precision jumping, and 2) We mark how they can connect to other chunks. It allows for should avoid having several enemies clustered around a sin- weighting the selection of chunks according to desired fre- gle area such that it is challenging to navigate. quencies. This makes it a good match to the input data we We then chose two final abridged levels out of the remain- have available: arbitrarily-sized salient design patterns with ing candidate levels. To aid in selecting these two levels, we associated frequency data. We manually add anchor points estimated the difficulty of each level by plotting the number to our level slices. of enemies and gaps against the number of powerups. Figure 3 shows how levels distributed across these metrics. Figures Placing Anchor Points After converting our level slices 4 and 5 show two abridged levels that occupy different ex- to ORE’s ASCII format, we manually selected locations for tremes of our metrics. anchor points in each slice according to the following two rules: 1) anchor points must be placed on a platform in order Evaluating the Two Abridged Levels to eliminate the possibility that Mario starts in mid-air; and Method Due to COVID-19, our study took place over 2) anchor points cannot be immediately adjacent to enemies, Zoom and Discord meetings in a one-on-one setting. Par- in order to give Mario a safe starting point. ticipants were sent all required files to run the study on their Weighting Slices The ORE generator uses the frequency own computer. The study had 2 phases. In the first phase, values identified for each slice (as shown in Figure 2), which we asked the participants to play the 3 original levels used is then normalized to the domain of [0,1] for the weighing in developing the pattern library i.e., 1-1, 2-1, and 4-1. This process of generation. was to help them get familiarized with the source content. The players were encouraged to play naturally, and were al- Resulting Levels lowed vocalize while playing if they wished to do so. The ORE generator can create many different potential Immediately following their play experience, the players abridged levels from the library of salient patterns we pro- were asked to fill out a survey. The questions in this sur- vide. We generated 20 candidate levels. The ORE generator vey were aimed at understanding the participant’s play ex- does not make strong guarantees about the validity of gener- perience by having them identify, choose, and report adjec- ated levels (i.e. ORE can generate levels that are impossible tives that described their play experience (Thominet 2016; to play even for skilled players), and weighted-random as- Miaoqi Zhu and Moser 2017): semblage of chunks can lead to emergent designs that are 1. Please choose the adjectives that describe your ”entire” extremely difficult. From the set of candidate levels, we first play experience: (Each participant could select multiple Figure 4: First case of the two abridged levels (Split into two halves for better readability) Figure 5: Second case of the two abridged levels (Split into two halves for better readability) adjectives for Question 1)- okay, meh, enthralling, inter- All 5 participants self-reported gender and race using their esting, simple, lacking, boring, drab, difficult, rich own descriptors. 1 participant identified as “Pangender“, 2 as 2. Please type in any additional adjectives that may apply to “Female“, and 2 “Male“. 1 participant identified as “Irish- you. Mexican“, 1 as “Caucasian“, and 3 as “White“. 3. Please type in 5 moments that you thought Results All 5 participants reported the same abridged level were“memorable” in your play experience (codified as Case 19 (Figure 5) in our data) to be the better abridgment. Table 1 shows a comparison of adjectives cho- The listed adjectives were chosen for their complicated sen by each participant in describing their play experience. and abstract emotion that they each represented. For exam- We observe that participants tended to identify the same or ple, a play experience could be “frustrating“, and yet be similar sets of adjectives to describe the original levels’ play “interesting“. We also chose opposing adjectives and mixed experience as well as the abridged levels’ play experience. them in with emotions that signified a more neutral experi- We also observed that in most of the identified memorable ence. We also allowed the participants to self-report adjec- moments, participants seemed to find sections/areas with a tives in the next question. Instead of collecting level map certain level of mechanical complexity to be worth mention- data, we ask participants to tell us the memorable moments ing. This is either characterized by avoiding or killing en- through a written description. We asked the same demo- emies, jumping over them, grabbing powerups, and being graphic and game experience questions as in our prior study. able to clear levels. These kinds of memorable moments ap- Then, we asked our participants to play through our two pear more frequently in Case 19. abridged levels under the same conditions as the previously described play experience. Immediately after their game- play session, the participants were given another survey Discussion that asked them to identify adjectives that described their Our attempt at automatically abridging levels has revealed abridged levels’ play experience from the same list. Further- many more questions than answers. Here, we offer a reflec- more, we asked them to tell us which of the two abridged tion upon what we have learned from the process of trying to levels was better, and why. procedurally abridge a game, including how design pattern- based generation fits this problem space, and what new re- Participants We recruited participants by advertising via search opportunities arise from it. email to department mailing lists as well as through online Game Development communities. 5 participants completed Pattern-Based Abridgement For the purposes of this this stage of the user study. All participants belonged to the project, we defined an abridged level as a collection of pat- age group of 18-28. 2 participants reported that they enjoyed terns from levels that users describe as memorable. Through playing Platformers. The most popular categories were Ac- our adoption of the ORE generator, we further make the as- tion and Role-Playing Games. 1 participant reported playing sumption that the ordering of these patterns does not mat- games Daily, 3 Weekly, and 1 Monthly. ter, and that the probability of their appearance does. To our 1 participant had experience in the Super Mario Bros. knowledge, there is no off-the-shelf, pattern-based generator (NES, 1985) while 3 participants had experience with differ- for Mario available that takes into account pattern ordering ent Mario titles on other handheld devices (e.g. Wii, DS). 1 or gives any meaningful control over it. Though there has participant had only seen Super Mario but had never played. been work in progression-based level generation for plat- ID Original Abridged important about their experience with a friend, for exam- okay, frustrating, be- ple), thus highlighting their own ideas for what was mem- 1 okay cause lag orable/important, rather than attempting to create a more okay, meh, en- okay, meh, sim- “general“ abridged level. 2 thralling, frustrating ple, indifferent difficult, Artifi- Variability in Generation The approach we took to iden- 3 interesting, difficult tifying salient patterns in the input levels resulted in hun- cial, odd enthralling, in- dreds of design patterns as input to the ORE generator: far teresting, simple, more than could be incorporated into any single abridged difficult, mys- level. As a result, there is high variability between even valid interesting, simple, terious (cause and playable generated levels. In future work, we intend to 4 investigate methods for identifying salient regions of levels difficult the levels were a little weird), that permit user flexibility in identification, respect all users’ unnerving (for opinions, yet do not result in repetitive patterns. the same reason) Using Super Mario We explored procedural abridgement okay, interesting, fo- interesting, dif- using Super Mario Bros. as a testbed due to the depth of 5 cused, frustrated, sat- ficult, engaged, prior work on this game and availability of generators and isfied frustrated a framework (Horn et al. 2014). Furthermore, the levels in Super Mario Bros. are modular and could be played inde- Table 1: Adjectives used by each participant to describe orig- pendently of each other. However, we recognize that our ap- inal and abridged play experiences. proach to identifying memorable regions, mapping saliency, and generating summary levels may not apply well to other games. Platformer games that have different movement me- formers (Green et al. 2018), the system uses an agent-based chanics and camera perspectives (e.g. vertical movement, evolutionary approach and does not allow for tight, authorial or 3D movement) may have more complex design patterns control over chunks or progressions. and pattern re-assembly requirements. Further, games that User-Defined Saliency Patterns Our method for gather- have complex narrative or logics other than spatial move- ing input patterns to ORE relies upon user definition of ment may also require abridgement approaches that don’t salient regions. However, users choose “memorable“ regions lean as heavily on spatial design patterns. for different reasons. For example, one playtester notes the importance of being challenged: Future Work “lots of enemies, thought I could jump over, neat chal- This work can be expanded upon in several directions. The lenge“ foremost concern would be to expand the generative space to greater than 20 abridged levels. This would provide a greater Another playtester has more nostalgic reasons and says: variety and options in terms of level curation and selection. “happy memories, subtle tutorial“ It would also be interesting to see if salient features of a Some playtesters state reasons related to the design choices level can automatically be inferred through bot playtraces, or in the level, such as one user who remarked: previously identified level features. The existing work could also have a larger participant pool. Finally, more study is “easy and fun, extremely difficult flower to grab, mul- needed to judge how this approach could be applied to dif- tiple routes“ ferent games and/or genres(within the platformer genre and Another playtester referred to a previous level’s mechanics: outside), and different methods for identifying appropriate “open field [in 4-1] led to a faster-paced level compared design patterns to include in summary levels. to the multi-sectioned 2-1“ Conclusion These kinds of differences in motivation for choosing memorable patterns–level difficulty, nostalgia, risk/reward, In this paper, we presented a method for extracting salient re- and comparison to other levels–cannot currently be ac- gions from existing game levels, converted them into design counted for in our generation process. Interesting future patterns for use in a pattern-based level generator, and used work may be to incorporate tag-based systems into gen- these to generate single-level abridgements of a game. 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